[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T16762] Minor changes (dare I call them "wibbles"?)

Ryan Scott gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Oct 23 14:09:37 UTC 2020

Ryan Scott pushed to branch wip/T16762 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

af060b33 by Ryan Scott at 2020-10-23T09:14:44-04:00
Minor changes (dare I call them "wibbles"?)

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess/Haddock.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- testsuite/tests/polykinds/T16762c.hs


@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ data HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag pass
 -- | Used for signatures, e.g.,
 -- @
--- f :: forall a {b}. blahg
+-- f :: forall a {b}. blah
 -- @
 -- We use 'Specificity' for the 'HsOuterTyVarBndrs' @flag@ to allow
@@ -1664,8 +1664,8 @@ splitLHsSigmaTyInvis ty
 -- | Decompose a GADT type into its constituent parts.
 -- Returns @(outer_bndrs, mb_ctxt, body)@, where:
--- * @outer_bndrs@ are 'OuterExplicit' if the type has explicit, outermost
---   type variable binders. Otherwise, they are 'OuterImplicit'.
+-- * @outer_bndrs@ are 'HsOuterExplicit' if the type has explicit, outermost
+--   type variable binders. Otherwise, they are 'HsOuterImplicit'.
 -- * @mb_ctxt@ is @Just@ the context, if it is provided.
 --   Otherwise, it is @Nothing at .
@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ splitLHsGadtTy (L _ sig_ty)
   = (outer_bndrs, mb_ctxt, tau_ty)
     split_bndrs :: HsSigType GhcPs -> (HsOuterSigTyVarBndrs GhcPs, LHsType GhcPs)
-    split_bndrs (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = body_ty}) =
+    split_bndrs (HsSig{sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = body_ty}) =
       (outer_bndrs, body_ty)
 -- | Decompose a type of the form @forall <tvs>. body@ into its constituent

@@ -933,8 +933,6 @@ instance HasHaddock a => HasHaddock (HsWildCardBndrs GhcPs a) where
 instance HasHaddock (Located (HsSigType GhcPs)) where
   addHaddock (L l (HsSig{sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = body})) =
-    -- TODO RGS: I cargo-culted this code from the HsForAllTy case of the
-    -- HasHaddock instance for HsType. Is this right? Need Vlad to check.
     extendHdkA l $ do
       case outer_bndrs of
         HsOuterImplicit{} -> pure ()

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module GHC.Rename.HsType (
         rnHsType, rnLHsType, rnLHsTypes, rnContext,
         rnHsKind, rnLHsKind, rnLHsTypeArgs,
         rnHsSigType, rnHsWcType,
-        HsSigWcTypeScoping(..), rnHsSigWcType, rnHsPatSigType,
+        HsPatSigTypeScoping(..), rnHsSigWcType, rnHsPatSigType,
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ to break several loops.
-data HsSigWcTypeScoping
+data HsPatSigTypeScoping
   = AlwaysBind
     -- ^ Always bind any free tyvars of the given type, regardless of whether we
     -- have a forall at the top.
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ rnHsSigWcType doc (HsWC { hswc_body =
                       , sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs', sig_body = body_ty' }}
               , fvs) } }
-rnHsPatSigType :: HsSigWcTypeScoping
+rnHsPatSigType :: HsPatSigTypeScoping
                -> HsDocContext
                -> HsPatSigType GhcPs
                -> (HsPatSigType GhcRn -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
@@ -146,32 +146,20 @@ rnHsPatSigType :: HsSigWcTypeScoping
 rnHsPatSigType scoping ctx sig_ty thing_inside
   = do { ty_sig_okay <- xoptM LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables
        ; checkErr ty_sig_okay (unexpectedPatSigTypeErr sig_ty)
-       ; rn_hs_sig_wc_type scoping ctx (hsPatSigType sig_ty) $
-         \nwcs imp_tvs body ->
-    do { let sig_names = HsPSRn { hsps_nwcs = nwcs, hsps_imp_tvs = imp_tvs }
-             sig_ty'   = HsPS { hsps_ext = sig_names, hsps_body = body }
-       ; thing_inside sig_ty'
-       } }
--- The workhorse for rnHsSigWcType and rnHsPatSigType.
-rn_hs_sig_wc_type :: HsSigWcTypeScoping -> HsDocContext
-                  -> LHsType GhcPs
-                  -> ([Name]    -- Wildcard names
-                      -> [Name] -- Implicitly bound type variable names
-                      -> LHsType GhcRn
-                      -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
-                  -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-rn_hs_sig_wc_type scoping ctxt hs_ty thing_inside
-  = do { free_vars <- filterInScopeM (extractHsTyRdrTyVars hs_ty)
+       ; free_vars <- filterInScopeM (extractHsTyRdrTyVars pat_sig_ty)
        ; (nwc_rdrs', tv_rdrs) <- partition_nwcs free_vars
        ; let nwc_rdrs = nubL nwc_rdrs'
-       ; implicit_bndrs <- case scoping of
-           AlwaysBind       -> pure tv_rdrs
-           NeverBind        -> pure []
-       ; rnImplicitBndrs Nothing implicit_bndrs $ \ vars ->
-    do { (wcs, hs_ty', fvs1) <- rnWcBody ctxt nwc_rdrs hs_ty
-       ; (res, fvs2) <- thing_inside wcs vars hs_ty'
+             implicit_bndrs = case scoping of
+               AlwaysBind -> tv_rdrs
+               NeverBind  -> []
+       ; rnImplicitBndrs Nothing implicit_bndrs $ \ imp_tvs ->
+    do { (nwcs, pat_sig_ty', fvs1) <- rnWcBody ctx nwc_rdrs pat_sig_ty
+       ; let sig_names = HsPSRn { hsps_nwcs = nwcs, hsps_imp_tvs = imp_tvs }
+             sig_ty'   = HsPS { hsps_ext = sig_names, hsps_body = pat_sig_ty' }
+       ; (res, fvs2) <- thing_inside sig_ty'
        ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) } }
+  where
+    pat_sig_ty = hsPatSigType sig_ty
 rnHsWcType :: HsDocContext -> LHsWcType GhcPs -> RnM (LHsWcType GhcRn, FreeVars)
 rnHsWcType ctxt (HsWC { hswc_body = hs_ty })

@@ -1658,7 +1658,6 @@ decideGeneralisationPlan dflags lbinds closed sig_fn
       = [ null theta
         | TcIdSig (PartialSig { psig_hs_ty = hs_ty })
             <- mapMaybe sig_fn (collectHsBindListBinders lbinds)
-        -- TODO RGS: What about outer parentheses here?
         , let (L _ theta, _) = splitLHsQualTy (hsSigWcType hs_ty) ]
     has_partial_sigs   = not (null partial_sig_mrs)

@@ -3289,7 +3289,7 @@ When we /must not/ clone
   There is no need, I think.
   The payoff here is that avoidng gratuitious cloning means that we can
-  lmost always take the fast path in swizzleTcTyConBndrs.  "Almost
+  almost always take the fast path in swizzleTcTyConBndrs.  "Almost
   always" means not the case of mutual recursion with polymorphic kinds.
 When we /must/ clone.
@@ -4118,8 +4118,11 @@ promotionErr name err
                NoDataKindsTC  -> text "perhaps you intended to use DataKinds"
                NoDataKindsDC  -> text "perhaps you intended to use DataKinds"
                PatSynPE       -> text "pattern synonyms cannot be promoted"
-               _ -> text "it is defined and used in the same recursive group"
-                    -- RecDataConPE, ClassPE, TyConPE
+               RecDataConPE   -> same_rec_group_msg
+               ClassPE        -> same_rec_group_msg
+               TyConPE        -> same_rec_group_msg
+    same_rec_group_msg = text "it is defined and used in the same recursive group"

@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ So here's the plan (see tcHsSigType):
 * buildTvImplication: build an implication for the residual, unsolved
-* simplifyAndEmitFlatConstraints: try to float out every unsolved equalities
+* simplifyAndEmitFlatConstraints: try to float out every unsolved equality
   inside that implication, in the hope that it constrains only global
   type variables, not the locally-quantified ones.

@@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@ without treating the explicitly-quanfitifed ones specially. Wrinkles:
    variables, so that we get an error from Validity.checkFamPatBinders
    if a forall'd variable is not bound on the LHS
- - We still want to complain about an bad telescope among the user-specified
+ - We still want to complain about a bad telescope among the user-specified
    variables.  So in checkFamTelescope we emit an implication constraint
    quantifying only over them, purely so that we get a good telescope error.
@@ -3300,7 +3300,7 @@ tcConDecl rep_tycon tag_map tmpl_bndrs _res_kind res_tmpl new_or_data
                  ; return (ctxt, arg_tys, res_ty, field_lbls, stricts)
-       ; (outer_tv_bndrs :: [TcInvisTVBinder]) <- scopedSortOuter outer_bndrs
+       ; outer_tv_bndrs <- scopedSortOuter outer_bndrs
        ; tkvs <- kindGeneralizeAll (mkInvisForAllTys outer_tv_bndrs $
                                     mkPhiTy ctxt $

@@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ data SameKind :: k -> k -> Type
 -- Bad telescope
 data T = forall a k (b::k). MkT (SameKind a b)

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