[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T19626] Some Heap flags

Alex D (@nineonine) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Dec 19 22:24:08 UTC 2022

Alex D pushed to branch wip/T19626 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

681d39e4 by nineonine at 2022-12-19T14:24:00-08:00
Some Heap flags

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- rts/OptParse.c
- rts/include/rts/OptParse.h
- testsuite/tests/rts/OptParse/OptParseTest.c
- testsuite/tests/rts/OptParse/OptParseTest.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rts/OptParse/OptParseTest.stdout


@@ -44,66 +44,69 @@
 rtsFlags[] = {
-    [HELP]                    = {SAFE,   VOID,      "help",                             "?" , false},
-    [INSTALL_SIGNAL_HANDLERS] = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "install-signal-handlers",          NULL, false},
-    [INSTALL_SEH_HANDLERS]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "install-seh-handlers",             NULL, false},
-    [GENERATE_STACK_TRACES]   = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "generate-stack-traces",            NULL, false},
-    [GENERATE_CRASH_DUMPS]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "generate-crash-dumps",             NULL, false},
-    [NULL_EVENTLOG_WRITER]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "null-eventlog-writer",             NULL, false},
-    [MACHINE_READABLE]        = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "machine-readable",                 NULL, false},
-    [DISABLE_OS_MEM_RET]      = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "disable-delayed-os-memory-return", NULL, false},
-    [INTERNAL_COUNTERS]       = {SAFE,   BOOL,      "internal-counters",                NULL, false},
-    [IO_MANAGER_FLAG]         = {UNSAFE, ENUM,      "io-manager",                       NULL,  true},
-    [INFO]                    = {SAFE,   VOID,      "info",                             NULL, false},
-    [EVENTLOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL] = {SAFE,   DOUBLE,    "eventlog-flush-interval",          NULL,  true},
-    [COPYING_GC]              = {SAFE,   VOID,      "copying-gc",                       NULL, false},
-    [NONMOVING_GC]            = {SAFE,   VOID,      "nonmoving-gc",                     NULL, false},
-    [LARGE_OBJ_ALLOC_AREA]    = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64, "large-object-allocation",          "AL",  true},
-    [MIN_ALLOC_AREA]          = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64, "minimum-allocation-area-size",     "A",   true},
+    [HELP]                    = {SAFE,   VOID,      "help",                             "?" ,       false},
+    [INSTALL_SIGNAL_HANDLERS] = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "install-signal-handlers",          NULL,       false},
+    [INSTALL_SEH_HANDLERS]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "install-seh-handlers",             NULL,       false},
+    [GENERATE_STACK_TRACES]   = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "generate-stack-traces",            NULL,       false},
+    [GENERATE_CRASH_DUMPS]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "generate-crash-dumps",             NULL,       false},
+    [NULL_EVENTLOG_WRITER]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "null-eventlog-writer",             NULL,       false},
+    [MACHINE_READABLE]        = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "machine-readable",                 NULL,       false},
+    [DISABLE_OS_MEM_RET]      = {UNSAFE, BOOL,      "disable-delayed-os-memory-return", NULL,       false},
+    [INTERNAL_COUNTERS]       = {SAFE,   BOOL,      "internal-counters",                NULL,       false},
+    [IO_MANAGER_FLAG]         = {UNSAFE, ENUM,      "io-manager",                       NULL,       true},
+    [INFO]                    = {SAFE,   VOID,      "info",                             NULL,       false},
+    [EVENTLOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL] = {SAFE,   DOUBLE,    "eventlog-flush-interval",          NULL,       true},
+    [COPYING_GC]              = {SAFE,   VOID,      "copying-gc",                       NULL,       false},
+    [NONMOVING_GC]            = {SAFE,   VOID,      "nonmoving-gc",                     NULL,       false},
+    [LARGE_OBJ_ALLOC_AREA]    = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64, "large-object-allocation",          "AL",       true},
+    [MIN_ALLOC_AREA]          = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64, "minimum-allocation-area-size",     "A",        true},
 // #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
 // #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-    [IO_MANAGER_THREADS]      = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "io-manager-threads",              NULL,  true},
+    [IO_MANAGER_THREADS]      = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "io-manager-threads",              NULL,       true},
 // #endif
-    [NUMA]                    = {SAFE,   STGWORD64,  "numa",                            NULL, false},
+    [NUMA]                    = {SAFE,   STGWORD64,  "numa",                            NULL,       false},
 // #endif
 // #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(THREADED_RTS)
-    [DEBUG_NUMA]              = {SAFE,   STGWORD64,  "debug-numa",                      NULL,  true},
+    [DEBUG_NUMA]              = {SAFE,   STGWORD64,  "debug-numa",                      NULL,       true},
 // #endif
-    [LONG_GC_SYNC]            = {SAFE,   DOUBLE,     "long-gc-sync",                    NULL,  true},
-    [NO_AUTO_HEAP_SAMPLES]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,       "no-automatic-heap-samples",       NULL, false},
-    [NURSERY_CHUNK_SIZE]      = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "alloc-area-chunksize",            "n",   true},
-    [GC_BELL]                 = {UNSAFE, VOID,       "gc-bell",                         "B",  false},
-    [COMPACT_GC]              = {UNSAFE, DOUBLE,     "compact-gc",                      "c",  false},
-    [USE_MARK_REGION]         = {UNSAFE, VOID,       "use-mark-region",                 "w",  false},
-    [OLD_GEN_FACTOR]          = {UNSAFE, DOUBLE,     "old-gen-factor",                  "F",   true},
-    [RETURN_DECAY_FACTOR]     = {UNSAFE, DOUBLE,     "return-decay-factor",             "Fd",  true},
+    [LONG_GC_SYNC]            = {SAFE,   DOUBLE,     "long-gc-sync",                    NULL,       true},
+    [NO_AUTO_HEAP_SAMPLES]    = {UNSAFE, BOOL,       "no-automatic-heap-samples",       NULL,       false},
+    [NURSERY_CHUNK_SIZE]      = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "alloc-area-chunksize",            "n",        true},
+    [GC_BELL]                 = {UNSAFE, VOID,       "gc-bell",                         "B",        false},
+    [COMPACT_GC]              = {UNSAFE, DOUBLE,     "compact-gc",                      "c",        false},
+    [USE_MARK_REGION]         = {UNSAFE, VOID,       "use-mark-region",                 "w",        false},
+    [OLD_GEN_FACTOR]          = {UNSAFE, DOUBLE,     "old-gen-factor",                  "F",        true},
+    [RETURN_DECAY_FACTOR]     = {UNSAFE, DOUBLE,     "return-decay-factor",             "Fd",       true},
 // #if defined(DEBUG)
-    [DEBUG_SCHEDULER]         = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-scheduler",                 "Ds", false},
-    [DEBUG_INTERPRETER]       = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-interpreter",               "Di", false},
-    [DEBUG_WEAK]              = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-weak",                      "Dw", false},
-    [DEBUG_GCCAFS]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-gccafs",                    "DG", false},
-    [DEBUG_GC]                = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-gc",                        "Dg", false},
-    [DEBUG_NONMOVING_GC]      = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-nonmoving-gc",              "Dn", false},
-    [DEBUG_BLOCK_ALLOC]       = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-block-alloc",               "Db", false},
-    [DEBUG_SANITY]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-sanity",                    "DS", false},
-    [DEBUG_ZERO_IN_GC]        = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-zero-on-gc",                "DZ", false},
-    [DEBUG_STABLE]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-stable",                    "Dt", false},
-    [DEBUG_PROF]              = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-prof",                      "Dp", false},
-    [DEBUG_LINKER]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-linker",                    "Dl", false},
-    [DEBUG_LINKER_VERBOSE]    = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-linker-verbose",            "DL", false},
-    [DEBUG_APPLY]             = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-apply",                     "Da", false},
-    [DEBUG_STM]               = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-stm",                       "Dm", false},
-    [DEBUG_SQUEEZE]           = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-squeeze",                   "Dz", false},
-    [DEBUG_HPC]               = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-hpc",                       "Dc", false},
-    [DEBUG_SPARKS]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-sparks",                    "Dr", false},
-    [DEBUG_COMPACT]           = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-compact",                   "DC", false},
-// #endif
-    [MAX_STACK_SIZE]          = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-max-size",                  "K",   true},
-    [STACK_CHUNK_SIZE]        = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-chunk-size",                "kc",  true},
-    [STACK_CHUNK_BUFFER_SIZE] = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-chunk-buffer-size",         "kb",  true},
-    [STACK_INITIAL_SIZE]      = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-initial-size",              "ki",  true},
+    [DEBUG_SCHEDULER]         = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-scheduler",                 "Ds",       false},
+    [DEBUG_INTERPRETER]       = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-interpreter",               "Di",       false},
+    [DEBUG_WEAK]              = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-weak",                      "Dw",       false},
+    [DEBUG_GCCAFS]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-gccafs",                    "DG",       false},
+    [DEBUG_GC]                = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-gc",                        "Dg",       false},
+    [DEBUG_NONMOVING_GC]      = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-nonmoving-gc",              "Dn",       false},
+    [DEBUG_BLOCK_ALLOC]       = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-block-alloc",               "Db",       false},
+    [DEBUG_SANITY]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-sanity",                    "DS",       false},
+    [DEBUG_ZERO_IN_GC]        = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-zero-on-gc",                "DZ",       false},
+    [DEBUG_STABLE]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-stable",                    "Dt",       false},
+    [DEBUG_PROF]              = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-prof",                      "Dp",       false},
+    [DEBUG_LINKER]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-linker",                    "Dl",       false},
+    [DEBUG_LINKER_VERBOSE]    = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-linker-verbose",            "DL",       false},
+    [DEBUG_APPLY]             = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-apply",                     "Da",       false},
+    [DEBUG_STM]               = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-stm",                       "Dm",       false},
+    [DEBUG_SQUEEZE]           = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-squeeze",                   "Dz",       false},
+    [DEBUG_HPC]               = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-hpc",                       "Dc",       false},
+    [DEBUG_SPARKS]            = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-sparks",                    "Dr",       false},
+    [DEBUG_COMPACT]           = {SAFE,   VOID,       "debug-compact",                   "DC",       false},
+// #endif 
+    [MAX_STACK_SIZE]          = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-max-size",                  "K",        true},
+    [STACK_CHUNK_SIZE]        = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-chunk-size",                "kc",       true},
+    [STACK_CHUNK_BUFFER_SIZE] = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-chunk-buffer-size",         "kb",       true},
+    [STACK_INITIAL_SIZE]      = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "stack-initial-size",              "ki",       true},
+    [HEAP_LIMIT_GRACE]        = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "heap-limit-grace",                "Mgrace",   true},
+    [HEAP_LIMIT_SIZE]         = {UNSAFE, STGWORD64,  "heap-limit-size",                 "M",        true},
     // The 'NULL' of flags. Long name just for debugging
-    [UNKNOWN_RTS_OPTION]      = {SAFE,   VOID,       "UNKNOWN_RTS_OPTION",              NULL, false},
+    [UNKNOWN_RTS_OPTION]      = {SAFE,   VOID,       "UNKNOWN_RTS_OPTION",              NULL,       false},
 static RtsFlagValue
@@ -351,7 +354,7 @@ parse_flag_value(RtsFlagKey i, bool isLongName, char *arg0, bool *error)
             // account for '=' that is used with long-form names
             // some long-from names can have no value though so account for that as well
             if (isLongName && arg[offset] == '=') offset++;
-            if (hasValue && !is_valid_size(&arg[offset])) {
+            if (hasValue && !is_valid_size(arg + offset)) {
                 BAD_VALUE(error, arg);
             StgWord64 min;
@@ -430,8 +433,17 @@ parse_flag_value(RtsFlagKey i, bool isLongName, char *arg0, bool *error)
                     value = decodeSize(arg, offset, min, max, error);
+                case HEAP_LIMIT_GRACE:
+                case HEAP_LIMIT_SIZE: {
+                    min = BLOCK_SIZE;
+                    max = HS_WORD_MAX;
+                    value = decodeSize(arg, offset, min, max, error);
+                    break;
+                }
-            if (*error) {
+            if (*error) { // TODO: this can be other error - need abstraction here
                 OUT_OF_RANGE(error, arg, min, max);
             return STGWORD64_VAL(i, value);

@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ typedef enum _RtsFlagKey {
 } RtsFlagKey;

@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
      printf("\n=== OptParseTest END ===\n");
      return 0;

@@ -1988,3 +1988,159 @@ unknown RTS option: -ki=true
 (FAIL_TEST) input: -kijhgl
 unknown RTS option: -kijhgl
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=8193
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 8193 actual: 8193
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=8193K
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 8389632 actual: 8389632
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=2M
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 2097152 actual: 2097152
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=9G
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 9663676416 actual: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=2G
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 2147483648 actual: 2147483648
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=3333w
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 26664 actual: 26664
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=
+unknown RTS option: --heap-limit-grace=
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=fbar
+bad value for heap-limit-grace=fbar
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=false
+bad value for heap-limit-grace=false
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=true
+bad value for heap-limit-grace=true
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-gracexxzag
+unknown RTS option: --heap-limit-gracexxzag
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace8193
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 8193 actual: 8193
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace8193k
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 8389632 actual: 8389632
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace2m
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 2097152 actual: 2097152
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace9g
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 9663676416 actual: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace1G
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 1073741824 actual: 1073741824
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace3333w
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+expected: 26664 actual: 26664
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -Mgrace=
+unknown RTS option: -Mgrace=
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -Mgrace=baz
+unknown RTS option: -Mgrace=baz
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -Mgrace=false
+unknown RTS option: -Mgrace=false
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -Mgrace=true
+unknown RTS option: -Mgrace=true
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -Mgracejhgl
+unknown RTS option: -Mgracejhgl
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=8193
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 8193 actual: 8193
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=8193K
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 8389632 actual: 8389632
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=2M
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 2097152 actual: 2097152
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=9G
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 9663676416 actual: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=2G
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 2147483648 actual: 2147483648
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=3333w
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 26664 actual: 26664
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=
+unknown RTS option: --heap-limit-size=
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=fbar
+bad value for heap-limit-size=fbar
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=false
+bad value for heap-limit-size=false
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=true
+bad value for heap-limit-size=true
+(FAIL_TEST) input: --heap-limit-sizexxzag
+unknown RTS option: --heap-limit-sizexxzag
+(TEST) input: -M8193
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 8193 actual: 8193
+(TEST) input: -M8193k
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 8389632 actual: 8389632
+(TEST) input: -M2m
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 2097152 actual: 2097152
+(TEST) input: -M9g
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 9663676416 actual: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: -M1G
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 1073741824 actual: 1073741824
+(TEST) input: -M3333w
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+expected: 26664 actual: 26664
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -M=
+unknown RTS option: -M=
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -M=baz
+unknown RTS option: -M=baz
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -M=false
+unknown RTS option: -M=false
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -M=true
+unknown RTS option: -M=true
+(FAIL_TEST) input: -Mjhgl
+unknown RTS option: -Mjhgl

@@ -770,4 +770,100 @@
 49: stack-initial-size ki UNSAFE
 	value: 26664
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=8193
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 8193
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=8193K
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 8389632
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=2M
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 2097152
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=9G
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=2G
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 2147483648
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-grace=3333w
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 26664
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace8193
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 8193
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace8193k
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 8389632
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace2m
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 2097152
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace9g
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace1G
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 1073741824
+(TEST) input: -Mgrace3333w
+50: heap-limit-grace Mgrace UNSAFE
+	value: 26664
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=8193
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 8193
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=8193K
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 8389632
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=2M
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 2097152
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=9G
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=2G
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 2147483648
+(TEST) input: --heap-limit-size=3333w
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 26664
+(TEST) input: -M8193
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 8193
+(TEST) input: -M8193k
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 8389632
+(TEST) input: -M2m
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 2097152
+(TEST) input: -M9g
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 9663676416
+(TEST) input: -M1G
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 1073741824
+(TEST) input: -M3333w
+51: heap-limit-size M UNSAFE
+	value: 26664
 === OptParseTest END ===

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