[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 4 commits: Refactor TyCon to have a top-level product
Marge Bot (@marge-bot)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Dec 2 18:56:42 UTC 2022
Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
ce126993 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2022-12-02T01:22:12-05:00
Refactor TyCon to have a top-level product
This patch changes the representation of TyCon so that it has
a top-level product type, with a field that gives the details
(newtype, type family etc), #22458.
Not much change in allocation, but execution seems to be a bit
Includes a change to the haddock submodule to adjust for API changes.
- - - - -
74c767df by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-02T01:22:48-05:00
ApplicativeDo: Set pattern location before running exhaustiveness checker
This improves the error messages of the exhaustiveness checker when
checking statements which have been moved around with ApplicativeDo.
Test.hs:2:3: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns]
Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In a pattern binding:
Patterns of type ‘Maybe ()’ not matched: Nothing
2 | let x = ()
| ^^^^^^^^^^
Test.hs:4:3: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns]
Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In a pattern binding:
Patterns of type ‘Maybe ()’ not matched: Nothing
4 | ~(Just res1) <- seq x (pure $ Nothing @())
Fixes #22483
- - - - -
bd5446ae by Matthew Pickering at 2022-12-02T13:56:17-05:00
Add special case for :Main module in `GHC.IfaceToCore.mk_top_id`
See Note [Root-main Id]
The `:Main` special binding is actually defined in the current module
(hence don't go looking for it externally) but the module name is rOOT_MAIN
rather than the current module so we need this special case.
There was already some similar logic in `GHC.Rename.Env` for
External Core, but now the "External Core" is in interface files it
needs to be moved here instead.
Fixes #22405
- - - - -
4dd67cb0 by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2022-12-02T13:56:18-05:00
Fix linearity checking in Lint
Lint was not able to see that x*y <= x*y, because this inequality
was decomposed to x <= x*y && y <= x*y, but there was no rule
to see that x <= x*y.
Fixes #22546.
- - - - -
26 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs
- + compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Splice.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcMType.hs
- + testsuite/tests/ado/T22483.hs
- + testsuite/tests/ado/T22483.stderr
- testsuite/tests/ado/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/driver/fat-iface/T22405/Main.hs
- + testsuite/tests/driver/fat-iface/T22405/Main2.hs
- + testsuite/tests/driver/fat-iface/T22405/Makefile
- + testsuite/tests/driver/fat-iface/T22405/T22405.stdout
- + testsuite/tests/driver/fat-iface/T22405/T22405b.stdout
- + testsuite/tests/driver/fat-iface/T22405/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/linear/should_compile/T22546.hs
- testsuite/tests/linear/should_compile/all.T
- utils/haddock
@@ -1038,12 +1038,11 @@ unboxedTupleKind = unboxedTupleSumKind tupleRepDataConTyCon
mk_tuple :: Boxity -> Int -> (TyCon,DataCon)
mk_tuple Boxed arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
- tycon = mkTupleTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind tc_arity tuple_con
+ tycon = mkTupleTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind tuple_con
BoxedTuple flavour
tc_binders = mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders (replicate arity liftedTypeKind)
tc_res_kind = liftedTypeKind
- tc_arity = arity
flavour = VanillaAlgTyCon (mkPrelTyConRepName tc_name)
dc_tvs = binderVars tc_binders
@@ -1061,7 +1060,7 @@ mk_tuple Boxed arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
mk_tuple Unboxed arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
- tycon = mkTupleTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind tc_arity tuple_con
+ tycon = mkTupleTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind tuple_con
UnboxedTuple flavour
-- See Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars] in GHC.Core.TyCon
@@ -1070,8 +1069,6 @@ mk_tuple Unboxed arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
(\ks -> map mkTYPEapp ks)
tc_res_kind = unboxedTupleKind rr_tys
- tc_arity = arity * 2
flavour = VanillaAlgTyCon (mkPrelTyConRepName tc_name)
dc_tvs = binderVars tc_binders
@@ -1224,7 +1221,7 @@ unboxedSumKind = unboxedTupleSumKind sumRepDataConTyCon
mk_sum :: Arity -> (TyCon, Array ConTagZ DataCon)
mk_sum arity = (tycon, sum_cons)
- tycon = mkSumTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind (arity * 2) tyvars (elems sum_cons)
+ tycon = mkSumTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind (elems sum_cons)
tc_binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders (replicate arity runtimeRepTy)
@@ -3235,22 +3235,29 @@ ensureSubUsage Zero described_mult err_msg = ensureSubMult ManyTy describe
ensureSubUsage (MUsage m) described_mult err_msg = ensureSubMult m described_mult err_msg
ensureSubMult :: Mult -> Mult -> SDoc -> LintM ()
-ensureSubMult actual_usage described_usage err_msg = do
+ensureSubMult actual_mult described_mult err_msg = do
flags <- getLintFlags
- when (lf_check_linearity flags) $ case actual_usage' `submult` described_usage' of
- Submult -> return ()
- Unknown -> case isMultMul actual_usage' of
- Just (m1, m2) -> ensureSubMult m1 described_usage' err_msg >>
- ensureSubMult m2 described_usage' err_msg
- Nothing -> when (not (actual_usage' `eqType` described_usage')) (addErrL err_msg)
- where actual_usage' = normalize actual_usage
- described_usage' = normalize described_usage
- normalize :: Mult -> Mult
- normalize m = case isMultMul m of
- Just (m1, m2) -> mkMultMul (normalize m1) (normalize m2)
- Nothing -> m
+ when (lf_check_linearity flags) $
+ unless (deepSubMult actual_mult described_mult) $
+ addErrL err_msg
+ where
+ -- Check for submultiplicity using the following rules:
+ -- 1. x*y <= z when x <= z and y <= z.
+ -- This rule follows from the fact that x*y = sup{x,y} for any
+ -- multiplicities x,y.
+ -- 2. x <= y*z when x <= y or x <= z.
+ -- This rule is not complete: when x = y*z, we cannot
+ -- change y*z <= y*z to y*z <= y or y*z <= z.
+ -- However, we eliminate products on the LHS in step 1.
+ -- 3. One <= x and x <= Many for any x, as checked by 'submult'.
+ -- 4. x <= x.
+ -- Otherwise, we fail.
+ deepSubMult :: Mult -> Mult -> Bool
+ deepSubMult m n
+ | Just (m1, m2) <- isMultMul m = deepSubMult m1 n && deepSubMult m2 n
+ | Just (n1, n2) <- isMultMul n = deepSubMult m n1 || deepSubMult m n2
+ | Submult <- m `submult` n = True
+ | otherwise = m `eqType` n
lintRole :: Outputable thing
=> thing -- where the role appeared
@@ -271,7 +271,10 @@ eqDeBruijnType env_t1@(D env1 t1) env_t2@(D env2 t2) =
-> TEQ
_ -> TNEQ
- gos _ _ [] [] = TEQ
+ -- These bangs make 'gos' strict in the CMEnv, which in turn
+ -- keeps the CMEnv unboxed across the go/gos mutual recursion
+ -- (If you want a test case, T9872c really exercises this code.)
+ gos !_ !_ [] [] = TEQ
gos e1 e2 (ty1:tys1) (ty2:tys2) = go (D e1 ty1) (D e2 ty2) `andEq`
gos e1 e2 tys1 tys2
gos _ _ _ _ = TNEQ
@@ -571,6 +571,11 @@ data UnboxingDecision unboxing_info
-- returned product was constructed, so unbox it.
| DropAbsent -- ^ The argument/field was absent. Drop it.
+instance Outputable i => Outputable (UnboxingDecision i) where
+ ppr DontUnbox = text "DontUnbox"
+ ppr DropAbsent = text "DropAbsent"
+ ppr (DoUnbox i) = text "DoUnbox" <> braces (ppr i)
-- | Do we want to create workers just for unlifting?
wwUseForUnlifting :: WwOpts -> WwUse
wwUseForUnlifting !opts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs where
+import GHC.Prelude ( Bool )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep ( Type )
+noFreeVarsOfType :: Type -> Bool
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon(
tyConTyVars, tyConVisibleTyVars,
- tyConCType, tyConCType_maybe,
+ tyConCType_maybe,
tyConDataCons, tyConDataCons_maybe,
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe, tyConSingleDataCon,
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon(
tyConFamInst_maybe, tyConFamInstSig_maybe, tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe,
synTyConDefn_maybe, synTyConRhs_maybe,
- famTyConFlav_maybe, famTcResVar,
+ famTyConFlav_maybe,
newTyConRhs, newTyConEtadArity, newTyConEtadRhs,
unwrapNewTyCon_maybe, unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe,
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon(
tyConBinders, tyConResKind, tyConInvisTVBinders,
- tcTyConScopedTyVars, tcTyConIsPoly,
+ tcTyConScopedTyVars, isMonoTcTyCon,
+ tyConHasClosedResKind,
-- ** Manipulating TyCons
@@ -140,6 +141,8 @@ import GHC.Platform
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
( Kind, Type, PredType, mkForAllTy, mkNakedFunTy, mkNakedTyConTy )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
+ ( noFreeVarsOfType )
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
( pprType )
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.Types
@@ -775,10 +778,34 @@ instance Binary TyConBndrVis where
-- This data type also encodes a number of primitive, built in type constructors
-- such as those for function and tuple types.
-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
-data TyCon =
+data TyCon = TyCon {
+ tyConUnique :: !Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
+ -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
+ -- tyConName field.
+ tyConName :: !Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
+ -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
+ tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
+ tyConResKind :: Kind, -- ^ Result kind
+ tyConHasClosedResKind :: Bool,
+ -- Cached values
+ tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ TyVar binders
+ tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
+ tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Arity
+ tyConNullaryTy :: Type, -- ^ A pre-allocated @TyConApp tycon []@
+ tyConRoles :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
+ -- This list has length = tyConArity
+ -- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
+ tyConDetails :: !TyConDetails }
+data TyConDetails =
-- | Algebraic data types, from
-- - @data@ declarations
-- - @newtype@ declarations
@@ -792,20 +819,6 @@ data TyCon =
-- Data/newtype/type /families/ are handled by 'FamilyTyCon'.
-- See 'AlgTyConRhs' for more information.
AlgTyCon {
- tyConUnique :: !Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
- -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
- -- tyConName field.
- tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
- -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
- tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
- tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ TyVar binders
- tyConResKind :: Kind, -- ^ Result kind
- tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
- tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Arity
- tyConNullaryTy :: Type, -- ^ A pre-allocated @TyConApp tycon []@
-- The tyConTyVars scope over:
-- 1. The 'algTcStupidTheta'
@@ -815,10 +828,6 @@ data TyCon =
-- Note that it does /not/ scope over the data
-- constructors.
- tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
- -- This list has length = tyConArity
- -- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
tyConCType :: Maybe CType,-- ^ The C type that should be used
-- for this type when using the FFI
-- and CAPI
@@ -853,25 +862,8 @@ data TyCon =
-- | Represents type synonyms
| SynonymTyCon {
- tyConUnique :: !Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
- -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
- -- tyConName field.
- tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
- -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
- tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
- tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ TyVar binders
- tyConResKind :: Kind, -- ^ Result kind
- tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
- tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Arity
- tyConNullaryTy :: Type, -- ^ A pre-allocated @TyConApp tycon []@
-- tyConTyVars scope over: synTcRhs
- tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
- -- This list has length = tyConArity
- -- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
synTcRhs :: Type, -- ^ Contains information about the expansion
-- of the synonym
@@ -892,19 +884,6 @@ data TyCon =
-- | Represents families (both type and data)
-- Argument roles are all Nominal
| FamilyTyCon {
- tyConUnique :: !Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
- -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
- -- tyConName field.
- tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
- -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
- tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
- tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ TyVar binders
- tyConResKind :: Kind, -- ^ Result kind
- tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
- tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Arity
- tyConNullaryTy :: Type, -- ^ A pre-allocated @TyConApp tycon []@
-- tyConTyVars connect an associated family TyCon
-- with its parent class; see GHC.Tc.Validity.checkConsistentFamInst
@@ -930,23 +909,6 @@ data TyCon =
-- the usual suspects (such as @Int#@) as well as foreign-imported
-- types and kinds (@*@, @#@, and @?@)
| PrimTyCon {
- tyConUnique :: !Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
- -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
- -- tyConName field.
- tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
- -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
- tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
- tyConResKind :: Kind, -- ^ Result kind
- tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
- tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Arity
- tyConNullaryTy :: Type, -- ^ A pre-allocated @TyConApp tycon []@
- tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
- -- This list has length = tyConArity
- -- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
primRepName :: TyConRepName -- ^ The 'Typeable' representation.
-- A cached version of
-- @'mkPrelTyConRepName' ('tyConName' tc)@.
@@ -954,18 +916,6 @@ data TyCon =
-- | Represents promoted data constructor.
| PromotedDataCon { -- See Note [Promoted data constructors]
- tyConUnique :: !Unique, -- ^ Same Unique as the data constructor
- tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Same Name as the data constructor
- -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
- tyConBinders :: [TyConPiTyBinder], -- ^ Full binders
- -- TyConPiTyBinder: see Note [Promoted GADT data constructors]
- tyConResKind :: Kind, -- ^ Result kind
- tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
- tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Arity
- tyConNullaryTy :: Type, -- ^ A pre-allocated @TyConApp tycon []@
- tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ Roles: N for kind vars, R for type vars
dataCon :: DataCon, -- ^ Corresponding data constructor
tcRepName :: TyConRepName,
promDcInfo :: PromDataConInfo -- ^ See comments with 'PromDataConInfo'
@@ -974,31 +924,20 @@ data TyCon =
-- | These exist only during type-checking. See Note [How TcTyCons work]
-- in "GHC.Tc.TyCl"
| TcTyCon {
- tyConUnique :: !Unique,
- tyConName :: Name,
- -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
- tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
- tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ TyVar binders
- tyConResKind :: Kind, -- ^ Result kind
- tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
- tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Arity
- tyConNullaryTy :: Type, -- ^ A pre-allocated @TyConApp tycon []@
-- NB: the tyConArity of a TcTyCon must match
-- the number of Required (positional, user-specified)
-- arguments to the type constructor; see the use
-- of tyConArity in generaliseTcTyCon
- tcTyConScopedTyVars :: [(Name,TcTyVar)],
+ tctc_scoped_tvs :: [(Name,TcTyVar)],
-- ^ Scoped tyvars over the tycon's body
-- The range is always a skolem or TcTyVar, be
-- MonoTcTyCon only: see Note [Scoped tyvars in a TcTyCon]
- tcTyConIsPoly :: Bool, -- ^ Is this TcTyCon already generalized?
- -- Used only to make zonking more efficient
+ tctc_is_poly :: Bool, -- ^ Is this TcTyCon already generalized?
+ -- Used only to make zonking more efficient
- tcTyConFlavour :: TyConFlavour
+ tctc_flavour :: TyConFlavour
-- ^ What sort of 'TyCon' this represents.
@@ -1517,21 +1456,24 @@ type TyConRepName = Name
-- $tcMaybe = TyCon { tyConName = "Maybe", ... }
tyConRepName_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TyConRepName
-tyConRepName_maybe (PrimTyCon { primRepName = rep_nm })
- = Just rep_nm
-tyConRepName_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcFlavour = parent }) = case parent of
- VanillaAlgTyCon rep_nm -> Just rep_nm
- UnboxedSumTyCon -> Nothing
- ClassTyCon _ rep_nm -> Just rep_nm
- DataFamInstTyCon {} -> Nothing
-tyConRepName_maybe (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon rep_nm })
- = Just rep_nm
-tyConRepName_maybe (PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc, tcRepName = rep_nm })
- | isUnboxedSumDataCon dc -- see #13276
- = Nothing
- | otherwise
- = Just rep_nm
-tyConRepName_maybe _ = Nothing
+tyConRepName_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details }) = get_rep_nm details
+ where
+ get_rep_nm (PrimTyCon { primRepName = rep_nm })
+ = Just rep_nm
+ get_rep_nm (AlgTyCon { algTcFlavour = parent })
+ = case parent of
+ VanillaAlgTyCon rep_nm -> Just rep_nm
+ UnboxedSumTyCon -> Nothing
+ ClassTyCon _ rep_nm -> Just rep_nm
+ DataFamInstTyCon {} -> Nothing
+ get_rep_nm (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon rep_nm })
+ = Just rep_nm
+ get_rep_nm (PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc, tcRepName = rep_nm })
+ | isUnboxedSumDataCon dc -- see #13276
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just rep_nm
+ get_rep_nm _ = Nothing
-- | Make a 'Name' for the 'Typeable' representation of the given wired-in type
mkPrelTyConRepName :: Name -> TyConRepName
@@ -1821,9 +1763,9 @@ tyConFieldLabels tc = dFsEnvElts $ tyConFieldLabelEnv tc
-- | The labels for the fields of this particular 'TyCon'
tyConFieldLabelEnv :: TyCon -> FieldLabelEnv
-tyConFieldLabelEnv tc
- | isAlgTyCon tc = algTcFields tc
- | otherwise = emptyDFsEnv
+tyConFieldLabelEnv (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcFields = fields } <- details = fields
+ | otherwise = emptyDFsEnv
-- | Look up a field label belonging to this 'TyCon'
lookupTyConFieldLabel :: FieldLabelString -> TyCon -> Maybe FieldLabel
@@ -1853,6 +1795,25 @@ module mutual-recursion. And they aren't called from many places.
So we compromise, and move their Kind calculation to the call site.
+mkTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Kind -> [Role] -> TyConDetails -> TyCon
+mkTyCon name binders res_kind roles details
+ = tc
+ where
+ -- Recurisve binding because of tcNullaryTy
+ tc = TyCon { tyConName = name
+ , tyConUnique = nameUnique name
+ , tyConBinders = binders
+ , tyConResKind = res_kind
+ , tyConRoles = roles
+ , tyConDetails = details
+ -- Cached things
+ , tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind
+ , tyConArity = length binders
+ , tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc
+ , tyConHasClosedResKind = noFreeVarsOfType res_kind
+ , tyConTyVars = binderVars binders }
-- | This is the making of an algebraic 'TyCon'.
mkAlgTyCon :: Name
-> [TyConBinder] -- ^ Binders of the 'TyCon'
@@ -1867,25 +1828,14 @@ mkAlgTyCon :: Name
-> Bool -- ^ Was the 'TyCon' declared with GADT syntax?
-> TyCon
mkAlgTyCon name binders res_kind roles cType stupid rhs parent gadt_syn
- = let tc =
- AlgTyCon {
- tyConName = name,
- tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
- tyConBinders = binders,
- tyConResKind = res_kind,
- tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
- tyConArity = length binders,
- tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc,
- tyConTyVars = binderVars binders,
- tcRoles = roles,
- tyConCType = cType,
- algTcStupidTheta = stupid,
- algTcRhs = rhs,
- algTcFields = fieldsOfAlgTcRhs rhs,
- algTcFlavour = assertPpr (okParent name parent) (ppr name $$ ppr parent) parent,
- algTcGadtSyntax = gadt_syn
- }
- in tc
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind roles $
+ AlgTyCon { tyConCType = cType
+ , algTcStupidTheta = stupid
+ , algTcRhs = rhs
+ , algTcFields = fieldsOfAlgTcRhs rhs
+ , algTcFlavour = assertPpr (okParent name parent)
+ (ppr name $$ ppr parent) parent
+ , algTcGadtSyntax = gadt_syn }
-- | Simpler specialization of 'mkAlgTyCon' for classes
mkClassTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder]
@@ -1899,61 +1849,37 @@ mkClassTyCon name binders roles rhs clas tc_rep_name
mkTupleTyCon :: Name
-> [TyConBinder]
-> Kind -- ^ Result kind of the 'TyCon'
- -> Arity -- ^ Arity of the tuple 'TyCon'
-> DataCon
-> TupleSort -- ^ Whether the tuple is boxed or unboxed
-> AlgTyConFlav
-> TyCon
-mkTupleTyCon name binders res_kind arity con sort parent
- = let tc =
- AlgTyCon {
- tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
- tyConName = name,
- tyConBinders = binders,
- tyConTyVars = binderVars binders,
- tyConResKind = res_kind,
- tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
- tyConArity = arity,
- tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc,
- tcRoles = replicate arity Representational,
- tyConCType = Nothing,
- algTcGadtSyntax = False,
- algTcStupidTheta = [],
- algTcRhs = TupleTyCon { data_con = con,
- tup_sort = sort },
- algTcFields = emptyDFsEnv,
- algTcFlavour = parent
- }
- in tc
+mkTupleTyCon name binders res_kind con sort parent
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind (constRoles binders Representational) $
+ AlgTyCon { tyConCType = Nothing
+ , algTcGadtSyntax = False
+ , algTcStupidTheta = []
+ , algTcRhs = TupleTyCon { data_con = con
+ , tup_sort = sort }
+ , algTcFields = emptyDFsEnv
+ , algTcFlavour = parent }
+constRoles :: [TyConBinder] -> Role -> [Role]
+constRoles bndrs role = [role | _ <- bndrs]
mkSumTyCon :: Name
- -> [TyConBinder]
- -> Kind -- ^ Kind of the resulting 'TyCon'
- -> Arity -- ^ Arity of the sum
- -> [TyVar] -- ^ 'TyVar's scoped over: see 'tyConTyVars'
- -> [DataCon]
- -> AlgTyConFlav
- -> TyCon
-mkSumTyCon name binders res_kind arity tyvars cons parent
- = let tc =
- AlgTyCon {
- tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
- tyConName = name,
- tyConBinders = binders,
- tyConTyVars = tyvars,
- tyConResKind = res_kind,
- tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
- tyConArity = arity,
- tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc,
- tcRoles = replicate arity Representational,
- tyConCType = Nothing,
- algTcGadtSyntax = False,
- algTcStupidTheta = [],
- algTcRhs = mkSumTyConRhs cons,
- algTcFields = emptyDFsEnv,
- algTcFlavour = parent
- }
- in tc
+ -> [TyConBinder]
+ -> Kind -- ^ Kind of the resulting 'TyCon'
+ -> [DataCon]
+ -> AlgTyConFlav
+ -> TyCon
+mkSumTyCon name binders res_kind cons parent
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind (constRoles binders Representational) $
+ AlgTyCon { tyConCType = Nothing
+ , algTcGadtSyntax = False
+ , algTcStupidTheta = []
+ , algTcRhs = mkSumTyConRhs cons
+ , algTcFields = emptyDFsEnv
+ , algTcFlavour = parent }
-- | Makes a tycon suitable for use during type-checking. It stores
-- a variety of details about the definition of the TyCon, but no
@@ -1971,19 +1897,10 @@ mkTcTyCon :: Name
-> TyConFlavour -- ^ What sort of 'TyCon' this represents
-> TyCon
mkTcTyCon name binders res_kind scoped_tvs poly flav
- = let tc =
- TcTyCon { tyConUnique = getUnique name
- , tyConName = name
- , tyConTyVars = binderVars binders
- , tyConBinders = binders
- , tyConResKind = res_kind
- , tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind
- , tyConArity = length binders
- , tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc
- , tcTyConScopedTyVars = scoped_tvs
- , tcTyConIsPoly = poly
- , tcTyConFlavour = flav }
- in tc
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind (constRoles binders Nominal) $
+ TcTyCon { tctc_scoped_tvs = scoped_tvs
+ , tctc_is_poly = poly
+ , tctc_flavour = flav }
-- | No scoped type variables (to be used with mkTcTyCon).
noTcTyConScopedTyVars :: [(Name, TcTyVar)]
@@ -2000,64 +1917,29 @@ mkPrimTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder]
-> [Role]
-> TyCon
mkPrimTyCon name binders res_kind roles
- = let tc =
- PrimTyCon {
- tyConName = name,
- tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
- tyConBinders = binders,
- tyConResKind = res_kind,
- tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
- tyConArity = length roles,
- tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc,
- tcRoles = roles,
- primRepName = mkPrelTyConRepName name
- }
- in tc
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind roles $
+ PrimTyCon { primRepName = mkPrelTyConRepName name }
-- | Create a type synonym 'TyCon'
mkSynonymTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Kind -- ^ /result/ kind
-> [Role] -> Type -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> TyCon
mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free is_forgetful
- = let tc =
- SynonymTyCon {
- tyConName = name,
- tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
- tyConBinders = binders,
- tyConResKind = res_kind,
- tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
- tyConArity = length binders,
- tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc,
- tyConTyVars = binderVars binders,
- tcRoles = roles,
- synTcRhs = rhs,
- synIsTau = is_tau,
- synIsFamFree = is_fam_free,
- synIsForgetful = is_forgetful
- }
- in tc
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind roles $
+ SynonymTyCon { synTcRhs = rhs
+ , synIsTau = is_tau
+ , synIsFamFree = is_fam_free
+ , synIsForgetful = is_forgetful }
-- | Create a type family 'TyCon'
mkFamilyTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Kind -- ^ /result/ kind
-> Maybe Name -> FamTyConFlav
-> Maybe Class -> Injectivity -> TyCon
mkFamilyTyCon name binders res_kind resVar flav parent inj
- = let tc =
- FamilyTyCon
- { tyConUnique = nameUnique name
- , tyConName = name
- , tyConBinders = binders
- , tyConResKind = res_kind
- , tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind
- , tyConArity = length binders
- , tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc
- , tyConTyVars = binderVars binders
- , famTcResVar = resVar
- , famTcFlav = flav
- , famTcParent = classTyCon <$> parent
- , famTcInj = inj
- }
- in tc
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind (constRoles binders Nominal) $
+ FamilyTyCon { famTcResVar = resVar
+ , famTcFlav = flav
+ , famTcParent = classTyCon <$> parent
+ , famTcInj = inj }
-- | Create a promoted data constructor 'TyCon'
-- Somewhat dodgily, we give it the same Name
@@ -2067,43 +1949,36 @@ mkPromotedDataCon :: DataCon -> Name -> TyConRepName
-> [TyConPiTyBinder] -> Kind -> [Role]
-> PromDataConInfo -> TyCon
mkPromotedDataCon con name rep_name binders res_kind roles rep_info
- = let tc =
- PromotedDataCon {
- tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
- tyConName = name,
- tyConArity = length roles,
- tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc,
- tcRoles = roles,
- tyConBinders = binders,
- tyConResKind = res_kind,
- tyConKind = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
- dataCon = con,
- tcRepName = rep_name,
- promDcInfo = rep_info
- }
- in tc
+ = mkTyCon name binders res_kind roles $
+ PromotedDataCon { dataCon = con
+ , tcRepName = rep_name
+ , promDcInfo = rep_info }
-- | Test if the 'TyCon' is algebraic but abstract (invisible data constructors)
isAbstractTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isAbstractTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = AbstractTyCon {} }) = True
-isAbstractTyCon _ = False
+isAbstractTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = AbstractTyCon {} } <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Does this 'TyCon' represent something that cannot be defined in Haskell?
isPrimTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isPrimTyCon (PrimTyCon {}) = True
-isPrimTyCon _ = False
+isPrimTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | PrimTyCon {} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Returns @True@ if the supplied 'TyCon' resulted from either a
-- @data@ or @newtype@ declaration
isAlgTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isAlgTyCon (AlgTyCon {}) = True
-isAlgTyCon _ = False
+isAlgTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Returns @True@ for vanilla AlgTyCons -- that is, those created
-- with a @data@ or @newtype@ declaration.
isVanillaAlgTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isVanillaAlgTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcFlavour = VanillaAlgTyCon _ }) = True
-isVanillaAlgTyCon _ = False
+isVanillaAlgTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcFlavour = VanillaAlgTyCon _ } <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
isDataTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- ^ Returns @True@ for data types that are /definitely/ represented by
@@ -2117,7 +1992,8 @@ isDataTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- NB: for a data type family, only the /instance/ 'TyCon's
-- get an info table. The family declaration 'TyCon' does not
-isDataTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs})
+isDataTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs} <- details
= case rhs of
TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort }
-> isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort)
@@ -2133,9 +2009,10 @@ isDataTyCon _ = False
-- | Was this 'TyCon' declared as "type data"?
-- See Note [Type data declarations] in GHC.Rename.Module.
isTypeDataTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isTypeDataTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon {is_type_data = type_data }})
- = type_data
-isTypeDataTyCon _ = False
+isTypeDataTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon {is_type_data = type_data }} <- details
+ = type_data
+ | otherwise = False
-- | 'isInjectiveTyCon' is true of 'TyCon's for which this property holds
-- (where r is the role passed in):
@@ -2143,31 +2020,39 @@ isTypeDataTyCon _ = False
-- (where r1, r2, and r3, are the roles given by tyConRolesX tc r)
-- See also Note [Decomposing TyConApp equalities] in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical"
isInjectiveTyCon :: TyCon -> Role -> Bool
-isInjectiveTyCon _ Phantom = True -- Vacuously; (t1 ~P t2) holes for all t1, t2!
-isInjectiveTyCon (AlgTyCon {}) Nominal = True
-isInjectiveTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs}) Representational
- = isGenInjAlgRhs rhs
-isInjectiveTyCon (SynonymTyCon {}) _ = False
-isInjectiveTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon _ })
- Nominal = True
-isInjectiveTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcInj = Injective inj }) Nominal = and inj
-isInjectiveTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) _ = False
-isInjectiveTyCon (PrimTyCon {}) _ = True
-isInjectiveTyCon (PromotedDataCon {}) _ = True
-isInjectiveTyCon (TcTyCon {}) _ = True
+isInjectiveTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details }) role
+ = go details role
+ where
+ go _ Phantom = True -- Vacuously; (t1 ~P t2) holes for all t1, t2!
+ go (AlgTyCon {}) Nominal = True
+ go (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs}) Representational
+ = isGenInjAlgRhs rhs
+ go (SynonymTyCon {}) _ = False
+ go (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon _ })
+ Nominal = True
+ go (FamilyTyCon { famTcInj = Injective inj }) Nominal = and inj
+ go (FamilyTyCon {}) _ = False
+ go (PrimTyCon {}) _ = True
+ go (PromotedDataCon {}) _ = True
+ go (TcTyCon {}) _ = True
-- Reply True for TcTyCon to minimise knock on type errors
-- See Note [How TcTyCons work] item (1) in GHC.Tc.TyCl
-- | 'isGenerativeTyCon' is true of 'TyCon's for which this property holds
-- (where r is the role passed in):
-- If (T tys ~r t), then (t's head ~r T).
-- See also Note [Decomposing TyConApp equalities] in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical"
isGenerativeTyCon :: TyCon -> Role -> Bool
-isGenerativeTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon _ }) Nominal = True
-isGenerativeTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) _ = False
- -- in all other cases, injectivity implies generativity
-isGenerativeTyCon tc r = isInjectiveTyCon tc r
+isGenerativeTyCon tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details }) role
+ = go role details
+ where
+ go Nominal (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon _ }) = True
+ go _ (FamilyTyCon {}) = False
+ -- In all other cases, injectivity implies generativity
+ go r _ = isInjectiveTyCon tc r
-- | Is this an 'AlgTyConRhs' of a 'TyCon' that is generative and injective
-- with respect to representational equality?
@@ -2180,42 +2065,46 @@ isGenInjAlgRhs (NewTyCon {}) = False
-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a @newtype@
isNewTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isNewTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon {}}) = True
-isNewTyCon _ = False
+isNewTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon {}} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Take a 'TyCon' apart into the 'TyVar's it scopes over, the 'Type' it
-- expands into, and (possibly) a coercion from the representation type to the
-- @newtype at .
-- Returns @Nothing@ if this is not possible.
unwrapNewTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type, CoAxiom Unbranched)
-unwrapNewTyCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs,
- algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co,
- nt_rhs = rhs }})
- = Just (tvs, rhs, co)
-unwrapNewTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
+unwrapNewTyCon_maybe (TyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs, tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co, nt_rhs = rhs }} <- details
+ = Just (tvs, rhs, co)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type, CoAxiom Unbranched)
-unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co,
- nt_etad_rhs = (tvs,rhs) }})
- = Just (tvs, rhs, co)
-unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe _ = Nothing
+unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co
+ , nt_etad_rhs = (tvs,rhs) }} <- details
+ = Just (tvs, rhs, co)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Is this a 'TyCon' representing a regular H98 type synonym (@type@)?
{-# INLINE isTypeSynonymTyCon #-} -- See Note [Inlining coreView] in GHC.Core.Type
isTypeSynonymTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isTypeSynonymTyCon (SynonymTyCon {}) = True
-isTypeSynonymTyCon _ = False
+isTypeSynonymTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | SynonymTyCon {} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
isTauTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isTauTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsTau = is_tau }) = is_tau
-isTauTyCon _ = True
+isTauTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | SynonymTyCon { synIsTau = is_tau } <- details = is_tau
+ | otherwise = True
-- | Is this tycon neither a type family nor a synonym that expands
-- to a type family?
isFamFreeTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isFamFreeTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsFamFree = fam_free }) = fam_free
-isFamFreeTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav }) = isDataFamFlav flav
-isFamFreeTyCon _ = True
+isFamFreeTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | SynonymTyCon { synIsFamFree = fam_free } <- details = fam_free
+ | FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav } <- details = isDataFamFlav flav
+ | otherwise = True
-- | Is this a forgetful type synonym? If this is a type synonym whose
-- RHS does not mention one (or more) of its bound variables, returns
@@ -2223,8 +2112,9 @@ isFamFreeTyCon _ = True
-- True may not mean anything, as the test to set this flag is
-- conservative.
isForgetfulSynTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isForgetfulSynTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsForgetful = forget }) = forget
-isForgetfulSynTyCon _ = False
+isForgetfulSynTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | SynonymTyCon { synIsForgetful = forget } <- details = forget
+ | otherwise = False
-- As for newtypes, it is in some contexts important to distinguish between
-- closed synonyms and synonym families, as synonym families have no unique
@@ -2245,71 +2135,86 @@ tyConMustBeSaturated = tcFlavourMustBeSaturated . tyConFlavour
-- | Is this an algebraic 'TyCon' declared with the GADT syntax?
isGadtSyntaxTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isGadtSyntaxTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcGadtSyntax = res }) = res
-isGadtSyntaxTyCon _ = False
+isGadtSyntaxTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcGadtSyntax = res } <- details = res
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this an algebraic 'TyCon' which is just an enumeration of values?
isEnumerationTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- See Note [Enumeration types] in GHC.Core.TyCon
-isEnumerationTyCon (AlgTyCon { tyConArity = arity, algTcRhs = rhs })
+isEnumerationTyCon (TyCon { tyConArity = arity, tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
= case rhs of
DataTyCon { is_enum = res } -> res
TupleTyCon {} -> arity == 0
_ -> False
-isEnumerationTyCon _ = False
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this a 'TyCon', synonym or otherwise, that defines a family?
isFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) = True
-isFamilyTyCon _ = False
+isFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon {} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this a 'TyCon', synonym or otherwise, that defines a family with
-- instances?
isOpenFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isOpenFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = flav })
- | OpenSynFamilyTyCon <- flav = True
- | DataFamilyTyCon {} <- flav = True
-isOpenFamilyTyCon _ = False
+isOpenFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = flav } <- details
+ = case flav of
+ OpenSynFamilyTyCon -> True
+ DataFamilyTyCon {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
isTypeFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isTypeFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav }) = not (isDataFamFlav flav)
-isTypeFamilyTyCon _ = False
+isTypeFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav } <- details = not (isDataFamFlav flav)
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
isDataFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isDataFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav }) = isDataFamFlav flav
-isDataFamilyTyCon _ = False
+isDataFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav } <- details = isDataFamFlav flav
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this an open type family TyCon?
isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = OpenSynFamilyTyCon }) = True
-isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon _ = False
+isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = OpenSynFamilyTyCon } <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this a non-empty closed type family? Returns 'Nothing' for
-- abstract or empty closed families.
isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Branched)
- (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = ClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb}) = mb
-isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe _ = Nothing
+isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = ClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb} <- details = mb
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe BuiltInSynFamily
+isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops } <- details = Just ops
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- | Extract type variable naming the result of injective type family
+tyConFamilyResVar_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Name
+tyConFamilyResVar_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon {famTcResVar = res} <- details = res
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | @'tyConInjectivityInfo' tc@ returns @'Injective' is@ if @tc@ is an
-- injective tycon (where @is@ states for which 'tyConBinders' @tc@ is
-- injective), or 'NotInjective' otherwise.
tyConInjectivityInfo :: TyCon -> Injectivity
-tyConInjectivityInfo tc
- | FamilyTyCon { famTcInj = inj } <- tc
+tyConInjectivityInfo tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon { famTcInj = inj } <- details
= inj
| isInjectiveTyCon tc Nominal
= Injective (replicate (tyConArity tc) True)
| otherwise
= NotInjective
-isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe BuiltInSynFamily
- (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops }) = Just ops
-isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
isDataFamFlav :: FamTyConFlav -> Bool
isDataFamFlav (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = True -- Data family
isDataFamFlav _ = False -- Type synonym family
@@ -2338,39 +2243,50 @@ isTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- 'isTupleTyCon', because they are built as 'AlgTyCons'. However they
-- get spat into the interface file as tuple tycons, so I don't think
-- it matters.
-isTupleTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = TupleTyCon {} }) = True
-isTupleTyCon _ = False
+isTupleTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = TupleTyCon {} } <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
tyConTuple_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TupleSort
-tyConTuple_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
- | TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort} <- rhs = Just sort
-tyConTuple_maybe _ = Nothing
+tyConTuple_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
+ , TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort} <- rhs = Just sort
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for an unboxed tuple?
isUnboxedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isUnboxedTupleTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
- | TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } <- rhs
- = not (isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort))
-isUnboxedTupleTyCon _ = False
+isUnboxedTupleTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
+ , TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } <- rhs
+ = not (isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort))
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for a boxed tuple?
isBoxedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isBoxedTupleTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
- | TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } <- rhs
- = isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort)
-isBoxedTupleTyCon _ = False
+isBoxedTupleTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
+ , TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } <- rhs
+ = isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort)
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for an unboxed sum?
isUnboxedSumTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isUnboxedSumTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
- | SumTyCon {} <- rhs
- = True
-isUnboxedSumTyCon _ = False
+isUnboxedSumTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
+ , SumTyCon {} <- rhs
+ = True
+ | otherwise = False
isLiftedAlgTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isLiftedAlgTyCon (AlgTyCon { tyConResKind = res_kind })
- = isLiftedTypeKind res_kind
-isLiftedAlgTyCon _ = False
+isLiftedAlgTyCon (TyCon { tyConResKind = res_kind, tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {} <- details = isLiftedTypeKind res_kind
+ | otherwise = False
+-- | Retrieves the promoted DataCon if this is a PromotedDataCon;
+isPromotedDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
+isPromotedDataCon_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc } <- details = Just dc
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for a /promoted/ tuple?
isPromotedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
@@ -2381,8 +2297,9 @@ isPromotedTupleTyCon tyCon
-- | Is this a PromotedDataCon?
isPromotedDataCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isPromotedDataCon (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
-isPromotedDataCon _ = False
+isPromotedDataCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | PromotedDataCon {} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | This function identifies PromotedDataCon's from data constructors in
-- `data T = K1 | K2`, promoted by -XDataKinds. These type constructors
@@ -2393,14 +2310,10 @@ isPromotedDataCon _ = False
-- represented with their original undecorated names.
-- See Note [Type data declarations] in GHC.Rename.Module
isDataKindsPromotedDataCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isDataKindsPromotedDataCon (PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc })
- = not (isTypeDataCon dc)
-isDataKindsPromotedDataCon _ = False
--- | Retrieves the promoted DataCon if this is a PromotedDataCon;
-isPromotedDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
-isPromotedDataCon_maybe (PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc }) = Just dc
-isPromotedDataCon_maybe _ = Nothing
+isDataKindsPromotedDataCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc } <- details
+ = not (isTypeDataCon dc)
+ | otherwise = False
-- | Is this tycon really meant for use at the kind level? That is,
-- should it be permitted without -XDataKinds?
@@ -2437,36 +2350,22 @@ isLiftedTypeKindTyConName = (`hasKey` liftedTypeKindTyConKey)
-- (namely: boxed and unboxed tuples are wired-in and implicit,
-- but constraint tuples are not)
isImplicitTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isImplicitTyCon (PrimTyCon {}) = True
-isImplicitTyCon (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
-isImplicitTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs, tyConName = name })
- | TupleTyCon {} <- rhs = isWiredInName name
- | SumTyCon {} <- rhs = True
- | otherwise = False
-isImplicitTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcParent = parent }) = isJust parent
-isImplicitTyCon (SynonymTyCon {}) = False
-isImplicitTyCon (TcTyCon {}) = False
+isImplicitTyCon (TyCon { tyConName = name, tyConDetails = details }) = go details
+ where
+ go (PrimTyCon {}) = True
+ go (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
+ go (SynonymTyCon {}) = False
+ go (TcTyCon {}) = False
+ go (FamilyTyCon { famTcParent = parent }) = isJust parent
+ go (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
+ | TupleTyCon {} <- rhs = isWiredInName name
+ | SumTyCon {} <- rhs = True
+ | otherwise = False
tyConCType_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe CType
-tyConCType_maybe tc@(AlgTyCon {}) = tyConCType tc
-tyConCType_maybe _ = Nothing
--- | Is this a TcTyCon? (That is, one only used during type-checking?)
-isTcTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isTcTyCon (TcTyCon {}) = True
-isTcTyCon _ = False
-setTcTyConKind :: TyCon -> Kind -> TyCon
--- Update the Kind of a TcTyCon
--- The new kind is always a zonked version of its previous
--- kind, so we don't need to update any other fields.
--- See Note [The Purely Kinded Type Invariant (PKTI)] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
-setTcTyConKind tc@(TcTyCon {}) kind = let tc' = tc { tyConKind = kind
- , tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc'
- -- see Note [Sharing nullary TyConApps]
- }
- in tc'
-setTcTyConKind tc _ = pprPanic "setTcTyConKind" (ppr tc)
+tyConCType_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { tyConCType = mb_ctype} <- details = mb_ctype
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Does this 'TyCon' have a syntactically fixed RuntimeRep when fully applied,
-- as per Note [Fixed RuntimeRep] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete?
@@ -2476,31 +2375,33 @@ setTcTyConKind tc _ = pprPanic "setTcTyConKind" (ppr tc)
-- See Note [Representation-polymorphic TyCons]
tcHasFixedRuntimeRep :: TyCon -> Bool
-tcHasFixedRuntimeRep (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs }) = case rhs of
- AbstractTyCon {} -> False
- -- An abstract TyCon might not have a fixed runtime representation.
- -- Note that this is an entirely different matter from the concreteness
- -- of the 'TyCon', in the sense of 'isConcreteTyCon'.
+tcHasFixedRuntimeRep tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
+ = case rhs of
+ AbstractTyCon {} -> False
+ -- An abstract TyCon might not have a fixed runtime representation.
+ -- Note that this is an entirely different matter from the concreteness
+ -- of the 'TyCon', in the sense of 'isConcreteTyCon'.
- DataTyCon { data_fixed_lev = fixed_lev } -> fixed_lev
- -- A datatype might not have a fixed levity with UnliftedDatatypes (#20423).
- -- NB: the current representation-polymorphism checks require that
- -- the representation be fully-known, including levity variables.
- -- This might be relaxed in the future (#15532).
+ DataTyCon { data_fixed_lev = fixed_lev } -> fixed_lev
+ -- A datatype might not have a fixed levity with UnliftedDatatypes (#20423).
+ -- NB: the current representation-polymorphism checks require that
+ -- the representation be fully-known, including levity variables.
+ -- This might be relaxed in the future (#15532).
- TupleTyCon { tup_sort = tuple_sort } -> isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity tuple_sort)
+ TupleTyCon { tup_sort = tuple_sort } -> isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity tuple_sort)
- SumTyCon {} -> False -- only unboxed sums here
+ SumTyCon {} -> False -- only unboxed sums here
- NewTyCon { nt_fixed_rep = fixed_rep } -> fixed_rep
- -- A newtype might not have a fixed runtime representation
- -- with UnliftedNewtypes (#17360)
+ NewTyCon { nt_fixed_rep = fixed_rep } -> fixed_rep
+ -- A newtype might not have a fixed runtime representation
+ -- with UnliftedNewtypes (#17360)
-tcHasFixedRuntimeRep SynonymTyCon{} = False -- conservative choice
-tcHasFixedRuntimeRep FamilyTyCon{} = False
-tcHasFixedRuntimeRep PrimTyCon{} = True
-tcHasFixedRuntimeRep TcTyCon{} = False
-tcHasFixedRuntimeRep tc at PromotedDataCon{} = pprPanic "tcHasFixedRuntimeRep datacon" (ppr tc)
+ | SynonymTyCon {} <- details = False -- conservative choice
+ | FamilyTyCon{} <- details = False
+ | PrimTyCon{} <- details = True
+ | TcTyCon{} <- details = False
+ | PromotedDataCon{} <- details = pprPanic "tcHasFixedRuntimeRep datacon" (ppr tc)
-- | Is this 'TyCon' concrete (i.e. not a synonym/type family)?
@@ -2526,6 +2427,40 @@ isConcreteTyConFlavour = \case
BuiltInTypeFlavour -> True
PromotedDataConFlavour -> True
+-- TcTyCon
+-- | Is this a TcTyCon? (That is, one only used during type-checking?)
+isTcTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+isTcTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | TcTyCon {} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
+setTcTyConKind :: TyCon -> Kind -> TyCon
+-- Update the Kind of a TcTyCon
+-- The new kind is always a zonked version of its previous
+-- kind, so we don't need to update any other fields.
+-- See Note [The Purely Kinded Type Invariant (PKTI)] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+setTcTyConKind tc kind
+ = assert (isMonoTcTyCon tc) $
+ let tc' = tc { tyConKind = kind
+ , tyConNullaryTy = mkNakedTyConTy tc' }
+ -- See Note [Sharing nullary TyConApps]
+ in tc'
+isMonoTcTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+isMonoTcTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | TcTyCon { tctc_is_poly = is_poly } <- details = not is_poly
+ | otherwise = False
+tcTyConScopedTyVars :: TyCon -> [(Name,TcTyVar)]
+tcTyConScopedTyVars tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | TcTyCon { tctc_scoped_tvs = scoped_tvs } <- details = scoped_tvs
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "tcTyConScopedTyVars" (ppr tc)
-- Expand type-constructor applications
@@ -2546,8 +2481,9 @@ expandSynTyCon_maybe
-- ^ Expand a type synonym application
-- Return Nothing if the TyCon is not a synonym,
-- or if not enough arguments are supplied
-expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
- | SynonymTyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs, synTcRhs = rhs, tyConArity = arity } <- tc
+expandSynTyCon_maybe (TyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs, tyConArity = arity
+ , tyConDetails = details }) tys
+ | SynonymTyCon { synTcRhs = rhs } <- details
= if arity == 0
then ExpandsSyn [] rhs tys -- Avoid a bit of work in the case of nullary synonyms
else case tys `listLengthCmp` arity of
@@ -2567,17 +2503,17 @@ expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
-- exported tycon can have a pattern synonym bundled with it, e.g.,
-- module Foo (TyCon(.., PatSyn)) where
isTyConWithSrcDataCons :: TyCon -> Bool
-isTyConWithSrcDataCons (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs, algTcFlavour = parent }) =
- case rhs of
- DataTyCon {} -> isSrcParent
- NewTyCon {} -> isSrcParent
- TupleTyCon {} -> isSrcParent
- _ -> False
- where
- isSrcParent = isNoParent parent
-isTyConWithSrcDataCons (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon {} })
- = True -- #14058
-isTyConWithSrcDataCons _ = False
+isTyConWithSrcDataCons (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs, algTcFlavour = parent } <- details
+ , let isSrcParent = isNoParent parent
+ = case rhs of
+ DataTyCon {} -> isSrcParent
+ NewTyCon {} -> isSrcParent
+ TupleTyCon {} -> isSrcParent
+ _ -> False
+ | FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon {} } <- details
+ = True -- #14058
+ | otherwise = False
-- | As 'tyConDataCons_maybe', but returns the empty list of constructors if no
@@ -2591,7 +2527,8 @@ tyConDataCons tycon = tyConDataCons_maybe tycon `orElse` []
-- is the sort that can have any constructors (note: this does not include
-- abstract algebraic types)
tyConDataCons_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe [DataCon]
-tyConDataCons_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs})
+tyConDataCons_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs} <- details
= case rhs of
DataTyCon { data_cons = cons } -> Just cons
NewTyCon { data_con = con } -> Just [con]
@@ -2605,13 +2542,14 @@ tyConDataCons_maybe _ = Nothing
-- is returned. If the 'TyCon' has more than one constructor, or represents a
-- primitive or function type constructor then @Nothing@ is returned.
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
-tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
+tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
= case rhs of
DataTyCon { data_cons = [c] } -> Just c
TupleTyCon { data_con = c } -> Just c
NewTyCon { data_con = c } -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
-tyConSingleDataCon_maybe _ = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Like 'tyConSingleDataCon_maybe', but panics if 'Nothing'.
tyConSingleDataCon :: TyCon -> DataCon
@@ -2640,68 +2578,56 @@ tyConAlgDataCons_maybe tycon
-- | Determine the number of value constructors a 'TyCon' has. Panics if the
-- 'TyCon' is not algebraic or a tuple
tyConFamilySize :: TyCon -> Int
-tyConFamilySize tc@(AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
+tyConFamilySize tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
= case rhs of
DataTyCon { data_cons_size = size } -> size
NewTyCon {} -> 1
TupleTyCon {} -> 1
SumTyCon { data_cons_size = size } -> size
_ -> pprPanic "tyConFamilySize 1" (ppr tc)
-tyConFamilySize tc = pprPanic "tyConFamilySize 2" (ppr tc)
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "tyConFamilySize 2" (ppr tc)
-- | Extract an 'AlgTyConRhs' with information about data constructors from an
-- algebraic or tuple 'TyCon'. Panics for any other sort of 'TyCon'
algTyConRhs :: TyCon -> AlgTyConRhs
-algTyConRhs (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs}) = rhs
-algTyConRhs other = pprPanic "algTyConRhs" (ppr other)
--- | Extract type variable naming the result of injective type family
-tyConFamilyResVar_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Name
-tyConFamilyResVar_maybe (FamilyTyCon {famTcResVar = res}) = res
-tyConFamilyResVar_maybe _ = Nothing
--- | Get the list of roles for the type parameters of a TyCon
-tyConRoles :: TyCon -> [Role]
--- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
-tyConRoles tc
- = case tc of
- { AlgTyCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
- ; SynonymTyCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
- ; FamilyTyCon {} -> const_role Nominal
- ; PrimTyCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
- ; PromotedDataCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
- ; TcTyCon {} -> const_role Nominal
- }
- where
- const_role r = replicate (tyConArity tc) r
+algTyConRhs tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs} <- details = rhs
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "algTyConRhs" (ppr tc)
-- | Extract the bound type variables and type expansion of a type synonym
-- 'TyCon'. Panics if the 'TyCon' is not a synonym
newTyConRhs :: TyCon -> ([TyVar], Type)
-newTyConRhs (AlgTyCon {tyConTyVars = tvs, algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_rhs = rhs }})
- = (tvs, rhs)
-newTyConRhs tycon = pprPanic "newTyConRhs" (ppr tycon)
+newTyConRhs tc@(TyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs, tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_rhs = rhs }} <- details
+ = (tvs, rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "newTyConRhs" (ppr tc)
-- | The number of type parameters that need to be passed to a newtype to
-- resolve it. May be less than in the definition if it can be eta-contracted.
newTyConEtadArity :: TyCon -> Int
-newTyConEtadArity (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }})
- = length (fst tvs_rhs)
-newTyConEtadArity tycon = pprPanic "newTyConEtadArity" (ppr tycon)
+newTyConEtadArity tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }} <- details
+ = length (fst tvs_rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "newTyConEtadArity" (ppr tc)
-- | Extract the bound type variables and type expansion of an eta-contracted
-- type synonym 'TyCon'. Panics if the 'TyCon' is not a synonym
newTyConEtadRhs :: TyCon -> ([TyVar], Type)
-newTyConEtadRhs (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }}) = tvs_rhs
-newTyConEtadRhs tycon = pprPanic "newTyConEtadRhs" (ppr tycon)
+newTyConEtadRhs tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }} <- details = tvs_rhs
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "newTyConEtadRhs" (ppr tc)
-- | Extracts the @newtype@ coercion from such a 'TyCon', which can be used to
-- construct something with the @newtype at s type from its representation type
-- (right hand side). If the supplied 'TyCon' is not a @newtype@, returns
-- @Nothing@
newTyConCo_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Unbranched)
-newTyConCo_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co }}) = Just co
-newTyConCo_maybe _ = Nothing
+newTyConCo_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co }} <- details = Just co
+ | otherwise = Nothing
newTyConCo :: TyCon -> CoAxiom Unbranched
newTyConCo tc = case newTyConCo_maybe tc of
@@ -2709,83 +2635,93 @@ newTyConCo tc = case newTyConCo_maybe tc of
Nothing -> pprPanic "newTyConCo" (ppr tc)
newTyConDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
-newTyConDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { data_con = con }}) = Just con
-newTyConDataCon_maybe _ = Nothing
+newTyConDataCon_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { data_con = con }} <- details = Just con
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Find the \"stupid theta\" of the 'TyCon'. A \"stupid theta\" is the context
-- to the left of an algebraic type declaration, e.g. @Eq a@ in the declaration
-- @data Eq a => T a ... at . See @Note [The stupid context]@ in "GHC.Core.DataCon".
tyConStupidTheta :: TyCon -> [PredType]
-tyConStupidTheta (AlgTyCon {algTcStupidTheta = stupid}) = stupid
-tyConStupidTheta (PrimTyCon {}) = []
-tyConStupidTheta tycon = pprPanic "tyConStupidTheta" (ppr tycon)
+tyConStupidTheta tc@(TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcStupidTheta = stupid} <- details = stupid
+ | PrimTyCon {} <- details = []
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "tyConStupidTheta" (ppr tc)
-- | Extract the 'TyVar's bound by a vanilla type synonym
-- and the corresponding (unsubstituted) right hand side.
synTyConDefn_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type)
-synTyConDefn_maybe (SynonymTyCon {tyConTyVars = tyvars, synTcRhs = ty})
+synTyConDefn_maybe (TyCon { tyConTyVars = tyvars, tyConDetails = details })
+ | SynonymTyCon {synTcRhs = ty} <- details
= Just (tyvars, ty)
-synTyConDefn_maybe _ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
-- | Extract the information pertaining to the right hand side of a type synonym
-- (@type@) declaration.
synTyConRhs_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Type
-synTyConRhs_maybe (SynonymTyCon {synTcRhs = rhs}) = Just rhs
-synTyConRhs_maybe _ = Nothing
+synTyConRhs_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | SynonymTyCon {synTcRhs = rhs} <- details = Just rhs
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Extract the flavour of a type family (with all the extra information that
-- it carries)
famTyConFlav_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe FamTyConFlav
-famTyConFlav_maybe (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = flav}) = Just flav
-famTyConFlav_maybe _ = Nothing
+famTyConFlav_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = flav} <- details = Just flav
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a class instance?
isClassTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isClassTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = ClassTyCon {}}) = True
-isClassTyCon _ = False
+isClassTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = ClassTyCon {}} <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
-- | If this 'TyCon' is that for a class instance, return the class it is for.
-- Otherwise returns @Nothing@
tyConClass_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Class
-tyConClass_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = ClassTyCon clas _}) = Just clas
-tyConClass_maybe _ = Nothing
+tyConClass_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = ClassTyCon clas _} <- details = Just clas
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Return the associated types of the 'TyCon', if any
tyConATs :: TyCon -> [TyCon]
-tyConATs (AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = ClassTyCon clas _}) = classATs clas
-tyConATs _ = []
+tyConATs (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = ClassTyCon clas _} <- details = classATs clas
+ | otherwise = []
-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a data family instance?
isFamInstTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-isFamInstTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon {} })
- = True
-isFamInstTyCon _ = False
+isFamInstTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon {} } <- details = True
+ | otherwise = False
tyConFamInstSig_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type], CoAxiom Unbranched)
-tyConFamInstSig_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon ax f ts })
- = Just (f, ts, ax)
-tyConFamInstSig_maybe _ = Nothing
+tyConFamInstSig_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon ax f ts } <- details = Just (f, ts, ax)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | If this 'TyCon' is that of a data family instance, return the family in question
-- and the instance types. Otherwise, return @Nothing@
tyConFamInst_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
-tyConFamInst_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon _ f ts })
- = Just (f, ts)
-tyConFamInst_maybe _ = Nothing
+tyConFamInst_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon _ f ts } <- details = Just (f, ts)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | If this 'TyCon' is that of a data family instance, return a 'TyCon' which
-- represents a coercion identifying the representation type with the type
-- instance family. Otherwise, return @Nothing@
tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Unbranched)
-tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon ax _ _ })
- = Just ax
-tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe _ = Nothing
+tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon {algTcFlavour = DataFamInstTyCon ax _ _ } <- details = Just ax
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Extract any 'RuntimeRepInfo' from this TyCon
tyConPromDataConInfo :: TyCon -> PromDataConInfo
-tyConPromDataConInfo (PromotedDataCon { promDcInfo = rri }) = rri
-tyConPromDataConInfo _ = NoPromInfo
+tyConPromDataConInfo (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | PromotedDataCon { promDcInfo = rri } <- details = rri
+ | otherwise = NoPromInfo
-- could panic in that second case. But Douglas Adams told me not to.
@@ -2875,26 +2811,30 @@ instance Outputable TyConFlavour where
go PromotedDataConFlavour = "promoted data constructor"
tyConFlavour :: TyCon -> TyConFlavour
-tyConFlavour (AlgTyCon { algTcFlavour = parent, algTcRhs = rhs })
- | ClassTyCon _ _ <- parent = ClassFlavour
- | otherwise = case rhs of
+tyConFlavour (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
+ | AlgTyCon { algTcFlavour = parent, algTcRhs = rhs } <- details
+ = case parent of
+ ClassTyCon {} -> ClassFlavour
+ _ -> case rhs of
TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort }
-> TupleFlavour (tupleSortBoxity sort)
SumTyCon {} -> SumFlavour
DataTyCon {} -> DataTypeFlavour
NewTyCon {} -> NewtypeFlavour
AbstractTyCon {} -> AbstractTypeFlavour
-tyConFlavour (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav, famTcParent = parent })
+ | FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav, famTcParent = parent } <- details
= case flav of
DataFamilyTyCon{} -> DataFamilyFlavour parent
OpenSynFamilyTyCon -> OpenTypeFamilyFlavour parent
ClosedSynFamilyTyCon{} -> ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour
AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon -> ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour
BuiltInSynFamTyCon{} -> ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour
-tyConFlavour (SynonymTyCon {}) = TypeSynonymFlavour
-tyConFlavour (PrimTyCon {}) = BuiltInTypeFlavour
-tyConFlavour (PromotedDataCon {}) = PromotedDataConFlavour
-tyConFlavour (TcTyCon { tcTyConFlavour = flav }) = flav
+ | SynonymTyCon {} <- details = TypeSynonymFlavour
+ | PrimTyCon {} <- details = BuiltInTypeFlavour
+ | PromotedDataCon {} <- details = PromotedDataConFlavour
+ | TcTyCon { tctc_flavour = flav } <-details = flav
-- | Can this flavour of 'TyCon' appear unsaturated?
tcFlavourMustBeSaturated :: TyConFlavour -> Bool
@@ -714,7 +714,8 @@ dsDo ctx stmts
; body' <- dsLExpr $ noLocA $ HsDo body_ty ctx (noLocA stmts)
; let match_args (pat, fail_op) (vs,body)
- = do { var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL ManyTy pat
+ = putSrcSpanDs (getLocA pat) $
+ do { var <- selectSimpleMatchVarL ManyTy pat
; match <- matchSinglePatVar var Nothing (StmtCtxt (HsDoStmt ctx)) pat
body_ty (cantFailMatchResult body)
; match_code <- dsHandleMonadicFailure ctx pat match fail_op
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
, IfaceData { ifName = getName tycon,
ifBinders = if_binders,
ifResKind = if_res_kind,
- ifCType = tyConCType tycon,
+ ifCType = tyConCType_maybe tycon,
ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon,
ifCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext tc_env1 (tyConStupidTheta tycon),
ifCons = ifaceConDecls (algTyConRhs tycon),
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.Env.KnotVars
import GHC.Unit.Module.WholeCoreBindings
import Data.IORef
import Data.Foldable
+import GHC.Builtin.Names (ioTyConName, rOOT_MAIN)
This module takes
@@ -930,7 +931,17 @@ tc_iface_binding i IfUseUnfoldingRhs = return (unfoldingTemplate $ realIdUnfoldi
tc_iface_binding _ (IfRhs rhs) = tcIfaceExpr rhs
mk_top_id :: IfaceTopBndrInfo -> IfL Id
-mk_top_id (IfGblTopBndr gbl_name) = tcIfaceExtId gbl_name
+mk_top_id (IfGblTopBndr gbl_name)
+ -- See Note [Root-main Id]
+ -- This special binding is actually defined in the current module
+ -- (hence don't go looking for it externally) but the module name is rOOT_MAIN
+ -- rather than the current module so we need this special case.
+ -- See some similar logic in `GHC.Rename.Env`.
+ | Just rOOT_MAIN == nameModule_maybe gbl_name
+ = do
+ ATyCon ioTyCon <- tcIfaceGlobal ioTyConName
+ return $ mkExportedVanillaId gbl_name (mkTyConApp ioTyCon [unitTy])
+ | otherwise = tcIfaceExtId gbl_name
mk_top_id (IfLclTopBndr raw_name iface_type info details) = do
name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS raw_name)
ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type
@@ -207,6 +207,11 @@ newTopSrcBinder (L loc rdr_name)
-- the nice Exact name for the TyCon gets swizzled to an Orig name.
-- Hence the badOrigBinding error message.
+ -- MP 2022: I suspect this code path is never called for `rOOT_MAIN` anymore
+ -- because External Core has been removed but we instead have some similar logic for
+ -- serialising whole programs into interface files in GHC.IfaceToCore.mk_top_id.
-- Except for the ":Main.main = ..." definition inserted into
-- the Main module; ugh!
@@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ reifyTyCon tc
| isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
= do { let tvs = tyConTyVars tc
res_kind = tyConResKind tc
- resVar = famTcResVar tc
+ resVar = tyConFamilyResVar_maybe tc
; kind' <- reifyKind res_kind
; let (resultSig, injectivity) =
@@ -2047,6 +2047,14 @@ This is unusual: it's a LocalId whose Name has a Module from another
module. Tiresomely, we must filter it out again in GHC.Iface.Make, less we
get two defns for 'main' in the interface file!
+When using `-fwrite-if-simplified-core` the root_main_id can end up in an interface file.
+When the interface is read back in we have to add a special case when creating the
+Id because otherwise we would go looking for the :Main module which obviously doesn't
+exist. For this logic see GHC.IfaceToCore.mk_top_id.
+There is also some similar (probably dead) logic in GHC.Rename.Env which says it
+was added for External Core which faced a similar issue.
* *
@@ -5177,8 +5177,7 @@ addVDQNote :: TcTyCon -> TcM a -> TcM a
-- See Note [Inferring visible dependent quantification]
-- Only types without a signature (CUSK or SAK) here
addVDQNote tycon thing_inside
- | assertPpr (isTcTyCon tycon) (ppr tycon) $
- assertPpr (not (tcTyConIsPoly tycon)) (ppr tycon $$ ppr tc_kind)
+ | assertPpr (isMonoTcTyCon tycon) (ppr tycon $$ ppr tc_kind)
= addLandmarkErrCtxt vdq_warning thing_inside
| otherwise
@@ -2484,9 +2484,9 @@ zonkTcTyCon :: TcTyCon -> TcM TcTyCon
-- A non-poly TcTyCon may have unification
-- variables that need zonking, but poly ones cannot
zonkTcTyCon tc
- | tcTyConIsPoly tc = return tc
- | otherwise = do { tck' <- zonkTcType (tyConKind tc)
+ | isMonoTcTyCon tc = do { tck' <- zonkTcType (tyConKind tc)
; return (setTcTyConKind tc tck') }
+ | otherwise = return tc
zonkTcTyVar :: TcTyVar -> TcM TcType
-- Simply look through all Flexis
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+main = do
+ let x = ()
+ res2 <- pure ()
+ ~(Just res1) <- seq x (pure $ Nothing @())
+ print res1
+ print res2
+ pure ()
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+T22483.hs:1:1: warning: [GHC-38417] [-Wmissing-signatures (in -Wall)]
+ Top-level binding with no type signature: main :: IO ()
+T22483.hs:4:3: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns (in -Wall)]
+ Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
+ In a pattern binding:
+ Patterns of type ‘Maybe ()’ not matched: Nothing
@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ test('T16628', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('T17835', normal, compile, [''])
test('T20540', normal, compile, [''])
test('T16135', when(compiler_debugged(),expect_broken(16135)), compile, [''])
+test('T22483', normal, compile, ['-Wall'])
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module Main where
+main :: IO ()
+main = return ()
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Main2 where
+main :: IO ()
+main = return ()
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
+include $(TOP)/mk/test.mk
+TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RTSOPTS = $(filter-out -rtsopts,$(TEST_HC_OPTS))
+ rm -f *.hi *.hi-fat *.o
+T22405: clean
+ "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -fbyte-code-and-object-code Main
+ "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -fbyte-code-and-object-code Main
+T22405b: clean
+ "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -fbyte-code-and-object-code Main2 -main-is Main2
+ "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -fbyte-code-and-object-code Main2 -main-is Main2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[1 of 2] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, Main.o, interpreted )
+[2 of 2] Linking Main
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[1 of 2] Compiling Main2 ( Main2.hs, Main2.o, interpreted )
+[2 of 2] Linking Main2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+test('T22405', [extra_files(['Main.hs'])], makefile_test, ['T22405'])
+test('T22405b', [extra_files(['Main2.hs'])], makefile_test, ['T22405b'])
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LinearTypes, GADTSyntax #-}
+module T22546 where
+import GHC.Types (Multiplicity (..))
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+data T :: Multiplicity -> Type where
+ MkT :: () %m-> T m
+unMkT :: T m %n-> ()
+unMkT (MkT x) = x
@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ test('LinearDataConSections', normal, compile, [''])
test('T18731', normal, compile, [''])
test('T19400', unless(compiler_debugged(), skip), compile, [''])
test('T20023', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T22546', normal, compile, [''])
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 2ffde83344bab8ed0aee3e8ef46f43856c7ca6ef
+Subproject commit edc72530978d8a9ec92f51d288484986ec0051e3
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