[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T22404] More wibbles

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Dec 24 15:39:55 UTC 2022

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T22404 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

bf14e837 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2022-12-24T15:39:25+00:00
More wibbles

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs


@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Builtin.Names( runRWKey )
 import GHC.Unit.Module( Module )
-import Data.List (mapAccumL, mapAccumR)
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ occurAnalysePgm this_mod active_unf active_rule imp_rules binds
     init_env = initOccEnv { occ_rule_act = active_rule
                           , occ_unf_act  = active_unf }
-    (WithUsageDetails final_usage occ_anald_binds) = go init_env binds
-    (WithUsageDetails _ occ_anald_glommed_binds) = occAnalRecBind init_env TopLevel
+    WithUsageDetails final_usage occ_anald_binds = go binds init_env
+    WithUsageDetails _ occ_anald_glommed_binds = occAnalRecBind init_env TopLevel
                                                     (flattenBinds binds)
@@ -127,14 +127,10 @@ occurAnalysePgm this_mod active_unf active_rule imp_rules binds
                                    -- Not BuiltinRules; see Note [Plugin rules]
                            , let rhs_fvs = exprFreeIds rhs `delVarSetList` bndrs ]
-    go :: OccEnv -> [CoreBind] -> WithUsageDetails [CoreBind]
-    go !_ []
-        = WithUsageDetails initial_uds []
-    go env (bind:binds)
-        = WithUsageDetails final_usage (bind' ++ binds')
-        where
-           (WithUsageDetails bs_usage binds')   = go env binds
-           (WithUsageDetails final_usage bind') = occAnalBind env TopLevel imp_rule_edges bind bs_usage
+    go :: [CoreBind] -> OccEnv -> WithUsageDetails [CoreBind]
+    go []           _   = WithUsageDetails initial_uds []
+    go (bind:binds) env = occAnalBind env TopLevel
+                           imp_rule_edges bind (go binds) (++)
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
@@ -731,34 +727,48 @@ data WithUsageDetails a = WithUsageDetails !UsageDetails !a
 --                 occAnalBind
-occAnalBind :: OccEnv           -- The incoming OccEnv
-            -> TopLevelFlag
-            -> ImpRuleEdges
-            -> CoreBind
-            -> UsageDetails             -- Usage details of scope
-            -> WithUsageDetails [CoreBind] -- Of the whole let(rec)
+  :: OccEnv
+  -> TopLevelFlag
+  -> ImpRuleEdges
+  -> CoreBind
+  -> (OccEnv -> WithUsageDetails r)  -- Scope of the bind
+  -> ([CoreBind] -> r -> r)          -- How to combine the scope with new binds
+  -> WithUsageDetails r              -- Of the whole let(rec)
+occAnalBind env lvl ire (Rec pairs) thing_inside combine
+  = addInScope env (map fst pairs) $ \env ->
+    let WithUsageDetails body_uds body' = thing_inside env
+        WithUsageDetails bind_uds binds' = occAnalRecBind env lvl ire pairs body_uds
+    in WithUsageDetails bind_uds (combine binds' body')
+occAnalBind !env lvl ire (NonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside combine
+  | isTyVar bndr      -- A type let; we don't gather usage info
+  = WithUsageDetails body_uds (combine [NonRec bndr rhs] body')
-occAnalBind !env lvl top_env (NonRec binder rhs) body_usage
-  = occAnalNonRecBind env lvl top_env binder rhs body_usage
-occAnalBind env lvl top_env (Rec pairs) body_usage
-  = occAnalRecBind env lvl top_env pairs body_usage
+  | isDeadBinder tagged_bndr
+  = WithUsageDetails body_uds body'   -- Drop dead code
-occAnalNonRecBind :: OccEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> ImpRuleEdges -> Var -> CoreExpr
-                  -> UsageDetails -> WithUsageDetails [CoreBind]
-occAnalNonRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges bndr rhs body_usage
-  | isTyVar bndr      -- A type let; we don't gather usage info
-  = WithUsageDetails body_usage [NonRec bndr rhs]
+  | otherwise
+  = WithUsageDetails (bind_uds `andUDs` body_uds) (combine binds' body')
-  | not (bndr `usedIn` body_usage)    -- It's not mentioned
-  = WithUsageDetails body_usage []
+  where
+    WithUsageDetails body_uds (tagged_bndr, body')
+          = addInScope env [bndr] $ \env ->
+            let WithUsageDetails usage res = thing_inside env
+                tagged_bndr = tagNonRecBinder lvl usage bndr
+            in WithUsageDetails usage (tagged_bndr, res)
+    WithUsageDetails bind_uds binds' = occAnalNonRecIdBind env ire tagged_bndr rhs
-  | otherwise                   -- It's mentioned in the body
-  = WithUsageDetails (body_usage' `andUDs` rhs_usage) [NonRec final_bndr rhs']
+occAnalNonRecIdBind :: OccEnv -> ImpRuleEdges -> Id -> CoreExpr
+                    -> WithUsageDetails [CoreBind]
+occAnalNonRecIdBind !env imp_rule_edges tagged_bndr rhs
+  = WithUsageDetails rhs_usage [NonRec final_bndr rhs']
-    (body_usage', tagged_bndr) = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_usage bndr
-    final_bndr = tagged_bndr `setIdUnfolding` unf'
-                             `setIdSpecialisation` mkRuleInfo rules'
+    final_bndr  = tagged_bndr `setIdUnfolding` unf'
+                              `setIdSpecialisation` mkRuleInfo rules'
     rhs_usage = rhs_uds `andUDs` unf_uds `andUDs` rule_uds
     -- Get the join info from the *new* decision
@@ -773,19 +783,18 @@ occAnalNonRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges bndr rhs body_usage
     -- See Note [Sources of one-shot information]
     rhs_env = env1 { occ_one_shots = argOneShots dmd }
-    (WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs') = occAnalRhs rhs_env NonRecursive mb_join_arity rhs
+    WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs'  = occAnalRhs rhs_env NonRecursive mb_join_arity rhs
     --------- Unfolding ---------
     -- See Note [Unfoldings and join points]
-    unf | isId bndr = idUnfolding bndr
-        | otherwise = NoUnfolding
-    (WithUsageDetails unf_uds unf') = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env NonRecursive mb_join_arity unf
+    unf = idUnfolding tagged_bndr
+    WithUsageDetails unf_uds unf' = occAnalUnfolding rhs_env NonRecursive mb_join_arity unf
     --------- Rules ---------
     -- See Note [Rules are extra RHSs] and Note [Rule dependency info]
-    rules_w_uds  = occAnalRules rhs_env mb_join_arity bndr
+    rules_w_uds  = occAnalRules rhs_env mb_join_arity tagged_bndr
     rules'       = map fstOf3 rules_w_uds
-    imp_rule_uds = impRulesScopeUsage (lookupImpRules imp_rule_edges bndr)
+    imp_rule_uds = impRulesScopeUsage (lookupImpRules imp_rule_edges tagged_bndr)
          -- imp_rule_uds: consider
          --     h = ...
          --     g = ...
@@ -805,9 +814,9 @@ occAnalNonRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges bndr rhs body_usage
             -> active && not_stable
           _ -> False
-    dmd        = idDemandInfo bndr
-    active     = isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation bndr)
-    not_stable = not (isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding bndr))
+    dmd        = idDemandInfo tagged_bndr
+    active     = isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation tagged_bndr)
+    not_stable = not (isStableUnfolding unf)
 occAnalRecBind :: OccEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> ImpRuleEdges -> [(Var,CoreExpr)]
@@ -817,7 +826,7 @@ occAnalRecBind :: OccEnv -> TopLevelFlag -> ImpRuleEdges -> [(Var,CoreExpr)]
 --      * compute strongly-connected components
 --      * feed those components to occAnalRec
 -- See Note [Recursive bindings: the grand plan]
-occAnalRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges pairs body_usage
+occAnalRecBind !rhs_env lvl imp_rule_edges pairs body_usage
   = foldr (occAnalRec rhs_env lvl) (WithUsageDetails body_usage []) sccs
     sccs :: [SCC Details]
@@ -830,7 +839,6 @@ occAnalRecBind !env lvl imp_rule_edges pairs body_usage
     bndrs    = map fst pairs
     bndr_set = mkVarSet bndrs
-    rhs_env  = env `addInScope` bndrs
@@ -847,10 +855,10 @@ occAnalRec !_ lvl (AcyclicSCC (ND { nd_bndr = bndr, nd_rhs = rhs
   = WithUsageDetails body_uds binds -- See Note [Dead code]
   | otherwise                   -- It's mentioned in the body
-  = WithUsageDetails (body_uds' `andUDs` rhs_uds')
+  = WithUsageDetails (body_uds `andUDs` rhs_uds')
                      (NonRec tagged_bndr rhs : binds)
-    (body_uds', tagged_bndr) = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_uds bndr
+    tagged_bndr   = tagNonRecBinder lvl body_uds bndr
     rhs_uds'      = adjustRhsUsage mb_join_arity rhs rhs_uds
     mb_join_arity = willBeJoinId_maybe tagged_bndr
@@ -1818,18 +1826,19 @@ occAnalLam :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> (WithUsageDetails CoreExpr)
 -- The caller does that, either in occAnal (Lam {}), or in adjustRhsUsage
 -- See Note [Adjusting right-hand sides]
-occAnalLam env (Lam bndr expr)
+occAnalLam env (Lam bndr body)
   | isTyVar bndr
-  = let env1 = addOneInScope env bndr
-        WithUsageDetails usage expr' = occAnalLam env1 expr
-    in WithUsageDetails usage (Lam bndr expr')
-       -- Important: Keep the 'env' unchanged so that with a RHS like
+  = addInScope env [bndr] $ \env ->
+    let WithUsageDetails usage body' = occAnalLam env body
+    in WithUsageDetails usage (Lam bndr body')
+       -- Important: Do not modify occ_encl, so that with a RHS like
        --   \(@ x) -> K @x (f @x)
        -- we'll see that (K @x (f @x)) is in a OccRhs, and hence refrain
        -- from inlining f. See the beginning of Note [Cascading inlines].
   | otherwise  -- So 'bndr' is an Id
-  = let (env_one_shots', bndr1)
+  = addInScope env [bndr] $ \env ->
+    let (env_one_shots', bndr1)
            = case occ_one_shots env of
                []         -> ([],  bndr)
                (os : oss) -> (oss, updOneShotInfo bndr os)
@@ -1839,10 +1848,9 @@ occAnalLam env (Lam bndr expr)
                -- See Note [The oneShot function]
         env1 = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_one_shots = env_one_shots' }
-        env2 = addOneInScope env1 bndr
-        (WithUsageDetails usage expr') = occAnalLam env2 expr
-        (usage', bndr2) = tagLamBinder usage bndr1
-    in WithUsageDetails usage' (Lam bndr2 expr')
+        WithUsageDetails usage body' = occAnalLam env1 body
+        bndr2 = tagLamBinder usage bndr1
+    in WithUsageDetails usage (Lam bndr2 body')
 -- For casts, keep going in the same lambda-group
 -- See Note [Occurrence analysis for lambda binders]
@@ -1940,7 +1948,7 @@ occAnalUnfolding !env is_rec mb_join_arity unf
       unf@(CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = rhs, uf_src = src })
         | isStableSource src ->
-              (WithUsageDetails usage rhs') = occAnalRhs env is_rec mb_join_arity rhs
+              WithUsageDetails usage rhs' = occAnalRhs env is_rec mb_join_arity rhs
               unf' | noBinderSwaps env = unf -- Note [Unfoldings and rules]
                    | otherwise         = unf { uf_tmpl = rhs' }
@@ -1955,14 +1963,11 @@ occAnalUnfolding !env is_rec mb_join_arity unf
               -- scope remain in scope; there is no cloning etc.
       unf@(DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args })
-        -> WithUsageDetails final_usage (unf { df_args = args' })
-        where
-          env'            = env `addInScope` bndrs
-          (WithUsageDetails usage args') = occAnalList env' args
-          final_usage     = markAllManyNonTail (delDetailsList usage bndrs)
-                            `addLamCoVarOccs` bndrs
-                            `delDetailsList` bndrs
-              -- delDetailsList; no need to use tagLamBinders because we
+        -> let WithUsageDetails uds args' = addInScope env bndrs $ \ env ->
+                                            occAnalList env args
+               uds' = markAllManyNonTail uds
+           in WithUsageDetails uds' (unf { df_args = args' })
+              -- No need to use tagLamBinders because we
               -- never inline DFuns so the occ-info on binders doesn't matter
       unf -> WithUsageDetails emptyDetails unf
@@ -1979,20 +1984,19 @@ occAnalRules !env mb_join_arity bndr
     occ_anal_rule rule@(Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs })
       = (rule', lhs_uds', rhs_uds')
-        env' = env `addInScope` bndrs
         rule' | noBinderSwaps env = rule  -- Note [Unfoldings and rules]
               | otherwise         = rule { ru_args = args', ru_rhs = rhs' }
-        (WithUsageDetails lhs_uds args') = occAnalList env' args
-        lhs_uds'         = markAllManyNonTail (lhs_uds `delDetailsList` bndrs)
-                           `addLamCoVarOccs` bndrs
+        WithUsageDetails lhs_uds args' = addInScope env bndrs $ \env ->
+                                         occAnalList env args
-        (WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs') = occAnal env' rhs
+        lhs_uds' = markAllManyNonTail lhs_uds
+        WithUsageDetails rhs_uds rhs' = addInScope env bndrs $ \env ->
+                                        occAnal env rhs
                             -- Note [Rules are extra RHSs]
                             -- Note [Rule dependency info]
         rhs_uds' = markAllNonTailIf (not exact_join) $
-                   markAllMany                             $
-                   rhs_uds `delDetailsList` bndrs
+                   markAllMany rhs_uds
         exact_join = exactJoin mb_join_arity args
                      -- See Note [Join points and unfoldings/rules]
@@ -2214,23 +2218,39 @@ occAnal env expr@(Lam {})
                       markAllNonTail usage
     in WithUsageDetails final_usage expr'
-occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
+occAnal env expr@(Case scrut bndr ty alts)
   = let
-      (WithUsageDetails scrut_usage scrut') = occAnal (scrutCtxt env alts) scrut
-      alt_env = addBndrSwap scrut' bndr $ env { occ_encl = OccVanilla } `addOneInScope` bndr
-      (alts_usage_s, alts') = mapAndUnzip (do_alt alt_env) alts
-      alts_usage  = foldr orUDs emptyDetails alts_usage_s
-      (alts_usage1, tagged_bndr) = tagLamBinder alts_usage bndr
-      total_usage = markAllNonTail scrut_usage `andUDs` alts_usage1
+      WithUsageDetails scrut_usage scrut' = occAnal (scrutCtxt env alts) scrut
+      WithUsageDetails alts_usage (tagged_bndr, alts')
+         = addInScope env [bndr] $ \env ->
+           let alt_env = addBndrSwap scrut' bndr $
+                         env { occ_encl = OccVanilla }
+               WithUsageDetails alts_usage alts' = do_alts alt_env alts
+               tagged_bndr = tagLamBinder alts_usage bndr
+           in WithUsageDetails alts_usage (tagged_bndr, alts')
+      total_usage = markAllNonTail scrut_usage `andUDs` alts_usage
                     -- Alts can have tail calls, but the scrutinee can't
     in WithUsageDetails total_usage (Case scrut' tagged_bndr ty alts')
+    do_alts :: OccEnv -> [CoreAlt] -> WithUsageDetails [CoreAlt]
+    do_alts _ []         = WithUsageDetails emptyDetails []
+    do_alts env [alt]    = WithUsageDetails uds          [alt']
+      where
+        WithUsageDetails uds alt' = do_alt env alt
+    do_alts env (alt:alts) = WithUsageDetails (uds1 `orUDs` uds2) (alt':alts')
+      where
+        WithUsageDetails uds1 alt'  = do_alt  env alt
+        WithUsageDetails uds2 alts' = do_alts env alts
     do_alt !env (Alt con bndrs rhs)
-      = let
-          (WithUsageDetails rhs_usage1 rhs1) = occAnal (env `addInScope` bndrs) rhs
-          (alt_usg, tagged_bndrs) = tagLamBinders rhs_usage1 bndrs
-        in                          -- See Note [Binders in case alternatives]
-        (alt_usg, Alt con tagged_bndrs rhs1)
+      = addInScope env bndrs $ \ env ->
+        let WithUsageDetails rhs_usage rhs' = occAnal env rhs
+            tagged_bndrs = tagLamBinders rhs_usage bndrs
+        in                 -- See Note [Binders in case alternatives]
+        WithUsageDetails rhs_usage (Alt con tagged_bndrs rhs')
 occAnal env (Let bind body)
   | NonRec bndr rhs <- bind
@@ -2238,21 +2258,18 @@ occAnal env (Let bind body)
   , not (isStableUnfolding (realIdUnfolding bndr))
   , not (idHasRules bndr)
   = let WithUsageDetails rhs_usage rhs' = occAnalRhs env NonRecursive mb_join rhs
-        body_env = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla }
-                   `addJoinPoint` (bndr, rhs_usage)
-        WithUsageDetails body_usage body' = occAnal body_env body
-        (body_usage', bndr') = tagNonRecBinder NotTopLevel body_usage bndr
-    in if   (bndr `usedIn` body_usage)
-       then WithUsageDetails body_usage' (Let (NonRec bndr' rhs') body')
-       else WithUsageDetails body_usage body'
+    in addInScope env [bndr] $ \ body_env ->
+    let body_env1 = body_env { occ_join_points = extendVarEnv (occ_join_points env)
+                                                              bndr rhs_usage }
+        WithUsageDetails body_usage body' = occAnal body_env1 body
+        bndr' = tagNonRecBinder NotTopLevel body_usage bndr
+    in if (bndr `usedIn` body_usage)
+    then WithUsageDetails body_usage (Let (NonRec bndr' rhs') body')
+    else WithUsageDetails body_usage body'
   | otherwise
-  = let
-      body_env = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla } `addInScope` bindersOf bind
-      WithUsageDetails body_usage  body'  = occAnal body_env body
-      WithUsageDetails final_usage binds' = occAnalBind env NotTopLevel
-                                                    noImpRuleEdges bind body_usage
-    in WithUsageDetails final_usage (mkLets binds' body')
+  = occAnalBind env NotTopLevel noImpRuleEdges bind
+                (\env -> occAnal env body) mkLets
 occAnalArgs :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> [CoreExpr] -> [OneShots] -> WithUsageDetails CoreExpr
 -- The `fun` argument is just an accumulating parameter,
@@ -2565,44 +2582,36 @@ isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = cxt }) = case cxt of
                                           OccRhs -> True
                                           _      -> False
-addOneInScope :: OccEnv -> CoreBndr -> OccEnv
--- Needed for all Vars not just Ids
--- See Note [The binder-swap substitution] (BS3)
-addOneInScope env@(OccEnv { occ_bs_env = swap_env, occ_bs_rng = rng_vars
-                          , occ_join_points = join_points }) bndr
-  | bndr `elemVarSet` rng_vars = env1 { occ_bs_env = emptyVarEnv, occ_bs_rng = emptyVarSet }
-  | otherwise                  = env1 { occ_bs_env = swap_env `delVarEnv` bndr }
-  where
-    env1 = env { occ_join_points = join_points `delVarEnv` bndr }
 addInScope :: OccEnv -> [Var] -> (OccEnv -> WithUsageDetails a) -> WithUsageDetails a
 -- Needed for all Vars not just Ids
 -- See Note [The binder-swap substitution] (BS3)
 addInScope env@(OccEnv { occ_bs_env = swap_env, occ_bs_rng = bs_rng_vars
                        , occ_join_points = join_points }) bndrs thing_inside
-  | any (`elemVarSet` rng_vars) bndrs || anyVarEnv bad_join_rhs
-  = let stripped_env = env { occ_bs_env = emptyVarEnv
-                           , occ_bs_rng = emptyVarSet
-                           , occ_join_points = emptyVarEnv }
-        !WithUsageDetail uds res = thing_inside stripped_env
-        uds_with_joins = nonDetStrictFoldVarEnv andUDs uds join_points
-    in WithUsageDetails uds_with_joins res
+  | any (`elemVarSet` bs_rng_vars) bndrs
+  = fix_up_uds $
+    thing_inside (env1 { occ_bs_env = emptyVarEnv, occ_bs_rng = emptyVarSet })
   | otherwise
-  = thing_inside (env { occ_bs_env = swap_env `delVarEnvList` bndrs
-                      , occ_join_points = join_points `delVarEnvList` bndrs }
+  = fix_up_uds $
+    thing_inside (env1 { occ_bs_env = swap_env `delVarEnvList` bndrs })
+    env1 | isEmptyVarEnv bad_joins = env
+         | otherwise               = env { occ_join_points = good_joins }
+    fix_up_uds (WithUsageDetails uds res)
+      = with_joins `seq`
+        WithUsageDetails with_joins res
+      where
+        trimmed_uds      = uds `delDetails` bndrs
+        with_co_var_occs = trimmed_uds `addManyOccs` coVarOccs bndrs
+        with_joins       = nonDetStrictFoldUFM andUDs with_co_var_occs bad_joins
+    (bad_joins, good_joins) = partitionVarEnv bad_join_rhs join_points
     bad_join_rhs :: UsageDetails -> Bool
     bad_join_rhs (UD { ud_env = rhs_usage }) = any (`elemVarEnv` rhs_usage) bndrs
-addJoinPoint :: OccEnv -> (Id,UsageDetails) -> OccEnv
-addJoinPoint env (bndr, uds)
-  = env1 { occ_join_points = extendVarEnv (occ_join_points env) bndr uds1 }
-  where
-    uds1 = addManyOccId uds bndr
-    env1 = env `addOneInScope` bndr
 transClosureFV :: VarEnv VarSet -> VarEnv VarSet
 -- If (f,g), (g,h) are in the input, then (f,h) is in the output
@@ -3079,18 +3088,18 @@ addManyOccs :: UsageDetails -> VarSet -> UsageDetails
 addManyOccs usage id_set = nonDetStrictFoldUniqSet addManyOcc usage id_set
   -- It's OK to use nonDetStrictFoldUniqSet here because addManyOcc commutes
-addLamCoVarOccs :: UsageDetails -> [Var] -> UsageDetails
--- Add any CoVars free in the type of a lambda-binder
+coVarOccs :: [Var] -> VarSet
+-- Add any CoVars free in the types of a telescope of lambda-binders
 -- See Note [Gather occurrences of coercion variables]
-addLamCoVarOccs uds bndrs
-  = uds `addManyOccs` coVarsOfTypes (map varType bndrs)
-delDetails :: UsageDetails -> Id -> UsageDetails
-delDetails ud bndr
-  = ud `alterUsageDetails` (`delVarEnv` bndr)
+coVarOccs bndrs
+  = foldr get emptyVarSet bndrs
+  where
+    get bndr cvs = (cvs `delVarSet` bndr) `unionVarSet`
+                   coVarsOfType (varType bndr)
-delDetailsList :: UsageDetails -> [Id] -> UsageDetails
-delDetailsList ud bndrs
+delDetails :: UsageDetails -> [Id] -> UsageDetails
+-- Delete these binders from the UsageDetails
+delDetails ud bndrs
   = ud `alterUsageDetails` (`delVarEnvList` bndrs)
 emptyDetails :: UsageDetails
@@ -3104,9 +3113,10 @@ isEmptyDetails = isEmptyVarEnv . ud_env
 markAllMany, markAllInsideLam, markAllNonTail, markAllManyNonTail
   :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
-markAllMany          ud = ud { ud_z_many    = ud_env ud }
-markAllInsideLam     ud = ud { ud_z_in_lam  = ud_env ud }
-markAllNonTail ud = ud { ud_z_no_tail = ud_env ud }
+markAllMany      ud = ud { ud_z_many    = ud_env ud }
+markAllInsideLam ud = ud { ud_z_in_lam  = ud_env ud }
+markAllNonTail   ud = ud { ud_z_no_tail = ud_env ud }
+markAllManyNonTail  = markAllMany . markAllNonTail -- effectively sets to noOccInfo
 markAllInsideLamIf, markAllNonTailIf :: Bool -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
@@ -3116,9 +3126,6 @@ markAllInsideLamIf  False ud = ud
 markAllNonTailIf True  ud = markAllNonTail ud
 markAllNonTailIf False ud = ud
-markAllManyNonTail = markAllMany . markAllNonTail -- effectively sets to noOccInfo
 lookupDetails :: UsageDetails -> Id -> OccInfo
 lookupDetails ud id
   = case lookupVarEnv (ud_env ud) id of
@@ -3203,52 +3210,38 @@ exactJoin (Just join_arity) args = args `lengthIs` join_arity
 type IdWithOccInfo = Id
-tagLamBinders :: UsageDetails          -- Of scope
-              -> [Id]                  -- Binders
-              -> (UsageDetails,        -- Details with binders removed
-                 [IdWithOccInfo])    -- Tagged binders
+tagLamBinders :: UsageDetails        -- Of scope
+              -> [Id]                -- Binders
+              -> [IdWithOccInfo]     -- Tagged binders
 tagLamBinders usage binders
-  = usage' `seq` (usage', bndrs')
-  where
-    (usage', bndrs') = mapAccumR tagLamBinder usage binders
+  = map (tagLamBinder usage) binders
 tagLamBinder :: UsageDetails       -- Of scope
              -> Id                 -- Binder
-             -> (UsageDetails,     -- Details with binder removed
-                 IdWithOccInfo)    -- Tagged binders
+             -> IdWithOccInfo      -- Tagged binders
 -- Used for lambda and case binders
--- It copes with the fact that lambda bindings can have a
--- stable unfolding, used for join points
+-- No-op on TyVars
+-- A lambda binder never has an unfolding, so no need to look for that
 tagLamBinder usage bndr
-  = (usage2, bndr')
+  = setBinderOcc (markNonTail occ) bndr
+      -- markNonTail: don't try to make an argument into a join point
-        occ    = lookupDetails usage bndr
-        bndr'  = setBinderOcc (markNonTail occ) bndr
-                   -- Don't try to make an argument into a join point
-        usage1 = usage `delDetails` bndr
-        usage2 | isId bndr = addManyOccs usage1 (idUnfoldingVars bndr)
-                               -- This is effectively the RHS of a
-                               -- non-join-point binding, so it's okay to use
-                               -- addManyOccsSet, which assumes no tail calls
-               | otherwise = usage1
+    occ    = lookupDetails usage bndr
 tagNonRecBinder :: TopLevelFlag           -- At top level?
                 -> UsageDetails           -- Of scope
                 -> CoreBndr               -- Binder
-                -> (UsageDetails,         -- Details with binder removed
-                    IdWithOccInfo)        -- Tagged binder
+                -> IdWithOccInfo          -- Tagged binder
+-- No-op on TyVars
 tagNonRecBinder lvl usage binder
- = let
-     occ     = lookupDetails usage binder
-     will_be_join = decideJoinPointHood lvl usage (NE.singleton binder)
-     occ'    | will_be_join = -- must already be marked AlwaysTailCalled
-                              assert (isAlwaysTailCalled occ) occ
-             | otherwise    = markNonTail occ
-     binder' = setBinderOcc occ' binder
-     usage'  = usage `delDetails` binder
-   in
-   usage' `seq` (usage', binder')
+ = setBinderOcc occ' binder
+ where
+    occ     = lookupDetails usage binder
+    will_be_join = decideJoinPointHood lvl usage (NE.singleton binder)
+    occ'    | will_be_join = -- must already be marked AlwaysTailCalled
+                             assert (isAlwaysTailCalled occ) occ
+            | otherwise    = markNonTail occ
 tagRecBinders :: TopLevelFlag           -- At top level?
               -> UsageDetails           -- Of body of let ONLY
@@ -3296,11 +3289,8 @@ tagRecBinders lvl body_uds details_s
      -- 4. Tag each binder with its adjusted details
      bndrs'    = [ setBinderOcc (lookupDetails adj_uds bndr) bndr
                  | bndr <- bndrs ]
-     -- 5. Drop the binders from the adjusted details and return
-     usage'    = adj_uds `delDetailsList` bndrs
-   (usage', bndrs')
+   (adj_uds, bndrs')
 setBinderOcc :: OccInfo -> CoreBndr -> CoreBndr
 setBinderOcc occ_info bndr

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