[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T18126-deep] 2 commits: More wibbles to make ($) work

Simon Peyton Jones gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri May 29 14:19:03 UTC 2020

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T18126-deep at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

9d4776a5 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2020-05-29T14:54:27+01:00
More wibbles to make ($) work

This all relates to 5.4

- - - - -
78b4c82c by Simon Peyton Jones at 2020-05-29T15:18:32+01:00
More wibbles

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- testsuite/tests/impredicative/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/impredicative/cabal-example.hs


@@ -155,8 +155,7 @@ data TcPass = TcpRn     -- Arguments decomposed
 data HsExprArg (p :: TcPass)
   = EValArg  { eva_loc :: SrcSpan        -- Of the function
              , eva_arg :: EValArg p
-             , eva_ty  :: !(XEType p)
-             , eva_gd  :: Bool }
+             , eva_ty  :: !(XEType p) }
   | ETypeArg SrcSpan        -- Of the function
              (LHsWcType GhcRn)
@@ -180,7 +179,7 @@ data EValArg (p :: TcPass) where
 mkEValArg :: SrcSpan -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> HsExprArg 'TcpRn
 mkEValArg l e = EValArg { eva_loc = l, eva_arg = ValArg e
-                        , eva_ty = noExtField, eva_gd = False }
+                        , eva_ty = noExtField }
 type family XPass p where
   XPass 'TcpRn   = 'Renamed
@@ -196,9 +195,8 @@ type family XEWrap p where
   XEWrap _      = HsWrapper
 instance OutputableBndrId (XPass p) => Outputable (HsExprArg p) where
-  ppr (EValArg { eva_arg = arg, eva_gd = gd })
-    = text "EValArg" <> if gd then text "(gd)" else text "(un-gd)"
-                     <+> ppr arg
+  ppr (EValArg { eva_arg = arg })
+    = text "EValArg" <+> ppr arg
   ppr (EPrag _ p)          = text "EPrag" <+> ppr p
   ppr (ETypeArg _ hs_ty _) = char '@' <> ppr hs_ty
   ppr (EPar _)             = text "EPar"
@@ -315,8 +313,7 @@ tcInferSigmaTy (L loc rn_expr)
   = setSrcSpan loc $
     do { impred <- xoptM LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes
        ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead rn_fun rn_args
-       ; let rn_args' = maybeAddGuardFlags impred fun_sigma rn_args
-       ; (_delta, inst_args, app_res_sigma) <- tcInstFun impred False rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args'
+       ; (_delta, inst_args, app_res_sigma) <- tcInstFun impred False rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
        ; _tc_args <- tcValArgs impred tc_fun inst_args
        ; return app_res_sigma }
@@ -328,8 +325,7 @@ tcApp rn_expr exp_res_ty
        ; (tc_fun, fun_sigma) <- tcInferAppHead rn_fun rn_args
        -- Instantiate
-       ; let rn_args' = maybeAddGuardFlags impred fun_sigma rn_args
-       ; (delta, inst_args, app_res_rho) <- tcInstFun impred True rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args'
+       ; (delta, inst_args, app_res_rho) <- tcInstFun impred True rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
        -- Quick look at result
        ; when (impred && not (isEmptyVarSet delta)) $
@@ -593,11 +589,13 @@ tcInstFun impred_on inst_final rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
            ; go delta' acc' so_far fun_ty' args }
     go1 delta acc so_far fun_ty
-        (eva@(EValArg { eva_arg = arg, eva_gd = guarded })  : rest_args)
+        (eva@(EValArg { eva_arg = ValArg arg })  : rest_args)
       = do { (wrap, arg_ty, res_ty) <- matchActualFunTy herald
                                          (Just rn_fun) (n_val_args, so_far) fun_ty
-          ; (delta', val_arg) <- quickLookArg impred_on guarded delta arg arg_ty
-          ; let acc' = eva { eva_arg = val_arg, eva_ty = arg_ty }
+          ; (delta', arg') <- if impred_on
+                              then quickLookArg delta arg arg_ty
+                              else return (delta, ValArg arg)
+          ; let acc' = eva { eva_arg = arg', eva_ty = arg_ty }
                        : addArgWrap wrap acc
           ; go delta' acc' (arg_ty:so_far) res_ty rest_args }
@@ -732,61 +730,41 @@ and we had the visible type application
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
-maybeAddGuardFlags :: Bool -> TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
-                   -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
-maybeAddGuardFlags impred fun_ty args
-  | impred    = snd (addGuardFlags fun_ty args)
-  | otherwise = args  -- No Quick Look, no need to add guardedness
-addGuardFlags :: TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn]
-              -> (Bool, [HsExprArg 'TcpRn])
-              -- True <=> there are no free quantified variables
-              --          in the result of the call
-addGuardFlags fun_ty args
-  = go emptyVarSet [] fun_ty args
+findNoKappa :: TcSigmaType -> [HsExprArg 'TcpRn] -> Bool
+   -- True <=> there are no free quantified variables
+   --          in the result of the call
+findNoKappa fun_ty args
+  = go emptyVarSet fun_ty args
     need_instantiation []               = True
     need_instantiation (EValArg {} : _) = True
     need_instantiation _                = False
-    go bvs acc fun_ty args
+    go bvs fun_ty args
       | need_instantiation args
       , (tvs, theta, rho) <- tcSplitSigmaTy fun_ty
       , not (null tvs && null theta)
-      = go (bvs `extendVarSetList` tvs) acc rho args
+      = go (bvs `extendVarSetList` tvs) rho args
-    go bvs acc fun_ty []
-      = ( tyCoVarsOfType fun_ty `disjointVarSet` bvs
-        , reverse acc)
+    go bvs fun_ty [] =  tyCoVarsOfType fun_ty `disjointVarSet` bvs
-    go bvs acc fun_ty (arg@(EPar {})  : args) = go bvs (arg : acc) fun_ty args
-    go bvs acc fun_ty (arg@(EPrag {}) : args) = go bvs (arg : acc) fun_ty args
+    go bvs fun_ty (EPar {}  : args) = go bvs fun_ty args
+    go bvs fun_ty (EPrag {} : args) = go bvs fun_ty args
-    go bvs acc fun_ty args@(arg@(ETypeArg {}) : rest_args)
+    go bvs fun_ty args@(ETypeArg {} : rest_args)
       | (tvbs,  body1) <- tcSplitSomeForAllTys (== Inferred) fun_ty
       , (theta, body2) <- tcSplitPhiTy body1
       , not (null tvbs && null theta)
-      = go (bvs `extendVarSetList` binderVars tvbs) acc body2 args
+      = go (bvs `extendVarSetList` binderVars tvbs) body2 args
       | Just (_tv, res_ty) <- tcSplitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
-      = go bvs (arg:acc) res_ty rest_args
+      = go bvs res_ty rest_args
-    go bvs acc fun_ty (arg@(EValArg {}) : rest_args)
-      | Just (arg_ty, res_ty) <- tcSplitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
-      = go bvs (arg { eva_gd = isGuardedTy arg_ty } : acc)
-           res_ty rest_args
+    go bvs fun_ty (EValArg {} : rest_args)
+      | Just (_, res_ty) <- tcSplitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
+      = go bvs res_ty rest_args
-    go _ acc _ args = bale_out acc args
+    go _ _ _ = False
-    bale_out acc [] = (False, reverse acc)
-    bale_out acc (arg@(EValArg {}) : args)
-      = bale_out (arg { eva_gd = False } : acc) args
-    bale_out acc (arg:args) = bale_out (arg:acc) args
-isGuardedTy :: TcType -> Bool
-isGuardedTy ty
-  | Just (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty = isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal
-  | Just {} <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty        = True
-  | otherwise                               = False
 {- *********************************************************************
@@ -798,20 +776,45 @@ isGuardedTy ty
 type Delta = TcTyVarSet   -- Set of instantiation variables
-quickLookArg :: Bool -> Bool -> Delta -> EValArg 'TcpRn -> TcSigmaType
+quickLookArg :: Delta -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcSigmaType
              -> TcM (Delta, EValArg 'TcpInst)
 -- Special behaviour only for (f e1 .. en)
--- Even narrower than tcInferAppHead!  But plenty for now.
 -- The returned Delta is a superset of the one passed in
 -- with added instantiation variables from
 --   (a) the call itself
 --   (b) the arguments of the call
-quickLookArg impred_on guarded delta (ValArg larg@(L loc arg)) arg_ty
-  | not impred_on        = return no_ql_result
+quickLookArg delta arg arg_ty
   | isEmptyVarSet delta  = return no_ql_result
-  | not (isRhoTy arg_ty) = return no_ql_result
-  | otherwise
+  | otherwise            = go arg_ty
+  where
+    no_ql_result = (delta, ValArg arg)
+    guarded      = isGuardedTy arg_ty
+      -- NB: guardedness is computed based on the original,
+      -- unzonked arg_ty, so we deliberately do not exploit
+      -- guardedness that emerges a result of QL on earlier args
+    go arg_ty | not (isRhoTy arg_ty)
+              = return no_ql_result
+              | Just kappa <- tcGetTyVar_maybe arg_ty
+              , kappa `elemVarSet` delta
+              = do { info <- readMetaTyVar kappa
+                   ; case info of
+                       Indirect arg_ty' -> go arg_ty'
+                       Flexi            -> quickLookArg1 guarded delta arg arg_ty }
+              | otherwise
+              = quickLookArg1 guarded delta arg arg_ty
+isGuardedTy :: TcType -> Bool
+isGuardedTy ty
+  | Just (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty = isGenerativeTyCon tc Nominal
+  | Just {} <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty        = True
+  | otherwise                               = False
+quickLookArg1 :: Bool -> Delta -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> TcSigmaType
+              -> TcM (Delta, EValArg 'TcpInst)
+quickLookArg1 guarded delta larg@(L loc arg) arg_ty
   = setSrcSpan loc $
     do { let (rn_fun,rn_args,rebuild) = splitHsApps arg
        ; mb_fun_ty <- tcInferAppHead_maybe rn_fun rn_args
@@ -825,7 +828,7 @@ quickLookArg impred_on guarded delta (ValArg larg@(L loc arg)) arg_ty
                           return no_ql_result ;
            Just (fun', fun_sigma) ->
-    do { let (no_free_kappas, rn_args') = addGuardFlags fun_sigma rn_args
+    do { let no_free_kappas = findNoKappa fun_sigma rn_args
        ; traceTc "quickLookArg 2" $
          vcat [ text "no_free_kappas:" <+> ppr no_free_kappas
               , text "guarded:" <+> ppr guarded ]
@@ -833,7 +836,7 @@ quickLookArg impred_on guarded delta (ValArg larg@(L loc arg)) arg_ty
          then return no_ql_result
     do { (delta_app, inst_args, app_res_rho)
-             <- tcInstFun True True rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args'
+             <- tcInstFun True True rn_fun fun_sigma rn_args
        ; traceTc "quickLookArg" $
          vcat [ text "arg:" <+> ppr arg
               , text "delta:" <+> ppr delta

@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ test('Church1',  normal, compile, [''])
 test('boxy',     normal, compile, [''])
 test('Compose',  normal, compile, [''])
 test('T2193',    normal, compile_and_run, [''])
-test('icfp20-ok',    normal, compile, [''])
-test('icfp20-fail',    normal, compile_fail, [''])
-test('T18126-1',   normal, compile, [''])
-test('T18126-nasty',   normal, compile, [''])
+test('icfp20-ok',     normal, compile, [''])
+test('icfp20-fail',   normal, compile_fail, [''])
+test('T18126-1',      normal, compile, [''])
+test('T18126-nasty',  normal, compile, [''])
+test('cabal-example', normal, compile, [''])

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{- This example illustrates a nasty case of "vacuous" abstraction
+   It comes from Cabal library Distribution.Simple.Utils
+Consider this
+  type HCS = (?callStack :: CallStack)
+  wcs :: forall a. (HCS => a) -> a
+  foo :: Int
+  ($) :: forall p q. (p->q) -> p -> q
+The call:      wcs $ foo
+From QL on the first arg of $ we instantiate wcs with a:=kappa.  Then
+we can work out what p and q must instantiate to.  (the (p->q) arg of
+($) is guarded): get p := (HCS => kappa), q := kappa
+But alas, the second arg of $, namely foo, satisfies our
+fiv(rho_r)=empty condition.  (Here rho_r is Int.)  So we try to mgu(
+HCS => kappa, Int ), and fail.
+The basic problem is this: we said in 5.4 of the Quick Look paper we
+didn’t about vacuous type abstraction, but we clearly do care about
+type-class abstraction.
+How does this work in GHC today, with the built-in rule?  It works
+because we are order-dependent: we look at the first argument first.
+The same would work here.  If we applied the QL substitution as we go,
+by the time we got to the second argument, the expected type would
+look like (HCS => kappa), and we would abandon QL on it (App-lightning
+only applies to rho).  But the price is order-dependence.
+module CabalEx where
+import GHC.Stack( withFrozenCallStack )
+-- withFrozenCallStack :: HasCallStack
+--                     => ( HasCallStack => a )
+--                     -> a
+printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv :: Int -> IO ()
+printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv = error "urk"
+printRawCommandAndArgs :: Int -> IO ()
+printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity
+  = withFrozenCallStack $ printRawCommandAndArgsAndEnv verbosity

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