[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T21694a] More improvements

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Aug 19 22:50:20 UTC 2022

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T21694a at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1f142834 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2022-08-19T23:49:51+01:00
More improvements

Get rid of the AnalysisMode from ArityEnv; not needed any more.

Enhance cheapArityType.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Tidy.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs


@@ -137,28 +137,6 @@ joinRhsArity (Lam _ e) = 1 + joinRhsArity e
 joinRhsArity _         = 0
-exprArity :: CoreExpr -> Arity
--- ^ An approximate, fast, version of 'exprEtaExpandArity'
--- We do /not/ guarantee that exprArity e <= typeArity e
--- You may need to do arity trimming after calling exprArity
--- See Note [Arity trimming]
--- Reason: if we do arity trimming here we have take exprType
---         and that can be expensive if there is a large cast
-exprArity e = go e
-  where
-    go (Var v)                     = idArity v
-    go (Lam x e) | isId x          = go e + 1
-                 | otherwise       = go e
-    go (Tick t e) | not (tickishIsCode t) = go e
-    go (Cast e _)                  = go e
-    go (App e (Type _))            = go e
-    go (App f a) | exprIsTrivial a = (go f - 1) `max` 0
-        -- See Note [exprArity for applications]
-        -- NB: coercions count as a value argument
-    go _                           = 0
 exprBotStrictness_maybe :: CoreExpr -> Maybe (Arity, DmdSig, CprSig)
 -- A cheap and cheerful function that identifies bottoming functions
@@ -1264,71 +1242,35 @@ dictionary-typed expression, but that's more work.
--- | Each of the entry-points of the analyser ('arityType') has different
--- requirements. The entry-points are
---   1. 'exprBotStrictness_maybe'
---   2. 'exprEtaExpandArity'
---   3. 'findRhsArity'
--- For each of the entry-points, there is a separate mode that governs
---   1. How pedantic we are wrt. ⊥, in 'pedanticBottoms'.
---   2. Whether we store arity signatures for non-recursive let-bindings,
---      accessed in 'extendSigEnv'/'lookupSigEnv'.
---      See Note [Arity analysis] why that's important.
---   3. Which expressions we consider cheap to float inside a lambda,
---      in 'myExprIsCheap'.
-data AnalysisMode
-  = BotStrictness
-  -- ^ Used during 'exprBotStrictness_maybe'.
-  | FindRhsArity { am_opts   :: !ArityOpts
-                 , am_no_eta :: !Bool
-                 , am_sigs   :: !(IdEnv SafeArityType) }
-  -- ^ Used for regular, fixed-point arity analysis ('findRhsArity').
-  --   See Note [Arity analysis] for details about fixed-point iteration.
+data ArityEnv
+  = AE { am_opts   :: !ArityOpts
+       , am_no_eta :: !Bool
+       , am_sigs   :: !(IdEnv SafeArityType) }
+  -- ^ See Note [Arity analysis] for details about fixed-point iteration.
   -- am_sigs:   NB `SafeArityType` so we can use this in myIsCheapApp
   -- am_no_eta: see Note [Arity type for recursive join bindings]
   --            point 5
-data ArityEnv
-  = AE
-  { ae_mode   :: !AnalysisMode
-  -- ^ The analysis mode. See 'AnalysisMode'.
-  }
 instance Outputable ArityEnv where
-  ppr (AE mode) = ppr mode
-instance Outputable AnalysisMode where
-  ppr BotStrictness                     = text "BotStrictness"
-  ppr (FindRhsArity { am_sigs = sigs }) = text "FindRhsArity" <+> ppr sigs
--- | The @ArityEnv@ used by 'exprBotStrictness_maybe'. Pedantic about bottoms
--- and no application is ever considered cheap.
-_botStrictnessArityEnv :: ArityEnv
-_botStrictnessArityEnv = AE { ae_mode = BotStrictness }
+  ppr (AE { am_sigs = sigs, am_no_eta = no_eta })
+    = text "AE" <+> braces (sep [ text "no-eta" <+> ppr no_eta
+                                , text "sigs" <+> ppr sigs ])
 -- | The @ArityEnv@ used by 'findRhsArity'.
 findRhsArityEnv :: ArityOpts -> Bool -> ArityEnv
 findRhsArityEnv opts no_eta
-  = AE { ae_mode  = FindRhsArity { am_opts = opts
-                                 , am_no_eta = no_eta
-                                 , am_sigs = emptyVarEnv } }
+  = AE { am_opts = opts
+       , am_no_eta = no_eta
+       , am_sigs = emptyVarEnv }
 isNoEtaEnv :: ArityEnv -> Bool
-isNoEtaEnv ae = case ae_mode ae of
-                  FindRhsArity { am_no_eta = no_eta } -> no_eta
-                  BotStrictness                       -> True
+isNoEtaEnv (AE { am_no_eta = no_eta }) = no_eta
 -- First some internal functions in snake_case for deleting in certain VarEnvs
 -- of the ArityType. Don't call these; call delInScope* instead!
 modifySigEnv :: (IdEnv ArityType -> IdEnv ArityType) -> ArityEnv -> ArityEnv
-modifySigEnv f env at AE { ae_mode = am at FindRhsArity{am_sigs = sigs} }
-  = env { ae_mode = am { am_sigs = f sigs } }
-modifySigEnv _ env = env
+modifySigEnv f env@(AE { am_sigs = sigs }) = env { am_sigs = f sigs }
 {-# INLINE modifySigEnv #-}
 del_sig_env :: Id -> ArityEnv -> ArityEnv -- internal!
@@ -1353,16 +1295,12 @@ delInScopeList :: ArityEnv -> [Id] -> ArityEnv
 delInScopeList env ids = del_sig_env_list ids env
 lookupSigEnv :: ArityEnv -> Id -> Maybe SafeArityType
-lookupSigEnv AE{ ae_mode = mode } id = case mode of
-  BotStrictness                  -> Nothing
-  FindRhsArity{ am_sigs = sigs } -> lookupVarEnv sigs id
+lookupSigEnv (AE { am_sigs = sigs }) id = lookupVarEnv sigs id
 -- | Whether the analysis should be pedantic about bottoms.
 -- 'exprBotStrictness_maybe' always is.
 pedanticBottoms :: ArityEnv -> Bool
-pedanticBottoms AE{ ae_mode = mode } = case mode of
-  BotStrictness                          -> True
-  FindRhsArity{ am_opts = ArityOpts{ ao_ped_bot = ped_bot } }   -> ped_bot
+pedanticBottoms (AE { am_opts = ArityOpts{ ao_ped_bot = ped_bot }}) = ped_bot
 exprCost :: ArityEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe Type -> Cost
 exprCost env e mb_ty
@@ -1373,22 +1311,17 @@ exprCost env e mb_ty
 -- and optionally the expression's type.
 -- Under 'exprBotStrictness_maybe', no expressions are cheap.
 myExprIsCheap :: ArityEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe Type -> Bool
-myExprIsCheap AE{ae_mode = mode} e mb_ty = case mode of
-  BotStrictness -> False
-  _             -> cheap_dict || cheap_fun e
-    where
-      cheap_dict = case mb_ty of
+myExprIsCheap (AE { am_opts = opts, am_sigs = sigs }) e mb_ty
+  = cheap_dict || cheap_fun e
+  where
+    cheap_dict = case mb_ty of
                      Nothing -> False
-                     Just ty -> (ao_dicts_cheap (am_opts mode) && isDictTy ty)
+                     Just ty -> (ao_dicts_cheap opts && isDictTy ty)
                                 || isCallStackPredTy ty
         -- See Note [Eta expanding through dictionaries]
         -- See Note [Eta expanding through CallStacks]
-      cheap_fun e = case mode of
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 900
-        BotStrictness                -> panic "impossible"
-        FindRhsArity{am_sigs = sigs} -> exprIsCheapX (myIsCheapApp sigs) e
+    cheap_fun e = exprIsCheapX (myIsCheapApp sigs) e
 -- | A version of 'isCheapApp' that considers results from arity analysis.
 -- See Note [Arity analysis] for what's in the signature environment and why
@@ -1495,20 +1428,76 @@ arityType env (Tick t e)
 arityType _ _ = topArityType
+idArityType :: Id -> ArityType
+idArityType v
+  | strict_sig <- idDmdSig v
+  , (ds, div) <- splitDmdSig strict_sig
+  , isDeadEndDiv div
+  = AT (takeList ds one_shots) div
+  | isEmptyTy id_ty
+  = botArityType
+  | otherwise
+  = AT (take (idArity v) one_shots) topDiv
+  where
+    id_ty = idType v
+    one_shots :: [(Cost,OneShotInfo)]  -- One-shot-ness derived from the type
+    one_shots = repeat IsCheap `zip` typeOneShots id_ty
 cheapArityType :: HasDebugCallStack => CoreExpr -> ArityType
-cheapArityType (Lam var body)
-  | isTyVar var = body_at
-  | otherwise   = AT ((IsCheap, idOneShotInfo var) : lams) div
+-- Returns ArityType with IsCheap everywhere
+cheapArityType e = go e
-    !body_at@(AT lams div) = cheapArityType body
+    go (Var v)                  = idArityType v
+    go (Cast e _)               = go e
+    go (Lam x e)  | isId x      = arityLam x (go e)
+                  | otherwise   = go e
+    go (App f a)  | isTypeArg a = go f
+                  | otherwise   = arity_app a (go e)
-cheapArityType e
-  | exprIsDeadEnd e = botArityType
-  | otherwise       = AT lams topDiv
+    go (Tick t e) | not (tickishIsCode t) = go e
+    -- Null alts: see Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core
+    go (Case _ _ _ alts) | null alts = botArityType
+    -- Give up on let, case
+    go _ = topArityType
+    -- Specialised version of arityApp; all costs in ArityType are IsCheap
+    -- See Note [exprArity for applications]
+    -- NB: coercions count as a value argument
+    arity_app _ at@(AT [] _) = at
+    arity_app arg (AT (_:lams) div)
+       | isDeadEndDiv div  = AT lams div
+       | exprIsTrivial arg = AT lams topDiv
+       | otherwise         = topArityType
+exprArity :: CoreExpr -> Arity
+-- ^ An approximate, fast, version of 'exprEtaExpandArity'
+-- We do /not/ guarantee that exprArity e <= typeArity e
+-- You may need to do arity trimming after calling exprArity
+-- See Note [Arity trimming]
+-- Reason: if we do arity trimming here we have take exprType
+--         and that can be expensive if there is a large cast
+exprArity e = go e
-    lams = replicate (exprArity e) (IsCheap, NoOneShotInfo)
+    go (Var v)                     = idArity v
+    go (Lam x e) | isId x          = go e + 1
+                 | otherwise       = go e
+    go (Tick t e) | not (tickishIsCode t) = go e
+    go (Cast e _)                  = go e
+    go (App e (Type _))            = go e
+    go (App f a) | exprIsTrivial a = (go f - 1) `max` 0
+        -- See Note [exprArity for applications]
+        -- NB: coercions count as a value argument
+    go _                           = 0
 {- Note [No free join points in arityType]
@@ -1646,20 +1635,6 @@ Obviously `f` should get arity 4.  But it's a bit tricky:
    the flag is on, we allow free join points, but not otherwise.
-idArityType :: Id -> ArityType
-idArityType v
-  | strict_sig <- idDmdSig v
-  , (ds, div) <- splitDmdSig strict_sig
-  , isDeadEndDiv div
-  , let arity = length ds
-  = AT (take arity one_shots) div
-  | otherwise
-  = AT (take (idArity v) one_shots) topDiv
-  where
-    one_shots :: [(Cost,OneShotInfo)]  -- One-shot-ness derived from the type
-    one_shots = repeat IsCheap `zip` typeOneShots (idType v)
 %*                                                                      *

@@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ tidyCbvInfoTop boot_exports id rhs
 -- See Note [CBV Function Ids]
 tidyCbvInfoLocal :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> CoreExpr -> Id
-tidyCbvInfoLocal id rhs
-  | otherwise = computeCbvInfo id rhs
+tidyCbvInfoLocal id rhs = computeCbvInfo id rhs
 -- | For a binding we:
 -- * Look at the args
@@ -135,9 +134,9 @@ computeCbvInfo :: HasCallStack
                -> Id
 -- computeCbvInfo fun_id rhs = fun_id
 computeCbvInfo fun_id rhs
-  | (isWorkerLike || isJoinId fun_id) &&  (valid_unlifted_worker val_args)
-  =
-    -- pprTrace "computeCbvInfo"
+  | is_wkr_like || isJust mb_join_id
+  , valid_unlifted_worker val_args
+  = -- pprTrace "computeCbvInfo"
     --   (text "fun" <+> ppr fun_id $$
     --     text "arg_tys" <+> ppr (map idType val_args) $$
@@ -146,31 +145,48 @@ computeCbvInfo fun_id rhs
     --     text "cbv_marks" <+> ppr cbv_marks $$
     --     text "out_id" <+> ppr cbv_bndr $$
     --     ppr rhs)
-      cbv_bndr
+    cbv_bndr
   | otherwise = fun_id
-    val_args = filter isId . fst $ collectBinders rhs
-    cbv_marks =
-      -- CBV marks are only set during tidy so none should be present already.
-      assertPpr (maybe True null $ idCbvMarks_maybe fun_id) (ppr fun_id <+> (ppr $ idCbvMarks_maybe fun_id) $$ ppr rhs) $
-      map mkMark val_args
-    cbv_bndr
-        | valid_unlifted_worker val_args
-        , any isMarkedCbv cbv_marks
-        -- seqList to avoid retaining the original rhs
-        = cbv_marks `seqList` setIdCbvMarks fun_id cbv_marks
-        | otherwise =
-          -- pprTraceDebug "tidyCbvInfo: Worker seems to take unboxed tuple/sum types!" (ppr fun_id <+> ppr rhs)
-          asNonWorkerLikeId fun_id
-    -- We don't set CBV marks on functions which take unboxed tuples or sums as arguments.
-    -- Doing so would require us to compute the result of unarise here in order to properly determine
-    -- argument positions at runtime.
-    -- In practice this doesn't matter much. Most "interesting" functions will get a W/W split which will eliminate
-    -- unboxed tuple arguments, and unboxed sums are rarely used. But we could change this in the future and support
+    mb_join_id  = isJoinId_maybe fun_id
+    is_wkr_like = isWorkerLikeId fun_id
+    val_args = filter isId lam_bndrs
+    -- When computing CbvMarks, we limit the arity of join points to
+    -- the JoinArity, because that's the arity we are going to use
+    -- when calling it. There may be more lambdas than that on the RHS.
+    lam_bndrs | Just join_arity <- mb_join_id
+              = fst $ collectNBinders join_arity rhs
+              | otherwise
+              = fst $ collectBinders rhs
+    cbv_marks = -- assert: CBV marks are only set during tidy so none should be present already.
+                assertPpr (maybe True null $ idCbvMarks_maybe fun_id)
+                          (ppr fun_id <+> (ppr $ idCbvMarks_maybe fun_id) $$ ppr rhs) $
+                map mkMark val_args
+    cbv_bndr | any isMarkedCbv cbv_marks
+             = cbv_marks `seqList` setIdCbvMarks fun_id cbv_marks
+               -- seqList: avoid retaining the original rhs
+             | otherwise
+             = -- pprTraceDebug "tidyCbvInfo: Worker seems to take unboxed tuple/sum types!"
+               --    (ppr fun_id <+> ppr rhs)
+               asNonWorkerLikeId fun_id
+    -- We don't set CBV marks on functions which take unboxed tuples or sums as
+    -- arguments.  Doing so would require us to compute the result of unarise
+    -- here in order to properly determine argument positions at runtime.
+    --
+    -- In practice this doesn't matter much. Most "interesting" functions will
+    -- get a W/W split which will eliminate unboxed tuple arguments, and unboxed
+    -- sums are rarely used. But we could change this in the future and support
     -- unboxed sums/tuples as well.
     valid_unlifted_worker args =
       -- pprTrace "valid_unlifted" (ppr fun_id $$ ppr args) $
       all isSingleUnarisedArg args
     isSingleUnarisedArg v
       | isUnboxedSumType ty = False
       | isUnboxedTupleType ty = isSimplePrimRep (typePrimRep ty)
@@ -188,7 +204,6 @@ computeCbvInfo fun_id rhs
       , not (isDeadEndId fun_id) = MarkedCbv
       | otherwise = NotMarkedCbv
-    isWorkerLike = isWorkerLikeId fun_id
 ------------  Expressions  --------------
 tidyExpr :: TidyEnv -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
@@ -339,7 +354,7 @@ tidyLetBndr rec_tidy_env env@(tidy_env, var_env) id
         new_info = vanillaIdInfo
                     `setOccInfo`        occInfo old_info
                     `setArityInfo`      arityInfo old_info
-                    `setDmdSigInfo` zapDmdEnvSig (dmdSigInfo old_info)
+                    `setDmdSigInfo`     zapDmdEnvSig (dmdSigInfo old_info)
                     `setDemandInfo`     demandInfo old_info
                     `setInlinePragInfo` inlinePragInfo old_info
                     `setUnfoldingInfo`  new_unf

@@ -1085,6 +1085,8 @@ exprIsDeadEnd :: CoreExpr -> Bool
 exprIsDeadEnd e
   = go 0 e
+    go :: Arity -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+    -- (go n e) = True <=> expr applied to n value args is bottom
     go _ (Lit {})                = False
     go _ (Type {})               = False
     go _ (Coercion {})           = False

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