[Git][ghc/ghc][master] 3 commits: Hadrian: fix cross-compiler build (#16051)

Marge Bot gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun May 24 19:22:26 UTC 2020

 Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

7a07aa71 by Sylvain Henry at 2020-05-24T15:22:17-04:00
Hadrian: fix cross-compiler build (#16051)

- - - - -
15ccca16 by Sylvain Henry at 2020-05-24T15:22:17-04:00
Hadrian: fix distDir per stage

- - - - -
b420fb24 by Sylvain Henry at 2020-05-24T15:22:17-04:00
Hadrian: fix hp2ps error during cross-compilation

Fixed by @alp (see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/16051#note_274265)

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- hadrian/src/Context.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Default.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Packages.hs


@@ -55,9 +55,12 @@ libPath Context {..} = buildRoot <&> (-/- (stageString stage -/- "lib"))
 -- conventions (see 'cabalOsString' and 'cabalArchString').
 distDir :: Stage -> Action FilePath
 distDir st = do
+    let (os,arch) = case st of
+            Stage0 -> (HostOs , HostArch)
+            _      -> (TargetOs, TargetArch)
     version        <- ghcVersionStage st
-    hostOs         <- cabalOsString <$> setting BuildOs
-    hostArch       <- cabalArchString <$> setting BuildArch
+    hostOs         <- cabalOsString <$> setting os
+    hostArch       <- cabalArchString <$> setting arch
     return $ hostArch ++ "-" ++ hostOs ++ "-ghc-" ++ version
 pkgFileName :: Package -> String -> String -> Action FilePath

@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ stage0Packages = do
           ++ [ terminfo | not windowsHost, not cross ]
           ++ [ timeout  | windowsHost                ]
           ++ [ touchy   | windowsHost                ]
+          ++ [ hp2ps    | cross                      ]
 -- | Packages built in 'Stage1' by default. You can change this in "UserSettings".
 stage1Packages :: Action [Package]

@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ packageArgs = do
         -- See: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/16809.
         cross = flag CrossCompiling
+        -- Check if the bootstrap compiler has the same version as the one we
+        -- are building. This is used to build cross-compilers
+        bootCross = (==) <$> ghcVersionStage Stage0 <*> ghcVersionStage Stage1
         --------------------------------- base ---------------------------------
         [ package base ? mconcat
@@ -105,22 +109,37 @@ packageArgs = do
             input "**/cbits/atomic.c"  ? arg "-Wno-sync-nand" ]
         --------------------------------- ghci ---------------------------------
-        -- TODO: This should not be @not <$> flag CrossCompiling at . Instead we
-        -- should ensure that the bootstrap compiler has the same version as the
-        -- one we are building.
-        -- TODO: In that case we also do not need to build most of the Stage1
-        -- libraries, as we already know that the compiler comes with the most
-        -- recent versions.
-        -- TODO: The use case here is that we want to build @ghc-proxy@ for the
-        -- cross compiler. That one needs to be compiled by the bootstrap
-        -- compiler as it needs to run on the host. Hence @libiserv@ needs
-        -- @GHCi.TH@, @GHCi.Message@ and @GHCi.Run@ from @ghci at . And those are
-        -- behind the @-fghci@ flag.
         , package ghci ? mconcat
           [ notStage0 ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "ghci"
-          , cross ? stage0 ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "ghci" ]
+          -- The use case here is that we want to build @ghc-proxy@ for the
+          -- cross compiler. That one needs to be compiled by the bootstrap
+          -- compiler as it needs to run on the host. Hence @libiserv@ needs
+          -- @GHCi.TH@, @GHCi.Message@ and @GHCi.Run@ from @ghci at . And those are
+          -- behind the @-fghci@ flag.
+          --
+          -- But it may not build if we have made some changes to ghci's
+          -- dependencies (see #16051).
+          --
+          -- To fix this properly Hadrian would need to:
+          --   * first build a compiler for the build platform (stage1 is enough)
+          --   * use it as a bootstrap compiler to build the stage1 cross-compiler
+          --
+          -- The issue is that "configure" would have to be executed twice (for
+          -- the build platform and for the cross-platform) and Hadrian would
+          -- need to be fixed to support two different stage1 compilers.
+          --
+          -- The workaround we use is to check if the bootstrap compiler has
+          -- the same version as the one we are building. In this case we can
+          -- avoid the first step above and directly build with `-fghci`.
+          --
+          -- TODO: Note that in that case we also do not need to build most of
+          -- the Stage1 libraries, as we already know that the bootstrap
+          -- compiler comes with the same versions as the one we are building.
+          --
+          , cross ? stage0 ? bootCross ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "ghci"
+          ]
         --------------------------------- iserv --------------------------------
         -- Add -Wl,--export-dynamic enables GHCi to load dynamic objects that

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/01c43634d443bd3cc0b95b43a7180e12230b845d...b420fb2474650e6dfbd66afd199f28492f900f75

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/01c43634d443bd3cc0b95b43a7180e12230b845d...b420fb2474650e6dfbd66afd199f28492f900f75
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