[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/amg/hasfield-2020] 3 commits: Minor fixes from code review

Adam Gundry gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Sep 12 20:00:24 UTC 2020

Adam Gundry pushed to branch wip/amg/hasfield-2020 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

b139f25f by Adam Gundry at 2020-09-12T15:55:17+01:00
Minor fixes from code review

- - - - -
5fef615b by Adam Gundry at 2020-09-12T16:01:54+01:00
Rename {FieldLabel,FieldLabelWithUpdate} -> {FieldLabelNoUpdater,FieldLabel}

- - - - -
fdff0fe1 by Adam Gundry at 2020-09-12T20:58:30+01:00
Update comments in response to review

- - - - -

28 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/ConLike.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Core/PatSyn.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/ImpExp.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Rename.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Module.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Export.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Pat.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Build.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/PatSyn.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Avail.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/FieldLabel.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Reader.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Shape.hs


@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Core.DataCon
 import GHC.Core.PatSyn
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
 import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Types.Name
@@ -103,9 +104,11 @@ conLikeArity (RealDataCon data_con) = dataConSourceArity data_con
 conLikeArity (PatSynCon pat_syn)    = patSynArity pat_syn
 -- | Names of fields used for selectors
-conLikeFieldLabels :: ConLike -> [FieldLabel]
-conLikeFieldLabels (RealDataCon data_con) = dataConFieldLabels data_con
-conLikeFieldLabels (PatSynCon pat_syn)    = patSynFieldLabels pat_syn
+conLikeFieldLabels :: ConLike -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater]
+conLikeFieldLabels (RealDataCon data_con) =
+    fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters (dataConFieldLabels data_con)
+conLikeFieldLabels (PatSynCon pat_syn) =
+    patSynFieldLabels pat_syn
 -- | Returns just the instantiated /value/ argument types of a 'ConLike',
 -- (excluding dictionary args)

@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ module GHC.Core.DataCon (
         dataConInstArgTys, dataConOrigArgTys, dataConOrigResTy,
         dataConInstOrigArgTys, dataConRepArgTys,
-        dataConFieldLabels, dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates,
-        dataConFieldType, dataConFieldType_maybe,
+        dataConFieldLabels, dataConFieldType, dataConFieldType_maybe,
         dataConSourceArity, dataConRepArity,
@@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ data DataCon
                 -- Matches 1-1 with dcOrigArgTys
                 -- Hence length = dataConSourceArity dataCon
-        dcFields  :: [FieldLabelWithUpdate],
+        dcFields  :: [FieldLabel],
                 -- Field labels for this constructor, in the
                 -- same order as the dcOrigArgTys;
                 -- length = 0 (if not a record) or dataConSourceArity.
@@ -942,8 +941,8 @@ mkDataCon :: Name
           -> Bool           -- ^ Is the constructor declared infix?
           -> TyConRepName   -- ^  TyConRepName for the promoted TyCon
           -> [HsSrcBang]    -- ^ Strictness/unpack annotations, from user
-          -> [FieldLabelWithUpdate] -- ^ Field labels for the constructor,
-                                    -- if it is a record, otherwise empty
+          -> [FieldLabel]   -- ^ Field labels for the constructor,
+                            -- if it is a record, otherwise empty
           -> [TyVar]        -- ^ Universals.
           -> [TyCoVar]      -- ^ Existentials.
           -> [InvisTVBinder]    -- ^ User-written 'TyVarBinder's.
@@ -1200,12 +1199,7 @@ dataConImplicitTyThings (MkData { dcWorkId = work, dcRep = rep })
 -- | The labels for the fields of this particular 'DataCon'
 dataConFieldLabels :: DataCon -> [FieldLabel]
-dataConFieldLabels = fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates . dcFields
--- | The labels for the fields of this particular 'DataCon',
--- including the updater functions for each
-dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates :: DataCon -> [FieldLabelWithUpdate]
-dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates = dcFields
+dataConFieldLabels = dcFields
 -- | Extract the type for any given labelled field of the 'DataCon'
 dataConFieldType :: DataCon -> FieldLabelString -> Type
@@ -1218,7 +1212,7 @@ dataConFieldType con label = case dataConFieldType_maybe con label of
 dataConFieldType_maybe :: DataCon -> FieldLabelString
                        -> Maybe (FieldLabel, Type)
 dataConFieldType_maybe con label
-  = find ((== label) . flLabel . fst) (dataConFieldLabels con `zip` (scaledThing <$> dcOrigArgTys con))
+  = find ((== label) . flLabel . fst) (dcFields con `zip` (scaledThing <$> dcOrigArgTys con))
 -- | Strictness/unpack annotations, from user; or, for imported
 -- DataCons, from the interface file

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Types.Var( TyVar, TyCoVar, InvisTVBinder )
 import GHC.Types.Name( Name, NamedThing )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCon( TyCon )
-import GHC.Types.FieldLabel ( FieldLabel, FieldLabelWithUpdate )
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel ( FieldLabel )
 import GHC.Types.Unique ( Uniquable )
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( Outputable, OutputableBndr )
 import GHC.Types.Basic (Arity)
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ dataConUserTyVars :: DataCon -> [TyVar]
 dataConUserTyVarBinders :: DataCon -> [InvisTVBinder]
 dataConSourceArity  :: DataCon -> Arity
 dataConFieldLabels :: DataCon -> [FieldLabel]
-dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates :: DataCon -> [FieldLabelWithUpdate]
 dataConInstOrigArgTys  :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Scaled Type]
 dataConStupidTheta :: DataCon -> ThetaType
 dataConFullSig :: DataCon

@@ -63,11 +63,10 @@ data PatSyn
         psArgs        :: [Type],
         psArity       :: Arity,        -- == length psArgs
         psInfix       :: Bool,         -- True <=> declared infix
-        psFieldLabels :: [FieldLabel], -- List of fields for a
-                                       -- record pattern synonym
-                                       -- INVARIANT: either empty if no
-                                       -- record pat syn or same length as
-                                       -- psArgs
+        -- List of fields for a record pattern synonym
+        -- INVARIANT: either empty if no record pat syn or same length as psArgs
+        psFieldLabels :: [FieldLabelNoUpdater],
         -- Universally-quantified type variables
         psUnivTyVars  :: [InvisTVBinder],
@@ -365,8 +364,8 @@ mkPatSyn :: Name
          -> Type                 -- ^ Original result type
          -> (Id, Bool)           -- ^ Name of matcher
          -> Maybe (Id, Bool)     -- ^ Name of builder
-         -> [FieldLabel]         -- ^ Names of fields for
-                                 --   a record pattern synonym
+         -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater] -- ^ Names of fields for
+                                  --   a record pattern synonym
          -> PatSyn
  -- NB: The univ and ex vars are both in TyBinder form and TyVar form for
  -- convenience. All the TyBinders should be Named!
@@ -404,7 +403,7 @@ patSynArity = psArity
 patSynArgs :: PatSyn -> [Type]
 patSynArgs = psArgs
-patSynFieldLabels :: PatSyn -> [FieldLabel]
+patSynFieldLabels :: PatSyn -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater]
 patSynFieldLabels = psFieldLabels
 -- | Extract the type for any given labelled field of the 'DataCon'

@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon(
         -- ** Field labels
         tyConFieldLabels, lookupTyConFieldLabel,
-        tyConFieldLabelsWithUpdates,
         -- ** Constructing TyCons
@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.Types
    , multiplicityTyCon
    , vecCountTyCon, vecElemTyCon, liftedTypeKind )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.DataCon
-   ( DataCon, dataConExTyCoVars, dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates
+   ( DataCon, dataConExTyCoVars, dataConFieldLabels
    , dataConTyCon, dataConFullSig
    , isUnboxedSumCon )
@@ -1548,11 +1547,7 @@ primRepIsFloat  _            = Just False
 -- | The labels for the fields of this particular 'TyCon'
 tyConFieldLabels :: TyCon -> [FieldLabel]
-tyConFieldLabels tc = fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates $ tyConFieldLabelsWithUpdates tc
-tyConFieldLabelsWithUpdates :: TyCon -> [FieldLabelWithUpdate]
-tyConFieldLabelsWithUpdates tc = dFsEnvElts $ tyConFieldLabelEnv tc
+tyConFieldLabels tc = dFsEnvElts $ tyConFieldLabelEnv tc
 -- | The labels for the fields of this particular 'TyCon'
 tyConFieldLabelEnv :: TyCon -> FieldLabelEnv
@@ -1561,7 +1556,7 @@ tyConFieldLabelEnv tc
   | otherwise     = emptyDFsEnv
 -- | Look up a field label belonging to this 'TyCon'
-lookupTyConFieldLabel :: FieldLabelString -> TyCon -> Maybe FieldLabelWithUpdate
+lookupTyConFieldLabel :: FieldLabelString -> TyCon -> Maybe FieldLabel
 lookupTyConFieldLabel lbl tc = lookupDFsEnv (tyConFieldLabelEnv tc) lbl
 -- | Make a map from strings to FieldLabels from all the data
@@ -1571,7 +1566,7 @@ fieldsOfAlgTcRhs rhs = mkDFsEnv [ (flLabel fl, fl)
                                 | fl <- dataConsFields (visibleDataCons rhs) ]
     -- Duplicates in this list will be removed by 'mkFsEnv'
-    dataConsFields dcs = concatMap dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates dcs
+    dataConsFields dcs = concatMap dataConFieldLabels dcs

@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ import GHC.Unit
 import GHC.Core.InstEnv ( InstEnv, ClsInst, identicalClsInstHead )
 import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
 import GHC.Core         ( CoreProgram, RuleBase, CoreRule )
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
@@ -2208,7 +2209,7 @@ tyThingAvailInfo (ATyCon t)
         Nothing -> [AvailTC n (n : map getName dcs) flds]
              where n    = getName t
                    dcs  = tyConDataCons t
-                   flds = tyConFieldLabels t
+                   flds = fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters (tyConFieldLabels t)
 tyThingAvailInfo (AConLike (PatSynCon p))
   = map avail ((getName p) : map flSelector (patSynFieldLabels p))
 tyThingAvailInfo t

@@ -228,14 +228,16 @@ data IE pass
         -- See Note [Located RdrNames] in GHC.Hs.Expr
   | IEThingWith (XIEThingWith pass)
-                (LIEWrappedName (IdP pass))
+                (LIEWrappedName (IdP pass))  -- Parent
-                [LIEWrappedName (IdP pass)]
-                [XRec pass (FieldLbl () (IdP pass))]
-        -- ^ Imported or exported Thing With given imported or exported
+                [LIEWrappedName (IdP pass)]  -- Child methods/constructors, and
+                                             -- record fields (only in parser)
+                [XRec pass (FieldLbl () (IdP pass))] -- Child record fields (after renaming)
+        -- ^ Imported or exported Thing With given imported or exported children
-        -- The thing is a Class/Type and the imported or exported things are
+        -- The thing is a Class/Type and the imported or exported children are
         -- methods/constructors and record fields; see Note [IEThingWith]
+        --
         -- - 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnKeywordId's : 'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnOpen',
         --                                   'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose',
         --                                   'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnComma',
@@ -271,18 +273,45 @@ data IEWildcard = NoIEWildcard | IEWildcard Int deriving (Eq, Data)
 Note [IEThingWith]
+IEThingWith represents a parent type constructor or class together with its
+children imported or exported along with it.  There are two lists of children:
+ * [LIEWrappedName (IdP pass)] - always contains data constructors or class
+   methods, and prior to renaming contains record fields;
+ * [XRec pass (FieldLbl () (IdP pass))] - empty prior to renaming, then after
+   renaming contains record fields identified by their selectors.
+We need to store a FieldLbl, because we need the flLabel for pretty-printing the
+right field (we don't want to show the internal selector name), and we need the
+flSelector to uniquely identify the field in the renamer.  We do not need the
+updater name (see Note [Updater names] in GHC.Types.FieldLabel).
-A definition like
+For example, a definition like
     module M ( T(MkT, x) ) where
       data T = MkT { x :: Int }
-gives rise to
+gives rise to (in the parser):
+    IEThingWith noExtField T NoIEWildcard [MkT,x] []
+but the renamer moves record fields from the general list of children to the
+list of field labels, giving one of these instead:
+  (without DuplicateRecordFields):
+    IEThingWith noExtField T NoIEWildcard [MkT] [FieldLabel "x" False () x]
+  (with DuplicateRecordFields):
+    IEThingWith noExtField T NoIEWildcard [MkT] [FieldLabel "x" True () $sel:x:MkT]
-    IEThingWith T [MkT] [FieldLabel "x" False x)]           (without DuplicateRecordFields)
-    IEThingWith T [MkT] [FieldLabel "x" True $sel:x:MkT)]   (with    DuplicateRecordFields)
+See Note [Representing fields in AvailInfo] in GHC.Types.Avail for more details
+about how different FieldLabels are produced depending on the state of the
+DuplicateRecordFields extension.
-See Note [Representing fields in AvailInfo] in GHC.Types.Avail for more details.
+It might be better to move the list of field labels to the extension point, so
+that it is absent in GhcPs but present from GhcRn onwards. At the moment we
+simply maintain the invariant that the parser always produces an empty list.
 ieName :: IE (GhcPass p) -> IdP (GhcPass p)

@@ -2027,6 +2027,6 @@ instance ToHie (IEContext (LIEWrappedName Name)) where
 instance ToHie (IEContext (Located (FieldLbl () Name))) where
   toHie (IEC c (L span lbl)) = concatM $ makeNode lbl span : case lbl of
-      FieldLabel _ _ _ n ->
+      FieldLabel { flSelector = n } ->
         [ toHie $ C (IEThing c) $ L span n

@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
                     ifConArgTys  =
                       map (\(Scaled w t) -> (tidyToIfaceType con_env2 w
                                           , (tidyToIfaceType con_env2 t))) arg_tys,
-                    ifConFields  = dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates data_con,
+                    ifConFields  = dataConFieldLabels data_con,
                     ifConStricts = map (toIfaceBang con_env2)
                                        (dataConImplBangs data_con),
                     ifConSrcStricts = map toIfaceSrcBang

@@ -245,25 +245,25 @@ rnAvailInfo (AvailTC n ns fs) = do
     -- is.  But for the availNames they MUST be exported, so they
     -- will rename fine.
     ns' <- mapM rnIfaceGlobal ns
-    fs' <- mapM rnFieldLabel fs
+    fs' <- mapM rnFieldLabelNoUpdater fs
     case ns' ++ map flSelector fs' of
         [] -> panic "rnAvailInfoEmpty AvailInfo"
         (rep:rest) -> ASSERT2( all ((== nameModule rep) . nameModule) rest, ppr rep $$ hcat (map ppr rest) ) do
                          n' <- setNameModule (Just (nameModule rep)) n
                          return (AvailTC n' ns' fs')
-rnFieldLabel :: Rename FieldLabel
-rnFieldLabel (FieldLabel l b () sel) = do
+rnFieldLabelNoUpdater :: Rename FieldLabelNoUpdater
+rnFieldLabelNoUpdater fl@(FieldLabel { flSelector = sel }) = do
     sel' <- rnIfaceGlobal sel
-    return (FieldLabel l b () sel')
+    return (fl { flSelector = sel' })
-rnFieldLabelWithUpdate :: Rename FieldLabelWithUpdate
-rnFieldLabelWithUpdate (FieldLabel l b upd sel) = do
+rnFieldLabel :: Rename FieldLabel
+rnFieldLabel fl@(FieldLabel { flUpdate = upd, flSelector = sel }) = do
     -- The selector appears in the AvailInfo, so it gets renamed normally, but
     -- the updater does not so it is a "never-exported TyThing".
     upd' <- rnIfaceNeverExported upd
     sel' <- rnIfaceGlobal sel
-    return (FieldLabel l b upd' sel')
+    return (fl { flUpdate = upd', flSelector = sel' })
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ rnIfaceConDecl d = do
     con_eq_spec <- mapM rnIfConEqSpec (ifConEqSpec d)
     con_ctxt <- mapM rnIfaceType (ifConCtxt d)
     con_arg_tys <- mapM rnIfaceScaledType (ifConArgTys d)
-    con_fields <- mapM rnFieldLabelWithUpdate (ifConFields d)
+    con_fields <- mapM rnFieldLabel (ifConFields d)
     let rnIfaceBang (IfUnpackCo co) = IfUnpackCo <$> rnIfaceCo co
         rnIfaceBang bang = pure bang
     con_stricts <- mapM rnIfaceBang (ifConStricts d)

@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ data IfaceDecl
                   ifPatReqCtxt    :: IfaceContext,
                   ifPatArgs       :: [IfaceType],
                   ifPatTy         :: IfaceType,
-                  ifFieldLabels   :: [FieldLabel] }
+                  ifFieldLabels   :: [FieldLabelNoUpdater] }
 -- See also 'ClassBody'
 data IfaceClassBody
@@ -262,7 +262,9 @@ data IfaceConDecl
         ifConEqSpec  :: IfaceEqSpec,        -- Equality constraints
         ifConCtxt    :: IfaceContext,       -- Non-stupid context
         ifConArgTys  :: [(IfaceMult, IfaceType)],-- Arg types
-        ifConFields  :: [FieldLabelWithUpdate], -- ...ditto... (field labels)
+        ifConFields  :: [FieldLabel], -- Field labels: we carefully serialise
+                                      -- the Names of the selector and updater,
+                                      -- so there is no doubt when deserialising
         ifConStricts :: [IfaceBang],
           -- Empty (meaning all lazy),
           -- or 1-1 corresp with arg tys
@@ -1237,7 +1239,7 @@ pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt_style tycon tc_binders parent
     pp_field_args = braces $ sep $ punctuate comma $ ppr_trim $
                     zipWith maybe_show_label fields tys_w_strs
-    maybe_show_label :: FieldLabelWithUpdate -> (IfaceBang, IfaceType) -> Maybe SDoc
+    maybe_show_label :: FieldLabel -> (IfaceBang, IfaceType) -> Maybe SDoc
     maybe_show_label lbl bty
       | showSub ss sel = Just (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr how_much occ
                                 <+> dcolon <+> pprFieldArgTy bty)

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module GHC.Rename.Env (
         lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupRecFieldOcc, lookupFamInstName,
-        lookupConstructorFields, lookupDataConFieldsWithUpdates,
+        lookupConstructorFields, lookupDataConFields,
@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ lookupFamInstName Nothing tc_rdr     -- Family instance; tc_rdr is an *occurrenc
   = lookupLocatedOccRn tc_rdr
-lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [FieldLabel]
--- Look up the fields of a given constructor
+lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [FieldLabelNoUpdater]
+-- Look up the fields of a given data constructor or pattern synonym
 --   *  For constructors from this module, use the record field env,
 --      which is itself gathered from the (as yet un-typechecked)
 --      data type decls
@@ -395,13 +395,15 @@ lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [FieldLabel]
 --    * For constructors from imported modules, use the *type* environment
 --      since imported modules are already compiled, the info is conveniently
 --      right there
+-- Returns field labels without updaters (pattern synonyms don't have them).
 lookupConstructorFields con_name
   = do  { this_mod <- getModule
         ; if nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod con_name then
           do { field_env <- getRecFieldEnv
              ; traceTc "lookupCF" (ppr con_name $$ ppr (lookupNameEnv field_env con_name) $$ ppr field_env)
-             ; return (fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates
+             ; return (fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters
                           (lookupNameEnv field_env con_name `orElse` [])) }
           do { con <- tcLookupConLike con_name
@@ -410,8 +412,8 @@ lookupConstructorFields con_name
 -- | Look up the fields of a given *data* constructor, like
 -- 'lookupConstructorFields', but include the names of the update functions.
-lookupDataConFieldsWithUpdates :: Name -> RnM [FieldLabelWithUpdate]
-lookupDataConFieldsWithUpdates con_name
+lookupDataConFields :: Name -> RnM [FieldLabel]
+lookupDataConFields con_name
   = do  { this_mod <- getModule
         ; if nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod con_name then
           do { field_env <- getRecFieldEnv
@@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ lookupDataConFieldsWithUpdates con_name
           do { con <- tcLookupDataCon con_name
              ; traceTc "lookupCF 2" (ppr con)
-             ; return (dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates con) } }
+             ; return (dataConFieldLabels con) } }
 -- In CPS style as `RnM r` is monadic
@@ -644,13 +646,17 @@ lookupSubBndrOcc_helper must_have_parent warn_if_deprec parent rdr_name
               FoundFL  (fldParentToFieldLabel gre_name mfs)
             _ -> FoundName gre_par gre_name
-        fldParentToFieldLabel :: Name -> Maybe FastString -> FieldLabel
+        fldParentToFieldLabel :: Name -> Maybe FastString -> FieldLabelNoUpdater
         fldParentToFieldLabel name mfs =
-          case mfs of
-            Nothing ->
-              let fs = occNameFS (nameOccName name)
-              in FieldLabel fs False () name
-            Just fs -> FieldLabel fs True () name
+            FieldLabel { flLabel        = fs
+                       , flIsOverloaded = is_overloaded
+                       , flUpdate       = ()
+                       , flSelector     = name
+                       }
+          where
+            (fs, is_overloaded) = case mfs of
+                Nothing -> (occNameFS (nameOccName name), False)
+                Just fs -> (fs, True)
         -- Called when we find no matching GREs after disambiguation but
         -- there are three situations where this happens.
@@ -760,7 +766,7 @@ data ChildLookupResult
                         SDoc        -- How to print the name
                         [Name]      -- List of possible parents
       | FoundName Parent Name       --  We resolved to a normal name
-      | FoundFL FieldLabel          --  We resolved to a FL
+      | FoundFL FieldLabelNoUpdater --  We resolved to a field
 -- | Specialised version of msum for RnM ChildLookupResult
 combineChildLookupResult :: [RnM ChildLookupResult] -> RnM ChildLookupResult

@@ -1136,7 +1136,9 @@ GHC.Rename.Names.getLocalNonValBinders), so we just take the list as an
 argument, build a map and look them up.
-rnConDeclFields :: HsDocContext -> [FieldLabel] -> [LConDeclField GhcPs]
+rnConDeclFields :: HsDocContext
+                -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater]
+                -> [LConDeclField GhcPs]
                 -> RnM ([LConDeclField GhcRn], FreeVars)
 -- Also called from GHC.Rename.Module
 -- No wildcards can appear in record fields
@@ -1146,7 +1148,9 @@ rnConDeclFields ctxt fls fields
     env    = mkTyKiEnv ctxt TypeLevel RnTypeBody
     fl_env = mkFsEnv [ (flLabel fl, fl) | fl <- fls ]
-rnField :: FastStringEnv FieldLabel -> RnTyKiEnv -> LConDeclField GhcPs
+rnField :: FastStringEnv FieldLabelNoUpdater
+        -> RnTyKiEnv
+        -> LConDeclField GhcPs
         -> RnM (LConDeclField GhcRn, FreeVars)
 rnField fl_env env (L l (ConDeclField _ names ty haddock_doc))
   = do { let new_names = map (fmap lookupField) names

@@ -2308,13 +2308,13 @@ extendPatSynEnv val_decls local_fix_env thing = do {
          final_gbl_env = gbl_env { tcg_field_env = field_env' }
    ; setEnvs (final_gbl_env, lcl_env) (thing pat_syn_bndrs) }
-    new_ps :: HsValBinds GhcPs -> TcM [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])]
+    new_ps :: HsValBinds GhcPs -> TcM [(Name, [FieldLabel])]
     new_ps (ValBinds _ binds _) = foldrM new_ps' [] binds
     new_ps _ = panic "new_ps"
     new_ps' :: LHsBindLR GhcPs GhcPs
-            -> [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])]
-            -> TcM [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])]
+            -> [(Name, [FieldLabel])]
+            -> TcM [(Name, [FieldLabel])]
     new_ps' bind names
       | (L bind_loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = L _ n
                                        , psb_args = RecCon as }))) <- bind

@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ getLocalNonValBinders fixity_env
                             ; return (avail nm) }
     new_tc :: Bool -> LTyClDecl GhcPs
-           -> RnM (AvailInfo, [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])])
+           -> RnM (AvailInfo, [(Name, [FieldLabel])])
     new_tc overload_ok tc_decl -- NOT for type/data instances
         = do { let (bndrs, flds) = hsLTyClDeclBinders tc_decl
              ; names@(main_name : sub_names) <- mapM newTopSrcBinder bndrs
@@ -744,14 +744,14 @@ getLocalNonValBinders fixity_env
              ; let fld_env = case unLoc tc_decl of
                      DataDecl { tcdDataDefn = d } -> mk_fld_env d names flds'
                      _                            -> []
-             ; return (AvailTC main_name names (fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates flds'), fld_env) }
+             ; return (AvailTC main_name names (fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters flds'), fld_env) }
     -- Calculate the mapping from constructor names to fields, which
     -- will go in tcg_field_env. It's convenient to do this here where
     -- we are working with a single datatype definition.
-    mk_fld_env :: HsDataDefn GhcPs -> [Name] -> [FieldLabelWithUpdate]
-               -> [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])]
+    mk_fld_env :: HsDataDefn GhcPs -> [Name] -> [FieldLabel]
+               -> [(Name, [FieldLabel])]
     mk_fld_env d names flds = concatMap find_con_flds (dd_cons d)
         find_con_flds (L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = L _ rdr
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ getLocalNonValBinders fixity_env
           where lbl = occNameFS (rdrNameOcc rdr)
     new_assoc :: Bool -> LInstDecl GhcPs
-              -> RnM ([AvailInfo], [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])])
+              -> RnM ([AvailInfo], [(Name, [FieldLabel])])
     new_assoc _ (L _ (TyFamInstD {})) = return ([], [])
       -- type instances don't bind new names
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ getLocalNonValBinders fixity_env
                pure (avails, concat fldss)
     new_di :: Bool -> Maybe Name -> DataFamInstDecl GhcPs
-                   -> RnM (AvailInfo, [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])])
+                   -> RnM (AvailInfo, [(Name, [FieldLabel])])
     new_di overload_ok mb_cls dfid@(DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn =
                                      HsIB { hsib_body = ti_decl }})
         = do { main_name <- lookupFamInstName mb_cls (feqn_tycon ti_decl)
@@ -822,16 +822,16 @@ getLocalNonValBinders fixity_env
              ; flds' <- mapM (newRecordSelector overload_ok sub_names) flds
              ; let avail    = AvailTC (unLoc main_name)
-                                      (fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates flds')
+                                      (fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters flds')
                                   -- main_name is not bound here!
                    fld_env  = mk_fld_env (feqn_rhs ti_decl) sub_names flds'
              ; return (avail, fld_env) }
     new_loc_di :: Bool -> Maybe Name -> LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs
-                   -> RnM (AvailInfo, [(Name, [FieldLabelWithUpdate])])
+                   -> RnM (AvailInfo, [(Name, [FieldLabel])])
     new_loc_di overload_ok mb_cls (L _ d) = new_di overload_ok mb_cls d
-newRecordSelector :: Bool -> [Name] -> LFieldOcc GhcPs -> RnM FieldLabelWithUpdate
+newRecordSelector :: Bool -> [Name] -> LFieldOcc GhcPs -> RnM FieldLabel
 newRecordSelector _ [] _ = error "newRecordSelector: datatype has no constructors!"
 newRecordSelector overload_ok (dc:_) (L loc (FieldOcc _ (L _ fld)))
   = do { selName <- newTopSrcBinder $ L loc $ field
@@ -1063,6 +1063,7 @@ filterImports iface decl_spec (Just (want_hiding, L l import_items))
                          , [])
         IEThingWith xt ltc@(L l rdr_tc) wc rdr_ns rdr_fs ->
+          -- See Note [IEThingWith] in GHC.Hs.ImpExp for why rdr_fs is null
           ASSERT2(null rdr_fs, ppr rdr_fs) do
            (name, avail, mb_parent)
                <- lookup_name (IEThingAbs noExtField ltc) (ieWrappedName rdr_tc)
@@ -1197,9 +1198,11 @@ mkChildEnv gres = foldr add emptyNameEnv gres
 findChildren :: NameEnv [a] -> Name -> [a]
 findChildren env n = lookupNameEnv env n `orElse` []
-lookupChildren :: [Either Name FieldLabel] -> [LIEWrappedName RdrName]
+lookupChildren :: forall a b .
+                  [Either Name (FieldLbl a b)]
+               -> [LIEWrappedName RdrName]
                -> MaybeErr [LIEWrappedName RdrName]   -- The ones for which the lookup failed
-                           ([Located Name], [Located FieldLabel])
+                           ([Located Name], [Located (FieldLbl a b)])
 -- (lookupChildren all_kids rdr_items) maps each rdr_item to its
 -- corresponding Name all_kids, if the former exists
 -- The matching is done by FastString, not OccName, so that
@@ -1211,14 +1214,14 @@ lookupChildren all_kids rdr_items
   | null fails
   = Succeeded (fmap concat (partitionEithers oks))
        -- This 'fmap concat' trickily applies concat to the /second/ component
-       -- of the pair, whose type is ([Located Name], [[Located FieldLabel]])
+       -- of the pair, whose type is ([Located Name], [[Located (FieldLbl a b)]])
   | otherwise
   = Failed fails
     mb_xs = map doOne rdr_items
     fails = [ bad_rdr | Failed bad_rdr <- mb_xs ]
     oks   = [ ok      | Succeeded ok   <- mb_xs ]
-    oks :: [Either (Located Name) [Located FieldLabel]]
+    oks :: [Either (Located Name) [Located (FieldLbl a b)]]
     doOne item@(L l r)
        = case (lookupFsEnv kid_env . occNameFS . rdrNameOcc . ieWrappedName) r of

@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import GHC.Rename.Names
 import GHC.Rename.Env
 import GHC.Rename.Unbound ( reportUnboundName )
 import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Id.Info
 import GHC.Unit.Module
@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ import GHC.Driver.Types
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Core.ConLike
-import GHC.Core.DataCon
 import GHC.Core.PatSyn
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
     lookup_ie_with :: LIEWrappedName RdrName -> [LIEWrappedName RdrName]
                    -> RnM (Located Name, [LIEWrappedName Name], [Name],
-                           [Located FieldLabel])
+                           [Located FieldLabelNoUpdater])
     lookup_ie_with (L l rdr) sub_rdrs
         = do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
              (non_flds, flds) <- lookupChildrenExport name sub_rdrs
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
                             , flds)
     lookup_ie_all :: IE GhcPs -> LIEWrappedName RdrName
-                  -> RnM (Located Name, [Name], [FieldLabel])
+                  -> RnM (Located Name, [Name], [FieldLabelNoUpdater])
     lookup_ie_all ie (L l rdr) =
           do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
              let gres = findChildren kids_env name
@@ -420,10 +420,10 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
     addUsedKids :: RdrName -> [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
     addUsedKids parent_rdr kid_gres = addUsedGREs (pickGREs parent_rdr kid_gres)
-classifyGREs :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> ([Name], [FieldLabel])
+classifyGREs :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> ([Name], [FieldLabelNoUpdater])
 classifyGREs = partitionEithers . map classifyGRE
-classifyGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> Either Name FieldLabel
+classifyGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> Either Name FieldLabelNoUpdater
 classifyGRE gre = case gre_par gre of
   FldParent _ Nothing -> Right (FieldLabel (occNameFS (nameOccName n)) False () n)
   FldParent _ (Just lbl) -> Right (FieldLabel lbl True () n)
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ If the module has NO main function:
 lookupChildrenExport :: Name -> [LIEWrappedName RdrName]
-                     -> RnM ([LIEWrappedName Name], [Located FieldLabel])
+                     -> RnM ( [LIEWrappedName Name], [Located FieldLabelNoUpdater] )
 lookupChildrenExport spec_parent rdr_items =
     xs <- mapAndReportM doOne rdr_items
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ lookupChildrenExport spec_parent rdr_items =
           | otherwise = [ns]
         -- Process an individual child
         doOne :: LIEWrappedName RdrName
-              -> RnM (Either (LIEWrappedName Name) (Located FieldLabel))
+              -> RnM (Either (LIEWrappedName Name) (Located FieldLabelNoUpdater))
         doOne n = do
           let bareName = (ieWrappedName . unLoc) n

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.Zonk
 import GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig( TcPragEnv, lookupPragEnv, addInlinePrags )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Name
@@ -1170,7 +1171,7 @@ tcConArgs con_like arg_tys penv con_args thing_inside = case con_args of
                 traceTc "find_field" (ppr pat_ty <+> ppr extras)
                 ASSERT( null extras ) (return pat_ty)
-      field_tys :: [(FieldLabel, Scaled TcType)]
+      field_tys :: [(FieldLabelNoUpdater, Scaled TcType)]
       field_tys = zip (conLikeFieldLabels con_like) arg_tys
           -- Don't use zipEqual! If the constructor isn't really a record, then
           -- dataConFieldLabels will be empty (and each field in the pattern

@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
                -- x should be a field of r
              , Just fl <- lookupTyConFieldLabel x r_tc
                -- the field selector should be in scope
-             , Just gre <- lookupGRE_FieldLabel rdr_env (fieldLabelWithoutUpdate fl)
+             , Just gre <- lookupGRE_FieldLabel rdr_env fl
              -> do { upd_id <- tcLookupId (flUpdate fl)
                    ; (tv_prs, preds, upd_ty) <- tcInstType newMetaTyVars upd_id
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys
                      -- Do not generate an instance if the updater cannot be
                      -- defined for the field and hence is ().  (See Note
-                     -- [Missing record updaters] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils.)
+                     -- [Naughty record updaters] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils.)
                    ; if not (upd_ty `eqType` unitTy)
                      then do { addUsedGRE True gre
                              ; return OneInst { cir_new_theta = theta

@@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@ runTcInteractive hsc_env thing_inside
                 -- Putting the dfuns in the type_env
                 -- is just to keep Core Lint happy
-    con_fields = [ (dataConName c, dataConFieldLabelsWithUpdates c)
+    con_fields = [ (dataConName c, dataConFieldLabels c)
                  | ATyCon t <- top_ty_things
                  , c <- tyConDataCons t ]

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
 import GHC.Builtin.Types ( unitTy, makeRecoveryTyCon )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
 import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
-import GHC.Rename.Env( lookupDataConFieldsWithUpdates )
+import GHC.Rename.Env( lookupDataConFields )
 import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
 import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
 import GHC.Core.Coercion
@@ -3201,7 +3201,7 @@ tcConDecl rep_tycon tag_map tmpl_bndrs res_kind res_tmpl new_or_data
               do { ctxt <- tcHsMbContext hs_ctxt
                  ; let exp_kind = getArgExpKind new_or_data res_kind
                  ; btys <- tcConArgs exp_kind hs_args
-                 ; field_lbls <- lookupDataConFieldsWithUpdates (unLoc name)
+                 ; field_lbls <- lookupDataConFields (unLoc name)
                  ; let (arg_tys, stricts) = unzip btys
                  ; return (ctxt, arg_tys, field_lbls, stricts)
@@ -3289,7 +3289,7 @@ tcConDecl rep_tycon tag_map tmpl_bndrs _res_kind res_tmpl new_or_data
                  ; btys <- tcConArgs exp_kind hs_args
                  ; let (arg_tys, stricts) = unzip btys
-                 ; field_lbls <- lookupDataConFieldsWithUpdates name
+                 ; field_lbls <- lookupDataConFields name
                  ; return (ctxt, arg_tys, res_ty, field_lbls, stricts)
        ; imp_tvs <- zonkAndScopedSort imp_tvs

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ buildDataCon :: FamInstEnvs
             -> [HsSrcBang]
             -> Maybe [HsImplBang]
                 -- See Note [Bangs on imported data constructors] in GHC.Types.Id.Make
-           -> [FieldLabelWithUpdate]   -- Field labels
+           -> [FieldLabel]             -- Field labels
            -> [TyVar]                  -- Universals
            -> [TyCoVar]                -- Existentials
            -> [InvisTVBinder]          -- User-written 'TyVarBinder's
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ buildPatSyn :: Name -> Bool
             -> ([InvisTVBinder], ThetaType) -- ^ Ex and prov
             -> [Type]                       -- ^ Argument types
             -> Type                         -- ^ Result type
-            -> [FieldLabel]                 -- ^ Field labels for
+            -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater]        -- ^ Field labels for
                                             --   a record pattern synonym
             -> PatSyn
 buildPatSyn src_name declared_infix matcher@(matcher_id,_) builder

@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ tcPatSynMatcher (L loc name) lpat
        ; return ((matcher_id, is_unlifted), matcher_bind) }
 mkPatSynRecSelBinds :: PatSyn
-                    -> [FieldLabel]  -- ^ Visible field labels
+                    -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater]  -- ^ Visible field labels
                     -> [(Id, LHsBind GhcRn)]
 mkPatSynRecSelBinds ps fields
   = [ mkOneRecordSelector [PatSynCon ps] (RecSelPatSyn ps) fld_lbl

@@ -851,11 +851,11 @@ mkRecSelBinds :: [TyCon] -> TcM [(Id, LHsBind GhcRn)]
 mkRecSelBinds tycons
   = concatMapM mkRecSelAndUpd [ (tc,fld)
                               | tc <- tycons
-                              , fld <- tyConFieldLabelsWithUpdates tc ]
+                              , fld <- tyConFieldLabels tc ]
 -- | Create both a record selector and a record updater binding for a field in a
 -- TyCon.  See Note [Record updaters]
-mkRecSelAndUpd :: (TyCon, FieldLabelWithUpdate) -> TcM [(Id, LHsBind GhcRn)]
+mkRecSelAndUpd :: (TyCon, FieldLabel) -> TcM [(Id, LHsBind GhcRn)]
 mkRecSelAndUpd (tycon, fl) = do
     -- Make fresh names x1..xN for binding all the fields in the TyCon
     -- (including the one being updated), and a fresh name y for binding the new
@@ -871,14 +871,14 @@ mkRecSelAndUpd (tycon, fl) = do
 -- | Create a record selector binding, but no updater.  This is used for fields
 -- in pattern synonyms.  See Note [No updaters for pattern synonyms]
-mkOneRecordSelector :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabel
+mkOneRecordSelector :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabelNoUpdater
                     -> (Id, LHsBind GhcRn)
 mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl
   = fst $ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails (fl { flUpdate = oops }) oops oops
     oops = error "mkOneRecordSelector: poked a field needed only for updaters"
-mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabelWithUpdate
+mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabel
                            -> NameEnv Name -> Name
                            -> ((Id, LHsBind GhcRn), (Id, LHsBind GhcRn))
 mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var =
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var =
                  conLikeUserTyVarBinders con1
     data_tv_set= tyCoVarsOfTypes inst_tys
-    -- See Note [Naughty record selectors] and Note [Missing record updaters]
+    -- See Note [Naughty record selectors] and Note [Naughty record updaters]
     is_naughty = not (tyCoVarsOfType field_ty `subVarSet` data_tv_set)
     no_updater = is_naughty
                   || not (isTauTy field_ty)
@@ -1010,7 +1010,9 @@ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var =
         -- Used for both pattern and record construction, to create
         --     { fld1 = k fld1, .., fldN = k fldN }
         -- where k gives the hsRecFieldArg for each field
-        rec_fields :: ConLike -> (FieldLabel -> a) -> HsRecFields GhcRn (Located a)
+        rec_fields :: ConLike
+                   -> (FieldLabelNoUpdater -> a)
+                   -> HsRecFields GhcRn (Located a)
         rec_fields con k = HsRecFields { rec_flds = map rec_field
                                                         (conLikeFieldLabels con)
                                        , rec_dotdot = Nothing }
@@ -1266,38 +1268,47 @@ Note that:
  * The Name of each updater is stored alongside that of the selector in the
-   'FieldLabelWithUpdate's in each 'DataCon'.
+   'FieldLabel's in each 'DataCon'.
  * Renamed-syntax bindings for both a selector and an updater for each field are
    produced by mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater; these bindings are then type-checked
-   together normally.  We produce renamed syntax rather than attempting to
-   generate Core terms directly because the corresponding Core terms are rather
-   complex (e.g. because of worker-wrapper).
+   together normally.
+ * We produce renamed syntax rather than attempting to generate Core terms
+   directly because the corresponding Core terms are rather complex.  This is
+   because they include the code necessary to evaluate strict fields, and to
+   pack/unpack UNPACKed fields, i.e. everything that is handled by the
+   constructor wrapper, and by dataConBoxer when desugaring pattern matching.
+   See Note [Generating updaters in advance].
  * In some cases we may not be able to generate an updater and will bind its
    name to () instead, even if we can generate the corresponding selector.  See
-   Note [Missing record updaters].
+   Note [Naughty record updaters].
-Note [Missing record updaters]
+Note [Naughty record updaters]
 There are a few cases in which we cannot generate an updater for a field:
- * The field has an existential tyvar, e.g.
+1. The field has an existential tyvar, e.g.
      data T = forall a . MkT { foo :: a }
    This is the same as for selectors (see Note [Naughty record selectors]).
- * The field is higher-rank, e.g.
+2. The field is higher-rank, e.g.
      data T = MkT { foo :: forall a . a -> a }
    as this would require an impredicative instantiation of (,).
- * The field kind is not Type, e.g.
+3. The field kind is not Type, e.g.
      data T = MkT { foo :: Addr# }
    as this would require an ill-kinded application of (,).
-If any of these apply, we bind $upd:foo:MkT to (), just like for naughty
-record selectors. This means that when trying to generate a HasField instance,
-we need to check if the updater is () and if so give up.
+Every field with a naughty record selector also has a naughty record updater
+(because the condition 1 is the same for both).  However, some types will have a
+naughty updater but a regular selector (where conditions 2 or 3 apply).
+If any of these apply, we bind $upd:foo:MkT to (), just as a naughty record
+selector is bound to (). This means that when trying to generate a HasField
+instance, we need to check if the updater is () and if so give up.
 Note [Generating updaters in advance]
@@ -1324,6 +1335,40 @@ For record pattern synonyms, we generate a selector function, but not an
 updater.  The updater function is not necessary because we do not solve HasField
 constraints for fields defined by pattern synonyms.
+That is, given
+    pattern MkPair{x,y} = (x, y)
+you can use `x` as a "record selector" in an expression.  But the constraint
+solver will not automatically solve constraints like `HasField "x" (a, b) a`, so
+you cannot directly use expressions such as `getField @"x" (True, False)` or
+`setField @"x" p False`, and RecordDotSyntax will not natively support record
+pattern synonyms.
+This can be worked around by the user user manually writing an explicit
+HasField instance, such as
+   instance HasField "x" (a,b) a where
+      hasField (x,y) = (\x' -> (x',y), x)
+which will be subject to the usual rules around orphan instances and the
+restrictions on when HasField instances can be defined (as described in
+Note [Validity checking of HasField instances] in GHC.Tc.Validity).
+We could imagine allowing record pattern synonyms to lead to automatic HasField
+constraint solving, but this potentially introduces incoherent HasField
+instances, because multiple pattern synonyms (in different modules) might use
+the same field name in the same type, and would even lead to e.g.
+    pattern Id{id} = id
+introducing an `id` field to *every* type!
+Given the possibility of incoherence, and the fact that a reasonable workaround
+exists, we do not currently solve HasField constraints for fields defined by
+pattern synonyms.  And since we do not need updaters for anything other than
+solving HasField constraints, we do not generate them for pattern synonyms.

@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCon  ( TyCon, tyConKind )
 import GHC.Core.PatSyn ( PatSyn )
 import GHC.Core.Lint   ( lintAxioms )
 import GHC.Types.Id         ( idType, idName )
-import GHC.Types.FieldLabel ( FieldLabelWithUpdate )
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel ( FieldLabel )
 import GHC.Core.UsageEnv
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ tcVisibleOrphanMods tcg_env
 instance ContainsModule TcGblEnv where
     extractModule env = tcg_semantic_mod env
-type RecFieldEnv = NameEnv [FieldLabelWithUpdate]
+type RecFieldEnv = NameEnv [FieldLabel]
         -- Maps a constructor name *in this module*
         -- to the fields for that constructor.
         -- This is used when dealing with ".." notation in record

@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ data AvailInfo
        Name         -- ^ The name of the type or class
        [Name]       -- ^ The available pieces of type or class,
                     -- excluding field selectors.
-       [FieldLabel] -- ^ The record fields of the type
+       [FieldLabelNoUpdater] -- ^ The record fields of the type
                     -- (see Note [Representing fields in AvailInfo]).
    deriving ( Eq    -- ^ Used when deciding if the interface has changed
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ availNonFldNames (Avail n)        = [n]
 availNonFldNames (AvailTC _ ns _) = ns
 -- | Fields made available by the availability information
-availFlds :: AvailInfo -> [FieldLabel]
+availFlds :: AvailInfo -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater]
 availFlds (AvailTC _ _ fs) = fs
 availFlds _                = []

@@ -59,25 +59,27 @@ Of course, datatypes with no constructors cannot have any fields.
 Note [Updater names]
-As well as the name of the selector for a field label, we sometimes need to
-store the name of the updater, which is a pre-generated function for updating a
-sole field of a record.  See Note [Record updaters] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils, which
-describes how updaters are constructed and used.
+A record "updater" is a pre-generated function for updating a single field of a
+record, just as a selector is a pre-generated function for accessing a single
+field.  See Note [Record updaters] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils, which describes how
+updaters are constructed and used.
-However, in some circumstance we do not need the updater name:
+Field labels usually store both the name of the selector and the name of the
+updater.  However, there are two cases in which we do not need the updater name,
+so we store the selector only:
  * The renamer uses the selector name to uniquely identify the field, but the
    updater name is irrelevant for renaming, so field labels with only selector
-   names appear in AvailInfo and IE.  (Arguably it might be better for the
-   renamer not to rely on the selector name like this, but changing it would be
-   a major effort.)
+   names appear in AvailInfo and IEThingWith.  (Arguably it might be better for
+   the renamer not to rely on the selector name like this, but changing it would
+   be a major effort.)
  * Record pattern synonyms do not have updaters, but they do contain field
    labels.  (See Note [No updaters for pattern synonyms] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Utils.)
 The FieldLbl type is parameterised over the representations of updater names and
 selector names, so we can vary whether updater names are available
-(FieldLabelWithUpdate) or not (FieldLabel).
+(FieldLabel) or not (FieldLabelNoUpdater).
@@ -92,10 +94,9 @@ module GHC.Types.FieldLabel
    , FieldLabelEnv
    , FieldLbl(..)
    , FieldLabel
-   , FieldLabelWithUpdate
+   , FieldLabelNoUpdater
    , mkFieldLabelOccs
-   , fieldLabelWithoutUpdate
-   , fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates
+   , fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters
@@ -116,16 +117,16 @@ import Data.Data
 type FieldLabelString = FastString
 -- | A map from labels to all the auxiliary information
-type FieldLabelEnv = DFastStringEnv FieldLabelWithUpdate
+type FieldLabelEnv = DFastStringEnv FieldLabel
--- | Representation of a field where we know the name of the selector function,
--- but not the updater.
-type FieldLabel = FieldLbl () Name
 -- | Representation of a field where we know the names of both the selector and
 -- updater functions.
-type FieldLabelWithUpdate = FieldLbl Name Name
+type FieldLabel = FieldLbl Name Name
+-- | Representation of a field where we know the name of the selector function,
+-- but not the updater.
+type FieldLabelNoUpdater = FieldLbl () Name
 -- | Fields in an algebraic record type
 data FieldLbl update_rep selector_rep = FieldLabel {
@@ -157,12 +158,12 @@ instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (FieldLbl a b) where
 -- | Drop the updater names from a field label (see Note [Updater names]).
-fieldLabelWithoutUpdate :: FieldLabelWithUpdate -> FieldLabel
-fieldLabelWithoutUpdate fl = fl { flUpdate = () }
+fieldLabelWithoutUpdater :: FieldLabel -> FieldLabelNoUpdater
+fieldLabelWithoutUpdater fl = fl { flUpdate = () }
 -- | Drop the updater names from a list of field labels.
-fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates :: [FieldLabelWithUpdate] -> [FieldLabel]
-fieldLabelsWithoutUpdates = map fieldLabelWithoutUpdate
+fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters :: [FieldLabel] -> [FieldLabelNoUpdater]
+fieldLabelsWithoutUpdaters = map fieldLabelWithoutUpdater
 -- | Record selector OccNames are built from the underlying field name

@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ availFromGRE (GRE { gre_name = me, gre_par = parent })
                  | otherwise      -> avail   me
       FldParent p mb_lbl -> AvailTC p [] [mkFieldLabel me mb_lbl]
-mkFieldLabel :: Name -> Maybe FastString -> FieldLabel
+mkFieldLabel :: Name -> Maybe FastString -> FieldLabelNoUpdater
 mkFieldLabel me mb_lbl =
           case mb_lbl of
                  Nothing  -> FieldLabel { flLabel = occNameFS (nameOccName me)
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ lookupGRE_Name :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Name -> Maybe GlobalRdrElt
 lookupGRE_Name env name
   = lookupGRE_Name_OccName env name (nameOccName name)
-lookupGRE_FieldLabel :: GlobalRdrEnv -> FieldLabel -> Maybe GlobalRdrElt
+lookupGRE_FieldLabel :: GlobalRdrEnv -> FieldLbl a Name -> Maybe GlobalRdrElt
 -- ^ Look for a particular record field selector in the environment, where the
 -- selector name and field label may be different: the GlobalRdrEnv is keyed on
 -- the label.  See Note [Parents for record fields] for why this happens.

@@ -185,14 +185,15 @@ substNameAvailInfo hsc_env env (AvailTC n ns fs) =
     let mb_mod = fmap nameModule (lookupNameEnv env n)
     in AvailTC (substName env n)
         <$> mapM (initIfaceLoad hsc_env . setNameModule mb_mod) ns
-        <*> mapM (setNameFieldSelector hsc_env mb_mod) fs
+        <*> mapM (setNameFieldLabel hsc_env mb_mod) fs
--- | Set the 'Module' of a 'FieldSelector'
-setNameFieldSelector :: HscEnv -> Maybe Module -> FieldLabel -> IO FieldLabel
-setNameFieldSelector _ Nothing f = return f
-setNameFieldSelector hsc_env mb_mod (FieldLabel l b () sel) = do
+-- | Set the 'Module' of a 'FieldLabelNoUpdater'
+setNameFieldLabel :: HscEnv -> Maybe Module -> FieldLabelNoUpdater
+                  -> IO FieldLabelNoUpdater
+setNameFieldLabel _ Nothing f = return f
+setNameFieldLabel hsc_env mb_mod fl@(FieldLabel {flSelector = sel }) = do
     sel' <- initIfaceLoad hsc_env $ setNameModule mb_mod sel
-    return (FieldLabel l b () sel')
+    return (fl { flSelector = sel' })

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