[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/cfuneqcan-refactor] Break module cycle

Richard Eisenberg gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Oct 11 02:42:49 UTC 2020

Richard Eisenberg pushed to branch wip/cfuneqcan-refactor at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

25f50147 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-10-10T22:42:35-04:00
Break module cycle

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Map.hs
- + compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/CSE.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Typeable.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in


@@ -12,24 +12,13 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
+ -- Eq (DeBruijn CoreExpr) and Eq (DeBruijn CoreAlt)
 module GHC.Core.Map (
    -- * Maps over Core expressions
    CoreMap, emptyCoreMap, extendCoreMap, lookupCoreMap, foldCoreMap,
-   -- * Maps over 'Type's
-   TypeMap, emptyTypeMap, extendTypeMap, lookupTypeMap, foldTypeMap,
-   LooseTypeMap,
-   -- ** With explicit scoping
-   CmEnv, lookupCME, extendTypeMapWithScope, lookupTypeMapWithScope,
-   mkDeBruijnContext,
-   -- * Maps over 'Maybe' values
-   MaybeMap,
-   -- * Maps over 'List' values
-   ListMap,
-   -- * Maps over 'Literal's
-   LiteralMap,
-   -- * Map for compressing leaves. See Note [Compressed TrieMap]
-   GenMap,
-   -- * 'TrieMap' class
+   -- * 'TrieMap' class reexports
    TrieMap(..), insertTM, deleteTM,
    lkDFreeVar, xtDFreeVar,
    lkDNamed, xtDNamed,
@@ -41,22 +30,15 @@ module GHC.Core.Map (
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Data.TrieMap
+import GHC.Core.Map.Type
 import GHC.Core
-import GHC.Core.Coercion
-import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Core.Type
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Types.Var
-import GHC.Data.FastString(FastString)
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import qualified Data.Map    as Map
-import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
-import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
-import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env
 import Control.Monad( (>=>) )
@@ -76,27 +58,12 @@ numbered on the fly.
 -- Recall that
 --   Control.Monad.(>=>) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe c) -> a -> Maybe c
--- NB: Be careful about RULES and type families (#5821).  So we should make sure
--- to specify @Key TypeMapX@ (and not @DeBruijn Type@, the reduced form)
 -- The CoreMap makes heavy use of GenMap. However the CoreMap Types are not
 -- known when defining GenMap so we can only specialize them here.
-{-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key TypeMapX     -> TypeMapG a     -> Maybe a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key CoercionMapX -> CoercionMapG a -> Maybe a #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key CoreMapX     -> CoreMapG a     -> Maybe a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key TypeMapX     -> XT a -> TypeMapG a -> TypeMapG a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key CoercionMapX -> XT a -> CoercionMapG a -> CoercionMapG a #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key CoreMapX     -> XT a -> CoreMapG a -> CoreMapG a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> TypeMapG a     -> TypeMapG b #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> CoercionMapG a -> CoercionMapG b #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> CoreMapG a     -> CoreMapG b #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> TypeMapG a     -> b -> b #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoercionMapG a -> b -> b #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoreMapG a     -> b -> b #-}
@@ -108,13 +75,6 @@ numbered on the fly.
-lkDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> DNameEnv a -> Maybe a
-lkDNamed n env = lookupDNameEnv env (getName n)
-xtDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> XT a -> DNameEnv a -> DNameEnv a
-xtDNamed tc f m = alterDNameEnv f m (getName tc)
 Note [Binders]
@@ -408,431 +368,3 @@ fdA :: (a -> b -> b) -> AltMap a -> b -> b
 fdA k m = foldTM k (am_deflt m)
         . foldTM (foldTM k) (am_data m)
         . foldTM (foldTM k) (am_lit m)
-*                                                                      *
-                   Coercions
-*                                                                      *
--- We should really never care about the contents of a coercion. Instead,
--- just look up the coercion's type.
-newtype CoercionMap a = CoercionMap (CoercionMapG a)
-instance TrieMap CoercionMap where
-   type Key CoercionMap = Coercion
-   emptyTM                     = CoercionMap emptyTM
-   lookupTM k  (CoercionMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m
-   alterTM k f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
-   foldTM k    (CoercionMap m) = foldTM k m
-   mapTM f     (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (mapTM f m)
-type CoercionMapG = GenMap CoercionMapX
-newtype CoercionMapX a = CoercionMapX (TypeMapX a)
-instance TrieMap CoercionMapX where
-  type Key CoercionMapX = DeBruijn Coercion
-  emptyTM = CoercionMapX emptyTM
-  lookupTM = lkC
-  alterTM  = xtC
-  foldTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = foldTM f core_tm
-  mapTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm)  = CoercionMapX (mapTM f core_tm)
-instance Eq (DeBruijn Coercion) where
-  D env1 co1 == D env2 co2
-    = D env1 (coercionType co1) ==
-      D env2 (coercionType co2)
-lkC :: DeBruijn Coercion -> CoercionMapX a -> Maybe a
-lkC (D env co) (CoercionMapX core_tm) = lkT (D env $ coercionType co)
-                                        core_tm
-xtC :: DeBruijn Coercion -> XT a -> CoercionMapX a -> CoercionMapX a
-xtC (D env co) f (CoercionMapX m)
-  = CoercionMapX (xtT (D env $ coercionType co) f m)
-*                                                                      *
-                   Types
-*                                                                      *
--- | @TypeMapG a@ is a map from @DeBruijn Type@ to @a at .  The extended
--- key makes it suitable for recursive traversal, since it can track binders,
--- but it is strictly internal to this module.  If you are including a 'TypeMap'
--- inside another 'TrieMap', this is the type you want. Note that this
--- lookup does not do a kind-check. Thus, all keys in this map must have
--- the same kind. Also note that this map respects the distinction between
--- @Type@ and @Constraint@, despite the fact that they are equivalent type
--- synonyms in Core.
-type TypeMapG = GenMap TypeMapX
--- | @TypeMapX a@ is the base map from @DeBruijn Type@ to @a@, but without the
--- 'GenMap' optimization.
-data TypeMapX a
-  = TM { tm_var    :: VarMap a
-       , tm_app    :: TypeMapG (TypeMapG a)
-       , tm_tycon  :: DNameEnv a
-       , tm_forall :: TypeMapG (BndrMap a) -- See Note [Binders]
-       , tm_tylit  :: TyLitMap a
-       , tm_coerce :: Maybe a
-       }
-    -- Note that there is no tyconapp case; see Note [Equality on AppTys] in GHC.Core.Type
--- | Squeeze out any synonyms, and change TyConApps to nested AppTys. Why the
--- last one? See Note [Equality on AppTys] in "GHC.Core.Type"
--- Note, however, that we keep Constraint and Type apart here, despite the fact
--- that they are both synonyms of TYPE 'LiftedRep (see #11715).
-trieMapView :: Type -> Maybe Type
-trieMapView ty
-  -- First check for TyConApps that need to be expanded to
-  -- AppTy chains.
-  | Just (tc, tys@(_:_)) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
-  = Just $ foldl' AppTy (TyConApp tc []) tys
-  -- Then resolve any remaining nullary synonyms.
-  | Just ty' <- tcView ty = Just ty'
-trieMapView _ = Nothing
-instance TrieMap TypeMapX where
-   type Key TypeMapX = DeBruijn Type
-   emptyTM  = emptyT
-   lookupTM = lkT
-   alterTM  = xtT
-   foldTM   = fdT
-   mapTM    = mapT
-instance Eq (DeBruijn Type) where
-  env_t@(D env t) == env_t'@(D env' t')
-    | Just new_t  <- tcView t  = D env new_t == env_t'
-    | Just new_t' <- tcView t' = env_t       == D env' new_t'
-    | otherwise
-    = case (t, t') of
-        (CastTy t1 _, _)  -> D env t1 == D env t'
-        (_, CastTy t1' _) -> D env t  == D env t1'
-        (TyVarTy v, TyVarTy v')
-            -> case (lookupCME env v, lookupCME env' v') of
-                (Just bv, Just bv') -> bv == bv'
-                (Nothing, Nothing)  -> v == v'
-                _ -> False
-                -- See Note [Equality on AppTys] in GHC.Core.Type
-        (AppTy t1 t2, s) | Just (t1', t2') <- repSplitAppTy_maybe s
-            -> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
-        (s, AppTy t1' t2') | Just (t1, t2) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe s
-            -> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
-        (FunTy _ w1 t1 t2, FunTy _ w1' t1' t2')
-            -> D env w1 == D env w1' && D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
-        (TyConApp tc tys, TyConApp tc' tys')
-            -> tc == tc' && D env tys == D env' tys'
-        (LitTy l, LitTy l')
-            -> l == l'
-        (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty, ForAllTy (Bndr tv' _) ty')
-            -> D env (varType tv)      == D env' (varType tv') &&
-               D (extendCME env tv) ty == D (extendCME env' tv') ty'
-        (CoercionTy {}, CoercionTy {})
-            -> True
-        _ -> False
-instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
-         Outputable a => Outputable (TypeMapG a) where
-  ppr m = text "TypeMap elts" <+> ppr (foldTM (:) m [])
-emptyT :: TypeMapX a
-emptyT = TM { tm_var  = emptyTM
-            , tm_app  = emptyTM
-            , tm_tycon  = emptyDNameEnv
-            , tm_forall = emptyTM
-            , tm_tylit  = emptyTyLitMap
-            , tm_coerce = Nothing }
-mapT :: (a->b) -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX b
-mapT f (TM { tm_var  = tvar, tm_app = tapp, tm_tycon = ttycon
-           , tm_forall = tforall, tm_tylit = tlit
-           , tm_coerce = tcoerce })
-  = TM { tm_var    = mapTM f tvar
-       , tm_app    = mapTM (mapTM f) tapp
-       , tm_tycon  = mapTM f ttycon
-       , tm_forall = mapTM (mapTM f) tforall
-       , tm_tylit  = mapTM f tlit
-       , tm_coerce = fmap f tcoerce }
-lkT :: DeBruijn Type -> TypeMapX a -> Maybe a
-lkT (D env ty) m = go ty m
-  where
-    go ty | Just ty' <- trieMapView ty = go ty'
-    go (TyVarTy v)                 = tm_var    >.> lkVar env v
-    go (AppTy t1 t2)               = tm_app    >.> lkG (D env t1)
-                                               >=> lkG (D env t2)
-    go (TyConApp tc [])            = tm_tycon  >.> lkDNamed tc
-    go ty@(TyConApp _ (_:_))       = pprPanic "lkT TyConApp" (ppr ty)
-    go (LitTy l)                   = tm_tylit  >.> lkTyLit l
-    go (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty)   = tm_forall >.> lkG (D (extendCME env tv) ty)
-                                               >=> lkBndr env tv
-    go ty@(FunTy {})               = pprPanic "lkT FunTy" (ppr ty)
-    go (CastTy t _)                = go t
-    go (CoercionTy {})             = tm_coerce
-xtT :: DeBruijn Type -> XT a -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX a
-xtT (D env ty) f m | Just ty' <- trieMapView ty = xtT (D env ty') f m
-xtT (D env (TyVarTy v))       f m = m { tm_var    = tm_var m |> xtVar env v f }
-xtT (D env (AppTy t1 t2))     f m = m { tm_app    = tm_app m |> xtG (D env t1)
-                                                            |>> xtG (D env t2) f }
-xtT (D _   (TyConApp tc []))  f m = m { tm_tycon  = tm_tycon m |> xtDNamed tc f }
-xtT (D _   (LitTy l))         f m = m { tm_tylit  = tm_tylit m |> xtTyLit l f }
-xtT (D env (CastTy t _))      f m = xtT (D env t) f m
-xtT (D _   (CoercionTy {}))   f m = m { tm_coerce = tm_coerce m |> f }
-xtT (D env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty))  f m
-  = m { tm_forall = tm_forall m |> xtG (D (extendCME env tv) ty)
-                                |>> xtBndr env tv f }
-xtT (D _   ty@(TyConApp _ (_:_))) _ _ = pprPanic "xtT TyConApp" (ppr ty)
-xtT (D _   ty@(FunTy {}))         _ _ = pprPanic "xtT FunTy" (ppr ty)
-fdT :: (a -> b -> b) -> TypeMapX a -> b -> b
-fdT k m = foldTM k (tm_var m)
-        . foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_app m)
-        . foldTM k (tm_tycon m)
-        . foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_forall m)
-        . foldTyLit k (tm_tylit m)
-        . foldMaybe k (tm_coerce m)
-data TyLitMap a = TLM { tlm_number :: Map.Map Integer a
-                      , tlm_string :: UniqFM  FastString a
-                      }
-instance TrieMap TyLitMap where
-   type Key TyLitMap = TyLit
-   emptyTM  = emptyTyLitMap
-   lookupTM = lkTyLit
-   alterTM  = xtTyLit
-   foldTM   = foldTyLit
-   mapTM    = mapTyLit
-emptyTyLitMap :: TyLitMap a
-emptyTyLitMap = TLM { tlm_number = Map.empty, tlm_string = emptyUFM }
-mapTyLit :: (a->b) -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap b
-mapTyLit f (TLM { tlm_number = tn, tlm_string = ts })
-  = TLM { tlm_number = Map.map f tn, tlm_string = mapUFM f ts }
-lkTyLit :: TyLit -> TyLitMap a -> Maybe a
-lkTyLit l =
-  case l of
-    NumTyLit n -> tlm_number >.> Map.lookup n
-    StrTyLit n -> tlm_string >.> (`lookupUFM` n)
-xtTyLit :: TyLit -> XT a -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap a
-xtTyLit l f m =
-  case l of
-    NumTyLit n -> m { tlm_number = Map.alter f n (tlm_number m) }
-    StrTyLit n -> m { tlm_string = alterUFM  f (tlm_string m) n }
-foldTyLit :: (a -> b -> b) -> TyLitMap a -> b -> b
-foldTyLit l m = flip (foldUFM l) (tlm_string m)
-              . flip (Map.foldr l)   (tlm_number m)
--- | @TypeMap a@ is a map from 'Type' to @a at .  If you are a client, this
--- is the type you want. The keys in this map may have different kinds.
-newtype TypeMap a = TypeMap (TypeMapG (TypeMapG a))
-lkTT :: DeBruijn Type -> TypeMap a -> Maybe a
-lkTT (D env ty) (TypeMap m) = lkG (D env $ typeKind ty) m
-                          >>= lkG (D env ty)
-xtTT :: DeBruijn Type -> XT a -> TypeMap a -> TypeMap a
-xtTT (D env ty) f (TypeMap m)
-  = TypeMap (m |> xtG (D env $ typeKind ty)
-               |>> xtG (D env ty) f)
--- Below are some client-oriented functions which operate on 'TypeMap'.
-instance TrieMap TypeMap where
-    type Key TypeMap = Type
-    emptyTM = TypeMap emptyTM
-    lookupTM k m = lkTT (deBruijnize k) m
-    alterTM k f m = xtTT (deBruijnize k) f m
-    foldTM k (TypeMap m) = foldTM (foldTM k) m
-    mapTM f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (mapTM (mapTM f) m)
-foldTypeMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> TypeMap a -> b
-foldTypeMap k z m = foldTM k m z
-emptyTypeMap :: TypeMap a
-emptyTypeMap = emptyTM
-lookupTypeMap :: TypeMap a -> Type -> Maybe a
-lookupTypeMap cm t = lookupTM t cm
-extendTypeMap :: TypeMap a -> Type -> a -> TypeMap a
-extendTypeMap m t v = alterTM t (const (Just v)) m
-lookupTypeMapWithScope :: TypeMap a -> CmEnv -> Type -> Maybe a
-lookupTypeMapWithScope m cm t = lkTT (D cm t) m
--- | Extend a 'TypeMap' with a type in the given context.
--- @extendTypeMapWithScope m (mkDeBruijnContext [a,b,c]) t v@ is equivalent to
--- @extendTypeMap m (forall a b c. t) v@, but allows reuse of the context over
--- multiple insertions.
-extendTypeMapWithScope :: TypeMap a -> CmEnv -> Type -> a -> TypeMap a
-extendTypeMapWithScope m cm t v = xtTT (D cm t) (const (Just v)) m
--- | Construct a deBruijn environment with the given variables in scope.
--- e.g. @mkDeBruijnEnv [a,b,c]@ constructs a context @forall a b c.@
-mkDeBruijnContext :: [Var] -> CmEnv
-mkDeBruijnContext = extendCMEs emptyCME
--- | A 'LooseTypeMap' doesn't do a kind-check. Thus, when lookup up (t |> g),
--- you'll find entries inserted under (t), even if (g) is non-reflexive.
-newtype LooseTypeMap a
-  = LooseTypeMap (TypeMapG a)
-instance TrieMap LooseTypeMap where
-  type Key LooseTypeMap = Type
-  emptyTM = LooseTypeMap emptyTM
-  lookupTM k (LooseTypeMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m
-  alterTM k f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
-  foldTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = foldTM f m
-  mapTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (mapTM f m)
-*                                                                      *
-                   Variables
-*                                                                      *
-type BoundVar = Int  -- Bound variables are deBruijn numbered
-type BoundVarMap a = IntMap.IntMap a
-data CmEnv = CME { cme_next :: !BoundVar
-                 , cme_env  :: VarEnv BoundVar }
-emptyCME :: CmEnv
-emptyCME = CME { cme_next = 0, cme_env = emptyVarEnv }
-extendCME :: CmEnv -> Var -> CmEnv
-extendCME (CME { cme_next = bv, cme_env = env }) v
-  = CME { cme_next = bv+1, cme_env = extendVarEnv env v bv }
-extendCMEs :: CmEnv -> [Var] -> CmEnv
-extendCMEs env vs = foldl' extendCME env vs
-lookupCME :: CmEnv -> Var -> Maybe BoundVar
-lookupCME (CME { cme_env = env }) v = lookupVarEnv env v
--- | @DeBruijn a@ represents @a@ modulo alpha-renaming.  This is achieved
--- by equipping the value with a 'CmEnv', which tracks an on-the-fly deBruijn
--- numbering.  This allows us to define an 'Eq' instance for @DeBruijn a@, even
--- if this was not (easily) possible for @a at .  Note: we purposely don't
--- export the constructor.  Make a helper function if you find yourself
--- needing it.
-data DeBruijn a = D CmEnv a
--- | Synthesizes a @DeBruijn a@ from an @a@, by assuming that there are no
--- bound binders (an empty 'CmEnv').  This is usually what you want if there
--- isn't already a 'CmEnv' in scope.
-deBruijnize :: a -> DeBruijn a
-deBruijnize = D emptyCME
-instance Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn [a]) where
-    D _   []     == D _    []       = True
-    D env (x:xs) == D env' (x':xs') = D env x  == D env' x' &&
-                                      D env xs == D env' xs'
-    _            == _               = False
-instance Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn (Maybe a)) where
-    D _   Nothing  == D _    Nothing   = True
-    D env (Just x) == D env' (Just x') = D env x  == D env' x'
-    _              == _                = False
---------- Variable binders -------------
--- | A 'BndrMap' is a 'TypeMapG' which allows us to distinguish between
--- binding forms whose binders have different types.  For example,
--- if we are doing a 'TrieMap' lookup on @\(x :: Int) -> ()@, we should
--- not pick up an entry in the 'TrieMap' for @\(x :: Bool) -> ()@:
--- we can disambiguate this by matching on the type (or kind, if this
--- a binder in a type) of the binder.
--- We also need to do the same for multiplicity! Which, since multiplicities are
--- encoded simply as a 'Type', amounts to have a Trie for a pair of types. Tries
--- of pairs are composition.
-data BndrMap a = BndrMap (TypeMapG (MaybeMap TypeMapG a))
-instance TrieMap BndrMap where
-   type Key BndrMap = Var
-   emptyTM  = BndrMap emptyTM
-   lookupTM = lkBndr emptyCME
-   alterTM  = xtBndr emptyCME
-   foldTM   = fdBndrMap
-   mapTM    = mapBndrMap
-mapBndrMap :: (a -> b) -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap b
-mapBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = BndrMap (mapTM (mapTM f) tm)
-fdBndrMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> BndrMap a -> b -> b
-fdBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = foldTM (foldTM f) tm
--- Note [Binders]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- We need to use 'BndrMap' for 'Coercion', 'CoreExpr' AND 'Type', since all
--- of these data types have binding forms.
-lkBndr :: CmEnv -> Var -> BndrMap a -> Maybe a
-lkBndr env v (BndrMap tymap) = do
-  multmap <- lkG (D env (varType v)) tymap
-  lookupTM (D env <$> varMultMaybe v) multmap
-xtBndr :: forall a . CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap a
-xtBndr env v xt (BndrMap tymap)  =
-  BndrMap (tymap |> xtG (D env (varType v)) |>> (alterTM (D env <$> varMultMaybe v) xt))
---------- Variable occurrence -------------
-data VarMap a = VM { vm_bvar   :: BoundVarMap a  -- Bound variable
-                   , vm_fvar   :: DVarEnv a }      -- Free variable
-instance TrieMap VarMap where
-   type Key VarMap = Var
-   emptyTM  = VM { vm_bvar = IntMap.empty, vm_fvar = emptyDVarEnv }
-   lookupTM = lkVar emptyCME
-   alterTM  = xtVar emptyCME
-   foldTM   = fdVar
-   mapTM    = mapVar
-mapVar :: (a->b) -> VarMap a -> VarMap b
-mapVar f (VM { vm_bvar = bv, vm_fvar = fv })
-  = VM { vm_bvar = mapTM f bv, vm_fvar = mapTM f fv }
-lkVar :: CmEnv -> Var -> VarMap a -> Maybe a
-lkVar env v
-  | Just bv <- lookupCME env v = vm_bvar >.> lookupTM bv
-  | otherwise                  = vm_fvar >.> lkDFreeVar v
-xtVar :: CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> VarMap a -> VarMap a
-xtVar env v f m
-  | Just bv <- lookupCME env v = m { vm_bvar = vm_bvar m |> alterTM bv f }
-  | otherwise                  = m { vm_fvar = vm_fvar m |> xtDFreeVar v f }
-fdVar :: (a -> b -> b) -> VarMap a -> b -> b
-fdVar k m = foldTM k (vm_bvar m)
-          . foldTM k (vm_fvar m)
-lkDFreeVar :: Var -> DVarEnv a -> Maybe a
-lkDFreeVar var env = lookupDVarEnv env var
-xtDFreeVar :: Var -> XT a -> DVarEnv a -> DVarEnv a
-xtDFreeVar v f m = alterDVarEnv f m v

@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Core.Map.Type (
+     -- * Maps over 'Type's
+   TypeMap, emptyTypeMap, extendTypeMap, lookupTypeMap, foldTypeMap,
+   LooseTypeMap,
+   -- ** With explicit scoping
+   CmEnv, lookupCME, extendTypeMapWithScope, lookupTypeMapWithScope,
+   mkDeBruijnContext, extendCME, extendCMEs, emptyCME,
+   -- * Utilities for use by friends only
+   TypeMapG, CoercionMapG,
+   DeBruijn(..), deBruijnize,
+   BndrMap, xtBndr, lkBndr,
+   VarMap, xtVar, lkVar, lkDFreeVar, xtDFreeVar,
+   xtDNamed, lkDNamed
+   ) where
+-- This module is separate from GHC.Core.Map to avoid a module loop
+-- between GHC.Core.Unify (which depends on this module) and GHC.Core
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Data.TrieMap
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import qualified Data.Map    as Map
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import Control.Monad ( (>=>) )
+-- NB: Be careful about RULES and type families (#5821).  So we should make sure
+-- to specify @Key TypeMapX@ (and not @DeBruijn Type@, the reduced form)
+{-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key TypeMapX     -> TypeMapG a     -> Maybe a #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key CoercionMapX -> CoercionMapG a -> Maybe a #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key TypeMapX     -> XT a -> TypeMapG a -> TypeMapG a #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key CoercionMapX -> XT a -> CoercionMapG a -> CoercionMapG a #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> TypeMapG a     -> TypeMapG b #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> CoercionMapG a -> CoercionMapG b #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> TypeMapG a     -> b -> b #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoercionMapG a -> b -> b #-}
+*                                                                      *
+                   Coercions
+*                                                                      *
+-- We should really never care about the contents of a coercion. Instead,
+-- just look up the coercion's type.
+newtype CoercionMap a = CoercionMap (CoercionMapG a)
+instance TrieMap CoercionMap where
+   type Key CoercionMap = Coercion
+   emptyTM                     = CoercionMap emptyTM
+   lookupTM k  (CoercionMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m
+   alterTM k f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
+   foldTM k    (CoercionMap m) = foldTM k m
+   mapTM f     (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (mapTM f m)
+type CoercionMapG = GenMap CoercionMapX
+newtype CoercionMapX a = CoercionMapX (TypeMapX a)
+instance TrieMap CoercionMapX where
+  type Key CoercionMapX = DeBruijn Coercion
+  emptyTM = CoercionMapX emptyTM
+  lookupTM = lkC
+  alterTM  = xtC
+  foldTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = foldTM f core_tm
+  mapTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm)  = CoercionMapX (mapTM f core_tm)
+instance Eq (DeBruijn Coercion) where
+  D env1 co1 == D env2 co2
+    = D env1 (coercionType co1) ==
+      D env2 (coercionType co2)
+lkC :: DeBruijn Coercion -> CoercionMapX a -> Maybe a
+lkC (D env co) (CoercionMapX core_tm) = lkT (D env $ coercionType co)
+                                        core_tm
+xtC :: DeBruijn Coercion -> XT a -> CoercionMapX a -> CoercionMapX a
+xtC (D env co) f (CoercionMapX m)
+  = CoercionMapX (xtT (D env $ coercionType co) f m)
+*                                                                      *
+                   Types
+*                                                                      *
+-- | @TypeMapG a@ is a map from @DeBruijn Type@ to @a at .  The extended
+-- key makes it suitable for recursive traversal, since it can track binders,
+-- but it is strictly internal to this module.  If you are including a 'TypeMap'
+-- inside another 'TrieMap', this is the type you want. Note that this
+-- lookup does not do a kind-check. Thus, all keys in this map must have
+-- the same kind. Also note that this map respects the distinction between
+-- @Type@ and @Constraint@, despite the fact that they are equivalent type
+-- synonyms in Core.
+type TypeMapG = GenMap TypeMapX
+-- | @TypeMapX a@ is the base map from @DeBruijn Type@ to @a@, but without the
+-- 'GenMap' optimization.
+data TypeMapX a
+  = TM { tm_var    :: VarMap a
+       , tm_app    :: TypeMapG (TypeMapG a)
+       , tm_tycon  :: DNameEnv a
+       , tm_forall :: TypeMapG (BndrMap a) -- See Note [Binders] in GHC.Core.Map
+       , tm_tylit  :: TyLitMap a
+       , tm_coerce :: Maybe a
+       }
+    -- Note that there is no tyconapp case; see Note [Equality on AppTys] in GHC.Core.Type
+-- | Squeeze out any synonyms, and change TyConApps to nested AppTys. Why the
+-- last one? See Note [Equality on AppTys] in "GHC.Core.Type"
+-- Note, however, that we keep Constraint and Type apart here, despite the fact
+-- that they are both synonyms of TYPE 'LiftedRep (see #11715).
+trieMapView :: Type -> Maybe Type
+trieMapView ty
+  -- First check for TyConApps that need to be expanded to
+  -- AppTy chains.
+  | Just (tc, tys@(_:_)) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+  = Just $ foldl' AppTy (TyConApp tc []) tys
+  -- Then resolve any remaining nullary synonyms.
+  | Just ty' <- tcView ty = Just ty'
+trieMapView _ = Nothing
+instance TrieMap TypeMapX where
+   type Key TypeMapX = DeBruijn Type
+   emptyTM  = emptyT
+   lookupTM = lkT
+   alterTM  = xtT
+   foldTM   = fdT
+   mapTM    = mapT
+instance Eq (DeBruijn Type) where
+  env_t@(D env t) == env_t'@(D env' t')
+    | Just new_t  <- tcView t  = D env new_t == env_t'
+    | Just new_t' <- tcView t' = env_t       == D env' new_t'
+    | otherwise
+    = case (t, t') of
+        (CastTy t1 _, _)  -> D env t1 == D env t'
+        (_, CastTy t1' _) -> D env t  == D env t1'
+        (TyVarTy v, TyVarTy v')
+            -> case (lookupCME env v, lookupCME env' v') of
+                (Just bv, Just bv') -> bv == bv'
+                (Nothing, Nothing)  -> v == v'
+                _ -> False
+                -- See Note [Equality on AppTys] in GHC.Core.Type
+        (AppTy t1 t2, s) | Just (t1', t2') <- repSplitAppTy_maybe s
+            -> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
+        (s, AppTy t1' t2') | Just (t1, t2) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe s
+            -> D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
+        (FunTy _ w1 t1 t2, FunTy _ w1' t1' t2')
+            -> D env w1 == D env w1' && D env t1 == D env' t1' && D env t2 == D env' t2'
+        (TyConApp tc tys, TyConApp tc' tys')
+            -> tc == tc' && D env tys == D env' tys'
+        (LitTy l, LitTy l')
+            -> l == l'
+        (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty, ForAllTy (Bndr tv' _) ty')
+            -> D env (varType tv)      == D env' (varType tv') &&
+               D (extendCME env tv) ty == D (extendCME env' tv') ty'
+        (CoercionTy {}, CoercionTy {})
+            -> True
+        _ -> False
+instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
+         Outputable a => Outputable (TypeMapG a) where
+  ppr m = text "TypeMap elts" <+> ppr (foldTM (:) m [])
+emptyT :: TypeMapX a
+emptyT = TM { tm_var  = emptyTM
+            , tm_app  = emptyTM
+            , tm_tycon  = emptyDNameEnv
+            , tm_forall = emptyTM
+            , tm_tylit  = emptyTyLitMap
+            , tm_coerce = Nothing }
+mapT :: (a->b) -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX b
+mapT f (TM { tm_var  = tvar, tm_app = tapp, tm_tycon = ttycon
+           , tm_forall = tforall, tm_tylit = tlit
+           , tm_coerce = tcoerce })
+  = TM { tm_var    = mapTM f tvar
+       , tm_app    = mapTM (mapTM f) tapp
+       , tm_tycon  = mapTM f ttycon
+       , tm_forall = mapTM (mapTM f) tforall
+       , tm_tylit  = mapTM f tlit
+       , tm_coerce = fmap f tcoerce }
+lkT :: DeBruijn Type -> TypeMapX a -> Maybe a
+lkT (D env ty) m = go ty m
+  where
+    go ty | Just ty' <- trieMapView ty = go ty'
+    go (TyVarTy v)                 = tm_var    >.> lkVar env v
+    go (AppTy t1 t2)               = tm_app    >.> lkG (D env t1)
+                                               >=> lkG (D env t2)
+    go (TyConApp tc [])            = tm_tycon  >.> lkDNamed tc
+    go ty@(TyConApp _ (_:_))       = pprPanic "lkT TyConApp" (ppr ty)
+    go (LitTy l)                   = tm_tylit  >.> lkTyLit l
+    go (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty)   = tm_forall >.> lkG (D (extendCME env tv) ty)
+                                               >=> lkBndr env tv
+    go ty@(FunTy {})               = pprPanic "lkT FunTy" (ppr ty)
+    go (CastTy t _)                = go t
+    go (CoercionTy {})             = tm_coerce
+xtT :: DeBruijn Type -> XT a -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX a
+xtT (D env ty) f m | Just ty' <- trieMapView ty = xtT (D env ty') f m
+xtT (D env (TyVarTy v))       f m = m { tm_var    = tm_var m |> xtVar env v f }
+xtT (D env (AppTy t1 t2))     f m = m { tm_app    = tm_app m |> xtG (D env t1)
+                                                            |>> xtG (D env t2) f }
+xtT (D _   (TyConApp tc []))  f m = m { tm_tycon  = tm_tycon m |> xtDNamed tc f }
+xtT (D _   (LitTy l))         f m = m { tm_tylit  = tm_tylit m |> xtTyLit l f }
+xtT (D env (CastTy t _))      f m = xtT (D env t) f m
+xtT (D _   (CoercionTy {}))   f m = m { tm_coerce = tm_coerce m |> f }
+xtT (D env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty))  f m
+  = m { tm_forall = tm_forall m |> xtG (D (extendCME env tv) ty)
+                                |>> xtBndr env tv f }
+xtT (D _   ty@(TyConApp _ (_:_))) _ _ = pprPanic "xtT TyConApp" (ppr ty)
+xtT (D _   ty@(FunTy {}))         _ _ = pprPanic "xtT FunTy" (ppr ty)
+fdT :: (a -> b -> b) -> TypeMapX a -> b -> b
+fdT k m = foldTM k (tm_var m)
+        . foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_app m)
+        . foldTM k (tm_tycon m)
+        . foldTM (foldTM k) (tm_forall m)
+        . foldTyLit k (tm_tylit m)
+        . foldMaybe k (tm_coerce m)
+data TyLitMap a = TLM { tlm_number :: Map.Map Integer a
+                      , tlm_string :: UniqFM  FastString a
+                      }
+instance TrieMap TyLitMap where
+   type Key TyLitMap = TyLit
+   emptyTM  = emptyTyLitMap
+   lookupTM = lkTyLit
+   alterTM  = xtTyLit
+   foldTM   = foldTyLit
+   mapTM    = mapTyLit
+emptyTyLitMap :: TyLitMap a
+emptyTyLitMap = TLM { tlm_number = Map.empty, tlm_string = emptyUFM }
+mapTyLit :: (a->b) -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap b
+mapTyLit f (TLM { tlm_number = tn, tlm_string = ts })
+  = TLM { tlm_number = Map.map f tn, tlm_string = mapUFM f ts }
+lkTyLit :: TyLit -> TyLitMap a -> Maybe a
+lkTyLit l =
+  case l of
+    NumTyLit n -> tlm_number >.> Map.lookup n
+    StrTyLit n -> tlm_string >.> (`lookupUFM` n)
+xtTyLit :: TyLit -> XT a -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap a
+xtTyLit l f m =
+  case l of
+    NumTyLit n -> m { tlm_number = Map.alter f n (tlm_number m) }
+    StrTyLit n -> m { tlm_string = alterUFM  f (tlm_string m) n }
+foldTyLit :: (a -> b -> b) -> TyLitMap a -> b -> b
+foldTyLit l m = flip (foldUFM l) (tlm_string m)
+              . flip (Map.foldr l)   (tlm_number m)
+-- | @TypeMap a@ is a map from 'Type' to @a at .  If you are a client, this
+-- is the type you want. The keys in this map may have different kinds.
+newtype TypeMap a = TypeMap (TypeMapG (TypeMapG a))
+lkTT :: DeBruijn Type -> TypeMap a -> Maybe a
+lkTT (D env ty) (TypeMap m) = lkG (D env $ typeKind ty) m
+                          >>= lkG (D env ty)
+xtTT :: DeBruijn Type -> XT a -> TypeMap a -> TypeMap a
+xtTT (D env ty) f (TypeMap m)
+  = TypeMap (m |> xtG (D env $ typeKind ty)
+               |>> xtG (D env ty) f)
+-- Below are some client-oriented functions which operate on 'TypeMap'.
+instance TrieMap TypeMap where
+    type Key TypeMap = Type
+    emptyTM = TypeMap emptyTM
+    lookupTM k m = lkTT (deBruijnize k) m
+    alterTM k f m = xtTT (deBruijnize k) f m
+    foldTM k (TypeMap m) = foldTM (foldTM k) m
+    mapTM f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (mapTM (mapTM f) m)
+foldTypeMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> TypeMap a -> b
+foldTypeMap k z m = foldTM k m z
+emptyTypeMap :: TypeMap a
+emptyTypeMap = emptyTM
+lookupTypeMap :: TypeMap a -> Type -> Maybe a
+lookupTypeMap cm t = lookupTM t cm
+extendTypeMap :: TypeMap a -> Type -> a -> TypeMap a
+extendTypeMap m t v = alterTM t (const (Just v)) m
+lookupTypeMapWithScope :: TypeMap a -> CmEnv -> Type -> Maybe a
+lookupTypeMapWithScope m cm t = lkTT (D cm t) m
+-- | Extend a 'TypeMap' with a type in the given context.
+-- @extendTypeMapWithScope m (mkDeBruijnContext [a,b,c]) t v@ is equivalent to
+-- @extendTypeMap m (forall a b c. t) v@, but allows reuse of the context over
+-- multiple insertions.
+extendTypeMapWithScope :: TypeMap a -> CmEnv -> Type -> a -> TypeMap a
+extendTypeMapWithScope m cm t v = xtTT (D cm t) (const (Just v)) m
+-- | Construct a deBruijn environment with the given variables in scope.
+-- e.g. @mkDeBruijnEnv [a,b,c]@ constructs a context @forall a b c.@
+mkDeBruijnContext :: [Var] -> CmEnv
+mkDeBruijnContext = extendCMEs emptyCME
+-- | A 'LooseTypeMap' doesn't do a kind-check. Thus, when lookup up (t |> g),
+-- you'll find entries inserted under (t), even if (g) is non-reflexive.
+newtype LooseTypeMap a
+  = LooseTypeMap (TypeMapG a)
+instance TrieMap LooseTypeMap where
+  type Key LooseTypeMap = Type
+  emptyTM = LooseTypeMap emptyTM
+  lookupTM k (LooseTypeMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m
+  alterTM k f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
+  foldTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = foldTM f m
+  mapTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (mapTM f m)
+*                                                                      *
+                   Variables
+*                                                                      *
+type BoundVar = Int  -- Bound variables are deBruijn numbered
+type BoundVarMap a = IntMap.IntMap a
+data CmEnv = CME { cme_next :: !BoundVar
+                 , cme_env  :: VarEnv BoundVar }
+emptyCME :: CmEnv
+emptyCME = CME { cme_next = 0, cme_env = emptyVarEnv }
+extendCME :: CmEnv -> Var -> CmEnv
+extendCME (CME { cme_next = bv, cme_env = env }) v
+  = CME { cme_next = bv+1, cme_env = extendVarEnv env v bv }
+extendCMEs :: CmEnv -> [Var] -> CmEnv
+extendCMEs env vs = foldl' extendCME env vs
+lookupCME :: CmEnv -> Var -> Maybe BoundVar
+lookupCME (CME { cme_env = env }) v = lookupVarEnv env v
+-- | @DeBruijn a@ represents @a@ modulo alpha-renaming.  This is achieved
+-- by equipping the value with a 'CmEnv', which tracks an on-the-fly deBruijn
+-- numbering.  This allows us to define an 'Eq' instance for @DeBruijn a@, even
+-- if this was not (easily) possible for @a at .  Note: we purposely don't
+-- export the constructor.  Make a helper function if you find yourself
+-- needing it.
+data DeBruijn a = D CmEnv a
+-- | Synthesizes a @DeBruijn a@ from an @a@, by assuming that there are no
+-- bound binders (an empty 'CmEnv').  This is usually what you want if there
+-- isn't already a 'CmEnv' in scope.
+deBruijnize :: a -> DeBruijn a
+deBruijnize = D emptyCME
+instance Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn [a]) where
+    D _   []     == D _    []       = True
+    D env (x:xs) == D env' (x':xs') = D env x  == D env' x' &&
+                                      D env xs == D env' xs'
+    _            == _               = False
+instance Eq (DeBruijn a) => Eq (DeBruijn (Maybe a)) where
+    D _   Nothing  == D _    Nothing   = True
+    D env (Just x) == D env' (Just x') = D env x  == D env' x'
+    _              == _                = False
+--------- Variable binders -------------
+-- | A 'BndrMap' is a 'TypeMapG' which allows us to distinguish between
+-- binding forms whose binders have different types.  For example,
+-- if we are doing a 'TrieMap' lookup on @\(x :: Int) -> ()@, we should
+-- not pick up an entry in the 'TrieMap' for @\(x :: Bool) -> ()@:
+-- we can disambiguate this by matching on the type (or kind, if this
+-- a binder in a type) of the binder.
+-- We also need to do the same for multiplicity! Which, since multiplicities are
+-- encoded simply as a 'Type', amounts to have a Trie for a pair of types. Tries
+-- of pairs are composition.
+data BndrMap a = BndrMap (TypeMapG (MaybeMap TypeMapG a))
+instance TrieMap BndrMap where
+   type Key BndrMap = Var
+   emptyTM  = BndrMap emptyTM
+   lookupTM = lkBndr emptyCME
+   alterTM  = xtBndr emptyCME
+   foldTM   = fdBndrMap
+   mapTM    = mapBndrMap
+mapBndrMap :: (a -> b) -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap b
+mapBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = BndrMap (mapTM (mapTM f) tm)
+fdBndrMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> BndrMap a -> b -> b
+fdBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = foldTM (foldTM f) tm
+-- We need to use 'BndrMap' for 'Coercion', 'CoreExpr' AND 'Type', since all
+-- of these data types have binding forms.
+lkBndr :: CmEnv -> Var -> BndrMap a -> Maybe a
+lkBndr env v (BndrMap tymap) = do
+  multmap <- lkG (D env (varType v)) tymap
+  lookupTM (D env <$> varMultMaybe v) multmap
+xtBndr :: forall a . CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap a
+xtBndr env v xt (BndrMap tymap)  =
+  BndrMap (tymap |> xtG (D env (varType v)) |>> (alterTM (D env <$> varMultMaybe v) xt))
+--------- Variable occurrence -------------
+data VarMap a = VM { vm_bvar   :: BoundVarMap a  -- Bound variable
+                   , vm_fvar   :: DVarEnv a }      -- Free variable
+instance TrieMap VarMap where
+   type Key VarMap = Var
+   emptyTM  = VM { vm_bvar = IntMap.empty, vm_fvar = emptyDVarEnv }
+   lookupTM = lkVar emptyCME
+   alterTM  = xtVar emptyCME
+   foldTM   = fdVar
+   mapTM    = mapVar
+mapVar :: (a->b) -> VarMap a -> VarMap b
+mapVar f (VM { vm_bvar = bv, vm_fvar = fv })
+  = VM { vm_bvar = mapTM f bv, vm_fvar = mapTM f fv }
+lkVar :: CmEnv -> Var -> VarMap a -> Maybe a
+lkVar env v
+  | Just bv <- lookupCME env v = vm_bvar >.> lookupTM bv
+  | otherwise                  = vm_fvar >.> lkDFreeVar v
+xtVar :: CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> VarMap a -> VarMap a
+xtVar env v f m
+  | Just bv <- lookupCME env v = m { vm_bvar = vm_bvar m |> alterTM bv f }
+  | otherwise                  = m { vm_fvar = vm_fvar m |> xtDFreeVar v f }
+fdVar :: (a -> b -> b) -> VarMap a -> b -> b
+fdVar k m = foldTM k (vm_bvar m)
+          . foldTM k (vm_fvar m)
+lkDFreeVar :: Var -> DVarEnv a -> Maybe a
+lkDFreeVar var env = lookupDVarEnv env var
+xtDFreeVar :: Var -> XT a -> DVarEnv a -> DVarEnv a
+xtDFreeVar v f m = alterDVarEnv f m v
+lkDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> DNameEnv a -> Maybe a
+lkDNamed n env = lookupDNameEnv env (getName n)
+xtDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> XT a -> DNameEnv a -> DNameEnv a
+xtDNamed tc f m = alterDNameEnv f m (getName tc)

@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCon
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs   ( tyCoVarsOfCoList, tyCoFVsOfTypes )
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst ( mkTvSubst )
-import GHC.Core.Map
+import GHC.Core.Map.Type
 import GHC.Utils.FV( FV, fvVarSet, fvVarList )
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Data.Pair

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module GHC.Iface.Ext.Utils where
 import GHC.Prelude
-import GHC.Core.Map
+import GHC.Core.Map.Type
 import GHC.Driver.Session    ( DynFlags )
 import GHC.Driver.Ppr
 import GHC.Data.FastString   ( FastString, mkFastString )

@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ import GHC.Core (AltCon(..))
 import Data.List (mapAccumL)
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
 import GHC.Core.Map
+import GHC.Data.TrieMap
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env
 import Control.Monad( (>=>) )

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import GHC.Hs
 import GHC.Driver.Session
 import GHC.Data.Bag
 import GHC.Types.Var ( VarBndr(..) )
-import GHC.Core.Map
+import GHC.Core.Map.Type
 import GHC.Settings.Constants
 import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint(Fingerprint(..), fingerprintString, fingerprintFingerprints)
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable

@@ -174,7 +174,9 @@ import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
-import GHC.Core.Map
+import GHC.Core.Map.Type
+import GHC.Data.TrieMap
 import Control.Monad
 import GHC.Utils.Monad
 import Data.IORef

@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ Library
+        GHC.Core.Map.Type

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