[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T18300] Add proper axiom linter

Richard Eisenberg gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Jun 16 16:50:30 UTC 2020

Richard Eisenberg pushed to branch wip/T18300 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

559dd456 by Richard Eisenberg at 2020-06-16T17:49:14+01:00
Add proper axiom linter

Also, other small wibbles from reviewing !3507

- - - - -

14 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/FamInstEnv.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/HsType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Family.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types.hs
- docs/core-spec/CoreLint.ott
- docs/core-spec/CoreSyn.ott
- docs/core-spec/core-spec.mng
- docs/core-spec/core-spec.pdf


@@ -184,9 +184,10 @@ Note [Storing compatibility]
 During axiom application, we need to be aware of which branches are compatible
 with which others. The full explanation is in Note [Compatibility] in
-FamInstEnv. (The code is placed there to avoid a dependency from CoAxiom on
-the unification algorithm.) Although we could theoretically compute
-compatibility on the fly, this is silly, so we store it in a CoAxiom.
+GHc.Core.FamInstEnv. (The code is placed there to avoid a dependency from
+GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom on the unification algorithm.) Although we could
+theoretically compute compatibility on the fly, this is silly, so we store it
+in a CoAxiom.
 Specifically, each branch refers to all other branches with which it is
 incompatible. This list might well be empty, and it will always be for the
@@ -233,8 +234,8 @@ data CoAxBranch
     { cab_loc      :: SrcSpan       -- Location of the defining equation
                                     -- See Note [CoAxiom locations]
     , cab_tvs      :: [TyVar]       -- Bound type variables; not necessarily fresh
-    , cab_eta_tvs  :: [TyVar]       -- Eta-reduced tyvars
                                     -- See Note [CoAxBranch type variables]
+    , cab_eta_tvs  :: [TyVar]       -- Eta-reduced tyvars
                                     -- cab_tvs and cab_lhs may be eta-reduced; see
                                     -- Note [Eta reduction for data families]
     , cab_cvs      :: [CoVar]       -- Bound coercion variables

@@ -1514,4 +1514,3 @@ splitDataProductType_maybe ty
   = Just (tycon, ty_args, con, dataConInstArgTys con ty_args)
   | otherwise
   = Nothing

@@ -647,13 +647,13 @@ mkCoAxBranch :: [TyVar] -- original, possibly stale, tyvars
              -> CoAxBranch
 mkCoAxBranch tvs eta_tvs cvs lhs rhs roles loc
   = CoAxBranch { cab_tvs     = tvs'
-                    , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs'
-                    , cab_cvs     = cvs'
-                    , cab_lhs     = tidyTypes env lhs
-                    , cab_roles   = roles
-                    , cab_rhs     = tidyType env rhs
-                    , cab_loc     = loc
-                    , cab_incomps = placeHolderIncomps }
+               , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs'
+               , cab_cvs     = cvs'
+               , cab_lhs     = tidyTypes env lhs
+               , cab_roles   = roles
+               , cab_rhs     = tidyType env rhs
+               , cab_loc     = loc
+               , cab_incomps = placeHolderIncomps }
     (env1, tvs')     = tidyVarBndrs init_tidy_env tvs
     (env2, eta_tvs') = tidyVarBndrs env1          eta_tvs

@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ See Note [Core Lint guarantee].
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveFunctor, MultiWayIf #-}
 module GHC.Core.Lint (
     lintCoreBindings, lintUnfolding,
     lintPassResult, lintInteractiveExpr, lintExpr,
-    lintAnnots, lintAxiom,
+    lintAnnots, lintAxioms,
     -- ** Debug output
     endPass, endPassIO,
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import GHC.Data.Bag
 import GHC.Types.Literal
 import GHC.Core.DataCon
 import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ( isFloatingTy )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ( isFloatingTy, isTyFamFree )
 import GHC.Types.Var as Var
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
@@ -51,9 +51,10 @@ import GHC.Types.RepType
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep   -- checks validity of types/coercions
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprTyVar )
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprTyVar, pprTyVars )
 import GHC.Core.TyCon as TyCon
 import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import GHC.Core.Unify
 import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Utils.Error as Err
 import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.Session
 import Control.Monad
 import GHC.Utils.Monad
 import Data.Foldable      ( toList )
-import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
+import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..), groupWith )
 import Data.List          ( partition )
 import Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Data.Pair
@@ -1490,33 +1491,6 @@ lintIdBndr top_lvl bind_site id thing_inside
-lintAxiom :: DynFlags
-          -> CoAxiom Unbranched
-          -> Maybe MsgDoc -- Nothing => OK
-lintAxiom dflags axiom
-  | isEmptyBag errs = Nothing
-  | otherwise       = Just (pprMessageBag errs)
-  where
-    (_warns, errs) = initL dflags defaultLintFlags [] $
-                     lint_axiom axiom
-lint_axiom :: CoAxiom Unbranched -> LintM ()
-lint_axiom ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = fam_tc })
-  = lintBinders LambdaBind (tvs ++ cvs) $ \_ ->
-    do { let lhs = mkTyConApp fam_tc lhs_args
-       ; lhs' <- lintType lhs
-       ; rhs' <- lintType rhs
-       ; let lhs_kind = typeKind lhs'
-             rhs_kind = typeKind rhs'
-       ; checkL (lhs_kind `eqType` rhs_kind) $
-         hang (text "Inhomogeneous axiom")
-            2 (ppr ax $$ text "lhs:" <+> ppr lhs <+> dcolon <+> ppr lhs_kind
-                      $$ text "rhs:" <+> ppr rhs <+> dcolon <+> ppr rhs_kind) }
-  where
-   CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs
-              , cab_lhs = lhs_args, cab_rhs = rhs } = coAxiomSingleBranch ax
 lintValueType :: Type -> LintM LintedType
 -- Types only, not kinds
 -- Check the type, and apply the substitution to it
@@ -2249,6 +2223,175 @@ lintCoercion (HoleCo h)
   = do { addErrL $ text "Unfilled coercion hole:" <+> ppr h
        ; lintCoercion (CoVarCo (coHoleCoVar h)) }
+*                                                                      *
+              Axioms
+*                                                                      *
+lintAxioms :: DynFlags
+           -> [CoAxiom Branched]
+           -> WarnsAndErrs
+lintAxioms dflags axioms
+  = initL dflags defaultLintFlags [] $
+    do { mapM_ lint_axiom axioms
+       ; let axiom_groups = groupWith coAxiomTyCon axioms
+       ; mapM_ lint_axiom_group axiom_groups }
+lint_axiom :: CoAxiom Branched -> LintM ()
+lint_axiom ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tc, co_ax_branches = branches
+                       , co_ax_role = ax_role })
+  = addLoc (InAxiom ax) $
+    do { mapM_ (lint_branch tc) branch_list
+       ; extra_checks }
+  where
+    branch_list = fromBranches branches
+    extra_checks
+      | isNewTyCon tc
+      = do { CoAxBranch { cab_tvs     = tvs
+                        , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs
+                        , cab_cvs     = cvs
+                        , cab_roles   = roles
+                        , cab_lhs     = lhs_tys }
+              <- case branch_list of
+               [branch] -> return branch
+               _        -> failWithL (text "multi-branch axiom with newtype")
+           ; let ax_lhs = mkInfForAllTys tvs $
+                          mkTyConApp tc lhs_tys
+                 nt_tvs = takeList tvs (tyConTyVars tc)
+                    -- axiom may be eta-reduced: Note [Newtype eta] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+                 nt_lhs = mkInfForAllTys nt_tvs $
+                          mkTyConApp tc (mkTyVarTys nt_tvs)
+                 -- See Note [Newtype eta] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+           ; lintL (ax_lhs `eqType` nt_lhs)
+                   (text "Newtype axiom LHS does not match newtype definition")
+           ; lintL (null cvs)
+                   (text "Newtype axiom binds coercion variables")
+           ; lintL (null eta_tvs)  -- See Note [Eta reduction for data families]
+                                   -- which is not about newtype axioms
+                   (text "Newtype axiom has eta-tvs")
+           ; lintL (ax_role == Representational)
+                   (text "Newtype axiom role not representational")
+           ; lintL (roles `equalLength` tvs)
+                   (text "Newtype axiom roles list is the wrong length." $$
+                    text "roles:" <+> sep (map ppr roles))
+           ; lintL (roles == takeList roles (tyConRoles tc))
+                   (vcat [ text "Newtype axiom roles do not match newtype tycon's."
+                         , text "axiom roles:" <+> sep (map ppr roles)
+                         , text "tycon roles:" <+> sep (map ppr (tyConRoles tc)) ])
+           }
+      | isFamilyTyCon tc
+      = do { if | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+                  -> lintL (ax_role == Nominal)
+                           (text "type family axiom is not nominal")
+                | isDataFamilyTyCon tc
+                  -> lintL (ax_role == Representational)
+                           (text "data family axiom is not representational")
+                | otherwise
+                  -> addErrL (text "A family TyCon is neither a type family nor a data family:" <+> ppr tc)
+           ; mapM_ (lint_family_branch tc) branch_list }
+      | otherwise
+      = addErrL (text "Axiom tycon is neither a newtype nor a family.")
+lint_branch :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> LintM ()
+lint_branch ax_tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs
+                              , cab_lhs = lhs_args, cab_rhs = rhs })
+  = lintBinders LambdaBind (tvs ++ cvs) $ \_ ->
+    do { let lhs = mkTyConApp ax_tc lhs_args
+       ; lhs' <- lintType lhs
+       ; rhs' <- lintType rhs
+       ; let lhs_kind = typeKind lhs'
+             rhs_kind = typeKind rhs'
+       ; lintL (lhs_kind `eqType` rhs_kind) $
+         hang (text "Inhomogeneous axiom")
+            2 (text "lhs:" <+> ppr lhs <+> dcolon <+> ppr lhs_kind $$
+               text "rhs:" <+> ppr rhs <+> dcolon <+> ppr rhs_kind) }
+-- these checks do not apply to newtype axioms
+lint_family_branch :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> LintM ()
+lint_family_branch fam_tc br@(CoAxBranch { cab_tvs     = tvs
+                                         , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs
+                                         , cab_cvs     = cvs
+                                         , cab_roles   = roles
+                                         , cab_lhs     = lhs
+                                         , cab_incomps = incomps })
+  = do { lintL (isDataFamilyTyCon fam_tc || null eta_tvs)
+               (text "Type family axiom has eta-tvs")
+       ; lintL (all (`elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfTypes lhs) tvs)
+               (text "Quantified variable in family axiom unused in LHS")
+       ; lintL (all isTyFamFree lhs)
+               (text "Type family application on LHS of family axiom")
+       ; lintL (all (== Nominal) roles)
+               (text "Non-nominal role in family axiom" $$
+                text "roles:" <+> sep (map ppr roles))
+       ; lintL (null cvs)
+               (text "Coercion variables bound in family axiom")
+       ; forM_ incomps $ \ br' ->
+           lintL (not (compatible_branches br br')) $
+           text "Incorrect incompatible branch:" <+> ppr br' }
+lint_axiom_group :: NonEmpty (CoAxiom Branched) -> LintM ()
+lint_axiom_group (_  :| []) = return ()
+lint_axiom_group (ax :| axs)
+  = do { lintL (isOpenFamilyTyCon tc)
+               (text "Non-open-family with multiple axioms")
+       ; let all_pairs = [ (ax1, ax2) | ax1 <- all_axs
+                                      , ax2 <- all_axs ]
+       ; mapM_ (lint_axiom_pair tc) all_pairs }
+  where
+    all_axs = ax : axs
+    tc      = coAxiomTyCon ax
+lint_axiom_pair :: TyCon -> (CoAxiom Branched, CoAxiom Branched) -> LintM ()
+lint_axiom_pair tc (ax1, ax2)
+  | Just br1@(CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs1
+                         , cab_lhs = lhs1
+                         , cab_rhs = rhs1 }) <- coAxiomSingleBranch_maybe ax1
+  , Just br2@(CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs2
+                         , cab_lhs = lhs2
+                         , cab_rhs = rhs2 }) <- coAxiomSingleBranch_maybe ax2
+  = lintL (compatible_branches br1 br2) $
+    vcat [ hsep [ text "Axioms", ppr ax1, text "and", ppr ax2
+                , text "are incompatible" ]
+         , text "tvs1 =" <+> pprTyVars tvs1
+         , text "lhs1 =" <+> ppr (mkTyConApp tc lhs1)
+         , text "rhs1 =" <+> ppr rhs1
+         , text "tvs2 =" <+> pprTyVars tvs2
+         , text "lhs2 =" <+> ppr (mkTyConApp tc lhs2)
+         , text "rhs2 =" <+> ppr rhs2 ]
+  | otherwise
+  = addErrL (text "Open type family axiom has more than one branch: either" <+>
+             ppr ax1 <+> text "or" <+> ppr ax2)
+compatible_branches :: CoAxBranch -> CoAxBranch -> Bool
+-- True <=> branches are compatible. See Note [Compatibility] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv.
+compatible_branches (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs1
+                                , cab_lhs = lhs1
+                                , cab_rhs = rhs1 })
+                    (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs2
+                                , cab_lhs = lhs2
+                                , cab_rhs = rhs2 })
+  = -- we need to freshen ax2 w.r.t. ax1
+    -- do this by pretending tvs1 are in scope when processing tvs2
+    let in_scope       = mkInScopeSet (mkVarSet tvs1)
+        subst0         = mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope
+        (subst, _)     = substTyVarBndrs subst0 tvs2
+        lhs2'          = substTys subst lhs2
+        rhs2'          = substTy  subst rhs2
+    in
+    case tcUnifyTys (const BindMe) lhs1 lhs2' of
+      Just unifying_subst -> substTy unifying_subst rhs1  `eqType`
+                             substTy unifying_subst rhs2'
+      Nothing             -> True
@@ -2422,6 +2565,7 @@ data LintLocInfo
   | TopLevelBindings
   | InType Type         -- Inside a type
   | InCo   Coercion     -- Inside a coercion
+  | InAxiom (CoAxiom Branched)   -- Inside a CoAxiom
 initL :: DynFlags -> LintFlags -> [Var]
        -> LintM a -> WarnsAndErrs    -- Warnings and errors
@@ -2664,6 +2808,34 @@ dumpLoc (InType ty)
   = (noSrcLoc, text "In the type" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
 dumpLoc (InCo co)
   = (noSrcLoc, text "In the coercion" <+> quotes (ppr co))
+dumpLoc (InAxiom ax)
+  = (getSrcLoc ax_name, text "In the coercion axiom" <+> ppr ax_name <+> dcolon <+> pp_ax)
+  where
+    CoAxiom { co_ax_name     = ax_name
+            , co_ax_tc       = tc
+            , co_ax_role     = ax_role
+            , co_ax_branches = branches } = ax
+    branch_list = fromBranches branches
+    pp_ax
+      | [branch] <- branch_list
+      = pp_branch branch
+      | otherwise
+      = braces $ vcat (map pp_branch branch_list)
+    pp_branch (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs
+                          , cab_cvs = cvs
+                          , cab_lhs = lhs_tys
+                          , cab_rhs = rhs_ty })
+      = sep [ brackets (pprWithCommas pprTyVar (tvs ++ cvs)) <> dot
+            , ppr (mkTyConApp tc lhs_tys)
+            , text "~_" <> pp_role ax_role
+            , ppr rhs_ty ]
+    pp_role Nominal          = text "N"
+    pp_role Representational = text "R"
+    pp_role Phantom          = text "P"
 pp_binders :: [Var] -> SDoc
 pp_binders bs = sep (punctuate comma (map pp_binder bs))

@@ -1257,34 +1257,21 @@ example,
    newtype T a = MkT (a -> a)
-the NewTyCon for T will contain nt_co = CoT where CoT t : T t ~ t -> t.
+the NewTyCon for T will contain nt_co = CoT where CoT :: forall a. T a ~ a -> a.
-In the case that the right hand side is a type application
-ending with the same type variables as the left hand side, we
-"eta-contract" the coercion.  So if we had
-   newtype S a = MkT [a]
-then we would generate the arity 0 axiom CoS : S ~ [].  The
-primary reason we do this is to make newtype deriving cleaner.
-In the paper we'd write
-        axiom CoT : (forall t. T t) ~ (forall t. [t])
-and then when we used CoT at a particular type, s, we'd say
-        CoT @ s
-which encodes as (TyConApp instCoercionTyCon [TyConApp CoT [], s])
+We might also eta-contract the axiom: see Note [Newtype eta].
 Note [Newtype eta]
         newtype Parser a = MkParser (IO a) deriving Monad
-Are these two types equal (to Core)?
+Are these two types equal (that is, does a coercion exist between them)?
         Monad Parser
         Monad IO
 which we need to make the derived instance for Monad Parser.
 Well, yes.  But to see that easily we eta-reduce the RHS type of
-Parser, in this case to ([], Froogle), so that even unsaturated applications
+Parser, in this case to IO, so that even unsaturated applications
 of Parser will work right.  This eta reduction is done when the type
 constructor is built, and cached in NewTyCon.

@@ -3235,7 +3235,8 @@ data DataSort
 -- 2. @k@ (where @k@ is a bare kind variable; see #12369)
 -- See also Note [Datatype return kinds] in GHC.Tc.TyCl
-checkDataKindSig :: DataSort -> Kind -> TcM ()
+checkDataKindSig :: DataSort -> Kind  -- any arguments in the kind are stripped off
+                 -> TcM ()
 checkDataKindSig data_sort kind
   = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
        ; traceTc "checkDataKindSig" (ppr kind)

@@ -162,27 +162,13 @@ addressed yet.
 newFamInst :: FamFlavor -> CoAxiom Unbranched -> TcM FamInst
 -- Freshen the type variables of the FamInst branches
 newFamInst flavor axiom@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = fam_tc })
-  = do { -- Use lintAxiom to check that the axiom is well formed
-         dflags <- getDynFlags
-       ; ifErrsM (return ()) $ -- Don't lint when there are errors, because
-                               -- errors might mean TcTyCons.
-                               -- See Note [Recover from validity error] in GHC.Tc.TyCl
-         when (gopt Opt_DoCoreLinting dflags) $
-         case lintAxiom dflags axiom of
-             Nothing       -> pure ()
-             Just fail_msg -> pprPanic "Core Lint error in newFamInst" $
-                              vcat [ fail_msg
-                                   , ppr fam_tc
-                                   , ppr tvs
-                                   , ppr cvs
-                                   , ppr lhs
-                                   , ppr rhs ]
-       -- Freshen the type variables
-       ; (subst, tvs') <- freshenTyVarBndrs tvs
+  = do {
+         -- Freshen the type variables
+         (subst, tvs') <- freshenTyVarBndrs tvs
        ; (subst, cvs') <- freshenCoVarBndrsX subst cvs
        ; let lhs'     = substTys subst lhs
              rhs'     = substTy  subst rhs
        ; return (FamInst { fi_fam      = tyConName fam_tc
                          , fi_flavor   = flavor
                          , fi_tcs      = roughMatchTcs lhs

@@ -268,6 +268,14 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
                             then tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src local_decls
                             else {-# SCC "tcRnSrcDecls" #-}
                                  tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr local_decls export_ies
+               ; whenM (goptM Opt_DoCoreLinting) $
+                 do { let (warns, errs) = lintGblEnv (hsc_dflags hsc_env) tcg_env
+                    ; mapBagM_ (addWarn NoReason) warns
+                    ; mapBagM_ addErr errs
+                    ; failIfErrsM }  -- if we have a lint error, we're only
+                                     -- going to get in deeper trouble by proceeding
                ; setGblEnv tcg_env
                  $ do { -- Process the export list
                         traceRn "rn4a: before exports" empty

@@ -1803,29 +1803,11 @@ DT1 Where this applies: Only GADT syntax for data/newtype/instance declarations
     can have declared return kinds. This Note does not apply to Haskell98
-DT2 Where these kinds come from: Return kinds are processed through several
-    different code paths:
-   Data/newtypes: The return kind is part of the TyCon kind, gotten either
+DT2 Where these kinds come from: The return kind is part of the TyCon kind, gotten either
      by checkInitialKind (standalone kind signature / CUSK) or
      inferInitialKind. It is extracted by bindTyClTyVars in tcTyClDecl1. It is
      then passed to tcDataDefn.
-   Families: The return kind is either written in a standalone signature
-     or extracted from a family declaration in getInitialKind.
-     If a family declaration is missing a result kind, it is assumed to be
-     Type. This assumption is in getInitialKind for CUSKs or
-     get_fam_decl_initial_kind for non-signature & non-CUSK cases.
-   Instances: The data family already has a known kind. The return kind
-     of an instance is then calculated by applying the data family tycon
-     to the patterns provided, as computed by the typeKind lhs_ty in the
-     end of tcDataFamInstHeader. In the case of an instance written in GADT
-     syntax, there are potentially *two* return kinds: the one computed from
-     applying the data family tycon to the patterns, and the one given by
-     the user. This second kind is checked by the tc_kind_sig function within
-     tcDataFamInstHeader.
 DT3 Eta-expansion: Any forall-bound variables and function arguments in a result kind
     become parameters to the type. That is, when we say
@@ -1833,9 +1815,7 @@ DT3 Eta-expansion: Any forall-bound variables and function arguments in a result
     we really mean for T to have two parameters. The second parameter
     is produced by processing the return kind in etaExpandAlgTyCon,
-    called in tcDataDefn for data/newtypes and in tcDataFamInstDecl
-    for instances. This is true for data families as well, though their
-    arity only matters for pretty-printing.
+    called in tcDataDefn.
     See also Note [TyConBinders for the result kind signatures of a data type]
     in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType.
@@ -1856,7 +1836,7 @@ DT4 Datatype return kind restriction: A data type return kind must end
     Exactly the same applies to data instance (but not data family)
     declarations.  Examples
       data instance D1 :: Type                 -- good
-      data instance D2 :: Boool -> Type        -- good
+      data instance D2 :: Bool -> Type         -- good
     We can "look through" type synonyms
       type Star = Type
@@ -1886,7 +1866,6 @@ DT5 Newtype return kind restriction.
     If -XUnliftedNewtypes is not on, then newtypes are treated just
     like datatypes --- see (4) above.
     If -XUnliftedNewtypes is on, then a newtype return kind must end in
     TYPE xyz, for some xyz (after type synonym expansion). The "xyz"
     may include type families, but the TYPE part must be visible
@@ -1921,7 +1900,24 @@ data family T a :: <kind>          -- See Point DF56
 data    instance T [a] :: <kind> where ...   -- See Point DF2
 newtype instance T [a] :: <kind> where ...   -- See Point DF2
-Here is the Plan for Data Families
+Here is the Plan for Data Families:
+DF0 Where these kinds come from:
+    Families: The return kind is either written in a standalone signature
+     or extracted from a family declaration in getInitialKind.
+     If a family declaration is missing a result kind, it is assumed to be
+     Type. This assumption is in getInitialKind for CUSKs or
+     get_fam_decl_initial_kind for non-signature & non-CUSK cases.
+   Instances: The data family already has a known kind. The return kind
+     of an instance is then calculated by applying the data family tycon
+     to the patterns provided, as computed by the typeKind lhs_ty in the
+     end of tcDataFamInstHeader. In the case of an instance written in GADT
+     syntax, there are potentially *two* return kinds: the one computed from
+     applying the data family tycon to the patterns, and the one given by
+     the user. This second kind is checked by the tc_kind_sig function within
+     tcDataFamInstHeader. See also DF3, below.
 DF1 In a data/newtype instance, we treat the kind of the /data family/,
     once instantiated, as the "master kind" for the representation
@@ -1933,14 +1929,16 @@ DF1 In a data/newtype instance, we treat the kind of the /data family/,
     if we declared
         data R:T1Int :: Type -> Type where ...
      See Note [Liberalising data family return kinds] for an alternative
-     plan.  But this plan is simple, and ensures that all instances
-     are simple instantiations of the matster, without strange casts.
+     plan.  But this current plan is simple, and ensures that all instances
+     are simple instantiations of the master, without strange casts.
      An example with non-trivial instantiation:
         data family T2 :: forall k. Type -> k
-        data instance T :: Type -> Type -> Type where ...
+        data instance T2 :: Type -> Type -> Type where ...
      Here 'k' gets instantiated with (Type -> Type), driven by
-     the signature on the 'data instance'
+     the signature on the 'data instance'. (See also DT3 of
+     Note [Datatype return kinds] about eta-expansion, which applies here,
+     too; see tcDataFamInstDecl's call of etaExpandAlgTyCon.)
      A newtype example:
@@ -1960,7 +1958,7 @@ DF1 In a data/newtype instance, we treat the kind of the /data family/,
 DF2 /After/ this instantiation, the return kind of the master kind
     must obey the usual rules for data/newtype return kinds (DT4, DT5)
-    above.  Examples:
+    of Note [Datatype return kinds].  Examples:
         data family T3 k :: k
         data instance T3 Type where ...          -- OK
         data instance T3 (Type->Type) where ...  -- OK
@@ -1983,25 +1981,25 @@ DF3 Any kind signatures on the data/newtype instance are checked for
     data instance declaration
 DF4 We also (redundantly) check that any user-specified return kind
-    signature in the data instance also obeys (4).  For example we
+    signature in the data instance also obeys DT4/DT5.  For example we
         data family T1 :: Type -> Type -> Type
         data instance T1 Int :: Type -> F Int
-    even if (F Int ~ Bool).  We could omit this check, because we
+    even if (F Int ~ Type).  We could omit this check, because we
     use the master kind; but it seems more uniform to check it, again
     with checkDataKindSig.
 DF5 Data /family/ return kind restrictions. Consider
        data family D8 a :: F a
     where F is a type family.  No data/newtype instance can instantiate
-    this so that it obeys the rules of (4) and (5).  So GHC proactively
+    this so that it obeys the rules of DT4 or DT5.  So GHC proactively
     rejects the data /family/ declaration if it can never satisfy (DT4)/(DT5).
     Remember that a data family supports both data and newtype instances.
     More precisely, the return kind of a data family must be either
         * TYPE xyz (for some type xyz) or
         * a kind variable
-    Only in these cases can a data/newtype instance possibly satisfy (4)/(5).
+    Only in these cases can a data/newtype instance possibly satisfy (DT4)/(DT5).
     This is checked by the call to checkDataKindSig in tcFamDecl1.  Examples:
       data family D1 :: Type              -- good
@@ -2014,7 +2012,7 @@ DF5 Data /family/ return kind restrictions. Consider
 DF6 Two return kinds for instances: If an instance has two return kinds,
     one from the family declaration and one from the instance declaration
-    (see point (2) above), they are unified. More accurately, we make sure
+    (see point DF3 above), they are unified. More accurately, we make sure
     that the kind of the applied data family is a subkind of the user-written
     kind. GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType.checkExpectedKind normally does this check for types, but
     that's overkill for our needs here. Instead, we just instantiate any
@@ -2025,8 +2023,6 @@ DF6 Two return kinds for instances: If an instance has two return kinds,
     the kind annotation on the instance is redundant (except perhaps for
     effects of unification).
     This all is Wrinkle (3) in Note [Implementation of UnliftedNewtypes].
 Note [Liberalising data family return kinds]
@@ -2058,7 +2054,7 @@ well.  But there are lots of complications:
   exactly dual way.
 So yes, we could allow this, but we currently do not. That's
-why we have
+why we have DF2 in Note [Data family/instance return kinds].
 Note [Implementation of UnliftedNewtypes]
@@ -2175,7 +2171,7 @@ There are also some changes for dealing with families:
    we use that kind signature.
 3. A data family and its newtype instance may be declared with slightly
-   different kinds. See point 7 in Note [Datatype return kinds].
+   different kinds. See point DF6 in Note [Data family/instance return kinds]
 There's also a change in the renamer:

@@ -79,7 +79,10 @@ module GHC.Tc.Types(
         -- Role annotations
         RoleAnnotEnv, emptyRoleAnnotEnv, mkRoleAnnotEnv,
-        lookupRoleAnnot, getRoleAnnots
+        lookupRoleAnnot, getRoleAnnots,
+        -- Linting
+        lintGblEnv
   ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Core.TyCon  ( TyCon, tyConKind )
 import GHC.Core.PatSyn ( PatSyn )
+import GHC.Core.Lint   ( lintAxioms )
 import GHC.Types.Id         ( idType, idName )
 import GHC.Types.FieldLabel ( FieldLabel )
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
@@ -1734,3 +1738,16 @@ lookupRoleAnnot = lookupNameEnv
 getRoleAnnots :: [Name] -> RoleAnnotEnv -> [LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn]
 getRoleAnnots bndrs role_env
   = mapMaybe (lookupRoleAnnot role_env) bndrs
+{- *********************************************************************
+*                                                                      *
+                  Linting a TcGblEnv
+*                                                                      *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- | Check the 'TcGblEnv' for consistency. Currently, only checks
+-- axioms, but should check other aspects, too.
+lintGblEnv :: DynFlags -> TcGblEnv -> (Bag SDoc, Bag SDoc)
+lintGblEnv dflags tcg_env = lintAxioms dflags axioms
+  where
+    axioms = typeEnvCoAxioms (tcg_type_env tcg_env)

@@ -656,3 +656,43 @@ unify(</ tj // j />, </ t'j // j />) = subst
 subst(s) = subst(s')
 ----------------------------------------- :: CompatCoincident
 no_conflict(C, </ sj // j />, ind1, ind2)
+defn |- axiom C ok :: :: lint_axiom :: 'Ax_'
+  {{ com Coercion axiom linting, \coderef{GHC/Core/Lint.hs}{lint\_axiom} }}
+  {{ tex \labeledjudge{axiom} [[C]] [[ok]] }}
+isNewTyCon T
+</ Ri // i /> = tyConRoles T
+</ alphai_ki // i /> |-ty T </ alphai$ // i /> : k0
+</ alphai_ki // i /> |-ty s : k0
+------------------------------ :: Newtype
+|-axiom T_Rep forall </ alphai_ki RAi // i />. (</ alphai$ // i /> ~> s) ok
+isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon T
+T |-branch b ok
+------------------------------ :: OpenTypeFamily
+|-axiom T_Nom b ok
+isClosedTypeFamilyTyCon T
+</ T |-branch bi ok // i />
+--------------------------- :: ClosedTypeFamily
+|-axiom T_Nom </ bi // i /> ok
+isDataFamilyTyCon T
+T |-branch b ok
+--------------------------- :: DataFamily
+|-axiom T_Rep b ok
+defn T |- branch b ok :: :: lint_family_branch :: 'Br_'
+  {{ com Type family branch linting, \coderef{GHC/Core/Lint.hs}{lint\_family\_branch} }}
+  {{ tex [[T]] \labeledjudge{branch} [[b]] [[ok]] }}
+</ Ri = Nom // i />
+</ isTyFamFree tj // j />
+fv(</ tj // j />) = </ alphai$ // i />
+</ alphai_ki // i /> |-ty T </ tj // j /> : k0
+</ alphai_ki // i /> |-ty s : k0
+---------------------------------------------------------------- :: OK
+T |-branch forall </ alphai_ki RAi // i />. (</ tj // j /> ~> s) ok

@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ l :: 'Label_' ::= {{ com Labels for join points, also \coderef{GHC/Types/Var.hs}
 vars :: 'Vars_' ::= {{ com List of variables }}
   | </ ni // , // i />       ::   :: List
-  | fv ( t )                 :: M :: fv_t
-    {{ tex \textit{fv}([[t]]) }}
   | fv ( e )                 :: M :: fv_e
     {{ tex \textit{fv}([[e]]) }}
+  | fv ( types )             :: M :: fv_types
+    {{ tex \textit{fv}([[types]]) }}
   | empty                    :: M :: empty
   | vars1 \inter vars2       :: M :: intersection
     {{ tex [[vars1]] \cap [[vars2]] }}
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ R {{ tex \rho }} :: 'Role_' ::= {{ com Roles, \coderef{GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.h
 axBranch, b :: 'CoAxBranch_' ::= {{ com Axiom branches, \coderef{GHC/Core/TyCon.hs}{CoAxBranch} }}
   | forall </ ni RAi // i /> . ( </ tj // j /> ~> s )  ::   :: CoAxBranch  {{ com \ctor{CoAxBranch}: Axiom branch }}
-  | ( </ axBranchi // i /> ) [ ind ]               :: M :: lookup      {{ com List lookup }}
+  | ( </ axBranchi // i /> ) [ ind ]                   :: M :: lookup      {{ com List lookup }}
 mu {{ tex \mu }} :: 'CoAxiomRule_' ::= {{ com CoAxiomRules, \coderef{GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs}{CoAxiomRule} }}
   | M ( I , role_list , R' )   ::  :: CoAxiomRule  {{ com Named rule, with parameter info }}
@@ -376,6 +376,10 @@ terminals :: 'terminals_' ::=
   | dataConTyCon ::   :: dataConTyCon     {{ tex \textsf{dataConTyCon} }}
   | dataConRepType :: :: dataConRepType   {{ tex \textsf{dataConRepType} }}
   | isNewTyCon   ::   :: isNewTyCon       {{ tex \textsf{isNewTyCon} }}
+  | isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon :: :: isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon} }}
+  | isClosedTypeFamilyTyCon :: :: isClosedTypeFamilyTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isClosedTypeFamilyTyCon} }}
+  | isDataFamilyTyCon :: :: isDataFamilyTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isDataFamilyTyCon} }}
+  | isTyFamFree  ::   :: isTyFamFree      {{ tex \textsf{isTyFamFree} }}
   | Constraint   ::   :: Constraint       {{ tex \textsf{Constraint} }}
   | TYPE         ::   :: TYPE             {{ tex \textsf{TYPE} }}
   | RuntimeRep   ::   :: RuntimeRep       {{ tex \textsf{RuntimeRep} }}
@@ -449,6 +453,10 @@ formula :: 'formula_' ::=
   | G |- tylit lit : k                 ::   :: lintTyLit
     {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{tylit} [[lit]] : [[k]] }}
   | isNewTyCon T                       ::   :: isNewTyCon
+  | isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon T            ::   :: isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon
+  | isClosedTypeFamilyTyCon T          ::   :: isClosedTypeFamilyTyCon
+  | isDataFamilyTyCon T                ::   :: isDataFamilyTyCon
+  | isTyFamFree t                      ::   :: isTyFamFree
   | k1 elt { </ ki // , // i /> }      ::   :: kind_elt
   | e is_a_type                        ::   :: is_a_type
     {{ tex \exists \tau \text{ s.t.~} [[e]] = \tau }}
@@ -526,3 +534,4 @@ Expr_Coercion <= Subst_TmMapping
 Type_CastTy <= Var_IdOrTyVar
+Expr_Type <= Vars_fv_e

@@ -573,6 +573,37 @@ taking care to map identical type family applications to the same fresh variable
 The algorithm $[[unify]]$ is implemented in \coderef{GHC/Core/Unify.hs}{tcUnifyTys}.
 It performs a standard unification, returning a substitution upon success.
+After type-checking the type and class declarations of a file, the axioms
+in the file are optionally linted. This is done from \coderef{GHC/Tc/Types.hs}{lintGblEnv},
+which calls \coderef{GHC/Core/Lint.hs}{lintAxioms}. That function ensures
+the following judgement on each axiom:
+In addition to these checks, the linter will also check several other conditions:
+\item Every \texttt{CoAxBranch} has a \texttt{cab\_cvs} field. This is unused
+currently and should always be empty.
+\item Every \texttt{CoAxBranch} has a \texttt{cab\_eta\_tvs} field. This is used
+only for data family instances, but is not involved in type correctness. (It is
+used for pretty-printing.) The implemented linter checks to make sure this field
+is empty for axioms that are not associated with data family instances.
+\item Every \texttt{CoAxBranch} has a \texttt{cab\_incomps} field that stores
+a list of incompatible branches. The implemented linter checks that these
+branches are indeed incompatible with the current one.
+\item The linter checks that newtypes are associated with exactly one axiom,
+as are closed type families.
+\item The linter checks that all instances of the same open family are compatible.
+A nice summary of the required checks is in Section F.1 of the \emph{Safe Coercions}
+paper (JFP'16).
 \section{Operational semantics}

Binary files a/docs/core-spec/core-spec.pdf and b/docs/core-spec/core-spec.pdf differ

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