[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/amg/hasfield-2020] 2 commits: Cleanup
Adam Gundry
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Oct 3 22:14:15 UTC 2020
Adam Gundry pushed to branch wip/amg/hasfield-2020 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
650b0156 by Adam Gundry at 2020-10-03T21:53:03+01:00
- - - - -
e82c38eb by Adam Gundry at 2020-10-03T23:13:23+01:00
More cleanup
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Utils.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Core.Class
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Driver.Types
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.ConLike
@@ -854,6 +855,8 @@ tcRecSelBinds sel_bind_prs
do { (rec_sel_binds, tcg_env) <- discardWarnings $
-- See Note [Impredicative record selectors]
setXOptM LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes $
+ -- See Note [Updaters use record update syntax]
+ unsetWOptM Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd $
tcValBinds TopLevel binds sigs getGblEnv
; return (tcg_env `addTypecheckedBinds` map snd rec_sel_binds) }
@@ -879,8 +882,7 @@ mkRecSelAndUpd (tycon, fl) = do
-- value of the field being updated.
x_vars <- fmap mkNameEnv $ forM (tyConFieldLabels tycon) $ \fl' ->
(,) (flSelector fl') <$> newSysName (mkVarOccFS (flLabel fl'))
- y_var <- newSysName (mkVarOccFS (flLabel fl))
- let (sel, upd) = mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var
+ let (sel, upd) = mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars
return [sel, upd]
all_cons = map RealDataCon (tyConDataCons tycon)
@@ -891,14 +893,14 @@ mkRecSelAndUpd (tycon, fl) = do
mkOneRecordSelector :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabelNoUpdater
-> (Id, LHsBind GhcRn)
mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl
- = fst $ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails (fl { flUpdate = oops }) oops oops
+ = fst $ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails (fl { flUpdate = oops }) oops
oops = error "mkOneRecordSelector: poked a field needed only for updaters"
mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabel
- -> NameEnv Name -> Name
+ -> NameEnv Name
-> ((Id, LHsBind GhcRn), (Id, LHsBind GhcRn))
-mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var =
+mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars =
( mk_binding rec_details sel_name sel_ty sel_bind is_naughty
, mk_binding VanillaId upd_name upd_ty upd_bind no_updater
@@ -909,12 +911,12 @@ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var =
upd_name = flUpdate fl
mk_binding :: IdDetails -> Name -> Type -- What is being bound
- -> (Name -> LHsBind GhcRn) -- The body of the binding
+ -> LHsBind GhcRn -- The body of the binding
-> Bool -- Should it be unit instead?
-> (Id, Located (HsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn))
mk_binding details name ty bind is_unit
| is_unit = (mkExportedLocalId details name unitTy, unit_bind name)
- | otherwise = (mkExportedLocalId details name ty, bind name)
+ | otherwise = (mkExportedLocalId details name ty, bind)
rec_details = RecSelId { sel_tycon = idDetails, sel_naughty = is_naughty }
@@ -957,133 +959,115 @@ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var =
-- fields in all the constructor have multiplicity Many.
- -- Make a selector or updater binding: one alternative per constructor that
- -- includes the field, plus a default case if necessary.
- the_bind :: (ConLike -> [LHsRecField GhcRn (LPat GhcRn)])
- -- Fields to match on for this constructor
- -> (ConLike -> LHsExpr GhcRn) -- RHS for this constructor
- -> Name -- Name of the bound function
- -> LHsBind GhcRn
- the_bind mk_rec_flds mk_expr name
- = L loc (mkTopFunBind Generated lname alts)
- where
- lname = L loc name
- alts = map mk_match cons_w_field ++ deflt
- mk_match con = mkSimpleMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs lname)
- [L loc pat]
- (mk_expr con)
- where
- pat = ConPat NoExtField (L loc (getName con)) (RecCon rec_fields)
- rec_fields = HsRecFields { rec_flds = mk_rec_flds con
- , rec_dotdot = Nothing }
-- Make the binding: sel (C2 { fld = x }) = x
-- sel (C7 { fld = x }) = x
-- where cons_w_field = [C2,C7]
- sel_bind = the_bind (const [rec_field]) (const mk_expr)
+ sel_bind = mkBind sel_name alts
- rec_field = noLoc (HsRecField
- { hsRecFieldLbl
- = L loc (FieldOcc sel_name
- (L loc $ mkVarUnqual lbl))
- , hsRecFieldArg
- = L loc (VarPat noExtField (L loc field_var))
- , hsRecPun = False })
- field_var = mkInternalName (mkBuiltinUnique 1) (getOccName sel_name) loc
- mk_expr = L loc (HsVar noExtField (L loc field_var))
+ alts = map mk_match cons_w_field ++ deflt
- -- Make a binding for the updater. We prefer to use upd_bind_fast, but
- -- thanks to #2595 this does not work for some GADTs, so we fall back on
- -- upd_bind_slow.
- upd_bind
- | null (conLikeExTyCoVars con1) = upd_bind_fast
- | otherwise = upd_bind_slow
+ mk_match con = ( [mkRecConPat con [rec_field]]
+ , mkHsVar field_var
+ )
+ rec_field = mkHsRecField (mkFieldOcc fl) (mkVarPat field_var)
+ field_var = mkInternalName (mkBuiltinUnique 1) (getOccName sel_name) loc
- -- Make the binding:
- -- upd x = (\ y -> x { fld = y }, fld x)
- --
- -- TODO: this implementation needs cleaning up
- upd_bind_fast name = L loc (mkTopFunBind Generated lname [alt])
+ -- Make the updater binding:
+ -- upd z = (\ y -> z { fld = y }, fld z)
+ upd_bind = mkBind upd_name [([mkVarPat z_var], expr)]
- lname = L loc name
- alt = mkSimpleMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs lname)
- [L loc (VarPat noExtField (L loc (x_var fl)))]
- (mkLHsTupleExpr
- [ mkHsLam [L loc (VarPat noExtField (L loc y_var))]
- (L loc (RecordUpd noExtField
- (L loc (HsVar noExtField (L loc (x_var fl))))
- [L loc (HsRecField (L loc afo) (L loc (HsVar noExtField (L loc y_var))) False)]
- ))
- , mkHsApp (L loc (HsRecFld noExtField afo))
- (L loc (HsVar noExtField (L loc (x_var fl))))
- ])
- afo = Unambiguous sel_name (L loc (mkVarUnqual (flLabel fl)))
- -- Make the binding:
- -- upd (C2 { fld1 = x1, .., fldN = xN })
- -- = (\ y -> C2 { fld1 = y, fld2 = x2, .., fldN = xN }, x1)
- -- upd (C7 { fld1 = x1, .., fldM = xM })
- -- = (\ y -> C7 { fld1 = y, fld3 = x3, .., fldM = xM }, x1)
- -- where cons_w_field = [C2,C7] and fld1 is being selected/updated
- --
- -- TODO: we should probably be more consistent with upd_bind_fast and generate
- -- upd x = ((\ y -> case x of { c at C2 { fld1 = x1 } -> c { fld1 = y } ; ... }), fld1 x)
- upd_bind_slow = the_bind mk_rec_flds mk_expr
- where
- -- Pattern that matches { fld1 = x1, .., fldN = xN }
- mk_rec_flds con = rec_flds (rec_fields con pat_var)
- pat_var = VarPat noExtField . L loc . x_var
- -- RHS expression in updater binding: (\y -> C{...}, x1)
- mk_expr con = mkLHsTupleExpr
- [ mk_update_fun con
- , L loc (HsVar noExtField (L loc (x_var fl)))
- ]
- -- Make the first component of the pair: a function that takes a new value
- -- for the field being updated and constructs a record with that field
- -- updated and the others unchanged: e.g. if updating fld1 we make
- -- \y -> C { fld1 = y, fld2 = x2, .., fldN = xN }
- mk_update_fun con = mkHsLam
- [L loc (VarPat noExtField (L loc y_var))]
- (L loc (RecordCon noExtField
- (L loc (getName con))
- (rec_fields con con_var)))
- con_var fl' = HsVar noExtField (L loc (if flSelector fl' == sel_name
- then y_var
- else x_var fl'))
- -- Used for both pattern and record construction, to create
- -- { fld1 = k fld1, .., fldN = k fldN }
- -- where k gives the hsRecFieldArg for each field
- rec_fields :: ConLike
- -> (FieldLabelNoUpdater -> a)
- -> HsRecFields GhcRn (Located a)
- rec_fields con k = HsRecFields { rec_flds = map rec_field
- (conLikeFieldLabels con)
- , rec_dotdot = Nothing }
+ y_var = mkInternalName (mkBuiltinUnique 2) (mkVarOccFS lbl) loc
+ z_var = mkInternalName (mkBuiltinUnique 3) (mkVarOcc "z") loc
+ expr = mkLHsTupleExpr
+ [ mkHsLam [mkVarPat y_var] update_expr
+ , mkHsApp (L loc (HsRecFld noExtField unambiguous_fld))
+ (mkHsVar z_var)
+ ]
+ unambiguous_fld = Unambiguous sel_name (L loc (mkVarUnqual (flLabel fl)))
+ -- Either z { fld = y } or its desugaring as a case expression.
+ -- See Note [Updaters use record update syntax] for why we need the latter.
+ update_expr = L loc (if simple_update then rec_upd_expr else case_expr)
+ simple_update = null (conLikeExTyCoVars con1)
+ -- z { fld = y }
+ rec_upd_expr = RecordUpd
+ { rupd_ext = noExtField
+ , rupd_expr = mkHsVar z_var
+ , rupd_flds = [mkHsRecField (L loc unambiguous_fld) (mkHsVar y_var)] }
+ -- desugaring of z { fld1 = y }, i.e.
+ -- case z of
+ -- C2 { fld1 = x1, fld2 = x2, ..., fld = xN }
+ -- -> C2 { fld1 = y, fld2 = x2, ..., fldN = xN }
+ -- ...
+ case_expr = HsCase noExtField (mkHsVar z_var) (mkMatchGroup Generated alts)
+ alts = map mk_alt cons_w_field
+ ++ map (uncurry (mkSimpleMatch CaseAlt)) deflt
+ -- C2 { fld1 = x1, ..., fld = xN } -> C2 { fld1 = y, fld2 = x2, ..., fldN = xN }
+ mk_alt con = mkHsCaseAlt pat expr
- rec_field fl' = L loc (HsRecField
- { hsRecFieldLbl = L loc (field_occ fl')
- , hsRecFieldArg = L loc (k fl')
- , hsRecPun = False })
- field_occ fl' = FieldOcc (flSelector fl')
- (L loc (mkVarUnqual (flLabel fl')))
- -- The x_vars NameEnv contains a fresh name for every selector name in the
- -- TyCon, i.e. maps fldN to xN.
- x_var :: FieldLbl upd Name -> Name
- x_var fl' = lookupNameEnv_NF x_vars (flSelector fl')
+ field_labels = conLikeFieldLabels con
+ pat = mkRecConPat con (map (rec_field (mkVarPat . x_var)) field_labels)
+ expr = mkRecordCon con (map (rec_field (mkHsVar . con_var)) field_labels)
+ con_var fl' = if flSelector fl' == sel_name then y_var else x_var fl'
+ -- Used for both pattern and record construction, to create
+ -- fldN = k fldN
+ -- where k gives the hsRecFieldArg for each field
+ rec_field :: (FieldLabelNoUpdater -> a)
+ -> FieldLabelNoUpdater
+ -> LHsRecField' (FieldOcc GhcRn) a
+ rec_field k fl' = mkHsRecField (mkFieldOcc fl') (k fl')
+ -- The x_vars NameEnv contains a fresh name for every selector name
+ -- in the TyCon, i.e. maps fldN to xN.
+ x_var :: FieldLabelNoUpdater -> Name
+ x_var fl' = lookupNameEnv_NF x_vars (flSelector fl')
+ -- These are just boring constructors for bits of syntax, using the SrcSpan
+ -- of the field (which is why they are not top-level).
+ mkBind :: Name -> [([LPat GhcRn], LHsExpr GhcRn)] -> LHsBind GhcRn
+ mkBind name alts = L loc (mkTopFunBind Generated lname alts')
+ where
+ lname = L loc name
+ alts' = map (uncurry (mkSimpleMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs lname))) alts
+ mkVarPat :: Name -> LPat GhcRn
+ mkVarPat var = L loc (VarPat noExtField (L loc var))
+ mkRecConPat :: ConLike -> [LHsRecField GhcRn (XRec GhcRn (Pat GhcRn))] -> LPat GhcRn
+ mkRecConPat con rflds = L loc (ConPat noExtField (L loc (getName con))
+ (RecCon (HsRecFields rflds Nothing)))
+ mkHsVar :: Name -> LHsExpr GhcRn
+ mkHsVar var = L loc (HsVar noExtField (L loc var))
+ mkRecordCon :: ConLike -> [LHsRecField GhcRn (XRec GhcRn (HsExpr GhcRn))] -> LHsExpr GhcRn
+ mkRecordCon con rflds = L loc (RecordCon noExtField
+ (L loc (getName con))
+ (HsRecFields rflds Nothing))
+ mkHsRecField :: Located lbl -> arg -> LHsRecField' lbl arg
+ mkHsRecField lbl arg = L loc (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = lbl
+ , hsRecFieldArg = arg
+ , hsRecPun = False })
+ mkFieldOcc :: FieldLbl update_rep Name -> LFieldOcc GhcRn
+ mkFieldOcc fl' = L loc (FieldOcc (flSelector fl')
+ (L loc (mkVarUnqual (flLabel fl'))))
-- Add catch-all default case unless the case is exhaustive
-- We do this explicitly so that we get a nice error message that
-- mentions this particular record selector
deflt | all dealt_with all_cons = []
- | otherwise = [mkSimpleMatch CaseAlt
- [L loc (WildPat noExtField)]
- (mkHsApp (L loc (HsVar noExtField
+ | otherwise = [( [L loc (WildPat noExtField)]
+ , mkHsApp (L loc (HsVar noExtField
(L loc (getName rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID))))
(L loc (HsLit noExtField msg_lit)))]
msg_lit = HsStringPrim NoSourceText (bytesFS lbl)
@@ -1118,19 +1102,11 @@ mkRecordSelectorAndUpdater all_cons idDetails fl x_vars y_var =
inst_tys = substTyVars eq_subst univ_tvs
--- | Make a binding of unit:
--- name :: ()
--- name = ()
--- used for naughty record selectors and missing updaters.
-unit_bind :: Name -> LHsBind GhcRn
-unit_bind name = L loc (mkTopFunBind Generated lname alts)
- where
- loc = getSrcSpan name
- lname = L loc name
- alts = [mkSimpleMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs lname) [] unit_rhs]
- unit_rhs = mkLHsTupleExpr []
+ -- Make a binding of unit, for naughty record selectors/updaters:
+ -- name :: ()
+ -- name = ()
+ unit_bind :: Name -> LHsBind GhcRn
+ unit_bind name = mkBind name [([], mkLHsTupleExpr [])]
@@ -1301,12 +1277,10 @@ returns the existing value. For example, given the data declaration
we generate the record updaters:
$upd:foo:MkT :: T y -> ([y] -> T y, [y])
- $upd:foo:MkT (MkT { foo = x1, bar = x2})
- = (\y -> MkT { foo = y, bar = x2}, x1)
+ $upd:foo:MkT x = (\ y -> t { foo = y }, foo x)
$upd:bar:MkT :: T y -> (Int -> T y, Int)
- $upd:bar:MkT (MkT { foo = x1, bar = x2 })
- = (\y -> MkT { foo = x1, bar = y}, x2)
+ $upd:bar:MkT x = (\ y -> t { bar = y }, foo x)
These are used to produce instances of GHC.Records.HasField automatically as
described in Note [HasField instances] in GHC.Tc.Instance.Class.
@@ -1347,11 +1321,49 @@ Note that:
and an updater (see Note [GADT record selectors]).
+Note [Updaters use record update syntax]
+Most updaters are defined by generating a record update expression and a call to
+the selector function, like this:
+ $upd:foo:MkT x = (\ y -> x { foo = y }, foo x)
+Since we are generating renamed syntax, we can emit a call to the selector
+function, even if it is not technically in scope (due to NoFieldSelectors).
+When RecordDotSyntax is implemented, it will redefine the meaning of record
+update syntax, but here we really need the "traditional" version.
+We use a record update expression, rather than generating an explicit case
+statement, because type-checking the explicit case statement is expensive for
+datatypes with many constructors and/or many fields.
+When type-checking the updater bindings, we disable -Wincomplete-record-updates,
+otherwise it would emit a warning on the definition of a partial field, which is
+not intended (there is a separate warning -Wpartial-fields for this).
+An annoying wrinkle is #2595: we cannot use record update for some GADTs, even
+though the desugaring is in principle type-correct, because the type-checker
+rejects the update. Thus we *do* generate an explicit case statement when the
+constructor has existential type variables. For example, we generate:
+ data S a where
+ MkS :: { soo :: Either p q, f :: Int } -> S (p,q)
+ $sel:soo:MkS :: S (p,q) -> Either p q
+ $sel:soo:MkS MkS{soo=x} = x
+ $upd:soo:MkS :: S (p,q) -> (Either p q -> S (p,q), Either p q)
+ $upd:soo:MkS x = (\ y -> case x of { MkS{soo=x0,f=x1} -> MkS{soo=y,f=x1} }
+ , $sel:soo:MkS x
+ )
Note [Naughty record updaters]
There are a few cases in which we cannot generate an updater for a field:
-1. The field has an existential tyvar, e.g.
+1. The field has an existential tyvar that would escape its scope, e.g.
data T = forall a . MkT { foo :: a }
This is the same as for selectors (see Note [Naughty record selectors]).
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