[Git][ghc/ghc][master] 2 commits: testsuite: Add testcase for #18733

Marge Bot gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Nov 13 19:29:06 UTC 2020

 Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

787e93ae by Ben Gamari at 2020-11-11T23:14:11-05:00
testsuite: Add testcase for #18733

- - - - -
5353fd50 by Ben Gamari at 2020-11-12T10:05:30-05:00
compiler: Fix recompilation checking

In ticket #18733 we noticed a rather serious deficiency in the current
fingerprinting logic for recursive groups. I have described the old
fingerprinting story and its problems in Note [Fingerprinting recursive
groups] and have reworked the story accordingly to avoid these issues.

Fixes #18733.

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
- + testsuite/tests/driver/T18733/Library1.hs
- + testsuite/tests/driver/T18733/Library2.hs
- + testsuite/tests/driver/T18733/Main.hs
- + testsuite/tests/driver/T18733/Makefile
- + testsuite/tests/driver/T18733/T18733.stdout
- + testsuite/tests/driver/T18733/all.T


@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ import Data.Function
 import Data.List (find, sortBy, sort)
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Word (Word64)
 --Qualified import so we can define a Semigroup instance
 -- but it doesn't clash with Outputable.<>
@@ -729,6 +730,77 @@ Names (e.g. the ifName field of a IfaceDecl) and non-binding (e.g. the ifInstCls
 field of a IfaceClsInst): only in the non-binding case should we include the
 fingerprint; in the binding case we shouldn't since it is merely the name of the
 thing that we are currently fingerprinting.
+Note [Fingerprinting recursive groups]
+The fingerprinting of a single recursive group is a rather subtle affair, as
+seen in #18733.
+How not to fingerprint
+Prior to fixing #18733 we used the following (flawed) scheme to fingerprint a
+group in hash environment `hash_env0`:
+ 1. extend hash_env0, giving each declaration in the group the fingerprint 0
+ 2. use this environment to hash the declarations' ABIs, resulting in
+    group_fingerprint
+ 3. produce the final hash environment by extending hash_env0, mapping each
+    declaration of the group to group_fingerprint
+However, this is wrong. Consider, for instance, a program like:
+    data A = ARecu B | ABase String deriving (Show)
+    data B = BRecu A | BBase Int deriving (Show)
+    info :: B
+    info = BBase 1
+A consequence of (3) is that A and B will have the same fingerprint. This means
+that if the user changes `info` to:
+    info :: A
+    info = ABase "hello"
+The program's ABI fingerprint will not change despite `info`'s type, and
+therefore ABI, being clearly different.
+However, the incorrectness doesn't end there: (1) means that all recursive
+occurrences of names within the group will be given the same fingerprint. This
+means that the group's fingerprint won't change if we change an occurrence of A
+to B.
+Surprisingly, this bug (#18733) lurked for many years before being uncovered.
+How we now fingerprint
+As seen above, the fingerprinting function must ensure that a groups
+fingerprint captures the structure of within-group occurrences. The scheme that
+we use is:
+ 0. To ensure determinism, sort the declarations into a stable order by
+    declaration name
+ 1. Extend hash_env0, giving each declaration in the group a sequential
+    fingerprint (e.g. 0, 1, 2, ...).
+ 2. Use this environment to hash the declarations' ABIs, resulting in
+    group_fingerprint.
+    Since we included the sequence number in step (1) programs identical up to
+    transposition of recursive occurrences are distinguisable, avoiding the
+    second issue mentioned above.
+ 3. Produce the final environment by extending hash_env, mapping each
+    declaration of the group to the hash of (group_fingerprint, i), where
+    i is the position of the declaration in the stable ordering.
+    Including i in the hash ensures that the first issue noted above is
+    avoided.
 -- | Add fingerprints for top-level declarations to a 'ModIface'.
@@ -854,18 +926,27 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env iface0
                return (env', (hash,decl) : decls_w_hashes)
        fingerprint_group (local_env, decls_w_hashes) (CyclicSCC abis)
-          = do let decls = map abiDecl abis
+          = do let stable_abis = sortBy cmp_abiNames abis
+                   stable_decls = map abiDecl stable_abis
                local_env1 <- foldM extend_hash_env local_env
-                                   (zip (repeat fingerprint0) decls)
+                                   (zip (map mkRecFingerprint [0..]) stable_decls)
+                -- See Note [Fingerprinting recursive groups]
                let hash_fn = mk_put_name local_env1
                -- pprTrace "fingerprinting" (ppr (map ifName decls) ) $ do
-               let stable_abis = sortBy cmp_abiNames abis
                 -- put the cycle in a canonical order
                hash <- computeFingerprint hash_fn stable_abis
-               let pairs = zip (repeat hash) decls
+               let pairs = zip (map (bumpFingerprint hash) [0..]) stable_decls
+                -- See Note [Fingerprinting recursive groups]
                local_env2 <- foldM extend_hash_env local_env pairs
                return (local_env2, pairs ++ decls_w_hashes)
+       -- Make a fingerprint from the ordinal position of a binding in its group.
+       mkRecFingerprint :: Word64 -> Fingerprint
+       mkRecFingerprint i = Fingerprint 0 i
+       bumpFingerprint :: Fingerprint -> Word64 -> Fingerprint
+       bumpFingerprint fp n = fingerprintFingerprints [ fp, mkRecFingerprint n ]
        -- we have fingerprinted the whole declaration, but we now need
        -- to assign fingerprints to all the OccNames that it binds, to
        -- use when referencing those OccNames in later declarations.
@@ -884,7 +965,8 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env iface0
    -- when calculating fingerprints, we always need to use canonical
    -- ordering for lists of things.  In particular, the mi_deps has various
    -- lists of modules and suchlike, so put these all in canonical order:
-   let sorted_deps = sortDependencies (mi_deps iface0)
+   let sorted_deps :: Dependencies
+       sorted_deps = sortDependencies (mi_deps iface0)
    -- The export hash of a module depends on the orphan hashes of the
    -- orphan modules below us in the dependency tree.  This is the way
@@ -971,7 +1053,8 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env iface0
    -- put the declarations in a canonical order, sorted by OccName
-   let sorted_decls = Map.elems $ Map.fromList $
+   let sorted_decls :: [(Fingerprint, IfaceDecl)]
+       sorted_decls = Map.elems $ Map.fromList $
                           [(getOccName d, e) | e@(_, d) <- decls_w_hashes]
    -- the flag hash depends on:

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Library where
+data A = ARecu B | ABase String deriving (Show)
+data B = BRecu A | BBase Int deriving (Show)
+info :: B
+info = BBase 1

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Library where
+data A = ARecu B | ABase String deriving (Show)
+data B = BRecu A | BBase Int deriving (Show)
+info :: A
+info = ABase "Hello"

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Main where
+import Library
+main = putStrLn $ show info

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
+include $(TOP)/mk/test.mk
+	cp Library1.hs Library.hs
+	'$(TEST_HC)' -v0 -o Main Library.hs Main.hs
+	./Main
+	cp Library2.hs Library.hs
+	'$(TEST_HC)' -v0 -o Main Library.hs Main.hs
+	./Main

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+BBase 1
+ABase "Hello"

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+srcs = ['Library1.hs', 'Library2.hs', 'Main.hs']
+test('T18733', extra_files(srcs), makefile_test, [])

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