[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/cfuneqcan-refactor] 4 commits: Improve some comments

Richard Eisenberg gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Nov 11 17:54:10 UTC 2020

Richard Eisenberg pushed to branch wip/cfuneqcan-refactor at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

57b64775 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-11T08:56:13-05:00
Improve some comments

- - - - -
150897ed by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-11T11:36:19-05:00
Checkpoint before adding filterTM

- - - - -
65bd0608 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-11T12:52:41-05:00
remove stale givens from famapp-cache

- - - - -
ef747932 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-11-11T12:53:42-05:00
Remove unused parameter

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Cmm/Dataflow/Label.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Map.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Map/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/TrieMap.hs
- compiler/GHC/Stg/CSE.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Unique/DFM.hs


@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ instance TrieMap LabelMap where
   alterTM k f m = mapAlter f k m
   foldTM k m z = mapFoldr k z m
   mapTM f m = mapMap f m
+  filterTM f m = mapFilter f m
 -- FactBase

@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
         -- ** Free variables
         tyCoVarsOfCo, tyCoVarsOfCos, coVarsOfCo,
         tyCoFVsOfCo, tyCoFVsOfCos, tyCoVarsOfCoDSet,
-        coercionSize,
+        coercionSize, anyFreeVarsOfCo,
         -- ** Substitution
         CvSubstEnv, emptyCvSubstEnv,

@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoreMap where
     alterTM k f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
     foldTM k (CoreMap m) = foldTM k m
     mapTM f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (mapTM f m)
+    filterTM f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (filterTM f m)
 -- | @CoreMapG a@ is a map from @DeBruijn CoreExpr@ to @a at .  The extended
 -- key makes it suitable for recursive traversal, since it can track binders,
@@ -197,6 +198,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoreMapX where
    alterTM  = xtE
    foldTM   = fdE
    mapTM    = mapE
+   filterTM = ftE
 mapE :: (a->b) -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX b
@@ -213,6 +215,20 @@ mapE f (CM { cm_var = cvar, cm_lit = clit
        , cm_letr = mapTM (mapTM (mapTM f)) cletr, cm_case = mapTM (mapTM f) ccase
        , cm_ecase = mapTM (mapTM f) cecase, cm_tick = mapTM (mapTM f) ctick }
+ftE :: (a->Bool) -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX a
+ftE f (CM { cm_var = cvar, cm_lit = clit
+          , cm_co = cco, cm_type = ctype
+          , cm_cast = ccast , cm_app = capp
+          , cm_lam = clam, cm_letn = cletn
+          , cm_letr = cletr, cm_case = ccase
+          , cm_ecase = cecase, cm_tick = ctick })
+  = CM { cm_var = filterTM f cvar, cm_lit = filterTM f clit
+       , cm_co = filterTM f cco, cm_type = filterTM f ctype
+       , cm_cast = mapTM (filterTM f) ccast, cm_app = mapTM (filterTM f) capp
+       , cm_lam = mapTM (filterTM f) clam, cm_letn = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) cletn
+       , cm_letr = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) cletr, cm_case = mapTM (filterTM f) ccase
+       , cm_ecase = mapTM (filterTM f) cecase, cm_tick = mapTM (filterTM f) ctick }
 lookupCoreMap :: CoreMap a -> CoreExpr -> Maybe a
 lookupCoreMap cm e = lookupTM e cm
@@ -330,6 +346,7 @@ instance TrieMap AltMap where
    alterTM  = xtA emptyCME
    foldTM   = fdA
    mapTM    = mapA
+   filterTM = ftA
 instance Eq (DeBruijn CoreAlt) where
   D env1 a1 == D env2 a2 = go a1 a2 where
@@ -348,6 +365,12 @@ mapA f (AM { am_deflt = adeflt, am_data = adata, am_lit = alit })
        , am_data = mapTM (mapTM f) adata
        , am_lit = mapTM (mapTM f) alit }
+ftA :: (a->Bool) -> AltMap a -> AltMap a
+ftA f (AM { am_deflt = adeflt, am_data = adata, am_lit = alit })
+  = AM { am_deflt = filterTM f adeflt
+       , am_data = mapTM (filterTM f) adata
+       , am_lit = mapTM (filterTM f) alit }
 lkA :: CmEnv -> CoreAlt -> AltMap a -> Maybe a
 lkA env (DEFAULT,    _, rhs)  = am_deflt >.> lkG (D env rhs)
 lkA env (LitAlt lit, _, rhs)  = am_lit >.> lookupTM lit >=> lkG (D env rhs)

@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoercionMap where
    alterTM k f (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
    foldTM k    (CoercionMap m) = foldTM k m
    mapTM f     (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (mapTM f m)
+   filterTM f  (CoercionMap m) = CoercionMap (filterTM f m)
 type CoercionMapG = GenMap CoercionMapX
 newtype CoercionMapX a = CoercionMapX (TypeMapX a)
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ instance TrieMap CoercionMapX where
   alterTM  = xtC
   foldTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = foldTM f core_tm
   mapTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm)  = CoercionMapX (mapTM f core_tm)
+  filterTM f (CoercionMapX core_tm) = CoercionMapX (filterTM f core_tm)
 instance Eq (DeBruijn Coercion) where
   D env1 co1 == D env2 co2
@@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ instance TrieMap TypeMapX where
    alterTM  = xtT
    foldTM   = fdT
    mapTM    = mapT
+   filterTM = filterT
 instance Eq (DeBruijn Type) where
   env_t@(D env t) == env_t'@(D env' t')
@@ -289,6 +292,18 @@ fdT k m = foldTM k (tm_var m)
         . foldTyLit k (tm_tylit m)
         . foldMaybe k (tm_coerce m)
+filterT :: (a -> Bool) -> TypeMapX a -> TypeMapX a
+filterT f (TM { tm_var  = tvar, tm_app = tapp, tm_tycon = ttycon
+              , tm_funty = tfunty, tm_forall = tforall, tm_tylit = tlit
+              , tm_coerce = tcoerce })
+  = TM { tm_var    = filterTM f tvar
+       , tm_app    = mapTM (filterTM f) tapp
+       , tm_tycon  = filterTM f ttycon
+       , tm_funty  = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) tfunty
+       , tm_forall = mapTM (filterTM f) tforall
+       , tm_tylit  = filterTM f tlit
+       , tm_coerce = filterMaybe f tcoerce }
 data TyLitMap a = TLM { tlm_number :: Map.Map Integer a
                       , tlm_string :: UniqFM  FastString a
@@ -301,6 +316,7 @@ instance TrieMap TyLitMap where
    alterTM  = xtTyLit
    foldTM   = foldTyLit
    mapTM    = mapTyLit
+   filterTM = filterTyLit
 emptyTyLitMap :: TyLitMap a
 emptyTyLitMap = TLM { tlm_number = Map.empty, tlm_string = emptyUFM }
@@ -325,6 +341,10 @@ foldTyLit :: (a -> b -> b) -> TyLitMap a -> b -> b
 foldTyLit l m = flip (foldUFM l) (tlm_string m)
               . flip (Map.foldr l)   (tlm_number m)
+filterTyLit :: (a -> Bool) -> TyLitMap a -> TyLitMap a
+filterTyLit f (TLM { tlm_number = tn, tlm_string = ts })
+  = TLM { tlm_number = Map.filter f tn, tlm_string = filterUFM f ts }
 -- | @TypeMap a@ is a map from 'Type' to @a at .  If you are a client, this
 -- is the type you want. The keys in this map may have different kinds.
@@ -348,6 +368,7 @@ instance TrieMap TypeMap where
     alterTM k f m = xtTT (deBruijnize k) f m
     foldTM k (TypeMap m) = foldTM (foldTM k) m
     mapTM f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (mapTM (mapTM f) m)
+    filterTM f (TypeMap m) = TypeMap (mapTM (filterTM f) m)
 foldTypeMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> TypeMap a -> b
 foldTypeMap k z m = foldTM k m z
@@ -388,6 +409,7 @@ instance TrieMap LooseTypeMap where
   alterTM k f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
   foldTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = foldTM f m
   mapTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (mapTM f m)
+  filterTM f (LooseTypeMap m) = LooseTypeMap (filterTM f m)
@@ -462,6 +484,7 @@ instance TrieMap BndrMap where
    alterTM  = xtBndr emptyCME
    foldTM   = fdBndrMap
    mapTM    = mapBndrMap
+   filterTM = ftBndrMap
 mapBndrMap :: (a -> b) -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap b
 mapBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = BndrMap (mapTM (mapTM f) tm)
@@ -483,6 +506,8 @@ xtBndr :: forall a . CmEnv -> Var -> XT a -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap a
 xtBndr env v xt (BndrMap tymap)  =
   BndrMap (tymap |> xtG (D env (varType v)) |>> (alterTM (D env <$> varMultMaybe v) xt))
+ftBndrMap :: (a -> Bool) -> BndrMap a -> BndrMap a
+ftBndrMap f (BndrMap tm) = BndrMap (mapTM (filterTM f) tm)
 --------- Variable occurrence -------------
 data VarMap a = VM { vm_bvar   :: BoundVarMap a  -- Bound variable
@@ -495,6 +520,7 @@ instance TrieMap VarMap where
    alterTM  = xtVar emptyCME
    foldTM   = fdVar
    mapTM    = mapVar
+   filterTM = ftVar
 mapVar :: (a->b) -> VarMap a -> VarMap b
 mapVar f (VM { vm_bvar = bv, vm_fvar = fv })
@@ -520,6 +546,10 @@ lkDFreeVar var env = lookupDVarEnv env var
 xtDFreeVar :: Var -> XT a -> DVarEnv a -> DVarEnv a
 xtDFreeVar v f m = alterDVarEnv f m v
+ftVar :: (a -> Bool) -> VarMap a -> VarMap a
+ftVar f (VM { vm_bvar = bv, vm_fvar = fv })
+  = VM { vm_bvar = filterTM f bv, vm_fvar = filterTM f fv }
 lkDNamed :: NamedThing n => n -> DNameEnv a -> Maybe a
 lkDNamed n env = lookupDNameEnv env (getName n)

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCon.Env (
         emptyDTyConEnv, isEmptyDTyConEnv,
         delFromDTyConEnv, filterDTyConEnv,
-        mapDTyConEnv,
+        mapDTyConEnv, mapMaybeDTyConEnv,
         adjustDTyConEnv, alterDTyConEnv, extendDTyConEnv, foldDTyConEnv
     ) where
@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ filterDTyConEnv = filterUDFM
 mapDTyConEnv :: (a -> b) -> DTyConEnv a -> DTyConEnv b
 mapDTyConEnv = mapUDFM
+mapMaybeDTyConEnv :: (a -> Maybe b) -> DTyConEnv a -> DTyConEnv b
+mapMaybeDTyConEnv = mapMaybeUDFM
 adjustDTyConEnv :: (a -> a) -> DTyConEnv a -> TyCon -> DTyConEnv a
 adjustDTyConEnv = adjustUDFM

@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ module GHC.Data.TrieMap(
    -- * Maps over 'Literal's
    -- * 'TrieMap' class
-   TrieMap(..), insertTM, deleteTM, foldMapTM,
+   TrieMap(..), insertTM, deleteTM, foldMapTM, isEmptyTM,
    -- * Things helpful for adding additional Instances.
    (>.>), (|>), (|>>), XT,
-   foldMaybe,
+   foldMaybe, filterMaybe,
    -- * Map for leaf compression
    lkG, xtG, mapG, fdG,
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class TrieMap m where
    lookupTM :: forall b. Key m -> m b -> Maybe b
    alterTM  :: forall b. Key m -> XT b -> m b -> m b
    mapTM    :: (a->b) -> m a -> m b
+   filterTM :: (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
    foldTM   :: (a -> b -> b) -> m a -> b -> b
       -- The unusual argument order here makes
@@ -87,6 +88,10 @@ deleteTM k m = alterTM k (\_ -> Nothing) m
 foldMapTM :: (TrieMap m, Monoid r) => (a -> r) -> m a -> r
 foldMapTM f m = foldTM (\ x r -> f x S.<> r) m mempty
+-- This looks inefficient.
+isEmptyTM :: TrieMap m => m a -> Bool
+isEmptyTM m = foldTM (\ _ _ -> False) m True
 -- Recall that
 --   Control.Monad.(>=>) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe c) -> a -> Maybe c
@@ -126,6 +131,7 @@ instance TrieMap IntMap.IntMap where
   alterTM = xtInt
   foldTM k m z = IntMap.foldr k z m
   mapTM f m = IntMap.map f m
+  filterTM f m = IntMap.filter f m
 xtInt :: Int -> XT a -> IntMap.IntMap a -> IntMap.IntMap a
 xtInt k f m = IntMap.alter f k m
@@ -137,6 +143,7 @@ instance Ord k => TrieMap (Map.Map k) where
   alterTM k f m = Map.alter f k m
   foldTM k m z = Map.foldr k z m
   mapTM f m = Map.map f m
+  filterTM f m = Map.filter f m
@@ -213,6 +220,7 @@ instance forall key. Uniquable key => TrieMap (UniqDFM key) where
   alterTM k f m = alterUDFM f m k
   foldTM k m z = foldUDFM k z m
   mapTM f m = mapUDFM f m
+  filterTM f m = filterUDFM f m
@@ -234,6 +242,7 @@ instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (MaybeMap m) where
    alterTM  = xtMaybe alterTM
    foldTM   = fdMaybe
    mapTM    = mapMb
+   filterTM = ftMaybe
 instance TrieMap m => Foldable (MaybeMap m) where
   foldMap = foldMapTM
@@ -256,6 +265,19 @@ fdMaybe :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> MaybeMap m a -> b -> b
 fdMaybe k m = foldMaybe k (mm_nothing m)
             . foldTM k (mm_just m)
+ftMaybe :: TrieMap m => (a -> Bool) -> MaybeMap m a -> MaybeMap m a
+ftMaybe f (MM { mm_nothing = mn, mm_just = mj })
+  = MM { mm_nothing = filterMaybe f mn, mm_just = filterTM f mj }
+foldMaybe :: (a -> b -> b) -> Maybe a -> b -> b
+foldMaybe _ Nothing  b = b
+foldMaybe k (Just a) b = k a b
+filterMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+filterMaybe _ Nothing = Nothing
+filterMaybe f input@(Just x) | f x       = input
+                             | otherwise = Nothing
 *                                                                      *
@@ -275,6 +297,7 @@ instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (ListMap m) where
    alterTM  = xtList alterTM
    foldTM   = fdList
    mapTM    = mapList
+   filterTM = ftList
 instance TrieMap m => Foldable (ListMap m) where
   foldMap = foldMapTM
@@ -301,9 +324,9 @@ fdList :: forall m a b. TrieMap m
 fdList k m = foldMaybe k          (lm_nil m)
            . foldTM    (fdList k) (lm_cons m)
-foldMaybe :: (a -> b -> b) -> Maybe a -> b -> b
-foldMaybe _ Nothing  b = b
-foldMaybe k (Just a) b = k a b
+ftList :: TrieMap m => (a -> Bool) -> ListMap m a -> ListMap m a
+ftList f (LM { lm_nil = mnil, lm_cons = mcons })
+  = LM { lm_nil = filterMaybe f mnil, lm_cons = mapTM (filterTM f) mcons }
@@ -365,6 +388,7 @@ instance (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => TrieMap (GenMap m) where
    alterTM  = xtG
    foldTM   = fdG
    mapTM    = mapG
+   filterTM = ftG
 instance (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => Foldable (GenMap m) where
   foldMap = foldMapTM
@@ -417,3 +441,13 @@ fdG :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> GenMap m a -> b -> b
 fdG _ EmptyMap = \z -> z
 fdG k (SingletonMap _ v) = \z -> k v z
 fdG k (MultiMap m) = foldTM k m
+{-# INLINEABLE ftG #-}
+ftG :: TrieMap m => (a -> Bool) -> GenMap m a -> GenMap m a
+ftG _ EmptyMap = EmptyMap
+ftG f input@(SingletonMap _ v)
+  | f v       = input
+  | otherwise = EmptyMap
+ftG f (MultiMap m) = MultiMap (filterTM f m)
+  -- we don't have enough information to reconstruct the key to make
+  -- a SingletonMap

@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ instance TrieMap StgArgMap where
     foldTM k m = foldTM k (sam_var m) . foldTM k (sam_lit m)
     mapTM f (SAM {sam_var = varm, sam_lit = litm}) =
         SAM { sam_var = mapTM f varm, sam_lit = mapTM f litm }
+    filterTM f (SAM {sam_var = varm, sam_lit = litm}) =
+        SAM { sam_var = filterTM f varm, sam_lit = filterTM f litm }
 newtype ConAppMap a = CAM { un_cam :: DNameEnv (ListMap StgArgMap a) }
@@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ instance TrieMap ConAppMap where
         m { un_cam = un_cam m |> xtDNamed dataCon |>> alterTM args f }
     foldTM k = un_cam >.> foldTM (foldTM k)
     mapTM f  = un_cam >.> mapTM (mapTM f) >.> CAM
+    filterTM f = un_cam >.> mapTM (filterTM f) >.> CAM
 -- The CSE Env --

@@ -364,17 +364,18 @@ faster. This doesn't seem quite worth it, yet.
 Note [flatten_exact_fam_app_fully performance]
-Once we've got a flat rhs, we extend the flat-cache to record
+Once we've got a flat rhs, we extend the famapp-cache to record
 the result. Doing so can save lots of work when the same redex shows up more
 than once. Note that we record the link from the redex all the way to its
-*final* value, not just the single step reduction. Interestingly, adding to the
-flat-cache for the first reduction *doubles* the allocations
-for the T9872a test. However, using the flat-cache in
-the later reduction is a similar gain. I (Richard E) don't currently
-(Dec '14 nor Nov '20) have any knowledge as to *why* these facts are true.
-Perhaps the first use of the flat-cache doesn't add much, because we didn't
-need to reduce in the arguments (and instance lookup is similar to cache
+*final* value, not just the single step reduction.
+If we can reduce the family application right away (the first call
+to try_to_reduce), we do *not* add to the cache. There are two possibilities
+here: 1) we just read the result from the cache, or 2) we used one type
+family instance. In either case, recording the result in the cache doesn't
+save much effort the next time around. And adding to the cache here is
+actually disastrous: it more than doubles the allocations for T9872a. So
+we skip adding to the cache here.
 {-# INLINE flatten_args_tc #-}
@@ -765,7 +766,6 @@ flatten_fam_app tc tys  -- Can be over-saturated
          ; flatten_app_ty_args xi1 co1 tys_rest }
 -- the [TcType] exactly saturate the TyCon
--- See Note [flatten_exact_fam_app_fully performance]
 flatten_exact_fam_app_fully :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> FlatM (Xi, Coercion)
 flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
   = do { checkStackDepth (mkTyConApp tc tys)
@@ -773,6 +773,8 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
        -- Step 1. Try to reduce without reducing arguments first.
        ; result1 <- try_to_reduce tc tys
        ; case result1 of
+             -- Don't use `finish`;
+             -- See Note [flatten_exact_fam_app_fully performance]
          { Just (co, xi) -> do { (xi2, co2) <- bumpDepth $ flatten_one xi
                                ; return (xi2, co2 `mkTcTransCo` co) }
          ; Nothing ->
@@ -815,7 +817,8 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
     do { result3 <- try_to_reduce tc xis
        ; case result3 of
            Just (co, xi) -> finish (homogenise xi co)
-           Nothing       -> return (homogenise reduced (mkTcReflCo role reduced))
+           Nothing       -> -- we have made no progress at all
+                            return (homogenise reduced (mkTcReflCo role reduced))
                reduced = mkTyConApp tc xis }}}}}
@@ -836,8 +839,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
 -- Returned coercion is output ~r input, where r is the role in the FlatM monad
 try_to_reduce :: TyCon -> [TcType] -> FlatM (Maybe (TcCoercion, TcType))
 try_to_reduce tc tys
-  = do { flavour <- getFlavour
-       ; result <- liftTcS $ firstJustsM [ lookupFamAppCache flavour tc tys
+  = do { result <- liftTcS $ firstJustsM [ lookupFamAppCache tc tys
                                          , matchFam tc tys ]
        ; downgrade result }

@@ -404,20 +404,14 @@ data InertSet
               -- Note [Type variable cycles in Givens] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
        , inert_famapp_cache :: FunEqMap (TcCoercion, TcType)
-              -- If    F tys :-> (co, rhs, flav),
-              -- then  co :: rhs ~ F tys
-              -- all evidence is from instances or Givens
-              -- (We have no way of "kicking out" from the cache, so putting
-              --  wanteds here means we can end up solving a Wanted with itself. Bad)
-              --
-              -- Some entries in the cache might have arisen from Wanteds, and
-              -- so this should be used only for rewriting Wanteds.
-              --
               -- Just a hash-cons cache for use when reducing family applications
               -- only
-              -- Only nominal equalities end up in here (along with
-              -- top-level instances)
+              -- If    F tys :-> (co, rhs, flav),
+              -- then  co :: rhs ~N F tys
+              -- all evidence is from instances or Givens; no coercion holes here
+              -- (We have no way of "kicking out" from the cache, so putting
+              --  wanteds here means we can end up solving a Wanted with itself. Bad)
        , inert_solved_dicts   :: DictMap CtEvidence
               -- All Wanteds, of form ev :: C t1 .. tn
@@ -1600,6 +1594,20 @@ kickOutRewritable new_fr new_lhs ics
        ; unless (n_kicked == 0) $
          do { updWorkListTcS (appendWorkList kicked_out)
+              -- The famapp-cache contains Given evidence from the inert set.
+              -- If we're kicking out Givens, we need to remove this evidence
+              -- from the cache, too.
+            ; let kicked_given_ev_vars =
+                    [ ev_var | ct <- wl_eqs kicked_out
+                             , CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_var } <- [ctEvidence ct] ]
+            ; when (new_fr `eqCanRewriteFR` (Given, NomEq) &&
+                   -- if this isn't true, no use looking through the constraints
+                    not (null kicked_given_ev_vars)) $
+              do { traceTcS "Given(s) have been kicked out; drop from famapp-cache"
+                            (ppr kicked_given_ev_vars)
+                 ; dropFromFamAppCache (mkVarSet kicked_given_ev_vars) }
             ; csTraceTcS $
               hang (text "Kick out, lhs =" <+> ppr new_lhs)
                  2 (vcat [ text "n-kicked =" <+> int n_kicked
@@ -2387,17 +2395,6 @@ lookupFamAppInert fam_tc tys
       = Just (ctEvCoercion ctev, rhs, ctEvFlavourRole ctev)
       | otherwise = Nothing
-lookupFamAppCache :: CtFlavour -> TyCon -> [Type] -> TcS (Maybe (TcCoercion, TcType))
-lookupFamAppCache _ fam_tc tys
-  = do { IS { inert_famapp_cache = famapp_cache } <- getTcSInerts
-       ; case findFunEq famapp_cache fam_tc tys of
-           result@(Just (co, ty)) ->
-             do { traceTcS "famapp_cache hit" (vcat [ ppr (mkTyConApp fam_tc tys)
-                                                    , ppr ty
-                                                    , ppr co ])
-                ; return result }
-           Nothing -> return Nothing }
 lookupInInerts :: CtLoc -> TcPredType -> TcS (Maybe CtEvidence)
 -- Is this exact predicate type cached in the solved or canonicals of the InertSet?
 lookupInInerts loc pty
@@ -2423,6 +2420,40 @@ lookupSolvedDict (IS { inert_solved_dicts = solved }) loc cls tys
       Just ev -> Just ev
       _       -> Nothing
+lookupFamAppCache :: TyCon -> [Type] -> TcS (Maybe (TcCoercion, TcType))
+lookupFamAppCache fam_tc tys
+  = do { IS { inert_famapp_cache = famapp_cache } <- getTcSInerts
+       ; case findFunEq famapp_cache fam_tc tys of
+           result@(Just (co, ty)) ->
+             do { traceTcS "famapp_cache hit" (vcat [ ppr (mkTyConApp fam_tc tys)
+                                                    , ppr ty
+                                                    , ppr co ])
+                ; return result }
+           Nothing -> return Nothing }
+extendFamAppCache :: TyCon -> [Type] -> (TcCoercion, TcType) -> TcS ()
+-- NB: co :: rhs ~ F tys, to match expectations of flattener
+extendFamAppCache tc xi_args stuff@(_, ty)
+  = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+       ; when (gopt Opt_FamAppCache dflags) $
+    do { traceTcS "extendFamAppCache" (vcat [ ppr tc <+> ppr xi_args
+                                            , ppr ty ])
+            -- 'co' can be bottom, in the case of derived items
+       ; updInertTcS $ \ is@(IS { inert_famapp_cache = fc }) ->
+            is { inert_famapp_cache = insertFunEq fc tc xi_args stuff } } }
+-- Remove entries from the cache whose evidence mentions variables in the
+-- supplied set
+dropFromFamAppCache :: VarSet -> TcS ()
+dropFromFamAppCache varset
+  = do { inerts@(IS { inert_famapp_cache = famapp_cache }) <- getTcSInerts
+       ; let filtered = filterTcAppMap check famapp_cache
+       ; setTcSInerts $ inerts { inert_famapp_cache = filtered } }
+  where
+    check :: (TcCoercion, TcType) -> Bool
+    check (co, _) = not (anyFreeVarsOfCo (`elemVarSet` varset) co)
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
@@ -2494,18 +2525,15 @@ alterTcApp m tc tys upd = alterDTyConEnv alter_tm m tc
     alter_tm :: Maybe (ListMap LooseTypeMap a) -> Maybe (ListMap LooseTypeMap a)
     alter_tm m_elt = Just (alterTM tys upd (m_elt `orElse` emptyTM))
-filterTcAppMap :: (Ct -> Bool) -> TcAppMap Ct -> TcAppMap Ct
-filterTcAppMap f m
-  = mapDTyConEnv do_tm m
+filterTcAppMap :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> TcAppMap a -> TcAppMap a
+filterTcAppMap f m = mapMaybeDTyConEnv one_tycon m
-    do_tm tm = foldTM insert_mb tm emptyTM
-    insert_mb ct tm
-       | f ct      = insertTM tys ct tm
-       | otherwise = tm
-       where
-         tys = case ct of
-                CDictCan  { cc_tyargs = tys } -> tys
-                _ -> pprPanic "filterTcAppMap" (ppr ct)
+    one_tycon :: ListMap LooseTypeMap a -> Maybe (ListMap LooseTypeMap a)
+    one_tycon tm
+      | isEmptyTM filtered_tm = Nothing
+      | otherwise             = Just filtered_tm
+      where
+        filtered_tm = filterTM f tm
 tcAppMapToBag :: TcAppMap a -> Bag a
 tcAppMapToBag m = foldTcAppMap consBag m emptyBag
@@ -3218,17 +3246,6 @@ zonkTyCoVarKind :: TcTyCoVar -> TcS TcTyCoVar
 zonkTyCoVarKind tv = wrapTcS (TcM.zonkTyCoVarKind tv)
-extendFamAppCache :: TyCon -> [Type] -> (TcCoercion, TcType) -> TcS ()
--- NB: co :: rhs ~ F tys, to match expectations of flattener
-extendFamAppCache tc xi_args stuff@(_, ty)
-  = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
-       ; when (gopt Opt_FamAppCache dflags) $
-    do { traceTcS "extendFamAppCache" (vcat [ ppr tc <+> ppr xi_args
-                                            , ppr ty ])
-            -- 'co' can be bottom, in the case of derived items
-       ; updInertTcS $ \ is@(IS { inert_famapp_cache = fc }) ->
-            is { inert_famapp_cache = insertFunEq fc tc xi_args stuff } } }
 pprKicked :: Int -> SDoc
 pprKicked 0 = empty
 pprKicked n = parens (int n <+> text "kicked out")

@@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ is not deterministic.
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
@@ -38,6 +42,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Unique.DFM (
+        mapMaybeUDFM,
         lookupUDFM, lookupUDFM_Directly,
@@ -121,7 +126,7 @@ data TaggedVal val =
     {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ insertion time
-  deriving (Data, Functor)
+  deriving stock (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
 taggedFst :: TaggedVal val -> val
 taggedFst (TaggedVal v _) = v
@@ -399,6 +404,10 @@ alterUDFM f (UDFM m i) k =
 mapUDFM :: (elt1 -> elt2) -> UniqDFM key elt1 -> UniqDFM key elt2
 mapUDFM f (UDFM m i) = UDFM (M.map (fmap f) m) i
+mapMaybeUDFM :: forall elt1 elt2 key.
+                (elt1 -> Maybe elt2) -> UniqDFM key elt1 -> UniqDFM key elt2
+mapMaybeUDFM f (UDFM m i) = UDFM (M.mapMaybe (traverse f) m) i
 anyUDFM :: (elt -> Bool) -> UniqDFM key elt -> Bool
 anyUDFM p (UDFM m _i) = M.foldr ((||) . p . taggedFst) False m

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