[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T13253] Further wibbles

Simon Peyton Jones gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Jul 24 13:56:06 UTC 2020

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T13253 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1cfa23cd by Simon Peyton Jones at 2020-07-24T14:55:32+01:00
Further wibbles

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs


@@ -1011,12 +1011,16 @@ simplExprF1 env (App fun arg) cont
           -- (instead of one-at-a-time). But in practice, we have not
           -- observed the quadratic behavior, so this extra entanglement
           -- seems not worthwhile.
+          --
+          -- But the (exprType fun) is repeated, to push it into two
+          -- separate, rarely used, thunks; rather than always alloating
+          -- a shared thunk.  Makes a small efficiency difference
         let fun_ty = exprType fun
             (m, _, _) = splitFunTy fun_ty
         simplExprF env fun $
         ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = env
-                   , sc_hole_ty = substTy env fun_ty
+                   , sc_hole_ty = substTy env (exprType fun)
                    , sc_dup = NoDup, sc_cont = cont, sc_mult = m }
 simplExprF1 env expr@(Lam {}) cont
@@ -1975,9 +1979,9 @@ rebuildCall env info (ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_hole_ty = hole_ty, sc_c
 ---------- The runRW# rule. Do this after absorbing all arguments ------
 -- runRW# :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (o :: TYPE r). (State# RealWorld -> o) -> o
 -- K[ runRW# rr ty body ]  -->  runRW rr' ty' (\s. K[ body s ])
-rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args })
+rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun_id, ai_args = rev_args })
             (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = arg_se, sc_cont = cont, sc_mult = m })
-  | fun `hasKey` runRWKey
+  | fun_id `hasKey` runRWKey
   , not (contIsStop cont)  -- Don't fiddle around if the continuation is boring
   , [ TyArg {}, TyArg {} ] <- rev_args
   = do { s <- newId (fsLit "s") Many realWorldStatePrimTy
@@ -1991,25 +1995,24 @@ rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args })
        ; body' <- simplExprC env' arg cont'
        ; let arg'  = Lam s body'
              rr'   = getRuntimeRep ty'
-             call' = mkApps (Var fun) [mkTyArg rr', mkTyArg ty', arg']
+             call' = mkApps (Var fun_id) [mkTyArg rr', mkTyArg ty', arg']
        ; return (emptyFloats env, call') }
-rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules
-                              , ai_dmds = dmd:_, ai_discs = disc:_ })
+rebuildCall env fun_info
             (ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = arg_se
                         , sc_dup = dup_flag, sc_hole_ty = fun_ty
                         , sc_cont = cont, sc_mult = m })
   -- Argument is already simplified
   | isSimplified dup_flag     -- See Note [Avoid redundant simplification]
-  = rebuildCall env (addValArgTo info (m, arg) fun_ty) cont
+  = rebuildCall env (addValArgTo fun_info (m, arg) fun_ty) cont
   -- Strict arguments
-  | isStrictDmd dmd || isUnliftedType arg_ty
+  | isStrictArgInfo fun_info
   , sm_case_case (getMode env)
   = -- pprTrace "Strict Arg" (ppr arg $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) $$ ppr (seInScope env)) $
     simplExprF (arg_se `setInScopeFromE` env) arg
-               (StrictArg { sc_fun = info, sc_cci = cci_strict
-                          , sc_dup = Simplified, sc_fun_ty = fun_ty
+               (StrictArg { sc_fun = fun_info, sc_fun_ty = fun_ty
+                          , sc_dup = Simplified
                           , sc_cont = cont, sc_mult = m })
                 -- Note [Shadowing]
@@ -2020,26 +2023,11 @@ rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules
         -- have to be very careful about bogus strictness through
         -- floating a demanded let.
   = do  { arg' <- simplExprC (arg_se `setInScopeFromE` env) arg
-                             (mkLazyArgStop arg_ty cci_lazy)
-        ; rebuildCall env (addValArgTo info (m, arg') fun_ty) cont }
+                             (mkLazyArgStop arg_ty (lazyArgContext fun_info))
+        ; rebuildCall env (addValArgTo fun_info (m, arg') fun_ty) cont }
     arg_ty = funArgTy fun_ty
-    -- Use this for lazy arguments
-    cci_lazy | encl_rules = RuleArgCtxt
-             | disc > 0   = DiscArgCtxt  -- Be keener here
-             | otherwise  = BoringCtxt   -- Nothing interesting
-    -- ..and this for strict arguments
-    cci_strict | encl_rules = RuleArgCtxt
-               | disc > 0   = DiscArgCtxt
-               | otherwise  = RhsCtxt
-      -- Why RhsCtxt?  if we see f (g x) (h x), and f is strict, we
-      -- want to be a bit more eager to inline g, because it may
-      -- expose an eval (on x perhaps) that can be eliminated or
-      -- shared. I saw this in nofib 'boyer2', RewriteFuns.onewayunify1
-      -- It's worth an 18% improvement in allocation for this
-      -- particular benchmark; 5% on 'mate' and 1.3% on 'multiplier'
 ---------- No further useful info, revert to generic rebuild ------------
 rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args }) cont
@@ -3311,10 +3299,10 @@ mkDupableContWithDmds env _
        ; let join_body = wrapFloats floats1 join_inner
              res_ty    = contResultType cont
-       ; mkDupableStrictBind env RhsCtxt bndr' join_body res_ty }
+       ; mkDupableStrictBind env bndr' join_body res_ty }
 mkDupableContWithDmds env _
-    (StrictArg { sc_fun = fun, sc_cci = cci, sc_cont = cont
+    (StrictArg { sc_fun = fun, sc_cont = cont
                , sc_fun_ty = fun_ty, sc_mult = m })
 -- See Note [Duplicating StrictArg]
 -- NB: sc_dup /= OkToDup; that is caught earlier by contIsDupable
@@ -3328,7 +3316,6 @@ mkDupableContWithDmds env _
        ; return ( foldl' addLetFloats floats1 floats_s
                 , StrictArg { sc_fun = fun { ai_args = args' }
                             , sc_cont = cont'
-                            , sc_cci = cci
                             , sc_fun_ty = fun_ty
                             , sc_mult = m
                             , sc_dup = OkToDup} ) }
@@ -3341,7 +3328,7 @@ mkDupableContWithDmds env _
        ; arg_bndr <- newId (fsLit "arg") m arg_ty   -- ToDo: check this linearity argument
        ; let env' = env `addNewInScopeIds` [arg_bndr]
        ; (floats, join_rhs) <- rebuildCall env' (addValArgTo fun (m, Var arg_bndr) fun_ty) cont
-       ; mkDupableStrictBind env' cci arg_bndr (wrapFloats floats join_rhs) rhs_ty }
+       ; mkDupableStrictBind env' arg_bndr (wrapFloats floats join_rhs) rhs_ty }
     ok_cont (StrictArg {}) = False
     ok_cont (CastIt _ k)   = ok_cont k
@@ -3425,9 +3412,9 @@ mkDupableContWithDmds env _
                                       -- See Note [StaticEnv invariant] in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils
                           , sc_cont = mkBoringStop (contResultType cont) } ) }
-mkDupableStrictBind :: SimplEnv -> CallCtxt -> OutId -> OutExpr -> OutType
+mkDupableStrictBind :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> OutExpr -> OutType
                     -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplCont)
-mkDupableStrictBind env cci arg_bndr join_rhs res_ty
+mkDupableStrictBind env arg_bndr join_rhs res_ty
   | exprIsDupable (targetPlatform (seDynFlags env)) join_rhs
   = return (emptyFloats env
            , StrictBind { sc_bndr = arg_bndr, sc_bndrs = []
@@ -3451,7 +3438,7 @@ mkDupableStrictBind env cci arg_bndr join_rhs res_ty
                             , sc_fun_ty = idType join_bndr
                             , sc_cont   = mkBoringStop res_ty
                             , sc_mult   = Many   -- ToDo: check this!
-                            , sc_cci    = cci } ) }
+                            } ) }
 mkDupableAlt :: Platform -> OutId
              -> JoinFloats -> OutAlt

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils (
         ArgInfo(..), ArgSpec(..), mkArgInfo,
         addValArgTo, addCastTo, addTyArgTo,
         argInfoExpr, argInfoAppArgs, pushSimplifiedArgs,
+        isStrictArgInfo, lazyArgContext,
@@ -156,7 +157,6 @@ data SimplCont
                                --     plus demands and discount flags for *this* arg
                                --          and further args
                                --     So ai_dmds and ai_discs are never empty
-      , sc_cci  :: CallCtxt    -- Whether *this* argument position is interesting
       , sc_fun_ty :: OutType   -- Type of the function (f e1 .. en),
                                -- presumably (arg_ty -> res_ty)
                                -- where res_ty is expected by sc_cont
@@ -325,6 +325,12 @@ addTyArgTo ai arg_ty hole_ty = ai { ai_args = arg_spec : ai_args ai
 addCastTo :: ArgInfo -> OutCoercion -> ArgInfo
 addCastTo ai co = ai { ai_args = CastBy co : ai_args ai }
+isStrictArgInfo :: ArgInfo -> Bool
+-- True if the function is strict in the next argument
+isStrictArgInfo (ArgInfo { ai_dmds = dmds })
+  | dmd:_ <- dmds = isStrictDmd dmd
+  | otherwise     = False
 argInfoAppArgs :: [ArgSpec] -> [OutExpr]
 argInfoAppArgs []                              = []
 argInfoAppArgs (CastBy {}                : _)  = []  -- Stop at a cast
@@ -512,10 +518,11 @@ mkArgInfo env fun rules n_val_args call_cont
             , ai_dmds = vanilla_dmds
             , ai_discs = vanilla_discounts }
   | otherwise
-  = ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = []
+  = ArgInfo { ai_fun   = fun
+            , ai_args = []
             , ai_rules = fun_rules
             , ai_encl  = interestingArgContext rules call_cont
-            , ai_dmds  = arg_dmds
+            , ai_dmds  = add_type_strictness (idType fun) arg_dmds
             , ai_discs = arg_discounts }
     fun_rules = mkFunRules rules
@@ -555,30 +562,32 @@ mkArgInfo env fun rules n_val_args call_cont
                                 <+> ppr n_val_args <+> ppr demands )
                   vanilla_dmds      -- Not enough args, or no strictness
-    add_type_str :: Type -> [Bool] -> [Bool]
+    add_type_strictness :: Type -> [Demand] -> [Demand]
     -- If the function arg types are strict, record that in the 'strictness bits'
     -- No need to instantiate because unboxed types (which dominate the strict
     --   types) can't instantiate type variables.
-    -- add_type_str is done repeatedly (for each call);
+    -- add_type_strictness is done repeatedly (for each call);
     --   might be better once-for-all in the function
     -- But beware primops/datacons with no strictness
-    add_type_str _ [] = []
-    add_type_str fun_ty all_strs@(str:strs)
+    add_type_strictness fun_ty dmds
+      | null dmds = []
+      | Just (_, fun_ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
+      = add_type_strictness fun_ty' dmds     -- Look through foralls
       | Just (_, arg_ty, fun_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty        -- Add strict-type info
-      = (str || Just False == isLiftedType_maybe arg_ty)
-        : add_type_str fun_ty' strs
+      , dmd : rest_dmds <- dmds
+      , let dmd' = case isLiftedType_maybe arg_ty of
+                       Just False -> strictenDmd dmd
+                       _          -> dmd
+      = dmd' : add_type_strictness fun_ty' rest_dmds
           -- If the type is levity-polymorphic, we can't know whether it's
           -- strict. isLiftedType_maybe will return Just False only when
           -- we're sure the type is unlifted.
-      | Just (_, fun_ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
-      = add_type_str fun_ty' all_strs     -- Look through foralls
       | otherwise
-      = all_strs
+      = dmds
 {- Note [Unsaturated functions]
@@ -667,6 +676,26 @@ This made a small compile-time perf improvement in perf/compiler/T6048,
 and it looks plausible to me.
+lazyArgContext :: ArgInfo -> CallCtxt
+-- Use this for lazy arguments
+lazyArgContext (ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules, ai_discs = discs })
+  | encl_rules                = RuleArgCtxt
+  | disc:_ <- discs, disc > 0 = DiscArgCtxt  -- Be keener here
+  | otherwise                 = BoringCtxt   -- Nothing interesting
+strictArgContext :: ArgInfo -> CallCtxt
+strictArgContext (ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules, ai_discs = discs })
+-- Use this for strict arguments
+  | encl_rules                = RuleArgCtxt
+  | disc:_ <- discs, disc > 0 = DiscArgCtxt  -- Be keener here
+  | otherwise                 = RhsCtxt
+      -- Why RhsCtxt?  if we see f (g x) (h x), and f is strict, we
+      -- want to be a bit more eager to inline g, because it may
+      -- expose an eval (on x perhaps) that can be eliminated or
+      -- shared. I saw this in nofib 'boyer2', RewriteFuns.onewayunify1
+      -- It's worth an 18% improvement in allocation for this
+      -- particular benchmark; 5% on 'mate' and 1.3% on 'multiplier'
 interestingCallContext :: SimplEnv -> SimplCont -> CallCtxt
 -- See Note [Interesting call context]
 interestingCallContext env cont
@@ -683,7 +712,7 @@ interestingCallContext env cont
         -- motivation to inline. See Note [Cast then apply]
         -- in GHC.Core.Unfold
-    interesting (StrictArg { sc_cci = cci }) = cci
+    interesting (StrictArg { sc_fun = fun }) = strictArgContext fun
     interesting (StrictBind {})              = BoringCtxt
     interesting (Stop _ cci)                 = cci
     interesting (TickIt _ k)                 = interesting k
@@ -733,16 +762,13 @@ interestingArgContext rules call_cont
     go (Select {})                  = False
     go (ApplyToVal {})              = False  -- Shouldn't really happen
     go (ApplyToTy  {})              = False  -- Ditto
-    go (StrictArg { sc_cci = cci }) = interesting cci
+    go (StrictArg { sc_fun = fun }) = ai_encl fun
     go (StrictBind {})              = False      -- ??
     go (CastIt _ c)                 = go c
-    go (Stop _ cci)                 = interesting cci
+    go (Stop _ RuleArgCtxt)         = True
+    go (Stop _ _)                   = False
     go (TickIt _ c)                 = go c
-    interesting RuleArgCtxt = True
-    interesting _           = False
 {- Note [Interesting arguments]
 An argument is interesting if it deserves a discount for unfoldings

@@ -1285,14 +1285,14 @@ splitDmdTy ty@(DmdType _ [] res_ty)       = (defaultArgDmd res_ty, ty)
 deferAfterPreciseException :: DmdType -> DmdType
 deferAfterPreciseException = lubDmdType exnDmdType
-strictenDmd :: Demand -> CleanDemand
+strictenDmd :: Demand -> Demand
 strictenDmd (JD { sd = s, ud = u})
   = JD { sd = poke_s s, ud = poke_u u }
-    poke_s Lazy      = HeadStr
-    poke_s (Str s)   = s
-    poke_u Abs       = UHead
-    poke_u (Use _ u) = u
+    poke_s Lazy      = Str HeadStr
+    poke_s s         = s
+    poke_u Abs       = useTop
+    poke_u u         = u
 -- Deferring and peeling

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