[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] GHC.JS: Remove FIXMEs

doyougnu (@doyougnu) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Aug 24 00:19:31 UTC 2022

doyougnu pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

9e31bb0f by doyougnu at 2022-08-23T20:19:16-04:00

JS.Syntax: Remove FIXMEs

JS.Make: remove FIXMEs

JS.Ppr/Transform: Remove FIXMEs

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/JS/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/JS/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/JS/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/JS/Transform.hs


@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
 -- Instantiate for any necessary data structures.
 class ToJExpr a where
     toJExpr         :: a   -> JExpr
-    -- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Convert list to Foldable
     toJExprFromList :: [a] -> JExpr
     toJExprFromList = ValExpr . JList . map toJExpr
@@ -173,8 +172,6 @@ instance ToJExpr () where
     toJExpr _ = ValExpr $ JList []
 instance ToJExpr Bool where
-    -- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): these 'var "true"' and 'var "false"' should be
-    -- constants instead of created on the fly
     toJExpr True  = var "true"
     toJExpr False = var "false"
@@ -231,7 +228,6 @@ class ToStat a where
 instance ToStat JStat where
     toStat = id
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Convert list to Foldable
 instance ToStat [JStat] where
     toStat = BlockStat
@@ -327,7 +323,6 @@ jhSingle k v = jhAdd k v jhEmpty
 jhAdd :: (Ord k, ToJExpr a) => k -> a -> M.Map k JExpr -> M.Map k JExpr
 jhAdd  k v m = M.insert k (toJExpr v) m
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): remove list for foldable and specialize
 -- | Construct a JS HashMap from a list of key-value pairs
 jhFromList :: [(FastString, JExpr)] -> JVal
 jhFromList = JHash . listToUniqMap
@@ -418,7 +413,6 @@ if10 e = IfExpr e one_ zero_
 if01 :: JExpr -> JExpr
 if01 e = IfExpr e zero_ one_
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Shouldn't app take an Ident?
 -- | an expression application, see related 'appS'
 -- > app f xs ==> f(xs)
@@ -633,8 +627,6 @@ instance Fractional JExpr where
 -- $misc
 -- Everything else,
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Consider moving these
 -- | Cache "dXXX" field names
 dataFieldCache :: Array Int FastString
 dataFieldCache = listArray (0,nFieldCache) (map (mkFastString . ('d':) . show) [(0::Int)..nFieldCache])
@@ -674,9 +666,6 @@ allocClsA i = toJExpr (TxtI (clsCache ! i))
 class ToSat a where
     toSat_ :: a -> [Ident] -> IdentSupply (JStat, [Ident])
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Remove list to avoid reversals. Obviously ordering is
--- important since we need to reverse so lets use a data structure that produces
--- the correct ordering even if that structure is a bankers queue
 instance ToSat [JStat] where
     toSat_ f vs = IS $ return $ (BlockStat f, reverse vs)
@@ -689,12 +678,8 @@ instance ToSat JExpr where
 instance ToSat [JExpr] where
     toSat_ f vs = IS $ return $ (BlockStat $ map expr2stat f, reverse vs)
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Why type equality and not ToExpr? Also why is the type
--- signature written like a profunctor lmap?
 instance (ToSat a, b ~ JExpr) => ToSat (b -> a) where
     toSat_ f vs = IS $ do
-      -- FIXME Jeff (2022,05): We pop an Ident just to wrap into a JVar and then
-      -- push the Ident back onto the Ident stream. Why not just peek?
       x <- takeOneIdent
       runIdentSupply $ toSat_ (f (ValExpr $ JVar x)) (x:vs)
@@ -707,13 +692,6 @@ expr2stat (IfExpr x y z) = IfStat x (expr2stat y) (expr2stat z)
 expr2stat (UOpExpr o x) = UOpStat o x
 expr2stat _ = nullStat
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): This function checks for an empty list via the case
--- expression. That the empty case produces an error indicates that this list
--- should be 'NonEmpty'. The fix is to change this type to a NonEmpty list, then
--- when we initialize the environment we /begin/ with a List: [], but once we
--- add the very first ident we convert the list to a NonEmpty. If you check the
--- definition of 'JS.Syntax.newIdentSupply' you'll see that this error case can
--- actually never happen. So we should encode that in the type system!
 takeOneIdent :: State [Ident] Ident
 takeOneIdent = do
   xxs <- get

@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ instance Outputable JVal where
 ($$$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
---x $$$ y = align (nest 2 $ x $+$ y) -- FIXME (Sylvain, 2022/02)
 x $$$ y = nest 2 $ x $+$ y
 -- | Render a syntax tree as a pretty-printable document
@@ -92,8 +91,6 @@ braceNest x = char '{' <+> nest 2 x $$ char '}'
 braceNest' :: Doc -> Doc
 braceNest' x = nest 2 (char '{' $+$ x) $$ char '}'
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,03): better naming of braceNest'' functions. Stop the
--- madness!
 -- somewhat more compact (egyptian style) braces
 braceNest'' :: Doc -> Doc
 braceNest'' x = nest 2 (char '{' $$ x) $$ char '}'

@@ -105,35 +105,6 @@ import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,03): This state monad is strict, but uses a lazy list as
--- the state, since the strict state monad evaluates to WHNF, this state monad
--- will only evaluate to the first cons cell, i.e., we will be spine strict but
--- store possible huge thunks. This isn't a problem as long as we use this list
--- as a stack, but if we don't then any kind of Functor or Traverse operation
--- over this state will yield a lot of thunks.
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): IdentSupply is quite weird, it is used in
--- GHC.JS.Make.ToSat to record new identifiers but uses a list which could be
--- empty, even though the empty case has no denotation in the domain (i.e. it is
--- a meaningless case!) and sure enough newIdentSupply makes sure we can never
--- hit this case! But it is even /more/ weird because it is a wrapper around a
--- state monad /that doesn't/ itself instantiate a state monad! So we end up
--- with a lot of weird unboxing, boxing, and running of this "monad". It is
--- almost as if it wants to redefine 'MonadTransControl'! The situation gets
--- even /more/ weird when you look at the 'GHC.JS.Make.ToSat', which has
--- numerous problems: it isn't polymorphic over the "IdentSupply" monad, of the
--- instances it defines there is only one that is monadic, it has 7 call sites
--- in JS.Make and /each one/ is fed to 'runIdentSupply'. Basically we have a
--- monad that is never called a monad and so is run all over the place to get
--- non-monadic (although still pure) values back out. To make matters worse our
--- ASTs embed this monad statically! See the UnsatFoo constuctors in JExpr,
--- JStat, and JVal. Why do my ASTs know anything about the state of the
--- interpreter!? This is quite the confusion. It confuses the AST with the code
--- that interprets the AST. The fix is to just derive the state monad with
--- generalized newtype deriving and derivingStrategies, and swap this list out
--- for something that is NonEmpty and doesn't need to be reversed all the time!
--- And clean up the mess in the ASTs.
 -- | A supply of identifiers, possibly empty
 newtype IdentSupply a
   = IS {runIdentSupply :: State [Ident] a}
@@ -153,8 +124,6 @@ newIdentSupply (Just pfx) = [ TxtI (mconcat [pfx,"_",mkFastString (show x)])
                             | x <- [(0::Word64)..]
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Create note for reason behind pseudoSaturate
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): make "<<unsatId>>" a constant
 -- | Given a Pseudo-saturate a value with garbage @<<unsatId>>@ identifiers.
 pseudoSaturate :: IdentSupply a -> a
 pseudoSaturate x = evalState (runIdentSupply x) $ newIdentSupply (Just "<<unsatId>>")
@@ -170,19 +139,6 @@ instance Show a => Show (IdentSupply a) where
 --                            Statements
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): TryStat only conforms to the largest case of the
--- standard. See [try](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-try-statement), notice that
--- we only encode the case where we have: try BLOCK IDENT BLOCK BLOCK, where the
--- inner IDENT BLOCK is actually the Catch production rule. Because we've opted
--- to deeply embed only a single case we are under-specifying the other cases
--- and probably have to check for empty JStats to know which case the TryStat
--- will be. We should partition this out into its own data type.
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05) Remove the Bools in For and While for real data types
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,05): Why is Application a statement and not an expression?
--- Same for Unary Operators. I guess because these are side-effectual in JS?
 -- | JavaScript statements, see the [ECMA262
 -- Reference](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-statements-and-declarations)
 -- for details
@@ -211,8 +167,6 @@ type JsLabel = LexicalFastString
 instance Semigroup JStat where
   (<>) = appendJStat
--- FIXME (Sylvain, 2022/03): should we use OrdList instead of lists in
--- BlockStat?
 instance Monoid JStat where
   mempty = BlockStat []
@@ -234,9 +188,6 @@ appendJStat mx my = case (mx,my) of
 --                            Expressions
--- FIXME: annotate expressions with type. This is an EDSL of JS ASTs in Haskell.
--- There are many approaches to leveraging the GHCs type system for correctness
--- guarentees in EDSLs and we should use them
 -- | JavaScript Expressions
 data JExpr
   = ValExpr    JVal                 -- ^ All values are trivially expressions
@@ -458,9 +409,6 @@ jsKeywords = Set.fromList $ TxtI <$>
            , "null", "true", "false"
--- FIXME (Jeff, 2022/05): This predicate should be encoded in the type system as
--- a newtype over Ident. Basically we should be using nominal typing so that a
--- regular Ident can never be confused with a Keyword
 -- | Predicate which checks if input 'Ident' is a JS keyword or not.
 isJsKeyword :: Ident -> Bool
 isJsKeyword = flip Set.member jsKeywords

@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ mapIdent f = (map_expr, map_stat)
       JHash me    -> ValExpr $ JHash (fmap map_expr me)
       JFunc is s  -> ValExpr $ JFunc is (map_stat s)
       UnsatVal v2 -> ValExpr $ UnsatVal v2
-                      -- FIXME: shouldn't we transform this into `UnsatExpr (map_val v2)`?
     map_stat s = case s of
       DeclStat{}            -> s

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