[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/cfuneqcan-refactor] Lots of bug-fixing.

Richard Eisenberg gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Oct 9 20:47:54 UTC 2020

Richard Eisenberg pushed to branch wip/cfuneqcan-refactor at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

c2972870 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-10-09T16:47:37-04:00
Lots of bug-fixing.

- - - - -

26 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Constraint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Evidence.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_compile/T3017.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T14369.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T2544.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T2627b.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T3330c.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T4174.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T4179.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T4272.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T5439.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T8227.stderr
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T8518.stderr


@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ mkKindCo co
   | otherwise
   = KindCo co
-mkSubCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+mkSubCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion
 -- Input coercion is Nominal, result is Representational
 -- see also Note [Role twiddling functions]
 mkSubCo (Refl ty) = GRefl Representational ty MRefl

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ mkInstCo :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkGReflCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion
 mkNomReflCo :: Type -> Coercion
 mkKindCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
-mkSubCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+mkSubCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion
 mkProofIrrelCo :: Role -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkAxiomRuleCo :: CoAxiomRule -> [Coercion] -> Coercion

@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCon
 import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
-import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( flattenTys )
 import GHC.Data.Pair
 import GHC.Data.List.SetOps ( getNth )
 import GHC.Core.Unify

@@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ module GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (
         -- Normalisation
         topNormaliseType, topNormaliseType_maybe,
         normaliseType, normaliseTcApp,
-        topReduceTyFamApp_maybe, reduceTyFamApp_maybe,
-        -- Flattening
-        flattenTys
+        topReduceTyFamApp_maybe, reduceTyFamApp_maybe
     ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -54,11 +51,8 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
-import GHC.Core.Map
-import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
-import GHC.Data.FastString
 import Control.Monad
 import Data.List( mapAccumL )
 import Data.Array( Array, assocs )
@@ -432,7 +426,7 @@ Here is how we do it:
 apart(target, pattern) = not (unify(flatten(target), pattern))
 where flatten (implemented in flattenTys, below) converts all type-family
-applications into fresh variables. (See Note [Flattening].)
+applications into fresh variables. (See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.Unify.)
 Note [Compatibility]
@@ -1179,7 +1173,7 @@ findBranch branches target_tys
                         , cab_incomps = incomps }) = branch
             in_scope = mkInScopeSet (unionVarSets $
                             map (tyCoVarsOfTypes . coAxBranchLHS) incomps)
-            -- See Note [Flattening] below
+            -- See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.Unify
             flattened_target = flattenTys in_scope target_tys
         in case tcMatchTys tpl_lhs target_tys of
         Just subst -- matching worked. now, check for apartness.
@@ -1197,7 +1191,8 @@ findBranch branches target_tys
 -- ('CoAxBranch') of a closed type family can be used to reduce a certain target
 -- type family application.
 apartnessCheck :: [Type]     -- ^ /flattened/ target arguments. Make sure
-                             -- they're flattened! See Note [Flattening].
+                             -- they're flattened! See Note [Flattening]
+                             -- in GHC.Core.Unify
                              -- (NB: This "flat" is a different
                              -- "flat" than is used in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten.)
                -> CoAxBranch -- ^ the candidate equation we wish to use
@@ -1563,292 +1558,3 @@ instance Monad NormM where
 instance Applicative NormM where
   pure x = NormM $ \ _ _ _ -> x
   (<*>)  = ap
-*                                                                      *
-              Flattening
-*                                                                      *
-Note [Flattening]
-As described in "Closed type families with overlapping equations"
-we need to flatten core types before unifying them, when checking for "surely-apart"
-against earlier equations of a closed type family.
-Flattening means replacing all top-level uses of type functions with
-fresh variables, *taking care to preserve sharing*. That is, the type
-(Either (F a b) (F a b)) should flatten to (Either c c), never (Either
-c d).
-Here is a nice example of why it's all necessary:
-  type family F a b where
-    F Int Bool = Char
-    F a   b    = Double
-  type family G a         -- open, no instances
-How do we reduce (F (G Float) (G Float))? The first equation clearly doesn't match,
-while the second equation does. But, before reducing, we must make sure that the
-target can never become (F Int Bool). Well, no matter what G Float becomes, it
-certainly won't become *both* Int and Bool, so indeed we're safe reducing
-(F (G Float) (G Float)) to Double.
-This is necessary not only to get more reductions (which we might be
-willing to give up on), but for substitutivity. If we have (F x x), we
-can see that (F x x) can reduce to Double. So, it had better be the
-case that (F blah blah) can reduce to Double, no matter what (blah)
-is!  Flattening as done below ensures this.
-The algorithm works by building up a TypeMap TyVar, mapping
-type family applications to fresh variables. This mapping must
-be threaded through all the function calls, as any entry in
-the mapping must be propagated to all future nodes in the tree.
-The algorithm also must track the set of in-scope variables, in
-order to make fresh variables as it flattens. (We are far from a
-source of fresh Uniques.) See Wrinkle 2, below.
-There are wrinkles, of course:
-1. The flattening algorithm must account for the possibility
-   of inner `forall`s. (A `forall` seen here can happen only
-   because of impredicativity. However, the flattening operation
-   is an algorithm in Core, which is impredicative.)
-   Suppose we have (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). Of course,
-   those two bs are entirely unrelated, and so we should certainly
-   not flatten the two calls F b to the same variable. Instead, they
-   must be treated separately. We thus carry a substitution that
-   freshens variables; we must apply this substitution (in
-   `coreFlattenTyFamApp`) before looking up an application in the environment.
-   Note that the range of the substitution contains only TyVars, never anything
-   else.
-   For the sake of efficiency, we only apply this substitution when absolutely
-   necessary. Namely:
-   * We do not perform the substitution at all if it is empty.
-   * We only need to worry about the arguments of a type family that are within
-     the arity of said type family, so we can get away with not applying the
-     substitution to any oversaturated type family arguments.
-   * Importantly, we do /not/ achieve this substitution by recursively
-     flattening the arguments, as this would be wrong. Consider `F (G a)`,
-     where F and G are type families. We might decide that `F (G a)` flattens
-     to `beta`. Later, the substitution is non-empty (but does not map `a`) and
-     so we flatten `G a` to `gamma` and try to flatten `F gamma`. Of course,
-     `F gamma` is unknown, and so we flatten it to `delta`, but it really
-     should have been `beta`! Argh!
-     Moral of the story: instead of flattening the arguments, just substitute
-     them directly.
-2. There are two different reasons we might add a variable
-   to the in-scope set as we work:
-     A. We have just invented a new flattening variable.
-     B. We have entered a `forall`.
-   Annoying here is that in-scope variable source (A) must be
-   threaded through the calls. For example, consider (F b -> forall c. F c).
-   Suppose that, when flattening F b, we invent a fresh variable c.
-   Now, when we encounter (forall c. F c), we need to know c is already in
-   scope so that we locally rename c to c'. However, if we don't thread through
-   the in-scope set from one argument of (->) to the other, we won't know this
-   and might get very confused.
-   In contrast, source (B) increases only as we go deeper, as in-scope sets
-   normally do. However, even here we must be careful. The TypeMap TyVar that
-   contains mappings from type family applications to freshened variables will
-   be threaded through both sides of (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). We
-   thus must make sure that the two `b`s don't get renamed to the same b1. (If
-   they did, then looking up `F b1` would yield the same flatten var for
-   each.) So, even though `forall`-bound variables should really be in the
-   in-scope set only when they are in scope, we retain these variables even
-   outside of their scope. This ensures that, if we encounter a fresh
-   `forall`-bound b, we will rename it to b2, not b1. Note that keeping a
-   larger in-scope set than strictly necessary is always OK, as in-scope sets
-   are only ever used to avoid collisions.
-   Sadly, the freshening substitution described in (1) really mustn't bind
-   variables outside of their scope: note that its domain is the *unrenamed*
-   variables. This means that the substitution gets "pushed down" (like a
-   reader monad) while the in-scope set gets threaded (like a state monad).
-   Because a TCvSubst contains its own in-scope set, we don't carry a TCvSubst;
-   instead, we just carry a TvSubstEnv down, tying it to the InScopeSet
-   traveling separately as necessary.
-3. Consider `F ty_1 ... ty_n`, where F is a type family with arity k:
-     type family F ty_1 ... ty_k :: res_k
-   It's tempting to just flatten `F ty_1 ... ty_n` to `alpha`, where alpha is a
-   flattening skolem. But we must instead flatten it to
-   `alpha ty_(k+1) ... ty_n`—that is, by only flattening up to the arity of the
-   type family.
-   Why is this better? Consider the following concrete example from #16995:
-     type family Param :: Type -> Type
-     type family LookupParam (a :: Type) :: Type where
-       LookupParam (f Char) = Bool
-       LookupParam x        = Int
-     foo :: LookupParam (Param ())
-     foo = 42
-   In order for `foo` to typecheck, `LookupParam (Param ())` must reduce to
-   `Int`. But if we flatten `Param ()` to `alpha`, then GHC can't be sure if
-   `alpha` is apart from `f Char`, so it won't fall through to the second
-   equation. But since the `Param` type family has arity 0, we can instead
-   flatten `Param ()` to `alpha ()`, about which GHC knows with confidence is
-   apart from `f Char`, permitting the second equation to be reached.
-   Not only does this allow more programs to be accepted, it's also important
-   for correctness. Not doing this was the root cause of the Core Lint error
-   in #16995.
-flattenTys is defined here because of module dependencies.
-data FlattenEnv
-  = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map :: TypeMap TyVar
-                 -- domain: exactly-saturated type family applications
-                 -- range: fresh variables
-               , fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet }
-                 -- See Note [Flattening]
-emptyFlattenEnv :: InScopeSet -> FlattenEnv
-emptyFlattenEnv in_scope
-  = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map = emptyTypeMap
-               , fe_in_scope = in_scope }
-updateInScopeSet :: FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
-updateInScopeSet env upd = env { fe_in_scope = upd (fe_in_scope env) }
-flattenTys :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
--- See Note [Flattening]
--- NB: the returned types may mention fresh type variables,
---     arising from the flattening.  We don't return the
---     mapping from those fresh vars to the ty-fam
---     applications they stand for (we could, but no need)
-flattenTys in_scope tys
-  = snd $ coreFlattenTys emptyTvSubstEnv (emptyFlattenEnv in_scope) tys
-coreFlattenTys :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
-               -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
-coreFlattenTys subst = mapAccumL (coreFlattenTy subst)
-coreFlattenTy :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
-              -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
-coreFlattenTy subst = go
-  where
-    go env ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = go env ty'
-    go env (TyVarTy tv)
-      | Just ty <- lookupVarEnv subst tv = (env, ty)
-      | otherwise                        = let (env', ki) = go env (tyVarKind tv) in
-                                           (env', mkTyVarTy $ setTyVarKind tv ki)
-    go env (AppTy ty1 ty2) = let (env1, ty1') = go env  ty1
-                                 (env2, ty2') = go env1 ty2 in
-                             (env2, AppTy ty1' ty2')
-    go env (TyConApp tc tys)
-         -- NB: Don't just check if isFamilyTyCon: this catches *data* families,
-         -- which are generative and thus can be preserved during flattening
-      | not (isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal)
-      = coreFlattenTyFamApp subst env tc tys
-      | otherwise
-      = let (env', tys') = coreFlattenTys subst env tys in
-        (env', mkTyConApp tc tys')
-    go env ty@(FunTy { ft_mult = mult, ft_arg = ty1, ft_res = ty2 })
-      = let (env1, ty1') = go env  ty1
-            (env2, ty2') = go env1 ty2
-            (env3, mult') = go env2 mult in
-        (env3, ty { ft_mult = mult', ft_arg = ty1', ft_res = ty2' })
-    go env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) ty)
-      = let (env1, subst', tv') = coreFlattenVarBndr subst env tv
-            (env2, ty') = coreFlattenTy subst' env1 ty in
-        (env2, ForAllTy (Bndr tv' vis) ty')
-    go env ty@(LitTy {}) = (env, ty)
-    go env (CastTy ty co)
-      = let (env1, ty') = go env ty
-            (env2, co') = coreFlattenCo subst env1 co in
-        (env2, CastTy ty' co')
-    go env (CoercionTy co)
-      = let (env', co') = coreFlattenCo subst env co in
-        (env', CoercionTy co')
--- when flattening, we don't care about the contents of coercions.
--- so, just return a fresh variable of the right (flattened) type
-coreFlattenCo :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
-              -> Coercion -> (FlattenEnv, Coercion)
-coreFlattenCo subst env co
-  = (env2, mkCoVarCo covar)
-  where
-    (env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env (coercionType co)
-    covar         = mkFlattenFreshCoVar (fe_in_scope env1) kind'
-    -- Add the covar to the FlattenEnv's in-scope set.
-    -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2A.
-    env2          = updateInScopeSet env1 (flip extendInScopeSet covar)
-coreFlattenVarBndr :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
-                   -> TyCoVar -> (FlattenEnv, TvSubstEnv, TyVar)
-coreFlattenVarBndr subst env tv
-  = (env2, subst', tv')
-  where
-    -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2B.
-    kind          = varType tv
-    (env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env kind
-    tv'           = uniqAway (fe_in_scope env1) (setVarType tv kind')
-    subst'        = extendVarEnv subst tv (mkTyVarTy tv')
-    env2          = updateInScopeSet env1 (flip extendInScopeSet tv')
-coreFlattenTyFamApp :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
-                    -> TyCon         -- type family tycon
-                    -> [Type]        -- args, already flattened
-                    -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
-coreFlattenTyFamApp tv_subst env fam_tc fam_args
-  = case lookupTypeMap type_map fam_ty of
-      Just tv -> (env', mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args')
-      Nothing -> let tyvar_name = mkFlattenFreshTyName fam_tc
-                     tv         = uniqAway in_scope $
-                                  mkTyVar tyvar_name (typeKind fam_ty)
-                     ty'   = mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args'
-                     env'' = env' { fe_type_map = extendTypeMap type_map fam_ty tv
-                                  , fe_in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope tv }
-                 in (env'', ty')
-  where
-    arity = tyConArity fam_tc
-    tcv_subst = TCvSubst (fe_in_scope env) tv_subst emptyVarEnv
-    (sat_fam_args, leftover_args) = ASSERT( arity <= length fam_args )
-                                    splitAt arity fam_args
-    -- Apply the substitution before looking up an application in the
-    -- environment. See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 1.
-    -- NB: substTys short-cuts the common case when the substitution is empty.
-    sat_fam_args' = substTys tcv_subst sat_fam_args
-    (env', leftover_args') = coreFlattenTys tv_subst env leftover_args
-    -- `fam_tc` may be over-applied to `fam_args` (see Note [Flattening],
-    -- wrinkle 3), so we split it into the arguments needed to saturate it
-    -- (sat_fam_args') and the rest (leftover_args')
-    fam_ty = mkTyConApp fam_tc sat_fam_args'
-    FlattenEnv { fe_type_map = type_map
-               , fe_in_scope = in_scope } = env'
-mkFlattenFreshTyName :: Uniquable a => a -> Name
-mkFlattenFreshTyName unq
-  = mkSysTvName (getUnique unq) (fsLit "flt")
-mkFlattenFreshCoVar :: InScopeSet -> Kind -> CoVar
-mkFlattenFreshCoVar in_scope kind
-  = let uniq = unsafeGetFreshLocalUnique in_scope
-        name = mkSystemVarName uniq (fsLit "flc")
-    in mkCoVar name kind

@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import GHC.Unit
 import GHC.Core.Class
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Set
 import GHC.Types.Unique (getUnique)
@@ -827,18 +828,23 @@ lookupInstEnv' ie vis_mods cls tys
       = find ms us rest
       | otherwise
-      = ASSERT2( tyCoVarsOfTypes tys `disjointVarSet` tpl_tv_set,
+      = ASSERT2( tys_tv_set `disjointVarSet` tpl_tv_set,
                  (ppr cls <+> ppr tys <+> ppr all_tvs) $$
                  (ppr tpl_tvs <+> ppr tpl_tys)
                 -- Unification will break badly if the variables overlap
                 -- They shouldn't because we allocate separate uniques for them
                 -- See Note [Template tyvars are fresh]
-        case tcUnifyTys instanceBindFun tpl_tys tys of
-            Just _   -> find ms (item:us) rest
-            Nothing  -> find ms us        rest
+        let in_scope      = mkInScopeSet (tpl_tv_set `unionVarSet` tys_tv_set)
+            flattened_tys = flattenTys in_scope tys in
+              -- NB: important to flatten here. Otherwise, it looks like
+              -- instance C Int cannot match a target [W] C (F Bool).
+        case tcUnifyTysFG instanceBindFun tpl_tys flattened_tys of
+            SurelyApart -> find ms us        rest
+            _           -> find ms (item:us) rest
         tpl_tv_set = mkVarSet tpl_tvs
+        tys_tv_set = tyCoVarsOfTypes tys
 -- This is the common way to call this function.

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon(
         isPromotedDataCon, isPromotedDataCon_maybe,
         isKindTyCon, isLiftedTypeKindTyConName,
-        isTauTyCon, isFamFreeTyCon,
+        isTauTyCon, isFamFreeTyCon, isForgetfulSynTyCon,
         isDataTyCon, isProductTyCon, isDataProductTyCon_maybe,
@@ -820,10 +820,12 @@ data TyCon
         synIsTau     :: Bool,   -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not
                                  --          have any foralls, after expanding any
                                  --          nested synonyms
-        synIsFamFree  :: Bool    -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not mention
+        synIsFamFree  :: Bool,   -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not mention
                                  --          any type synonym families (data families
                                  --          are fine), again after expanding any
                                  --          nested synonyms
+        synIsForgetful :: Bool   -- True <=> at least one argument is not mentioned
+                                 --          in the RHS
   -- | Represents families (both type and data)
@@ -1782,20 +1784,21 @@ mkPrimTyCon' name binders res_kind roles is_unlifted rep_nm
 -- | Create a type synonym 'TyCon'
 mkSynonymTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Kind   -- ^ /result/ kind
-               -> [Role] -> Type -> Bool -> Bool -> TyCon
-mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free
+               -> [Role] -> Type -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> TyCon
+mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free is_forgetful
   = SynonymTyCon {
-        tyConName    = name,
-        tyConUnique  = nameUnique name,
-        tyConBinders = binders,
-        tyConResKind = res_kind,
-        tyConKind    = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
-        tyConArity   = length binders,
-        tyConTyVars  = binderVars binders,
-        tcRoles      = roles,
-        synTcRhs     = rhs,
-        synIsTau     = is_tau,
-        synIsFamFree = is_fam_free
+        tyConName      = name,
+        tyConUnique    = nameUnique name,
+        tyConBinders   = binders,
+        tyConResKind   = res_kind,
+        tyConKind      = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
+        tyConArity     = length binders,
+        tyConTyVars    = binderVars binders,
+        tcRoles        = roles,
+        synTcRhs       = rhs,
+        synIsTau       = is_tau,
+        synIsFamFree   = is_fam_free,
+        synIsForgetful = is_forgetful
 -- | Create a type family 'TyCon'
@@ -2056,6 +2059,11 @@ isFamFreeTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsFamFree = fam_free }) = fam_free
 isFamFreeTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav })         = isDataFamFlav flav
 isFamFreeTyCon _                                          = True
+-- | Is this a forgetful type synonym?
+isForgetfulSynTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+isForgetfulSynTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsForgetful = forget }) = forget
+isForgetfulSynTyCon _                                          = False
 -- As for newtypes, it is in some contexts important to distinguish between
 -- closed synonyms and synonym families, as synonym families have no unique
 -- right hand side to which a synonym family application can expand.

@@ -1967,13 +1967,14 @@ isCoVarType ty
 buildSynTyCon :: Name -> [KnotTied TyConBinder] -> Kind   -- ^ /result/ kind
               -> [Role] -> KnotTied Type -> TyCon
--- This function is here beucase here is where we have
+-- This function is here because here is where we have
 --   isFamFree and isTauTy
 buildSynTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs
-  = mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free
+  = mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free is_forgetful
-    is_tau      = isTauTy rhs
-    is_fam_free = isFamFreeTy rhs
+    is_tau       = isTauTy rhs
+    is_fam_free  = isFamFreeTy rhs
+    is_forgetful = any (not . (`elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType rhs) . binderVar) binders

@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ module GHC.Core.Unify (
         UnifyResult, UnifyResultM(..),
         -- Matching a type against a lifted type (coercion)
-        liftCoMatch
+        liftCoMatch,
+        -- The core flattening algorithm
+        flattenTys
    ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -31,21 +34,26 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
-import GHC.Types.Name( Name )
+import GHC.Types.Name( Name, mkSysTvName, mkSystemVarName )
 import GHC.Core.Type     hiding ( getTvSubstEnv )
 import GHC.Core.Coercion hiding ( getCvSubstEnv )
 import GHC.Core.TyCon
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs   ( tyCoVarsOfCoList, tyCoFVsOfTypes )
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst ( mkTvSubst )
+import GHC.Core.Map
 import GHC.Utils.FV( FV, fvVarSet, fvVarList )
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Data.Pair
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
 import GHC.Exts( oneShot )
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Applicative hiding ( empty )
 import qualified Control.Applicative
@@ -691,7 +699,7 @@ unifier It does /not/ work up to ~.
 The algorithm implemented here is rather delicate, and we depend on it
 to uphold certain properties. This is a summary of these required
 properties. Any reference to "flattening" refers to the flattening
-algorithm in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv), not
+algorithm in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (See Note [Flattening] in GHC.Core.Unify), not
 the flattening algorithm in the solver.
@@ -1600,3 +1608,292 @@ pushRefl co =
       -> Just (ForAllCo tv (mkNomReflCo (varType tv)) (mkReflCo r ty))
     -- NB: NoRefl variant. Otherwise, we get a loop!
     _ -> Nothing
+*                                                                      *
+              Flattening
+*                                                                      *
+Note [Flattening]
+As described in "Closed type families with overlapping equations"
+we need to flatten core types before unifying them, when checking for "surely-apart"
+against earlier equations of a closed type family.
+Flattening means replacing all top-level uses of type functions with
+fresh variables, *taking care to preserve sharing*. That is, the type
+(Either (F a b) (F a b)) should flatten to (Either c c), never (Either
+c d).
+Here is a nice example of why it's all necessary:
+  type family F a b where
+    F Int Bool = Char
+    F a   b    = Double
+  type family G a         -- open, no instances
+How do we reduce (F (G Float) (G Float))? The first equation clearly doesn't match,
+while the second equation does. But, before reducing, we must make sure that the
+target can never become (F Int Bool). Well, no matter what G Float becomes, it
+certainly won't become *both* Int and Bool, so indeed we're safe reducing
+(F (G Float) (G Float)) to Double.
+This is necessary not only to get more reductions (which we might be
+willing to give up on), but for substitutivity. If we have (F x x), we
+can see that (F x x) can reduce to Double. So, it had better be the
+case that (F blah blah) can reduce to Double, no matter what (blah)
+is!  Flattening as done below ensures this.
+The algorithm works by building up a TypeMap TyVar, mapping
+type family applications to fresh variables. This mapping must
+be threaded through all the function calls, as any entry in
+the mapping must be propagated to all future nodes in the tree.
+The algorithm also must track the set of in-scope variables, in
+order to make fresh variables as it flattens. (We are far from a
+source of fresh Uniques.) See Wrinkle 2, below.
+There are wrinkles, of course:
+1. The flattening algorithm must account for the possibility
+   of inner `forall`s. (A `forall` seen here can happen only
+   because of impredicativity. However, the flattening operation
+   is an algorithm in Core, which is impredicative.)
+   Suppose we have (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). Of course,
+   those two bs are entirely unrelated, and so we should certainly
+   not flatten the two calls F b to the same variable. Instead, they
+   must be treated separately. We thus carry a substitution that
+   freshens variables; we must apply this substitution (in
+   `coreFlattenTyFamApp`) before looking up an application in the environment.
+   Note that the range of the substitution contains only TyVars, never anything
+   else.
+   For the sake of efficiency, we only apply this substitution when absolutely
+   necessary. Namely:
+   * We do not perform the substitution at all if it is empty.
+   * We only need to worry about the arguments of a type family that are within
+     the arity of said type family, so we can get away with not applying the
+     substitution to any oversaturated type family arguments.
+   * Importantly, we do /not/ achieve this substitution by recursively
+     flattening the arguments, as this would be wrong. Consider `F (G a)`,
+     where F and G are type families. We might decide that `F (G a)` flattens
+     to `beta`. Later, the substitution is non-empty (but does not map `a`) and
+     so we flatten `G a` to `gamma` and try to flatten `F gamma`. Of course,
+     `F gamma` is unknown, and so we flatten it to `delta`, but it really
+     should have been `beta`! Argh!
+     Moral of the story: instead of flattening the arguments, just substitute
+     them directly.
+2. There are two different reasons we might add a variable
+   to the in-scope set as we work:
+     A. We have just invented a new flattening variable.
+     B. We have entered a `forall`.
+   Annoying here is that in-scope variable source (A) must be
+   threaded through the calls. For example, consider (F b -> forall c. F c).
+   Suppose that, when flattening F b, we invent a fresh variable c.
+   Now, when we encounter (forall c. F c), we need to know c is already in
+   scope so that we locally rename c to c'. However, if we don't thread through
+   the in-scope set from one argument of (->) to the other, we won't know this
+   and might get very confused.
+   In contrast, source (B) increases only as we go deeper, as in-scope sets
+   normally do. However, even here we must be careful. The TypeMap TyVar that
+   contains mappings from type family applications to freshened variables will
+   be threaded through both sides of (forall b. F b) -> (forall b. F b). We
+   thus must make sure that the two `b`s don't get renamed to the same b1. (If
+   they did, then looking up `F b1` would yield the same flatten var for
+   each.) So, even though `forall`-bound variables should really be in the
+   in-scope set only when they are in scope, we retain these variables even
+   outside of their scope. This ensures that, if we encounter a fresh
+   `forall`-bound b, we will rename it to b2, not b1. Note that keeping a
+   larger in-scope set than strictly necessary is always OK, as in-scope sets
+   are only ever used to avoid collisions.
+   Sadly, the freshening substitution described in (1) really mustn't bind
+   variables outside of their scope: note that its domain is the *unrenamed*
+   variables. This means that the substitution gets "pushed down" (like a
+   reader monad) while the in-scope set gets threaded (like a state monad).
+   Because a TCvSubst contains its own in-scope set, we don't carry a TCvSubst;
+   instead, we just carry a TvSubstEnv down, tying it to the InScopeSet
+   traveling separately as necessary.
+3. Consider `F ty_1 ... ty_n`, where F is a type family with arity k:
+     type family F ty_1 ... ty_k :: res_k
+   It's tempting to just flatten `F ty_1 ... ty_n` to `alpha`, where alpha is a
+   flattening skolem. But we must instead flatten it to
+   `alpha ty_(k+1) ... ty_n`—that is, by only flattening up to the arity of the
+   type family.
+   Why is this better? Consider the following concrete example from #16995:
+     type family Param :: Type -> Type
+     type family LookupParam (a :: Type) :: Type where
+       LookupParam (f Char) = Bool
+       LookupParam x        = Int
+     foo :: LookupParam (Param ())
+     foo = 42
+   In order for `foo` to typecheck, `LookupParam (Param ())` must reduce to
+   `Int`. But if we flatten `Param ()` to `alpha`, then GHC can't be sure if
+   `alpha` is apart from `f Char`, so it won't fall through to the second
+   equation. But since the `Param` type family has arity 0, we can instead
+   flatten `Param ()` to `alpha ()`, about which GHC knows with confidence is
+   apart from `f Char`, permitting the second equation to be reached.
+   Not only does this allow more programs to be accepted, it's also important
+   for correctness. Not doing this was the root cause of the Core Lint error
+   in #16995.
+flattenTys is defined here because of module dependencies.
+data FlattenEnv
+  = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map :: TypeMap TyVar
+                 -- domain: exactly-saturated type family applications
+                 -- range: fresh variables
+               , fe_in_scope :: InScopeSet }
+                 -- See Note [Flattening]
+emptyFlattenEnv :: InScopeSet -> FlattenEnv
+emptyFlattenEnv in_scope
+  = FlattenEnv { fe_type_map = emptyTypeMap
+               , fe_in_scope = in_scope }
+updateInScopeSet :: FlattenEnv -> (InScopeSet -> InScopeSet) -> FlattenEnv
+updateInScopeSet env upd = env { fe_in_scope = upd (fe_in_scope env) }
+flattenTys :: InScopeSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
+-- See Note [Flattening]
+-- NB: the returned types may mention fresh type variables,
+--     arising from the flattening.  We don't return the
+--     mapping from those fresh vars to the ty-fam
+--     applications they stand for (we could, but no need)
+flattenTys in_scope tys
+  = snd $ coreFlattenTys emptyTvSubstEnv (emptyFlattenEnv in_scope) tys
+coreFlattenTys :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+               -> [Type] -> (FlattenEnv, [Type])
+coreFlattenTys subst = mapAccumL (coreFlattenTy subst)
+coreFlattenTy :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+              -> Type -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
+coreFlattenTy subst = go
+  where
+    go env ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = go env ty'
+    go env (TyVarTy tv)
+      | Just ty <- lookupVarEnv subst tv = (env, ty)
+      | otherwise                        = let (env', ki) = go env (tyVarKind tv) in
+                                           (env', mkTyVarTy $ setTyVarKind tv ki)
+    go env (AppTy ty1 ty2) = let (env1, ty1') = go env  ty1
+                                 (env2, ty2') = go env1 ty2 in
+                             (env2, AppTy ty1' ty2')
+    go env (TyConApp tc tys)
+         -- NB: Don't just check if isFamilyTyCon: this catches *data* families,
+         -- which are generative and thus can be preserved during flattening
+      | not (isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal)
+      = coreFlattenTyFamApp subst env tc tys
+      | otherwise
+      = let (env', tys') = coreFlattenTys subst env tys in
+        (env', mkTyConApp tc tys')
+    go env ty@(FunTy { ft_mult = mult, ft_arg = ty1, ft_res = ty2 })
+      = let (env1, ty1') = go env  ty1
+            (env2, ty2') = go env1 ty2
+            (env3, mult') = go env2 mult in
+        (env3, ty { ft_mult = mult', ft_arg = ty1', ft_res = ty2' })
+    go env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) ty)
+      = let (env1, subst', tv') = coreFlattenVarBndr subst env tv
+            (env2, ty') = coreFlattenTy subst' env1 ty in
+        (env2, ForAllTy (Bndr tv' vis) ty')
+    go env ty@(LitTy {}) = (env, ty)
+    go env (CastTy ty co)
+      = let (env1, ty') = go env ty
+            (env2, co') = coreFlattenCo subst env1 co in
+        (env2, CastTy ty' co')
+    go env (CoercionTy co)
+      = let (env', co') = coreFlattenCo subst env co in
+        (env', CoercionTy co')
+-- when flattening, we don't care about the contents of coercions.
+-- so, just return a fresh variable of the right (flattened) type
+coreFlattenCo :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+              -> Coercion -> (FlattenEnv, Coercion)
+coreFlattenCo subst env co
+  = (env2, mkCoVarCo covar)
+  where
+    (env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env (coercionType co)
+    covar         = mkFlattenFreshCoVar (fe_in_scope env1) kind'
+    -- Add the covar to the FlattenEnv's in-scope set.
+    -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2A.
+    env2          = updateInScopeSet env1 (flip extendInScopeSet covar)
+coreFlattenVarBndr :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+                   -> TyCoVar -> (FlattenEnv, TvSubstEnv, TyVar)
+coreFlattenVarBndr subst env tv
+  = (env2, subst', tv')
+  where
+    -- See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 2B.
+    kind          = varType tv
+    (env1, kind') = coreFlattenTy subst env kind
+    tv'           = uniqAway (fe_in_scope env1) (setVarType tv kind')
+    subst'        = extendVarEnv subst tv (mkTyVarTy tv')
+    env2          = updateInScopeSet env1 (flip extendInScopeSet tv')
+coreFlattenTyFamApp :: TvSubstEnv -> FlattenEnv
+                    -> TyCon         -- type family tycon
+                    -> [Type]        -- args, already flattened
+                    -> (FlattenEnv, Type)
+coreFlattenTyFamApp tv_subst env fam_tc fam_args
+  = case lookupTypeMap type_map fam_ty of
+      Just tv -> (env', mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args')
+      Nothing -> let tyvar_name = mkFlattenFreshTyName fam_tc
+                     tv         = uniqAway in_scope $
+                                  mkTyVar tyvar_name (typeKind fam_ty)
+                     ty'   = mkAppTys (mkTyVarTy tv) leftover_args'
+                     env'' = env' { fe_type_map = extendTypeMap type_map fam_ty tv
+                                  , fe_in_scope = extendInScopeSet in_scope tv }
+                 in (env'', ty')
+  where
+    arity = tyConArity fam_tc
+    tcv_subst = TCvSubst (fe_in_scope env) tv_subst emptyVarEnv
+    (sat_fam_args, leftover_args) = ASSERT( arity <= length fam_args )
+                                    splitAt arity fam_args
+    -- Apply the substitution before looking up an application in the
+    -- environment. See Note [Flattening], wrinkle 1.
+    -- NB: substTys short-cuts the common case when the substitution is empty.
+    sat_fam_args' = substTys tcv_subst sat_fam_args
+    (env', leftover_args') = coreFlattenTys tv_subst env leftover_args
+    -- `fam_tc` may be over-applied to `fam_args` (see Note [Flattening],
+    -- wrinkle 3), so we split it into the arguments needed to saturate it
+    -- (sat_fam_args') and the rest (leftover_args')
+    fam_ty = mkTyConApp fam_tc sat_fam_args'
+    FlattenEnv { fe_type_map = type_map
+               , fe_in_scope = in_scope } = env'
+mkFlattenFreshTyName :: Uniquable a => a -> Name
+mkFlattenFreshTyName unq
+  = mkSysTvName (getUnique unq) (fsLit "flt")
+mkFlattenFreshCoVar :: InScopeSet -> Kind -> CoVar
+mkFlattenFreshCoVar in_scope kind
+  = let uniq = unsafeGetFreshLocalUnique in_scope
+        name = mkSystemVarName uniq (fsLit "flc")
+    in mkCoVar name kind

@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Core.Coercion
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr  ( pprTyVars, pprWithExplicitKindsWhen, pprSourceTyCon, pprWithTYPE )
-import GHC.Core.Unify     ( tcMatchTys )
+import GHC.Core.Unify     ( tcMatchTys, flattenTys )
 import GHC.Unit.Module
 import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
-import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( flattenTys )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
 import GHC.Core.InstEnv
 import GHC.Core.TyCon

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
 import GHC.Core.Predicate
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify( swapOverTyVars, metaTyVarUpdateOK, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..) )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten
@@ -2155,6 +2155,16 @@ canEqCanLHS2 ev eq_rel swapped lhs1 ps_xi1 lhs2 ps_xi2 mco
        ; canEqTyVarFunEq new_ev eq_rel IsSwapped tv2 ps_xi2
                                                  fun_tc1 fun_args1 ps_xi1 sym_mco }
+  | NomEq <- eq_rel
+  , TyFamLHS fun_tc1 fun_args1 <- lhs1
+  , TyFamLHS fun_tc2 fun_args2 <- lhs2
+  , fun_tc1 == fun_tc2
+  , Injective inj <- tyConInjectivityInfo fun_tc1
+  = do { traceTcS "CanEqCanLHS2 injective type family" (ppr lhs1 $$ ppr lhs2)
+       ; sequence_ [ unifyDerived (ctEvLoc ev) Nominal (Pair arg1 arg2)
+                   | (arg1, arg2, True) <- zip3 fun_args1 fun_args2 inj ]
+       ; canEqCanLHSFinish ev eq_rel swapped lhs1 (ps_xi2 `mkCastTyMCo` mco) }
   -- that's all the special cases. Now we just figure out which non-special case
   -- to continue to.
   | otherwise
@@ -2213,11 +2223,11 @@ canEqCanLHSFinish ev eq_rel swapped lhs rhs
      -- #12593
      -- guarantees (TyEq:OC), (TyEq:F), and (TyEq:H)
        ; case canEqOK dflags eq_rel lhs rhs of
-           CanEqOK rhs' ->
-             do { traceTcS "canEqOK" (ppr lhs $$ ppr rhs')
-                ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped lhs_ty rhs' rewrite_co1 rewrite_co2
+           CanEqOK ->
+             do { traceTcS "canEqOK" (ppr lhs $$ ppr rhs)
+                ; new_ev <- rewriteEqEvidence ev swapped lhs_ty rhs rewrite_co1 rewrite_co2
                 ; continueWith (CEqCan { cc_ev = new_ev, cc_lhs = lhs
-                                       , cc_rhs = rhs', cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }) }
+                                       , cc_rhs = rhs, cc_eq_rel = eq_rel }) }
        -- it is possible that cc_rhs mentions the LHS if the LHS is a type
        -- family. This will cause later flattening to potentially loop, but
        -- that will be caught by the depth counter. The other option is an
@@ -2269,11 +2279,11 @@ rewriteCastedEquality ev eq_rel swapped lhs rhs mco
 -- | Result of checking whether a RHS is suitable for pairing
 -- with a CanEqLHS in a CEqCan.
 data CanEqOK
-  = CanEqOK Xi     -- use this RHS; it may have been occCheckExpand'ed
+  = CanEqOK                   -- RHS is good
   | CanEqNotOK CtIrredStatus  -- don't proceed; explains why
 instance Outputable CanEqOK where
-  ppr (CanEqOK rhs)       = text "CanEqOK" <+> ppr rhs
+  ppr CanEqOK             = text "CanEqOK"
   ppr (CanEqNotOK status) = text "CanEqNotOK" <+> ppr status
 -- | This function establishes most of the invariants needed to make
@@ -2287,11 +2297,9 @@ instance Outputable CanEqOK where
 --   TyEq:H:  Checked here.
 canEqOK :: DynFlags -> EqRel -> CanEqLHS -> Xi -> CanEqOK
 canEqOK dflags eq_rel lhs rhs
-  | TyVarLHS tv <- lhs
-  = ASSERT( good_rhs )  -- I want to put this in the pattern guard, but
-                        -- that confuses the pattern-match completeness checker
-    case metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags True {- type families are OK here -} tv rhs of
-      MTVU_OK rhs'     -> CanEqOK rhs'
+  = ASSERT( good_rhs )
+    case checkTypeEq dflags True {- type families are OK here -} lhs rhs of
+      MTVU_OK ()       -> CanEqOK
       MTVU_Bad         -> CanEqNotOK OtherCIS
                  -- Violation of TyEq:F
@@ -2303,11 +2311,15 @@ canEqOK dflags eq_rel lhs rhs
                  -- These are both a violation of TyEq:OC, but we
                  -- want to differentiate for better production of
                  -- error messages
-      MTVU_Occurs | isInsolubleOccursCheck eq_rel tv rhs -> CanEqNotOK InsolubleCIS
+      MTVU_Occurs | TyVarLHS tv <- lhs
+                  , isInsolubleOccursCheck eq_rel tv rhs -> CanEqNotOK InsolubleCIS
                  -- If we have a ~ [a], it is not canonical, and in particular
                  -- we don't want to rewrite existing inerts with it, otherwise
                  -- we'd risk divergence in the constraint solver
+                 -- NB: no occCheckExpand here; see Note [Flattening synonyms]
+                 -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten
                   | otherwise                            -> CanEqNotOK OtherCIS
                  -- A representational equality with an occurs-check problem isn't
                  -- insoluble! For example:
@@ -2316,15 +2328,8 @@ canEqOK dflags eq_rel lhs rhs
                  -- But, the occurs-check certainly prevents the equality from being
                  -- canonical, and we might loop if we were to use it in rewriting.
-  -- ToDo: These checks are very close to what's done in metaTyVarUpdateOK; combine?
-  | TyFamLHS _fam_tc _fam_args <- lhs
-  = ASSERT2( good_rhs, ppr lhs <+> dcolon <+> ppr lhs_kind $$
-                       ppr rhs <+> dcolon <+> ppr rhs_kind $$
-                       ppr eq_rel )
-    if | not (isTauTy rhs)   -> CanEqNotOK OtherCIS   -- TyEq:F
-       | badCoercionHole rhs -> CanEqNotOK BlockedCIS -- TyEq:H
-       | otherwise           -> CanEqOK rhs
-         -- NB: TyEq:OC does not apply
+                 -- This case also include type family occurs-check errors, which
+                 -- are not generally insoluble
     good_rhs       = kinds_match && not bad_newtype

@@ -1123,16 +1123,12 @@ flatten_one (TyVarTy tv)
 flatten_one (AppTy ty1 ty2)
   = flatten_app_tys ty1 [ty2]
-flatten_one (TyConApp tc tys)
+flatten_one ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
   -- Expand type synonyms that mention type families
   -- on the RHS; see Note [Flattening synonyms]
-  | Just (tenv, rhs, tys') <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
-  , let expanded_ty = mkAppTys (substTy (mkTvSubstPrs tenv) rhs) tys'
-  = do { mode <- getMode
-       ; case mode of
-           FM_FlattenAll | not (isFamFreeTyCon tc)
-                         -> flatten_one expanded_ty
-           _             -> flatten_ty_con_app tc tys }
+  | isForgetfulSynTyCon tc
+  , Just expanded_ty <- tcView ty  -- should always succeed
+  = flatten_one expanded_ty
   -- Otherwise, it's a type function application, and we have to
   -- flatten it away as well, and generate a new given equality constraint
@@ -1301,17 +1297,17 @@ Not expanding synonyms aggressively improves error messages, and
 keeps types smaller. But we need to take care.
-   type T a = a -> a
-and we want to flatten the type (T (F a)).  Then we can safely flatten
-the (F a) to a skolem, and return (T fsk).  We don't need to expand the
-synonym.  This works because TcTyConAppCo can deal with synonyms
-(unlike TyConAppCo), see Note [TcCoercions] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence.
+   type Syn a = Int
+   type instance F Bool = Syn (F Bool)
-But (#8979) for
-   type T a = (F a, a)    where F is a type function
-we must expand the synonym in (say) T Int, to expose the type function
-to the flattener.
+If we don't expand the synonym, we'll fall into an unnecessary loop.
+In addition, expanding the forgetful synonym like this
+will generally yield a *smaller* type. We thus expand forgetful
+synonyms, but not others.
+One nice consequence is that we never have to occCheckExpand flattened
+types, as any forgetful synonyms are already expanded.
 Note [Flattening under a forall]
@@ -1387,20 +1383,21 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
                 -- Now, look in the cache
                ; mb_ct <- liftTcS $ lookupFlatCache tc xis
                ; case mb_ct of
-                   Just (co, rhs_ty, inert_fr)  -- co :: F xis ~ fsk
+                   Just (co, rhs_ty, inert_fr@(_, inert_eq_rel))  -- co :: F xis ~ fsk
                         -- See Note [Type family equations] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
                      | inert_fr `eqCanRewriteFR` cur_fr
                      ->  -- Usable hit in the flat-cache
                         do { traceFlat "flatten/flat-cache hit" $
                                (ppr tc <+> ppr xis $$ ppr rhs_ty)
-                           ; (fsk_xi, fsk_co) <- flatten_one rhs_ty
-                                  -- The fsk may already have been unified, so
+                           ; (rhs_xi, rhs_co) <- flatten_one rhs_ty
+                                  -- There may be more work to do on the rhs:
                                   -- flatten it
-                                  -- fsk_co :: fsk_xi ~ fsk
-                           ; let xi  = fsk_xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
-                                 co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role fsk_xi kind_co fsk_co
+                                  -- rhs_co :: rhs_xi ~ rhs_ty
+                           ; let xi  = rhs_xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
+                                 co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role rhs_xi kind_co rhs_co
-                                       maybeTcSubCo eq_rel (mkSymCo co)
+                                       tcDowngradeRole role (eqRelRole inert_eq_rel)
+                                                            (mkTcSymCo co)
                                        `mkTransCo` ret_co
                            ; return (xi, co')

@@ -407,11 +407,6 @@ data InertSet
               --       flav is [G]
               -- Just a hash-cons cache for use when flattening only
-              -- These include entirely un-processed goals, so don't use
-              -- them to solve a top-level goal, else you may end up solving
-              -- (w:F ty ~ a) by setting w:=w!  We just use the flat-cache
-              -- when allocating a new flatten-skolem.
-              -- Not necessarily inert wrt top-level equations (or inert_cans)
               -- Only nominal, Given equalities end up in here (along with
               -- top-level instances)
@@ -683,11 +678,11 @@ Result
 data InertCans   -- See Note [Detailed InertCans Invariants] for more
   = IC { inert_eqs :: InertEqs
               -- See Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities]
-              -- All CEqCans; index is the LHS tyvar
+              -- All CEqCans with a TyVarLHS; index is the LHS tyvar
               -- Domain = skolems and untouchables; a touchable would be unified
        , inert_funeqs :: FunEqMap EqualCtList
-              -- All CEqCans; index is the whole family head type.
+              -- All CEqCans with a TyFamLHS; index is the whole family head type.
               -- LHS is fully rewritten (modulo eqCanRewrite constraints)
               --     wrt inert_eqs
               -- Can include all flavours, [G], [W], [WD], [D]
@@ -3242,7 +3237,7 @@ newFlattenSkolem flav loc tc xis
       = do { fmv <- wrapTcS (TcM.newFmvTyVar fam_ty)
               -- See (2a) in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical"
               -- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
-           ; (ev, hole_co) <- newWantedEq_SI NoBlockSubst WDeriv loc Nominal
+           ; (ev, hole_co) <- newWantedEq_SI tcNoBlockSubst WDeriv loc Nominal
                                              fam_ty (mkTyVarTy fmv)
            ; return (ev, hole_co, fmv) }

@@ -152,7 +152,10 @@ data Ct
   | CEqCan {  -- tv ~ rhs
        -- Invariants:
        --   * See Note [inert_eqs: the inert equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
-       --   * (TyEq:OC) if LHS is a variable tv, then tv not in deep tvs(rhs) (occurs check)
+       --   * Many are checked in checkTypeEq in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
+       --   * (TyEq:OC) lhs does not occur in rhs (occurs check)
+       --       (skips coercions if the lhs is a type family application, because
+       --        we don't rewrite type families in coercions)
        --   * (TyEq:F) rhs has no foralls
        --       (this avoids substituting a forall for the tyvar in other types)
        --   * (TyEq:K) tcTypeKind lhs `tcEqKind` tcTypeKind rhs; Note [Ct kind invariant]

@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ mkTcForAllCo           :: TyVar -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
 mkTcForAllCos          :: [(TyVar, TcCoercionN)] -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
 mkTcNthCo              :: Role -> Int -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
 mkTcLRCo               :: LeftOrRight -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
-mkTcSubCo              :: TcCoercionN -> TcCoercionR
+mkTcSubCo              :: HasDebugCallStack => TcCoercionN -> TcCoercionR
 tcDowngradeRole        :: Role -> Role -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
 mkTcAxiomRuleCo        :: CoAxiomRule -> [TcCoercion] -> TcCoercionR
 mkTcGReflRightCo       :: Role -> TcType -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ isTcReflexiveCo        = isReflexiveCo
 -- | If the EqRel is ReprEq, makes a SubCo; otherwise, does nothing.
 -- Note that the input coercion should always be nominal.
-maybeTcSubCo :: EqRel -> TcCoercion -> TcCoercion
+maybeTcSubCo :: HasDebugCallStack => EqRel -> TcCoercionN -> TcCoercion
 maybeTcSubCo NomEq  = id
 maybeTcSubCo ReprEq = mkTcSubCo

@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
   matchActualFunTySigma, matchActualFunTysRho,
-  metaTyVarUpdateOK, occCheckForErrors, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..)
+  metaTyVarUpdateOK, occCheckForErrors, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..),
+  checkTypeEq
   ) where
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Exts      ( inline )
 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Arrow ( second )
@@ -1953,7 +1955,7 @@ occCheckForErrors :: DynFlags -> TcTyVar -> Type -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
 --   a) the given variable occurs in the given type.
 --   b) there is a forall in the type (unless we have -XImpredicativeTypes)
 occCheckForErrors dflags tv ty
-  = case mtvu_check dflags True tv ty of
+  = case checkTyVarEq dflags True tv ty of
       MTVU_OK _        -> MTVU_OK ()
       MTVU_Bad         -> MTVU_Bad
       MTVU_HoleBlocker -> MTVU_HoleBlocker
@@ -1999,7 +2001,7 @@ metaTyVarUpdateOK :: DynFlags
 -- See Note [Refactoring hazard: metaTyVarUpdateOK]
 metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
-  = case mtvu_check dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty of
+  = case checkTyVarEq dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty of
       MTVU_OK _        -> MTVU_OK ty
       MTVU_Bad         -> MTVU_Bad          -- forall, predicate, type function
       MTVU_HoleBlocker -> MTVU_HoleBlocker  -- coercion hole
@@ -2007,20 +2009,31 @@ metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
                             Just expanded_ty -> MTVU_OK expanded_ty
                             Nothing          -> MTVU_Occurs
-mtvu_check :: DynFlags -> Bool -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
+checkTyVarEq :: DynFlags -> Bool -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
+checkTyVarEq dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
+  = inline checkTypeEq dflags ty_fam_ok (TyVarLHS tv) ty
+    -- inline checkTypeEq so that the `case`s over the CanEqLHS get blasted away
+checkTypeEq :: DynFlags -> Bool -> CanEqLHS -> TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
 -- Checks the invariants for CEqCan.   In particular:
 --   (a) a forall type (forall a. blah)
 --   (b) a predicate type (c => ty)
 --   (c) a type family; see Note [Prevent unification with type families]
 --   (d) a blocking coercion hole
---   (e) an occurrence of the type variable (occurs check)
+--   (e) an occurrence of the LHS (occurs check)
 -- For (a), (b), and (c) we check only the top level of the type, NOT
 -- inside the kinds of variables it mentions.  For (d) we look deeply
--- in coercions, and for (e) we do look in the kinds of course.
+-- in coercions when the LHS is a tyvar (but skip coercions for type family
+-- LHSs), and for (e) we do look in the kinds of course.
+-- Why skip coercions for type families? Because we don't rewrite type family
+-- applications in coercions, so there's no point in looking there. On the
+-- other hand, we must check for type variables, lest we mutably create an
+-- infinite structure during unification.
-mtvu_check dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
-  = fast_check ty
+checkTypeEq dflags ty_fam_ok lhs ty
+  = go ty
     ok :: MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
     ok = MTVU_OK ()
@@ -2029,53 +2042,75 @@ mtvu_check dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
     -- unification variables that can unify with a polytype
     -- or a TyCon that would usually be disallowed by bad_tc
     -- See Note [RuntimeUnkTv] in GHC.Runtime.Heap.Inspect
-    ghci_tv = case tcTyVarDetails tv of
-                MetaTv { mtv_info = RuntimeUnkTv } -> True
-                _                                  -> False
-    fast_check :: TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
-    fast_check (TyVarTy tv')
-      | tv == tv' = MTVU_Occurs
-      | otherwise = fast_check_occ (tyVarKind tv')
-           -- See Note [Occurrence checking: look inside kinds]
-           -- in GHC.Core.Type
-    fast_check (TyConApp tc tys)
-      | bad_tc tc, not ghci_tv = MTVU_Bad
-      | otherwise              = mapM fast_check tys >> ok
-    fast_check (LitTy {})      = ok
-    fast_check (FunTy{ft_af = af, ft_mult = w, ft_arg = a, ft_res = r})
+    ghci_tv
+      | TyVarLHS tv <- lhs
+      , MetaTv { mtv_info = RuntimeUnkTv } <- tcTyVarDetails tv
+      = True
+      | otherwise
+      = False
+    go :: TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
+    go (TyVarTy tv')           = go_tv tv'
+    go (TyConApp tc tys)       = go_tc tc tys
+    go (LitTy {})              = ok
+    go (FunTy{ft_af = af, ft_mult = w, ft_arg = a, ft_res = r})
       | InvisArg <- af
       , not ghci_tv            = MTVU_Bad
-      | otherwise              = fast_check w   >> fast_check a >> fast_check r
-    fast_check (AppTy fun arg) = fast_check fun >> fast_check arg
-    fast_check (CastTy ty co)  = fast_check ty  >> fast_check_co co
-    fast_check (CoercionTy co) = fast_check_co co
-    fast_check (ForAllTy (Bndr tv' _) ty)
+      | otherwise              = go w   >> go a >> go r
+    go (AppTy fun arg) = go fun >> go arg
+    go (CastTy ty co)  = go ty  >> go_co co
+    go (CoercionTy co) = go_co co
+    go (ForAllTy (Bndr tv' _) ty)
        | not ghci_tv = MTVU_Bad
-       | tv == tv'   = ok
-       | otherwise = do { fast_check_occ (tyVarKind tv')
-                        ; fast_check_occ ty }
-       -- Under a forall we look only for occurrences of
-       -- the type variable
+       | otherwise   = case lhs of
+           TyVarLHS tv | tv == tv' -> ok
+                       | otherwise -> do { go_occ tv (tyVarKind tv')
+                                         ; go ty }
+           _                       -> go ty
+    go_tv :: TcTyVar -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
+      -- this slightly peculiar way of defining this means
+      -- we don't have to evaluate this `case` at every variable
+      -- occurrence
+    go_tv = case lhs of
+      TyVarLHS tv -> \ tv' -> if tv == tv'
+                              then MTVU_Occurs
+                              else go_occ tv (tyVarKind tv')
+      TyFamLHS {} -> \ _tv' -> ok
+           -- See Note [Occurrence checking: look inside kinds] in GHC.Core.Type
      -- For kinds, we only do an occurs check; we do not worry
      -- about type families or foralls
      -- See Note [Checking for foralls]
-    fast_check_occ k | tv `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType k = MTVU_Occurs
-                     | otherwise                        = ok
+    go_occ tv k | tv `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType k = MTVU_Occurs
+                | otherwise                        = ok
+    go_tc :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
+      -- this slightly peculiar way of defining this means
+      -- we don't have to evaluate this `case` at every tyconapp
+    go_tc = case lhs of
+      TyVarLHS {} -> \ tc tys -> if good_tc tc
+                                 then mapM go tys >> ok
+                                 else MTVU_Bad
+      TyFamLHS fam_tc fam_args -> \ tc tys ->
+        if | tcEqTyConApps fam_tc fam_args tc tys -> MTVU_Occurs
+           | good_tc tc                           -> mapM go tys >> ok
+           | otherwise                            -> MTVU_Bad
      -- no bother about impredicativity in coercions, as they're
      -- inferred
-    fast_check_co co | not (gopt Opt_DeferTypeErrors dflags)
-                     , badCoercionHoleCo co            = MTVU_HoleBlocker
+    go_co co | not (gopt Opt_DeferTypeErrors dflags)
+             , badCoercionHoleCo co            = MTVU_HoleBlocker
         -- Wrinkle (4b) in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical" Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
-                     | tv `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co = MTVU_Occurs
-                     | otherwise                       = ok
+             | TyVarLHS tv <- lhs
+             , tv `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co = MTVU_Occurs
+        -- Don't check coercions for type families; see commentary at top of function
+             | otherwise                       = ok
-    bad_tc :: TyCon -> Bool
-    bad_tc tc
-      | not (isTauTyCon tc)                  = True
-      | not (ty_fam_ok || isFamFreeTyCon tc) = True
-      | otherwise                            = False
+    good_tc :: TyCon -> Bool
+    good_tc
+      | ghci_tv   = \ _tc -> True
+      | otherwise = \ tc  -> isTauTyCon tc &&
+                             (ty_fam_ok || isFamFreeTyCon tc)

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ TYPE SIGNATURES
   insert :: forall c. Coll c => Elem c -> c -> c
   test2 ::
     forall {c} {a} {b}.
-    (Coll c, Num a, Num b, Elem c ~ (a, b)) =>
+    (Elem c ~ (a, b), Coll c, Num a, Num b) =>
     c -> c
   class Coll{1} :: * -> Constraint
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ CLASS INSTANCES
   type instance Elem (ListColl a) = a -- Defined at T3017.hs:13:9
 Dependent modules: []
-Dependent packages: [base-, ghc-bignum-1.0, ghc-prim-0.7.0]
+Dependent packages: [base-, ghc-bignum-1.0, ghc-prim-0.7.0]

@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
 T14369.hs:29:5: error:
-    • Couldn't match type: Demote a
-                     with: Demote a1
+    • Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘a1’
       Expected: Sing x -> Maybe (Demote a1)
         Actual: Sing x -> Demote (Maybe a)
+      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+        the type signature for:
+          f :: forall {a} (x :: forall a1. Maybe a1) a1.
+               SingKind a1 =>
+               Sing x -> Maybe (Demote a1)
+        at T14369.hs:28:1-80
+      ‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+        the type signature for:
+          f :: forall {a} (x :: forall a1. Maybe a1) a1.
+               SingKind a1 =>
+               Sing x -> Maybe (Demote a1)
+        at T14369.hs:28:1-80
     • In the expression: fromSing
       In an equation for ‘f’: f = fromSing
     • Relevant bindings include

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-T2544.hs:19:18: error:
-    • Couldn't match type: IxMap i0
-                     with: IxMap l
-      Expected: IxMap l [Int]
-        Actual: IxMap i0 [Int]
+T2544.hs:19:12: error:
+    • Couldn't match type: IxMap i1
+                     with: IxMap r
+      Expected: IxMap (l :|: r) [Int]
+        Actual: BiApp (IxMap i0) (IxMap i1) [Int]
       NB: ‘IxMap’ is a non-injective type family
-      The type variable ‘i0’ is ambiguous
-    • In the first argument of ‘BiApp’, namely ‘empty’
-      In the expression: BiApp empty empty
+      The type variable ‘i1’ is ambiguous
+    • In the expression: BiApp empty empty
       In an equation for ‘empty’: empty = BiApp empty empty
+      In the instance declaration for ‘Ix (l :|: r)’
     • Relevant bindings include
         empty :: IxMap (l :|: r) [Int] (bound at T2544.hs:19:4)

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 T2627b.hs:20:24: error:
-    • Could not deduce: Dual (Dual b0) ~ b0
+    • Could not deduce: a0 ~ Dual (Dual a0)
         arising from a use of ‘conn’
       from the context: (Dual a ~ b, Dual b ~ a)
         bound by the type signature for:
@@ -13,7 +13,12 @@ T2627b.hs:20:24: error:
                    Rd :: forall c d. (c -> Comm d) -> Comm (R c d),
                  in an equation for ‘conn’
         at T2627b.hs:20:7-10
-      The type variable ‘b0’ is ambiguous
+      or from: b ~ W e f
+        bound by a pattern with constructor:
+                   Wr :: forall e f. e -> Comm f -> Comm (W e f),
+                 in an equation for ‘conn’
+        at T2627b.hs:20:14-19
+      The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
     • In the expression: conn undefined undefined
       In an equation for ‘conn’:
           conn (Rd k) (Wr a r) = conn undefined undefined

@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ T3330c.hs:25:43: error:
     • Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘* -> *’
       When matching types
         f1 :: * -> *
-        f1 x :: *
-      Expected: Der ((->) x) (f1 x)
+        Der f1 x :: *
+      Expected: Der ((->) x) (Der f1 x)
         Actual: R f1
     • In the first argument of ‘plug’, namely ‘rf’
       In the first argument of ‘Inl’, namely ‘(plug rf df x)’
       In the expression: Inl (plug rf df x)
     • Relevant bindings include
         x :: x (bound at T3330c.hs:25:29)
-        df :: f1 x (bound at T3330c.hs:25:25)
+        df :: Der f1 x (bound at T3330c.hs:25:25)
         rf :: R f1 (bound at T3330c.hs:25:13)
         plug' :: R f -> Der f x -> x -> f x (bound at T3330c.hs:25:1)

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 T4174.hs:44:12: error:
-    • Couldn't match type ‘b’ with ‘RtsSpinLock’
+    • Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘SmStep’
       Expected: m (Field (Way (GHC6'8 minor) n t p) a b)
         Actual: m (Field (WayOf m) SmStep RtsSpinLock)
-      ‘b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+      ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
         the type signature for:
           testcase :: forall (m :: * -> *) minor n t p a b.
                       Monad m =>

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 T4179.hs:26:16: error:
-    • Couldn't match type: A2 (x (A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x)))
-                     with: A2 (FCon x)
+    • Couldn't match type: A3 (FCon x)
+                     with: A3 (x (A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x)))
       Expected: x (A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x))
                 -> A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x)
         Actual: x (A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x))
                 -> A2 (x (A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x)))
                 -> A3 (x (A2 (FCon x) -> A3 (FCon x)))
-      NB: ‘A2’ is a non-injective type family
+      NB: ‘A3’ is a non-injective type family
     • In the first argument of ‘foldDoC’, namely ‘op’
       In the expression: foldDoC op
       In an equation for ‘fCon’: fCon = foldDoC op

@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-T4272.hs:15:26: error:
-    • Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘TermFamily a a’
-      Expected: TermFamily a (TermFamily a a)
-        Actual: TermFamily a a
+T4272.hs:15:19: error:
+    • Couldn't match expected type ‘TermFamily a a’
+                  with actual type ‘a’
       ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
         the type signature for:
           laws :: forall a b. TermLike a => TermFamily a a -> b
         at T4272.hs:14:1-53
-    • In the first argument of ‘terms’, namely
-        ‘(undefined :: TermFamily a a)’
-      In the second argument of ‘prune’, namely
+    • In the second argument of ‘prune’, namely
         ‘(terms (undefined :: TermFamily a a))’
       In the expression: prune t (terms (undefined :: TermFamily a a))
+      In an equation for ‘laws’:
+          laws t = prune t (terms (undefined :: TermFamily a a))
     • Relevant bindings include
         t :: TermFamily a a (bound at T4272.hs:15:6)
         laws :: TermFamily a a -> b (bound at T4272.hs:15:1)

@@ -30,3 +30,28 @@ T5439.hs:82:39: error:
         ‘inj $ Failure (e :: SomeException)’
       In a stmt of a 'do' block:
         c <- complete ev $ inj $ Failure (e :: SomeException)
+T5439.hs:245:15: error:
+    • Could not deduce: HDrop (PSucc PZero) l ~ HTail l
+        arising from a use of ‘HTailDropComm’
+      from the context: (HDropClass n l, HNonEmpty (HDrop n l))
+        bound by the type signature for:
+                   hTailDropComm :: forall n l.
+                                    (HDropClass n l, HNonEmpty (HDrop n l)) =>
+                                    HTailDropComm n l
+        at T5439.hs:(242,1)-(243,34)
+      or from: (n ~ PZero, HListClass l)
+        bound by a pattern with constructor:
+                   HDropZero :: forall l. HListClass l => HDropWitness PZero l,
+                 in a case alternative
+        at T5439.hs:245:3-11
+    • In the expression: HTailDropComm
+      In a case alternative: HDropZero -> HTailDropComm
+      In the expression:
+        case hDropWitness :: HDropWitness n l of
+          HDropZero -> HTailDropComm
+          HDropSucc
+            -> case hTailDropComm :: HTailDropComm (PPred n) (HTail l) of {
+                 HTailDropComm -> HTailDropComm }
+    • Relevant bindings include
+        hTailDropComm :: HTailDropComm n l (bound at T5439.hs:244:1)

@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-T8227.hs:17:27: error:
-    • Couldn't match type: Scalar (V a)
-                     with: Scalar (V a) -> Scalar (V a)
-      Expected: Scalar (V a)
-        Actual: Scalar (V (Scalar (V a) -> Scalar (V a)))
-                -> Scalar (V (Scalar (V a) -> Scalar (V a)))
-    • In the expression: arcLengthToParam eps eps
+T8227.hs:17:44: error:
+    • Couldn't match expected type: Scalar (V (Scalar (V a)))
+                  with actual type: Scalar (V a)
+      NB: ‘Scalar’ is a non-injective type family
+    • In the first argument of ‘arcLengthToParam’, namely ‘eps’
+      In the expression: arcLengthToParam eps eps
       In an equation for ‘absoluteToParam’:
           absoluteToParam eps seg = arcLengthToParam eps eps
     • Relevant bindings include

@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 T8518.hs:14:18: error:
-    • Couldn't match expected type: Z c -> B c -> Maybe (F c)
-                  with actual type: F c
-    • The function ‘rpt’ is applied to four value arguments,
-        but its type ‘Int -> c -> F c’ has only two
-      In the expression: rpt (4 :: Int) c z b
+    • Couldn't match type: F c
+                     with: Z c -> B c -> F c
+        arising from a use of ‘rpt’
+    • In the expression: rpt (4 :: Int) c z b
       In an equation for ‘callCont’:
           callCont c z b
             = rpt (4 :: Int) c z b
@@ -16,17 +15,3 @@ T8518.hs:14:18: error:
         z :: Z c (bound at T8518.hs:14:12)
         c :: c (bound at T8518.hs:14:10)
         callCont :: c -> Z c -> B c -> Maybe (F c) (bound at T8518.hs:14:1)
-T8518.hs:16:9: error:
-    • Couldn't match type: F t1
-                     with: Z t1 -> B t1 -> F t1
-      Expected: t -> t1 -> F t1
-        Actual: t -> t1 -> Z t1 -> B t1 -> F t1
-    • In an equation for ‘callCont’:
-          callCont c z b
-            = rpt (4 :: Int) c z b
-            where
-                rpt 0 c' z' b' = fromJust (fst <$> (continue c' z' b'))
-                rpt i c' z' b' = let ... in rpt (i - 1) c''
-    • Relevant bindings include
-        rpt :: t -> t1 -> F t1 (bound at T8518.hs:16:9)

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