[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/buggymcbugfix/15185-enum-int] 3 commits: Add INLINABLE pragmas to Enum list producers

Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat May 16 19:12:12 UTC 2020

Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt pushed to branch wip/buggymcbugfix/15185-enum-int at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

5e49c27d by buggymcbugfix at 2020-05-16T22:10:54+03:00
Add INLINABLE pragmas to Enum list producers

The INLINABLE pragmas ensure that we export stable (unoptimised) unfoldings in
the interface file so we can do list fusion at usage sites.

Related tickets: #15185, #8763, #18178.

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accf2ca0 by buggymcbugfix at 2020-05-16T22:10:54+03:00
Piggyback on Enum Word methods for Word64

If we are on a 64 bit platform, we can use the efficient Enum Word
methods for the Enum Word64 instance.

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7dc55606 by buggymcbugfix at 2020-05-16T22:10:54+03:00
Document INLINE(ABLE) pragmas that enable fusion

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3 changed files:

- libraries/base/GHC/Enum.hs
- libraries/base/GHC/Word.hs
- + testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/T15185.hs


@@ -139,17 +139,34 @@ class  Enum a   where
     --     * @enumFromThenTo 6 8 2 :: [Int] = []@
     enumFromThenTo      :: a -> a -> a -> [a]
-    succ                   = toEnum . (+ 1)  . fromEnum
-    pred                   = toEnum . (subtract 1) . fromEnum
-    enumFrom x             = map toEnum [fromEnum x ..]
-    enumFromThen x y       = map toEnum [fromEnum x, fromEnum y ..]
-    enumFromTo x y         = map toEnum [fromEnum x .. fromEnum y]
+    succ = toEnum . (+ 1) . fromEnum
+    pred = toEnum . (subtract 1) . fromEnum
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFrom #-}
+    enumFrom x = map toEnum [fromEnum x ..]
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromThen #-}
+    enumFromThen x y = map toEnum [fromEnum x, fromEnum y ..]
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromTo #-}
+    enumFromTo x y = map toEnum [fromEnum x .. fromEnum y]
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromThenTo #-}
     enumFromThenTo x1 x2 y = map toEnum [fromEnum x1, fromEnum x2 .. fromEnum y]
+-- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+{-# INLINABLE boundedEnumFrom #-}
 -- Default methods for bounded enumerations
 boundedEnumFrom :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => a -> [a]
 boundedEnumFrom n = map toEnum [fromEnum n .. fromEnum (maxBound `asTypeOf` n)]
+-- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+{-# INLINABLE boundedEnumFromThen #-}
 boundedEnumFromThen :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => a -> a -> [a]
 boundedEnumFromThen n1 n2
   | i_n2 >= i_n1  = map toEnum [i_n1, i_n2 .. fromEnum (maxBound `asTypeOf` n1)]
@@ -158,6 +175,14 @@ boundedEnumFromThen n1 n2
     i_n1 = fromEnum n1
     i_n2 = fromEnum n2
+Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+The INLINABLE/INLINE pragmas ensure that we export stable (unoptimised)
+unfoldings in the interface file so we can do list fusion at usage sites.
 -- Helper functions
@@ -343,16 +368,20 @@ instance  Enum Char  where
     toEnum   = chr
     fromEnum = ord
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFrom #-}
     enumFrom (C# x) = eftChar (ord# x) 0x10FFFF#
         -- Blarg: technically I guess enumFrom isn't strict!
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromTo #-}
     enumFromTo (C# x) (C# y) = eftChar (ord# x) (ord# y)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromThen #-}
     enumFromThen (C# x1) (C# x2) = efdChar (ord# x1) (ord# x2)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromThenTo #-}
     enumFromThenTo (C# x1) (C# x2) (C# y) = efdtChar (ord# x1) (ord# x2) (ord# y)
@@ -472,17 +501,21 @@ instance  Enum Int  where
     toEnum   x = x
     fromEnum x = x
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFrom #-}
     enumFrom (I# x) = eftInt x maxInt#
         where !(I# maxInt#) = maxInt
         -- Blarg: technically I guess enumFrom isn't strict!
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromTo #-}
     enumFromTo (I# x) (I# y) = eftInt x y
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromThen #-}
     enumFromThen (I# x1) (I# x2) = efdInt x1 x2
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromThenTo #-}
     enumFromThenTo (I# x1) (I# x2) (I# y) = efdtInt x1 x2 y
@@ -812,13 +845,20 @@ instance  Enum Integer  where
     toEnum (I# n)        = smallInteger n
     fromEnum n           = I# (integerToInt n)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFrom #-}
+    enumFrom x = enumDeltaInteger x 1
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromThen #-}
+    enumFromThen x y = enumDeltaInteger x (y-x)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromTo #-}
+    enumFromTo x lim = enumDeltaToInteger x 1 lim
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
     {-# INLINE enumFromThenTo #-}
-    enumFrom x             = enumDeltaInteger   x 1
-    enumFromThen x y       = enumDeltaInteger   x (y-x)
-    enumFromTo x lim       = enumDeltaToInteger x 1     lim
     enumFromThenTo x y lim = enumDeltaToInteger x (y-x) lim
 -- See Note [How the Enum rules work]
@@ -927,6 +967,7 @@ instance Enum Natural where
     toEnum = intToNatural
 #if defined(MIN_VERSION_integer_gmp)
+    -- special case here, catch all is after endif
     fromEnum (NatS# w)
       | i >= 0    = i
       | otherwise = errorWithoutStackTrace "fromEnum: out of Int range"
@@ -935,12 +976,22 @@ instance Enum Natural where
     fromEnum n = fromEnum (naturalToInteger n)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFrom #-}
     enumFrom x        = enumDeltaNatural      x (wordToNaturalBase 1##)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromThen #-}
     enumFromThen x y
       | x <= y        = enumDeltaNatural      x (y-x)
       | otherwise     = enumNegDeltaToNatural x (x-y) (wordToNaturalBase 0##)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromTo #-}
     enumFromTo x lim  = enumDeltaToNatural    x (wordToNaturalBase 1##) lim
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers]
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromThenTo #-}
     enumFromThenTo x y lim
       | x <= y        = enumDeltaToNatural    x (y-x) lim
       | otherwise     = enumNegDeltaToNatural x (x-y) lim

@@ -892,10 +892,44 @@ instance Enum Word64 where
         | x <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)
                         = I# (word2Int# x#)
         | otherwise     = fromEnumError "Word64" x
-    enumFrom            = integralEnumFrom
-    enumFromThen        = integralEnumFromThen
-    enumFromTo          = integralEnumFromTo
-    enumFromThenTo      = integralEnumFromThenTo
+    enumFrom       = integralEnumFrom
+    enumFromThen   = integralEnumFromThen
+    enumFromTo     = integralEnumFromTo
+    enumFromThenTo = integralEnumFromThenTo
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers] in GHC.Enum
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFrom #-}
+    enumFrom w
+        = map wordToWord64
+        $ enumFrom (word64ToWord w)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers] in GHC.Enum
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromThen #-}
+    enumFromThen w s
+        = map wordToWord64
+        $ enumFromThen (word64ToWord w) (word64ToWord s)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers] in GHC.Enum
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromTo #-}
+    enumFromTo w1 w2
+        = map wordToWord64
+        $ enumFromTo (word64ToWord w1) (word64ToWord w2)
+    -- See Note [Stable Unfolding for list producers] in GHC.Enum
+    {-# INLINABLE enumFromThenTo #-}
+    enumFromThenTo w1 s w2
+        = map wordToWord64
+        $ enumFromThenTo (word64ToWord w1) (word64ToWord s) (word64ToWord w2)
+word64ToWord :: Word64 -> Word
+word64ToWord (W64# w#) = (W# w#)
+wordToWord64 :: Word -> Word64
+wordToWord64 (W# w#) = (W64# w#)
 -- | @since 2.01
 instance Integral Word64 where

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+-- Ensure that we do list fusion on `foldr f z [from..to]` for sized `Int` and
+-- `Word` types. Related tickets: #15185, #8763.
+import Control.Exception (evaluate)
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Word
+fact :: Integral t => t -> t
+fact n = product [1..n]
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Int 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Int64 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Int32 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Int16 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Int8 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Word 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Word64 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Word32 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Word16 50)
+  _ <- evaluate (fact @Word8 50)
+  pure ()

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