[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/az/exactprint] WIP on delta printing.

Alan Zimmerman gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Nov 19 23:30:34 UTC 2020

Alan Zimmerman pushed to branch wip/az/exactprint at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

b5fe6860 by Alan Zimmerman at 2020-11-19T23:30:04+00:00
WIP on delta printing.

Making progress

- - - - -

15 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Match.hs
- compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs
- utils/check-exact/Main.hs
- utils/check-exact/Test.hs
- + utils/check-exact/cases/RenameCase1.hs
- utils/check-exact/check-exact.cabal
- utils/check-exact/src/ExactPrint.hs
- utils/check-exact/src/Utils.hs


@@ -1925,8 +1925,7 @@ data GRHSs p body
   | XGRHSs !(XXGRHSs p body)
-                    -- MatchContext dependent, as per 'matchSeparator'
-type instance XCGRHSs (GhcPass _) b = ApiAnn' AddApiAnn
+type instance XCGRHSs (GhcPass _) b = NoExtField
 type instance XXGRHSs (GhcPass _) b = NoExtCon

@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ data HsType pass
   -- For adding new constructors via Trees that Grow
   | XHsType
-      (XXType pass)
+      !(XXType pass)
 data NewHsTypeX
   = NHsCoreTy Type -- An escape hatch for tunnelling a *closed*

@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
 unguardedGRHSs :: Anno (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))
                      ~ SrcSpan
-               => LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)) -> ApiAnn' AddApiAnn
+               => LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)) -> ApiAnn' GrhsAnn
                -> GRHSs (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p)))
 unguardedGRHSs rhs@(L loc _) ann
-  = GRHSs ann (unguardedRHS noAnn (locA loc) rhs) emptyLocalBinds
+  = GRHSs noExtField (unguardedRHS ann (locA loc) rhs) emptyLocalBinds
 unguardedRHS :: Anno (GRHS (GhcPass p) (LocatedA (body (GhcPass p))))
                      ~ SrcSpan
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ mkMatch ctxt pats expr binds
   = noLocA (Match { m_ext   = noAnn
                   , m_ctxt  = ctxt
                   , m_pats  = map paren pats
-                  , m_grhss = GRHSs noAnn (unguardedRHS noAnn noSrcSpan expr) binds })
+                  , m_grhss = GRHSs noExtField (unguardedRHS noAnn noSrcSpan expr) binds })
     paren :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p)
     paren lp@(L l p)

@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ dsExpr (HsMultiIf res_ty alts)
   = mkErrorExpr
   | otherwise
-  = do { let grhss = GRHSs noAnn alts emptyLocalBinds
+  = do { let grhss = GRHSs noExtField alts emptyLocalBinds
        ; rhss_nablas  <- pmcGRHSs IfAlt grhss
        ; match_result <- dsGRHSs IfAlt grhss res_ty rhss_nablas
        ; error_expr   <- mkErrorExpr

@@ -2486,10 +2486,10 @@ rhs     :: { Located (GRHSs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) }
         : '=' exp wherebinds    {% runPV (unECP $2) >>= \ $2 ->
                                   do { let loc = (comb3 $1 (reLoc $2) (adaptWhereBinds $3))
                                      ; acs (\cs ->
-                                       sL loc (GRHSs (ApiAnn (rs loc) (mj AnnEqual $1) cs) (unguardedRHS (ApiAnn (rs loc) (GrhsAnn Nothing (mj AnnEqual $1)) []) loc $2)
+                                       sL loc (GRHSs NoExtField (unguardedRHS (ApiAnn (rs loc) (GrhsAnn Nothing (mj AnnEqual $1)) cs) loc $2)
                                                       (unLoc $ (adaptWhereBinds $3)))) } }
         | gdrhs wherebinds      { sL (comb2 $1 (adaptWhereBinds $>))
-                                    (GRHSs noAnn (reverse (unLoc $1)) (unLoc $ (adaptWhereBinds $2))) }
+                                    (GRHSs noExtField (reverse (unLoc $1)) (unLoc $ (adaptWhereBinds $2))) }
 gdrhs :: { Located [LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] }
         : gdrhs gdrh            { sLL $1 $> ($2 : unLoc $1) }
@@ -2755,7 +2755,7 @@ aexp    :: { ECP }
                                          $ Match { m_ext = ApiAnn (glR $1) [mj AnnLam $1] cs
                                                  , m_ctxt = LambdaExpr
                                                  , m_pats = $2:$3
-                                                 , m_grhss = unguardedGRHSs $5 (ApiAnn (glR $4) (mu AnnRarrow $4) []) }])) }
+                                                 , m_grhss = unguardedGRHSs $5 (ApiAnn (glR $4) (GrhsAnn Nothing (mu AnnRarrow $4)) []) }])) }
         | 'let' binds 'in' exp          {  ECP $
                                            unECP $4 >>= \ $4 ->
                                            mkHsLetPV (comb2A $1 $>) (unLoc $2) $4
@@ -3181,7 +3181,7 @@ alt     :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LMatch GhcPs (LocatedA b)) }
 alt_rhs :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located (GRHSs GhcPs (LocatedA b))) }
         : ralt wherebinds           { $1 >>= \alt ->
-                                      return $ sLL alt (adaptWhereBinds $>) (GRHSs noAnn (unLoc alt) (unLoc $ adaptWhereBinds $2)) }
+                                      return $ sLL alt (adaptWhereBinds $>) (GRHSs noExtField (unLoc alt) (unLoc $ adaptWhereBinds $2)) }
 ralt :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (Located [LGRHS GhcPs (LocatedA b)]) }
         : '->' exp            { unECP $2 >>= \ $2 ->

@@ -498,6 +498,13 @@ defined.
 -- AnnKeywordId elements. Note: we may reduce the usage of
 -- AnnKeywordId, and use locations only, as captured in that
 -- structure.
+-- The spacing between the items under the scope of a given ApiAnn' is
+-- derived from the original 'anchor'.  But there is no requirement
+-- that the items included in the sub-element have a "matching"
+-- location in their relative anchors. This allows us to freely move
+-- elements around, and stitch together new AST fragments out of old
+-- ones, and have them still printed out in a reasonable way.
 data ApiAnn' ann
   = ApiAnn { anchor   :: RealSrcSpan -- ^ Base location for the start of
                                      -- the syntactic element holding the
@@ -514,6 +521,9 @@ data ApiAnn' ann
 type ApiAnn = ApiAnn' [AddApiAnn]
 type ApiAnnComments = [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+-- +| Relative positions, row then column
+-- newtype DeltaPos = DP (Int,Int) deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data)
 data NoApiAnns = NoApiAnns
   deriving (Data,Eq,Ord)

@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ rnGRHSs :: AnnoBody body
 rnGRHSs ctxt rnBody (GRHSs _ grhss binds)
   = rnLocalBindsAndThen binds   $ \ binds' _ -> do
     (grhss', fvGRHSs) <- mapFvRn (rnGRHS ctxt rnBody) grhss
-    return (GRHSs noAnn grhss' binds', fvGRHSs)
+    return (GRHSs noExtField grhss' binds', fvGRHSs)
 rnGRHS :: AnnoBody body
        => HsMatchContext GhcRn

@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ tcGRHSs ctxt (GRHSs _ grhss binds) res_ty
                mapM (tcCollectingUsage . wrapLocM (tcGRHS ctxt res_ty)) grhss
         ; let (usages, grhss') = unzip ugrhss
         ; tcEmitBindingUsage $ supUEs usages
-        ; return (GRHSs noAnn grhss' binds') }
+        ; return (GRHSs noExtField grhss' binds') }
 tcGRHS :: TcMatchCtxt body -> ExpRhoType -> GRHS GhcRn (LocatedA (body GhcRn))

@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ cvtDec (TH.ValD pat body ds)
         ; ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") ds
         ; returnJustLA $ Hs.ValD noExtField $
           PatBind { pat_lhs = pat'
-                  , pat_rhs = GRHSs noAnn body' ds'
+                  , pat_rhs = GRHSs noExtField body' ds'
                   , pat_ext = noAnn
                   , pat_ticks = ([],[]) } }
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ cvtClause ctxt (Clause ps body wheres)
         ; let pps = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) ps'
         ; g'  <- cvtGuard body
         ; ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") wheres
-        ; returnLA $ Hs.Match noAnn ctxt pps (GRHSs noAnn g' ds') }
+        ; returnLA $ Hs.Match noAnn ctxt pps (GRHSs noExtField g' ds') }
 cvtImplicitParamBind :: String -> TH.Exp -> CvtM (LIPBind GhcPs)
 cvtImplicitParamBind n e = do
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ cvtMatch ctxt (TH.Match p body decs)
                      _                -> p'
         ; g' <- cvtGuard body
         ; decs' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") decs
-        ; returnLA $ Hs.Match noAnn ctxt [lp] (GRHSs noAnn g' decs') }
+        ; returnLA $ Hs.Match noAnn ctxt [lp] (GRHSs noExtField g' decs') }
 cvtGuard :: TH.Body -> CvtM [LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
 cvtGuard (GuardedB pairs) = mapM cvtpair pairs

@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import GHC hiding (moduleName)
 import GHC.Driver.Ppr
 import GHC.Driver.Session
 import GHC.Hs.Dump
-import GHC.Types.SourceText
+-- import GHC.Types.SourceText
 -- import GHC.Hs.Exact hiding (ExactPrint())
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding (space)
+-- import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding (space)
 import System.Environment( getArgs )
 import System.Exit
 import System.FilePath
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import ExactPrint
 tt :: IO ()
 -- tt = testOneFile "/home/alanz/mysrc/git.haskell.org/ghc/_build/stage1/lib"
 tt = testOneFile "/home/alanz/mysrc/git.haskell.org/worktree/exactprint/_build/stage1/lib"
-  -- "Test.hs"
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Ppr001.hs"
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Ppr002.hs"
  -- "../../testsuite/tests/printer/Ppr003.hs"

@@ -1,34 +1,184 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude, TypeFamilies, UnboxedTuples #-}
-  Main
-     (
-           main
-     ,
-       foo
-      )
-    where
-import {-#  SOURCE   #-}   qualified   Data.List  as  L
-import  Data.Map  hiding    ( Map(..)  )
-main    =
-    putStrLn     "hello"
-foo = 1
--- | '(' qconsym ')'       {% amsr (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2))
---                                  [mop $1,mjA AnnVal $2,mcp $3] }
-f1 = (    Main.::: )  0    1
--- | '(' consym ')'        {% amsr (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2))
---                                [mop $1,mjA AnnVal $2,mcp $3] }
-f2 = ( :::   )  0   1
--- | '`' conid '`'         {% amsr (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2))
---                                  [mj AnnBackquote $1,mjA AnnVal $2
---                                  ,mj AnnBackquote $3] }
--- data GG = GG Int Int
--- gg = 0 `  GG ` 1
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- import Data.List
+import Data.Data
+import Data.Typeable
+-- import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC hiding (moduleName)
+import GHC.Driver.Ppr
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Hs.Dump
+-- import GHC.Types.SourceText
+-- import GHC.Hs.Exact hiding (ExactPrint())
+-- import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding (space)
+import System.Environment( getArgs )
+import System.Exit
+import System.FilePath
+import Types
+import Utils
+import ExactPrint
+-- exactPrint = undefined
+-- showPprUnsafe = undefined
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+tt :: IO ()
+-- tt = testOneFile "/home/alanz/mysrc/git.haskell.org/ghc/_build/stage1/lib"
+tt = testOneFile "/home/alanz/mysrc/git.haskell.org/worktree/exactprint/_build/stage1/lib"
+ "cases/RenameCase1.hs"
+-- exact = ppr
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+usage :: String
+usage = unlines
+    [ "usage: check-ppr (libdir) (file)"
+    , ""
+    , "where libdir is the GHC library directory (e.g. the output of"
+    , "ghc --print-libdir) and file is the file to parse."
+    ]
+main :: IO()
+main = do
+  args <- getArgs
+  case args of
+   [libdir,fileName] -> testOneFile libdir fileName
+   _ -> putStrLn usage
+testOneFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
+testOneFile libdir fileName = do
+       p <- parseOneFile libdir fileName
+       -- putStrLn $ "\n\ngot p"
+       let
+         origAst = showSDocUnsafe
+                     $ showAstData BlankSrcSpanFile NoBlankApiAnnotations
+                                                         (pm_parsed_source p)
+         anns'   = pm_annotations p
+         -- pped    = pragmas ++ "\n" ++ (exactPrint $ pm_parsed_source p)
+         pped    = exactPrint (pm_parsed_source p) anns'
+         -- pragmas = getPragmas anns'
+         newFile        = dropExtension fileName <.> "ppr"     <.> takeExtension fileName
+         newFileChanged = dropExtension fileName <.> "changed" <.> takeExtension fileName
+         astFile = fileName <.> "ast"
+         newAstFile = fileName <.> "ast.new"
+       pped' <- exactprintWithChange changeRenameCase1 (pm_parsed_source p) anns'
+       -- putStrLn $ "\n\nabout to writeFile"
+       writeFile astFile origAst
+       -- putStrLn $ "\n\nabout to pp"
+       writeFile newFile        pped
+       writeFile newFileChanged pped'
+       -- putStrLn $ "anns':" ++ showPprUnsafe (apiAnnRogueComments anns')
+       p' <- parseOneFile libdir newFile
+       let newAstStr :: String
+           newAstStr = showSDocUnsafe
+                         $ showAstData BlankSrcSpanFile NoBlankApiAnnotations
+                                                         (pm_parsed_source p')
+       writeFile newAstFile newAstStr
+       -- putStrLn $ "\n\nanns':" ++ showPprUnsafe (apiAnnRogueComments anns')
+       if origAst == newAstStr
+         then do
+           -- putStrLn "ASTs matched"
+           exitSuccess
+         else do
+           putStrLn "AST Match Failed"
+           -- putStrLn "\n===================================\nOrig\n\n"
+           -- putStrLn origAst
+           putStrLn "\n===================================\nNew\n\n"
+           putStrLn newAstStr
+           exitFailure
+parseOneFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ParsedModule
+parseOneFile libdir fileName = do
+       let modByFile m =
+             case ml_hs_file $ ms_location m of
+               Nothing -> False
+               Just fn -> fn == fileName
+       runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
+         dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+         let dflags2 = dflags `gopt_set` Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
+         _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags2
+         addTarget Target { targetId = TargetFile fileName Nothing
+                          , targetAllowObjCode = True
+                          , targetContents = Nothing }
+         _ <- load LoadAllTargets
+         graph <- getModuleGraph
+         let
+           modSum = case filter modByFile (mgModSummaries graph) of
+                     [x] -> x
+                     xs -> error $ "Can't find module, got:"
+                              ++ show (map (ml_hs_file . ms_location) xs)
+         parseModule modSum
+-- getPragmas :: ApiAnns -> String
+-- getPragmas anns' = pragmaStr
+--   where
+--     tokComment (L _ (AnnBlockComment s)) = s
+--     tokComment (L _ (AnnLineComment  s)) = s
+--     tokComment _ = ""
+--     comments' = map tokComment $ sortRealLocated $ apiAnnRogueComments anns'
+--     pragmas = filter (\c -> isPrefixOf "{-#" c ) comments'
+--     pragmaStr = intercalate "\n" pragmas
+-- pp :: (Outputable a) => a -> String
+-- pp a = showPpr unsafeGlobalDynFlags a
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+exactprintWithChange :: Changer -> ParsedSource -> ApiAnns -> IO String
+exactprintWithChange f p anns = do
+  (anns',p') <- f anns p
+  return $ exactPrint p' anns'
+type Changer = (ApiAnns -> ParsedSource -> IO (ApiAnns,ParsedSource))
+noChange :: Changer
+noChange ans parsed = return (ans,parsed)
+changeRenameCase1 :: Changer
+changeRenameCase1 ans parsed = return (ans,rename "bazLonger" [((3,15),(3,18))] parsed)
+rename :: (Data a) => String -> [(Pos, Pos)] -> a -> a
+rename newNameStr spans' a
+  = everywhere (mkT replaceRdr) a
+  where
+    newName = mkRdrUnqual (mkVarOcc newNameStr)
+    cond :: SrcSpan -> Bool
+    cond ln = ss2range ln `elem` spans'
+    replaceRdr :: LocatedN RdrName -> LocatedN RdrName
+    replaceRdr (L ln _)
+        | cond (locA ln) = L ln newName
+    replaceRdr x = x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- From SYB
+-- | Apply transformation on each level of a tree.
+-- Just like 'everything', this is stolen from SYB package.
+everywhere :: (forall a. Data a => a -> a) -> (forall a. Data a => a -> a)
+everywhere f = f . gmapT (everywhere f)
+-- | Create generic transformation.
+-- Another function stolen from SYB package.
+mkT :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (b -> b) -> (a -> a)
+mkT f = case cast f of
+    Just f' -> f'
+    Nothing -> id

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module RenameCase1 where
+foo x = case (baz x) of
+    1 -> "a"
+    _ -> "b"

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Executable check-exact
     Build-Depends: base       >= 4   && < 5,
-                   Cabal      >= 3.0 && < 3.4,
+                   Cabal      >= 3.0 && < 3.6,

@@ -83,6 +83,10 @@ defaultEPState as = EPState
              , epLHS    = 0
              , epMarkLayout = False
              , priorEndPosition = (1,1)
+             , priorEndPositionE = (1,1)
+             , priorEndPositionU = (1,1)
+             , anchorSpan = badRealSrcSpan
+             , origPos = (1,1)
              , epComments = rogueComments as
@@ -142,6 +146,12 @@ data EPState = EPState
              , epLHS :: LayoutStartCol
              , priorEndPosition :: !Pos -- ^ Position reached when
                                         -- processing the last element
+             , priorEndPositionE :: !Pos -- ^ End of Position reached when
+             , priorEndPositionU :: !Pos -- ^ last priorEndPositionE used when calculating EDP
+             , anchorSpan :: !RealSrcSpan -- ^ in pre-changed AST reference frame, from Annotation
+             , origPos :: !Pos -- ^ Current output position in
+                               -- original annotation, used to
+                               -- calculate DPs
              , epComments :: ![Comment]
@@ -181,11 +191,26 @@ enterAnn NoEntryVal a = do
   p <- getPos
   debugM $ "enterAnn:NO ANN:p =" ++ show p
   exact a
-enterAnn (Entry anchor cs) a = do
+enterAnn (Entry anchor' cs) a = do
+  -- NOTE: in time anchor will note if it has moved, for now we assume
+  -- both values are the same
+  let topAnchor = anchor' -- To control spacing to get into this AST element
+  let curAnchor = anchor' -- As a base for the current AST element
+  -- -- -----------------------------------------------
+  -- -- Advance by any discrepance between origPos and topAnchor
+  -- op <- getOrigPos
+  -- p <- getPos
+  -- let dp = pos2delta op (ss2pos topAnchor)
+  -- debugM $ "enterAnn:(op,p,topAnchor,dp)=" ++ show (op,p,rs2range topAnchor,dp)
+  -- advance dp
+  -- -- We are now cleanly in the current context
+  -- -- -------------------------------------------
+  setAnchor curAnchor
+  setOrigPos (ss2pos curAnchor) -- We assume we are now aligned with the anchor
+  p' <- getPos
   addCommentsA cs
-  printComments anchor
+  printComments curAnchor
   p <- getPos
-  debugM $ "enterAnn:(anchor(pos),p)=" ++ show (ss2pos(anchor),p)
   -- do all the machinery of advancing to the anchor, with a local etc
   -- modelled on exactpc (which is normally called via withast
@@ -193,16 +218,35 @@ enterAnn (Entry anchor cs) a = do
   -- the current position, and the anchor.
   -- off <- gets apLayoutStart
   off <- gets epLHS
-  priorEndAfterComments <- getPos
-  let ss = anchor
-  let edp = adjustDeltaForOffset
+  -- priorEndAfterComments <- getPos
+  let ss = curAnchor
+  priorEndAfterComments <- getPriorEnd
+  priorEndAfterCommentsE <- getPriorEndE
+  peu <- getPriorEndU
+  debugM $ "enterAnn:(curAnchor,pe,pec,p,p')=" ++ show (ss2pos curAnchor,priorEndAfterComments,priorEndAfterCommentsE,p,p')
+  -- NOTE: edp only uses the *original* ast spacing, i.e. the gap
+  -- between the end of the previous leaf span, and the start of the
+  -- next leaf span
+  let edp' = adjustDeltaForOffset
               -- Use the propagated offset if one is set
               -- Note that we need to use the new offset if it has
               -- changed.
-              off (ss2delta priorEndAfterComments ss)
+              -- off (ss2delta priorEndAfterComments ss)
+              off (ss2delta priorEndAfterCommentsE curAnchor)
+      edp = if peu /= priorEndAfterCommentsE -- new leaf node
+              then edp' else DP (0,0)
+  debugM $ "enterAnn:(p,ss,edp,pec)=" ++ show (p,ss2pos ss,edp,priorEndAfterCommentsE)
+  -- when (priorEndAfterComments < ss2pos ss) (do
+  --   modify (\s -> s { priorEndPosition = ss2pos ss
+  --                   , priorEndPositionU = priorEndAfterCommentsE } ))
+  modify (\s -> s { priorEndPosition = ss2pos ss
+                  , priorEndPositionU = priorEndAfterCommentsE } )
     st = annNone { annEntryDelta = edp }
   withOffset st (advance edp >> exact a)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -248,7 +292,7 @@ sr s = RealSrcSpan s Nothing
 -- Temporary function to simply reproduce the "normal" pretty printer output
 withPpr :: (Outputable a) => a -> Annotated ()
-withPpr a = printString False (showPprUnsafe a)
+withPpr a = printStringAdvance (showPprUnsafe a)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Modeled on Outputable
@@ -273,6 +317,7 @@ instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (Located a) where
 instance (ExactPrint a) => ExactPrint (LocatedA a) where
   getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
   exact (L la a) = do
+    debugM $ "LocatedA a:la loc=" ++ show (ss2range $ locA la)
     markAnnotated a
     markALocatedA (ann la)
@@ -301,13 +346,15 @@ instance ExactPrint HsModule where
       Just (L ln mn) -> do
         markApiAnn' an am_main AnnModule
         -- debugM $ "HsModule name: (ss,ln)=" ++ show (ss2pos ss,ss2pos (realSrcSpan ln))
-        printStringAtSs ln (moduleNameString mn)
+        -- printStringAtSs ln (moduleNameString mn)
+        markAnnotated (L ln mn)
         -- forM_ mdeprec markLocated
         markAnnotated mdeprec
         markAnnotated mexports
+        debugM $ "HsModule.AnnWhere coming"
         markApiAnn' an am_main AnnWhere
         -- markApiAnn (am_main anns) AnnWhere
@@ -334,23 +381,19 @@ instance ExactPrint HsModule where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 printSourceText :: SourceText -> String -> EPP ()
-printSourceText NoSourceText txt   =  printString False txt
-printSourceText (SourceText txt) _ =  printString False txt
+printSourceText NoSourceText txt   =  printStringAdvance txt
+printSourceText (SourceText txt) _ =  printStringAdvance txt
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+printStringAtRs :: RealSrcSpan -> String -> EPP ()
+printStringAtRs ss str = printStringAtKw' ss str
 printStringAtSs :: SrcSpan -> String -> EPP ()
 printStringAtSs ss str = printStringAtKw' (realSrcSpan ss) str
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- printStringAtKw :: ApiAnn' ann -> AnnKeywordId -> String -> EPP ()
--- printStringAtKw ApiAnnNotUsed _ str = printString True str
--- printStringAtKw (ApiAnn anchor anns _cs) kw str = do
---   case find (\(AddApiAnn k _) -> k == kw) anns of
---     Nothing -> printString True str
---     Just (AddApiAnn _ ss) -> printStringAtKw' ss str
 -- AZ:TODO get rid of this
 printStringAtMkw :: Maybe RealSrcSpan -> String -> EPP ()
 printStringAtMkw (Just r) s = printStringAtKw' r s
@@ -359,11 +402,35 @@ printStringAtMkw Nothing s = printStringAtLsDelta [] (DP (0,1)) s
 printStringAtKw' :: RealSrcSpan -> String -> EPP ()
 printStringAtKw' ss str = do
   printComments ss
-  dp <- nextDP ss
+  -- dp <- nextDP ss
+  anchor <- getAnchor
+  op <- getOrigPos
+  dp <- nextDPAnchor ss
   p <- getPos
-  debugM $ "printStringAtKw': (dp,p) = " ++ show (dp,p)
+  debugM $ "printStringAtKw': (dp,p,pe,a,op) = " ++ show (dp,p,ss2posEnd ss,rs2range anchor,op)
+  setPriorEndE (ss2posEnd ss)
+  setOrigPos (ss2posEnd ss)
   printStringAtLsDelta [] dp str
+-- | Print a string, advancing origPos by the same amount as the pos
+-- advances.  Complicated because the string may have newlines in it
+printStringAdvance :: String -> EPP ()
+printStringAdvance str = do
+  op <- getOrigPos
+  p1 <- getPos
+  printString False str
+  p2 <- getPos
+  let dp = pos2delta p1 p2
+  colOffset <- getLayoutOffset
+  let op2 = undelta op dp colOffset
+  setOrigPos op2
+adaptPos dp = do
+  op <- getOrigPos
+  colOffset <- getLayoutOffset
+  let op2 = undelta op dp colOffset
+  setOrigPos op2
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 markExternalSourceText :: SrcSpan -> SourceText -> String -> EPP ()
@@ -418,13 +485,6 @@ markLocatedAALS (ApiAnn _ a _) f kw (Just str) = go (f a)
 markArrow :: ApiAnn' TrailingAnn -> (HsArrow GhcPs) -> EPP ()
 markArrow ApiAnnNotUsed _ = pure ()
 markArrow an mult = markKwT (anns an)
-  -- = case mult of
-  --     HsLinearArrow ->  markApiAnn an AnnLolly
-  --     HsUnrestrictedArrow -> markApiAnn an AnnRarrow
-  --     HsExplicitMult p -> do
-  --       printString False "#"
-  --       markAnnotated p
-  --       markApiAnn an AnnRarrow
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -517,9 +577,14 @@ markKw' :: AnnKeywordId -> RealSrcSpan -> EPP ()
 markKw' kw ss = do
   p' <- getPos
   printComments ss
-  dp <- nextDP ss
+  -- AZ:TODO instead of using nextDP, we need to use the original DP. how?
+  -- dp <- nextDP ss
+  dp <- nextDPAnchor ss
   p <- getPos
-  debugM $ "markKw: (dp,p,p') = " ++ show (dp,p,p')
+  anchor <- getAnchor
+  setPriorEndE (ss2posEnd ss)
+  setOrigPos (ss2posEnd ss)
+  debugM $ "markKw: (dp,p,p',pe,anchor) = " ++ show (dp,p,p',rs2range ss,rs2range anchor)
   printStringAtLsDelta [] dp (keywordToString (G kw))
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -594,6 +659,15 @@ nextDP ss = do
   p <- getPos
   return $ pos2delta p (ss2pos ss)
+nextDPAnchor :: RealSrcSpan -> EPP DeltaPos
+nextDPAnchor ss = do
+  anchor <- getAnchor
+  op <- getOrigPos
+  let dp = pos2delta op (ss2pos ss)
+  -- return $ pos2delta (ss2pos anchor) (ss2pos ss)
+  debugM $ "nextDPAnchor:(dp,op,ss,anchor)=" ++ show (dp,op,rs2range ss,rs2range anchor)
+  return dp
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 markListWithLayout :: ExactPrint (LocatedA ast) => [LocatedA ast] -> EPP ()
@@ -948,7 +1022,7 @@ instance ExactPrint FastString where
   getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
   -- TODO: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10313 applies.
-  exact fs = printString False (show (unpackFS fs))
+  exact fs = printStringAdvance (show (unpackFS fs))
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1048,7 +1122,7 @@ instance ExactPrint DocDecl where
             (DocCommentNamed _s ds) -> unpackHDS ds
             (DocGroup _i ds)        -> unpackHDS ds
-      printString False str
+      printStringAdvance str
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1426,7 +1500,7 @@ exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
       markApiAnn an AnnLam
       mapM_ markAnnotated pats
     GHC.CaseAlt -> do
-      mapM_ markAnnotated pats
+      markAnnotated pats
     _ -> withPpr mctxt
   markAnnotated grhss
@@ -1434,21 +1508,21 @@ exactMatch (Match an mctxt pats grhss) = do
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 instance ExactPrint (GRHSs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs))) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (GRHSs an _ _) = fromAnn an
+  getAnnotationEntry (GRHSs _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
   exact (GRHSs an grhss binds) = do
     debugM $ "GRHSs: before matchSeparator"
-    markLocatedAA an id -- Mark the matchSeparator for these GRHSs
+    -- markLocatedAA an id -- Mark the matchSeparator for these GRHSs
     debugM $ "GRHSs: after matchSeparator"
     markAnnotated grhss
     markAnnotated binds
 instance ExactPrint (GRHSs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (GRHSs an _ _) = fromAnn an
+  getAnnotationEntry (GRHSs _ _ _) = NoEntryVal
   exact (GRHSs an grhss binds) = do
     debugM $ "GRHSs: before matchSeparator"
-    markLocatedAA an id -- Mark the matchSeparator for these GRHSs
+    -- markLocatedAA an id -- Mark the matchSeparator for these GRHSs
     debugM $ "GRHSs: after matchSeparator"
     markAnnotated grhss
     markAnnotated binds
@@ -1499,7 +1573,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (IPBind GhcPs) where
 instance ExactPrint HsIPName where
   getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
-  exact (HsIPName fs) = printString False ("?" ++ (unpackFS fs))
+  exact (HsIPName fs) = printStringAdvance ("?" ++ (unpackFS fs))
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1507,7 +1581,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsValBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs) where
   getAnnotationEntry _ = NoEntryVal
   exact (ValBinds sortkey binds sigs) = do
-    -- printString False "ValBinds"
+    -- printStringAdvance "ValBinds"
        (prepareListAnnotationA (bagToList binds)
      ++ prepareListAnnotationA sigs
@@ -1848,7 +1922,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
   -- exact x@(HsRecFld{})                 = withPpr x
   -- exact x@(HsOverLabel ann _ _)        = withPpr x
   exact (HsIPVar _ (HsIPName n))
-    = printString False ("?" ++ unpackFS n)
+    = printStringAdvance ("?" ++ unpackFS n)
   exact x@(HsOverLit ann ol) = do
     let str = case ol_val ol of
@@ -1857,7 +1931,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
                 HsIsString src _          -> src
     -- markExternalSourceText l str ""
     case str of
-      SourceText s -> printString False s
+      SourceText s -> printStringAdvance s
       NoSourceText -> withPpr x
   exact (HsLit ann lit) = withPpr lit
@@ -1897,9 +1971,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
   exact x@(HsPar an e) = do
     markOpeningParen an
     markAnnotated e
-    -- debugM $ "HsPar closing paren"
+    debugM $ "HsPar closing paren"
     markClosingParen an
-    -- debugM $ "HsPar done"
+    debugM $ "HsPar done"
   -- exact (SectionL an expr op) = do
   exact (SectionR an op expr) = do
@@ -2142,7 +2216,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsSplice GhcPs) where
   -- = ppr_splice empty  n e empty
   exact (HsQuasiQuote _ _ q _ss fs) = do
-        printString False
+        printStringAdvance
               -- Note: Lexer.x does not provide unicode alternative. 2017-02-26
               ("[" ++ (showPprUnsafe q) ++ "|" ++ (unpackFS fs) ++ "|]")
@@ -2222,7 +2296,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsTupArg GhcPs) where
   exact (Present _ e) = markAnnotated e
   exact (Missing ApiAnnNotUsed) = return ()
-  exact (Missing _) = printString False ","
+  exact (Missing _) = printStringAdvance ","
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -2402,12 +2476,12 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsCmd GhcPs) where
 instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body))
    => ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA body)) where
 -- instance ExactPrint (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsCmd GhcPs))) where
-  getAnnotationEntry (LastStmt _ _ _ _)            = NoEntryVal
+  getAnnotationEntry (LastStmt _ _ _ _)             = NoEntryVal
   getAnnotationEntry (BindStmt an _ _)              = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ApplicativeStmt an _ _)       = NoEntryVal
-  getAnnotationEntry (BodyStmt an _ _ _)            = NoEntryVal
+  getAnnotationEntry (ApplicativeStmt _ _ _)        = NoEntryVal
+  getAnnotationEntry (BodyStmt _ _ _ _)             = NoEntryVal
   getAnnotationEntry (LetStmt an _)                 = fromAnn an
-  getAnnotationEntry (ParStmt an _ _ _)             = NoEntryVal
+  getAnnotationEntry (ParStmt _ _ _ _)              = NoEntryVal
   getAnnotationEntry (TransStmt an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
   getAnnotationEntry (RecStmt an _ _ _ _ _ _)       = fromAnn an
@@ -2515,7 +2589,7 @@ instance (ExactPrint (LocatedA body))
   --   markTrailingSemi
   -- exact x = error $ "exact CmdLStmt for:" ++ showAst x
-  exact x = error $ "exact CmdLStmt for:"
+  -- exact x = error $ "exact CmdLStmt for:"
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -2690,7 +2764,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (TyClDecl GhcPs) where
 --     = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
 --   markAST _ (GHC.XTyClDecl _)
 --     = error "extension hit for TyClDecl"
-  exact x = error $ "exact TyClDecl for:" ++ showAst x
+  -- exact x = error $ "exact TyClDecl for:" ++ showAst x
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -2719,7 +2793,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (FamilyDecl GhcPs) where
         markApiAnn an AnnWhere
         markApiAnn an AnnOpenC
         case mb_eqns of
-          Nothing -> printString False ".."
+          Nothing -> printStringAdvance ".."
           Just eqns -> markAnnotated eqns
         markApiAnn an AnnCloseC
       _ -> return ()
@@ -2887,7 +2961,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
   getAnnotationEntry (HsWildCardTy _)          = NoEntryVal
-  exact (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = an
+  exact (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = _an
                     , hst_tele = tele, hst_body = ty }) = do
     markAnnotated tele
     markAnnotated ty
@@ -2900,9 +2974,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
     when (promoted == IsPromoted) $ markApiAnn an AnnSimpleQuote
     markAnnotated name
-  exact x@(HsAppTy _ t1 t2)         = markAnnotated t1 >> markAnnotated t2
-  exact x@(HsAppKindTy an _ _)      = withPpr x
-  exact x@(HsFunTy an mult ty1 ty2) = do
+  exact (HsAppTy _ t1 t2)         = markAnnotated t1 >> markAnnotated t2
+  exact x@(HsAppKindTy _an _ _)   = withPpr x
+  exact (HsFunTy an mult ty1 ty2) = do
     markAnnotated ty1
     markArrow an mult
     markAnnotated ty2
@@ -2918,7 +2992,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
     markOpeningParen an
     markAnnotated tys
     markClosingParen an
-  exact (HsOpTy an t1 lo t2) = do
+  exact (HsOpTy _an t1 lo t2) = do
     markAnnotated t1
     markAnnotated lo
     markAnnotated t2
@@ -2926,14 +3000,14 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
     markOpeningParen an
     markAnnotated ty
     markClosingParen an
-  exact x@(HsIParamTy an n t) = do
+  exact (HsIParamTy an n t) = do
       markAnnotated n
       markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
       markAnnotated t
-  exact (HsStarTy an isUnicode)
+  exact (HsStarTy _an isUnicode)
     = if isUnicode
-        then printString False "\x2605" -- Unicode star
-        else printString False "*"
+        then printStringAdvance "\x2605" -- Unicode star
+        else printStringAdvance "*"
   exact (HsKindSig an ty k) = do
     exact ty
     markApiAnn an AnnDcolon
@@ -2969,7 +3043,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsType GhcPs) where
     case lit of
       (HsNumTy src v) -> printSourceText src (show v)
       (HsStrTy src v) -> printSourceText src (show v)
-  exact (HsWildCardTy _) = printString False "_"
+  exact (HsWildCardTy _) = printStringAdvance "_"
   exact x = error $ "missing match for HsType:" ++ showAst x
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3076,8 +3150,10 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsSigType GhcPs) where
 instance ExactPrint (LocatedN RdrName) where
   getAnnotationEntry (L sann _) = fromAnn sann
-  exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ApiAnnNotUsed _) n) = do
-    printString False (showPprUnsafe n)
+  exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ApiAnnNotUsed l) n) = do
+    p <- getPos
+    debugM $ "LocatedN RdrName:NOANN: (p,l,str)=" ++ show (p,ss2range l, showPprUnsafe n)
+    printStringAtSs l (showPprUnsafe n)
   exact (L (SrcSpanAnn (ApiAnn _anchor ann _cs) ll) n) = do
     case ann of
       NameAnn a o l c t -> do
@@ -3100,7 +3176,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedN RdrName) where
         markAnnotated (L (SrcSpanAnn name ll) n)
         markTrailing t
       NameAnnTrailing t -> do
-        printString False (showPprUnsafe n)
+        printStringAdvance (showPprUnsafe n)
         markTrailing t
 markName :: NameAdornment
@@ -3133,12 +3209,12 @@ exact_condecls an cs
   | gadt_syntax                  -- In GADT syntax
   -- = hang (text "where") 2 (vcat (map ppr cs))
   = do
-      -- printString False "exact_condecls:gadt"
+      -- printStringAdvance "exact_condecls:gadt"
       mapM_ markAnnotated cs
   | otherwise                    -- In H98 syntax
   -- = equals <+> sep (punctuate (text " |") (map ppr cs))
   = do
-      -- printString False "exact_condecls:not gadt"
+      -- printStringAdvance "exact_condecls:not gadt"
       markApiAnn an AnnEqual
       mapM_ markAnnotated cs
@@ -3210,8 +3286,8 @@ instance ExactPrint (ConDecl GhcPs) where
     when (isJust mcxt) $ markApiAnn an AnnDarrow
     -- mapM_ markAnnotated args
     case args of
-        (PrefixConGADT args) -> mapM_ markAnnotated args
-        (RecConGADT fields)  -> markAnnotated fields
+        (PrefixConGADT args') -> mapM_ markAnnotated args'
+        (RecConGADT fields)   -> markAnnotated fields
           -- mapM_ markAnnotated (unLoc fields)
     markAnnotated res_ty
   -- markAST _ (GHC.ConDeclGADT _ lns (GHC.L l forall) qvars mbCxt args typ _) = do
@@ -3315,7 +3391,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedP CType) where
   getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
   exact (L (SrcSpanAnn ApiAnnNotUsed _) ct) = withPpr ct
-  exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an ll)
+  exact (L (SrcSpanAnn an _ll)
          (CType stp mh (stct,ct))) = do
     markAnnOpenP an stp "{-# CTYPE"
     case mh of
@@ -3345,7 +3421,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (SourceText, RuleName) where
   getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
   exact (st, rn)
-    = printString False (toSourceTextWithSuffix st (unpackFS rn) "")
+    = printStringAdvance (toSourceTextWithSuffix st (unpackFS rn) "")
 -- =====================================================================
@@ -3408,7 +3484,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (StmtLR GhcPs GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr Gh
     markAnnList an $ do
       -- markLocatedMAA an al_open
       case snocView stmts of
-        Just (initStmts, ls@(L _ (LastStmt _ body _ _))) -> do
+        Just (initStmts, ls@(L _ (LastStmt _ _body _ _))) -> do
           debugM $ "LocatedL [ExprLStmt: snocView"
           markAnnotated ls
           markAnnotated initStmts
@@ -3459,7 +3535,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (IE GhcPs) where
     markApiAnn an AnnDotdot
     markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
-  exact (IEThingWith an thing wc withs flds) = do
+  exact (IEThingWith an thing wc withs _flds) = do
     markAnnotated thing
     markApiAnn an AnnOpenP
     case wc of
@@ -3529,8 +3605,10 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
   getAnnotationEntry (NPlusKPat an _ _ _ _ _) = fromAnn an
   getAnnotationEntry (SigPat an _ _)          = fromAnn an
-  exact (WildPat _) = printString False "_"
+  exact (WildPat _) = do
+    anchor <- getAnchor
+    debugM $ "WildPat:anchor=" ++ show anchor
+    printStringAtRs anchor "_"
   exact (VarPat _ n) = do
         -- The parser inserts a placeholder value for a record pun rhs. This must be
         -- filtered.
@@ -3558,7 +3636,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
       Boxed   -> markApiAnn an AnnCloseP
       Unboxed -> markApiAnn an AnnClosePH
-  exact (SumPat an pat alt arity) = do
+  exact (SumPat an pat _alt _arity) = do
     markLocatedAAL an sumPatParens AnnOpenPH
     markAnnKwAll an sumPatVbarsBefore AnnVbar
     markAnnotated pat
@@ -3578,7 +3656,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
     markApiAnn an AnnRarrow
     markAnnotated pat
   exact (SplicePat _ splice) = markAnnotated splice
-  exact (LitPat _ lit) = printString False (hsLit2String lit)
+  exact (LitPat _ lit) = printStringAdvance (hsLit2String lit)
   exact (NPat an ol mn _) = do
     when (isJust mn) $ markApiAnn an AnnMinus
     markAnnotated ol
@@ -3699,7 +3777,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsOverLit GhcPs) where
                 HsIsString src _ -> src
       case str of
-        SourceText s -> printString False s
+        SourceText s -> printStringAdvance s
         NoSourceText -> return ()
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3961,6 +4039,43 @@ getPos = gets epPos
 setPos :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
 setPos l = modify (\s -> s {epPos = l})
+getPriorEnd :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m Pos
+getPriorEnd = gets priorEndPosition
+getPriorEndE :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m Pos
+getPriorEndE = gets priorEndPositionE
+getPriorEndU :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m Pos
+getPriorEndU = gets priorEndPositionU
+getAnchor :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m RealSrcSpan
+getAnchor = gets anchorSpan
+getOrigPos :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m Pos
+getOrigPos = gets origPos
+setPriorEnd :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+setPriorEnd pe =
+  modify (\s -> s { priorEndPosition = pe })
+setPriorEndE :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+setPriorEndE pe =
+  modify (\s -> s { priorEndPositionE = pe })
+setPriorEndU :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+setPriorEndU pe =
+  modify (\s -> s { priorEndPositionU = pe })
+setAnchor :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => RealSrcSpan -> EP w m ()
+setAnchor rss = do
+  debugM $ "setAnchor:" ++ show (rs2range rss)
+  modify (\s -> s { anchorSpan = rss })
+setOrigPos :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Pos -> EP w m ()
+setOrigPos p = do
+  debugM $ "setOrigPos:" ++ show p
+  modify (\s -> s { origPos = p })
 getUnallocatedComments :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EP w m [Comment]
 getUnallocatedComments = gets epComments
@@ -4014,7 +4129,7 @@ advance :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => DeltaPos -> EP w m ()
 advance cl = do
   p <- getPos
   colOffset <- getLayoutOffset
-  debugM $ "advance:(p,colOffset,ws)=" ++ show (p,colOffset,undelta p cl colOffset)
+  debugM $ "advance:(p,cl,colOffset,ws)=" ++ show (p,cl,colOffset,undelta p cl colOffset)
   printWhitespace (undelta p cl colOffset)
 -- getAndRemoveAnnotation :: (Monad m, Monoid w, Data a) => GHC.Located a -> EP w m (Maybe Annotation)
@@ -4034,9 +4149,6 @@ adjustDeltaForOffset (LayoutStartCol colOffset) (DP (l,c)) = DP (l,c - colOffset
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Printing functions
 printString :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => Bool -> String -> EP w m ()
 printString layout str = do
   EPState{epPos = (_,c), epMarkLayout} <- get

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Driver.Ppr
+import GHC.Data.FastString
 -- import GHC.Types.Var
 -- import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
@@ -164,6 +165,22 @@ ss2pos ss = (srcSpanStartLine ss,srcSpanStartCol ss)
 ss2posEnd :: RealSrcSpan -> Pos
 ss2posEnd ss = (srcSpanEndLine ss,srcSpanEndCol ss)
+ss2range :: SrcSpan -> (Pos,Pos)
+ss2range ss = (ss2pos $ rs ss, ss2posEnd $ rs ss)
+rs2range :: RealSrcSpan -> (Pos,Pos)
+rs2range ss = (ss2pos ss, ss2posEnd ss)
+rs :: SrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan
+rs (RealSrcSpan s _) = s
+rs _ = badRealSrcSpan
+badRealSrcSpan :: RealSrcSpan
+badRealSrcSpan = mkRealSrcSpan bad bad
+  where
+    bad = mkRealSrcLoc (fsLit "ghc-exactprint-nospan") 0 0
 -- srcSpanEndColumn :: SrcSpan -> Int
 -- srcSpanEndColumn (RealSrcSpan s) = srcSpanEndCol s
 -- srcSpanEndColumn _ = 0

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