[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/angerman/aarch64-ncg] 3 commits: no show
Moritz Angermann
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Jul 9 12:01:14 UTC 2020
Moritz Angermann pushed to branch wip/angerman/aarch64-ncg at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
5f4b40ef by Moritz Angermann at 2020-07-09T11:58:38+00:00
no show
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699462fa by Moritz Angermann at 2020-07-09T12:00:04+00:00
Some notes on PIC
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d8f0783d by Moritz Angermann at 2020-07-09T12:00:34+00:00
Properly load W32 with bit 31 set.
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PIC.hs
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ getRegisterReg :: Platform -> CmmReg -> Reg
getRegisterReg _ (CmmLocal (LocalReg u pk))
= RegVirtual $ mkVirtualReg u (cmmTypeFormat pk)
+-- XXX: this crashes for PicBaseReg
getRegisterReg platform (CmmGlobal mid)
= case globalRegMaybe platform mid of
Just reg -> RegReal reg
@@ -403,11 +404,32 @@ getRegister e = do
config <- getConfig
getRegister' config (ncgPlatform config) e
+-- Handling PIC on AArch64. AArch64 does not have a special PIC register, the
+-- general approach is to simply go through the GOT, and there is assembly
+-- support for this:
+-- // Load the address of 'sym' from the GOT using ADRP and LDR (used for
+-- // position-independent code on AArch64):
+-- adrp x0, #:got:sym
+-- ldr x0, [x0, #:got_lo12:sym]
+-- See also: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0774/i/armclang-integrated-assembler-directives/assembly-expressions
+-- CmmGlobal @PicBaseReg@'s are generated in @GHC.CmmToAsm.PIC@ in the
+-- @cmmMakePicReference at . This is in turn called from @cmmMakeDynamicReference@
+-- also in @Cmm.CmmToAsm.PIC@ from where it is also exported. There are two
+-- callsites for this. One is in this module to produce the @target@ in @genCCall@
+-- the other is in @GHC.CmmToAsm@ in @cmmExprNative at .
+-- Conceptually we do not want any special PicBaseReg to be used on AArch64. If
+-- we want to distinguish between symbol loading, we need to address this through
+-- the way we load it, not through a register.
getRegister' :: NCGConfig -> Platform -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
getRegister' config plat expr
= case expr of
- -- CmmReg (CmmGlobal PicBaseReg)
- -- -> return (Fixed II64 toc nilOL)
+ CmmReg (CmmGlobal PicBaseReg)
+ -> pprPanic "getRegisterReg-memory" (ppr $ PicBaseReg)
CmmLit lit
-> case lit of
@@ -430,6 +452,15 @@ getRegister' config plat expr
, MOV (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImm (ImmInt half0))
, MOVK (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half1) SLSL 16)
+ -- fallback for W32
+ CmmInt i W32 -> do
+ let half0 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word16)
+ half1 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16) :: Word16)
+ return (Any (intFormat W32) (\dst -> toOL [ COMMENT (ppr expr)
+ , MOV (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImm (ImmInt half0))
+ , MOVK (OpReg W32 dst) (OpImmShift (ImmInt half1) SLSL 16)
+ ]))
+ -- anything else
CmmInt i W64 -> do
let half0 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word16)
half1 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 16) :: Word16)
@@ -739,11 +770,11 @@ assignMem_IntCode rep addrE srcE
(src_reg, _format, code) <- getSomeReg srcE
Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode addrE
let AddrReg r1 = addr
- return $ unitOL (COMMENT (ppr srcE))
+ return $ unitOL (COMMENT $ text "RHS:" <+> ppr srcE)
`appOL` code
- `appOL` unitOL (COMMENT (ppr addrE))
+ `appOL` unitOL (COMMENT $ text "LHS:" <+> ppr addrE)
`appOL` addr_code
- `snocOL` COMMENT (ppr src_reg <> text " -> " <> ppr r1)
+ `snocOL` COMMENT (text "Store:" <+> ppr r1 <+> text "<-" <+> ppr src_reg)
`snocOL` STR rep (OpReg (formatToWidth rep) src_reg) (OpAddr addr)
assignReg_IntCode _ reg src
@@ -868,6 +899,58 @@ genCondBranch _ true false expr = do
-- We need to make sure we preserve x9-x15, don't want to touch x16, x17.
+-- Note [PLT vs GOT relocations]
+-- When linking objects together, we may need to lookup foreign references. That
+-- is symbolic references to functions or values in other objects. When
+-- compiling the object, we can not know where those elements will end up in
+-- memory (relative to the current location). Thus the use of symbols. There
+-- are two types of items we are interested, code segments we want to jump to
+-- and continue execution there (functions, ...), and data items we want to look
+-- up (strings, numbers, ...). For functions we can use the fact that we can use
+-- an intermediate jump without visibility to the programs execution. If we
+-- want to jump to a function that is simply too far away to reach for the B/BL
+-- instruction, we can create a small piece of code that loads the full target
+-- address and jumps to that on demand. Say f wants to call g, however g is out
+-- of range for a direct jump, we can create a function h in range for f, that
+-- will load the address of g, and jump there. The area where we construct h
+-- is called the Procedure Linking Table (PLT), we have essentially replaced
+-- f -> g with f -> h -> g. This is fine for function calls. However if we
+-- want to lookup values, this trick doesn't work, so we need something else.
+-- We will instead reserve a slot in memory, and have a symbol pointing to that
+-- slot. Now what we essentially do is, we reference that slot, and expect that
+-- slot to hold the final resting address of the data we are interested in.
+-- Thus what that symbol really points to is the location of the final data.
+-- The block of memory where we hold all those slots is the Global Offset Table
+-- (GOT). Instead of x <- $foo, we now do y <- $fooPtr, and x <- [$y].
+-- For JUMP/CALLs we have 26bits (+/- 128MB), for conditional branches we only
+-- have 19bits (+/- 1MB). Symbol lookups are also within +/- 1MB, thus for most
+-- of the LOAD/STOREs we'd want to use adrp, and add to compute a value within
+-- 4GB of the PC, and load that. For anything outside of that range, we'd have
+-- to go through the GOT.
+-- adrp x0, <symbol>
+-- add x0, :lo:<symbol>
+-- will compute the address of <symbol> int x0 if <symbol> is within 4GB of the
+-- PC.
+-- If we want to get the slot in the global offset table (GOT), we can do this:
+-- adrp x0, #:got:<symbol>
+-- ldr x0, [x0, #:got_lo12:<symbol>]
+-- this will compute the address anywhere in the addressable 64bit space into
+-- x0, by loading the address from the GOT slot.
+-- To actually get the value of <symbol>, we'd need to ldr x0, x0 still, which
+-- for the first case can be optimized to use ldr x0, [x0, #:lo12:<symbol>]
+-- instaed of the add instruction.
+-- As the memory model for AArch64 for PIC is considered to be +/- 4GB, we do
+-- not need to go through the GOT, unless we want to address the full address
+-- range within 64bit.
:: ForeignTarget -- function to call
-> [CmmFormal] -- where to put the result
@@ -887,7 +970,14 @@ genCCall target dest_regs arg_regs bid = do
-- be a foreign procedure with an address expr
-- and a calling convention.
ForeignTarget expr _cconv -> do
- (reg, _format, reg_code) <- getSomeReg expr
+ (call_target, call_target_code) <- case expr of
+ -- if this is a label, let's just directly to it. This will produce the
+ -- correct CALL relocation for BL...
+ (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) -> pure (TLabel lbl, nilOL)
+ -- ... if it's not a label--well--let's compute the expression into a
+ -- register and jump to that. See Note [PLT vs GOT relocations]
+ _ -> do (reg, _format, reg_code) <- getSomeReg expr
+ pure (TReg reg, reg_code)
-- compute the code and register logic for all arg_regs.
-- this will give us the format information to match on.
arg_regs' <- mapM getSomeReg arg_regs
@@ -907,46 +997,12 @@ genCCall target dest_regs arg_regs bid = do
moveStackUp i = toOL [ ADD (OpReg W64 (regSingle 31)) (OpReg W64 (regSingle 31)) (OpImm (ImmInt (8 * i)))
, DELTA 0 ]
- -- XXX: Maybe PUSH_STACK_FRAME + POP_STACK_FRAME would work if we injected DELTAs?
- --
- -- otherwise we end up with something like this:
- -- stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]! // sp <- sp - 16 ------------. <--+- push stack frame
- -- mov x29, sp // x29 <- sp | <--'
- -- adrp x16, cx_str // x16 <- &cx_str |
- -- add x16, x16, :lo12:cx_str // ... |
- -- mov x0, x16 // x0 <- &cx_str |
- -- mov x1, x22 // x1 <- x22 |
- -- str x18, [ sp, 64 ] // *(sp+64) <- x18 | <-- !!!
- -- blr x17 // printf(&cx_str, x22) |
- -- ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16 // sp <- sp + 16 ------------' <-- pop stack frame
- -- adrp x18, printf // x18 <- &printf
- -- add x18, x18, :lo12:printf // ...
- -- stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]! // sp <- sp - 16 ------------.
- -- mov x29, sp // x29 <- sp |
- -- adrp x17, cC_str // x17 <- &cC_str |
- -- add x17, x17, :lo12:cC_str // ... |
- -- mov x0, x17 // x0 <- x17 |
- -- blr x18 // printf(&cStr) |
- -- ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16 // sp <- sp + 16 ------------'
- -- adrp x18, printf // x18 <- &printf
- -- add x18, x18, :lo12:printf // ...
- -- stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]! // sp <- sp - 16 ------------.
- -- mov x29, sp // x29 <- sp |
- -- adrp x17, cF_str // x17 <- &cF_str |
- -- add x17, x17, :lo12:cF_str // ... |
- -- mov x0, x17 // x0 <- x17 |
- -- blr x18 // printf(&cF_str) |
- -- ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16 // sp <- sp + 16 ------------'
- -- mov w18, #8 // x18 <- 8
- -- ldr x17, [ sp, 64 ] // x17 <- *(sp + 64) <-- !!!
- --
- -- where the spill slot and the reload slot do not match, as the SP changed
- -- inbetween.
- let code = reg_code -- compute the label into a register
+ let code = call_target_code -- compute the label (possibly into a register)
`appOL` moveStackDown stackArgs
- `appOL` passArgumentsCode -- put the arguments into x0, ...
- `appOL` (unitOL $ BL (TReg reg))-- branch and link.
- `appOL` readResultsCode -- parse the results into registers
+ `appOL` passArgumentsCode -- put the arguments into x0, ...
+ `appOL` (unitOL $ BL call_target) -- branch and link.
+ `appOL` readResultsCode -- parse the results into registers
`appOL` moveStackUp stackArgs
return (code, Nothing)
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ asmMultilineComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "/*" $+$ c $+$ text "*/"
pprIm :: Imm -> SDoc
pprIm im = case im of
ImmInt i -> char '#' <> int i
- ImmInteger i -> char '#' <> text (show i)
+ ImmInteger i -> char '#' <> integer i
-- XXX: This will only work for
-- The floating point value must be expressable as ±n ÷ 16 × 2^r,
@@ -161,6 +161,11 @@ cmmMakePicReference config lbl
| OSMinGW32 <- platformOS platform
= CmmLit $ CmmLabel lbl
+ -- no pic base reg on AArch64, however indicate this symbol should go through
+ -- the global offset table (GOT).
+ | ArchAArch64 <- platformArch platform
+ = CmmLit $ CmmLabel lbl
| OSAIX <- platformOS platform
= CmmMachOp (MO_Add W32)
[ CmmReg (CmmGlobal PicBaseReg)
@@ -252,6 +257,16 @@ howToAccessLabel config _ OSMinGW32 this_mod _ lbl
| otherwise
= AccessDirectly
+-- On AArch64, relocations for JUMP and CALL will be emitted with 26bits, this
+-- is enough for ~64MB of range. Anything else will need to go through a veneer,
+-- which is the job of the linker to build. We might only want to lookup
+-- Data References through the GOT.
+howToAccessLabel _config ArchAArch64 _os _this_mod kind _lbl
+ = case kind of
+ DataReference -> AccessDirectly -- AccessViaSymbolPtr
+ CallReference -> AccessDirectly
+ JumpReference -> AccessDirectly
-- Mach-O (Darwin, Mac OS X)
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