[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] Apply: doc and refactoring
Sylvain Henry (@hsyl20)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Aug 18 15:37:07 UTC 2022
Sylvain Henry pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
41616e1c by Sylvain Henry at 2022-08-18T17:39:50+02:00
Apply: doc and refactoring
- use new types instead of Bool/Int
- factorize some code
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/JS/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Apply.hs
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ module GHC.JS.Make
, mask8, mask16
, signExtend8, signExtend16
, typeof
- , returnStack, assignAllEqual, assignAll
+ , returnStack, assignAllEqual, assignAll, assignAllReverseOrder
, declAssignAll
, nullStat, (.^)
-- ** Hash combinators
@@ -530,6 +530,10 @@ assignAllEqual xs ys = mconcat (zipWithEqual "assignAllEqual" (|=) xs ys)
assignAll :: [JExpr] -> [JExpr] -> JStat
assignAll xs ys = mconcat (zipWith (|=) xs ys)
+assignAllReverseOrder :: [JExpr] -> [JExpr] -> JStat
+assignAllReverseOrder xs ys = mconcat (reverse (zipWith (|=) xs ys))
declAssignAll :: [Ident] -> [JExpr] -> JStat
declAssignAll xs ys = mconcat (zipWith (||=) xs ys)
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ import Data.Array
-- These are bundled with the RTS.
rtsApply :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat
rtsApply cfg = BlockStat $
- map (uncurry (stackApply cfg)) applySpec
- ++ map (uncurry (fastApply cfg)) applySpec
+ map (specApply cfg) applySpec
++ map (pap cfg) specPap
++ [ mkApplyArr
, genericStackApply cfg
@@ -259,78 +258,153 @@ genApp ctx i args
-- avoid one indirection for global ids
-- fixme in many cases we can also jump directly to the entry for local?
jumpToII :: Id -> [JExpr] -> JStat -> G JStat
-jumpToII i args afterLoad
+jumpToII i vars load_app_in_r1
| isLocalId i = do
ii <- varForId i
return $ mconcat
- [ ra
- , afterLoad
+ [ assignAllReverseOrder jsRegsFromR2 vars
+ , load_app_in_r1
, returnS (closureEntry ii)
| otherwise = do
ei <- varForEntryId i
return $ mconcat
- [ ra
- , afterLoad
+ [ assignAllReverseOrder jsRegsFromR2 vars
+ , load_app_in_r1
, returnS ei
- where
- ra = mconcat . reverse $ zipWith (\r a -> r |= a) jsRegsFromR2 args
-- | Try to use a specialized pre-generated application function.
-- If there is none, use h$ap_gen_fast instead
jumpToFast :: HasDebugCallStack => [StgArg] -> JStat -> G JStat
-jumpToFast as afterLoad = do
- regs <- concatMapM genArg as
- spec <- selectApply True as regs
+jumpToFast args load_app_in_r1 = do
+ -- get JS expressions for every argument
+ -- Arguments may have more than one expression (e.g. Word64#)
+ vars <- concatMapM genArg args
+ -- try to find a specialized apply function
+ let spec = mkApplySpec RegsConv args vars
+ ap_fun <- selectApply spec
pure $ mconcat
- [ mconcat (ra regs)
- , afterLoad
- , case spec of
+ [ assignAllReverseOrder jsRegsFromR2 vars
+ , load_app_in_r1
+ , case ap_fun of
+ -- specialized apply: no tag
Right fun -> returnS (ApplExpr fun [])
- Left fun -> returnS (ApplExpr fun [toJExpr (mkTag regs as)])
+ -- generic apply: pass a tag indicating number of args/slots
+ Left fun -> returnS (ApplExpr fun [specTagExpr spec])
- where
- ra regs = reverse $ zipWith (\r ex -> r |= ex) jsRegsFromR2 regs
- mkTag rs as = (length rs `Bits.shiftL` 8) Bits..|. length as
+-- | Calling convention for an apply function
+data ApplyConv
+ = RegsConv -- ^ Fast calling convention: use registers
+ | StackConv -- ^ Slow calling convention: use the stack
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
+-- | Name of the generic apply function
+genericApplyName :: ApplyConv -> FastString
+genericApplyName = \case
+ RegsConv -> "h$ap_gen_fast"
+ StackConv -> "h$ap_gen"
+-- | Expr of the generic apply function
+genericApplyExpr :: ApplyConv -> JExpr
+genericApplyExpr conv = var (genericApplyName conv)
+-- | Return the name of the specialized apply function for the given number of
+-- args, number of arg variables, and calling convention.
+specApplyName :: ApplySpec -> FastString
+specApplyName = \case
+ -- specialize a few for compiler performance (avoid building FastStrings over
+ -- and over for common cases)
+ ApplySpec RegsConv 0 0 -> "h$ap_0_0_fast"
+ ApplySpec StackConv 0 0 -> "h$ap_0_0"
+ ApplySpec RegsConv 1 0 -> "h$ap_1_0_fast"
+ ApplySpec StackConv 1 0 -> "h$ap_1_0"
+ ApplySpec RegsConv 1 1 -> "h$ap_1_1_fast"
+ ApplySpec StackConv 1 1 -> "h$ap_1_1"
+ ApplySpec RegsConv 1 2 -> "h$ap_1_2_fast"
+ ApplySpec StackConv 1 2 -> "h$ap_1_2"
+ ApplySpec RegsConv 2 1 -> "h$ap_2_1_fast"
+ ApplySpec StackConv 2 1 -> "h$ap_2_1"
+ ApplySpec RegsConv 2 2 -> "h$ap_2_2_fast"
+ ApplySpec StackConv 2 2 -> "h$ap_2_2"
+ ApplySpec RegsConv 2 3 -> "h$ap_2_3_fast"
+ ApplySpec StackConv 2 3 -> "h$ap_2_3"
+ ApplySpec conv nargs nvars -> mkFastString $ mconcat
+ [ "h$ap_", show nargs
+ , "_" , show nvars
+ , case conv of
+ RegsConv -> "_fast"
+ StackConv -> ""
+ ]
+-- | Return the expression of the specialized apply function for the given
+-- number of args, number of arg variables, and calling convention.
+-- Warning: the returned function may not be generated! Use specApplyExprMaybe
+-- if you want to ensure that it exists.
+specApplyExpr :: ApplySpec -> JExpr
+specApplyExpr spec = var (specApplyName spec)
+-- | Return the expression of the specialized apply function for the given
+-- number of args, number of arg variables, and calling convention.
+-- Return Nothing if it isn't generated.
+specApplyExprMaybe :: ApplySpec -> Maybe JExpr
+specApplyExprMaybe spec =
+ if spec `elem` applySpec
+ then Just (specApplyExpr spec)
+ else Nothing
+-- | Make an ApplySpec from a calling convention, a list of Haskell args, and a
+-- list of corresponding JS variables
+mkApplySpec :: ApplyConv -> [StgArg] -> [JExpr] -> ApplySpec
+mkApplySpec conv args vars = ApplySpec
+ { specConv = conv
+ , specArgs = length args
+ , specVars = length vars
+ }
-- | Find a specialized application function if there is one
- :: Bool -- ^ true for fast apply, false for stack apply
- -> [StgArg] -- ^ Raw arguments
- -> [JExpr] -- ^ JS arguments
+ :: ApplySpec
-> G (Either JExpr JExpr) -- ^ the function to call (Left for generic, Right for specialized)
-selectApply fast args as =
- case specApply fast (length args) (length as) of
+selectApply spec =
+ case specApplyExprMaybe spec of
Just e -> return (Right e)
- Nothing -> return (Left (var $ "h$ap_gen" <> fastSuff))
- where
- fastSuff | fast = "_fast"
- | otherwise = ""
+ Nothing -> return (Left (genericApplyExpr (specConv spec)))
+-- | Apply specification
+data ApplySpec = ApplySpec
+ { specConv :: !ApplyConv -- ^ Calling convention
+ , specArgs :: !Int -- ^ number of Haskell arguments
+ , specVars :: !Int -- ^ number of JavaScript variables for the arguments
+ }
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
+-- | List of specialized apply function templates
+applySpec :: [ApplySpec]
+applySpec = [ ApplySpec conv nargs nvars
+ | conv <- [RegsConv, StackConv]
+ , nargs <- [0..4]
+ , nvars <- [max 0 (nargs-1)..(nargs*2)]
+ ]
+-- | Generate a tag for the given ApplySpec
+-- Warning: tag doesn't take into account the calling convention
+specTag :: ApplySpec -> Int
+specTag spec = Bits.shiftL (specVars spec) 8 Bits..|. (specArgs spec)
--- specialized apply for these
--- make sure that once you are in spec, you stay there
-applySpec :: [(Int,Int)] -- regs,arity
-applySpec = [ (regs,arity) | arity <- [1..4], regs <- [max 0 (arity-1)..(arity*2)]]
+-- | Generate a tag expression for the given ApplySpec
+specTagExpr :: ApplySpec -> JExpr
+specTagExpr = toJExpr . specTag
-specApply :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Maybe JExpr
-specApply fast n r
- | (r,n) == (0,0) = Just (var . mkFastString $ ("h$ap_0_0" ++ fastSuff))
- | (r,n) == (0,1) = Just (var . mkFastString $ ("h$ap_1_0" ++ fastSuff))
- | (r,n) `elem` applySpec = Just (var . mkFastString $ ("h$ap_" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show r ++ fastSuff))
- | otherwise = Nothing
- where
- fastSuff | fast = "_fast"
- | otherwise = ""
- Build arrays to quickly lookup apply functions, getting the fast variant when possible
- - h$apply[r << 8 | n] = function application for r regs, n args
- - h$paps[r] = partial application for r registers (number of args is in the object)
- -}
- -- FIXME (Jeff, 2022/03): Perf: This code would benefit a great deal by using
- -- a datastucture that supports fast merging.
+-- | Build arrays to quickly lookup apply functions
+-- h$apply[r << 8 | n] = function application for r regs, n args
+-- h$paps[r] = partial application for r registers (number of args is in the object)
mkApplyArr :: JStat
mkApplyArr = mconcat
[ TxtI "h$apply" ||= toJExpr (JList [])
@@ -347,17 +421,19 @@ mkApplyArr = mconcat
[ var "h$paps" .! i |= var "h$pap_gen"
, preIncrS i
- , var "h$apply" .! zero_ |= var "h$ap_0_0"
, mconcat (map assignSpec applySpec)
, mconcat (map assignPap specPap)
- assignSpec :: (Int, Int) -> JStat
- assignSpec (r,n) =
- var "h$apply" .! (toJExpr $ Bits.shiftL r 8 Bits..|. n) |=
- (var (mkFastString ("h$ap_" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show r)))
+ assignSpec :: ApplySpec -> JStat
+ assignSpec spec = case specConv spec of
+ -- both fast/slow (regs/stack) specialized apply functions have the same
+ -- tags. We store the stack ones in the array because they are used as
+ -- continuation stack frames.
+ StackConv -> var "h$apply" .! specTagExpr spec |= specApplyExpr spec
+ RegsConv -> mempty
assignPap :: Int -> JStat
assignPap p = var "h$paps" .! toJExpr p |=
@@ -370,44 +446,41 @@ mkApplyArr = mconcat
pushCont :: HasDebugCallStack
=> [StgArg]
-> G JStat
-pushCont as = do
- as' <- concatMapM genArg as
- spec <- selectApply False as as'
- case spec of
- Right app -> push $ reverse $ app : as'
- Left app -> push $ reverse $ app : mkTag as' as : as'
- where
- mkTag rs ns = toJExpr ((length rs `Bits.shiftL` 8) Bits..|. length ns)
+pushCont args = do
+ vars <- concatMapM genArg args
+ let spec = mkApplySpec StackConv args vars
+ selectApply spec >>= \case
+ Right app -> push $ reverse $ app : vars
+ Left app -> push $ reverse $ app : specTagExpr spec : vars
-- | Generic stack apply function (h$ap_gen) that can do everything, but less
-- efficiently than other more specialized functions.
-- Stack layout:
--- -x: ...
--- -y: args...
-- -3: ...
--- -2: register values to enter R1
--- -1: tag (number of register values << 8 | number of args)
+-- -2: args
+-- -1: tag (number of arg slots << 8 | number of args)
-- Regs:
--- R1 = closure to apply to
+-- R1 = applied closure
--- FIXME: set closure info of stack frame
genericStackApply :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat
-genericStackApply cfg =
- closure info $ jVar \cf ->
- [ traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen")
- , cf |= closureEntry r1
- -- switch on closure type
- , SwitchStat (entryClosureType cf)
- [ (toJExpr Thunk , thunk_case cfg cf)
- , (toJExpr Fun , fun_case cf (funArity' cf))
- , (toJExpr Pap , fun_case cf (papArity r1))
- , (toJExpr Blackhole, blackhole_case cfg)
- ]
- (default_case cf)
- ]
+genericStackApply cfg = closure info body
+ -- h$ap_gen body
+ body = jVar \cf ->
+ [ traceRts cfg (jString "h$ap_gen")
+ , cf |= closureEntry r1
+ -- switch on closure type
+ , SwitchStat (entryClosureType cf)
+ [ (toJExpr Thunk , thunk_case cfg cf)
+ , (toJExpr Fun , fun_case cf (funArity' cf))
+ , (toJExpr Pap , fun_case cf (papArity r1))
+ , (toJExpr Blackhole, blackhole_case cfg)
+ ]
+ (default_case cf)
+ ]
-- info table for h$ap_gen
info = ClosureInfo
{ ciVar = "h$ap_gen"
@@ -512,9 +585,6 @@ genericStackApply cfg =
-- alloc PAP closure, store reference to it in R1.
, r1 |= initClosure cfg p dat jCurrentCCS
- -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-08): why don't we pop/store the given args
- -- too?
-- return to the continuation on the stack
, returnStack
@@ -633,51 +703,65 @@ genericFastApply s =
<> postDecrS i
-stackApply :: StgToJSConfig
- -> Int -- ^ number of registers in stack frame
- -> Int -- ^ number of arguments
- -> JStat
-stackApply s r n =
- closure (ClosureInfo funcName (CIRegs 0 [PtrV]) funcName layout CIStackFrame mempty)
- body
+-- | Make specialized apply function for the given ApplySpec
+specApply :: StgToJSConfig -> ApplySpec -> JStat
+specApply cfg spec@(ApplySpec conv nargs nvars) =
+ let fun_name = specApplyName spec
+ in case conv of
+ RegsConv -> fastApply cfg fun_name nargs nvars
+ StackConv -> stackApply cfg fun_name nargs nvars
+-- | Make specialized apply function with Stack calling convention
+ :: StgToJSConfig
+ -> FastString
+ -> Int
+ -> Int
+ -> JStat
+stackApply s fun_name nargs nvars =
+ -- special case for h$ap_0_0
+ if nargs == 0 && nvars == 0
+ then closure info0 body0
+ else closure info body
- layout = CILayoutUnknown r
+ info = ClosureInfo fun_name (CIRegs 0 [PtrV]) fun_name (CILayoutUnknown nvars) CIStackFrame mempty
+ info0 = ClosureInfo fun_name (CIRegs 0 [PtrV]) fun_name (CILayoutFixed 0 []) CIStackFrame mempty
- funcName = mkFastString ("h$ap_" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show r)
+ body0 = adjSpN' 1 <> enter s r1
body = jVar \c ->
[ c |= closureEntry r1
- , traceRts s (toJExpr funcName
+ , traceRts s (toJExpr fun_name
+ jString " "
+ (c .^ "n")
+ jString " sp: " + sp
+ jString " a: " + (c .^ "a"))
, SwitchStat (entryClosureType c)
- [ (toJExpr Thunk, traceRts s (toJExpr $ funcName <> ": thunk") <> profStat s pushRestoreCCS <> returnS c)
- , (toJExpr Fun, traceRts s (toJExpr $ funcName <> ": fun") <> funCase c)
- , (toJExpr Pap, traceRts s (toJExpr $ funcName <> ": pap") <> papCase c)
+ [ (toJExpr Thunk, traceRts s (toJExpr $ fun_name <> ": thunk") <> profStat s pushRestoreCCS <> returnS c)
+ , (toJExpr Fun, traceRts s (toJExpr $ fun_name <> ": fun") <> funCase c)
+ , (toJExpr Pap, traceRts s (toJExpr $ fun_name <> ": pap") <> papCase c)
, (toJExpr Blackhole, push' s [r1, var "h$return"] <> returnS (app "h$blockOnBlackhole" [r1]))
- ] (appS "throw" [toJExpr ("panic: " <> funcName <> ", unexpected closure type: ") + (entryClosureType c)])
+ ] (appS "throw" [toJExpr ("panic: " <> fun_name <> ", unexpected closure type: ") + (entryClosureType c)])
- funExact c = popSkip' 1 (reverse $ take r jsRegsFromR2) <> returnS c
- stackArgs = map (\x -> stack .! (sp - toJExpr x)) [1..r]
+ funExact c = popSkip' 1 (reverse $ take nvars jsRegsFromR2) <> returnS c
+ stackArgs = map (\x -> stack .! (sp - toJExpr x)) [1..nvars]
papCase :: JExpr -> JStat
papCase c = jVar \expr arity0 arity ->
case expr of
ValExpr (JVar pap) -> [ arity0 |= papArity r1
, arity |= mask8 arity0
- , traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": found pap, arity: ") + arity)
- , ifS (toJExpr n .===. arity)
+ , traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": found pap, arity: ") + arity)
+ , ifS (toJExpr nargs .===. arity)
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": exact")) <> funExact c)
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": exact")) <> funExact c)
-- else
- (ifS (toJExpr n .>. arity)
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": oversat")) <> oversatCase c arity0 arity)
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": undersat"))
- <> mkPap s pap r1 (toJExpr n) stackArgs -- FIXME do we want double pap?
- <> (sp |= sp - toJExpr (r + 1))
+ (ifS (toJExpr nargs .>. arity)
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": oversat")) <> oversatCase c arity0 arity)
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": undersat"))
+ <> mkPap s pap r1 (toJExpr nargs) stackArgs -- FIXME do we want double pap?
+ <> (sp |= sp - toJExpr (nvars + 1))
<> (r1 |= toJExpr pap)
<> returnStack))
@@ -694,14 +778,14 @@ stackApply s r n =
case expr of
ValExpr (JVar pap) -> [ ar0 |= funArity' c
, ar |= mask8 ar0
- , ifS (toJExpr n .===. ar)
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": exact")) <> funExact c)
- (ifS (toJExpr n .>. ar)
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": oversat"))
+ , ifS (toJExpr nargs .===. ar)
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": exact")) <> funExact c)
+ (ifS (toJExpr nargs .>. ar)
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": oversat"))
<> oversatCase c ar0 ar)
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": undersat"))
- <> mkPap s pap (toJExpr R1) (toJExpr n) stackArgs
- <> (sp |= sp - toJExpr (r+1))
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": undersat"))
+ <> mkPap s pap (toJExpr R1) (toJExpr nargs) stackArgs
+ <> (sp |= sp - toJExpr (nvars+1))
<> (r1 |= toJExpr pap)
<> returnStack))
@@ -723,64 +807,68 @@ stackApply s r n =
[ rs |= (arity .>>. 8)
, loadRegs rs
, sp |= sp - rs
- , newAp |= (var "h$apply" .! (toJExpr n-arity0.|.((toJExpr r-rs).<<.8)))
+ , newAp |= (var "h$apply" .! (toJExpr nargs-arity0.|.((toJExpr nvars-rs).<<.8)))
, stack .! sp |= newAp
, profStat s pushRestoreCCS
- , traceRts s (toJExpr (funcName <> ": new stack frame: ") + (newAp .^ "n"))
+ , traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": new stack frame: ") + (newAp .^ "n"))
, returnS c
loadRegs rs = SwitchStat rs switchAlts mempty
- switchAlts = map (\x -> (toJExpr x, jsReg (x+1) |= stack .! (sp - toJExpr x))) [r,r-1..1]
- stg_ap_r_n_fast is entered if a function of unknown arity
- is called, n arguments are already in r registers
-fastApply :: StgToJSConfig -> Int -> Int -> JStat
-fastApply s r n = func ||= toJExpr (JFunc myFunArgs body)
- where
- funName = mkFastString ("h$ap_" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show r ++ "_fast")
- func = TxtI funName
+ switchAlts = map (\x -> (toJExpr x, jsReg (x+1) |= stack .! (sp - toJExpr x))) [nvars,nvars-1..1]
+-- | Make specialized apply function with Regs calling convention
+-- h$ap_n_r_fast is entered if a function of unknown arity is called, n
+-- arguments are already in r registers
+fastApply :: StgToJSConfig -> FastString -> Int -> Int -> JStat
+fastApply s fun_name nargs nvars = func ||= body0
+ where
+ -- special case for h$ap_0_0_fast
+ body0 = if nargs == 0 && nvars == 0
+ then jLam (enter s r1)
+ else toJExpr (JFunc myFunArgs body)
+ func = TxtI fun_name
myFunArgs = []
- regArgs = take r jsRegsFromR2
+ regArgs = take nvars jsRegsFromR2
mkAp :: Int -> Int -> [JExpr]
- mkAp n' r' = [ var . mkFastString $ "h$ap_" ++ show n' ++ "_" ++ show r' ]
+ mkAp n' r' = [ specApplyExpr (ApplySpec StackConv n' r') ]
body =
jVar \c farity arity ->
[ c |= closureEntry r1
- , traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": sp ") + sp)
+ , traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": sp ") + sp)
-- TODO: Jeff (2022,03): factor our and dry out this code
, SwitchStat (entryClosureType c)
- [(toJExpr Fun, traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": ")
+ [(toJExpr Fun, traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": ")
+ clName c
+ jString " (arity: " + (c .^ "a") + jString ")")
<> (farity |= funArity' c)
<> funCase c farity)
- ,(toJExpr Pap, traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": pap")) <> (arity |= papArity r1) <> funCase c arity)
- ,(toJExpr Thunk, traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": thunk")) <> push' s (reverse regArgs ++ mkAp n r) <> profStat s pushRestoreCCS <> returnS c)
- ,(toJExpr Blackhole, traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": blackhole")) <> push' s (reverse regArgs ++ mkAp n r) <> push' s [r1, var "h$return"] <> returnS (app "h$blockOnBlackhole" [r1]))]
- (appS "throw" [toJExpr (funName <> ": unexpected closure type: ") + entryClosureType c])
+ ,(toJExpr Pap, traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": pap")) <> (arity |= papArity r1) <> funCase c arity)
+ ,(toJExpr Thunk, traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": thunk")) <> push' s (reverse regArgs ++ mkAp nargs nvars) <> profStat s pushRestoreCCS <> returnS c)
+ ,(toJExpr Blackhole, traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": blackhole")) <> push' s (reverse regArgs ++ mkAp nargs nvars) <> push' s [r1, var "h$return"] <> returnS (app "h$blockOnBlackhole" [r1]))]
+ (appS "throw" [toJExpr (fun_name <> ": unexpected closure type: ") + entryClosureType c])
funCase :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JStat
funCase c arity = jVar \arg ar -> case arg of
ValExpr (JVar pap) -> [ ar |= mask8 arity
- , ifS (toJExpr n .===. ar)
+ , ifS (toJExpr nargs .===. ar)
-- then
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": exact")) <> returnS c)
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": exact")) <> returnS c)
-- else
- (ifS (toJExpr n .>. ar)
+ (ifS (toJExpr nargs .>. ar)
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": oversat")) <> oversatCase c arity)
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": oversat")) <> oversatCase c arity)
-- else
- (traceRts s (toJExpr (funName <> ": undersat"))
- <> mkPap s pap r1 (toJExpr n) regArgs
+ (traceRts s (toJExpr (fun_name <> ": undersat"))
+ <> mkPap s pap r1 (toJExpr nargs) regArgs
<> (r1 |= toJExpr pap)
<> returnStack))
@@ -795,29 +883,26 @@ fastApply s r n = func ||= toJExpr (JFunc myFunArgs body)
oversatCase c arity =
jVar \rs rsRemain ->
[ rs |= arity .>>. 8
- , rsRemain |= toJExpr r - rs
+ , rsRemain |= toJExpr nvars - rs
, traceRts s (toJExpr
- (funName <> " regs oversat ")
+ (fun_name <> " regs oversat ")
+ rs
+ jString " remain: "
+ rsRemain)
, saveRegs rs
, sp |= sp + rsRemain + 1
- , stack .! sp |= var "h$apply" .! ((rsRemain.<<.8).|. toJExpr n - mask8 arity)
+ , stack .! sp |= var "h$apply" .! ((rsRemain.<<.8).|. toJExpr nargs - mask8 arity)
, profStat s pushRestoreCCS
, returnS c
saveRegs n = SwitchStat n switchAlts mempty
- switchAlts = map (\x -> (toJExpr x, stack .! (sp + toJExpr (r-x)) |= jsReg (x+2))) [0..r-1]
+ switchAlts = map (\x -> (toJExpr x, stack .! (sp + toJExpr (nvars-x)) |= jsReg (x+2))) [0..nvars-1]
zeroApply :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat
zeroApply s = mconcat
- [ TxtI "h$ap_0_0_fast" ||= jLam (enter s r1)
- , closure (ClosureInfo "h$ap_0_0" (CIRegs 0 [PtrV]) "h$ap_0_0" (CILayoutFixed 0 []) CIStackFrame mempty)
- (adjSpN' 1 <> enter s r1)
- , TxtI "h$e" ||= jLam (\c -> (r1 |= c) <> enter s c)
+ [ TxtI "h$e" ||= jLam (\c -> (r1 |= c) <> enter s c)
-- carefully enter a closure that might be a thunk or a function
@@ -1066,18 +1151,16 @@ moveRegs2 = TxtI "h$moveRegs2" ||= jLam moveSwitch
-- Initalize a variable sized object from an array of values
initClosure :: StgToJSConfig -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
-initClosure cfg entry values ccs =
- let cc | csProf cfg = Just ccs
- | otherwise = Nothing
- in app "h$init_closure" [ newClosure $ Closure
- { clEntry = entry
- , clField1 = null_
- , clField2 = null_
- , clMeta = 0
- , clCC = cc
- }
- , values
- ]
+initClosure cfg entry values ccs = app "h$init_closure"
+ [ newClosure $ Closure
+ { clEntry = entry
+ , clField1 = null_
+ , clField2 = null_
+ , clMeta = 0
+ , clCC = if csProf cfg then Just ccs else Nothing
+ }
+ , values
+ ]
-- | Return an expression for every field of the given Id
getIdFields :: Id -> G [TypedExpr]
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