[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/ghc-debug] 2 commits: Add some haddock

Sven Tennie gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu May 21 13:59:44 UTC 2020

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/ghc-debug at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

00c297f8 by Sven Tennie at 2020-05-19T09:07:16+02:00
Add some haddock

- - - - -
660eedc8 by Sven Tennie at 2020-05-21T15:59:33+02:00
Decode StgStack with hsc2hs and add some haddock

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/FFIClosures.hsc
- rts/Heap.c


@@ -72,8 +72,16 @@ import Foreign
 #include "ghcconfig.h"
 class HasHeapRep (a :: TYPE rep) where
-    getClosureDataX :: (forall c . c -> IO (Ptr StgInfoTable, [Word], [b]))
-                      -> a -> IO (GenClosure b)
+    -- | Decode a closure to it's heap representation ('GenClosure').
+    -- Inside a GHC context 'b' is usually a 'GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures.Box'
+    -- containing a thunk or an evaluated heap object. Outside it can be a
+    -- 'Word' for "raw" usage of pointers.
+    getClosureDataX ::
+        (forall c . c -> IO (Ptr StgInfoTable, [Word], [b]))
+        -- ^ Helper function to get info table, memory and pointers of the closure
+        -> a -- ^ Closure to decode
+        -> IO (GenClosure b) -- Heap representation of the closure
 instance HasHeapRep (a :: TYPE 'LiftedRep) where
     getClosureDataX = getClosureX
@@ -115,7 +123,11 @@ amap' f (Array i0 i _ arr#) = map g [0 .. i - i0]
     where g (I# i#) = case indexArray# arr# i# of
                           (# e #) -> f e
+-- | Takes any value (closure) as parameter and returns a tuple of:
+-- * A 'Ptr' to the info table
+-- * The memory of the closure as @[Word]@
+-- * Pointers of the closure's @struct@ (in C code) in a @[Box]@.
+-- The pointers are collected in @Heap.c at .
 getClosureRaw :: a -> IO (Ptr StgInfoTable, [Word], [Box])
 getClosureRaw x = do
     case unpackClosure# x of
@@ -307,32 +319,35 @@ getClosureX get_closure_raw x = do
                     , trec = (pts !! 3)
                     , blocked_exceptions = (pts !! 4)
                     , bq = (pts !! 5)
-                    , what_next = FFIClosures.what_next fields
-                    , why_blocked = FFIClosures.why_blocked fields
-                    , flags = FFIClosures.flags fields
-                    , threadId = FFIClosures.threadId fields
-                    , saved_errno = FFIClosures.saved_errno fields
-                    , dirty = FFIClosures.dirty fields
-                    , alloc_limit = FFIClosures.alloc_limit fields
-                    , tot_stack_size = FFIClosures.tot_stack_size fields
+                    , what_next = FFIClosures.tso_what_next fields
+                    , why_blocked = FFIClosures.tso_why_blocked fields
+                    , flags = FFIClosures.tso_flags fields
+                    , threadId = FFIClosures.tso_threadId fields
+                    , saved_errno = FFIClosures.tso_saved_errno fields
+                    , tso_dirty = FFIClosures.tso_dirty fields
+                    , alloc_limit = FFIClosures.tso_alloc_limit fields
+                    , tot_stack_size = FFIClosures.tso_tot_stack_size fields
         STACK -> do
-            unless (length pts >= 1) $
-                fail $ "Expected at least 1 ptr argument to STACK, found "
+            unless (length pts == 1) $
+                fail $ "Expected 1 ptr argument to STACK, found "
                         ++ show (length pts)
-            let splitWord = rawWds !! 0
-            pure $ StackClosure itbl
-#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
-                (fromIntegral $ shiftR splitWord (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS `div` 2))
-                (fromIntegral splitWord)
-                (fromIntegral splitWord)
-                (fromIntegral $ shiftR splitWord (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS `div` 2))
-                (pts !! 0)
-                []
+            allocaArray (length wds) (\ptr -> do
+                pokeArray ptr wds
+                fields <- FFIClosures.peekStackFields ptr
+                pure $ StackClosure
+                    { info = itbl
+                    , size = FFIClosures.stack_size fields
+                    , stack_dirty = FFIClosures.stack_dirty fields
+                    , stackPointer = (pts !! 0)
+                    , stack  = FFIClosures.stack fields
+                    , stack_marking = FFIClosures.stack_marking fields
+                    }
+                )
         _ ->
             pure $ UnsupportedClosure itbl

@@ -260,7 +260,9 @@ data GenClosure b
         , link        :: !b -- ^ next weak pointer for the capability, can be NULL.
-  -- | StgTSO
+  -- | Representation of StgTSO: A Thread State Object.
+  -- The values for 'what_next', 'why_blocked' and 'flags' are defined in
+  -- @Constants.h at .
   | TSOClosure
       { info :: !StgInfoTable
       -- pointers
@@ -276,16 +278,17 @@ data GenClosure b
       , flags :: Word32
       , threadId :: Word64
       , saved_errno :: Word32
-      , dirty:: Word32
+      , tso_dirty:: Word32 -- ^ non-zero => dirty
       , alloc_limit :: Int64
       , tot_stack_size :: Word32
+  -- Representation of StgStack: The 'tsoStack' of a 'TSOClosure'.
   | StackClosure
      { info :: !StgInfoTable
-     , size :: !HalfWord
-     , dirty :: !HalfWord
-     , stackPointer :: !b
+     , size :: !Word32 -- ^ stack size in *words*
+     , stack_dirty :: !Word8 -- ^ non-zero => dirty
+     , stack_marking :: Word8
+     , stackPointer :: !b -- ^ current stack pointer
      , stack :: [Word]

@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ import Foreign
 -- TODO use sum type for what_next, why_blocked, flags?
 data TSOFields = TSOFields {
-    what_next :: Word16,
-    why_blocked :: Word16,
-    flags :: Word32,
+    tso_what_next :: Word16,
+    tso_why_blocked :: Word16,
+    tso_flags :: Word32,
 -- Unfortunately block_info is a union without clear discriminator.
 --    block_info :: TDB,
-    threadId :: Word64,
-    saved_errno :: Word32,
-    dirty:: Word32,
-    alloc_limit :: Int64,
-    tot_stack_size :: Word32
+    tso_threadId :: Word64,
+    tso_saved_errno :: Word32,
+    tso_dirty:: Word32,
+    tso_alloc_limit :: Int64,
+    tso_tot_stack_size :: Word32
 -- TODO StgTSOProfInfo prof is optionally included, but looks very interesting.
@@ -34,12 +34,36 @@ peekTSOFields ptr = do
     tot_stack_size' <- (#peek struct StgTSO_, tot_stack_size) ptr
     return TSOFields {
-        what_next = what_next',
-        why_blocked = why_blocked',
-        flags = flags',
-        threadId = threadId',
-        saved_errno = saved_errno',
-        dirty= dirty',
-        alloc_limit = alloc_limit',
-        tot_stack_size = tot_stack_size'
+        tso_what_next = what_next',
+        tso_why_blocked = why_blocked',
+        tso_flags = flags',
+        tso_threadId = threadId',
+        tso_saved_errno = saved_errno',
+        tso_dirty= dirty',
+        tso_alloc_limit = alloc_limit',
+        tso_tot_stack_size = tot_stack_size'
+    }
+data StackFields = StackFields {
+    stack_size :: Word32,
+    stack_dirty :: Word8,
+    stack_marking :: Word8,
+    stack :: [Word]
+-- | Get non-closure fields from @StgStack_@ (@TSO.h@)
+peekStackFields :: Ptr a -> IO StackFields
+peekStackFields ptr = do
+    stack_size' <- (#peek struct StgStack_, stack_size) ptr ::IO Word32
+    dirty' <- (#peek struct StgStack_, dirty) ptr
+    marking' <- (#peek struct StgStack_, marking) ptr
+    let stackPtr = (#ptr struct StgStack_, stack) ptr
+    stack' <- peekArray (fromIntegral stack_size') stackPtr
+    return StackFields {
+        stack_size = stack_size',
+        stack_dirty = dirty',
+        stack_marking = marking',
+        stack = stack'

@@ -226,10 +226,9 @@ static StgWord collect_pointers(StgClosure *closure, StgWord size, StgClosure *p
         case STACK:
+            ASSERT((StgClosure *)((StgStack *)closure)->sp != NULL);
             ptrs[nptrs++] = (StgClosure *)((StgStack *)closure)->sp;
         case WEAK:
             ptrs[nptrs++] = (StgClosure *)((StgWeak *)closure)->cfinalizers;
             ptrs[nptrs++] = (StgClosure *)((StgWeak *)closure)->key;

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/4e78046b7c166ee69e0200dbb8d4c1f3f3f13930...660eedc8f6e039545c9b5a77ac7be5427c3f3d43

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/4e78046b7c166ee69e0200dbb8d4c1f3f3f13930...660eedc8f6e039545c9b5a77ac7be5427c3f3d43
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