[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/int64-everywhere] Fix Word64/Int64 constant-folding

Sylvain Henry gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Oct 12 17:36:45 UTC 2020

Sylvain Henry pushed to branch wip/int64-everywhere at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

c6b4bbc2 by Sylvain Henry at 2020-10-12T19:36:30+02:00
Fix Word64/Int64 constant-folding

I've refactored literal narrow/coerce functions to make them more
generic. Hence this patch incidentally implements basic support for
Int8/16/32 and Word8/16/32 in Core.

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToByteCode.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Literal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs
- testsuite/driver/testlib.py
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T8832.stdout


@@ -458,8 +458,14 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
        -- LitString requires a zero-terminator when emitted
     literal (LitNumber nt i) = case nt of
       LitNumInt     -> int (fromIntegral i)
-      LitNumWord    -> int (fromIntegral i)
+      LitNumInt8    -> int (fromIntegral i)
+      LitNumInt16   -> int (fromIntegral i)
+      LitNumInt32   -> int (fromIntegral i)
       LitNumInt64   -> int64 (fromIntegral i)
+      LitNumWord    -> int (fromIntegral i)
+      LitNumWord8   -> int (fromIntegral i)
+      LitNumWord16  -> int (fromIntegral i)
+      LitNumWord32  -> int (fromIntegral i)
       LitNumWord64  -> int64 (fromIntegral i)
       LitNumInteger -> panic "GHC.ByteCode.Asm.literal: LitNumInteger"
       LitNumNatural -> panic "GHC.ByteCode.Asm.literal: LitNumNatural"

@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ import Control.Monad
 import Data.Functor (($>))
 import Data.Bits as Bits
 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import Data.Int
 import Data.Ratio
 import Data.Word
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@@ -264,41 +263,50 @@ primOpRules nm = \case
    WordSrlOp   -> mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ shiftRule LitNumWord shiftRightLogical ]
    -- coercions
-   Word64ToInt64Op-> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform $ const word64ToInt64Lit
+   Word64ToInt64Op-> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumInt64)
                                        , inversePrimOp Int64ToWord64Op ]
-   Int64ToWord64Op-> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform $ const int64ToWord64Lit
+   Int64ToWord64Op-> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumWord64)
                                        , inversePrimOp Word64ToInt64Op ]
-   WordToIntOp     -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform wordToIntLit
-                                        , inversePrimOp IntToWordOp ]
-   IntToWordOp     -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform intToWordLit
-                                        , inversePrimOp WordToIntOp ]
-   Narrow8IntOp   -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow8IntLit
+   Int64ToInt     -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumInt)
+                                       , inversePrimOp IntToInt64 ]
+   Word64ToWord   -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumWord)
+                                       , inversePrimOp WordToWord64 ]
+   IntToInt64     -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumInt64)
+                                       , inversePrimOp Int64ToInt ]
+   WordToWord64   -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumWord64)
+                                       , inversePrimOp Word64ToWord ]
+   WordToIntOp    -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumInt)
+                                       , inversePrimOp IntToWordOp ]
+   IntToWordOp    -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumCoerce LitNumWord)
+                                       , inversePrimOp WordToIntOp ]
+   Narrow8IntOp   -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumNarrow LitNumInt8)
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8IntOp
                                        , Narrow8IntOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow16IntOp
                                        , Narrow8IntOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32IntOp
                                        , narrowSubsumesAnd IntAndOp Narrow8IntOp 8 ]
-   Narrow16IntOp  -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow16IntLit
+   Narrow16IntOp  -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumNarrow LitNumInt16)
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8IntOp
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16IntOp
                                        , Narrow16IntOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32IntOp
                                        , narrowSubsumesAnd IntAndOp Narrow16IntOp 16 ]
-   Narrow32IntOp  -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow32IntLit
+   Narrow32IntOp  -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumNarrow LitNumInt32)
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8IntOp
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16IntOp
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow32IntOp
                                        , removeOp32
                                        , narrowSubsumesAnd IntAndOp Narrow32IntOp 32 ]
-   Narrow8WordOp  -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow8WordLit
+   Narrow8WordOp  -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumNarrow LitNumWord8)
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8WordOp
                                        , Narrow8WordOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow16WordOp
                                        , Narrow8WordOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32WordOp
                                        , narrowSubsumesAnd WordAndOp Narrow8WordOp 8 ]
-   Narrow16WordOp -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow16WordLit
+   Narrow16WordOp -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumNarrow LitNumWord16)
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8WordOp
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16WordOp
                                        , Narrow16WordOp `subsumesPrimOp` Narrow32WordOp
                                        , narrowSubsumesAnd WordAndOp Narrow16WordOp 16 ]
-   Narrow32WordOp -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLit narrow32WordLit
+   Narrow32WordOp -> mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitPlatform (litNumNarrow LitNumWord32)
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow8WordOp
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow16WordOp
                                        , subsumedByPrimOp Narrow32WordOp
@@ -710,28 +718,6 @@ mkRuleFn platform Gt _ (Lit lit) | isMaxBound platform lit = Just $ falseValInt
 mkRuleFn platform Le _ (Lit lit) | isMaxBound platform lit = Just $ trueValInt  platform
 mkRuleFn _ _ _ _                                           = Nothing
-isMinBound :: Platform -> Literal -> Bool
-isMinBound _        (LitChar c)        = c == minBound
-isMinBound platform (LitNumber nt i)   = case nt of
-   LitNumInt     -> i == platformMinInt platform
-   LitNumInt64   -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int64)
-   LitNumWord    -> i == 0
-   LitNumWord64  -> i == 0
-   LitNumNatural -> i == 0
-   LitNumInteger -> False
-isMinBound _        _                  = False
-isMaxBound :: Platform -> Literal -> Bool
-isMaxBound _        (LitChar c)        = c == maxBound
-isMaxBound platform (LitNumber nt i)   = case nt of
-   LitNumInt     -> i == platformMaxInt platform
-   LitNumInt64   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
-   LitNumWord    -> i == platformMaxWord platform
-   LitNumWord64  -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word64)
-   LitNumNatural -> False
-   LitNumInteger -> False
-isMaxBound _        _                  = False
 -- | Create an Int literal expression while ensuring the given Integer is in the
 -- target Int range
 int64Result :: Integer -> Maybe CoreExpr

@@ -1641,8 +1641,14 @@ pushAtom _ _ (AnnLit lit) = do
         LitRubbish      -> code N
         LitNumber nt _  -> case nt of
           LitNumInt     -> code N
-          LitNumWord    -> code N
+          LitNumInt8    -> code N
+          LitNumInt16   -> code N
+          LitNumInt32   -> code N
           LitNumInt64   -> code L
+          LitNumWord    -> code N
+          LitNumWord8   -> code N
+          LitNumWord16  -> code N
+          LitNumWord32  -> code N
           LitNumWord64  -> code L
           -- No LitInteger's or LitNatural's should be left by the time this is
           -- called. CorePrep should have converted them all to a real core

@@ -2,12 +2,15 @@
 (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
 (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
-\section[Literal]{@Literal@: literals}
 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- | Core literals
 module GHC.Types.Literal
         -- * Main data type
@@ -30,6 +33,11 @@ module GHC.Types.Literal
         , pprLiteral
         , litNumIsSigned
         , litNumCheckRange
+        , litNumWrap
+        , litNumCoerce
+        , litNumNarrow
+        , isMinBound
+        , isMaxBound
         -- ** Predicates on Literals and their contents
         , litIsDupable, litIsTrivial, litIsLifted
@@ -39,11 +47,6 @@ module GHC.Types.Literal
         , litValue, isLitValue, isLitValue_maybe, mapLitValue
         -- ** Coercions
-        , word64ToInt64Lit, int64ToWord64Lit
-        , wordToIntLit, intToWordLit
-        , narrowLit
-        , narrow8IntLit, narrow16IntLit, narrow32IntLit
-        , narrow8WordLit, narrow16WordLit, narrow32WordLit
         , charToIntLit, intToCharLit
         , floatToIntLit, intToFloatLit
         , floatToInt64Lit, int64ToFloatLit
@@ -78,7 +81,6 @@ import Data.Word
 import Data.Char
 import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
 import Data.Data ( Data )
-import Data.Proxy
 import Numeric ( fromRat )
@@ -158,8 +160,14 @@ data LitNumType
   = LitNumInteger -- ^ @Integer@ (see Note [BigNum literals])
   | LitNumNatural -- ^ @Natural@ (see Note [BigNum literals])
   | LitNumInt     -- ^ @Int#@ - according to target machine
+  | LitNumInt8    -- ^ @Int8#@ - exactly 8 bits
+  | LitNumInt16   -- ^ @Int16#@ - exactly 16 bits
+  | LitNumInt32   -- ^ @Int32#@ - exactly 32 bits
   | LitNumInt64   -- ^ @Int64#@ - exactly 64 bits
   | LitNumWord    -- ^ @Word#@ - according to target machine
+  | LitNumWord8   -- ^ @Word8#@ - exactly 8 bits
+  | LitNumWord16  -- ^ @Word16#@ - exactly 16 bits
+  | LitNumWord32  -- ^ @Word32#@ - exactly 32 bits
   | LitNumWord64  -- ^ @Word64#@ - exactly 64 bits
   deriving (Data,Enum,Eq,Ord)
@@ -169,8 +177,14 @@ litNumIsSigned nt = case nt of
   LitNumInteger -> True
   LitNumNatural -> False
   LitNumInt     -> True
+  LitNumInt8    -> True
+  LitNumInt16   -> True
+  LitNumInt32   -> True
   LitNumInt64   -> True
   LitNumWord    -> False
+  LitNumWord8   -> False
+  LitNumWord16  -> False
+  LitNumWord32  -> False
   LitNumWord64  -> False
@@ -289,43 +303,65 @@ doesn't yield a warning. Instead we simply squash the value into the *target*
 Int/Word range.
--- | Wrap a literal number according to its type
-wrapLitNumber :: Platform -> Literal -> Literal
-wrapLitNumber platform v@(LitNumber nt i) = case nt of
+-- | Make a literal number using wrapping semantics if the value is out of
+-- bound.
+mkLitNumberWrap :: Platform -> LitNumType -> Integer -> Literal
+mkLitNumberWrap platform nt i = case nt of
   LitNumInt -> case platformWordSize platform of
-    PW4 -> int32
-    PW8 -> int64
+    PW4 -> wrap @Int32
+    PW8 -> wrap @Int64
   LitNumWord -> case platformWordSize platform of
-    PW4 -> word32
-    PW8 -> word64
-  LitNumInt64   -> int64
-  LitNumWord64  -> word64
-  LitNumInteger -> v
-  LitNumNatural -> v
+    PW4 -> wrap @Word32
+    PW8 -> wrap @Word64
+  LitNumInt8    -> wrap @Int8
+  LitNumInt16   -> wrap @Int16
+  LitNumInt32   -> wrap @Int32
+  LitNumInt64   -> wrap @Int64
+  LitNumWord8   -> wrap @Word8
+  LitNumWord16  -> wrap @Word16
+  LitNumWord32  -> wrap @Word32
+  LitNumWord64  -> wrap @Word64
+  LitNumInteger -> LitNumber nt i
+  LitNumNatural
+    | i < 0     -> panic "mkLitNumberWrap: trying to create a negative Natural"
+    | otherwise -> LitNumber nt i
-    int32  = LitNumber nt $ wrapInt32 i
-    word32 = LitNumber nt $ wrapWord32 i
-    int64  = LitNumber nt $ wrapInt64 i
-    word64 = LitNumber nt $ wrapWord64 i
-wrapLitNumber _ x = x
-wrapInt32, wrapWord32, wrapInt64, wrapWord64 :: Integer -> Integer
-wrapInt32 i = toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Int32)
-wrapWord32 i = toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Word32)
-wrapInt64 i = toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Int64)
-wrapWord64 i = toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Word64)
+    wrap :: forall a. (Integral a, Num a) => Literal
+    wrap = LitNumber nt (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: a))
+-- | Wrap a literal number according to its type using wrapping semantics.
+litNumWrap :: Platform -> Literal -> Literal
+litNumWrap platform (LitNumber nt i) = mkLitNumberWrap platform nt i
+litNumWrap _        l                = pprPanic "litNumWrap" (ppr l)
+-- | Coerce a literal number into another using wrapping semantics.
+litNumCoerce :: LitNumType -> Platform -> Literal -> Literal
+litNumCoerce pt platform (LitNumber _nt i) = mkLitNumberWrap platform pt i
+litNumCoerce _  _        l                 = pprPanic "litNumWrapCoerce: not a number" (ppr l)
+-- | Narrow a literal number by converting it into another number type and then
+-- converting it back to its original type.
+litNumNarrow :: LitNumType -> Platform -> Literal -> Literal
+litNumNarrow pt platform (LitNumber nt i)
+   = case mkLitNumberWrap platform pt i of
+      LitNumber _ j -> mkLitNumberWrap platform nt j
+      l             -> pprPanic "litNumNarrow: got invalid literal" (ppr l)
+litNumNarrow _ _ l = pprPanic "litNumNarrow: invalid literal" (ppr l)
--- | Create a numeric 'Literal' of the given type
-mkLitNumberWrap :: Platform -> LitNumType -> Integer -> Literal
-mkLitNumberWrap platform nt i = wrapLitNumber platform (LitNumber nt i)
 -- | Check that a given number is in the range of a numeric literal
 litNumCheckRange :: Platform -> LitNumType -> Integer -> Bool
 litNumCheckRange platform nt i = case nt of
      LitNumInt     -> platformInIntRange platform i
      LitNumWord    -> platformInWordRange platform i
-     LitNumInt64   -> inInt64Range i
-     LitNumWord64  -> inWord64Range i
+     LitNumInt8    -> inBoundedRange @Int8 i
+     LitNumInt16   -> inBoundedRange @Int16 i
+     LitNumInt32   -> inBoundedRange @Int32 i
+     LitNumInt64   -> inBoundedRange @Int64 i
+     LitNumWord8   -> inBoundedRange @Word8 i
+     LitNumWord16  -> inBoundedRange @Word16 i
+     LitNumWord32  -> inBoundedRange @Word32 i
+     LitNumWord64  -> inBoundedRange @Word64 i
      LitNumNatural -> i >= 0
      LitNumInteger -> True
@@ -344,7 +380,7 @@ mkLitInt platform x = ASSERT2( platformInIntRange platform x,  integer x )
 --   If the argument is out of the (target-dependent) range, it is wrapped.
 --   See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
 mkLitIntWrap :: Platform -> Integer -> Literal
-mkLitIntWrap platform i = wrapLitNumber platform $ mkLitIntUnchecked i
+mkLitIntWrap platform i = mkLitNumberWrap platform LitNumInt i
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int#@ without checking its range.
 mkLitIntUnchecked :: Integer -> Literal
@@ -368,7 +404,7 @@ mkLitWord platform x = ASSERT2( platformInWordRange platform x, integer x )
 --   If the argument is out of the (target-dependent) range, it is wrapped.
 --   See Note [Word/Int underflow/overflow]
 mkLitWordWrap :: Platform -> Integer -> Literal
-mkLitWordWrap platform i = wrapLitNumber platform $ mkLitWordUnchecked i
+mkLitWordWrap platform i = mkLitNumberWrap platform LitNumWord i
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word#@ without checking its range.
 mkLitWordUnchecked :: Integer -> Literal
@@ -385,12 +421,12 @@ mkLitWordWrapC platform i = (n, i /= i')
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int64#@
 mkLitInt64 :: Integer -> Literal
-mkLitInt64  x = ASSERT2( inInt64Range x, integer x ) (mkLitInt64Unchecked x)
+mkLitInt64  x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Int64 x, integer x ) (mkLitInt64Unchecked x)
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int64#@.
 --   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
 mkLitInt64Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
-mkLitInt64Wrap = mkLitInt64Unchecked . wrapInt64
+mkLitInt64Wrap i = LitNumber LitNumInt64 (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Int64))
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Int64#@ without checking its range.
 mkLitInt64Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
@@ -398,12 +434,12 @@ mkLitInt64Unchecked i = LitNumber LitNumInt64 i
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word64#@
 mkLitWord64 :: Integer -> Literal
-mkLitWord64 x = ASSERT2( inWord64Range x, integer x ) (mkLitWord64Unchecked x)
+mkLitWord64 x = ASSERT2( inBoundedRange @Word64 x, integer x ) (mkLitWord64Unchecked x)
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word64#@.
 --   If the argument is out of the range, it is wrapped.
 mkLitWord64Wrap :: Integer -> Literal
-mkLitWord64Wrap = mkLitWord64Unchecked . wrapWord64
+mkLitWord64Wrap i = LitNumber LitNumWord64 (toInteger (fromIntegral i :: Word64))
 -- | Creates a 'Literal' of type @Word64#@ without checking its range.
 mkLitWord64Unchecked :: Integer -> Literal
@@ -437,11 +473,43 @@ mkLitNatural x = ASSERT2( inNaturalRange x,  integer x )
 inNaturalRange :: Integer -> Bool
 inNaturalRange x = x >= 0
-inInt64Range, inWord64Range :: Integer -> Bool
-inInt64Range x  = x >= toInteger (minBound :: Int64) &&
-                  x <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
-inWord64Range x = x >= toInteger (minBound :: Word64) &&
-                  x <= toInteger (maxBound :: Word64)
+inBoundedRange :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Integer -> Bool
+inBoundedRange x  = x >= toInteger (minBound :: a) &&
+                    x <= toInteger (maxBound :: a)
+isMinBound :: Platform -> Literal -> Bool
+isMinBound _        (LitChar c)        = c == minBound
+isMinBound platform (LitNumber nt i)   = case nt of
+   LitNumInt     -> i == platformMinInt platform
+   LitNumInt8    -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int8)
+   LitNumInt16   -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int16)
+   LitNumInt32   -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int32)
+   LitNumInt64   -> i == toInteger (minBound :: Int64)
+   LitNumWord    -> i == 0
+   LitNumWord8   -> i == 0
+   LitNumWord16  -> i == 0
+   LitNumWord32  -> i == 0
+   LitNumWord64  -> i == 0
+   LitNumNatural -> i == 0
+   LitNumInteger -> False
+isMinBound _        _                  = False
+isMaxBound :: Platform -> Literal -> Bool
+isMaxBound _        (LitChar c)        = c == maxBound
+isMaxBound platform (LitNumber nt i)   = case nt of
+   LitNumInt     -> i == platformMaxInt platform
+   LitNumInt8    -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int8)
+   LitNumInt16   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int16)
+   LitNumInt32   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int32)
+   LitNumInt64   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
+   LitNumWord    -> i == platformMaxWord platform
+   LitNumWord8   -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word8)
+   LitNumWord16  -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word16)
+   LitNumWord32  -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word32)
+   LitNumWord64  -> i == toInteger (maxBound :: Word64)
+   LitNumNatural -> False
+   LitNumInteger -> False
+isMaxBound _        _                  = False
 inCharRange :: Char -> Bool
 inCharRange c =  c >= '\0' && c <= chr tARGET_MAX_CHAR
@@ -475,7 +543,7 @@ isLitValue_maybe _                 = Nothing
 mapLitValue  :: Platform -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Literal -> Literal
 mapLitValue _        f (LitChar   c)      = mkLitChar (fchar c)
    where fchar = chr . fromInteger . f . toInteger . ord
-mapLitValue platform f (LitNumber nt i)   = wrapLitNumber platform (LitNumber nt (f i))
+mapLitValue platform f (LitNumber nt i)   = mkLitNumberWrap platform nt (f i)
 mapLitValue _        _ l                  = pprPanic "mapLitValue" (ppr l)
 -- | Indicate if the `Literal` contains an 'Integer' value, e.g. 'Char',
@@ -488,9 +556,7 @@ isLitValue = isJust . isLitValue_maybe
-narrow8IntLit, narrow16IntLit, narrow32IntLit,
-  narrow8WordLit, narrow16WordLit, narrow32WordLit,
-  charToIntLit, intToCharLit,
+charToIntLit, intToCharLit,
   floatToIntLit, intToFloatLit,
   floatToInt64Lit, int64ToFloatLit,
   doubleToIntLit, intToDoubleLit,
@@ -498,58 +564,6 @@ narrow8IntLit, narrow16IntLit, narrow32IntLit,
   floatToDoubleLit, doubleToFloatLit
   :: Literal -> Literal
-maxBoundInt64, maxBoundWord64 :: Integer
-maxBoundInt64 = toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
-maxBoundWord64 = toInteger (maxBound :: Word64)
-word64ToInt64Lit, int64ToWord64Lit :: Literal -> Literal
-word64ToInt64Lit (LitNumber LitNumWord64 w)
-  -- Map Word64 range [max_int64+1, max_word64]
-  -- to Int64 range   [min_int64  , -1]
-  -- Range [0,max_int64] has the same representation with both Int64 and Word64
-  | w > maxBoundInt64 = mkLitInt64 $ w - maxBoundWord64 - 1
-  | otherwise         = mkLitInt64 w
-word64ToInt64Lit l = pprPanic "word64ToInt64Lit" (ppr l)
-int64ToWord64Lit (LitNumber LitNumInt64 i)
-  -- Map Int64 range [min_int64  , -1]
-  -- to Word64 range [max_int64+1, max_word64]
-  -- Range [0,max_int64] has the same representation with both Int64 and Word64
-  | i < 0     = mkLitWord64 $ 1 + maxBoundWord64 + i
-  | otherwise = mkLitWord64 i
-int64ToWord64Lit l = pprPanic "int64ToWord64Lit" (ppr l)
-wordToIntLit, intToWordLit :: Platform -> Literal -> Literal
-wordToIntLit platform (LitNumber LitNumWord w)
-  -- Map Word range [max_int+1, max_word]
-  -- to Int range   [min_int  , -1]
-  -- Range [0,max_int] has the same representation with both Int and Word
-  | w > platformMaxInt platform = mkLitInt platform (w - platformMaxWord platform - 1)
-  | otherwise                   = mkLitInt platform w
-wordToIntLit _ l = pprPanic "wordToIntLit" (ppr l)
-intToWordLit platform (LitNumber LitNumInt i)
-  -- Map Int range [min_int  , -1]
-  -- to Word range [max_int+1, max_word]
-  -- Range [0,max_int] has the same representation with both Int and Word
-  | i < 0     = mkLitWord platform (1 + platformMaxWord platform + i)
-  | otherwise = mkLitWord platform i
-intToWordLit _ l = pprPanic "intToWordLit" (ppr l)
--- | Narrow a literal number (unchecked result range)
-narrowLit :: forall a. Integral a => Proxy a -> Literal -> Literal
-narrowLit _ (LitNumber nt i) = LitNumber nt (toInteger (fromInteger i :: a))
-narrowLit _ l                = pprPanic "narrowLit" (ppr l)
-narrow8IntLit   = narrowLit (Proxy :: Proxy Int8)
-narrow16IntLit  = narrowLit (Proxy :: Proxy Int16)
-narrow32IntLit  = narrowLit (Proxy :: Proxy Int32)
-narrow8WordLit  = narrowLit (Proxy :: Proxy Word8)
-narrow16WordLit = narrowLit (Proxy :: Proxy Word16)
-narrow32WordLit = narrowLit (Proxy :: Proxy Word32)
 charToIntLit (LitChar c)       = mkLitIntUnchecked (toInteger (ord c))
 charToIntLit l                 = pprPanic "charToIntLit" (ppr l)
 intToCharLit (LitNumber _ i)   = LitChar (chr (fromInteger i))
@@ -632,8 +646,14 @@ litIsTrivial (LitNumber nt _) = case nt of
   LitNumInteger -> False
   LitNumNatural -> False
   LitNumInt     -> True
+  LitNumInt8    -> True
+  LitNumInt16   -> True
+  LitNumInt32   -> True
   LitNumInt64   -> True
   LitNumWord    -> True
+  LitNumWord8   -> True
+  LitNumWord16  -> True
+  LitNumWord32  -> True
   LitNumWord64  -> True
 litIsTrivial _                  = True
@@ -645,8 +665,14 @@ litIsDupable platform x = case x of
       LitNumInteger -> platformInIntRange platform i
       LitNumNatural -> platformInWordRange platform i
       LitNumInt     -> True
+      LitNumInt8    -> True
+      LitNumInt16   -> True
+      LitNumInt32   -> True
       LitNumInt64   -> True
       LitNumWord    -> True
+      LitNumWord8   -> True
+      LitNumWord16  -> True
+      LitNumWord32  -> True
       LitNumWord64  -> True
    (LitString _) -> False
    _             -> True
@@ -661,8 +687,14 @@ litIsLifted (LitNumber nt _) = case nt of
   LitNumInteger -> True
   LitNumNatural -> True
   LitNumInt     -> False
+  LitNumInt8    -> False
+  LitNumInt16   -> False
+  LitNumInt32   -> False
   LitNumInt64   -> False
   LitNumWord    -> False
+  LitNumWord8   -> False
+  LitNumWord16  -> False
+  LitNumWord32  -> False
   LitNumWord64  -> False
 litIsLifted _                  = False
@@ -683,8 +715,14 @@ literalType (LitNumber lt _)  = case lt of
    LitNumInteger -> integerTy
    LitNumNatural -> naturalTy
    LitNumInt     -> intPrimTy
+   LitNumInt8    -> int8PrimTy
+   LitNumInt16   -> int16PrimTy
+   LitNumInt32   -> int32PrimTy
    LitNumInt64   -> int64PrimTy
    LitNumWord    -> wordPrimTy
+   LitNumWord8   -> word8PrimTy
+   LitNumWord16  -> word16PrimTy
+   LitNumWord32  -> word32PrimTy
    LitNumWord64  -> word64PrimTy
 literalType (LitRubbish)      = mkForAllTy a Inferred (mkTyVarTy a)
@@ -760,8 +798,14 @@ pprLiteral add_par (LitNumber nt i)
        LitNumInteger -> pprIntegerVal add_par i
        LitNumNatural -> pprIntegerVal add_par i
        LitNumInt     -> pprPrimInt i
+       LitNumInt8    -> pprPrimInt8 i
+       LitNumInt16   -> pprPrimInt16 i
+       LitNumInt32   -> pprPrimInt32 i
        LitNumInt64   -> pprPrimInt64 i
        LitNumWord    -> pprPrimWord i
+       LitNumWord8   -> pprPrimWord8 i
+       LitNumWord16  -> pprPrimWord16 i
+       LitNumWord32  -> pprPrimWord32 i
        LitNumWord64  -> pprPrimWord64 i
 pprLiteral add_par (LitLabel l mb fod) =
     add_par (text "__label" <+> b <+> ppr fod)
@@ -803,9 +847,9 @@ LitChar         'a'#
 LitString       "aaa"#
 LitNullAddr     "__NULL"
 LitInt          -1#
-LitInt64        -1L#
+LitIntN         -1#N
 LitWord          1##
-LitWord64        1L##
+LitWordN         1##N
 LitFloat        -1.0#
 LitDouble       -1.0##
 LitInteger      -1                 (-1)

@@ -59,10 +59,16 @@ module GHC.Utils.Outputable (
         pprHsChar, pprHsString, pprHsBytes,
         primFloatSuffix, primCharSuffix, primDoubleSuffix,
+        primInt8Suffix, primWord8Suffix,
+        primInt16Suffix, primWord16Suffix,
+        primInt32Suffix, primWord32Suffix,
         primInt64Suffix, primWord64Suffix,
         primIntSuffix, primWordSuffix,
         pprPrimChar, pprPrimInt, pprPrimWord,
+        pprPrimInt8, pprPrimWord8,
+        pprPrimInt16, pprPrimWord16,
+        pprPrimInt32, pprPrimWord32,
         pprPrimInt64, pprPrimWord64,
         pprFastFilePath, pprFilePathString,
@@ -1156,22 +1162,42 @@ pprHsBytes bs = let escaped = concatMap escape $ BS.unpack bs
 -- See Note [Printing of literals in Core] in "GHC.Types.Literal".
 primCharSuffix, primFloatSuffix, primDoubleSuffix,
   primIntSuffix, primWordSuffix,
-  primInt64Suffix, primWord64Suffix :: SDoc
+  primInt8Suffix, primWord8Suffix,
+  primInt16Suffix, primWord16Suffix,
+  primInt32Suffix, primWord32Suffix,
+  primInt64Suffix, primWord64Suffix
+  :: SDoc
 primCharSuffix   = char '#'
 primFloatSuffix  = char '#'
 primIntSuffix    = char '#'
 primDoubleSuffix = text "##"
 primWordSuffix   = text "##"
-primInt64Suffix  = text "L#"
-primWord64Suffix = text "L##"
+primInt8Suffix   = text "#8"
+primWord8Suffix  = text "##8"
+primInt16Suffix  = text "#16"
+primWord16Suffix = text "##16"
+primInt32Suffix  = text "#32"
+primWord32Suffix = text "##32"
+primInt64Suffix  = text "#64"
+primWord64Suffix = text "##64"
 -- | Special combinator for showing unboxed literals.
 pprPrimChar :: Char -> SDoc
 pprPrimInt, pprPrimWord,
-  pprPrimInt64, pprPrimWord64 :: Integer -> SDoc
+  pprPrimInt8, pprPrimWord8,
+  pprPrimInt16, pprPrimWord16,
+  pprPrimInt32, pprPrimWord32,
+  pprPrimInt64, pprPrimWord64
+  :: Integer -> SDoc
 pprPrimChar c   = pprHsChar c <> primCharSuffix
 pprPrimInt i    = integer i   <> primIntSuffix
 pprPrimWord w   = word    w   <> primWordSuffix
+pprPrimInt8 i   = integer i   <> primInt8Suffix
+pprPrimWord8 w  = word    w   <> primWord8Suffix
+pprPrimInt16 i  = integer i   <> primInt16Suffix
+pprPrimWord16 w = word    w   <> primWord16Suffix
+pprPrimInt32 i  = integer i   <> primInt32Suffix
+pprPrimWord32 w = word    w   <> primWord32Suffix
 pprPrimInt64 i  = integer i   <> primInt64Suffix
 pprPrimWord64 w = word    w   <> primWord64Suffix

@@ -2143,7 +2143,7 @@ def normalise_callstacks(s: str) -> str:
         s = re.sub(r'CallStack \(from -prof\):(\n  .*)*\n?', '', s)
     return s
-tyCon_re = re.compile(r'TyCon\s*\d+L?\#\#\s*\d+L?\#\#\s*', flags=re.MULTILINE)
+tyCon_re = re.compile(r'TyCon\s*\d+\#\#\d?\d?\s*\d+\#\#\d?\d?\s*', flags=re.MULTILINE)
 def normalise_type_reps(s: str) -> str:
     """ Normalise out fingerprints from Typeable TyCon representations """

@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ i = GHC.Types.I# 0#
 i8 = GHC.Int.I8# 0#
 i16 = GHC.Int.I16# 0#
 i32 = GHC.Int.I32# 0#
-i64 = GHC.Int.I64# 0L#
+i64 = GHC.Int.I64# 0#64
 w = GHC.Types.W# 0##
 w8 = GHC.Word.W8# 0##
 w16 = GHC.Word.W16# 0##
 w32 = GHC.Word.W32# 0##
-w64 = GHC.Word.W64# 0L##
+w64 = GHC.Word.W64# 0##64
 z = 0

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