[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/zap-coercions] Coercion zapping

Ben Gamari gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Mar 27 15:21:40 UTC 2020

Ben Gamari pushed to branch wip/zap-coercions at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

81578d45 by Ben Gamari at 2020-03-27T11:21:28-04:00
Coercion zapping

- - - - -

27 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/SimpleOpt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Tidy.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Flags.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
- compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hs
- compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.hs-boot
- compiler/basicTypes/Var.hs
- compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcMType.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
- testsuite/tests/profiling/should_run/T2552.prof.sample


@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
         downgradeRole, mkAxiomRuleCo,
         mkGReflRightCo, mkGReflLeftCo, mkCoherenceLeftCo, mkCoherenceRightCo,
         mkKindCo, castCoercionKind, castCoercionKindI,
+        --
+        -- ** Zapping coercions
+        mkZappedCoercion, zapCoercion,
         mkPrimEqPred, mkReprPrimEqPred, mkPrimEqPredRole,
@@ -136,9 +139,10 @@ import Var
 import VarEnv
 import VarSet
 import Name hiding ( varName )
-import Util
+import Util hiding ( seqList )
 import BasicTypes
 import Outputable
+import GHC.Driver.Session ( DynFlags, shouldBuildCoercions )
 import Unique
 import Pair
 import SrcLoc
@@ -963,6 +967,9 @@ mkSymCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
 mkSymCo co | isReflCo co          = co
 mkSymCo    (SymCo co)             = co
 mkSymCo    (SubCo (SymCo co))     = SubCo co
+mkSymCo (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) r t1 t2) = UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) r t2 t1
+mkSymCo (UnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) r t1 t2) = UnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) r t2 t1
+-- TODO: Handle other provenances
 mkSymCo co                        = SymCo co
 -- | Create a new 'Coercion' by composing the two given 'Coercion's transitively.
@@ -972,6 +979,14 @@ mkTransCo co1 co2 | isReflCo co1 = co2
                   | isReflCo co2 = co1
 mkTransCo (GRefl r t1 (MCo co1)) (GRefl _ _ (MCo co2))
   = GRefl r t1 (MCo $ mkTransCo co1 co2)
+mkTransCo (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs1) r t1a _t1b) (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs2) _ _t2a t2b)
+  = UnivCo (ZappedProv (fvs1 `unionDVarSet` fvs2)) r t1a t2b
+mkTransCo (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) r t1a _t1b) co2
+  = UnivCo (ZappedProv (fvs `unionDVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCoDSet co2)) r t1a t2b
+  where Pair _t2a t2b = coercionKind co2
+mkTransCo co1 (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) r _t2a t2b)
+  = UnivCo (ZappedProv (fvs `unionDVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCoDSet co1)) r t1a t2b
+  where Pair t1a _t1b = coercionKind co1
 mkTransCo co1 co2                 = TransCo co1 co2
 -- | Compose two MCoercions via transitivity
@@ -1108,6 +1123,14 @@ nthCoRole n co
     r   = coercionRole co
 mkLRCo :: LeftOrRight -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkLRCo lr (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) r t1 t2)
+                       = UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) r
+                                (pickLR lr (splitAppTy t1))
+                                (pickLR lr (splitAppTy t2))
+mkLRCo lr (UnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) r t1 t2)
+                       = UnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) r
+                                (pickLR lr (splitAppTy t1))
+                                (pickLR lr (splitAppTy t2))
 mkLRCo lr co
   | Just (ty, eq) <- isReflCo_maybe co
   = mkReflCo eq (pickLR lr (splitAppTy ty))
@@ -1146,9 +1169,6 @@ mkGReflLeftCo r ty co
 -- is a GRefl coercion.
 mkCoherenceLeftCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkCoherenceLeftCo r ty co co2
-  | debugIsOn
-  , Pair ty' _ <- coercionKind co2
-  , not $ ty `eqType` ty' = pprPanic "mkCoherenceLeftCo" (ppr ty $$ ppr co $$ ppr co2)
   | isGReflCo co = co2
   | otherwise = (mkSymCo $ GRefl r ty (MCo co)) `mkTransCo` co2
@@ -1158,9 +1178,6 @@ mkCoherenceLeftCo r ty co co2
 -- is a GRefl coercion.
 mkCoherenceRightCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkCoherenceRightCo r ty co co2
-  | debugIsOn
-  , Pair _ ty' <- coercionKind co2
-  , not $ ty `eqType` ty' = pprPanic "mkCoherenceLeftCo" (ppr ty $$ ppr co $$ ppr co2)
   | isGReflCo co = co2
   | otherwise = co2 `mkTransCo` GRefl r ty (MCo co)
@@ -1170,6 +1187,8 @@ mkKindCo co | Just (ty, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co = Refl (typeKind ty)
 mkKindCo (GRefl _ _ (MCo co)) = co
 mkKindCo (UnivCo (PhantomProv h) _ _ _)    = h
 mkKindCo (UnivCo (ProofIrrelProv h) _ _ _) = h
+mkKindCo (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) _ ty1 ty2) = mkUnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) Nominal (typeKind ty1) (typeKind ty2)
+mkKindCo (UnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) _ ty1 ty2) = mkUnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) Nominal (typeKind ty1) (typeKind ty2)
 mkKindCo co
   | Pair ty1 ty2 <- coercionKind co
        -- generally, calling coercionKind during coercion creation is a bad idea,
@@ -1193,6 +1212,9 @@ mkSubCo (FunCo Nominal arg res)
   = FunCo Representational
           (downgradeRole Representational Nominal arg)
           (downgradeRole Representational Nominal res)
+mkSubCo (UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) Nominal t1 t2) = UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) Representational t1 t2
+mkSubCo (UnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) Nominal t1 t2) = UnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) Representational t1 t2
+mkSubCo co@(SubCo _) = co
 mkSubCo co = ASSERT2( coercionRole co == Nominal, ppr co <+> ppr (coercionRole co) )
              SubCo co
@@ -1285,6 +1307,8 @@ setNominalRole_maybe r co
       | case prov of PhantomProv _    -> False  -- should always be phantom
                      ProofIrrelProv _ -> True   -- it's always safe
                      PluginProv _     -> False  -- who knows? This choice is conservative.
+                     ZappedProv _     -> False  -- conservatively say no
+                     TcZappedProv _ _ -> False  -- conservatively say no
       = Just $ UnivCo prov Nominal co1 co2
     setNominalRole_maybe_helper _ = Nothing
@@ -1391,6 +1415,8 @@ promoteCoercion co = case co of
     UnivCo (PhantomProv kco) _ _ _    -> kco
     UnivCo (ProofIrrelProv kco) _ _ _ -> kco
     UnivCo (PluginProv _) _ _ _       -> mkKindCo co
+    UnivCo (ZappedProv _) _ _ _       -> mkKindCo co
+    UnivCo (TcZappedProv _ _) _ _ _   -> mkKindCo co
     SymCo g
       -> mkSymCo (promoteCoercion g)
@@ -1535,6 +1561,232 @@ mkCoCast c g
     (tc, _) = splitTyConApp (coercionLKind g)
     co_list = decomposeCo (tyConArity tc) g (tyConRolesRepresentational tc)
+%*                                                                      *
+                 Zapping coercions into oblivion
+%*                                                                      *
+{- Note [Zapping coercions]
+Coercions for even small programs can grow to be quite large (e.g. #8095),
+especially when type families are involved. For instance, the case of addition
+of inductive natural numbers can build coercions quadratic in size of the
+summands.  For instance, consider the type-level addition operation defined on
+Peano naturals,
+    data Nat = Z | Succ Nat
+    type family (+) (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat)
+    type instance (+) Z        a   = a                -- CoAx1
+    type instance (+) (Succ a) b   = Succ (a + b)     -- CoAx2
+Now consider what is necessary to reduce (S (S (S Z)) + S Z). This
+reduction will produce two results: the reduced (i.e. flattened) type, and a
+coercion witnessing the reduction. The reduction will proceed as follows:
+       S (S (S Z)) + S Z       |>              Refl
+    ~> S (S (S Z) + S Z)       |>              CoAx2 Refl
+    ~> S (S (S Z + S Z))       |>              CoAx2 (CoAx2 Refl)
+    ~> S (S (S (Z + S Z)))     |>              CoAx2 (CoAx2 (CoAx2 Refl))
+    ~> S (S (S (S (S Z))))     |>              CoAx1 (CoAx2 (CoAx2 (CoAx2 Refl)))
+Note that when we are building coercions [TODO]
+Moreover, coercions are really only useful when validating core transformations
+(i.e. by the Core Linter). To avoid burdening users who aren't linting with the
+cost of maintaining these structures, we replace coercions with placeholders
+("zap" them) them unless -dcore-lint is enabled. These placeholders are
+represented by UnivCo with ZappedProv provenance. Concretely, a coercion
+    co :: t1 ~r t2
+is replaced by
+    UnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) r t1 t2
+To ensure that such coercions aren't floated out of the scope of proofs they
+require, the ZappedProv constructor includes the coercion's set of free type
+and coercion variables (as a DVarSet, since these sets are included in
+interface files).
+Zapping during type family reduction
+To avoid the quadratic blow-up in coercion size during type family reduction
+described above, we zap on every type family reduction step taken by
+TcFlatten.flatten_exact_fam_app_fully. When zapping we take care to avoid
+looking at the constructed coercion and instead build up a zapped coercion
+directly from type being reduced, its free variables, and the result of the
+reduction. This allows us to reduce recursive type families in time linear to
+the size of the type at the expense of Core Lint's ability to validate the
+Note that the free variable set of the zapped coercion is taken to be the free
+variable set of the unreduced family application, which is computed once at the
+beginning of reduction. This is an important optimisation as it allows us to
+avoid recomputing the free variable set (which requires linear work in the size
+of the coercion) with every reduction step. Moreover, this gives us the same
+result as naively computing the free variables of every reduction:
+  * The FV set of the unreduced type cannot be smaller than that of the reduced type
+    because there is nowhere for extra FVs to come from. Type family equations
+    are essentially function reduction, which can never introduce new fvs.
+  * The FV set of the unreducecd type cannot be larger than that of the reduced
+    type because the zapped coercion's kind must mention the types these fvs come
+    from, so the FVs of the zapped coercion must be at least those in the
+    starting types.
+Thus, the two sets are subsets of each other and are equal.
+Other places where we zap
+Besides during type family reduction, we also zap coercions in a number of other
+places (again, only when DynFlags.shouldBuildCoercions is False). This zapping
+occurs in zapCoercion, which maps a coercion to its zapped form. However, there
+are a few optimisations which we implement:
+  * We don't zap coercions which are already zapping; this avoids an unnecessary
+    free variable computation.
+  * We don't zap Refl coercions. This is because Refls are actually far more
+    compact than zapped coercions: the coercion (Refl T) holds only one
+    reference to T, whereas its zapped equivalent would hold two. While this
+    makes little difference directly after construction due to sharing, this
+    sharing will be lost when we substitute or otherwise manipulate the zapped
+    coercion, resulting in a doubling of the coercions representation size.
+zapCoercion is called in a few places:
+  * CoreOpt.pushCoTyArg zaps the coercions it produces to avoid pile-up during
+    simplification [TODO]
+  * TcIface.tcIfaceCo
+  * Type.mapCoercion (which is used by zonking) can optionally zap coercions,
+    although this is currently disabled since it causes compiler allocations to
+    regress in a few cases.
+  * We considered zapping as well in optCoercion, although this too caused
+    significant allocation regressions.
+The importance of tracking free coercion variables
+It is quite important that zapped coercions track their free coercion variables.
+To see why, consider this program:
+    data T a where
+      T1 :: Bool -> T Bool
+      T2 :: T Int
+    f :: T a -> a -> Bool
+    f = /\a (x:T a) (y:a).
+        case x of
+              T1 (c : a~Bool) (z : Bool) -> not (y |> c)
+              T2 -> True
+Now imagine that we zap the coercion `c`, replacing it with a generic UnivCo
+between `a` and Bool. If we didn't record the fact that this coercion was
+previously free in `c`, we may incorrectly float the expression `not (y |> c)`
+out of the case alternative which brings proof of `c` into scope. If this
+happened then `f T2 (I# 5)` would try to interpret `y` as a Bool, at
+which point we aren't far from a segmentation fault or much worse.
+Note that we don't need to track the coercion's free *type* variables. This
+means that we may float past type variables which the original proof had as free
+variables. While surprising, this doesn't jeopardise the validity of the
+coercion, which only depends upon the scoping relative to the free coercion
+Differences between zapped and unzapped coercions
+Alas, sometimes zapped coercions will behave slightly differently from their
+unzapped counterparts. Specifically, we are a bit lax in tracking external names
+that are present in the unzapped coercion but not its kind. This manifests in a
+few places (these are labelled in the source with the [ZappedCoDifference]
+ * IfaceSyn.freeNamesIfCoercion will fail to report top-level names present in
+   the unzapped proof but not its kind.
+ * TcTyDecls.synonymTyConsOfType will fail to report type synonyms present in
+   in the unzapped proof but not its kind.
+ * The result of TcValidity.fvCo will contain each free variable of a ZappedCo
+   only once, even if it would have reported multiple occurrences in the
+   unzapped coercion.
+ * Type.tyConsOfType does not report TyCons which appear only in the unzapped
+   proof and not its kind.
+ * Zapped coercions are represented in interface files as IfaceZappedProv. This
+   representation only includes local free variables, since these are sufficient
+   to avoid unsound floating. This means that the free variable lists of zapped
+   coercions loaded from interface files will lack top-level things (e.g. type
+   constructors) that appear only in the unzapped proof.
+-- | Make a zapped coercion if building of coercions is disabled, otherwise
+-- return the given un-zapped coercion.
+mkZappedCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack
+                 => DynFlags
+                 -> Coercion  -- ^ the un-zapped coercion
+                 -> Pair Type -- ^ the kind of the coercion
+                 -> Role      -- ^ the role of the coercion
+                 -> DTyCoVarSet -- ^ the free variables of the coercion
+                 -> Coercion
+mkZappedCoercion dflags co (Pair ty1 ty2) role fvs
+  | debugIsOn && real_role /= role =
+    pprPanic "mkZappedCoercion(roles mismatch)" panic_doc
+  | debugIsOn && not co_kind_ok =
+    pprPanic "mkZappedCoercion(kind mismatch)" panic_doc
+  | shouldBuildCoercions dflags = co
+  | otherwise =
+    mkUnivCo (ZappedProv fvs) role ty1 ty2
+  where
+    (Pair real_ty1 real_ty2, real_role) = coercionKindRole co
+    real_fvs = tyCoVarsOfCoDSet co
+        -- We must unify here (at the loss of some precision in the assertion)
+        -- since we may encounter flattening skolems.
+    --co_kind_ok = isJust $ tcUnifyTys (const BindMe) [real_ty1, real_ty2] [ty1, ty2]
+    co_kind_ok = True
+        -- N.B. It's not generally possible to check fCvs against the actual
+        -- free variable set since we may encounter flattening skolems during
+        -- reduction.
+    panic_doc = vcat
+        [ text "real role:" <+> ppr real_role
+        , text "given role:" <+> ppr role
+        , text "real ty1:" <+> ppr real_ty1
+        , text "given ty1:" <+> ppr ty1
+        , text "real ty2:" <+> ppr real_ty2
+        , text "given ty2:" <+> ppr ty2
+        , text "real free co vars:" <+> ppr real_fvs
+        , text "given free co vars:" <+> ppr fvs
+        , text "coercion:" <+> ppr co
+        ]
+-- | Replace a coercion with a zapped coercion unless coercions are needed.
+zapCoercion :: DynFlags -> Coercion -> Coercion
+zapCoercion _ co@(UnivCo (ZappedProv _) _ _ _) = co  -- already zapped
+zapCoercion _ co@(Refl _) = co  -- Refl is smaller than zapped coercions
+zapCoercion dflags co =
+    mkZappedCoercion dflags co (Pair t1 t2) role fvs
+  where
+    (Pair t1 t2, role) = coercionKindRole co
+    fvs = filterDVarSet (not . isCoercionHole) $ tyCoVarsOfCoDSet co
 %*                                                                      *
@@ -2147,10 +2399,15 @@ seqProv :: UnivCoProvenance -> ()
 seqProv (PhantomProv co)    = seqCo co
 seqProv (ProofIrrelProv co) = seqCo co
 seqProv (PluginProv _)      = ()
+seqProv (ZappedProv fvs)    = seqDVarSet fvs
+seqProv (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) = seqDVarSet fvs `seq` seqList (\h -> coHoleCoVar h `seq` ()) coholes
+seqList :: (a -> ()) -> [a] -> ()
+seqList _ [] = ()
+seqList f (x:xs) = f x `seq` seqList f xs
 seqCos :: [Coercion] -> ()
-seqCos []       = ()
-seqCos (co:cos) = seqCo co `seq` seqCos cos
+seqCos = seqList seqCo

@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ liftCoSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => Role -> LiftingContext -> Type -> Coercion
 seqCo :: Coercion -> ()
 coercionKind :: Coercion -> Pair Type
+coercionKindRole :: Coercion -> (Pair Type, Role)
 coercionLKind :: Coercion -> Type
 coercionRKind :: Coercion -> Type
 coercionType :: Coercion -> Type

@@ -498,6 +498,22 @@ opt_univ env sym (PhantomProv h) _r ty1 ty2
     ty1' = substTy (lcSubstLeft  env) ty1
     ty2' = substTy (lcSubstRight env) ty2
+opt_univ env sym (ZappedProv fvs) role ty1 ty2
+  | sym       = mkUnivCo (ZappedProv fvs') role ty2' ty1'
+  | otherwise = mkUnivCo (ZappedProv fvs') role ty1' ty2'
+  where
+    ty1' = substTy (lcSubstLeft env) ty1
+    ty2' = substTy (lcSubstRight env) ty2
+    fvs' = substFreeDVarSet (lcTCvSubst env) fvs
+opt_univ env sym (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) role ty1 ty2
+  | sym       = mkUnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs' coholes) role ty2' ty1'
+  | otherwise = mkUnivCo (TcZappedProv fvs' coholes) role ty1' ty2'
+  where
+    ty1' = substTy (lcSubstLeft env) ty1
+    ty2' = substTy (lcSubstRight env) ty2
+    fvs' = substFreeDVarSet (lcTCvSubst env) fvs
 opt_univ env sym prov role oty1 oty2
   | Just (tc1, tys1) <- splitTyConApp_maybe oty1
   , Just (tc2, tys2) <- splitTyConApp_maybe oty2
@@ -557,6 +573,9 @@ opt_univ env sym prov role oty1 oty2
       PhantomProv kco    -> PhantomProv $ opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal kco
       ProofIrrelProv kco -> ProofIrrelProv $ opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal kco
       PluginProv _       -> prov
+      ZappedProv fvs     -> ZappedProv $ substFreeDVarSet (lcTCvSubst env) fvs
+      TcZappedProv fvs coholes
+                         -> TcZappedProv (substFreeDVarSet (lcTCvSubst env) fvs) coholes
 opt_transList :: InScopeSet -> [NormalCo] -> [NormalCo] -> [NormalCo]
@@ -638,6 +657,11 @@ opt_trans_rule is in_co1@(UnivCo p1 r1 tyl1 _tyr1)
     opt_trans_prov (ProofIrrelProv kco1) (ProofIrrelProv kco2)
       = Just $ ProofIrrelProv $ opt_trans is kco1 kco2
     opt_trans_prov (PluginProv str1)     (PluginProv str2)     | str1 == str2 = Just p1
+    opt_trans_prov (ZappedProv fvs1)     (ZappedProv fvs2)
+      = Just $ ZappedProv $ fvs1 `unionDVarSet` fvs2
+    opt_trans_prov (TcZappedProv fvs1 coholes1)
+                   (TcZappedProv fvs2 coholes2)
+      = Just $ TcZappedProv (fvs1 `unionDVarSet` fvs2) (coholes1 ++ coholes2)
     opt_trans_prov _ _ = Nothing
 -- Push transitivity down through matching top-level constructors.

@@ -396,6 +396,10 @@ orphNamesOfProv :: UnivCoProvenance -> NameSet
 orphNamesOfProv (PhantomProv co)    = orphNamesOfCo co
 orphNamesOfProv (ProofIrrelProv co) = orphNamesOfCo co
 orphNamesOfProv (PluginProv _)      = emptyNameSet
+orphNamesOfProv (ZappedProv _)      = emptyNameSet
+orphNamesOfProv (TcZappedProv _ _)  = emptyNameSet
+    -- [ZappedCoDifference] Zapped coercions refer to no orphan names, even if the
+    -- original contained such names.
 orphNamesOfCos :: [Coercion] -> NameSet
 orphNamesOfCos = orphNamesOfThings orphNamesOfCo

@@ -1879,6 +1879,11 @@ lintCoercion co@(UnivCo prov r ty1 ty2)
                                     ; check_kinds kco k1 k2 }
            PluginProv _     -> return ()  -- no extra checks
+           ZappedProv fvs   -> mapM_ lintTyCoVarInScope (dVarSetElems fvs)
+           TcZappedProv fvs coholes
+                            -> do { addErrL $ text "Unfilled coercion hole:" <+> ppr coholes
+                                  ; mapM_ lintTyCoVarInScope (dVarSetElems fvs)
+                                  }
        ; when (r /= Phantom && classifiesTypeWithValues k1
                             && classifiesTypeWithValues k2)
@@ -2105,7 +2110,6 @@ lintCoercion (HoleCo h)
   = do { addErrL $ text "Unfilled coercion hole:" <+> ppr h
        ; lintCoercion (CoVarCo (coHoleCoVar h)) }
 lintUnliftedCoVar :: CoVar -> LintM ()
 lintUnliftedCoVar cv

@@ -1284,13 +1284,15 @@ pushCoTyArg co ty
        -- tyL = forall (a1 :: k1). ty1
        -- tyR = forall (a2 :: k2). ty2
-    co1 = mkSymCo (mkNthCo Nominal 0 co)
+    zap = id -- zapCoercion dflags
+    co1 = zap $ mkSymCo (mkNthCo Nominal 0 co)
        -- co1 :: k2 ~N k1
        -- Note that NthCo can extract a Nominal equality between the
        -- kinds of the types related by a coercion between forall-types.
        -- See the NthCo case in GHC.Core.Lint.
-    co2 = mkInstCo co (mkGReflLeftCo Nominal ty co1)
+    co2 = zap $ mkInstCo co (mkGReflLeftCo Nominal ty co1)
         -- co2 :: ty1[ (ty|>co1)/a1 ] ~ ty2[ ty/a2 ]
         -- Arg of mkInstCo is always nominal, hence mkNomReflCo

@@ -645,6 +645,9 @@ tyCoFVsOfProv :: UnivCoProvenance -> FV
 tyCoFVsOfProv (PhantomProv co)    fv_cand in_scope acc = tyCoFVsOfCo co fv_cand in_scope acc
 tyCoFVsOfProv (ProofIrrelProv co) fv_cand in_scope acc = tyCoFVsOfCo co fv_cand in_scope acc
 tyCoFVsOfProv (PluginProv _)      fv_cand in_scope acc = emptyFV fv_cand in_scope acc
+tyCoFVsOfProv (ZappedProv fvs)    fv_cand in_scope acc = (mkFVs $ dVarSetElems fvs) fv_cand in_scope acc
+tyCoFVsOfProv (TcZappedProv fvs coholes)
+                                  fv_cand in_scope acc = (mkFVs $ dVarSetElems fvs ++ map coHoleCoVar coholes) fv_cand in_scope acc
 tyCoFVsOfCos :: [Coercion] -> FV
 tyCoFVsOfCos []       fv_cand in_scope acc = emptyFV fv_cand in_scope acc
@@ -714,6 +717,8 @@ almost_devoid_co_var_of_prov (PhantomProv co) cv
 almost_devoid_co_var_of_prov (ProofIrrelProv co) cv
   = almost_devoid_co_var_of_co co cv
 almost_devoid_co_var_of_prov (PluginProv _) _ = True
+almost_devoid_co_var_of_prov (ZappedProv fvs) cv = cv `elemDVarSet` fvs
+almost_devoid_co_var_of_prov (TcZappedProv fvs coholes) cv = cv `elemDVarSet` fvs || cv `elem` map coHoleCoVar coholes
 almost_devoid_co_var_of_type :: Type -> CoVar -> Bool
 almost_devoid_co_var_of_type (TyVarTy _) _ = True

@@ -1531,12 +1531,24 @@ data UnivCoProvenance
   | PluginProv String  -- ^ From a plugin, which asserts that this coercion
                        --   is sound. The string is for the use of the plugin.
+  | ZappedProv { zappedFreeVars :: DTyCoVarSet }
+    -- ^ See Note [Zapping coercions].
+    -- Free variables must be tracked in 'DVarSet' since they appear in
+    -- interface files. See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] for details.
+  | TcZappedProv { zappedFreeVars :: DTyCoVarSet
+                 , zappedCoHoles  :: [CoercionHole]
+                 }
   deriving Data.Data
 instance Outputable UnivCoProvenance where
   ppr (PhantomProv _)    = text "(phantom)"
   ppr (ProofIrrelProv _) = text "(proof irrel.)"
   ppr (PluginProv str)   = parens (text "plugin" <+> brackets (text str))
+  ppr (ZappedProv fvs)   = parens (text "zapped" <+> brackets (ppr fvs))
+  ppr (TcZappedProv fvs coholes)
+                         = parens (text "zapped" <+> brackets (ppr fvs) <+> brackets (ppr coholes))
 -- | A coercion to be filled in by the type-checker. See Note [Coercion holes]
 data CoercionHole
@@ -1602,12 +1614,15 @@ equality types story] in TysPrim for background on equality constraints.
 For unboxed equalities:
   - Generate a CoercionHole, a mutable variable just like a unification
-    variable
+    variable.
   - Wrap the CoercionHole in a Wanted constraint; see TcRnTypes.TcEvDest
   - Use the CoercionHole in a Coercion, via HoleCo
   - Solve the constraint later
   - When solved, fill in the CoercionHole by side effect, instead of
     doing the let-binding thing
+  - To ensure that Core Lint can catch when a CoercionHole variable
+    inappropriately persists beyond typechecking we distinguish such
+    variables by giving them the CoercionHoleId IdDetails.
 The main reason for all this is that there may be no good place to let-bind
 the evidence for unboxed equalities:
@@ -1853,6 +1868,14 @@ foldTyCo (TyCoFolder { tcf_view       = view
     go_prov env (PhantomProv co)    = go_co env co
     go_prov env (ProofIrrelProv co) = go_co env co
     go_prov _   (PluginProv _)      = mempty
+    go_prov env (ZappedProv fvs)    = tycovars env fvs
+    go_prov env (TcZappedProv fvs hole) = tycovars env fvs `mappend` foldMap (cohole env) hole
+    tycovars env = foldDVarSet f mempty
+      where f v acc
+              | isTyVar v = tyvar env v `mappend` acc
+              | isCoVar v = covar env v `mappend` acc
+              | otherwise = error "unknown thingy"
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
@@ -1908,3 +1931,5 @@ provSize :: UnivCoProvenance -> Int
 provSize (PhantomProv co)    = 1 + coercionSize co
 provSize (ProofIrrelProv co) = 1 + coercionSize co
 provSize (PluginProv _)      = 1
+provSize (ZappedProv _)      = 1
+provSize (TcZappedProv _ _)  = 1

@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
         substTyVarBndr, substTyVarBndrs,
         substTyVar, substTyVars, substTyCoVars,
+        substFreeDVarSet,
         substVarBndrUsing, substForAllCoBndrUsing,
         checkValidSubst, isValidTCvSubst,
@@ -824,11 +825,22 @@ subst_co subst co
     go_prov (PhantomProv kco)    = PhantomProv (go kco)
     go_prov (ProofIrrelProv kco) = ProofIrrelProv (go kco)
     go_prov p@(PluginProv _)     = p
+    go_prov (ZappedProv fvs)     = ZappedProv (substFreeDVarSet subst fvs)
+    go_prov (TcZappedProv fvs coholes)
+                                 = TcZappedProv (substFreeDVarSet subst fvs) coholes
     -- See Note [Substituting in a coercion hole]
     go_hole h@(CoercionHole { ch_co_var = cv })
       = h { ch_co_var = updateVarType go_ty cv }
+-- | Perform a substitution within a 'DVarSet' of free variables.
+substFreeDVarSet :: TCvSubst -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
+substFreeDVarSet subst =
+    let f v
+          | isTyVar v = tyCoVarsOfTypeDSet $ substTyVar subst v
+          | otherwise = tyCoVarsOfCoDSet $ substCoVar subst v
+    in mapUnionDVarSet f . dVarSetElems
 substForAllCoBndr :: TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> KindCoercion
                   -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar, Coercion)
 substForAllCoBndr subst
@@ -908,14 +920,15 @@ substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing sym sco (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv)
 substCoVar :: TCvSubst -> CoVar -> Coercion
 substCoVar (TCvSubst _ _ cenv) cv
-  = case lookupVarEnv cenv cv of
+  = ASSERT( isCoVar cv )
+    case lookupVarEnv cenv cv of
       Just co -> co
       Nothing -> CoVarCo cv
 substCoVars :: TCvSubst -> [CoVar] -> [Coercion]
 substCoVars subst cvs = map (substCoVar subst) cvs
-lookupCoVar :: TCvSubst -> Var -> Maybe Coercion
+lookupCoVar :: TCvSubst -> CoVar -> Maybe Coercion
 lookupCoVar (TCvSubst _ _ cenv) v = lookupVarEnv cenv v
 substTyVarBndr :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> TyVar -> (TCvSubst, TyVar)

@@ -26,9 +26,11 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs (tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped, tyCoVarsOfTypeList)
 import Name hiding (varName)
 import Var
 import VarEnv
+import VarSet
 import Util (seqList)
 import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@@ -209,9 +211,7 @@ tidyCo env@(_, subst) co
             -- the case above duplicates a bit of work in tidying h and the kind
             -- of tv. But the alternative is to use coercionKind, which seems worse.
     go (FunCo r co1 co2)     = (FunCo r $! go co1) $! go co2
-    go (CoVarCo cv)          = case lookupVarEnv subst cv of
-                                 Nothing  -> CoVarCo cv
-                                 Just cv' -> CoVarCo cv'
+    go (CoVarCo cv)          = CoVarCo $ substCoVar cv
     go (HoleCo h)            = HoleCo h
     go (AxiomInstCo con ind cos) = let args = map go cos
                                in  args `seqList` AxiomInstCo con ind args
@@ -230,6 +230,12 @@ tidyCo env@(_, subst) co
     go_prov (PhantomProv co)    = PhantomProv (go co)
     go_prov (ProofIrrelProv co) = ProofIrrelProv (go co)
     go_prov p@(PluginProv _)    = p
+    go_prov (ZappedProv fvs)    = ZappedProv $ mapUnionDVarSet (unitDVarSet . substCoVar) (dVarSetElems fvs)
+    go_prov (TcZappedProv fvs coholes)
+                                = TcZappedProv (mapUnionDVarSet (unitDVarSet . substCoVar) (dVarSetElems fvs))
+                                               coholes -- Tidying needed?
+    substCoVar cv = fromMaybe cv $ lookupVarEnv subst cv
 tidyCos :: TidyEnv -> [Coercion] -> [Coercion]
 tidyCos env = map (tidyCo env)

@@ -474,6 +474,10 @@ expandTypeSynonyms ty
     go_prov subst (PhantomProv co)    = PhantomProv (go_co subst co)
     go_prov subst (ProofIrrelProv co) = ProofIrrelProv (go_co subst co)
     go_prov _     p@(PluginProv _)    = p
+    go_prov subst (ZappedProv fvs)
+      = ZappedProv $ substFreeDVarSet subst fvs
+    go_prov subst (TcZappedProv fvs coholes)
+      = TcZappedProv (substFreeDVarSet subst fvs) coholes
       -- the "False" and "const" are to accommodate the type of
       -- substForAllCoBndrUsing, which is general enough to
@@ -716,7 +720,22 @@ mapTyCoX (TyCoMapper { tcm_tyvar = tyvar
     go_prov env (PhantomProv co)    = PhantomProv <$> go_co env co
     go_prov env (ProofIrrelProv co) = ProofIrrelProv <$> go_co env co
     go_prov _   p@(PluginProv _)    = return p
+    go_prov env (ZappedProv fvs)
+      = let bndrFVs v
+              | isCoVar v = tyCoVarsOfCoDSet <$> covar env v
+              | isTyVar v = tyCoVarsOfTypeDSet <$> tyvar env v
+              | otherwise = pprPanic "mapCoercion(ZappedProv): Bad free variable" (ppr v)
+        in do fvs' <- unionDVarSets <$> mapM bndrFVs (dVarSetElems fvs)
+              return $ ZappedProv fvs'
+    go_prov env (TcZappedProv fvs coholes)
+      = let bndrFVs v
+              | isCoVar v = tyCoVarsOfCoDSet <$> covar env v
+              | isTyVar v = tyCoVarsOfTypeDSet <$> tyvar env v
+              | otherwise = pprPanic "mapCoercion(TcZappedProv): Bad free variable" (ppr v)
+        in do fvs' <- unionDVarSets <$> mapM bndrFVs (dVarSetElems fvs)
+              coholes' <- mapM (cohole env) coholes
+              let fvs'' = mapUnionDVarSet tyCoVarsOfCoDSet coholes'
+              return $ ZappedProv $ fvs' `unionDVarSet` fvs''
@@ -2772,7 +2791,8 @@ occCheckExpand vs_to_avoid ty
     go_prov cxt (PhantomProv co)    = PhantomProv <$> go_co cxt co
     go_prov cxt (ProofIrrelProv co) = ProofIrrelProv <$> go_co cxt co
     go_prov _   p@(PluginProv _)    = return p
+    go_prov _   p@(ZappedProv _)    = return p
+    go_prov _   p@(TcZappedProv{})  = return p
@@ -2827,6 +2847,11 @@ tyConsOfType ty
      go_prov (PluginProv _)      = emptyUniqSet
         -- this last case can happen from the tyConsOfType used from
         -- checkTauTvUpdate
+     go_prov (ZappedProv _)      = emptyUniqSet
+     go_prov (TcZappedProv _ _)  = emptyUniqSet
+        -- [ZappedCoDifference] that this will not report TyCons present in the
+        -- unzapped proof but not its kind. See Note [Zapping coercions] in
+        -- TyCoRep.
      go_s tys     = foldr (unionUniqSets . go)     emptyUniqSet tys
      go_cos cos   = foldr (unionUniqSets . go_co)  emptyUniqSet cos

@@ -304,6 +304,16 @@ toIfaceCoercionX fr co
     go_prov (PhantomProv co)    = IfacePhantomProv (go co)
     go_prov (ProofIrrelProv co) = IfaceProofIrrelProv (go co)
     go_prov (PluginProv str)    = IfacePluginProv str
+    go_prov (ZappedProv fvs)    = IfaceZappedProv tvs cvs openVars
+                          where
+                            (tvs, cvs, openVars) = foldl' f ([], [], []) (dVarSetElems fvs)
+                            isOpen = (`elemVarSet` fr)
+                            f (a,b,c) v
+                              | isOpen v  = (a, b, v:c)
+                              | isCoVar v = (a, toIfaceCoVar v:b, c)
+                              | isTyVar v = (toIfaceTyVar v:a, b, c)
+                              | otherwise = panic "ToIface.toIfaceCoercionX(go_prov): Bad free variable in ZappedProv"
+    go_prov (TcZappedProv _ _)  = panic "ToIface.toIfaceCoercionX(go_prov): TcZappedProv"
 toIfaceTcArgs :: TyCon -> [Type] -> IfaceAppArgs
 toIfaceTcArgs = toIfaceTcArgsX emptyVarSet

@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ data GeneralFlag
    | Opt_D_faststring_stats
    | Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports
    | Opt_DoCoreLinting
+   | Opt_DropCoercions
    | Opt_DoStgLinting
    | Opt_DoCmmLinting
    | Opt_DoAsmLinting

@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ module GHC.Driver.Session (
         whenGeneratingDynamicToo, ifGeneratingDynamicToo,
+        shouldBuildCoercions,
@@ -1185,6 +1186,14 @@ data RtsOptsEnabled
   | RtsOptsAll
   deriving (Show)
+-- | Should we generate coercions?
+-- See Note [Zapping coercions] for details.
+shouldBuildCoercions :: DynFlags -> Bool
+shouldBuildCoercions dflags =
+    gopt Opt_DoCoreLinting dflags && not (gopt Opt_DropCoercions dflags)
+    -- TODO: Add flag to explicitly enable coercion generation without linting?
 -- | Are we building with @-fPIE@ or @-fPIC@ enabled?
 positionIndependent :: DynFlags -> Bool
 positionIndependent dflags = gopt Opt_PIC dflags || gopt Opt_PIE dflags
@@ -2808,6 +2817,8 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
         (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rtti)
   , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dcore-lint"
         (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DoCoreLinting))
+  , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddrop-coercions"
+        (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DropCoercions))
   , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dstg-lint"
         (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DoStgLinting))
   , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dcmm-lint"

@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ tcIfaceLclId occ
   = do  { lcl <- getLclEnv
         ; case (lookupFsEnv (if_id_env lcl) occ) of
             Just ty_var -> return ty_var
-            Nothing     -> failIfM (text "Iface id out of scope: " <+> ppr occ)
+            Nothing     -> failIfM (text "Iface id out of scope: " <+> ppr occ $$ ppr (if_id_env lcl))
 extendIfaceIdEnv :: [Id] -> IfL a -> IfL a

@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ loadDecl ignore_prags (_version, decl)
                       [(n, lookup n) | n <- implicit_names]
-    doc = text "Declaration for" <+> ppr (ifName decl)
+    doc = text "Declaration for" <+> ppr (ifName decl) $$ ppr decl
 bumpDeclStats :: Name -> IfL ()         -- Record that one more declaration has actually been used
 bumpDeclStats name

@@ -1614,6 +1614,9 @@ freeNamesIfProv :: IfaceUnivCoProv -> NameSet
 freeNamesIfProv (IfacePhantomProv co)    = freeNamesIfCoercion co
 freeNamesIfProv (IfaceProofIrrelProv co) = freeNamesIfCoercion co
 freeNamesIfProv (IfacePluginProv _)      = emptyNameSet
+freeNamesIfProv (IfaceZappedProv _ _ _)  = emptyNameSet
+  -- [ZappedCoDifference]: This won't report top-level names present in the
+  -- unzapped proof but not its kind.
 freeNamesIfVarBndr :: VarBndr IfaceBndr vis -> NameSet
 freeNamesIfVarBndr (Bndr bndr _) = freeNamesIfBndr bndr

@@ -359,6 +359,13 @@ data IfaceUnivCoProv
   = IfacePhantomProv IfaceCoercion
   | IfaceProofIrrelProv IfaceCoercion
   | IfacePluginProv String
+  | IfaceZappedProv [IfLclName] [IfLclName] [Var]
+    -- ^ @local tyvars, local covars, open free variables@
+    --
+    -- Local variables are those bound in the current IfaceType; free variables
+    -- are used only when printing open types and are not serialised; see Note
+    -- [Free tyvars in IfaceType].
+    -- See Note [Zapping coercions] in TyCoRep.
 {- Note [Holes in IfaceCoercion]
@@ -532,6 +539,8 @@ substIfaceType env ty
     go_prov (IfacePhantomProv co)    = IfacePhantomProv (go_co co)
     go_prov (IfaceProofIrrelProv co) = IfaceProofIrrelProv (go_co co)
     go_prov (IfacePluginProv str)    = IfacePluginProv str
+    go_prov (IfaceZappedProv tvs cvs fCvs)
+                                     = IfaceZappedProv tvs cvs fCvs
 substIfaceAppArgs :: IfaceTySubst -> IfaceAppArgs -> IfaceAppArgs
 substIfaceAppArgs env args
@@ -1606,6 +1615,12 @@ pprIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceProofIrrelProv co)
   = text "irrel" <+> pprParendIfaceCoercion co
 pprIfaceUnivCoProv (IfacePluginProv s)
   = text "plugin" <+> doubleQuotes (text s)
+pprIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceZappedProv tvs cvs fCvs)
+  = text "Zapped" <> brackets (whenPprDebug fvsDoc)
+  where
+    fvsDoc = text "free tyvars:" <+> ppr tvs
+          $$ text "free covars:" <+> ppr cvs
+          $$ text "open free covars:" <+> ppr fCvs
 instance Outputable IfaceTyCon where
@@ -1956,6 +1971,12 @@ instance Binary IfaceUnivCoProv where
   put_ bh (IfacePluginProv a) = do
           putByte bh 3
           put_ bh a
+  put_ bh (IfaceZappedProv tyFvs coFvs _) = do
+          putByte bh 5
+          put_ bh tyFvs
+          put_ bh coFvs
+          -- N.B. Free variables aren't serialised; see Note [Free tyvars in
+          -- IfaceType].
   get bh = do
       tag <- getByte bh
@@ -1966,6 +1987,11 @@ instance Binary IfaceUnivCoProv where
                    return $ IfaceProofIrrelProv a
            3 -> do a <- get bh
                    return $ IfacePluginProv a
+           5 -> do a <- get bh
+                   b <- get bh
+                   -- N.B. Open free variables aren't serialised; see Note
+                   -- [Free tyvars in IfaceType].
+                   return $ IfaceZappedProv a b []
            _ -> panic ("get IfaceUnivCoProv " ++ show tag)

@@ -1212,7 +1212,12 @@ tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceStrTyLit n) = return (StrTyLit n)
 tcIfaceCo :: IfaceCoercion -> IfL Coercion
-tcIfaceCo = go
+tcIfaceCo = \co0 -> do
+    dflags <- getDynFlags
+    co <- go co0
+    if shouldBuildCoercions dflags
+      then return co
+      else return $ zapCoercion dflags co
     go_mco IfaceMRefl    = pure MRefl
     go_mco (IfaceMCo co) = MCo <$> (go co)
@@ -1252,6 +1257,10 @@ tcIfaceUnivCoProv :: IfaceUnivCoProv -> IfL UnivCoProvenance
 tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfacePhantomProv kco)    = PhantomProv <$> tcIfaceCo kco
 tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceProofIrrelProv kco) = ProofIrrelProv <$> tcIfaceCo kco
 tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfacePluginProv str)     = return $ PluginProv str
+tcIfaceUnivCoProv (IfaceZappedProv tvs cvs _)
+                                            = do cvs' <- mapM tcIfaceLclId cvs
+                                                 tvs' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs
+                                                 return $ ZappedProv $ mkDVarSet $ cvs' ++ tvs'

@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ Haskell. [WDP 94/11])
 module IdInfo (
         -- * The IdDetails type
-        IdDetails(..), pprIdDetails, coVarDetails, isCoVarDetails,
+        IdDetails(..), pprIdDetails, coVarDetails,
+        isCoVarDetails, isCoercionHoleDetails,
         JoinArity, isJoinIdDetails_maybe,
@@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ data IdDetails
   | CoVarId    -- ^ A coercion variable
                -- This only covers /un-lifted/ coercions, of type
                -- (t1 ~# t2) or (t1 ~R# t2), not their lifted variants
+  | CoercionHoleId  -- ^ A variable introduced for tracking the scoping of
+                    -- a coercion hole during typechecking. See
+                    -- Note [Coercion holes] in TyCoRep.
   | JoinId JoinArity           -- ^ An 'Id' for a join point taking n arguments
        -- Note [Join points] in GHC.Core
@@ -189,6 +193,11 @@ isCoVarDetails :: IdDetails -> Bool
 isCoVarDetails CoVarId = True
 isCoVarDetails _       = False
+-- | Check if an 'IdDetails' says 'CoercionHoleId'.
+isCoercionHoleDetails :: IdDetails -> Bool
+isCoercionHoleDetails CoercionHoleId = True
+isCoercionHoleDetails _              = False
 isJoinIdDetails_maybe :: IdDetails -> Maybe JoinArity
 isJoinIdDetails_maybe (JoinId join_arity) = Just join_arity
 isJoinIdDetails_maybe _                   = Nothing
@@ -212,6 +221,7 @@ pprIdDetails other     = brackets (pp other)
                               = brackets $ text "RecSel" <>
                                            ppWhen is_naughty (text "(naughty)")
    pp CoVarId                 = text "CoVarId"
+   pp CoercionHoleId          = text "CoercionHoleId"
    pp (JoinId arity)          = text "JoinId" <> parens (int arity)

@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ data IdDetails
 vanillaIdInfo :: IdInfo
 coVarDetails :: IdDetails
 isCoVarDetails :: IdDetails -> Bool
+isCoercionHoleDetails :: IdDetails -> Bool
 pprIdDetails :: IdDetails -> SDoc

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module Var (
         -- ** Predicates
         isId, isTyVar, isTcTyVar,
-        isLocalVar, isLocalId, isCoVar, isNonCoVarId, isTyCoVar,
+        isLocalVar, isLocalId, isCoVar, isCoercionHole, isNonCoVarId, isTyCoVar,
         isGlobalId, isExportedId,
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ import GhcPrelude
 import {-# SOURCE #-}   GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep( Type, Kind )
 import {-# SOURCE #-}   GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr( pprKind )
 import {-# SOURCE #-}   TcType( TcTyVarDetails, pprTcTyVarDetails, vanillaSkolemTv )
-import {-# SOURCE #-}   IdInfo( IdDetails, IdInfo, coVarDetails, isCoVarDetails,
+import {-# SOURCE #-}   IdInfo( IdDetails, IdInfo, coVarDetails,
+                                isCoVarDetails, isCoercionHoleDetails,
                                 vanillaIdInfo, pprIdDetails )
 import Name hiding (varName)
@@ -728,6 +729,11 @@ isCoVar :: Var -> Bool
 isCoVar (Id { id_details = details }) = isCoVarDetails details
 isCoVar _                             = False
+-- | Is this a CoercionHoleId? See Note [Coercion holes] in TyCoRep.
+isCoercionHole :: Var -> Bool
+isCoercionHole (Id { id_details = details }) = isCoercionHoleDetails details
+isCoercionHole _                             = False
 -- | Is this a term variable ('Id') that is /not/ a coercion variable?
 -- Satisfies @'isId' v ==> 'isCoVar' v == not ('isNonCoVarId' v)@.
 isNonCoVarId :: Var -> Bool

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module VarSet (
         -- * Deterministic Var set types
-        DVarSet, DIdSet, DTyVarSet, DTyCoVarSet,
+        DVarSet, DIdSet, DTyVarSet, DCoVarSet, DTyCoVarSet,
         -- ** Manipulating these sets
         emptyDVarSet, unitDVarSet, mkDVarSet,
@@ -229,6 +229,9 @@ type DIdSet      = UniqDSet Id
 -- | Deterministic Type Variable Set
 type DTyVarSet   = UniqDSet TyVar
+-- | Deterministic Coercion Variable Set
+type DCoVarSet   = UniqDSet CoVar
 -- | Deterministic Type or Coercion Variable Set
 type DTyCoVarSet = UniqDSet TyCoVar

@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ import Var
 import VarSet
 import VarEnv
 import Outputable
+import GHC.Driver.Session ( HasDynFlags(..) )
 import TcSMonad as TcS
 import BasicTypes( SwapFlag(..) )
 import Util
+import Pair
 import Bag
 import Control.Monad
 import MonadUtils    ( zipWith3M )
@@ -501,6 +503,9 @@ instance Applicative FlatM where
   pure x = FlatM $ const (pure x)
   (<*>) = ap
+instance HasDynFlags FlatM where
+  getDynFlags = liftTcS getDynFlags
 liftTcS :: TcS a -> FlatM a
 liftTcS thing_inside
   = FlatM $ const thing_inside
@@ -1376,7 +1381,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
   -- See Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]
      -- the following tcTypeKind should never be evaluated, as it's just used in
      -- casting, and casts by refl are dropped
-  = do { mOut <- try_to_reduce_nocache tc tys
+  = do { mOut <- try_to_reduce_nocache tc tys emptyDVarSet
        ; case mOut of
            Just out -> pure out
            Nothing -> do
@@ -1386,6 +1391,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
                                         -- each arg
                       flatten_args_tc tc (repeat Nominal) tys
                       -- kind_co :: tcTypeKind(F xis) ~N tcTypeKind(F tys)
+                      -- cos !! n :: (xis !! n) ~N  (tys !! n)
                ; eq_rel   <- getEqRel
                ; cur_flav <- getFlavour
                ; let role   = eqRelRole eq_rel
@@ -1420,6 +1426,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
                    _ -> do { mOut <- try_to_reduce tc
+                                                   (tyCoVarsOfCoDSet ret_co)
                                                    (`mkTransCo` ret_co)
                            ; case mOut of
                                Just out -> pure out
@@ -1465,25 +1472,34 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
                                -- where
                                -- orig_args is what was passed to the outer
                                -- function
+                  -> DTyCoVarSet  -- free variables of ret_co
                   -> (   Coercion     -- :: (xi |> kind_co) ~ F args
                       -> Coercion )   -- what to return from outer function
                   -> FlatM (Maybe (Xi, Coercion))
-    try_to_reduce tc tys kind_co update_co
-      = do { checkStackDepth (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+    try_to_reduce tc tys kind_co ret_co_fvs update_co
+      = do { let fvs =                tyCoVarsOfTypesDSet tys
+                       `unionDVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCoDSet kind_co
+                       `unionDVarSet` ret_co_fvs
+                     -- See Note [Zapping coercions] in TyCoRep
+                 fam_ty = mkTyConApp tc tys
+           ; checkStackDepth (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+           ; dflags <- getDynFlags
            ; mb_match <- liftTcS $ matchFam tc tys
            ; case mb_match of
                  -- NB: norm_co will always be homogeneous. All type families
                  -- are homogeneous.
-               Just (norm_co, norm_ty)
+               Just (norm_co, norm_ty)  -- norm_co :: fam_ty ~R norm_ty
                  -> do { traceFlat "Eager T.F. reduction success" $
                          vcat [ ppr tc, ppr tys, ppr norm_ty
                               , ppr norm_co <+> dcolon
                                             <+> ppr (coercionKind norm_co)
                        ; (xi, final_co) <- bumpDepth $ flatten_one norm_ty
+                           -- final_co :: xi ~ norm_ty
                        ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
                        ; let co = maybeTcSubCo eq_rel norm_co
                                    `mkTransCo` mkSymCo final_co
+                               -- co :: fam_ty ~eq_rel xi
                        ; flavour <- getFlavour
                            -- NB: only extend cache with nominal equalities
                        ; when (eq_rel == NomEq) $
@@ -1491,16 +1507,25 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
                          extendFlatCache tc tys ( co, xi, flavour )
                        ; let role = eqRelRole eq_rel
                              xi' = xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
-                             co' = update_co $
-                                   mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role xi kind_co (mkSymCo co)
-                       ; return $ Just (xi', co') }
+                             -- See Note [Zapping coercions]
+                             co' = mkTcCoherenceLeftCo role xi kind_co (mkSymCo co)
+                             co'_kind = Pair xi' fam_ty
+                               -- co' :: (xi |> kind_co) ~role fam_ty
+                             co'' = update_co $ mkZappedCoercion dflags co' co'_kind role fvs
+                             --co'' = update_co co'
+                       ; return $ Just (xi', co'') }
                Nothing -> pure Nothing }
     try_to_reduce_nocache :: TyCon   -- F, family tycon
                           -> [Type]  -- args, not necessarily flattened
+                          -> DTyCoVarSet -- free variables of ret_co
                           -> FlatM (Maybe (Xi, Coercion))
-    try_to_reduce_nocache tc tys
-      = do { checkStackDepth (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+    try_to_reduce_nocache tc tys fvs_ret_co
+      = do { let fvs = tyCoVarsOfTypesDSet tys `unionDVarSet` fvs_ret_co
+                     -- See Note [Zapping coercions] in TyCoRep
+                 fam_ty = mkTyConApp tc tys
+           ; checkStackDepth fam_ty
+           ; dflags <- getDynFlags
            ; mb_match <- liftTcS $ matchFam tc tys
            ; case mb_match of
                  -- NB: norm_co will always be homogeneous. All type families
@@ -1508,9 +1533,12 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully tc tys
                Just (norm_co, norm_ty)
                  -> do { (xi, final_co) <- bumpDepth $ flatten_one norm_ty
                        ; eq_rel <- getEqRel
+                       ; let role = eqRelRole eq_rel
                        ; let co  = mkSymCo (maybeTcSubCo eq_rel norm_co
                                             `mkTransCo` mkSymCo final_co)
-                       ; return $ Just (xi, co) }
+                             co' = mkZappedCoercion dflags co (Pair xi fam_ty) role fvs
+                             --co' = co
+                       ; return $ Just (xi, co') }
                Nothing -> pure Nothing }
 {- Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]

@@ -1383,11 +1383,7 @@ collect_cand_qtvs_co orig_ty bound = go_co
     go_co dv (KindCo co)           = go_co dv co
     go_co dv (SubCo co)            = go_co dv co
-    go_co dv (HoleCo hole)
-      = do m_co <- unpackCoercionHole_maybe hole
-           case m_co of
-             Just co -> go_co dv co
-             Nothing -> go_cv dv (coHoleCoVar hole)
+    go_co dv (HoleCo hole)         = go_cohole dv hole
     go_co dv (CoVarCo cv) = go_cv dv cv
@@ -1401,6 +1397,10 @@ collect_cand_qtvs_co orig_ty bound = go_co
     go_prov dv (PhantomProv co)    = go_co dv co
     go_prov dv (ProofIrrelProv co) = go_co dv co
     go_prov dv (PluginProv _)      = return dv
+    go_prov dv (ZappedProv fvs)    = foldlM go_cv dv (dVarSetElems fvs)
+    go_prov dv (TcZappedProv fvs coholes)
+                                   = do dv1 <- foldlM go_cv dv (dVarSetElems fvs)
+                                        foldlM go_cohole dv1 coholes
     go_cv :: CandidatesQTvs -> CoVar -> TcM CandidatesQTvs
     go_cv dv@(DV { dv_cvs = cvs }) cv
@@ -1412,6 +1412,14 @@ collect_cand_qtvs_co orig_ty bound = go_co
                                     (dv { dv_cvs = cvs `extendVarSet` cv })
                                     (idType cv)
+    go_cohole :: CandidatesQTvs -> CoercionHole -> TcM CandidatesQTvs
+    go_cohole dv cohole
+      = do { m_co <- unpackCoercionHole_maybe cohole
+           ; case m_co of
+               Just co -> go_co dv co
+               Nothing -> go_cv dv (coHoleCoVar cohole)
+           }
     is_bound tv = tv `elemVarSet` bound
 {- Note [Order of accumulation]

@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ synonymTyConsOfType ty
      go_prov (PhantomProv co)     = go_co co
      go_prov (ProofIrrelProv co)  = go_co co
      go_prov (PluginProv _)       = emptyNameEnv
+     go_prov (ZappedProv _)       = emptyNameEnv
+     go_prov (TcZappedProv _ _)   = emptyNameEnv
+      -- [ZappedCoDifference]: This won't report type synonyms present in the
+      -- unzapped proof but not its kind.
      go_tc tc | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc = unitNameEnv (tyConName tc) tc
               | otherwise             = emptyNameEnv

@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ COST CENTRE           MODULE                SRC                     no.     entr
 MAIN                  MAIN                  <built-in>               45          0    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
  CAF                  Main                  <entire-module>          89          0    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
-  main                Main                  T2552.hs:(17,1)-(20,17)  90          1    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
+  main                Main                  T2552.hs:12:1-12         90          1    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
+   fib3               Main                  T2552.hs:(1,1)-(5,61)    92          1    0.0    0.0    37.8   33.3
    fib1               Main                  T2552.hs:(1,1)-(5,61)    92          1    0.0    0.0    37.8   33.3
     fib1.fib1'        Main                  T2552.hs:(3,5)-(5,61)    93          1    0.0    0.0    37.8   33.3
      nfib'            Main                  T2552.hs:3:35-40         94          1    0.0    0.0    37.8   33.3
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ MAIN                  MAIN                  <built-in>               45
    fib2               Main                  T2552.hs:7:1-16          96          1    0.0    0.0    31.1   33.3
     fib2'             Main                  T2552.hs:(8,1)-(10,57)   97          1    0.0    0.0    31.1   33.3
      fib2'.nfib       Main                  T2552.hs:10:5-57         98    1028457   31.1   33.3    31.1   33.3
-   fib3               Main                  T2552.hs:12:1-12         99          1    0.0    0.0     0.0    0.0
+   fib3               Main                  T2552.hs:12:1-12         99          0    0.0    0.0     0.0    0.0
    fib3'              Main                  T2552.hs:(13,1)-(15,57) 100          1    0.0    0.0    31.1   33.3
     fib3'.nfib        Main                  T2552.hs:15:5-57        101    1028457   31.1   33.3    31.1   33.3
  CAF                  GHC.IO.Handle.FD      <entire-module>          84          0    0.0    0.0     0.0    0.0

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