[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/or-pats] 66 commits: Add Javascript backend

David (@knothed) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Dec 12 16:29:38 UTC 2022

David pushed to branch wip/or-pats at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

cc25d52e by Sylvain Henry at 2022-11-29T09:44:31+01:00
Add Javascript backend

Add JS backend adapted from the GHCJS project by Luite Stegeman.

Some features haven't been ported or implemented yet. Tests for these
features have been disabled with an associated gitlab ticket.

Bump array submodule

Work funded by IOG.

Co-authored-by: Jeffrey Young <jeffrey.young at iohk.io>
Co-authored-by: Luite Stegeman <stegeman at gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Josh Meredith <joshmeredith2008 at gmail.com>

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68c966cd by sheaf at 2022-11-30T09:31:25-05:00
Fix @since annotations on WithDict and Coercible

Fixes #22453

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a3a8e9e9 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2022-11-30T09:32:03-05:00
Be more careful in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.solveOneFromTheOther

We were failing to account for the cc_pend_sc flag in this
important function, with the result that we expanded superclasses

Fixes #22516.

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a9d9b8c0 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2022-11-30T09:32:03-05:00
Use mkNakedFunTy in tcPatSynSig

As #22521 showed, in tcPatSynSig we make a "fake type" to
kind-generalise; and that type has unzonked type variables in it. So
we must not use `mkFunTy` (which checks FunTy's invariants) via
`mkPhiTy` when building this type.  Instead we need to use

Easy fix.

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31462d98 by Andreas Klebinger at 2022-11-30T14:50:58-05:00
Properly cast values when writing/reading unboxed sums.

Unboxed sums might store a Int8# value as Int64#. This patch
makes sure we keep track of the actual value type.

See Note [Casting slot arguments] for the details.

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10a2a7de by Oleg Grenrus at 2022-11-30T14:51:39-05:00
Move Void to GHC.Base...

This change would allow `Void` to be used deeper in module graph.
For example exported from `Prelude` (though that might be already

Also this change includes a change `stimes @Void _ x = x`,

While the above is not required, maintaining old stimes behavior
would be tricky as `GHC.Base` doesn't know about `Num` or `Integral`,
which would require more hs-boot files.

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b4cfa8e2 by Sebastian Graf at 2022-11-30T14:52:24-05:00
DmdAnal: Reflect the `seq` of strict fields of a DataCon worker (#22475)

See the updated `Note [Data-con worker strictness]`
and the new `Note [Demand transformer for data constructors]`.

Fixes #22475.

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d87f28d8 by Baldur Blöndal at 2022-11-30T21:16:36+01:00
Make Functor a quantified superclass of Bifunctor.

See https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/91 for

This change relates Bifunctor with Functor by requiring second = fmap.
Moreover this change is a step towards unblocking the major version bump
of bifunctors and profunctors to major version 6. This paves the way to
move the Profunctor class into base. For that Functor first similarly
becomes a superclass of Profunctor in the new major version 6.

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72cf4c5d by doyougnu at 2022-12-01T12:36:44-05:00
FastString: SAT bucket_match

Metric Decrease:

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afc2540d by Simon Peyton Jones at 2022-12-01T12:37:20-05:00
Add a missing varToCoreExpr in etaBodyForJoinPoint

This subtle bug showed up when compiling a library with 9.4.
See #22491.  The bug is present in master, but it is hard to
trigger; the new regression test T22491 fails in 9.4.

The fix was easy: just add a missing varToCoreExpr in

The fix is definitely right though!

I also did some other minor refatoring:
* Moved the preInlineUnconditionally test in simplExprF1 to
  before the call to joinPointBinding_maybe, to avoid fruitless
* Added a boolean from_lam flag to simplNonRecE, to avoid two
  fruitless tests, and commented it a bit better.

These refactorings seem to save 0.1% on compile-time allocation in
perf/compiler; with a max saving of 1.4% in T9961

Metric Decrease:

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81eeec7f by M Farkas-Dyck at 2022-12-01T12:37:56-05:00
CI: Forbid the fully static build on Alpine to fail.

To do so, we mark some tests broken in this configuration.

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c5d1bf29 by Bryan Richter at 2022-12-01T12:37:56-05:00
CI: Remove ARMv7 jobs

These jobs fail (and are allowed to fail) nearly every time.

Soon they won't even be able to run at all, as we won't currently have
runners that can run them.

Fixing the latter problem is tracked in #22409.

I went ahead and removed all settings and configurations.

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d82992fd by Bryan Richter at 2022-12-01T12:37:56-05:00
CI: Fix CI lint

Failure was introduced by conflicting changes to gen_ci.hs that did
*not* trigger git conflicts.

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ce126993 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2022-12-02T01:22:12-05:00
Refactor TyCon to have a top-level product

This patch changes the representation of TyCon so that it has
a top-level product type, with a field that gives the details
(newtype, type family etc), #22458.

Not much change in allocation, but execution seems to be a bit

Includes a change to the haddock submodule to adjust for API changes.

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74c767df by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-02T01:22:48-05:00
ApplicativeDo: Set pattern location before running exhaustiveness checker

This improves the error messages of the exhaustiveness checker when
checking statements which have been moved around with ApplicativeDo.


Test.hs:2:3: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns]
    Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
    In a pattern binding:
        Patterns of type ‘Maybe ()’ not matched: Nothing
2 |   let x = ()
  |   ^^^^^^^^^^


Test.hs:4:3: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns]
    Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
    In a pattern binding:
        Patterns of type ‘Maybe ()’ not matched: Nothing
4 |   ~(Just res1) <- seq x (pure $ Nothing @())

Fixes #22483

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85ecc1a0 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-02T19:46:43-05:00
Add special case for :Main module in `GHC.IfaceToCore.mk_top_id`

See Note [Root-main Id]

The `:Main` special binding is actually defined in the current module
(hence don't go looking for it externally) but the module name is rOOT_MAIN
rather than the current module so we need this special case.

There was already some similar logic in `GHC.Rename.Env` for
External Core, but now the "External Core" is in interface files it
needs to be moved here instead.

Fixes #22405

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108c319f by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2022-12-02T19:47:18-05:00
Fix linearity checking in Lint

Lint was not able to see that x*y <= x*y, because this inequality
was decomposed to x <= x*y && y <= x*y, but there was no rule
to see that x <= x*y.

Fixes #22546.

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bb674262 by Bryan Richter at 2022-12-03T04:38:46-05:00
Mark T16916 fragile

See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/16966

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5d267d46 by Vladislav Zavialov at 2022-12-03T04:39:22-05:00
Refactor: FreshOrReuse instead of addTyClTyVarBinds

This is a refactoring that should have no effect on observable behavior.

Prior to this change, GHC.HsToCore.Quote contained a few closely related
functions to process type variable bindings: addSimpleTyVarBinds,
addHsTyVarBinds, addQTyVarBinds, and addTyClTyVarBinds.

We can classify them by their input type and name generation strategy:

                              Fresh names only    Reuse bound names
                   [Name] | addSimpleTyVarBinds |                   |
[LHsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn] |     addHsTyVarBinds |                   |
        LHsQTyVars GhcRn  |      addQTyVarBinds | addTyClTyVarBinds |

Note how two functions are missing. Because of this omission, there were
two places where a LHsQTyVars value was constructed just to be able to pass it
to addTyClTyVarBinds:

1. mk_qtvs in addHsOuterFamEqnTyVarBinds    -- bad
2. mkHsQTvs in repFamilyDecl                -- bad

This prevented me from making other changes to LHsQTyVars, so the main
goal of this refactoring is to get rid of those workarounds.

The most direct solution would be to define the missing functions.
But that would lead to a certain amount of code duplication. To avoid
code duplication, I factored out the name generation strategy into a
function parameter:

	data FreshOrReuse
	  = FreshNamesOnly
	  | ReuseBoundNames

	addSimpleTyVarBinds :: FreshOrReuse -> ...
	addHsTyVarBinds     :: FreshOrReuse -> ...
	addQTyVarBinds      :: FreshOrReuse -> ...

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c189b831 by Vladislav Zavialov at 2022-12-03T04:39:22-05:00
addHsOuterFamEqnTyVarBinds: use FreshNamesOnly for explicit binders

Consider this example:

	[d| instance forall a. C [a] where
	      type forall b. G [a] b = Proxy b |]

When we process "forall b." in the associated type instance, it is
unambiguously the binding site for "b" and we want a fresh name for it.
Therefore, FreshNamesOnly is more fitting than ReuseBoundNames.
This should not have any observable effect but it avoids pointless
lookups in the MetaEnv.

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42512264 by Ross Paterson at 2022-12-03T10:32:45+00:00
Handle type data declarations in Template Haskell quotations and splices (fixes #22500)

This adds a TypeDataD constructor to the Template Haskell Dec type,
and ensures that the constructors it contains go in the TyCls namespace.

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1a767fa3 by Vladislav Zavialov at 2022-12-05T05:18:50-05:00
Add BufSpan to EpaLocation (#22319, #22558)

The key part of this patch is the change to mkTokenLocation:

	- mkTokenLocation (RealSrcSpan r _)  = TokenLoc (EpaSpan r)
	+ mkTokenLocation (RealSrcSpan r mb) = TokenLoc (EpaSpan r mb)

mkTokenLocation used to discard the BufSpan, but now it is saved and can
be retrieved from LHsToken or LHsUniToken.

This is made possible by the following change to EpaLocation:

	- data EpaLocation = EpaSpan !RealSrcSpan
	+ data EpaLocation = EpaSpan !RealSrcSpan !(Strict.Maybe BufSpan)
	                   | ...

The end goal is to make use of the BufSpan in Parser/PostProcess/Haddock.

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cd31acad by sheaf at 2022-12-06T15:45:58-05:00
Hadrian: fix ghcDebugAssertions off-by-one error

Commit 6b2f7ffe changed the logic that decided whether to enable debug
assertions. However, it had an off-by-one error, as the stage parameter
to the function inconsistently referred to the stage of the compiler
being used to build or the stage of the compiler we are building.

This patch makes it consistent. Now the parameter always refers to the
the compiler which is being built.

In particular, this patch re-enables
assertions in the stage 2 compiler when building with devel2 flavour,
and disables assertions in the stage 2 compiler when building with
validate flavour.

Some extra performance tests are now run in the "validate" jobs because
the stage2 compiler no longer contains assertions.

Metric Decrease:
Metric Increase:

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21d66db1 by mrkun at 2022-12-06T15:46:38-05:00
Push DynFlags out of runInstallNameTool

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aaaaa79b by mrkun at 2022-12-06T15:46:38-05:00
Push DynFlags out of askOtool

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4e28f49e by mrkun at 2022-12-06T15:46:38-05:00
Push DynFlags out of runInjectRPaths

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a7422580 by mrkun at 2022-12-06T15:46:38-05:00
Push DynFlags out of Linker.MacOS

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e902d771 by Matthew Craven at 2022-12-08T08:30:23-05:00
Fix bounds-checking buglet in Data.Array.Byte

...another manifestation of #20851 which
I unfortunately missed in my first pass.

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8d36c0c6 by Gergő Érdi at 2022-12-08T08:31:03-05:00
Remove copy-pasted definitions of `graphFromEdgedVertices*`

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c5d8ed3a by Gergő Érdi at 2022-12-08T08:31:03-05:00
Add version of `reachableGraph` that avoids loop for cyclic inputs
by building its result connected component by component

Fixes #22512

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90cd5396 by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2022-12-08T08:31:39-05:00
Mark Type.Reflection.Unsafe as Unsafe

This module can be used to construct ill-formed TypeReps, so it should
be Unsafe.

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2057c77d by Ian-Woo Kim at 2022-12-08T08:32:19-05:00
Truncate eventlog event for large payload (#20221)

RTS eventlog events for postCapsetVecEvent are truncated if payload
Previously, postCapsetVecEvent records eventlog event with payload
of variable size larger than EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX (2^16) without
any validation, resulting in corrupted data.
For example, this happens when a Haskell binary is invoked with very
long command line arguments exceeding 2^16 bytes (see #20221).
Now we check the size of accumulated payload messages incrementally,
and truncate the message just before the payload size exceeds
EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX. RTS will warn the user with a message showing
how many arguments are truncated.

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9ec76f61 by Cheng Shao at 2022-12-08T08:32:59-05:00
hadrian: don't add debug info to non-debug ways of rts

Hadrian used to pass -g when building all ways of rts. It makes output
binaries larger (especially so for wasm backend), and isn't needed by
most users out there, so this patch removes that flag. In case the
debug info is desired, we still pass -g3 when building the debug way,
and there's also the debug_info flavour transformer which ensures -g3
is passed for all rts ways.

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7658cdd4 by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2022-12-08T08:33:36-05:00
Restore show (typeRep @[]) == "[]"

The Show instance for TypeRep [] has changed in 9.5 to output "List"
because the name of the type constructor changed.
This seems to be accidental and is inconsistent with TypeReps of saturated
lists, which are printed as e.g. "[Int]".
For now, I'm restoring the old behavior; in the future,
maybe we should show TypeReps without puns (List, Tuple, Type).

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216deefd by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-08T22:45:27-05:00
Add test for #22162

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5d0a311f by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-08T22:45:27-05:00
ci: Add job to test interface file determinism guarantees

In this job we can run on every commit we add a test which builds the
Cabal library twice and checks that the ABI hash and interface hash is
stable across the two builds.

* We run the test 20 times to try to weed out any race conditions due to
* We run the builds in different temporary directories to try to weed
  out anything related to build directory affecting ABI or interface
  file hash.

Fixes #22180

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0a76d7d4 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-08T22:45:27-05:00
ci: Add job for testing interface stability across builds

The idea is that both the bindists should product libraries with the
same ABI and interface hash.
So the job checks with ghc-pkg to make sure the computed ABI
is the same.

In future this job can be extended to check for the other facets of
interface determinism.

Fixes #22180

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74c9bf91 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-08T22:45:27-05:00
backpack: Be more careful when adding together ImportAvails

There was some code in the signature merging logic which added together
the ImportAvails of the signature and the signature which was merged
into it. This had the side-effect of making the merged signature depend
on the signature (via a normal module dependency). The intention was to
propagate orphan instances through the merge but this also messed up
recompilation logic because we shouldn't be attempting to load B.hi when
mergeing it.

The fix is to just combine the part of ImportAvails that we intended to
(transitive info, orphan instances and type family instances) rather
than the whole thing.

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d122e022 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-08T22:45:27-05:00
Fix mk_mod_usage_info if the interface file is not already loaded

In #22217 it was observed that the order modules are compiled in affects
the contents of an interface file. This was because a module dependended
on another module indirectly, via a re-export but the interface file for
this module was never loaded because the symbol was never used in the

If we decide that we depend on a module then we jolly well ought to
record this fact in the interface file! Otherwise it could lead to very
subtle recompilation bugs if the dependency is not tracked and the
module is updated.

Therefore the best thing to do is just to make sure the file is loaded
by calling the `loadSysInterface` function.  This first checks the
caches (like we did before) but then actually goes to find the interface
on disk if it wasn't loaded.

Fixes #22217

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ea25088d by lrzlin at 2022-12-08T22:46:06-05:00
Add initial support for LoongArch Architecture.

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9eb9d2f4 by Bodigrim at 2022-12-08T22:46:47-05:00
Update submodule mtl to 2.3.1, parsec to, haddock and Cabal to HEAD

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08d8fe2a by Bodigrim at 2022-12-08T22:46:47-05:00
Allow mtl-2.3 in hadrian

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3807a46c by Bodigrim at 2022-12-08T22:46:47-05:00
Support mtl-2.3 in check-exact

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ef702a18 by Bodigrim at 2022-12-08T22:46:47-05:00
Fix tests

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3144e8ff by Sebastian Graf at 2022-12-08T22:47:22-05:00
Make (^) INLINE (#22324)

So that we get to cancel away the allocation for the lazily used base.

We can move `powImpl` (which *is* strict in the base) to the top-level
so that we don't duplicate too much code and move the SPECIALISATION
pragmas onto `powImpl`.

The net effect of this change is that `(^)` plays along much better with
inlining thresholds and loopification (#22227), for example in `x2n1`.

Fixes #22324.

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1d3a8b8e by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-08T22:47:59-05:00
Typeable: Fix module locations of some definitions in GHC.Types

There was some confusion in Data.Typeable about which module certain
wired-in things were defined in. Just because something is wired-in
doesn't mean it comes from GHC.Prim, in particular things like LiftedRep
and RuntimeRep are defined in GHC.Types and that's the end of the story.

Things like Int#, Float# etc are defined in GHC.Prim as they have no
Haskell definition site at all so we need to generate type
representations for them (which live in GHC.Types).

Fixes #22510

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0f7588b5 by Sebastian Graf at 2022-12-08T22:48:34-05:00
Make `drop` and `dropWhile` fuse (#18964)

I copied the fusion framework we have in place for `take`.
T18964 asserts that we regress neither when fusion fires nor when it doesn't.

Fixes #18964.

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26e71562 by Sebastian Graf at 2022-12-08T22:49:10-05:00
Do not strictify a DFun's parameter dictionaries (#22549)

... thus fixing #22549.

The details are in the refurbished and no longer dead
`Note [Do not strictify a DFun's parameter dictionaries]`.

There's a regression test in T22549.

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36093407 by John Ericson at 2022-12-08T22:49:45-05:00
Delete `rts/package.conf.in`

It is a relic of the Make build system. The RTS now uses a
`package.conf` file generated the usual way by Cabal.

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b0cc2fcf by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2022-12-08T22:50:21-05:00
Fixes around primitive literals

* The SourceText of primitive characters 'a'# did not include
  the #, unlike for other primitive literals 1#, 1##, 1.0#, 1.0##, "a"#.
  We can now remove the function pp_st_suffix, which was a hack
  to add the # back.
* Negative primitive literals shouldn't use parentheses, as described in
  Note [Printing of literals in Core]. Added a testcase to T14681.

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aacf616d by Bryan Richter at 2022-12-08T22:50:56-05:00
testsuite: Mark conc024 fragile on Windows

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ed239a24 by Ryan Scott at 2022-12-09T09:42:16-05:00
Document TH splices' interaction with INCOHERENT instances

Top-level declaration splices can having surprising interactions with
`INCOHERENT` instances, as observed in #22492. This patch
resolves #22492 by documenting this strange interaction in the GHC User's

[ci skip]

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1023b432 by Mike Pilgrem at 2022-12-09T09:42:56-05:00
Fix #22300 Document GHC's extensions to valid whitespace

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79b0cec0 by Luite Stegeman at 2022-12-09T09:43:38-05:00
Add support for environments that don't have setImmediate

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5b007ec5 by Luite Stegeman at 2022-12-09T09:43:38-05:00
Fix bound thread status

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65335d10 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:15:45-05:00
Update containers submodule

This contains a fix necessary for the multi-repl to work on GHC's code
base where we try to load containers and template-haskell into the same

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4937c0bb by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:15:45-05:00
hadrian-multi: Put interface files in separate directories

Before we were putting all the interface files in the same directory
which was leading to collisions if the files were called the same thing.

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8acb5b7b by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:15:45-05:00
hadrian-toolargs: Add filepath to allowed repl targets

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5949d927 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:15:45-05:00
driver: Set correct UnitId when rehydrating modules

We were not setting the UnitId before rehydrating modules which just led
to us attempting to find things in the wrong HPT. The test for this is
the hadrian-multi command (which is now added as a CI job).

Fixes #22222

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ab06c0f0 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:15:45-05:00
ci: Add job to test hadrian-multi command

I am not sure this job is good because it requires booting HEAD with
HEAD, but it should be fine.

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fac3e568 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:16:20-05:00
hadrian: Update bootstrap plans to 9.2.* series and 9.4.* series.

This updates the build plans for the most recent compiler versions, as
well as fixing the hadrian-bootstrap-gen script to a specific GHC

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195b08b4 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:16:20-05:00
ci: Bump boot images to use ghc-9.4.3

Also updates the bootstrap jobs to test booting 9.2 and 9.4.

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c658c580 by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-09T20:16:20-05:00
hlint: Removed redundant UnboxedSums pragmas

UnboxedSums is quite confusingly implied by UnboxedTuples, alas, just
the way it is.

See #22485

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b3e98a92 by Oleg Grenrus at 2022-12-11T12:26:17-05:00
Add heqT, a kind-heterogeneous variant of heq

CLC proposal https://github.com/haskell/core-libraries-committee/issues/99

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bfd7c1e6 by Bodigrim at 2022-12-11T12:26:55-05:00
Document that Bifunctor instances for tuples are lawful only up to laziness

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34a1ebad by David Knothe at 2022-12-12T17:29:14+01:00
Add Or Patterns (proposal 0522)

- - - - -

26 changed files:

- .gitlab-ci.yml
- .gitlab/ci.sh
- .gitlab/gen_ci.hs
- .gitlab/jobs.yaml
- compiler/CodeGen.Platform.h
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names/TH.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs
- + compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps/Casts.hs
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Graph/TrivColorable.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Linear.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Linear/FreeRegs.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Target.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/DmdAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Iteration.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs
- + compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs-boot

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/72fab2802f79756af7f9e240131e6f243733634e...34a1ebad3f3f3d02fbabb8d6d1db5797d8449233

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/72fab2802f79756af7f9e240131e6f243733634e...34a1ebad3f3f3d02fbabb8d6d1db5797d8449233
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