[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/cfuneqcan-refactor] 3 commits: Make the fast path work without roles

Richard Eisenberg gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Nov 24 03:50:05 UTC 2020

Richard Eisenberg pushed to branch wip/cfuneqcan-refactor at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

f8237cf7 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-23T22:08:58+00:00
Make the fast path work without roles

- - - - -
e5353131 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-24T01:31:09+00:00
Use MCo

- - - - -
62d06215 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-24T01:37:58+00:00
Remove unused parameter

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs


@@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
         isGReflCo, isReflCo, isReflCo_maybe, isGReflCo_maybe, isReflexiveCo, isReflexiveCo_maybe,
         isReflCoVar_maybe, isGReflMCo, mkGReflLeftMCo, mkGReflRightMCo,
+        mkCoherenceRightMCo,
-        coToMCo, mkTransMCo, mkTransMCoL, mkCastTyMCo, mkSymMCo,
+        coToMCo, mkTransMCo, mkTransMCoL, mkCastTyMCo, mkSymMCo, isReflMCo,
         -- ** Coercion variables
         mkCoVar, isCoVar, coVarName, setCoVarName, setCoVarUnique,
@@ -352,6 +353,15 @@ mkGReflRightMCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion
 mkGReflRightMCo r ty MRefl    = mkReflCo r ty
 mkGReflRightMCo r ty (MCo co) = mkGReflRightCo r ty co
+-- | Like 'mkCoherenceRightCo', but with an 'MCoercion'
+mkCoherenceRightMCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkCoherenceRightMCo _ _  MRefl    co2 = co2
+mkCoherenceRightMCo r ty (MCo co) co2 = mkCoherenceRightCo r ty co co2
+isReflMCo :: MCoercion -> Bool
+isReflMCo MRefl = True
+isReflMCo _     = False
 %*                                                                      *
@@ -2939,7 +2949,7 @@ simplifyArgsWorker :: [TyCoBinder] -> Kind
                    -> [(Type, Coercion)] -- flattened type arguments, arg
                                          -- each comes with the coercion used to flatten it,
                                          -- with co :: flattened_type ~ original_type
-                   -> ([Type], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+                   -> ([Type], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
 -- Returns (xis, cos, res_co), where each co :: xi ~ arg,
 -- and res_co :: kind (f xis) ~ kind (f tys), where f is the function applied to the args
 -- Precondition: if f :: forall bndrs. inner_ki (where bndrs and inner_ki are passed in),
@@ -2961,14 +2971,15 @@ simplifyArgsWorker orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs
        -> Kind        -- Unsubsted result kind of function (not a Pi-type)
        -> [Role]      -- Roles at which to flatten these ...
        -> [(Type, Coercion)]  -- flattened arguments, with their flattening coercions
-       -> ([Type], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+       -> ([Type], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
     go acc_xis acc_cos !lc binders inner_ki _ []
         -- The !lc makes the function strict in the lifting context
         -- which means GHC can unbox that pair.  A modest win.
       = (reverse acc_xis, reverse acc_cos, kind_co)
         final_kind = mkPiTys binders inner_ki
-        kind_co = liftCoSubst Nominal lc final_kind
+        kind_co | noFreeVarsOfType final_kind = MRefl
+                | otherwise                   = MCo $ liftCoSubst Nominal lc final_kind
     go acc_xis acc_cos lc (binder:binders) inner_ki (role:roles) ((xi,co):args)
       = -- By Note [Flattening] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Flatten invariant (F2),
@@ -3024,7 +3035,7 @@ simplifyArgsWorker orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs
             (xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out)
               = go acc_xis acc_cos zapped_lc bndrs new_inner roles casted_args
-        (xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out `mkTransCo` res_co)
+        (xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out `mkTransMCoL` res_co)
     go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic
         "simplifyArgsWorker wandered into deeper water than usual"

@@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ topNormaliseType_maybe env ty
     tyFamStepper :: NormaliseStepper (Coercion, MCoercionN)
     tyFamStepper rec_nts tc tys  -- Try to step a type/data family
       = case topReduceTyFamApp_maybe env tc tys of
-          Just (co, rhs, res_co) -> NS_Step rec_nts rhs (co, MCo res_co)
+          Just (co, rhs, res_co) -> NS_Step rec_nts rhs (co, res_co)
           _                      -> NS_Done
@@ -1365,14 +1365,14 @@ normalise_tc_app tc tys
     assemble_result :: Role       -- r, ambient role in NormM monad
                     -> Type       -- nty, result type, possibly of changed kind
                     -> Coercion   -- orig_ty ~r nty, possibly heterogeneous
-                    -> CoercionN  -- typeKind(orig_ty) ~N typeKind(nty)
+                    -> MCoercionN -- typeKind(orig_ty) ~N typeKind(nty)
                     -> (Coercion, Type)   -- (co :: orig_ty ~r nty_casted, nty_casted)
                                           -- where nty_casted has same kind as orig_ty
     assemble_result r nty orig_to_nty kind_co
       = ( final_co, nty_old_kind )
-        nty_old_kind = nty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo kind_co
-        final_co     = mkCoherenceRightCo r nty (mkSymCo kind_co) orig_to_nty
+        nty_old_kind = nty `mkCastTyMCo` mkSymMCo kind_co
+        final_co     = mkCoherenceRightMCo r nty (mkSymMCo kind_co) orig_to_nty
 -- | Try to simplify a type-family application, by *one* step
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ normalise_tc_app tc tys
 --         res_co :: typeKind(F tys) ~ typeKind(rhs)
 -- Type families and data families; always Representational role
 topReduceTyFamApp_maybe :: FamInstEnvs -> TyCon -> [Type]
-                        -> Maybe (Coercion, Type, Coercion)
+                        -> Maybe (Coercion, Type, MCoercion)
 topReduceTyFamApp_maybe envs fam_tc arg_tys
   | isFamilyTyCon fam_tc   -- type families and data families
   , Just (co, rhs) <- reduceTyFamApp_maybe envs role fam_tc ntys
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ topReduceTyFamApp_maybe envs fam_tc arg_tys
                               normalise_tc_args fam_tc arg_tys
 normalise_tc_args :: TyCon -> [Type]             -- tc tys
-                  -> NormM (Coercion, [Type], CoercionN)
+                  -> NormM (Coercion, [Type], MCoercionN)
                   -- (co, new_tys), where
                   -- co :: tc tys ~ tc new_tys; might not be homogeneous
                   -- res_co :: typeKind(tc tys) ~N typeKind(tc new_tys)
@@ -1477,14 +1477,14 @@ normalise_type ty
                     ; role <- getRole
                     ; let nty = mkAppTys nfun nargs
                           nco = mkAppCos fun_co args_cos
-                          nty_casted = nty `mkCastTy` mkSymCo res_co
-                          final_co = mkCoherenceRightCo role nty (mkSymCo res_co) nco
+                          nty_casted = nty `mkCastTyMCo` mkSymMCo res_co
+                          final_co = mkCoherenceRightMCo role nty (mkSymMCo res_co) nco
                     ; return (final_co, nty_casted) } }
 normalise_args :: Kind    -- of the function
                -> [Role]  -- roles at which to normalise args
                -> [Type]  -- args
-               -> NormM ([Coercion], [Type], Coercion)
+               -> NormM ([Coercion], [Type], MCoercion)
 -- returns (cos, xis, res_co), where each xi is the normalised
 -- version of the corresponding type, each co is orig_arg ~ xi,
 -- and the res_co :: kind(f orig_args) ~ kind(f xis)
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ normalise_args :: Kind    -- of the function
 normalise_args fun_ki roles args
   = do { normed_args <- zipWithM normalise1 roles args
        ; let (xis, cos, res_co) = simplifyArgsWorker ki_binders inner_ki fvs roles normed_args
-       ; return (map mkSymCo cos, xis, mkSymCo res_co) }
+       ; return (map mkSymCo cos, xis, mkSymMCo res_co) }
     (ki_binders, inner_ki) = splitPiTys fun_ki
     fvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes args

@@ -200,8 +200,7 @@ canClass :: CtEvidence
 canClass ev cls tys pend_sc
   =   -- all classes do *nominal* matching
     ASSERT2( ctEvRole ev == Nominal, ppr ev $$ ppr cls $$ ppr tys )
-    do { (xis, cos, _kind_co) <- flattenArgsNom ev cls_tc tys
-       ; MASSERT( isTcReflCo _kind_co )
+    do { (xis, cos) <- flattenArgsNom ev cls_tc tys
        ; let co = mkTcTyConAppCo Nominal cls_tc cos
              xi = mkClassPred cls xis
              mk_ct new_ev = CDictCan { cc_ev = new_ev

@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ setEqRel new_eq_rel thing_inside
     if new_eq_rel == fe_eq_rel env
     then runFlatM thing_inside env
     else runFlatM thing_inside (env { fe_eq_rel = new_eq_rel })
+{-# INLINE setEqRel #-}
 -- | Make sure that flattening actually produces a coercion (in other
 -- words, make sure our flavour is not Derived)
@@ -237,23 +238,24 @@ flattenKind loc flav ty
        ; return (ty', co) }
 -- See Note [Flattening]
-flattenArgsNom :: CtEvidence -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcS ([Xi], [TcCoercion], TcCoercionN)
+flattenArgsNom :: CtEvidence -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcS ([Xi], [TcCoercion])
 -- Externally-callable, hence runFlatten
 -- Flatten a vector of types all at once; in fact they are
 -- always the arguments of type family or class, so
 --      ctEvFlavour ev = Nominal
 -- and we want to flatten all at nominal role
 -- The kind passed in is the kind of the type family or class, call it T
--- The last coercion returned has type (tcTypeKind(T xis) ~N tcTypeKind(T tys))
+-- The kind of T args must be constant (i.e. not depend on the args)
 -- For Derived constraints the returned coercion may be undefined
 -- because flattening may use a Derived equality ([D] a ~ ty)
 flattenArgsNom ev tc tys
   = do { traceTcS "flatten_args {" (vcat (map ppr tys))
        ; (tys', cos, kind_co)
-           <- runFlattenCtEv ev (flatten_args_tc tc (repeat Nominal) tys)
+           <- runFlattenCtEv ev (flatten_args_tc tc Nothing tys)
+       ; MASSERT( isReflMCo kind_co )
        ; traceTcS "flatten }" (vcat (map ppr tys'))
-       ; return (tys', cos, kind_co) }
+       ; return (tys', cos) }
 -- | Flatten a type w.r.t. nominal equality. This is useful to rewrite
 -- a type w.r.t. any givens. It does not do type-family reduction. This
@@ -381,14 +383,15 @@ we skip adding to the cache here.
 {-# INLINE flatten_args_tc #-}
   :: TyCon         -- T
-  -> [Role]        -- Role r
+  -> Maybe [Role]  -- Nothing: ambient role is Nominal; all args are Nominal
+                   -- Otherwise: no assumptions; use roles provided
   -> [Type]        -- Arg types [t1,..,tn]
   -> FlatM ( [Xi]  -- List of flattened args [x1,..,xn]
                    -- 1-1 corresp with [t1,..,tn]
            , [Coercion]  -- List of arg coercions [co1,..,con]
                          -- 1-1 corresp with [t1,..,tn]
                          --    coi :: xi ~r ti
-           , CoercionN)  -- Result coercion, rco
+           , MCoercionN) -- Result coercion, rco
                          --    rco : (T t1..tn) ~N (T (x1 |> co1) .. (xn |> con))
 flatten_args_tc tc = flatten_args all_bndrs any_named_bndrs inner_ki emptyVarSet
   -- NB: TyCon kinds are always closed
@@ -406,8 +409,9 @@ flatten_args_tc tc = flatten_args all_bndrs any_named_bndrs inner_ki emptyVarSet
 flatten_args :: [TyCoBinder] -> Bool -- Binders, and True iff any of them are
                                      -- named.
              -> Kind -> TcTyCoVarSet -- function kind; kind's free vars
-             -> [Role] -> [Type]     -- these are in 1-to-1 correspondence
-             -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+             -> Maybe [Role] -> [Type]    -- these are in 1-to-1 correspondence
+                                          -- Nothing: use all Nominal
+             -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
 -- Coercions :: Xi ~ Type, at roles given
 -- Third coercion :: tcTypeKind(fun xis) ~N tcTypeKind(fun tys)
 -- That is, the third coercion relates the kind of some function (whose kind is
@@ -419,15 +423,12 @@ flatten_args orig_binders
-             orig_roles
+             orig_m_roles
-  = if any_named_bndrs
-    then flatten_args_slow orig_binders
-                           orig_inner_ki
-                           orig_fvs
-                           orig_roles
-                           orig_tys
-    else flatten_args_fast orig_binders orig_inner_ki orig_roles orig_tys
+  = case (orig_m_roles, any_named_bndrs) of
+      (Nothing, False) -> flatten_args_fast orig_tys
+      _ -> flatten_args_slow orig_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs orig_roles orig_tys
+        where orig_roles = fromMaybe (repeat Nominal) orig_m_roles
 {-# INLINE flatten_args_fast #-}
 -- | fast path flatten_args, in which none of the binders are named and
@@ -435,75 +436,30 @@ flatten_args orig_binders
 -- There are many bang patterns in here. It's been observed that they
 -- greatly improve performance of an optimized build.
 -- The T9872 test cases are good witnesses of this fact.
-flatten_args_fast :: [TyCoBinder]
-                  -> Kind
-                  -> [Role]
-                  -> [Type]
-                  -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
-flatten_args_fast orig_binders orig_inner_ki orig_roles orig_tys
-  = fmap finish (iterate orig_tys orig_roles orig_binders)
+flatten_args_fast :: [Type]
+                  -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
+flatten_args_fast orig_tys
+  = fmap finish (iterate orig_tys)
     iterate :: [Type]
-            -> [Role]
-            -> [TyCoBinder]
-            -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], [TyCoBinder])
-    iterate (ty:tys) (role:roles) (_:binders) = do
-      (xi, co) <- go role ty
-      (xis, cos, binders) <- iterate tys roles binders
-      pure (xi : xis, co : cos, binders)
-    iterate [] _ binders = pure ([], [], binders)
-    iterate _ _ _ = pprPanic
-        "flatten_args wandered into deeper water than usual" (vcat [])
-           -- This debug information is commented out because leaving it in
-           -- causes a ~2% increase in allocations in T9872{a,c,d}.
-           {-
-             (vcat [ppr orig_binders,
-                    ppr orig_inner_ki,
-                    ppr (take 10 orig_roles), -- often infinite!
-                    ppr orig_tys])
-           -}
-    {-# INLINE go #-}
-    go :: Role
-       -> Type
-       -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
-    go role ty
-      = case role of
-          -- In the slow path we bind the Xi and Coercion from the recursive
-          -- call and then use it such
-          --
-          --   let kind_co = mkTcSymCo $ mkReflCo Nominal (tyBinderType binder)
-          --       casted_xi = xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
-          --       casted_co = xi |> kind_co ~r xi ; co
-          --
-          -- but this isn't necessary:
-          --   mkTcSymCo (Refl a b) = Refl a b,
-          --   mkCastTy x (Refl _ _) = x
-          --   mkTcGReflLeftCo _ ty (Refl _ _) `mkTransCo` co = co
-          --
-          -- Also, no need to check isAnonTyCoBinder or isNamedBinder, since
-          -- we've already established that they're all anonymous.
-          Nominal          -> setEqRel NomEq  $ flatten_one ty
-          Representational -> setEqRel ReprEq $ flatten_one ty
-          Phantom          -> -- See Note [Phantoms in the flattener]
-                              do { ty <- liftTcS $ zonkTcType ty
-                                 ; return (ty, mkReflCo Phantom ty) }
+            -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion])
+    iterate (ty:tys) = do
+      (xi, co)   <- flatten_one ty
+      (xis, cos) <- iterate tys
+      pure (xi : xis, co : cos)
+    iterate [] = pure ([], [])
     {-# INLINE finish #-}
-    finish :: ([Xi], [Coercion], [TyCoBinder]) -> ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
-    finish (xis, cos, binders) = (xis, cos, kind_co)
-      where
-        final_kind = mkPiTys binders orig_inner_ki
-        kind_co    = mkNomReflCo final_kind
+    finish :: ([Xi], [Coercion]) -> ([Xi], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
+    finish (xis, cos) = (xis, cos, MRefl)
 {-# INLINE flatten_args_slow #-}
 -- | Slow path, compared to flatten_args_fast, because this one must track
 -- a lifting context.
 flatten_args_slow :: [TyCoBinder] -> Kind -> TcTyCoVarSet
                   -> [Role] -> [Type]
-                  -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+                  -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
 flatten_args_slow binders inner_ki fvs roles tys
 -- Arguments used dependently must be flattened with proper coercions, but
 -- we're not guaranteed to get a proper coercion when flattening with the
@@ -671,7 +627,9 @@ flatten_app_ty_args fun_xi fun_co arg_tys
 flatten_ty_con_app :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
 flatten_ty_con_app tc tys
   = do { role <- getRole
-       ; (xis, cos, kind_co) <- flatten_args_tc tc (tyConRolesX role tc) tys
+       ; let m_roles | Nominal <- role = Nothing
+                     | otherwise       = Just $ tyConRolesX role tc
+       ; (xis, cos, kind_co) <- flatten_args_tc tc m_roles tys
        ; let tyconapp_xi = mkTyConApp tc xis
              tyconapp_co = mkTyConAppCo role tc cos
        ; return (homogenise_result tyconapp_xi tyconapp_co role kind_co) }
@@ -680,15 +638,12 @@ flatten_ty_con_app tc tys
 homogenise_result :: Xi              -- a flattened type
                   -> Coercion        -- :: xi ~r original ty
                   -> Role            -- r
-                  -> CoercionN       -- kind_co :: tcTypeKind(xi) ~N tcTypeKind(ty)
+                  -> MCoercionN      -- kind_co :: tcTypeKind(xi) ~N tcTypeKind(ty)
                   -> (Xi, Coercion)  -- (xi |> kind_co, (xi |> kind_co)
                                      --   ~r original ty)
-homogenise_result xi co r kind_co
-  -- the explicit pattern match here improves the performance of T9872a, b, c by
-  -- ~2%
-  | isGReflCo kind_co = (xi `mkCastTy` kind_co, co)
-  | otherwise         = (xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
-                        , (mkSymCo $ GRefl r xi (MCo kind_co)) `mkTransCo` co)
+homogenise_result xi co _ MRefl = (xi, co)
+homogenise_result xi co r mco@(MCo kind_co)
+  = (xi `mkCastTy` kind_co, (mkSymCo $ GRefl r xi mco) `mkTransCo` co)
 {-# INLINE homogenise_result #-}
 -- Flatten a vector (list of arguments).
@@ -696,7 +651,7 @@ flatten_vector :: Kind   -- of the function being applied to these arguments
                -> [Role] -- If we're flatten w.r.t. ReprEq, what roles do the
                          -- args have?
                -> [Type] -- the args to flatten
-               -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+               -> FlatM ([Xi], [Coercion], MCoercionN)
 flatten_vector ki roles tys
   = do { eq_rel <- getEqRel
        ; case eq_rel of
@@ -704,17 +659,17 @@ flatten_vector ki roles tys
-                                  (repeat Nominal)
+                                  Nothing
            ReprEq -> flatten_args bndrs
-                                  roles
+                                  (Just roles)
-    (bndrs, inner_ki, any_named_bndrs) = split_pi_tys' ki
+    (bndrs, inner_ki, any_named_bndrs) = split_pi_tys' ki  -- "RAE" fix
     fvs                                = tyCoVarsOfType ki
 {-# INLINE flatten_vector #-}
@@ -840,10 +795,14 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app tc tys
          ; Nothing ->
         -- That didn't work. So reduce the arguments, in STEP 3.
-    do { (xis, cos, kind_co) <- flatten_args_tc tc (repeat Nominal) tys
+    do { eq_rel <- getEqRel
+           -- checking eq_rel == NomEq saves ~0.5% in T9872a
+       ; (xis, cos, kind_co) <- if eq_rel == NomEq
+                                then flatten_args_tc tc Nothing tys
+                                else setEqRel NomEq $
+                                     flatten_args_tc tc Nothing tys
            -- kind_co :: tcTypeKind(F xis) ~N tcTypeKind(F tys)
-       ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
        ; let role    = eqRelRole eq_rel
              args_co = mkTyConAppCo role tc cos
            -- args_co :: F xis ~r F tys

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