[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T18645] Make `tcCheckSatisfiability` incremental (#18645)

Sebastian Graf gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Sep 7 10:49:50 UTC 2020

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/T18645 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d4347d90 by Sebastian Graf at 2020-09-07T12:47:10+02:00
Make `tcCheckSatisfiability` incremental (#18645)

By taking and returning an `InertSet`.
Every new `TcS` session can then pick up where a prior session left with

Since we don't want to unflatten the Givens (and because it leads to
infinite loops, see !3971), we introduced a new variant of `runTcS`,
`runTcSInerts`, that takes and returns the `InertSet` and makes
sure not to unflatten the Givens after running the `TcS` action.

Fixes #18645 and (hopefully) #17836.

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs


@@ -523,13 +523,11 @@ nameTyCt pred_ty = do
 tyOracle :: TyState -> Bag PredType -> DsM (Maybe TyState)
 tyOracle (TySt inert) cts
   = do { evs <- traverse nameTyCt cts
-       ; let new_inert = inert `unionBags` evs
        ; tracePm "tyOracle" (ppr cts)
-       ; ((_warns, errs), res) <- initTcDsForSolver $ tcCheckSatisfiability new_inert
+       ; ((_warns, errs), res) <- initTcDsForSolver $ tcCheckSatisfiability inert evs
        ; case res of
-            Just True  -> return (Just (TySt new_inert))
-            Just False -> return Nothing
-            Nothing    -> pprPanic "tyOracle" (vcat $ pprErrMsgBagWithLoc errs) }
+            Just mb_new_inert -> return (TySt <$> mb_new_inert)
+            Nothing           -> pprPanic "tyOracle" (vcat $ pprErrMsgBagWithLoc errs) }
 -- | A 'SatisfiabilityCheck' based on new type-level constraints.
 -- Returns a new 'Nabla' if the new constraints are compatible with existing

@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Data.Bag
 import GHC.Data.FastString
-import GHC.Types.Var (EvVar)
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Utils (exprType)
 import GHC.Builtin.Names
 import GHC.Builtin.Types
 import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (evVarPred)
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (InertSet, emptyInert)
 import GHC.Driver.Types (ConLikeSet)
 import Numeric (fromRat)
@@ -596,15 +595,14 @@ initTmState = TmSt emptySDIE emptyCoreMap
 -- | The type oracle state. A poor man's 'GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad.InsertSet': The invariant is
 -- that all constraints in there are mutually compatible.
-newtype TyState = TySt (Bag EvVar)
+newtype TyState = TySt InertSet
 -- | Not user-facing.
 instance Outputable TyState where
-  ppr (TySt evs)
-    = braces $ hcat $ punctuate comma $ map (ppr . evVarPred) $ bagToList evs
+  ppr (TySt inert) = ppr inert
 initTyState :: TyState
-initTyState = TySt emptyBag
+initTyState = TySt emptyInert
 -- | A normalised refinement type ∇ (\"nabla\"), comprised of an inert set of
 -- canonical (i.e. mutually compatible) term and type constraints that form the

@@ -718,22 +718,22 @@ simplifyDefault theta
        ; return () }
-tcCheckSatisfiability :: Bag EvVar -> TcM Bool
--- Return True if satisfiable, False if definitely contradictory
-tcCheckSatisfiability given_ids
-  = do { lcl_env <- TcM.getLclEnv
-       ; let given_loc = mkGivenLoc topTcLevel UnkSkol lcl_env
-       ; (res, _ev_binds) <- runTcS $
-             do { traceTcS "checkSatisfiability {" (ppr given_ids)
-                ; let given_cts = mkGivens given_loc (bagToList given_ids)
-                     -- See Note [Superclasses and satisfiability]
-                ; solveSimpleGivens given_cts
-                ; insols <- getInertInsols
-                ; insols <- try_harder insols
-                ; traceTcS "checkSatisfiability }" (ppr insols)
-                ; return (isEmptyBag insols) }
-       ; return res }
- where
+tcCheckSatisfiability :: InertSet -> Bag EvVar -> TcM (Maybe InertSet)
+-- Return (Just new_inerts) if satisfiable, Nothing if definitely contradictory
+tcCheckSatisfiability inerts given_ids = do
+  (sat, new_inerts) <- runTcSInerts inerts $ do
+    traceTcS "checkSatisfiability {" (ppr inerts <+> ppr given_ids)
+    lcl_env <- TcS.getLclEnv
+    let given_loc = mkGivenLoc topTcLevel UnkSkol lcl_env
+    let given_cts = mkGivens given_loc (bagToList given_ids)
+    -- See Note [Superclasses and satisfiability]
+    solveSimpleGivens given_cts
+    insols <- getInertInsols
+    insols <- try_harder insols
+    traceTcS "checkSatisfiability }" (ppr insols)
+    return (isEmptyBag insols)
+  return $ if sat then Just new_inerts else Nothing
+  where
     try_harder :: Cts -> TcS Cts
     -- Maybe we have to search up the superclass chain to find
     -- an unsatisfiable constraint.  Example: pmcheck/T3927b.
@@ -749,15 +749,11 @@ tcCheckSatisfiability given_ids
 -- | Normalise a type as much as possible using the given constraints.
 -- See @Note [tcNormalise]@.
-tcNormalise :: Bag EvVar -> Type -> TcM Type
-tcNormalise given_ids ty
-  = do { lcl_env <- TcM.getLclEnv
-       ; let given_loc = mkGivenLoc topTcLevel UnkSkol lcl_env
-       ; norm_loc <- getCtLocM PatCheckOrigin Nothing
-       ; (res, _ev_binds) <- runTcS $
-             do { traceTcS "tcNormalise {" (ppr given_ids)
-                ; let given_cts = mkGivens given_loc (bagToList given_ids)
-                ; solveSimpleGivens given_cts
+tcNormalise :: InertSet -> Type -> TcM Type
+tcNormalise inerts ty
+  = do { norm_loc <- getCtLocM PatCheckOrigin Nothing
+       ; (res, _new_inerts) <- runTcSInerts inerts $
+             do { traceTcS "tcNormalise {" (ppr inerts)
                 ; ty' <- flattenType norm_loc ty
                 ; traceTcS "tcNormalise }" (ppr ty')
                 ; pure ty' }
@@ -788,8 +784,9 @@ Note [tcNormalise]
 tcNormalise is a rather atypical entrypoint to the constraint solver. Whereas
 most invocations of the constraint solver are intended to simplify a set of
 constraints or to decide if a particular set of constraints is satisfiable,
-the purpose of tcNormalise is to take a type, plus some local constraints, and
-normalise the type as much as possible with respect to those constraints.
+the purpose of tcNormalise is to take a type, plus some locally solved
+constraints in the form of an InertCans, and normalise the type as much as
+possible with respect to those constraints.
 It does *not* reduce type or data family applications or look through newtypes.
@@ -798,9 +795,9 @@ expression, it's possible that the type of the scrutinee will only reduce
 if some local equalities are solved for. See "Wrinkle: Local equalities"
 in Note [Type normalisation] in "GHC.HsToCore.PmCheck".
-To accomplish its stated goal, tcNormalise first feeds the local constraints
-into solveSimpleGivens, then uses flattenType to simplify the desired type
-with respect to the givens.
+To accomplish its stated goal, tcNormalise first initialises the solver monad
+with the given InertCans, then uses flattenType to simplify the desired type
+with respect to the Givens in the InertCans.
 *                                                                                 *
@@ -893,7 +890,7 @@ simplifyInfer rhs_tclvl infer_mode sigs name_taus wanteds
        ; psig_theta_vars <- mapM TcM.newEvVar psig_theta
        ; wanted_transformed_incl_derivs
             <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $
-               runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var $
+               runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var True $
                do { let loc         = mkGivenLoc rhs_tclvl UnkSkol $
                                       env_lcl tc_env
                         psig_givens = mkGivens loc psig_theta_vars

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (
     getWorkList, updWorkListTcS, pushLevelNoWorkList,
     -- The TcS monad
-    TcS, runTcS, runTcSDeriveds, runTcSWithEvBinds,
+    TcS, runTcS, runTcSDeriveds, runTcSWithEvBinds, runTcSInerts,
     failTcS, warnTcS, addErrTcS,
     nestTcS, nestImplicTcS, setEvBindsTcS,
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (
     tcLookupClass, tcLookupId,
     -- Inerts
-    InertSet(..), InertCans(..),
+    InertSet(..), InertCans(..), emptyInert,
     updInertTcS, updInertCans, updInertDicts, updInertIrreds,
     getNoGivenEqs, setInertCans,
     getInertEqs, getInertCans, getInertGivens,
@@ -2785,28 +2785,41 @@ runTcS :: TcS a                -- What to run
        -> TcM (a, EvBindMap)
 runTcS tcs
   = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
-       ; res <- runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var tcs
+       ; res <- runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var True tcs
        ; ev_binds <- TcM.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var
        ; return (res, ev_binds) }
 -- | This variant of 'runTcS' will keep solving, even when only Deriveds
 -- are left around. It also doesn't return any evidence, as callers won't
 -- need it.
 runTcSDeriveds :: TcS a -> TcM a
 runTcSDeriveds tcs
   = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
-       ; runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var tcs }
+       ; runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var True tcs }
 -- | This can deal only with equality constraints.
 runTcSEqualities :: TcS a -> TcM a
 runTcSEqualities thing_inside
   = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newNoTcEvBinds
-       ; runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var thing_inside }
+       ; runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var True thing_inside }
+-- | A variant of 'runTcS' that takes and returns an 'InertSet' for
+-- later resumption of the 'TcS' session. Crucially, it doesn't
+-- 'unflattenGivens' when done.
+runTcSInerts :: InertSet -> TcS a -> TcM (a, InertSet)
+runTcSInerts inerts tcs = do
+  ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
+  -- Passing False here to prohibit unflattening
+  runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var False $ do
+    setTcSInerts inerts
+    a <- tcs
+    new_inerts <- getTcSInerts
+    return (a, new_inerts)
 runTcSWithEvBinds :: EvBindsVar
+                  -> Bool       -- ^ Unflatten types afterwards? Don't if you want to reuse the InertSet.
                   -> TcS a
                   -> TcM a
-runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var tcs
+runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var unflatten tcs
   = do { unified_var <- TcM.newTcRef 0
        ; step_count <- TcM.newTcRef 0
        ; inert_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyInert
@@ -2824,7 +2837,7 @@ runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var tcs
        ; when (count > 0) $
          csTraceTcM $ return (text "Constraint solver steps =" <+> int count)
-       ; unflattenGivens inert_var
+       ; when unflatten $ unflattenGivens inert_var
 #if defined(DEBUG)
        ; ev_binds <- TcM.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var

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