[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 4 commits: Arity: Rework `ArityType` to fix monotonicity (#18870)
Marge Bot
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Nov 13 13:29:01 UTC 2020
Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
62838a7e by Sebastian Graf at 2020-11-13T08:28:52-05:00
Arity: Rework `ArityType` to fix monotonicity (#18870)
As we found out in #18870, `andArityType` is not monotone, with
potentially severe consequences for termination of fixed-point
iteration. That showed in an abundance of "Exciting arity" DEBUG
messages that are emitted whenever we do more than one step in
fixed-point iteration.
The solution necessitates also recording `OneShotInfo` info for
`ABot` arity type. Thus we get the following definition for `ArityType`:
data ArityType = AT [OneShotInfo] Divergence
The majority of changes in this patch are the result of refactoring use
sites of `ArityType` to match the new definition.
The regression test `T18870` asserts that we indeed don't emit any DEBUG
output anymore for a function where we previously would have.
Similarly, there's a regression test `T18937` for #18937, which we
expect to be broken for now.
Fixes #18870.
- - - - -
b9ea1969 by Sebastian Graf at 2020-11-13T08:28:52-05:00
Arity: Emit "Exciting arity" warning only after second iteration (#18937)
See Note [Exciting arity] why we emit the warning at all and why we only
do after the second iteration now.
Fixes #18937.
- - - - -
db107104 by David Eichmann at 2020-11-13T08:28:52-05:00
Add rts_listThreads and rts_listMiscRoots to RtsAPI.h
These are used to find the current roots of the garbage collector.
Co-authored-by: Sven Tennie's avatarSven Tennie <sven.tennie at gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Pickering's avatarMatthew Pickering <matthewtpickering at gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: default avatarBen Gamari <bgamari.foss at gmail.com>
- - - - -
238fa01a by Ben Gamari at 2020-11-13T08:28:53-05:00
gitlab-ci: Cache cabal store in linting job
- - - - -
13 changed files:
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
- includes/RtsAPI.h
- rts/RtsAPI.c
- + testsuite/tests/arityanal/should_compile/T18870.hs
- + testsuite/tests/arityanal/should_compile/T18937.hs
- testsuite/tests/arityanal/should_compile/all.T
- testsuite/tests/rts/pause-resume/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/rts/pause-resume/list_threads_and_misc_roots.hs
- + testsuite/tests/rts/pause-resume/list_threads_and_misc_roots_c.c
- + testsuite/tests/rts/pause-resume/list_threads_and_misc_roots_c.h
@@ -307,16 +307,20 @@ hadrian-ghc-in-ghci:
- .gitlab/ci.sh setup
- cabal update
- cd hadrian; cabal new-build -j`../mk/detect-cpu-count.sh` --with-compiler=$GHC --project-file=ci.project; cd ..
+ after_script:
+ - cp -Rf $HOME/.cabal cabal-cache
GHC_FLAGS: -Werror
+ cache:
+ key: lint
+ paths:
+ - cabal-cache
extends: .lint-params
- hadrian/build -c -j stage1:lib:base
- hadrian/build -j lint:base
- cache:
- key: lint
# Validation via Pipelines (make)
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ module GHC.Core.Opt.Arity
, etaExpand, etaExpandAT
, exprBotStrictness_maybe
- -- ** ArityType
- , ArityType(..), expandableArityType, arityTypeArity
- , maxWithArity, isBotArityType, idArityType
+ -- ** ArityType
+ , ArityType(..), mkBotArityType, mkTopArityType, expandableArityType
+ , arityTypeArity, maxWithArity, idArityType
- -- ** Join points
+ -- ** Join points
, etaExpandToJoinPoint, etaExpandToJoinPointRule
- -- ** Coercions and casts
+ -- ** Coercions and casts
, pushCoArg, pushCoArgs, pushCoValArg, pushCoTyArg
, pushCoercionIntoLambda, pushCoDataCon, collectBindersPushingCo
@@ -455,27 +455,36 @@ ArityType is the result of a compositional analysis on expressions,
from which we can decide the real arity of the expression (extracted
with function exprEtaExpandArity).
+We use the following notation:
+ at ::= \o1..on.div
+ div ::= T | x | ⊥
+ o ::= ? | 1
+And omit the \. if n = 0. Examples:
+ \?11.T stands for @AT [NoOneShotInfo,OneShotLam,OneShotLam] topDiv@
+ ⊥ stands for @AT [] botDiv@
+See the 'Outputable' instance for more information. It's pretty simple.
Here is what the fields mean. If an arbitrary expression 'f' has
ArityType 'at', then
- * If at = ABot n, then (f x1..xn) definitely diverges. Partial
- applications to fewer than n args may *or may not* diverge.
+ * If @at = AT [o1,..,on] botDiv@ (notation: \o1..on.⊥), then @f x1..xn@
+ definitely diverges. Partial applications to fewer than n args may *or
+ may not* diverge.
We allow ourselves to eta-expand bottoming functions, even
if doing so may lose some `seq` sharing,
let x = <expensive> in \y. error (g x y)
==> \y. let x = <expensive> in error (g x y)
- * If at = ATop as, and n=length as,
- then expanding 'f' to (\x1..xn. f x1 .. xn) loses no sharing,
- assuming the calls of f respect the one-shot-ness of
- its definition.
+ * If @at = AT [o1,..,on] topDiv@ (notation: \o1..on.T), then expanding 'f'
+ to @\x1..xn. f x1..xn@ loses no sharing, assuming the calls of f respect
+ the one-shot-ness o1..on of its definition.
- NB 'f' is an arbitrary expression, eg (f = g e1 e2). This 'f'
- can have ArityType as ATop, with length as > 0, only if e1 e2 are
- themselves.
+ NB 'f' is an arbitrary expression, eg @f = g e1 e2 at . This 'f' can have
+ arity type @AT oss _@, with @length oss > 0@, only if e1 e2 are themselves
+ cheap.
- * In both cases, f, (f x1), ... (f x1 ... f(n-1)) are definitely
+ * In both cases, @f@, @f x1@, ... @f x1 ... x(n-1)@ are definitely
really functions, or bottom, but *not* casts from a data type, in
at least one case branch. (If it's a function in one case branch but
an unsafe cast from a data type in another, the program is bogus.)
@@ -485,62 +494,128 @@ ArityType 'at', then
f = \x\y. let v = <expensive> in
\s(one-shot) \t(one-shot). blah
- 'f' has ArityType [ManyShot,ManyShot,OneShot,OneShot]
+ 'f' has arity type \??11.T
The one-shot-ness means we can, in effect, push that
'let' inside the \st.
Suppose f = \xy. x+y
-Then f :: AT [False,False] ATop
- f v :: AT [False] ATop
- f <expensive> :: AT [] ATop
--------------------- Main arity code ----------------------------
+Then f :: \??.T
+ f v :: \?.T
+ f <expensive> :: T
-data ArityType -- See Note [ArityType]
- = ATop [OneShotInfo]
- | ABot Arity
- deriving( Eq )
- -- There is always an explicit lambda
- -- to justify the [OneShot], or the Arity
+-- | The analysis lattice of arity analysis. It is isomorphic to
+-- @
+-- data ArityType'
+-- = AEnd Divergence
+-- | ALam OneShotInfo ArityType'
+-- @
+-- Which is easier to display the Hasse diagram for:
+-- @
+-- ALam OneShotLam at
+-- |
+-- AEnd topDiv
+-- |
+-- ALam NoOneShotInfo at
+-- |
+-- AEnd exnDiv
+-- |
+-- AEnd botDiv
+-- @
+-- where the @at@ fields of @ALam@ are inductively subject to the same order.
+-- That is, @ALam os at1 < ALam os at2@ iff @at1 < at2 at .
+-- Why the strange Top element? See Note [Combining case branches].
+-- We rely on this lattice structure for fixed-point iteration in
+-- 'findRhsArity'. For the semantics of 'ArityType', see Note [ArityType].
+data ArityType
+ = AT ![OneShotInfo] !Divergence
+ -- ^ @AT oss div@ means this value can safely be eta-expanded @length oss@
+ -- times, provided use sites respect the 'OneShotInfo's in @oss at .
+ -- A 'OneShotLam' annotation can come from two sources:
+ -- * The user annotated a lambda as one-shot with 'GHC.Exts.oneShot'
+ -- * It's from a lambda binder of a type affected by `-fstate-hack`.
+ -- See 'idStateHackOneShotInfo'.
+ -- In both cases, 'OneShotLam' should win over 'NoOneShotInfo', see
+ -- Note [Combining case branches].
+ --
+ -- If @div@ is dead-ending ('isDeadEndDiv'), then application to
+ -- @length os@ arguments will surely diverge, similar to the situation
+ -- with 'DmdType'.
+ deriving Eq
+-- | This is the BNF of the generated output:
+-- @
+-- @
+-- We format
+-- @AT [o1,..,on] topDiv@ as @\o1..on.T@ and
+-- @AT [o1,..,on] botDiv@ as @\o1..on.⊥@, respectively.
+-- More concretely, @AT [NOI,OS,OS] topDiv@ is formatted as @\?11.T at .
+-- If the one-shot info is empty, we omit the leading @\. at .
instance Outputable ArityType where
- ppr (ATop os) = text "ATop" <> parens (ppr (length os))
- ppr (ABot n) = text "ABot" <> parens (ppr n)
+ ppr (AT oss div)
+ | null oss = pp_div div
+ | otherwise = char '\\' <> hcat (map pp_os oss) <> dot <> pp_div div
+ where
+ pp_div Diverges = char '⊥'
+ pp_div ExnOrDiv = char 'x'
+ pp_div Dunno = char 'T'
+ pp_os OneShotLam = char '1'
+ pp_os NoOneShotInfo = char '?'
-arityTypeArity :: ArityType -> Arity
--- The number of value args for the arity type
-arityTypeArity (ATop oss) = length oss
-arityTypeArity (ABot ar) = ar
+mkBotArityType :: [OneShotInfo] -> ArityType
+mkBotArityType oss = AT oss botDiv
-expandableArityType :: ArityType -> Bool
--- True <=> eta-expansion will add at least one lambda
-expandableArityType (ATop oss) = not (null oss)
-expandableArityType (ABot ar) = ar /= 0
+botArityType :: ArityType
+botArityType = mkBotArityType []
-isBotArityType :: ArityType -> Bool
-isBotArityType (ABot {}) = True
-isBotArityType (ATop {}) = False
+mkTopArityType :: [OneShotInfo] -> ArityType
+mkTopArityType oss = AT oss topDiv
-arityTypeOneShots :: ArityType -> [OneShotInfo]
-arityTypeOneShots (ATop oss) = oss
-arityTypeOneShots (ABot ar) = replicate ar OneShotLam
- -- If we are diveging or throwing an exception anyway
- -- it's fine to push redexes inside the lambdas
+topArityType :: ArityType
+topArityType = mkTopArityType []
-botArityType :: ArityType
-botArityType = ABot 0 -- Unit for andArityType
+-- | The number of value args for the arity type
+arityTypeArity :: ArityType -> Arity
+arityTypeArity (AT oss _) = length oss
-maxWithArity :: ArityType -> Arity -> ArityType
-maxWithArity at@(ABot {}) _ = at
-maxWithArity at@(ATop oss) ar
- | oss `lengthAtLeast` ar = at
- | otherwise = ATop (take ar (oss ++ repeat NoOneShotInfo))
+-- | True <=> eta-expansion will add at least one lambda
+expandableArityType :: ArityType -> Bool
+expandableArityType at = arityTypeArity at /= 0
+-- | See Note [Dead ends] in "GHC.Types.Demand".
+-- Bottom implies a dead end.
+isDeadEndArityType :: ArityType -> Bool
+isDeadEndArityType (AT _ div) = isDeadEndDiv div
-vanillaArityType :: ArityType
-vanillaArityType = ATop [] -- Totally uninformative
+-- | Expand a non-bottoming arity type so that it has at least the given arity.
+maxWithArity :: ArityType -> Arity -> ArityType
+maxWithArity at@(AT oss div) !ar
+ | isDeadEndArityType at = at
+ | oss `lengthAtLeast` ar = at
+ | otherwise = AT (take ar $ oss ++ repeat NoOneShotInfo) div
+-- | Trim an arity type so that it has at most the given arity.
+-- Any excess 'OneShotInfo's are truncated to 'topDiv', even if they end in
+-- 'ABot'.
+minWithArity :: ArityType -> Arity -> ArityType
+minWithArity at@(AT oss _) ar
+ | oss `lengthAtMost` ar = at
+ | otherwise = AT (take ar oss) topDiv
+takeWhileOneShot :: ArityType -> ArityType
+takeWhileOneShot (AT oss div)
+ | isDeadEndDiv div = AT (takeWhile isOneShotInfo oss) topDiv
+ | otherwise = AT (takeWhile isOneShotInfo oss) div
-- | The Arity returned is the number of value args the
-- expression can be applied to without doing much work
@@ -551,8 +626,9 @@ exprEtaExpandArity dflags e = arityType (etaExpandArityEnv dflags) e
getBotArity :: ArityType -> Maybe Arity
-- Arity of a divergent function
-getBotArity (ABot n) = Just n
-getBotArity _ = Nothing
+getBotArity (AT oss div)
+ | isDeadEndDiv div = Just $ length oss
+ | otherwise = Nothing
findRhsArity :: DynFlags -> Id -> CoreExpr -> Arity -> ArityType
@@ -563,26 +639,26 @@ findRhsArity :: DynFlags -> Id -> CoreExpr -> Arity -> ArityType
-- so it is safe to expand e ==> (\x1..xn. e x1 .. xn)
-- (b) if is_bot=True, then e applied to n args is guaranteed bottom
findRhsArity dflags bndr rhs old_arity
- = go (step botArityType)
+ = go 0 botArityType
-- We always do one step, but usually that produces a result equal to
- -- old_arity, and then we stop right away (since arities should not
- -- decrease)
+ -- old_arity, and then we stop right away, because old_arity is assumed
+ -- to be sound. In other words, arities should never decrease.
-- Result: the common case is that there is just one iteration
- go :: ArityType -> ArityType
- go cur_atype@(ATop oss)
- | length oss <= old_arity = cur_atype
- go cur_atype
- | new_atype == cur_atype = cur_atype
- | otherwise =
-#if defined(DEBUG)
- pprTrace "Exciting arity"
- (vcat [ ppr bndr <+> ppr cur_atype <+> ppr new_atype
- , ppr rhs])
- go new_atype
+ go :: Int -> ArityType -> ArityType
+ go !n cur_at@(AT oss div)
+ | not (isDeadEndDiv div) -- the "stop right away" case
+ , length oss <= old_arity = cur_at -- from above
+ | next_at == cur_at = cur_at
+ | otherwise =
+ -- Warn if more than 2 iterations. Why 2? See Note [Exciting arity]
+ WARN( debugIsOn && n > 2, text "Exciting arity"
+ $$ nest 2 (
+ ppr bndr <+> ppr cur_at <+> ppr next_at
+ $$ ppr rhs) )
+ go (n+1) next_at
- new_atype = step cur_atype
+ next_at = step cur_at
step :: ArityType -> ArityType
step at = -- pprTrace "step" (ppr bndr <+> ppr at <+> ppr (arityType env rhs)) $
@@ -607,7 +683,7 @@ fifteen years ago! It also shows up in the code for 'rnf' on lists
in #4138.
We do the neccessary, quite simple fixed-point iteration in 'findRhsArity',
-which assumes for a single binding @botArityType@ on the first run and iterates
+which assumes for a single binding 'ABot' on the first run and iterates
until it finds a stable arity type. Two wrinkles
* We often have to ask (see the Case or Let case of 'arityType') whether some
@@ -630,6 +706,30 @@ until it finds a stable arity type. Two wrinkles
by the 'am_sigs' field in 'FindRhsArity', and 'lookupSigEnv' in the Var case
of 'arityType'.
+Note [Exciting Arity]
+The fixed-point iteration in 'findRhsArity' stabilises very quickly in almost
+all cases. To get notified of cases where we need an usual number of iterations,
+we emit a warning in debug mode, so that we can investigate and make sure that
+we really can't do better. It's a gross hack, but catches real bugs (#18870).
+Now, which number is "unusual"? We pick n > 2. Here's a pretty common and
+expected example that takes two iterations and would ruin the specificity
+of the warning (from T18937):
+ f :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
+ f [] = id
+ f (x:xs) = let y = sum [0..x]
+ in \z -> f xs (y + z)
+Fixed-point iteration starts with arity type ⊥ for f. After the first
+iteration, we get arity type \??.T, e.g. arity 2, because we unconditionally
+'floatIn' the let-binding (see its bottom case). After the second iteration,
+we get arity type \?.T, e.g. arity 1, because now we are no longer allowed
+to floatIn the non-cheap let-binding. Which is all perfectly benign, but
+means we do two iterations (well, actually 3 'step's to detect we are stable)
+and don't want to emit the warning.
Note [Eta expanding through dictionaries]
If the experimental -fdicts-cheap flag is on, we eta-expand through
@@ -651,44 +751,45 @@ dictionary-typed expression, but that's more work.
arityLam :: Id -> ArityType -> ArityType
-arityLam id (ATop as) = ATop (idStateHackOneShotInfo id : as)
-arityLam _ (ABot n) = ABot (n+1)
+arityLam id (AT oss div) = AT (idStateHackOneShotInfo id : oss) div
floatIn :: Bool -> ArityType -> ArityType
-- We have something like (let x = E in b),
-- where b has the given arity type.
-floatIn _ (ABot n) = ABot n
-floatIn True (ATop as) = ATop as
-floatIn False (ATop as) = ATop (takeWhile isOneShotInfo as)
- -- If E is not cheap, keep arity only for one-shots
+floatIn cheap at
+ | isDeadEndArityType at || cheap = at
+ -- If E is not cheap, keep arity only for one-shots
+ | otherwise = takeWhileOneShot at
arityApp :: ArityType -> Bool -> ArityType
-- Processing (fun arg) where at is the ArityType of fun,
-- Knock off an argument and behave like 'let'
-arityApp (ABot 0) _ = ABot 0
-arityApp (ABot n) _ = ABot (n-1)
-arityApp (ATop []) _ = ATop []
-arityApp (ATop (_:as)) cheap = floatIn cheap (ATop as)
-andArityType :: ArityType -> ArityType -> ArityType -- Used for branches of a 'case'
--- This is least upper bound in the ArityType lattice
-andArityType (ABot n1) (ABot n2) = ABot (n1 `max` n2) -- Note [ABot branches: use max]
-andArityType (ATop as) (ABot _) = ATop as
-andArityType (ABot _) (ATop bs) = ATop bs
-andArityType (ATop as) (ATop bs) = ATop (as `combine` bs)
- where -- See Note [Combining case branches]
- combine (a:as) (b:bs) = (a `bestOneShot` b) : combine as bs
- combine [] bs = takeWhile isOneShotInfo bs
- combine as [] = takeWhile isOneShotInfo as
-{- Note [ABot branches: use max]
+arityApp (AT (_:oss) div) cheap = floatIn cheap (AT oss div)
+arityApp at _ = at
+-- | Least upper bound in the 'ArityType' lattice.
+-- See the haddocks on 'ArityType' for the lattice.
+-- Used for branches of a @case at .
+andArityType :: ArityType -> ArityType -> ArityType
+andArityType (AT (os1:oss1) div1) (AT (os2:oss2) div2)
+ | AT oss' div' <- andArityType (AT oss1 div1) (AT oss2 div2)
+ = AT ((os1 `bestOneShot` os2) : oss') div' -- See Note [Combining case branches]
+andArityType (AT [] div1) at2
+ | isDeadEndDiv div1 = at2 -- Note [ABot branches: max arity wins]
+ | otherwise = takeWhileOneShot at2 -- See Note [Combining case branches]
+andArityType at1 (AT [] div2)
+ | isDeadEndDiv div2 = at1 -- Note [ABot branches: max arity wins]
+ | otherwise = takeWhileOneShot at1 -- See Note [Combining case branches]
+{- Note [ABot branches: max arity wins]
Consider case x of
True -> \x. error "urk"
False -> \xy. error "urk2"
-Remember: ABot n means "if you apply to n args, it'll definitely diverge".
-So we need (ABot 2) for the whole thing, the /max/ of the ABot arities.
+Remember: \o1..on.⊥ means "if you apply to n args, it'll definitely diverge".
+So we need \??.⊥ for the whole thing, the /max/ of both arities.
Note [Combining case branches]
@@ -698,15 +799,18 @@ Consider
True -> z
False -> \s(one-shot). e1
in go2 x
-We *really* want to eta-expand go and go2.
+We *really* want to respect the one-shot annotation provided by the
+user and eta-expand go and go2.
When combining the branches of the case we have
- ATop [] `andAT` ATop [OneShotLam]
-and we want to get ATop [OneShotLam]. But if the inner
-lambda wasn't one-shot we don't want to do this.
-(We need a proper arity analysis to justify that.)
+ T `andAT` \1.T
+and we want to get \1.T.
+But if the inner lambda wasn't one-shot (\?.T) we don't want to do this.
+(We need a usage analysis to justify that.)
So we combine the best of the two branches, on the (slightly dodgy)
basis that if we know one branch is one-shot, then they all must be.
+Surprisingly, this means that the one-shot arity type is effectively the top
+element of the lattice.
Note [Arity trimming]
@@ -718,16 +822,17 @@ most 1, because typeArity (Int -> F a) = 1. So we have to trim the result of
calling arityType on (\x y. blah). Failing to do so, and hence breaking the
exprArity invariant, led to #5441.
-How to trim? For ATop, it's easy. But we must take great care with ABot.
-Suppose the expression was (\x y. error "urk"), we'll get (ABot 2). We
-absolutely must not trim that to (ABot 1), because that claims that
-((\x y. error "urk") |> co) diverges when given one argument, which it
-absolutely does not. And Bad Things happen if we think something returns bottom
-when it doesn't (#16066).
+How to trim? If we end in topDiv, it's easy. But we must take great care with
+dead ends (i.e. botDiv). Suppose the expression was (\x y. error "urk"),
+we'll get \??.⊥. We absolutely must not trim that to \?.⊥, because that
+claims that ((\x y. error "urk") |> co) diverges when given one argument,
+which it absolutely does not. And Bad Things happen if we think something
+returns bottom when it doesn't (#16066).
-So, do not reduce the 'n' in (ABot n); rather, switch (conservatively) to ATop.
+So, if we need to trim a dead-ending arity type, switch (conservatively) to
-Historical note: long ago, we unconditionally switched to ATop when we
+Historical note: long ago, we unconditionally switched to topDiv when we
encountered a cast, but that is far too conservative: see #5475
@@ -838,25 +943,22 @@ myIsCheapApp sigs fn n_val_args = case lookupVarEnv sigs fn of
Nothing -> isCheapApp fn n_val_args
-- @Just at@ means local function with @at@ as current ArityType.
-- Roughly approximate what 'isCheapApp' is doing.
- Just (ABot _) -> True -- See Note [isCheapApp: bottoming functions] in GHC.Core.Utils
- Just (ATop oss) -> n_val_args < length oss -- Essentially isWorkFreeApp
+ Just (AT oss div)
+ | isDeadEndDiv div -> True -- See Note [isCheapApp: bottoming functions] in GHC.Core.Utils
+ | n_val_args < length oss -> True -- Essentially isWorkFreeApp
+ | otherwise -> False
arityType :: ArityEnv -> CoreExpr -> ArityType
arityType env (Cast e co)
- = case arityType env e of
- ATop os -> ATop (take co_arity os) -- See Note [Arity trimming]
- ABot n | co_arity < n -> ATop (replicate co_arity noOneShotInfo)
- | otherwise -> ABot n
+ = minWithArity (arityType env e) co_arity -- See Note [Arity trimming]
co_arity = length (typeArity (coercionRKind co))
-- See Note [exprArity invariant] (2); must be true of
-- arityType too, since that is how we compute the arity
-- of variables, and they in turn affect result of exprArity
-- #5441 is a nice demo
- -- However, do make sure that ATop -> ATop and ABot -> ABot!
- -- Casts don't affect that part. Getting this wrong provoked #5475
arityType env (Var v)
| v `elemVarSet` ae_joins env
@@ -887,18 +989,15 @@ arityType env (App fun arg )
arityType env (Case scrut bndr _ alts)
| exprIsDeadEnd scrut || null alts
- = botArityType -- Do not eta expand
- -- See Note [Dealing with bottom (1)]
+ = botArityType -- Do not eta expand. See Note [Dealing with bottom (1)]
| not (pedanticBottoms env) -- See Note [Dealing with bottom (2)]
, myExprIsCheap env scrut (Just (idType bndr))
= alts_type
| exprOkForSpeculation scrut
= alts_type
- | otherwise -- In the remaining cases we may not push
- = case alts_type of -- evaluation of the scrutinee in
- ATop as -> ATop (takeWhile isOneShotInfo as)
- ABot _ -> ATop []
+ | otherwise -- In the remaining cases we may not push
+ = takeWhileOneShot alts_type -- evaluation of the scrutinee in
alts_type = foldr1 andArityType [arityType env rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
@@ -938,7 +1037,7 @@ arityType env (Let (Rec prs) e)
arityType env (Tick t e)
| not (tickishIsCode t) = arityType env e
-arityType _ _ = vanillaArityType
+arityType _ _ = topArityType
{- Note [Eta-expansion and join points]
@@ -973,12 +1072,12 @@ So we do this:
body of the let.
* Dually, when we come to a /call/ of a join point, just no-op
- by returning botArityType, the bottom element of ArityType,
+ by returning ABot, the bottom element of ArityType,
which so that: bot `andArityType` x = x
* This works if the join point is bound in the expression we are
taking the arityType of. But if it's bound further out, it makes
- no sense to say that (say) the arityType of (j False) is ABot 0.
+ no sense to say that (say) the arityType of (j False) is ABot.
Bad things happen. So we keep track of the in-scope join-point Ids
in ae_join.
@@ -997,12 +1096,12 @@ idArityType :: Id -> ArityType
idArityType v
| strict_sig <- idStrictness v
, not $ isTopSig strict_sig
- , (ds, res) <- splitStrictSig strict_sig
+ , (ds, div) <- splitStrictSig strict_sig
, let arity = length ds
- = if isDeadEndDiv res then ABot arity
- else ATop (take arity one_shots)
+ -- Every strictness signature admits an arity signature!
+ = AT (take arity one_shots) div
| otherwise
- = ATop (take (idArity v) one_shots)
+ = AT (take (idArity v) one_shots) topDiv
one_shots :: [OneShotInfo] -- One-shot-ness derived from the type
one_shots = typeArity (idType v)
@@ -1111,13 +1210,13 @@ Consider
foo = \x. case x of
True -> (\s{os}. blah) |> co
False -> wubble
-We'll get an ArityType for foo of (ATop [NoOneShot,OneShot]).
+We'll get an ArityType for foo of \?1.T.
Then we want to eta-expand to
foo = \x. (\eta{os}. (case x of ...as before...) eta) |> some_co
That 'eta' binder is fresh, and we really want it to have the
-one-shot flag from the inner \s{osf}. By expanding with the
+one-shot flag from the inner \s{os}. By expanding with the
ArityType gotten from analysing the RHS, we achieve this neatly.
This makes a big difference to the one-shot monad trick;
@@ -1137,8 +1236,8 @@ see Note [The one-shot state monad trick] in GHC.Utils.Monad.
etaExpand :: Arity -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
etaExpandAT :: ArityType -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-etaExpand n orig_expr = eta_expand (replicate n NoOneShotInfo) orig_expr
-etaExpandAT at orig_expr = eta_expand (arityTypeOneShots at) orig_expr
+etaExpand n orig_expr = eta_expand (replicate n NoOneShotInfo) orig_expr
+etaExpandAT (AT oss _) orig_expr = eta_expand oss orig_expr
-- See Note [Eta expansion with ArityType]
-- etaExpand arity e = res
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ import GHC.Core
import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim( realWorldStatePrimTy )
import GHC.Builtin.Names( runRWKey )
import GHC.Types.Demand ( StrictSig(..), Demand, dmdTypeDepth, isStrictDmd
- , mkClosedStrictSig, topDmd, seqDmd, botDiv )
+ , mkClosedStrictSig, topDmd, seqDmd, isDeadEndDiv )
import GHC.Types.Cpr ( mkCprSig, botCpr )
import GHC.Core.Ppr ( pprCoreExpr )
import GHC.Types.Unique ( hasKey )
import GHC.Core.Unfold
import GHC.Core.Unfold.Make
import GHC.Core.Utils
-import GHC.Core.Opt.Arity ( ArityType(..), arityTypeArity, isBotArityType
+import GHC.Core.Opt.Arity ( ArityType(..)
, pushCoTyArg, pushCoValArg
, idArityType, etaExpandAT )
import GHC.Core.SimpleOpt ( exprIsConApp_maybe, joinPointBinding_maybe, joinPointBindings_maybe )
@@ -796,8 +796,8 @@ addLetBndrInfo :: OutId -> ArityType -> Unfolding -> OutId
addLetBndrInfo new_bndr new_arity_type new_unf
= new_bndr `setIdInfo` info5
- new_arity = arityTypeArity new_arity_type
- is_bot = isBotArityType new_arity_type
+ AT oss div = new_arity_type
+ new_arity = length oss
info1 = idInfo new_bndr `setArityInfo` new_arity
@@ -816,11 +816,11 @@ addLetBndrInfo new_bndr new_arity_type new_unf
= info2
-- Bottoming bindings: see Note [Bottoming bindings]
- info4 | is_bot = info3 `setStrictnessInfo` bot_sig
- `setCprInfo` bot_cpr
- | otherwise = info3
+ info4 | isDeadEndDiv div = info3 `setStrictnessInfo` bot_sig
+ `setCprInfo` bot_cpr
+ | otherwise = info3
- bot_sig = mkClosedStrictSig (replicate new_arity topDmd) botDiv
+ bot_sig = mkClosedStrictSig (replicate new_arity topDmd) div
bot_cpr = mkCprSig new_arity botCpr
-- Zap call arity info. We have used it by now (via
@@ -1662,8 +1662,8 @@ tryEtaExpandRhs mode bndr rhs
| Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
= do { let (join_bndrs, join_body) = collectNBinders join_arity rhs
oss = [idOneShotInfo id | id <- join_bndrs, isId id]
- arity_type | exprIsDeadEnd join_body = ABot (length oss)
- | otherwise = ATop oss
+ arity_type | exprIsDeadEnd join_body = mkBotArityType oss
+ | otherwise = mkTopArityType oss
; return (arity_type, rhs) }
-- Note [Do not eta-expand join points]
-- But do return the correct arity and bottom-ness, because
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ extern "C" {
#include "HsFFI.h"
#include "rts/Time.h"
+#include "rts/Types.h"
#include "rts/EventLogWriter.h"
* Running the scheduler
@@ -566,6 +568,16 @@ void rts_resume (PauseToken *pauseToken);
// Returns true if the rts is paused. See rts_pause() and rts_resume().
bool rts_isPaused(void);
+// List all live threads. The RTS must be paused and this must be called on the
+// same thread that called rts_pause().
+typedef void (*ListThreadsCb)(void *user, StgTSO *);
+void rts_listThreads(ListThreadsCb cb, void *user);
+// List all non-thread GC roots. The RTS must be paused and this must be called
+// on the same thread that called rts_pause().
+typedef void (*ListRootsCb)(void *user, StgClosure *);
+void rts_listMiscRoots(ListRootsCb cb, void *user);
* The RTS allocates some thread-local data when you make a call into
* Haskell using one of the rts_eval() functions. This data is not
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "Prelude.h"
#include "Schedule.h"
#include "Capability.h"
+#include "StableName.h"
#include "StablePtr.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Weak.h"
@@ -809,6 +810,46 @@ static void assert_isPausedOnMyTask(const char *functionName)
+// See RtsAPI.h
+void rts_listThreads(ListThreadsCb cb, void *user)
+ assert_isPausedOnMyTask("rts_listThreads");
+ // The rts is paused and can only be resumed by the current thread. Hence it
+ // is safe to read global thread data.
+ for (uint32_t g=0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++) {
+ StgTSO *tso = generations[g].threads;
+ while (tso != END_TSO_QUEUE) {
+ cb(user, tso);
+ tso = tso->global_link;
+ }
+ }
+struct list_roots_ctx {
+ ListRootsCb cb;
+ void *user;
+// This is an evac_fn.
+static void list_roots_helper(void *user, StgClosure **p) {
+ struct list_roots_ctx *ctx = (struct list_roots_ctx *) user;
+ ctx->cb(ctx->user, *p);
+// See RtsAPI.h
+void rts_listMiscRoots (ListRootsCb cb, void *user)
+ assert_isPausedOnMyTask("rts_listMiscRoots");
+ struct list_roots_ctx ctx;
+ ctx.cb = cb;
+ ctx.user = user;
+ threadStableNameTable(&list_roots_helper, (void *)&ctx);
+ threadStablePtrTable(&list_roots_helper, (void *)&ctx);
PauseToken GNU_ATTRIBUTE(__noreturn__)
@@ -833,6 +874,18 @@ bool rts_isPaused()
"multithreaded RTS.");
return false;
+// See RtsAPI.h
+void rts_listThreads(ListThreadsCb cb STG_UNUSED, void *user STG_UNUSED)
+ errorBelch("Warning: rts_listThreads is only possible for multithreaded RTS.");
+// See RtsAPI.h
+void rts_listMiscRoots (ListRootsCb cb STG_UNUSED, void *user STG_UNUSED)
+ errorBelch("Warning: rts_listMiscRoots is only possible for multithreaded RTS.");
void rts_done (void)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fforce-recomp #-}
+module T18870 where
+import GHC.Exts
+-- This function should not lead to an "Exciting arity" DEBUG message.
+-- It should only do one round of fixed-point iteration to conclude that it has
+-- arity 2.
+f :: [a] -> a -> a
+f [] = id
+f (x:xs) = oneShot (\_ -> f xs x)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fforce-recomp #-}
+module T18937 where
+f :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
+f [] = id
+f (x:xs) = let y = sum [0..x]
+ in \z -> f xs (y + z)
@@ -19,3 +19,5 @@ test('Arity16', [ only_ways(['optasm']), grep_errmsg('Arity=') ], compile, ['-dn
# Regression tests
test('T18793', [ only_ways(['optasm']), grep_errmsg('Arity=') ], compile, ['-dno-typeable-binds -ddump-simpl -dppr-cols=99999 -dsuppress-uniques'])
+test('T18870', [ only_ways(['optasm']) ], compile, ['-ddebug-output'])
+test('T18937', [ only_ways(['optasm']) ], compile, ['-ddebug-output'])
@@ -18,3 +18,8 @@ test('pause_and_use_rts_api',
, extra_files(['pause_resume.c','pause_resume.h'])
multi_compile_and_run, ['pause_and_use_rts_api', [('pause_resume.c','')], ''])
+ [ only_ways(['threaded1', 'threaded2'])
+ , extra_files(['list_threads_and_misc_roots_c.c','list_threads_and_misc_roots_c.h'])
+ ],
+ multi_compile_and_run, ['list_threads_and_misc_roots', [('list_threads_and_misc_roots_c.c','')], ''])
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+foreign import ccall safe "list_threads_and_misc_roots_c.h checkGcRoots"
+ checkGcRoots :: IO ()
+main :: IO ()
+main = checkGcRoots
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "list_threads_and_misc_roots_c.h"
+static int tsoCount = 0;
+static StgTSO** tsos;
+static int miscRootsCount = 0;
+static StgClosure** miscRoots;
+void collectTSOsCallback(void *user, StgTSO* tso){
+ tsoCount++;
+ tsos = realloc(tsos, sizeof(StgTSO*) * tsoCount);
+ tsos[tsoCount - 1] = tso;
+void collectMiscRootsCallback(void *user, StgClosure* closure){
+ miscRootsCount++;
+ miscRoots = realloc(miscRoots, sizeof(StgClosure*) * miscRootsCount);
+ miscRoots[miscRootsCount - 1] = closure;
+void checkGcRoots(void)
+ PauseToken * token = rts_pause();
+ // Check TSO collection.
+ rts_listThreads(&collectTSOsCallback, NULL);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tsoCount; i++)
+ {
+ StgTSO *tso = UNTAG_CLOSURE(tsos[i]);
+ if (get_itbl(tso)->type != TSO)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "tso returned a non-TSO type %zu at index %i\n",
+ tso->header.info->type,
+ i);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check misc GC roots collection.
+ rts_listMiscRoots(&collectMiscRootsCallback, NULL);
+ for (int i = 0; i < miscRootsCount; i++)
+ {
+ StgClosure *root = UNTAG_CLOSURE(miscRoots[i]);
+ if (get_itbl(root)->type == TSO)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "rts_listThreads unexpectedly returned an TSO type at index %i (TSO=%zu)\n", i, TSO);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ rts_resume(token);
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#include "Rts.h"
+#include "RtsAPI.h"
+void checkGcRoots(void);
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