[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/amg/hasfield-2020] 2 commits: Return [FamInst] rather than representation tycons from tcInstDecls1

Adam Gundry gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Sep 21 09:11:39 UTC 2020

Adam Gundry pushed to branch wip/amg/hasfield-2020 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f27a94c7 by Adam Gundry at 2020-09-21T09:30:23+01:00
Return [FamInst] rather than representation tycons from tcInstDecls1

- - - - -
bca7c799 by Adam Gundry at 2020-09-21T10:10:59+01:00
Refactor: move addClsInsts and addFamInsts out of tcInstDecls1

Also modify addTyConsToGblEnv to use the thing_inside pattern

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Instantiate.hs


@@ -238,8 +238,7 @@ tcDeriving deriv_infos deriv_decls
                         (ddump_deriving inst_info rn_binds famInsts))
-        ; gbl_env <- tcExtendLocalInstEnv (map iSpec (bagToList inst_info))
-                                          getGblEnv
+        ; gbl_env <- addClsInsts (bagToList inst_info) getGblEnv
         ; let all_dus = rn_dus `plusDU` usesOnly (NameSet.mkFVs $ concat fvs)
         ; return (addTcgDUs gbl_env all_dus, inst_info, rn_binds) } }

@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils
 import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Class
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance( tcInstDecls1 )
 import GHC.Tc.Deriv (DerivInfo(..))
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate ( addClsInsts )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify ( checkTvConstraints )
 import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
 import GHC.Tc.Instance.Class( AssocInstInfo(..) )
@@ -195,19 +196,20 @@ tcTyClGroup (TyClGroup { group_tyclds = tyclds
            -- Step 3: Add the implicit things;
            -- we want them in the environment because
            -- they may be mentioned in interface files
-       ; gbl_env <- addTyConsToGblEnv tyclss
+       ; addTyConsToGblEnv tyclss $ do {
            -- Step 4: check instance declarations
-       ; (gbl_env', inst_info, datafam_deriv_info, data_rep_tycons) <-
-         setGblEnv gbl_env $
-         tcInstDecls1 instds
+       ; (inst_info, fam_insts, datafam_deriv_info) <- tcInstDecls1 instds
+       ; addClsInsts inst_info $
+         addFamInsts fam_insts $ do {
            -- Step 5: build record selectors/updaters, don't type-check them yet
            -- See Note [Calling tcRecSelBinds] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils
-       ; rec_sel_upd_binds <- mkRecSelBinds (tyclss ++ data_rep_tycons)
+       ; rec_sel_upd_binds <- mkRecSelBinds (tyclss ++ famInstsRepTyCons fam_insts)
+       ; gbl_env' <- getGblEnv
        ; let deriv_info = datafam_deriv_info ++ data_deriv_info
-       ; return (gbl_env', inst_info, deriv_info, rec_sel_upd_binds) }
+       ; return (gbl_env', inst_info, deriv_info, rec_sel_upd_binds) }}}
 -- Gives the kind for every TyCon that has a standalone kind signature
 type KindSigEnv = NameEnv Kind

@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Hs
 import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind
 import GHC.Tc.TyCl
-import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils ( addTyConsToGblEnv )
 import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Class ( tcClassDecl2, tcATDefault,
                            HsSigFun, mkHsSigFun, badMethodErr,
                            findMethodBind, instantiateMethod )
@@ -379,28 +378,18 @@ Gather up the instance declarations from their various sources
 tcInstDecls1    -- Deal with both source-code and imported instance decls
    :: [LInstDecl GhcRn]         -- Source code instance decls
-   -> TcM (TcGblEnv,            -- The full inst env
-           [InstInfo GhcRn],    -- Source-code instance decls to process;
+   -> TcM ([InstInfo GhcRn],    -- Source-code instance decls to process;
                                 -- contains all dfuns for this module
-           [DerivInfo],         -- From data family instances
-           [TyCon])             -- Data family instance representation tycons
+           [FamInst],           -- Family instances
+           [DerivInfo])         -- From data family instances
 tcInstDecls1 inst_decls
   = do {    -- Do class and family instance declarations
        ; stuff <- mapAndRecoverM tcLocalInstDecl inst_decls
-       ; let (local_infos_s, fam_insts_s, datafam_deriv_infos) = unzip3 stuff
-             fam_insts   = concat fam_insts_s
-             local_infos = concat local_infos_s
-       ; (data_rep_tycons, gbl_env) <- addClsInsts local_infos $
-                    addFamInsts fam_insts   $
-                    getGblEnv
-       ; return ( gbl_env
-                , local_infos
-                , concat datafam_deriv_infos
-                , data_rep_tycons ) }
+       ; let (local_infos_s, fam_insts_s, datafam_deriv_infos_s) = unzip3 stuff
+       ; return ( concat local_infos_s
+                , concat fam_insts_s
+                , concat datafam_deriv_infos_s ) }
 -- | Use DerivInfo for data family instances (produced by tcInstDecls1),
 --   datatype declarations (TyClDecl), and standalone deriving declarations
@@ -417,28 +406,6 @@ tcInstDeclsDeriv deriv_infos derivds
        else do { (tcg_env, info_bag, valbinds) <- tcDeriving deriv_infos derivds
                ; return (tcg_env, bagToList info_bag, valbinds) }
-addClsInsts :: [InstInfo GhcRn] -> TcM a -> TcM a
-addClsInsts infos thing_inside
-  = tcExtendLocalInstEnv (map iSpec infos) thing_inside
-addFamInsts :: [FamInst] -> TcM a -> TcM ([TyCon], a)
--- Extend (a) the family instance envt
---        (b) the type envt with stuff from data type decls
--- Additionally return the data family representation tycons
-addFamInsts fam_insts thing_inside
-  = tcExtendLocalFamInstEnv fam_insts $
-    tcExtendGlobalEnv axioms          $
-    do { traceTc "addFamInsts" (pprFamInsts fam_insts)
-       ; gbl_env <- addTyConsToGblEnv data_rep_tycons
-                    -- Does not add its axiom; that comes
-                    -- from adding the 'axioms' above
-       ; x <- setGblEnv gbl_env thing_inside
-       ; return (data_rep_tycons, x) }
-  where
-    axioms = map (ACoAxiom . toBranchedAxiom . famInstAxiom) fam_insts
-    data_rep_tycons = famInstsRepTyCons fam_insts
-      -- The representation tycons for 'data instances' declarations
 Note [Deriving inside TH brackets]

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 module GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance ( tcInstDecls1 ) where
-import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv( FamInst )
 import GHC.Hs
 import GHC.Tc.Types
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env( InstInfo )
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ import GHC.Tc.Deriv
 -- We need this because of the mutual recursion
 -- between GHC.Tc.TyCl and GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
 tcInstDecls1 :: [LInstDecl GhcRn]
-             -> TcM (TcGblEnv, [InstInfo GhcRn], [DerivInfo], [TyCon])
+             -> TcM ([InstInfo GhcRn], [FamInst], [DerivInfo])

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils(
         -- * Implicits
-        addTyConsToGblEnv, mkDefaultMethodType,
+        addFamInsts, addTyConsToGblEnv, mkDefaultMethodType,
         -- * Record selectors
         tcRecSelBinds, mkRecSelBinds, mkOneRecordSelector
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils(
 import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
 import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind( tcValBinds )
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Types( unitTy, mkBoxedTupleTy )
 import GHC.Core.Make( rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID )
 import GHC.Hs
 import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Driver.Types
 import GHC.Core.TyCon
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Id.Info
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Core.Coercion ( ltRole )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom ( toBranchedAxiom )
 import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Unique ( mkBuiltinUnique )
@@ -750,20 +753,36 @@ updateRoleEnv name n role
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
-addTyConsToGblEnv :: [TyCon] -> TcM TcGblEnv
+addFamInsts :: [FamInst] -> TcM a -> TcM a
+-- Extend (a) the family instance envt
+--        (b) the type envt with stuff from data type decls
+addFamInsts fam_insts thing_inside
+  = tcExtendLocalFamInstEnv fam_insts $
+    tcExtendGlobalEnv axioms          $
+    do { traceTc "addFamInsts" (pprFamInsts fam_insts)
+       ; addTyConsToGblEnv data_rep_tycons thing_inside
+                    -- Does not add its axiom; that comes
+                    -- from adding the 'axioms' above
+       }
+  where
+    axioms = map (ACoAxiom . toBranchedAxiom . famInstAxiom) fam_insts
+    data_rep_tycons = famInstsRepTyCons fam_insts
+      -- The representation tycons for 'data instances' declarations
+addTyConsToGblEnv :: [TyCon] -> TcM a -> TcM a
 -- Given a [TyCon], add to the TcGblEnv
 --   * extend the TypeEnv with the tycons
 --   * extend the TypeEnv with their implicitTyThings
 --   * extend the TypeEnv with any default method Ids
 --   * add bindings for record selectors
-addTyConsToGblEnv tyclss
+addTyConsToGblEnv tyclss thing_inside
   = tcExtendTyConEnv tyclss                    $
     tcExtendGlobalEnvImplicit implicit_things  $
     tcExtendGlobalValEnv def_meth_ids          $
     do { traceTc "tcAddTyCons" $ vcat
             [ text "tycons" <+> ppr tyclss
             , text "implicits" <+> ppr implicit_things ]
-       ; getGblEnv }
+       ; thing_inside }
    implicit_things = concatMap implicitTyConThings tyclss
    def_meth_ids    = mkDefaultMethodIds tyclss

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate (
        tcGetInsts, tcGetInstEnvs, getOverlapFlag,
-       tcExtendLocalInstEnv,
+       addClsInsts,
        instCallConstraints, newMethodFromName,
@@ -846,6 +846,10 @@ instOrphWarn inst
       text "wrap the type with a newtype and declare the instance on the new type." :
+addClsInsts :: [InstInfo GhcRn] -> TcM a -> TcM a
+addClsInsts infos thing_inside
+  = tcExtendLocalInstEnv (map iSpec infos) thing_inside
 tcExtendLocalInstEnv :: [ClsInst] -> TcM a -> TcM a
   -- Add new locally-defined instances
 tcExtendLocalInstEnv dfuns thing_inside

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