[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/pluginExtFields] 5 commits: Improve NegativeLiterals (#18022, GHC Proposal #344)

Josh Meredith gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Jul 27 12:09:22 UTC 2020

Josh Meredith pushed to branch wip/pluginExtFields at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

aee45d9e by Vladislav Zavialov at 2020-07-27T07:06:56-04:00
Improve NegativeLiterals (#18022, GHC Proposal #344)

Before this patch, NegativeLiterals used to parse x-1 as x (-1).

This may not be what the user expects, and now it is fixed:
x-1 is parsed as (-) x 1.

We achieve this by the following requirement:

  * When lexing a negative literal,
    it must not be preceded by a 'closing token'.

This also applies to unboxed literals, e.g. -1#.

See GHC Proposal #229 for the definition of a closing token.

A nice consequence of this change is that -XNegativeLiterals becomes a
subset of -XLexicalNegation. In other words, enabling both of those
extensions has the same effect as enabling -XLexicalNegation alone.

- - - - -
667ab69e by leiftw at 2020-07-27T07:07:32-04:00
fix typo referring to non-existent `-ohidir` flag, should be `-hidir` I think
- - - - -
6ff89c17 by Vladislav Zavialov at 2020-07-27T07:08:07-04:00
Refactor the parser a little

* Create a dedicated production for type operators
* Create a dedicated type for the UNPACK pragma
* Remove an outdated part of Note [Parsing data constructors is hard]

- - - - -
031539e3 by Josh Meredith at 2020-07-27T08:09:19-04:00
Add machinery for plugins to write data to extensible interface fields

- - - - -
b5693b5f by Josh Meredith at 2020-07-27T08:09:19-04:00
Add function to remove plugin interface fields

- - - - -

14 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
- docs/users_guide/8.12.1-notes.rst
- docs/users_guide/exts/negative_literals.rst
- docs/users_guide/separate_compilation.rst
- − testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/LexNegVsNegLit.hs
- + testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/NegativeLiterals.hs
- + testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/NegativeLiteralsNoExt.hs
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/all.T


@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ newHscEnv dflags = do
     us      <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'r'
     nc_var  <- newIORef (initNameCache us knownKeyNames)
     fc_var  <- newIORef emptyInstalledModuleEnv
+    ext_fs  <- newIORef emptyExtensibleFields
     emptyDynLinker <- uninitializedLinker
     return HscEnv {  hsc_dflags       = dflags
                   ,  hsc_targets      = []
@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@ newHscEnv dflags = do
                   ,  hsc_EPS          = eps_var
                   ,  hsc_NC           = nc_var
                   ,  hsc_FC           = fc_var
+                  ,  hsc_ext_fields   = ext_fs
                   ,  hsc_type_env_var = Nothing
                   ,  hsc_interp       = Nothing
                   ,  hsc_dynLinker    = emptyDynLinker
@@ -810,11 +812,10 @@ finish summary tc_result mb_old_hash = do
           (cg_guts, details) <- {-# SCC "CoreTidy" #-}
               liftIO $ tidyProgram hsc_env simplified_guts
-          let !partial_iface =
-                {-# SCC "GHC.Driver.Main.mkPartialIface" #-}
+          !partial_iface <- {-# SCC "GHC.Driver.Main.mkPartialIface" #-}
                 -- This `force` saves 2M residency in test T10370
                 -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in toIface*] for details.
-                force (mkPartialIface hsc_env details simplified_guts)
+                liftIO $ force <$> (mkPartialIface hsc_env details simplified_guts)
           return HscRecomp { hscs_guts = cg_guts,
                              hscs_mod_location = ms_location summary,

@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ module GHC.Driver.Types (
         readField, readIfaceField, readIfaceFieldWith,
         writeField, writeIfaceField, writeIfaceFieldWith,
         deleteField, deleteIfaceField,
+        registerInterfaceData, registerInterfaceDataWith,
+        unregisterInterfaceData,
     ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -475,6 +477,10 @@ data HscEnv
         hsc_FC   :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef FinderCache),
                 -- ^ The cached result of performing finding in the file system
+        hsc_ext_fields :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef ExtensibleFields),
+                -- ^ Extensible interface field data stored by plugins to be later
+                -- output in the `.hi` file.
         hsc_type_env_var :: Maybe (Module, IORef TypeEnv)
                 -- ^ Used for one-shot compilation only, to initialise
                 -- the 'IfGblEnv'. See 'GHC.Tc.Utils.tcg_type_env_var' for
@@ -3404,3 +3410,17 @@ deleteField name (ExtensibleFields fs) = ExtensibleFields $ Map.delete name fs
 deleteIfaceField :: FieldName -> ModIface -> ModIface
 deleteIfaceField name iface = iface { mi_ext_fields = deleteField name (mi_ext_fields iface) }
+registerInterfaceData :: Binary a => FieldName -> HscEnv -> a -> IO ()
+registerInterfaceData name env x = registerInterfaceDataWith name env (`put_` x)
+registerInterfaceDataWith :: FieldName -> HscEnv -> (BinHandle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+registerInterfaceDataWith name env write = do
+  ext_fs  <- readIORef (hsc_ext_fields env)
+  ext_fs' <- writeFieldWith name write ext_fs
+  writeIORef (hsc_ext_fields env) ext_fs'
+unregisterInterfaceData :: FieldName -> HscEnv -> IO ()
+unregisterInterfaceData name env = do
+  ext_fs <- readIORef (hsc_ext_fields env)
+  writeIORef (hsc_ext_fields env) (deleteField name ext_fs)

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.Plugins (LoadedPlugin(..))
 mkPartialIface :: HscEnv
                -> ModDetails
                -> ModGuts
-               -> PartialModIface
+               -> IO PartialModIface
 mkPartialIface hsc_env mod_details
   ModGuts{ mg_module       = this_mod
          , mg_hsc_src      = hsc_src
@@ -98,8 +98,11 @@ mkPartialIface hsc_env mod_details
          , mg_decl_docs    = decl_docs
          , mg_arg_docs     = arg_docs
-  = mkIface_ hsc_env this_mod hsc_src used_th deps rdr_env fix_env warns hpc_info self_trust
-             safe_mode usages doc_hdr decl_docs arg_docs mod_details
+  = do ext_fs <- readIORef $ hsc_ext_fields hsc_env
+       return iface{mi_ext_fields = ext_fs}
+    where
+      iface = mkIface_ hsc_env this_mod hsc_src used_th deps rdr_env fix_env warns hpc_info self_trust
+                       safe_mode usages doc_hdr decl_docs arg_docs mod_details
 -- | Fully instantiate an interface. Adds fingerprints and potentially code
 -- generator produced information.

@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ module GHC.IfaceToCore (
         tcIfaceAnnotations, tcIfaceCompleteSigs,
         tcIfaceExpr,    -- Desired by HERMIT (#7683)
-        tcIfaceOneShot
+        tcIfaceOneShot,
+        tcIfaceType,
+        tcJoinInfo,
  ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"

@@ -1884,9 +1884,9 @@ sigtypes1 :: { (OrdList (LHsSigType GhcPs)) }
 -- Types
-unpackedness :: { Located ([AddAnn], SourceText, SrcUnpackedness) }
-        : '{-# UNPACK' '#-}'   { sLL $1 $> ([mo $1, mc $2], getUNPACK_PRAGs $1, SrcUnpack) }
-        | '{-# NOUNPACK' '#-}' { sLL $1 $> ([mo $1, mc $2], getNOUNPACK_PRAGs $1, SrcNoUnpack) }
+unpackedness :: { Located UnpackednessPragma }
+        : '{-# UNPACK' '#-}'   { sLL $1 $> (UnpackednessPragma [mo $1, mc $2] (getUNPACK_PRAGs $1) SrcUnpack) }
+        | '{-# NOUNPACK' '#-}' { sLL $1 $> (UnpackednessPragma [mo $1, mc $2] (getNOUNPACK_PRAGs $1) SrcNoUnpack) }
 forall_telescope :: { Located ([AddAnn], HsForAllTelescope GhcPs) }
         : 'forall' tv_bndrs '.'  {% do { hintExplicitForall $1
@@ -1980,13 +1980,16 @@ tyapp :: { Located TyEl }
         -- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing] in GHC.Parser.Lexer
         | PREFIX_AT atype               { sLL $1 $> $ (TyElKindApp (comb2 $1 $2) $2) }
-        | qtyconop                      { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpr (unLoc $1) }
-        | tyvarop                       { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpr (unLoc $1) }
-        | SIMPLEQUOTE qconop            {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ TyElOpr (unLoc $2))
+        | tyop                          { mapLoc TyElOpr $1 }
+        | unpackedness                  { sL1 $1 $ TyElUnpackedness (unLoc $1) }
+tyop :: { Located RdrName }
+        : qtyconop                      { $1 }
+        | tyvarop                       { $1 }
+        | SIMPLEQUOTE qconop            {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2))
                                                [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnVal $2] }
-        | SIMPLEQUOTE varop             {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ TyElOpr (unLoc $2))
+        | SIMPLEQUOTE varop             {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2))
                                                [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnVal $2] }
-        | unpackedness                  { sL1 $1 $ TyElUnpackedness (unLoc $1) }
 atype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
         : ntgtycon                       { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) }      -- Not including unit tuples

@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ $docsym    = [\| \^ \* \$]
 -- normal signed numerical literals can only be explicitly negative,
 -- not explicitly positive (contrast @exponent)
 @negative = \-
- at signed = @negative ?
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -531,12 +530,12 @@ $tab          { warnTab }
                                            ifExtension BinaryLiteralsBit }   { tok_primint positive 2 3 binary }
   0[oO] @numspc @octal              \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_primint positive 2 3 octal }
   0[xX] @numspc @hexadecimal        \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_primint positive 2 3 hexadecimal }
-  @negative @decimal                \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_primint negative 1 2 decimal }
-  @negative 0[bB] @numspc @binary   \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit `alexAndPred`
+  @negative @decimal                \# / { negHashLitPred }                  { tok_primint negative 1 2 decimal }
+  @negative 0[bB] @numspc @binary   \# / { negHashLitPred `alexAndPred`
                                            ifExtension BinaryLiteralsBit }   { tok_primint negative 3 4 binary }
-  @negative 0[oO] @numspc @octal    \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_primint negative 3 4 octal }
+  @negative 0[oO] @numspc @octal    \# / { negHashLitPred }                  { tok_primint negative 3 4 octal }
   @negative 0[xX] @numspc @hexadecimal \#
-                                       / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_primint negative 3 4 hexadecimal }
+                                       / { negHashLitPred }                  { tok_primint negative 3 4 hexadecimal }
   @decimal                       \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_primword 0 2 decimal }
   0[bB] @numspc @binary          \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit `alexAndPred`
@@ -546,8 +545,11 @@ $tab          { warnTab }
   -- Unboxed floats and doubles (:: Float#, :: Double#)
   -- prim_{float,double} work with signed literals
-  @signed @floating_point           \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_frac 1 tok_primfloat }
-  @signed @floating_point        \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_frac 2 tok_primdouble }
+  @floating_point                  \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_frac 1 tok_primfloat }
+  @floating_point               \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit }        { tok_frac 2 tok_primdouble }
+  @negative @floating_point        \# / { negHashLitPred }                  { tok_frac 1 tok_primfloat }
+  @negative @floating_point     \# \# / { negHashLitPred }                  { tok_frac 2 tok_primdouble }
 -- Strings and chars are lexed by hand-written code.  The reason is
@@ -1192,8 +1194,8 @@ atEOL _ _ _ (AI _ buf) = atEnd buf || currentChar buf == '\n'
 -- Check if we should parse a negative literal (e.g. -123) as a single token.
 negLitPred :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
 negLitPred =
-    negative_literals `alexOrPred`
-    (lexical_negation `alexAndPred` prefix_minus)
+    prefix_minus `alexAndPred`
+    (negative_literals `alexOrPred` lexical_negation)
     negative_literals = ifExtension NegativeLiteralsBit
@@ -1202,14 +1204,33 @@ negLitPred =
       alexNotPred (ifExtension NoLexicalNegationBit)
     prefix_minus =
-      -- The condition for a prefix occurrence of an operator is:
-      --
-      --   not precededByClosingToken && followedByOpeningToken
-      --
-      -- but we don't check followedByOpeningToken here as it holds
-      -- simply because we immediately lex a literal after the minus.
+      -- Note [prefix_minus in negLitPred and negHashLitPred]
+      alexNotPred precededByClosingToken
+-- Check if we should parse an unboxed negative literal (e.g. -123#) as a single token.
+negHashLitPred :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+negHashLitPred = prefix_minus `alexAndPred` magic_hash
+  where
+    magic_hash = ifExtension MagicHashBit
+    prefix_minus =
+      -- Note [prefix_minus in negLitPred and negHashLitPred]
       alexNotPred precededByClosingToken
+{- Note [prefix_minus in negLitPred and negHashLitPred]
+We want to parse -1 as a single token, but x-1 as three tokens.
+So in negLitPred (and negHashLitPred) we require that we have a prefix
+occurrence of the minus sign. See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+for a detailed definition of a prefix occurrence.
+The condition for a prefix occurrence of an operator is:
+  not precededByClosingToken && followedByOpeningToken
+but we don't check followedByOpeningToken when parsing a negative literal.
+It holds simply because we immediately lex a literal after the minus.
 ifExtension :: ExtBits -> AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
 ifExtension extBits bits _ _ _ = extBits `xtest` bits

@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ module GHC.Parser.PostProcess (
         addFatalError, hintBangPat,
         TyEl(..), mergeOps, mergeDataCon,
+        UnpackednessPragma(..),
         -- Help with processing exports
@@ -559,25 +560,6 @@ As the result, in order to determine whether (C t1 t2) declares a data
 constructor, a type, or a context, we would need unlimited lookahead which
 'happy' is not so happy with.
-To further complicate matters, the interpretation of (!) and (~) is different
-in constructors and types:
-  (b1)   type T = C ! D
-  (b2)   data T = C ! D
-  (b3)   data T = C ! D => E
-In (b1) and (b3), (!) is a type operator with two arguments: 'C' and 'D'. At
-the same time, in (b2) it is a strictness annotation: 'C' is a data constructor
-with a single strict argument 'D'. For the programmer, these cases are usually
-easy to tell apart due to whitespace conventions:
-  (b2)   data T = C !D         -- no space after the bang hints that
-                               -- it is a strictness annotation
-For the parser, on the other hand, this whitespace does not matter. We cannot
-tell apart (b2) from (b3) until we encounter (=>), so it requires unlimited
 The solution that accounts for all of these issues is to initially parse data
 declarations and types as a reversed list of TyEl:
@@ -1324,7 +1306,7 @@ isFunLhs e = go e [] []
 data TyEl = TyElOpr RdrName | TyElOpd (HsType GhcPs)
           | TyElKindApp SrcSpan (LHsType GhcPs)
           -- See Note [TyElKindApp SrcSpan interpretation]
-          | TyElUnpackedness ([AddAnn], SourceText, SrcUnpackedness)
+          | TyElUnpackedness UnpackednessPragma
 {- Note [TyElKindApp SrcSpan interpretation]
@@ -1345,20 +1327,15 @@ instance Outputable TyEl where
   ppr (TyElOpr name) = ppr name
   ppr (TyElOpd ty) = ppr ty
   ppr (TyElKindApp _ ki) = text "@" <> ppr ki
-  ppr (TyElUnpackedness (_, _, unpk)) = ppr unpk
+  ppr (TyElUnpackedness (UnpackednessPragma _ _ unpk)) = ppr unpk
 -- | Extract a strictness/unpackedness annotation from the front of a reversed
 -- 'TyEl' list.
   :: [Located TyEl] -- reversed TyEl
-  -> Maybe ( SrcSpan
-           , [AddAnn]
-           , SourceText
-           , SrcUnpackedness
-           , [Located TyEl] {- remaining TyEl -})
-pUnpackedness (L l x1 : xs)
-  | TyElUnpackedness (anns, prag, unpk) <- x1
-  = Just (l, anns, prag, unpk, xs)
+  -> Maybe (SrcSpan, UnpackednessPragma,
+            [Located TyEl] {- remaining TyEl -})
+pUnpackedness (L l x1 : xs) | TyElUnpackedness up <- x1 = Just (l, up, xs)
 pUnpackedness _ = Nothing
@@ -1371,7 +1348,7 @@ pBangTy
 pBangTy lt@(L l1 _) xs =
   case pUnpackedness xs of
     Nothing -> (False, lt, pure (), xs)
-    Just (l2, anns, prag, unpk, xs') ->
+    Just (l2, UnpackednessPragma anns prag unpk, xs') ->
       let bl = combineSrcSpans l1 l2
           bt = addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) lt
       in (True, L bl bt, addAnnsAt bl anns, xs')
@@ -1380,6 +1357,10 @@ mkBangTy :: SrcStrictness -> LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs
 mkBangTy strictness =
   HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack strictness)
+-- Result of parsing {-# UNPACK #-} or {-# NOUNPACK #-}
+data UnpackednessPragma =
+  UnpackednessPragma [AddAnn] SourceText SrcUnpackedness
 addUnpackedness :: (SourceText, SrcUnpackedness) -> LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs
 addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) (L _ (HsBangTy x bang t))
   | HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack strictness <- bang
@@ -1411,7 +1392,7 @@ mergeOps all_xs = go (0 :: Int) [] id all_xs
     -- clause [unpk]:
     -- handle (NO)UNPACK pragmas
-    go k acc ops_acc ((L l (TyElUnpackedness (anns, unpkSrc, unpk))):xs) =
+    go k acc ops_acc ((L l (TyElUnpackedness (UnpackednessPragma anns unpkSrc unpk))):xs) =
       if not (null acc) && null xs
       then do { acc' <- eitherToP $ mergeOpsAcc acc
               ; let a = ops_acc acc'

@@ -224,6 +224,13 @@ Language
     f = (- x)  -- operator section
     c = (-x)   -- negation
+* The behavior of :extension:`NegativeLiterals` changed, and now we require
+  that a negative literal must not be preceded by a closing token (see
+  `GHC Proposal #229 <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0229-whitespace-bang-patterns.rst>`__
+  for the definition of a closing token). In other words, we parse ``f -123``
+  as ``f (-123)``, but ``x-123`` as ``(-) x 123``. Before this amendment,
+  :extension:`NegativeLiterals` caused ``x-123`` to be parsed as ``x(-123)``.

@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ will elicit an unexpected integer-literal-overflow message.
 Whitespace can be inserted, as in ``- 123``, to force interpretation
 as two tokens.
-One pitfall is that with :extension:`NegativeLiterals`, ``x-1`` will
-be parsed as ``x`` applied to the argument ``-1``, which is usually
-not what you want.  ``x - 1`` or even ``x- 1`` can be used instead
-for subtraction. To avoid this, consider using :extension:`LexicalNegation`
+In 8.12, the behavior of this extension changed, and now we require that a negative literal must not be preceded by a closing token (see
+`GHC Proposal #229 <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0229-whitespace-bang-patterns.rst>`__
+for the definition of a closing token). In other words, we parse ``f -123`` as ``f (-123)``, but ``x-123`` as ``(-) x
+123``. Before this amendment, :extension:`NegativeLiterals` caused ``x-123`` to be parsed as ``x(-123)``.
+:extension:`NegativeLiterals` is a subset of :extension:`LexicalNegation`. That
+is, enabling both of those extensions has the same effect as enabling
+:extension:`LexicalNegation` alone.

@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ There are several points to note here:
       the same machine-generated binary format as any other
       GHC-generated interface file (e.g. ``B.hi``). You can display its
       contents with ``ghc --show-iface``. If you specify a directory for
-      interface files, the ``-ohidir`` flag, then that affects ``hi-boot`` files
+      interface files, the ``-hidir`` flag, then that affects ``hi-boot`` files
 -  If hs-boot files are considered distinct from their parent source

testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/LexNegVsNegLit.hs deleted
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals, LexicalNegation #-}
-module LexNegVsNegLit where
--- NegativeLiterals specifies that we parse x-1 as x (-1), even though it's
--- considered a shortcoming.
--- LexicalNegation does not change that.
-b :: Bool
-b = even-1  -- parsed as: even (-1)
-            -- so it is well-typed.
-            --
-            -- with LexicalNegation alone, we'd get (-) even 1,
-            -- but NegativeLiterals takes precedence here.
--- See also: GHC Proposal #344

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals, MagicHash, BinaryLiterals #-}
+module NegativeLiterals where
+import GHC.Exts
+-- Prefix occurrence of the minus --
+p1 :: Bool
+p1 = even -2     -- parsed as:  even (-2)
+p2 :: Int
+p2 = I# -1#      -- parsed as:  I# (-1#)
+p3 :: Int
+p3 = floor -2.4  -- parsed as:  floor (-2.4)
+p4 :: Float
+p4 = F# -0.01#   -- parsed as:  F# (-0.01#)
+p5 :: Double
+p5 = D# -0.01##  -- parsed as:  D# (-0.01##)
+p6 :: Bool
+p6 =   even -0b10  -- parsed as: even (-2)
+    || even -0o10  -- parsed as: even (-8)
+    || even -0x10  -- parsed as: even (-16)
+-- Tight infix occurrence of the minus --
+ti1 :: Integer -> Integer
+ti1 x = x-2       -- parsed as:  (-) x 1
+ti2 :: Int# -> Int#
+ti2 x = x-1#      -- parsed as:  (-) x 1#
+  where (-) = (-#)
+ti3 :: Double -> Double
+ti3 x = x-2.4     -- parsed as:  (-) x 2.4
+ti4 :: Float# -> Float#
+ti4 x = x-0.1#    -- parsed as:  (-) x 0.1#
+  where (-) = minusFloat#
+ti5 :: Double# -> Double#
+ti5 x = x-0.1##   -- parsed as:  (-) x 0.1##
+  where (-) = (-##)
+ti6 :: Integer -> [Integer]
+ti6 x =
+  [ x-0b10,    -- parsed as: (-) x 2
+    x-0o10,    -- parsed as: (-) x 8
+    x-0x10  ]  -- parsed as: (-) x 16

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NoNegativeLiterals, MagicHash, BinaryLiterals #-}
+-- Even when NegativeLiterals are disabled,
+-- we parse unboxed literals appropriately.
+module NegativeLiteralsNoExt where
+import GHC.Exts
+-- Prefix occurrence of the minus --
+p2 :: Int
+p2 = I# -1#      -- parsed as:  I# (-1#)
+p4 :: Float
+p4 = F# -0.01#   -- parsed as:  F# (-0.01#)
+p5 :: Double
+p5 = D# -0.01##  -- parsed as:  D# (-0.01##)
+-- Tight infix occurrence of the minus --
+ti2 :: Int# -> Int#
+ti2 x = x-1#      -- parsed as:  (-) x 1#
+  where (-) = (-#)
+ti3 :: Double -> Double
+ti3 x = x-2.4     -- parsed as:  (-) x 2.4
+ti4 :: Float# -> Float#
+ti4 x = x-0.1#    -- parsed as:  (-) x 0.1#
+  where (-) = minusFloat#
+ti5 :: Double# -> Double#
+ti5 x = x-0.1##   -- parsed as:  (-) x 0.1##
+  where (-) = (-##)

@@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ test('proposal-229b', normal, compile, [''])
 test('proposal-229d', normal, compile, [''])
 test('proposal-229e', normal, compile, [''])
 test('LexicalNegation', normal, compile, [''])
-test('LexNegVsNegLit', normal, compile, [''])
+test('NegativeLiterals', normal, compile, [''])
+test('NegativeLiteralsNoExt', normal, compile, [''])
 # We omit 'profasm' because it fails with:
 # Cannot load -prof objects when GHC is built with -dynamic

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