[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/js-staging] 4 commits: Remove orphan instance for StaticArg

Sylvain Henry (@hsyl20) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Aug 15 20:39:02 UTC 2022

Sylvain Henry pushed to branch wip/js-staging at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

5ee51a84 by Sylvain Henry at 2022-08-15T22:26:52+02:00
Remove orphan instance for StaticArg

- - - - -
7280af8a by Sylvain Henry at 2022-08-15T22:26:52+02:00
Minor doc/cleanup

- - - - -
09b6fc33 by Sylvain Henry at 2022-08-15T22:26:52+02:00
Remove redundant jsIdIdent' function

- - - - -
9716e7f2 by Sylvain Henry at 2022-08-15T22:26:52+02:00
Split StgToJS.Monad into StgToJS.{Monad,Ids,Stack}

- - - - -

15 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Apply.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Arg.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/DataCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Deps.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/FFI.hs
- + compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Ids.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Linker/Compactor.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Literal.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Rts/Rts.hs
- + compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Stack.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToJS/StaticPtr.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in


@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
 import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
 import GHC.StgToJS.Utils
 import GHC.StgToJS.Rts.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.Stack
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.Types.Literal
 import GHC.Types.Id
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
 --  -- , Just (Lit (MachStr bs)) <- expandUnfolding_maybe (idUnfolding v)
 --  -- , Just t <- decodeModifiedUTF8 bs -- unpackFS fs -- Just t <- decodeModifiedUTF8 bs
 --  , matchVarName "ghcjs-prim" "GHCJS.Prim" "unsafeUnpackJSStringUtf8##" i =
---     (,ExprInline Nothing) . (|=) top . app "h$decodeUtf8z" <$> genIds v
+--     (,ExprInline Nothing) . (|=) top . app "h$decodeUtf8z" <$> varsForId v
     -- Case: unpackCStringAppend# "some string"# str
@@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
     | Just n <- ctxLneBindingStackSize ctx i
     = do
       as'      <- concatMapM genArg args
-      ei       <- jsEntryId i
+      ei       <- varForEntryId i
       let ra = mconcat . reverse $
                  zipWith (\r a -> toJExpr r |= a) [R1 ..] as'
       p <- pushLneFrame n ctx
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
     , ctxIsEvaluated ctx i
     = do
       let c = head (concatMap typex_expr $ ctxTarget ctx)
-      is <- genIds i
+      is <- varsForId i
       case is of
         [i'] ->
           return ( c |= if_ (isObject i') (closureField1 i') i'
@@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
     , idFunRepArity i == 0
     , not (might_be_a_function (idType i))
     = do
-      enter_id <- genArg (StgVarArg i) >>=
+      enter_id <- genIdArg i >>=
                        [x] -> return x
                        xs  -> pprPanic "genApp: unexpected multi-var argument"
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
     , isStrictId i
     = do
       as' <- concatMapM genArg args
-      is  <- assignAll jsRegsFromR1 <$> genIds i
+      is  <- assignAll jsRegsFromR1 <$> varsForId i
       jmp <- jumpToII i as' is
       return (jmp, ExprCont)
@@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
       let (reg,over) = splitAt (idFunRepArity i) args
       reg' <- concatMapM genArg reg
       pc   <- pushCont over
-      is   <- assignAll jsRegsFromR1 <$> genIds i
+      is   <- assignAll jsRegsFromR1 <$> varsForId i
       jmp  <- jumpToII i reg' is
       return (pc <> jmp, ExprCont)
@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ genApp ctx i args
     --  - otherwise use generic apply function h$ap_gen_fast
     | otherwise
     = do
-      is  <- assignAll jsRegsFromR1 <$> genIds i
+      is  <- assignAll jsRegsFromR1 <$> varsForId i
       jmp <- jumpToFast args is
       return (jmp, ExprCont)
@@ -271,14 +273,14 @@ genApp ctx i args
 jumpToII :: Id -> [JExpr] -> JStat -> G JStat
 jumpToII i args afterLoad
   | isLocalId i = do
-     ii <- jsId i
+     ii <- varForId i
      return $ mconcat
       [ ra
       , afterLoad
       , returnS (closureEntry ii)
   | otherwise   = do
-     ei <- jsEntryId i
+     ei <- varForEntryId i
      return $ mconcat
       [ ra
       , afterLoad
@@ -1048,7 +1050,7 @@ initClosure cfg entry values ccs =
 -- | Return an expression for every field of the given Id
 getIdFields :: Id -> G [TypedExpr]
-getIdFields i = assocIdExprs i <$> genIds i
+getIdFields i = assocIdExprs i <$> varsForId i
 -- | Store fields of Id into the given target expressions
 storeIdFields :: Id -> [TypedExpr] -> G JStat

@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- For ToJExpr StaticArg, see FIXME
+-- | Code generation of application arguments
 module GHC.StgToJS.Arg
   ( genArg
-  , genStaticArg
   , genIdArg
   , genIdArgI
   , genIdStackArgI
   , allocConStatic
   , allocUnboxedConStatic
   , allocateStaticList
+  , jsStaticArg
+  , jsStaticArgs
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
 import GHC.StgToJS.Literal
 import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
 import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.Builtin.Types
 import GHC.Stg.Syntax
@@ -110,39 +112,40 @@ genStaticArg a = case a of
          | i == falseDataConId =
              return [StaticLitArg (BoolLit False)]
          | isMultiVar r        =
-             map (\(TxtI t) -> StaticObjArg t) <$> mapM (jsIdIN i) [1..varSize r] -- this seems wrong, not an obj?
-         | otherwise           = (\(TxtI it) -> [StaticObjArg it]) <$> jsIdI i
+             map (\(TxtI t) -> StaticObjArg t) <$> mapM (identForIdN i) [1..varSize r] -- this seems wrong, not an obj?
+         | otherwise           = (\(TxtI it) -> [StaticObjArg it]) <$> identForId i
        unfloated :: CgStgExpr -> G [StaticArg]
        unfloated (StgLit l) = map StaticLitArg <$> genStaticLit l
        unfloated (StgConApp dc _n args _)
          | isBoolDataCon dc || isUnboxableCon dc =
              (:[]) . allocUnboxedConStatic dc . concat <$> mapM genStaticArg args -- fixme what is allocunboxedcon?
-         | null args = (\(TxtI t) -> [StaticObjArg t]) <$> jsIdI (dataConWorkId dc)
+         | null args = (\(TxtI t) -> [StaticObjArg t]) <$> identForId (dataConWorkId dc)
          | otherwise = do
              as       <- concat <$> mapM genStaticArg args
-             (TxtI e) <- enterDataConI dc
+             (TxtI e) <- identForDataConWorker dc
              return [StaticConArg e as]
        unfloated x = pprPanic "genArg: unexpected unfloated expression" (pprStgExpr panicStgPprOpts x)
+-- | Generate JS code for an StgArg
 genArg :: HasDebugCallStack => StgArg -> G [JExpr]
 genArg a = case a of
   StgLitArg l -> genLit l
   StgVarArg i -> do
     unFloat <- State.gets gsUnfloated
     case lookupUFM unFloat i of
-      Nothing -> reg
       Just expr -> unfloated expr
+      Nothing
+       | isVoid r            -> return []
+       | i == trueDataConId  -> return [true_]
+       | i == falseDataConId -> return [false_]
+       | isMultiVar r        -> mapM (varForIdN i) [1..varSize r]
+       | otherwise           -> (:[]) <$> varForId i
      -- if our argument is a joinid, it can be an unboxed tuple
      r :: HasDebugCallStack => VarType
      r = uTypeVt . stgArgType $ a
-     reg
-       | isVoid r     = return []
-       | i == trueDataConId  = return [true_]
-       | i == falseDataConId = return [false_]
-       | isMultiVar r = mapM (jsIdN i) [1..varSize r]
-       | otherwise    = (:[]) <$> jsId i
      unfloated :: HasDebugCallStack => CgStgExpr -> G [JExpr]
      unfloated = \case
@@ -150,10 +153,10 @@ genArg a = case a of
       StgConApp dc _n args _
        | isBoolDataCon dc || isUnboxableCon dc
        -> (:[]) . allocUnboxedCon dc . concat <$> mapM genArg args
-       | null args -> (:[]) <$> jsId (dataConWorkId dc)
+       | null args -> (:[]) <$> varForId (dataConWorkId dc)
        | otherwise -> do
            as <- concat <$> mapM genArg args
-           e  <- enterDataCon dc
+           e  <- varForDataConWorker dc
            inl_alloc <- csInlineAlloc <$> getSettings
            return [allocDynamicE inl_alloc e as Nothing] -- FIXME: ccs
       x -> pprPanic "genArg: unexpected unfloated expression" (pprStgExpr panicStgPprOpts x)
@@ -164,8 +167,8 @@ genIdArg i = genArg (StgVarArg i)
 genIdArgI :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> G [Ident]
 genIdArgI i
   | isVoid r     = return []
-  | isMultiVar r = mapM (jsIdIN i) [1..varSize r]
-  | otherwise    = (:[]) <$> jsIdI i
+  | isMultiVar r = mapM (identForIdN i) [1..varSize r]
+  | otherwise    = (:[]) <$> identForId i
     r = uTypeVt . idType $ i
@@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ allocConStatic (TxtI to) cc con args = do
       | isBoolDataCon con && dataConTag con == 2 =
            emitStatic to (StaticUnboxed $ StaticUnboxedBool True) cc'
       | otherwise = do
-           (TxtI e) <- enterDataConI con
+           (TxtI e) <- identForDataConWorker con
            emitStatic to (StaticData e []) cc'
     allocConStatic' cc' [x]
       | isUnboxableCon con =
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@ allocConStatic (TxtI to) cc con args = do
                 (a0:a1:_) -> flip (emitStatic to) cc' =<< allocateStaticList [a0] a1
                 _         -> panic "allocConStatic: invalid args for consDataCon"
               else do
-                (TxtI e) <- enterDataConI con
+                (TxtI e) <- identForDataConWorker con
                 emitStatic to (StaticData e xs) cc'
 allocUnboxedConStatic :: DataCon -> [StaticArg] -> StaticArg
@@ -249,16 +252,16 @@ allocateStaticList xs a@(StgVarArg i)
           pprPanic "allocateStaticList: invalid argument (tail)" (ppr (xs, r))
 allocateStaticList _ _ = panic "allocateStaticList: unexpected literal in list"
--- FIXME: Jeff (2022,03): Fix this orphan instance. It is consumed by
--- Linker.Linker but requires allocDynamicE, hence its presence in this file. If
--- we put it in StgToJS.Types (where StaticArg is defined) then we'll end up in
--- an obvious module cycle. We could put it in DataCon but then we lose cohesion
--- in that module (i.e., why should the DataCon module be exporting this
--- instance?). It seems to be that this module should be the one that defines
--- StaticArg, but I leave that for a refactor later.
-instance ToJExpr StaticArg where
-  toJExpr (StaticLitArg l) = toJExpr l
-  toJExpr (StaticObjArg t) = ValExpr (JVar (TxtI t))
-  toJExpr (StaticConArg c args) =
+-- | Generate JS code corresponding to a static arg
+jsStaticArg :: StaticArg -> JExpr
+jsStaticArg = \case
+  StaticLitArg l      -> toJExpr l
+  StaticObjArg t      -> ValExpr (JVar (TxtI t))
+  StaticConArg c args ->
     -- FIXME: cost-centre stack
-    allocDynamicE False (ValExpr . JVar . TxtI $ c) (map toJExpr args) Nothing
+    allocDynamicE False (ValExpr . JVar . TxtI $ c) (map jsStaticArg args) Nothing
+-- | Generate JS code corresponding to a list of static args
+jsStaticArgs :: [StaticArg] -> JExpr
+jsStaticArgs = ValExpr . JList . map jsStaticArg

@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
 import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
 import GHC.StgToJS.StaticPtr
 import GHC.StgToJS.UnitUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Stack
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.Stg.Syntax
 import GHC.Core.DataCon
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ stgToJS logger config stg_binds0 this_mod spt_entries foreign_stubs cccs output_
         -- (exported symbol names, javascript statements) for each linkable unit
         p <- forM lus \u -> do
-           ts <- mapM (fmap (\(TxtI i) -> i) . jsIdI) (luIdExports u)
+           ts <- mapM (fmap (\(TxtI i) -> i) . identForId) (luIdExports u)
            return (ts ++ luOtherExports u, luStat u)
         deps <- genDependencyData this_mod lus
@@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ genUnits m ss spt_entries foreign_stubs
                     -> Int
                     -> G (Object.SymbolTable, Maybe LinkableUnit)
       generateBlock st (StgTopStringLit bnd str) n = do
-        bids <- genIdsI bnd
+        bids <- identsForId bnd
         case bids of
           [(TxtI b1t),(TxtI b2t)] -> do
             -- [e1,e2] <- genLit (MachStr str)
@@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ serializeLinkableUnit _m st i ci si stat rawStat fe fi = do
   !(!st', !o) <- lift $ Object.serializeStat st ci si stat rawStat fe fi
   return (st', i', o) -- deepseq results?
-      idStr i = itxt <$> jsIdI i
+      idStr i = itxt <$> identForId i
 -- | variable prefix for the nth block in module
 modulePrefix :: Module -> Int -> FastString
@@ -274,7 +276,7 @@ genToplevelConEntry i rhs = case rhs of
 genSetConInfo :: HasDebugCallStack => Id -> DataCon -> LiveVars -> G JStat
 genSetConInfo i d l {- srt -} = do
-  ei@(TxtI eii) <- jsDcEntryIdI i
+  ei@(TxtI eii) <- identForDataConEntryId i
   sr <- genStaticRefs l
   emitClosureInfo $ ClosureInfo eii
                                 (CIRegs 0 [PtrV])
@@ -296,12 +298,19 @@ genToplevelRhs :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> G JStat
 -- general cases:
 genToplevelRhs i rhs = case rhs of
   StgRhsCon cc con _mu _tys args -> do
-    ii <- jsIdI i
+    ii <- identForId i
     allocConStatic ii cc con args
     return mempty
   StgRhsClosure _ext cc _upd_flag {- srt -} args body -> do
-    eid@(TxtI eidt) <- jsEnIdI i
-    (TxtI idt)   <- jsIdI i
+    {-
+      algorithm:
+       - collect all Id refs that are in the global id cache
+       - count usage in body for each ref
+       - order by increasing use
+       - prepend loading lives var to body: body can stay the same
+    -}
+    eid@(TxtI eidt) <- identForEntryId i
+    (TxtI idt)   <- identForId i
     body <- genBody (initExprCtx i) i R2 args body
     (lidents, lids) <- unzip <$> liftToGlobal (jsSaturate (Just "ghcjs_tmp_sat_") body)
     let lidents' = map (\(TxtI t) -> t) lidents

@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
 import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
 import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
 import GHC.StgToJS.Utils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.Core.DataCon
@@ -53,10 +54,10 @@ allocCon to con cc xs
   | isBoolDataCon con || isUnboxableCon con =
       return (toJExpr to |= allocUnboxedCon con xs)
 {-  | null xs = do
-      i <- jsId (dataConWorkId con)
+      i <- varForId (dataConWorkId con)
       return (assignj to i) -}
   | otherwise = do
-      e <- enterDataCon con
+      e <- varForDataConWorker con
       cs <- getSettings
       prof <- profiling
       ccsJ <- if prof then ccsVarJ cc else return Nothing

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.StgToJS.Object as Object
 import GHC.StgToJS.Types
-import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.JS.Syntax
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ genDependencyData mod units = do
             let k = getKey . getUnique $ i
                 addEntry :: StateT DependencyDataCache G Object.ExportedFun
                 addEntry = do
-                  (TxtI idTxt) <- lift (jsIdI i)
+                  (TxtI idTxt) <- lift (identForId i)
                   lookupExternalFun (Just k) (OtherSymb m idTxt)
             in  if m == mod
                    then pprPanic "local id not found" (ppr m)
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ genDependencyData mod units = do
       lookupExportedId :: Id -> StateT DependencyDataCache G Object.ExportedFun
       lookupExportedId i = do
-        (TxtI idTxt) <- lift (jsIdI i)
+        (TxtI idTxt) <- lift (identForId i)
         lookupExternalFun (Just . getKey . getUnique $ i) (OtherSymb mod idTxt)
       lookupExportedOther :: FastString -> StateT DependencyDataCache G Object.ExportedFun

@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
 import GHC.StgToJS.StgUtils
 import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
 import GHC.StgToJS.Utils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Stack
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Types.CostCentre
@@ -143,16 +145,16 @@ genBind ctx bndr =
            let sel_tag | the_offset == 2 = if total_size == 2 then "2a"
                                                               else "2b"
                        | otherwise       = show the_offset
-           tgts <- genIdsI b
-           the_fvjs <- genIds the_fv
+           tgts <- identsForId b
+           the_fvjs <- varsForId the_fv
            case (tgts, the_fvjs) of
              ([tgt], [the_fvj]) -> return $ Just
                (tgt ||= ApplExpr (var ("h$c_sel_" <> mkFastString sel_tag)) [the_fvj])
              _ -> panic "genBind.assign: invalid size"
      assign b (StgRhsClosure _ext _ccs _upd [] expr)
        | snd (isInlineExpr (ctxEvaluatedIds ctx) expr) = do
-           d   <- declIds b
-           tgt <- genIds b
+           d   <- declVarsForId b
+           tgt <- varsForId b
            let ctx' = ctx { ctxTarget = assocIdExprs b tgt }
            (j, _) <- genExpr ctx' expr
            return (Just (d <> j))
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ genBindLne ctx bndr = do
   vis  <- map (\(x,y,_) -> (x,y)) <$>
             optimizeFree oldFrameSize (newLvs++map fst updBinds)
   -- initialize updatable bindings to null_
-  declUpds <- mconcat <$> mapM (fmap (||= null_) . jsIdI . fst) updBinds
+  declUpds <- mconcat <$> mapM (fmap (||= null_) . identForId . fst) updBinds
   -- update expression context to include the updated LNE frame
   let ctx' = ctxUpdateLneFrame vis bound ctx
   mapM_ (uncurry $ genEntryLne ctx') binds
@@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ genEntryLne ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext _cc update args body) =
          | otherwise = mempty
   lvs  <- popLneFrame True payloadSize ctx
   body <- genBody ctx i R1 args body
-  ei@(TxtI eii)   <- jsEntryIdI i
+  ei@(TxtI eii)   <- identForEntryId i
   sr   <- genStaticRefsRhs rhs
   let f = JFunc [] (bh <> lvs <> body)
   emitClosureInfo $
@@ -234,9 +236,9 @@ genEntryLne ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext _cc update args body) =
   emitToplevel (ei ||= toJExpr f)
 genEntryLne ctx i (StgRhsCon cc con _mu _ticks args) = resetSlots $ do
   let payloadSize = ctxLneFrameSize ctx
-  ei@(TxtI _eii) <- jsEntryIdI i
-  -- di <- enterDataCon con
-  ii <- makeIdent
+  ei@(TxtI _eii) <- identForEntryId i
+  -- di <- varForDataConWorker con
+  ii <- freshIdent
   p  <- popLneFrame True payloadSize ctx
   args' <- concatMapM genArg args
   ac    <- allocCon ii con cc args'
@@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ genEntry ctx i rhs@(StgRhsClosure _ext cc {-_bi live-} upd_flag args body) = res
   llv   <- verifyRuntimeReps live
   upd   <- genUpdFrame upd_flag i
   body  <- genBody entryCtx i R2 args body
-  ei@(TxtI eii) <- jsEntryIdI i
+  ei@(TxtI eii) <- identForEntryId i
   et    <- genEntryType args
   setcc <- ifProfiling $
              if et == CIThunk
@@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ verifyRuntimeReps xs = do
     else mconcat <$> mapM verifyRuntimeRep xs
     verifyRuntimeRep i = do
-      i' <- genIds i
+      i' <- varsForId i
       pure $ go i' (idVt i)
     go js         (VoidV:vs) = go js vs
     go (j1:j2:js) (LongV:vs) = v "h$verify_rep_long" [j1,j2] <> go js vs
@@ -376,7 +378,7 @@ verifyRuntimeReps xs = do
 loadLiveFun :: [Id] -> G JStat
 loadLiveFun l = do
-   l' <- concat <$> mapM genIdsI l
+   l' <- concat <$> mapM identsForId l
    case l' of
      []  -> return mempty
      [v] -> return (v ||= r1 .^ closureField1_)
@@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ loadLiveFun l = do
                         , v2 ||= r1 .^ closureField2_
      (v:vs)  -> do
-       d <- makeIdent
+       d <- freshIdent
        let l'' = mconcat . zipWith (loadLiveVar $ toJExpr d) [(1::Int)..] $ vs
        return $ mconcat
                [ v ||= r1 .^ closureField1_
@@ -400,8 +402,15 @@ popLneFrame :: Bool -> Int -> ExprCtx -> G JStat
 popLneFrame inEntry size ctx = do
   let ctx' = ctxLneShrinkStack ctx size
-  is <- mapM (\(i,n) -> (,SlotId i n) <$> genIdsIN i n)
-             (ctxLneFrameVars ctx')
+  let gen_id_slot (i,n) = do
+        -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-08): do we really need to generate all the Idents here
+        -- to only select one? Is it because we need the side effect that consists in
+        -- filling the GlobalId cache?
+        ids <- identsForId i
+        let !id_n = ids !! (n-1)
+        pure (id_n, SlotId i n)
+  is <- mapM gen_id_slot (ctxLneFrameVars ctx')
   let skip = if inEntry then 1 else 0 -- pop the frame header
   popSkipI skip is
@@ -449,6 +458,9 @@ genStaticRefs lv
     sv = liveStatic lv
+    getStaticRef :: Id -> G (Maybe FastString)
+    getStaticRef = fmap (fmap itxt . listToMaybe) . identsForId
 -- reorder the things we need to push to reuse existing stack values as much as possible
 -- True if already on the stack at that location
 optimizeFree :: HasDebugCallStack => Int -> [Id] -> G [(Id,Int,Bool)]
@@ -486,25 +498,25 @@ allocCls dynMiddle xs = do
        proper candidates for this optimization should have been floated
       toCl (i, StgRhsCon cc con []) = do
-      ii <- jsIdI i
+      ii <- identForId i
       Left <$> (return (decl ii) <> allocCon ii con cc []) -}
     toCl (i, StgRhsCon cc con _mui _ticjs [a]) | isUnboxableCon con = do
-      ii <- jsIdI i
+      ii <- identForId i
       ac <- allocCon ii con cc =<< genArg a
       pure (Left (DeclStat ii <> ac))
     -- dynamics
     toCl (i, StgRhsCon cc con _mu _ticks ar) =
       -- fixme do we need to handle unboxed?
-      Right <$> ((,,,) <$> jsIdI i
-                       <*> enterDataCon con
+      Right <$> ((,,,) <$> identForId i
+                       <*> varForDataConWorker con
                        <*> concatMapM genArg ar
                        <*> pure cc)
     toCl (i, cl@(StgRhsClosure _ext cc _upd_flag _args _body)) =
       let live = stgLneLiveExpr cl
-      in  Right <$> ((,,,) <$> jsIdI i
-                       <*> jsEntryId i
-                       <*> concatMapM genIds live
+      in  Right <$> ((,,,) <$> identForId i
+                       <*> varForEntryId i
+                       <*> concatMapM varsForId live
                        <*> pure cc)
 -- fixme CgCase has a reps_compatible check here
@@ -517,8 +529,8 @@ genCase :: HasDebugCallStack
         -> LiveVars
         -> G (JStat, ExprResult)
 genCase ctx bnd e at alts l
-  | snd (isInlineExpr (ctxEvaluatedIds ctx) e) = withNewIdent $ \ccsVar -> do
-      bndi <- genIdsI bnd
+  | snd (isInlineExpr (ctxEvaluatedIds ctx) e) = freshIdent >>= \ccsVar -> do
+      bndi <- identsForId bnd
       let ctx' = ctxSetTop bnd
                   $ ctxSetTarget (assocIdExprs bnd (map toJExpr bndi))
                   $ ctx
@@ -558,7 +570,7 @@ genRet :: HasDebugCallStack
        -> [CgStgAlt]
        -> LiveVars
        -> G JStat
-genRet ctx e at as l = withNewIdent f
+genRet ctx e at as l = freshIdent >>= f
     allRefs :: [Id]
     allRefs =  S.toList . S.unions $ fmap (exprRefs emptyUFM . alt_rhs) as
@@ -598,8 +610,8 @@ genRet ctx e at as l = withNewIdent f
       _              -> [PtrV]
     fun free = resetSlots $ do
-      decs          <- declIds e
-      load          <- flip assignAll (map toJExpr [R1 ..]) . map toJExpr <$> genIdsI e
+      decs          <- declVarsForId e
+      load          <- flip assignAll (map toJExpr [R1 ..]) . map toJExpr <$> identsForId e
       loadv         <- verifyRuntimeReps [e]
       ras           <- loadRetArgs free
       rasv          <- verifyRuntimeReps (map (\(x,_,_)->x) free)
@@ -627,15 +639,15 @@ genAlts ctx e at me alts = do
     PrimAlt _tc
       | [GenStgAlt _ bs expr] <- alts
       -> do
-        ie       <- genIds e
-        dids     <- mconcat <$> mapM declIds bs
-        bss      <- concatMapM genIds bs
+        ie       <- varsForId e
+        dids     <- mconcat <$> mapM declVarsForId bs
+        bss      <- concatMapM varsForId bs
         (ej, er) <- genExpr ctx expr
         return (dids <> assignAll bss ie <> ej, er)
     PrimAlt tc
       -> do
-        ie <- genIds e
+        ie <- varsForId e
         (r, bss) <- normalizeBranches ctx <$>
            mapM (isolateSlots . mkPrimIfBranch ctx [primRepVt tc]) alts
         setSlots []
@@ -644,7 +656,7 @@ genAlts ctx e at me alts = do
     MultiValAlt n
       | [GenStgAlt _ bs expr] <- alts
       -> do
-        eids     <- genIds e
+        eids     <- varsForId e
         l        <- loadUbxTup eids bs n
         (ej, er) <- genExpr ctx expr
         return (l <> ej, er)
@@ -659,7 +671,7 @@ genAlts ctx e at me alts = do
       , [GenStgAlt (DataAlt dc) bs expr] <- alts
       , not (isUnboxableCon dc)
       -> do
-        bsi <- mapM genIdsI bs
+        bsi <- mapM identsForId bs
         (ej, er) <- genExpr ctx expr
         return (declAssignAll (concat bsi) es <> ej, er)
@@ -674,7 +686,7 @@ genAlts ctx e at me alts = do
       , DataAlt dc <- alt_con alt
       , isBoolDataCon dc
       -> do
-        i <- jsId e
+        i <- varForId e
         nbs <- normalizeBranches ctx <$>
             mapM (isolateSlots . mkAlgBranch ctx e) alts
         case nbs of
@@ -689,7 +701,7 @@ genAlts ctx e at me alts = do
     -- FIXME: add all alts
     AlgAlt _tc -> do
-        ei <- jsId e
+        ei <- varForId e
         (r, brs) <- normalizeBranches ctx <$>
             mapM (isolateSlots . mkAlgBranch ctx e) alts
         setSlots []
@@ -707,7 +719,7 @@ verifyMatchRep x alt = do
     then pure mempty
     else case alt of
       AlgAlt tc -> do
-        ix <- genIds x
+        ix <- varsForId x
         pure $ ApplStat (var "h$verify_match_alg") (ValExpr(JStr(mkFastString (renderWithContext defaultSDocContext (ppr tc)))):ix)
       _ -> pure mempty
@@ -740,7 +752,7 @@ normalizeBranches ctx brs
 loadUbxTup :: [JExpr] -> [Id] -> Int -> G JStat
 loadUbxTup es bs _n = do
-  bs' <- concatMapM genIdsI bs
+  bs' <- concatMapM identsForId bs
   return $ declAssignAll bs' es
 mkSw :: [JExpr] -> [Branch (Maybe [JExpr])] -> JStat
@@ -796,8 +808,8 @@ mkAlgBranch top d alt
   , isUnboxableCon dc
   , [b] <- alt_bndrs alt
   = do
-    idd  <- jsId d
-    fldx <- genIdsI b
+    idd  <- varForId d
+    fldx <- identsForId b
     case fldx of
       [fld] -> do
         (ej, er) <- genExpr top (alt_rhs alt)
@@ -807,7 +819,7 @@ mkAlgBranch top d alt
   | otherwise
   = do
     cc       <- caseCond (alt_con alt)
-    idd      <- jsId d
+    idd      <- varForId d
     b        <- loadParams idd (alt_bndrs alt)
     (ej, er) <- genExpr top (alt_rhs alt)
     return (Branch cc (b <> ej) er)
@@ -838,7 +850,7 @@ caseCond = \case
 -- fixme use single tmp var for all branches
 loadParams :: JExpr -> [Id] -> G JStat
 loadParams from args = do
-  as <- concat <$> zipWithM (\a u -> map (,u) <$> genIdsI a) args use
+  as <- concat <$> zipWithM (\a u -> map (,u) <$> identsForId a) args use
   return $ case as of
     []                 -> mempty
     [(x,u)]            -> loadIfUsed (from .^ closureField1_) x  u

@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import GHC.StgToJS.Types
 import GHC.StgToJS.Literal
 import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
 import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.Types.RepType
 import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
@@ -101,9 +102,9 @@ parseFFIPatternA :: Bool  -- ^ async
 -- async calls get an extra callback argument
 -- call it with the result
 parseFFIPatternA True True pat t es as  = do
-  cb <- makeIdent
-  x  <- makeIdent
-  d  <- makeIdent
+  cb <- freshIdent
+  x  <- freshIdent
+  d  <- freshIdent
   stat <- parseFFIPattern' (Just (toJExpr cb)) True pat t es as
   return $ mconcat
     [ x  ||= (toJExpr (jhFromList [("mv", null_)]))
@@ -220,11 +221,11 @@ genFFIArg _isJavaScriptCc (StgLitArg l) = (mempty,) <$> genLit l
 genFFIArg isJavaScriptCc a@(StgVarArg i)
     | not isJavaScriptCc &&
       (tycon == byteArrayPrimTyCon || tycon == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon) =
-        (\x -> (mempty,[x, zero_])) <$> jsId i
+        (\x -> (mempty,[x, zero_])) <$> varForId i
     | isVoid r                  = return (mempty, [])
 --    | Just x <- marshalFFIArg a = x
-    | isMultiVar r              = (mempty,) <$> mapM (jsIdN i) [1..varSize r]
-    | otherwise                 = (\x -> (mempty,[x])) <$> jsId i
+    | isMultiVar r              = (mempty,) <$> mapM (varForIdN i) [1..varSize r]
+    | otherwise                 = (\x -> (mempty,[x])) <$> varForId i
      tycon  = tyConAppTyCon (unwrapType arg_ty)
      arg_ty = stgArgType a

@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+-- | Deals with JS identifiers
+module GHC.StgToJS.Ids
+  ( freshUnique
+  , freshIdent
+  , makeIdentForId
+  , cachedIdentForId
+  -- * Helpers for Idents
+  , identForId
+  , identForIdN
+  , identsForId
+  , identForEntryId
+  , identForDataConEntryId
+  , identForDataConWorker
+  -- * Helpers for variables
+  , varForId
+  , varForIdN
+  , varsForId
+  , varForEntryId
+  , varForDataConEntryId
+  , varForDataConWorker
+  , declVarsForId
+  )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.UnitUtils
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.JS.Make
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Unit.Module
+import GHC.Utils.Encoding (zEncodeString)
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
+import qualified Data.Map  as M
+import Data.Maybe
+-- | Get fresh unique number
+freshUnique :: G Int
+freshUnique = do
+  State.modify (\s -> s { gsId = gsId s + 1})
+  State.gets gsId
+-- | Get fresh local Ident of the form: h$$unit:module_uniq
+freshIdent :: G Ident
+freshIdent = do
+  i <- freshUnique
+  mod <- State.gets gsModule
+  let !name = mkFastString $ mconcat
+                [ "h$$"
+                , zEncodeString (unitModuleString mod)
+                , "_"
+                , encodeUnique i
+                ]
+  return (TxtI name)
+-- | Encode a Unique number as a base-62 String
+encodeUnique :: Int -> String
+encodeUnique = reverse . iToBase62  -- reversed is more compressible
+-- | Generate unique Ident for the given ID (uncached!)
+-- The ident has the following forms:
+--    global Id: h$unit:module.name[_num][_type_suffix]
+--    local Id: h$$unit:module.name[_num][_type_suffix]_uniq
+-- Note that the string is z-encoded except for "_" delimiters.
+-- Optional "_type_suffix" can be:
+--  - "_e" for IdEntry
+--  - "_con_e" for IdConEntry
+-- Optional "_num" is passed as an argument to this function. It is used for
+-- Haskell Ids that require several JS variables: e.g. 64-bit numbers (Word64#,
+-- Int64#), Addr#, StablePtr#, unboxed tuples, etc.
+makeIdentForId :: Id -> Maybe Int -> IdType -> Module -> Ident
+makeIdentForId i num id_type current_module = TxtI ident
+  where
+    exported = isExportedId i
+    name     = getName i
+    !ident   = mkFastString $ mconcat
+      [ "h$"
+      , if exported then "" else "$"
+      , zEncodeString $ unitModuleString $ case exported of
+          True | Just m <- nameModule_maybe name -> m
+          _                                      -> current_module
+      , zEncodeString "."
+      , zString (zEncodeFS (occNameFS (nameOccName name)))
+      , case num of
+          Nothing -> ""
+          Just v  -> "_" ++ show v
+      , case id_type of
+          IdPlain    -> ""
+          IdEntry    -> "_e"
+          IdConEntry -> "_con_e"
+      , if exported
+          then ""
+          else "_" ++ encodeUnique (getKey (getUnique i))
+      ]
+-- | Retrieve the cached Ident for the given Id if there is one. Otherwise make
+-- a new one with 'makeIdentForId' and cache it.
+cachedIdentForId :: Id -> Maybe Int -> IdType -> G Ident
+cachedIdentForId i mi id_type = do
+  -- compute key
+  let !key = IdKey (getKey . getUnique $ i) (fromMaybe 0 mi) id_type
+  -- lookup Ident in the Ident cache
+  IdCache cache <- State.gets gsIdents
+  ident <- case M.lookup key cache of
+    Just ident -> pure ident
+    Nothing -> do
+      mod <- State.gets gsModule
+      let !ident  = makeIdentForId i mi id_type mod
+      let !cache' = IdCache (M.insert key ident cache)
+      State.modify (\s -> s { gsIdents = cache' })
+      pure ident
+  -- Now update the GlobalId cache, if required
+  let update_global_cache = isGlobalId i && isNothing mi && id_type == IdPlain
+      -- fixme also allow caching entries for lifting?
+  when (update_global_cache) $ do
+    GlobalIdCache gidc <- getGlobalIdCache
+    case M.lookup ident gidc of
+      Nothing -> setGlobalIdCache $ GlobalIdCache (M.insert ident (key, i) gidc)
+      Just _  -> pure ()
+  pure ident
+-- | Retrieve default Ident for the given Id
+identForId :: Id -> G Ident
+identForId i = cachedIdentForId i Nothing IdPlain
+-- | Retrieve default Ident for the given Id with sub index
+-- Some types, Word64, Addr#, unboxed tuple have more than one corresponding JS
+-- var, hence we use the sub index to identify each subpart / JS variable.
+identForIdN :: Id -> Int -> G Ident
+identForIdN i n = cachedIdentForId i (Just n) IdPlain
+-- | Retrieve all the idents for the given Id.
+identsForId :: Id -> G [Ident]
+identsForId i = case typeSize (idType i) of
+  0 -> pure mempty
+  1 -> (:[]) <$> identForId i
+  s -> mapM (identForIdN i) [1..s]
+-- | Retrieve entry Ident for the given Id
+identForEntryId :: Id -> G Ident
+identForEntryId i = cachedIdentForId i Nothing IdEntry
+-- | Retrieve datacon entry Ident for the given Id
+-- Different name than the datacon wrapper.
+identForDataConEntryId :: Id -> G Ident
+identForDataConEntryId i = cachedIdentForId i Nothing IdConEntry
+-- | Retrieve default variable name for the given Id
+varForId :: Id -> G JExpr
+varForId i = toJExpr <$> identForId i
+-- | Retrieve default variable name for the given Id with sub index
+varForIdN :: Id -> Int -> G JExpr
+varForIdN i n = toJExpr <$> identForIdN i n
+-- | Retrieve all the JS vars for the given Id
+varsForId :: Id -> G [JExpr]
+varsForId i = case typeSize (idType i) of
+  0 -> pure mempty
+  1 -> (:[]) <$> varForId i
+  s -> mapM (varForIdN i) [1..s]
+-- | Retrieve entry variable name for the given Id
+varForEntryId :: Id -> G JExpr
+varForEntryId i = toJExpr <$> identForEntryId i
+-- | Retrieve datacon entry variable name for the given Id
+varForDataConEntryId :: Id -> G JExpr
+varForDataConEntryId i = ValExpr . JVar <$> identForDataConEntryId i
+-- | Retrieve datacon worker entry variable name for the given datacon
+identForDataConWorker :: DataCon -> G Ident
+identForDataConWorker d = identForDataConEntryId (dataConWorkId d)
+-- | Retrieve datacon worker entry variable name for the given datacon
+varForDataConWorker :: DataCon -> G JExpr
+varForDataConWorker d = varForDataConEntryId (dataConWorkId d)
+-- | Declare all js vars for the id
+declVarsForId :: Id -> G JStat
+declVarsForId  i = case typeSize (idType i) of
+  0 -> return mempty
+  1 -> DeclStat <$> identForId i
+  s -> mconcat <$> mapM (\n -> DeclStat <$> identForIdN i n) [1..s]

@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ import           GHC.StgToJS.Types
 import           GHC.StgToJS.Linker.Types
 import           GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
 import           GHC.StgToJS.Closure
-import           GHC.StgToJS.Arg()
+import           GHC.StgToJS.Arg
 import Prelude
 import GHC.Utils.Encoding
@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ staticInitStat :: Bool         -- ^ profiling enabled
                -> JStat
 staticInitStat _prof (StaticInfo i sv cc) =
   case sv of
-    StaticData con args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var con, toJExpr args] ++ ccArg)
-    StaticFun  f   args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var f, toJExpr args] ++ ccArg)
+    StaticData con args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var con, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
+    StaticFun  f   args -> appS "h$sti" ([var i, var f, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
     StaticList args mt   ->
-      appS "h$stl" ([var i, toJExpr args, toJExpr $ maybe null_ (toJExpr . TxtI) mt] ++ ccArg)
+      appS "h$stl" ([var i, jsStaticArgs args, toJExpr $ maybe null_ (toJExpr . TxtI) mt] ++ ccArg)
     StaticThunk (Just (f,args)) ->
-      appS "h$stc" ([var i, var f, toJExpr args] ++ ccArg)
+      appS "h$stc" ([var i, var f, jsStaticArgs args] ++ ccArg)
     _                    -> mempty
     ccArg = maybeToList (fmap toJExpr cc)

@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import GHC.JS.Make
 import GHC.StgToJS.Types
 import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Types.Literal
@@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ genLit :: HasDebugCallStack => Literal -> G [JExpr]
 genLit = \case
   LitChar c     -> return [ toJExpr (ord c) ]
   LitString str ->
-    withNewIdent $ \strLit@(TxtI strLitT) ->
-      withNewIdent $ \strOff@(TxtI strOffT) -> do
+    freshIdent >>= \strLit@(TxtI strLitT) ->
+      freshIdent >>= \strOff@(TxtI strOffT) -> do
         emitStatic strLitT (StaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedString str)) Nothing
         emitStatic strOffT (StaticUnboxed (StaticUnboxedStringOffset str)) Nothing
         return [ ValExpr (JVar strLit), ValExpr (JVar strOff) ]

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+-- | JS codegen state monad
 module GHC.StgToJS.Monad
   ( runG
   , emitGlobal
@@ -11,111 +13,37 @@ module GHC.StgToJS.Monad
   , emitForeign
   , assertRtsStat
   , getSettings
-  , updateThunk
-  , updateThunk'
   , liftToGlobal
-  , bhStats
-  -- * IDs
-  , withNewIdent
-  , makeIdent
-  , freshUnique
-  , jsIdIdent
-  , jsId
-  , jsIdN
-  , jsIdI
-  , jsIdIN
-  , jsIdIdent'
-  , jsIdV
-  , jsEnId
-  , jsEnIdI
-  , jsEntryId
-  , jsEntryIdI
-  , jsDcEntryId
-  , jsDcEntryIdI
-  , genIds
-  , genIdsN
-  , genIdsI
-  , genIdsIN
-  , getStaticRef
-  , declIds
-  -- * Datacon
-  , enterDataCon
-  , enterDataConI
+  , setGlobalIdCache
+  , getGlobalIdCache
   -- * Group
   , modifyGroup
   , resetGroup
-  -- * Stack
-  , resetSlots
-  , isolateSlots
-  , setSlots
-  , getSlots
-  , addSlots
-  , dropSlots
-  , addUnknownSlots
-  , adjPushStack
-  , push
-  , push'
-  , adjSpN
-  , adjSpN'
-  , adjSp'
-  , adjSp
-  , pushNN
-  , pushNN'
-  , pushN'
-  , pushN
-  , pushOptimized'
-  , pushOptimized
-  , pushLneFrame
-  , pop
-  , popn
-  , popUnknown
-  , popSkipUnknown
-  , popSkip
-  , popSkip'
-  , popSkipI
-  , loadSkip
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.JS.Syntax
-import GHC.JS.Make
 import GHC.JS.Transform
-import GHC.StgToJS.ExprCtx
-import GHC.StgToJS.Heap
 import GHC.StgToJS.Types
-import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
-import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
-import GHC.StgToJS.UnitUtils
 import GHC.Unit.Module
-import GHC.Core.DataCon
 import GHC.Stg.Syntax
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Id
-import GHC.Types.Name
-import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
 import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
-import GHC.Utils.Encoding (zEncodeString)
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))
-import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
 import GHC.Data.FastString
 import qualified Data.Map  as M
 import qualified Data.Set  as S
-import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
 import qualified Data.List as L
 import Data.Function
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Array
-import Data.Monoid
-import Control.Monad
 runG :: StgToJSConfig -> Module -> UniqFM Id CgStgExpr -> G a -> IO a
 runG config m unfloat action = State.evalStateT action (initState config m unfloat)
@@ -188,186 +116,9 @@ emitForeign mbSpan pat safety cconv arg_tys res_ty = modifyGroup mod_group
                 Nothing -> "<unknown>"
-withNewIdent :: (Ident -> G a) -> G a
-withNewIdent m = makeIdent >>= m
-makeIdent :: G Ident
-makeIdent = do
-  i <- freshUnique
-  mod <- State.gets gsModule
-  -- TODO: Is there a better way to concatenate FastStrings?
-  let !name = mkFastString $ mconcat
-                [ "h$$"
-                , zEncodeString (unitModuleString mod)
-                , "_"
-                , encodeUnique i
-                ]
-  return (TxtI name)
-encodeUnique :: Int -> String
-encodeUnique = reverse . iToBase62  -- reversed is more compressible
-jsId :: Id -> G JExpr
-jsId i
---  | i == trueDataConId  = return $ toJExpr True
---  | i == falseDataConId = return $ toJExpr False
-  | otherwise = ValExpr . JVar <$> jsIdIdent i Nothing IdPlain
-jsIdI :: Id -> G Ident
-jsIdI i = jsIdIdent i Nothing IdPlain
--- some types, Word64, Addr#, unboxed tuple have more than one javascript var
-jsIdIN :: Id -> Int -> G Ident
-jsIdIN i n = jsIdIdent i (Just n) IdPlain
-jsIdN :: Id -> Int -> G JExpr
-jsIdN i n = ValExpr . JVar <$> jsIdIdent i (Just n) IdPlain
--- uncached
-jsIdIdent' :: Id -> Maybe Int -> IdType -> G Ident
-jsIdIdent' i mn suffix0 = do
-  (prefix, u) <- mkPrefixU
-  let i' = (\x -> mkFastString $ "h$"++prefix++x++mns++suffix++u) . zEncodeString $ name
-  i' `seq` return (TxtI i')
-    where
-      suffix = idTypeSuffix suffix0
-      mns = maybe "" (('_':).show) mn
-      name = ('.':) . nameStableString . localiseName . getName $ i
-      mkPrefixU :: G (String, String)
-      mkPrefixU
-        | isExportedId i, Just x <- (nameModule_maybe . getName) i = do
-           let xstr = unitModuleString x
-           return (zEncodeString xstr, "")
-        | otherwise = (,('_':) . encodeUnique . getKey . getUnique $ i) . ('$':)
-                    . zEncodeString . unitModuleString <$> State.gets gsModule
--- entry id
-jsEnId :: Id -> G JExpr
-jsEnId i = ValExpr . JVar <$> jsEnIdI i
-jsEnIdI :: Id -> G Ident
-jsEnIdI i = jsIdIdent i Nothing IdEntry
-jsEntryId :: Id -> G JExpr
-jsEntryId i = ValExpr . JVar <$> jsEntryIdI i
-jsEntryIdI :: Id -> G Ident
-jsEntryIdI i = jsIdIdent i Nothing IdEntry
--- datacon entry, different name than the wrapper
-jsDcEntryId :: Id -> G JExpr
-jsDcEntryId i = ValExpr . JVar <$> jsDcEntryIdI i
-jsDcEntryIdI :: Id -> G Ident
-jsDcEntryIdI i = jsIdIdent i Nothing IdConEntry
--- entry function of the worker
-enterDataCon :: DataCon -> G JExpr
-enterDataCon d = jsDcEntryId (dataConWorkId d)
-enterDataConI :: DataCon -> G Ident
-enterDataConI d = jsDcEntryIdI (dataConWorkId d)
-jsIdV :: Id -> G JVal
-jsIdV i = JVar <$> jsIdIdent i Nothing IdPlain
--- | generate all js vars for the ids (can be multiple per var)
-genIds :: Id -> G [JExpr]
-genIds i
-  | s == 0    = return mempty
-  | s == 1    = (:[]) <$> jsId i
-  | otherwise = mapM (jsIdN i) [1..s]
-  where
-    s  = typeSize (idType i)
-genIdsN :: Id -> Int -> G JExpr
-genIdsN i n = do
-  xs <- genIds i
-  return $ xs !! (n-1)
--- | get all idents for an id
-genIdsI :: Id -> G [Ident]
-genIdsI i
-  | s == 1    = (:[]) <$> jsIdI i
-  | otherwise = mapM (jsIdIN i) [1..s]
-        where
-          s = typeSize (idType i)
-genIdsIN :: Id -> Int -> G Ident
-genIdsIN i n = do
-  xs <- genIdsI i
-  return $ xs !! (n-1)
-jsIdIdent :: Id -> Maybe Int -> IdType -> G Ident
-jsIdIdent i mi suffix = do
-  IdCache cache <- State.gets gsIdents
-  ident <- case M.lookup key cache of
-    Just ident -> pure ident
-    Nothing -> do
-      mod <- State.gets gsModule
-      let !ident  = makeIdIdent i mi suffix mod
-      let !cache' = IdCache (M.insert key ident cache)
-      State.modify (\s -> s { gsIdents = cache' })
-      pure ident
-  updateGlobalIdCache ident
-  where
-    !key = IdKey (getKey . getUnique $ i) (fromMaybe 0 mi) suffix
-    updateGlobalIdCache :: Ident -> G Ident
-    updateGlobalIdCache ji
-      -- fixme also allow caching entries for lifting?
-      | not (isGlobalId i) || isJust mi || suffix /= IdPlain = pure ji
-      | otherwise = do
-          GlobalIdCache gidc <- getGlobalIdCache
-          case M.lookup ji gidc of
-            Nothing -> do
-              let mod_group g = g { ggsGlobalIdCache = GlobalIdCache (M.insert ji (key, i) gidc) }
-              State.modify (\s -> s { gsGroup = mod_group (gsGroup s) })
-            Just _  -> pure ()
-          pure ji
-getStaticRef :: Id -> G (Maybe FastString)
-getStaticRef = fmap (fmap itxt . listToMaybe) . genIdsI
--- uncached
-makeIdIdent :: Id -> Maybe Int -> IdType -> Module -> Ident
-makeIdIdent i mn suffix0 mod = TxtI txt
-  where
-    !txt = mkFastString full_name
-    full_name = mconcat
-      ["h$"
-      , prefix
-      , zEncodeString ('.':name)
-      , mns
-      , suffix
-      , u
-      ]
-    -- prefix and suffix (unique)
-    (prefix,u)
-      | isExportedId i
-      , Just x <- (nameModule_maybe . getName) i
-      = ( zEncodeString (unitModuleString x)
-        , ""
-        )
-      | otherwise
-      = ( '$':zEncodeString (unitModuleString mod)
-        , '_': encodeUnique (getKey (getUnique i))
-        )
-    suffix = idTypeSuffix suffix0
-    mns = maybe "" (('_':).show) mn
-    name = renderWithContext defaultSDocContext . pprNameUnqualified . getName $ i
-idTypeSuffix :: IdType -> String
-idTypeSuffix IdPlain = ""
-idTypeSuffix IdEntry = "_e"
-idTypeSuffix IdConEntry = "_con_e"
 -- | start with a new binding group
 resetGroup :: G ()
@@ -382,225 +133,6 @@ emptyGlobalIdCache = GlobalIdCache M.empty
 emptyIdCache :: IdCache
 emptyIdCache = IdCache M.empty
--- | run the action with no stack info
-resetSlots :: G a -> G a
-resetSlots m = do
-  s <- getSlots
-  d <- getStackDepth
-  setSlots []
-  a <- m
-  setSlots s
-  setStackDepth d
-  return a
--- | run the action with current stack info, but don't let modifications propagate
-isolateSlots :: G a -> G a
-isolateSlots m = do
-  s <- getSlots
-  d <- getStackDepth
-  a <- m
-  setSlots s
-  setStackDepth d
-  pure a
--- | Set stack depth
-setStackDepth :: Int -> G ()
-setStackDepth d = modifyGroup (\s -> s { ggsStackDepth = d})
--- | Get stack depth
-getStackDepth :: G Int
-getStackDepth = State.gets (ggsStackDepth . gsGroup)
--- | Modify stack depth
-modifyStackDepth :: (Int -> Int) -> G ()
-modifyStackDepth f = modifyGroup (\s -> s { ggsStackDepth = f (ggsStackDepth s) })
--- | overwrite our stack knowledge
-setSlots :: [StackSlot] -> G ()
-setSlots xs = modifyGroup (\g -> g { ggsStack = xs})
--- | retrieve our current stack knowledge
-getSlots :: G [StackSlot]
-getSlots = State.gets (ggsStack . gsGroup)
--- | Modify stack slots
-modifySlots :: ([StackSlot] -> [StackSlot]) -> G ()
-modifySlots f = modifyGroup (\g -> g { ggsStack = f (ggsStack g)})
--- | add `n` unknown slots to our stack knowledge
-addUnknownSlots :: Int -> G ()
-addUnknownSlots n = addSlots (replicate n SlotUnknown)
--- | add knowledge about the stack slots
-addSlots :: [StackSlot] -> G ()
-addSlots xs = do
-  s <- getSlots
-  setSlots (xs ++ s)
-dropSlots :: Int -> G ()
-dropSlots n = modifySlots (drop n)
-adjPushStack :: Int -> G ()
-adjPushStack n = do
-  modifyStackDepth (+n)
-  dropSlots n
-push :: [JExpr] -> G JStat
-push xs = do
-  dropSlots (length xs)
-  modifyStackDepth (+ (length xs))
-  flip push' xs <$> getSettings
-push' :: StgToJSConfig -> [JExpr] -> JStat
-push' _ [] = mempty
-push' cs xs
-   | csInlinePush cs || l > 32 || l < 2 = adjSp' l <> mconcat items
-   | otherwise                          = ApplStat (toJExpr $ pushN ! l) xs
-  where
-    items = zipWith (\i e -> AssignStat ((IdxExpr stack) (toJExpr (offset i))) (toJExpr e))
-                    [(1::Int)..] xs
-    offset i | i == l    = sp
-             | otherwise = InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr (l - i))
-    l = length xs
-adjSp' :: Int -> JStat
-adjSp' 0 = mempty
-adjSp' n = sp |= InfixExpr AddOp sp (toJExpr n)
-adjSpN' :: Int -> JStat
-adjSpN' 0 = mempty
-adjSpN' n = sp |= InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr n)
-adjSp :: Int -> G JStat
-adjSp 0 = return mempty
-adjSp n = do
-  modifyStackDepth (+n)
-  return (adjSp' n)
-adjSpN :: Int -> G JStat
-adjSpN 0 = return mempty
-adjSpN n = do
-  modifyStackDepth (\x -> x - n)
-  return (adjSpN' n)
-pushN :: Array Int Ident
-pushN = listArray (1,32) $ map (TxtI . mkFastString . ("h$p"++) . show) [(1::Int)..32]
-pushN' :: Array Int JExpr
-pushN' = fmap (ValExpr . JVar) pushN
-pushNN :: Array Integer Ident
-pushNN = listArray (1,255) $ map (TxtI . mkFastString . ("h$pp"++) . show) [(1::Int)..255]
-pushNN' :: Array Integer JExpr
-pushNN' = fmap (ValExpr . JVar) pushNN
-pushOptimized' :: [(Id,Int)] -> G JStat
-pushOptimized' xs = do
-  slots  <- getSlots
-  pushOptimized =<< (zipWithM f xs (slots++repeat SlotUnknown))
-  where
-    f (i1,n1) (SlotId i2 n2) = (,i1==i2&&n1==n2) <$> genIdsN i1 n1
-    f (i1,n1) _              = (,False)          <$> genIdsN i1 n1
--- | optimized push that reuses existing values on stack automatically chooses
--- an optimized partial push (h$ppN) function when possible.
-pushOptimized :: [(JExpr,Bool)] -- ^ contents of the slots, True if same value is already there
-              -> G JStat
-pushOptimized [] = return mempty
-pushOptimized xs = do
-  dropSlots l
-  modifyStackDepth (+ length xs)
-  go .  csInlinePush <$> getSettings
-  where
-    go True = inlinePush
-    go _
-     | all snd xs                  = adjSp' l
-     | all (not.snd) xs && l <= 32 =
-        ApplStat (pushN' ! l) (map fst xs)
-     | l <= 8 && not (snd $ last xs) =
-        ApplStat (pushNN' ! sig) [ e | (e,False) <- xs ]
-     | otherwise = inlinePush
-    l   = length xs
-    sig :: Integer
-    sig = L.foldl1' (Bits..|.) $ zipWith (\(_e,b) i -> if not b then Bits.bit i else 0) xs [0..]
-    inlinePush = adjSp' l <> mconcat (zipWith pushSlot [1..] xs)
-    pushSlot i (ex, False) = IdxExpr stack (offset i) |= ex
-    pushSlot _ _           = mempty
-    offset i | i == l    = sp
-             | otherwise = InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr (l - i))
-pushLneFrame :: HasDebugCallStack => Int -> ExprCtx -> G JStat
-pushLneFrame size ctx =
-  let ctx' = ctxLneShrinkStack ctx size
-  in pushOptimized' (ctxLneFrameVars ctx')
-popUnknown :: [JExpr] -> G JStat
-popUnknown xs = popSkipUnknown 0 xs
-popSkipUnknown :: Int -> [JExpr] -> G JStat
-popSkipUnknown n xs = popSkip n (map (,SlotUnknown) xs)
-pop :: [(JExpr,StackSlot)] -> G JStat
-pop = popSkip 0
--- | pop the expressions, but ignore the top n elements of the stack
-popSkip :: Int -> [(JExpr,StackSlot)] -> G JStat
-popSkip 0 [] = pure mempty
-popSkip n [] = addUnknownSlots n >> adjSpN n
-popSkip n xs = do
-  addUnknownSlots n
-  addSlots (map snd xs)
-  a <- adjSpN (length xs + n)
-  return (loadSkip n (map fst xs) <> a)
--- | pop things, don't upstate stack knowledge
-popSkip' :: Int     -- ^ number of slots to skip
-         -> [JExpr] -- ^ assign stack slot values to these
-         -> JStat
-popSkip' 0 []  = mempty
-popSkip' n []  = adjSpN' n
-popSkip' n tgt = loadSkip n tgt <> adjSpN' (length tgt + n)
--- | like popSkip, but without modifying the stack pointer
-loadSkip :: Int -> [JExpr] -> JStat
-loadSkip = loadSkipFrom sp
-loadSkipFrom :: JExpr -> Int -> [JExpr] -> JStat
-loadSkipFrom fr n xs = mconcat items
-    where
-      items = reverse $ zipWith (\i ex -> ex |= IdxExpr stack (toJExpr (offset (i+n))))
-                                [(0::Int)..]
-                                (reverse xs)
-      offset 0 = toJExpr fr
-      offset n = InfixExpr SubOp (toJExpr fr) (toJExpr n)
--- declare and pop
-popSkipI :: Int -> [(Ident,StackSlot)] -> G JStat
-popSkipI 0 [] = pure mempty
-popSkipI n [] = adjSpN n
-popSkipI n xs = do
-  addUnknownSlots n
-  addSlots (map snd xs)
-  a <- adjSpN (length xs + n)
-  return (loadSkipI n (map fst xs) <> a)
--- like popSkip, but without modifying sp
-loadSkipI :: Int -> [Ident] -> JStat
-loadSkipI = loadSkipIFrom sp
-loadSkipIFrom :: JExpr -> Int -> [Ident] -> JStat
-loadSkipIFrom fr n xs = mconcat items
-    where
-      items = reverse $ zipWith f [(0::Int)..] (reverse xs)
-      offset 0 = fr
-      offset n = InfixExpr SubOp fr (toJExpr n)
-      f i ex = ex ||= IdxExpr stack (toJExpr (offset (i+n)))
-popn :: Int -> G JStat
-popn n = addUnknownSlots n >> adjSpN n
 assertRtsStat :: G JStat -> G JStat
@@ -614,40 +146,9 @@ getSettings = State.gets gsSettings
 getGlobalIdCache :: G GlobalIdCache
 getGlobalIdCache = State.gets (ggsGlobalIdCache . gsGroup)
-updateThunk' :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat
-updateThunk' settings =
-  if csInlineBlackhole settings
-    then bhStats settings True
-    else ApplStat (var "h$bh") []
--- | Generate statemeents to update the current node with a blackhole
-bhStats :: StgToJSConfig -> Bool -> JStat
-bhStats s pushUpd = mconcat
-  [ if pushUpd then push' s [r1, var "h$upd_frame"] else mempty
-  , toJExpr R1 .^ closureEntry_  |= var "h$blackhole"
-  , toJExpr R1 .^ closureField1_ |= var "h$currentThread"
-  , toJExpr R1 .^ closureField2_ |= null_ -- will be filled with waiters array
-  ]
-updateThunk :: G JStat
-updateThunk = do
-  settings <- getSettings
-  adjPushStack 2 -- update frame size
-  return $ (updateThunk' settings)
--- | declare all js vars for the id
-declIds :: Id -> G JStat
-declIds  i
-  | s == 0    = return mempty
-  | s == 1    = DeclStat <$> jsIdI i
-  | otherwise = mconcat <$> mapM (\n -> DeclStat <$> jsIdIN i n) [1..s]
-  where
-    s  = typeSize (idType i)
+setGlobalIdCache :: GlobalIdCache -> G ()
+setGlobalIdCache v = State.modify (\s -> s { gsGroup = (gsGroup s) { ggsGlobalIdCache = v}})
-freshUnique :: G Int
-freshUnique = do
-  State.modify (\s -> s { gsId = gsId s + 1})
-  State.gets gsId
 liftToGlobal :: JStat -> G [(Ident, Id)]
 liftToGlobal jst = do
@@ -663,10 +164,3 @@ nub' xs = go S.empty xs
     go _ []     = []
     go s (x:xs) | S.member x s = go s xs
                 | otherwise    = x : go (S.insert x s) xs
---       ids  = filter M.member gidc
-  algorithm:
-   - collect all Id refs that are in the cache, count usage
-   - order by increasing use
-   - prepend loading lives var to body: body can stay the same

@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ import GHC.JS.Transform
 import GHC.StgToJS.Apply
 import GHC.StgToJS.Closure
 import GHC.StgToJS.Heap
-import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
 import GHC.StgToJS.Printer
 import GHC.StgToJS.Profiling
 import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
 import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.Stack
 import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Map

@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+-- | Stack manipulation
+module GHC.StgToJS.Stack
+  ( resetSlots
+  , isolateSlots
+  , setSlots
+  , getSlots
+  , addSlots
+  , dropSlots
+  , addUnknownSlots
+  , adjPushStack
+  , push
+  , push'
+  , adjSpN
+  , adjSpN'
+  , adjSp'
+  , adjSp
+  , pushNN
+  , pushNN'
+  , pushN'
+  , pushN
+  , pushOptimized'
+  , pushOptimized
+  , pushLneFrame
+  , pop
+  , popn
+  , popUnknown
+  , popSkipUnknown
+  , popSkip
+  , popSkip'
+  , popSkipI
+  , loadSkip
+  -- * Thunk update
+  , updateThunk
+  , updateThunk'
+  , bhStats
+  )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import GHC.JS.Make
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
+import GHC.StgToJS.ExprCtx
+import GHC.StgToJS.Heap
+import GHC.StgToJS.Regs
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
+import Data.Array
+import Data.Monoid
+import Control.Monad
+-- | Run the action with no stack info
+resetSlots :: G a -> G a
+resetSlots m = do
+  s <- getSlots
+  d <- getStackDepth
+  setSlots []
+  a <- m
+  setSlots s
+  setStackDepth d
+  return a
+-- | run the action with current stack info, but don't let modifications propagate
+isolateSlots :: G a -> G a
+isolateSlots m = do
+  s <- getSlots
+  d <- getStackDepth
+  a <- m
+  setSlots s
+  setStackDepth d
+  pure a
+-- | Set stack depth
+setStackDepth :: Int -> G ()
+setStackDepth d = modifyGroup (\s -> s { ggsStackDepth = d})
+-- | Get stack depth
+getStackDepth :: G Int
+getStackDepth = State.gets (ggsStackDepth . gsGroup)
+-- | Modify stack depth
+modifyStackDepth :: (Int -> Int) -> G ()
+modifyStackDepth f = modifyGroup (\s -> s { ggsStackDepth = f (ggsStackDepth s) })
+-- | overwrite our stack knowledge
+setSlots :: [StackSlot] -> G ()
+setSlots xs = modifyGroup (\g -> g { ggsStack = xs})
+-- | retrieve our current stack knowledge
+getSlots :: G [StackSlot]
+getSlots = State.gets (ggsStack . gsGroup)
+-- | Modify stack slots
+modifySlots :: ([StackSlot] -> [StackSlot]) -> G ()
+modifySlots f = modifyGroup (\g -> g { ggsStack = f (ggsStack g)})
+-- | add `n` unknown slots to our stack knowledge
+addUnknownSlots :: Int -> G ()
+addUnknownSlots n = addSlots (replicate n SlotUnknown)
+-- | add knowledge about the stack slots
+addSlots :: [StackSlot] -> G ()
+addSlots xs = do
+  s <- getSlots
+  setSlots (xs ++ s)
+dropSlots :: Int -> G ()
+dropSlots n = modifySlots (drop n)
+adjPushStack :: Int -> G ()
+adjPushStack n = do
+  modifyStackDepth (+n)
+  dropSlots n
+push :: [JExpr] -> G JStat
+push xs = do
+  dropSlots (length xs)
+  modifyStackDepth (+ (length xs))
+  flip push' xs <$> getSettings
+push' :: StgToJSConfig -> [JExpr] -> JStat
+push' _ [] = mempty
+push' cs xs
+   | csInlinePush cs || l > 32 || l < 2 = adjSp' l <> mconcat items
+   | otherwise                          = ApplStat (toJExpr $ pushN ! l) xs
+  where
+    items = zipWith (\i e -> AssignStat ((IdxExpr stack) (toJExpr (offset i))) (toJExpr e))
+                    [(1::Int)..] xs
+    offset i | i == l    = sp
+             | otherwise = InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr (l - i))
+    l = length xs
+adjSp' :: Int -> JStat
+adjSp' 0 = mempty
+adjSp' n = sp |= InfixExpr AddOp sp (toJExpr n)
+adjSpN' :: Int -> JStat
+adjSpN' 0 = mempty
+adjSpN' n = sp |= InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr n)
+adjSp :: Int -> G JStat
+adjSp 0 = return mempty
+adjSp n = do
+  modifyStackDepth (+n)
+  return (adjSp' n)
+adjSpN :: Int -> G JStat
+adjSpN 0 = return mempty
+adjSpN n = do
+  modifyStackDepth (\x -> x - n)
+  return (adjSpN' n)
+pushN :: Array Int Ident
+pushN = listArray (1,32) $ map (TxtI . mkFastString . ("h$p"++) . show) [(1::Int)..32]
+pushN' :: Array Int JExpr
+pushN' = fmap (ValExpr . JVar) pushN
+pushNN :: Array Integer Ident
+pushNN = listArray (1,255) $ map (TxtI . mkFastString . ("h$pp"++) . show) [(1::Int)..255]
+pushNN' :: Array Integer JExpr
+pushNN' = fmap (ValExpr . JVar) pushNN
+pushOptimized' :: [(Id,Int)] -> G JStat
+pushOptimized' xs = do
+  slots  <- getSlots
+  pushOptimized =<< (zipWithM f xs (slots++repeat SlotUnknown))
+  where
+    f (i1,n1) xs2 = do
+      -- FIXME (Sylvain 2022-08): do we really need to generate all the Idents here
+      -- to only select one? Is it because we need the side effect that consists in
+      -- filling the GlobalId cache?
+      xs <- varsForId i1
+      let !id_n1 = xs !! (n1-1)
+      case xs2 of
+        SlotId i2 n2 -> pure (id_n1,i1==i2&&n1==n2)
+        _            -> pure (id_n1,False)
+-- | optimized push that reuses existing values on stack automatically chooses
+-- an optimized partial push (h$ppN) function when possible.
+pushOptimized :: [(JExpr,Bool)] -- ^ contents of the slots, True if same value is already there
+              -> G JStat
+pushOptimized [] = return mempty
+pushOptimized xs = do
+  dropSlots l
+  modifyStackDepth (+ length xs)
+  go .  csInlinePush <$> getSettings
+  where
+    go True = inlinePush
+    go _
+     | all snd xs                  = adjSp' l
+     | all (not.snd) xs && l <= 32 =
+        ApplStat (pushN' ! l) (map fst xs)
+     | l <= 8 && not (snd $ last xs) =
+        ApplStat (pushNN' ! sig) [ e | (e,False) <- xs ]
+     | otherwise = inlinePush
+    l   = length xs
+    sig :: Integer
+    sig = L.foldl1' (Bits..|.) $ zipWith (\(_e,b) i -> if not b then Bits.bit i else 0) xs [0..]
+    inlinePush = adjSp' l <> mconcat (zipWith pushSlot [1..] xs)
+    pushSlot i (ex, False) = IdxExpr stack (offset i) |= ex
+    pushSlot _ _           = mempty
+    offset i | i == l    = sp
+             | otherwise = InfixExpr SubOp sp (toJExpr (l - i))
+pushLneFrame :: HasDebugCallStack => Int -> ExprCtx -> G JStat
+pushLneFrame size ctx =
+  let ctx' = ctxLneShrinkStack ctx size
+  in pushOptimized' (ctxLneFrameVars ctx')
+popUnknown :: [JExpr] -> G JStat
+popUnknown xs = popSkipUnknown 0 xs
+popSkipUnknown :: Int -> [JExpr] -> G JStat
+popSkipUnknown n xs = popSkip n (map (,SlotUnknown) xs)
+pop :: [(JExpr,StackSlot)] -> G JStat
+pop = popSkip 0
+-- | pop the expressions, but ignore the top n elements of the stack
+popSkip :: Int -> [(JExpr,StackSlot)] -> G JStat
+popSkip 0 [] = pure mempty
+popSkip n [] = addUnknownSlots n >> adjSpN n
+popSkip n xs = do
+  addUnknownSlots n
+  addSlots (map snd xs)
+  a <- adjSpN (length xs + n)
+  return (loadSkip n (map fst xs) <> a)
+-- | pop things, don't upstate stack knowledge
+popSkip' :: Int     -- ^ number of slots to skip
+         -> [JExpr] -- ^ assign stack slot values to these
+         -> JStat
+popSkip' 0 []  = mempty
+popSkip' n []  = adjSpN' n
+popSkip' n tgt = loadSkip n tgt <> adjSpN' (length tgt + n)
+-- | like popSkip, but without modifying the stack pointer
+loadSkip :: Int -> [JExpr] -> JStat
+loadSkip = loadSkipFrom sp
+loadSkipFrom :: JExpr -> Int -> [JExpr] -> JStat
+loadSkipFrom fr n xs = mconcat items
+    where
+      items = reverse $ zipWith (\i ex -> ex |= IdxExpr stack (toJExpr (offset (i+n))))
+                                [(0::Int)..]
+                                (reverse xs)
+      offset 0 = toJExpr fr
+      offset n = InfixExpr SubOp (toJExpr fr) (toJExpr n)
+-- declare and pop
+popSkipI :: Int -> [(Ident,StackSlot)] -> G JStat
+popSkipI 0 [] = pure mempty
+popSkipI n [] = adjSpN n
+popSkipI n xs = do
+  addUnknownSlots n
+  addSlots (map snd xs)
+  a <- adjSpN (length xs + n)
+  return (loadSkipI n (map fst xs) <> a)
+-- like popSkip, but without modifying sp
+loadSkipI :: Int -> [Ident] -> JStat
+loadSkipI = loadSkipIFrom sp
+loadSkipIFrom :: JExpr -> Int -> [Ident] -> JStat
+loadSkipIFrom fr n xs = mconcat items
+    where
+      items = reverse $ zipWith f [(0::Int)..] (reverse xs)
+      offset 0 = fr
+      offset n = InfixExpr SubOp fr (toJExpr n)
+      f i ex = ex ||= IdxExpr stack (toJExpr (offset (i+n)))
+popn :: Int -> G JStat
+popn n = addUnknownSlots n >> adjSpN n
+updateThunk' :: StgToJSConfig -> JStat
+updateThunk' settings =
+  if csInlineBlackhole settings
+    then bhStats settings True
+    else ApplStat (var "h$bh") []
+-- | Generate statements to update the current node with a blackhole
+bhStats :: StgToJSConfig -> Bool -> JStat
+bhStats s pushUpd = mconcat
+  [ if pushUpd then push' s [r1, var "h$upd_frame"] else mempty
+  , toJExpr R1 .^ closureEntry_  |= var "h$blackhole"
+  , toJExpr R1 .^ closureField1_ |= var "h$currentThread"
+  , toJExpr R1 .^ closureField2_ |= null_ -- will be filled with waiters array
+  ]
+updateThunk :: G JStat
+updateThunk = do
+  settings <- getSettings
+  adjPushStack 2 -- update frame size
+  return $ (updateThunk' settings)

@@ -15,15 +15,14 @@ import GHC.JS.Make
 import GHC.StgToJS.Types
 import GHC.StgToJS.Literal
-import GHC.StgToJS.Monad
+import GHC.StgToJS.Ids
 initStaticPtrs :: [SptEntry] -> G JStat
 initStaticPtrs ptrs = mconcat <$> mapM initStatic ptrs
     initStatic (SptEntry sp_id (Fingerprint w1 w2)) = do
-      i <- jsId sp_id
+      i <- varForId sp_id
       fpa <- concat <$> mapM (genLit . mkLitWord64 . fromIntegral) [w1,w2]
       let sptInsert = ApplExpr (var "h$hs_spt_insert") (fpa ++ [i])
-      -- fixme can precedence be so that parens aren't needed?
       return $ (var "h$initStatic" .^ "push") `ApplStat` [jLam sptInsert]

@@ -643,6 +643,7 @@ Library
+        GHC.StgToJS.Ids
@@ -653,6 +654,7 @@ Library
+        GHC.StgToJS.Stack

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