[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T17656] Wibbles

Simon Peyton Jones gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Dec 9 23:36:18 UTC 2020

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T17656 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d1ff4302 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2020-12-09T23:35:41+00:00

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Canonical.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs


@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ newOpenVar = liftTcM (do { kind <- newOpenTypeKind
 In the GHCi debugger we use unification variables whose MetaInfo is
 RuntimeUnkTv.  The special property of a RuntimeUnkTv is that it can
-unify with a polytype (see GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.metaTyVarUpdateOK).
+unify with a polytype (see GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.checkTypeEq).
 If we don't do this `:print <term>` will fail if the type of <term>
 has nested `forall`s or `=>`s.

@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ That is the entire point of qlUnify!   Wrinkles:
 * We must not make an occurs-check; we use occCheckExpand for that.
-* metaTyVarUpdateOK also checks for various other things, including
+* checkTypeEq also checks for various other things, including
   - foralls, and predicate types (which we want to allow here)
   - type families (relates to a very specific and exotic performance
     question, that is unlikely to bite here)

@@ -1674,11 +1674,11 @@ solveWanteds wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_holes = holes }
                 -- Any insoluble constraints are in 'simples' and so get rewritten
                 -- See Note [Rewrite insolubles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
-       ; (_floated_eqs, implics2) <- solveNestedImplications $
-                                     implics `unionBags` wc_impl wc1
+       ; implics2 <- solveNestedImplications $
+                     implics `unionBags` wc_impl wc1
        ; dflags        <- getDynFlags
-       ; unif_happened <- getUnificationFlag
+       ; unif_happened <- resetUnificationFlag
        ; solved_wc <- simpl_loop 0 (solverIterations dflags) unif_happened
                                 (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 })
@@ -1704,17 +1704,12 @@ simpl_loop n limit unif_happened wc@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
          addErrTcS (hang (text "solveWanteds: too many iterations"
                    <+> parens (text "limit =" <+> ppr limit))
                 2 (vcat [ text "Unsolved:" <+> ppr wc
---                        , ppUnless (isEmptyBag floated_eqs) $
---                          text "Floated equalities:" <+> ppr floated_eqs
                         , text "Set limit with -fconstraint-solver-iterations=n; n=0 for no limit"
        ; return wc }
   | unif_happened
   = simplify_again n limit True wc
-            -- Put floated_eqs first so they get solved first
-            -- NB: the floated_eqs may include /derived/ equalities
-            -- arising from fundeps inside an implication
   | superClassesMightHelp wc
   = -- We still have unsolved goals, and apparently no way to solve them,
@@ -1747,55 +1742,33 @@ simplify_again n limit no_new_given_scs
        ; wc1 <- solveSimpleWanteds simples
-       ; (_floated_eqs2, implics2) <- solveNestedImplications $
-                                     implics `unionBags` (wc_impl wc1)
-       ; unif_happened <- getUnificationFlag
-       ; simpl_loop (n+1) limit unif_happened (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 })
+       ; implics2 <- solveNestedImplications $
+                     implics `unionBags` (wc_impl wc1)
-       -- See Note [Cutting off simpl_loop]
-       -- We have already tried to solve the nested implications once
-       -- Try again only if we have unified some meta-variables
-       -- (which is a bit like adding more givens), or we have some
-       -- new Given superclasses
-       ; let new_implics = wc_impl wc1
-       ; if no_new_given_scs  &&
-            isEmptyBag new_implics
-           then -- Do not even try to solve the implications
-                simpl_loop (n+1) limit emptyBag (wc1 { wc_impl = implics })
-           else -- Try to solve the implications
-                do { (floated_eqs2, implics2) <- solveNestedImplications $
-                                                 implics `unionBags` new_implics
-                   ; simpl_loop (n+1) limit floated_eqs2 (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 }) }
-   }
+       ; unif_happened <- resetUnificationFlag
+       ; simpl_loop (n+1) limit unif_happened (wc1 { wc_impl = implics2 }) }
 solveNestedImplications :: Bag Implication
-                        -> TcS (Cts, Bag Implication)
+                        -> TcS (Bag Implication)
 -- Precondition: the TcS inerts may contain unsolved simples which have
 -- to be converted to givens before we go inside a nested implication.
 solveNestedImplications implics
   | isEmptyBag implics
-  = return (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+  = return (emptyBag)
   | otherwise
   = do { traceTcS "solveNestedImplications starting {" empty
-       ; (floated_eqs_s, unsolved_implics) <- mapAndUnzipBagM solveImplication implics
-       ; let floated_eqs = concatBag floated_eqs_s
+       ; unsolved_implics <- mapBagM solveImplication implics
        -- ... and we are back in the original TcS inerts
        -- Notice that the original includes the _insoluble_simples so it was safe to ignore
        -- them in the beginning of this function.
        ; traceTcS "solveNestedImplications end }" $
-                  vcat [ text "all floated_eqs ="  <+> ppr floated_eqs
-                       , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
+                  vcat [ text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
-       ; return (floated_eqs, catBagMaybes unsolved_implics) }
+       ; return (catBagMaybes unsolved_implics) }
 solveImplication :: Implication    -- Wanted
-                 -> TcS (Cts,      -- All wanted or derived floated equalities: var = type
-                         Maybe Implication) -- Simplified implication (empty or singleton)
+                 -> TcS (Maybe Implication) -- Simplified implication (empty or singleton)
 -- Precondition: The TcS monad contains an empty worklist and given-only inerts
 -- which after trying to solve this implication we must restore to their original value
 solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl  = tclvl
@@ -1806,7 +1779,7 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl  = tclvl
                              , ic_info   = info
                              , ic_status = status })
   | isSolvedStatus status
-  = return (emptyCts, Just imp)  -- Do nothing
+  = return (Just imp)  -- Do nothing
   | otherwise  -- Even for IC_Insoluble it is worth doing more work
                -- The insoluble stuff might be in one sub-implication
@@ -1828,7 +1801,7 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl  = tclvl
                   ; residual_wanted <- solveWanteds wanteds
                         -- solveWanteds, *not* solveWantedsAndDrop, because
                         -- we want to retain derived equalities so we can float
-                        -- them out in floatEqualities
+                        -- them out in floatEqualities.
                   ; (has_eqs, given_insols) <- getHasGivenEqs tclvl
                         -- Call getHasGivenEqs /after/ solveWanteds, because
@@ -1837,10 +1810,6 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl  = tclvl
                   ; return (has_eqs, given_insols, residual_wanted) }
-       ; (floated_eqs, residual_wanted)
-             <- floatEqualities skols given_ids ev_binds_var
-                                has_given_eqs residual_wanted
        ; traceTcS "solveImplication 2"
            (ppr given_insols $$ ppr residual_wanted)
        ; let final_wanted = residual_wanted `addInsols` given_insols
@@ -1854,12 +1823,11 @@ solveImplication imp@(Implic { ic_tclvl  = tclvl
        ; tcvs    <- TcS.getTcEvTyCoVars ev_binds_var
        ; traceTcS "solveImplication end }" $ vcat
              [ text "has_given_eqs =" <+> ppr has_given_eqs
-             , text "floated_eqs =" <+> ppr floated_eqs
              , text "res_implic =" <+> ppr res_implic
              , text "implication evbinds =" <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds evbinds)
              , text "implication tvcs =" <+> ppr tcvs ]
-       ; return (floated_eqs, res_implic) }
+       ; return res_implic }
     -- TcLevels must be strictly increasing (see (ImplicInv) in
     -- Note [TcLevel and untouchable type variables] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType),
@@ -2532,6 +2500,7 @@ no evidence for a fundep equality), but equality superclasses do matter (since
 they carry evidence).
 floatEqualities :: [TcTyVar] -> [EvId] -> EvBindsVar -> HasGivenEqs
                 -> WantedConstraints
                 -> TcS (Cts, WantedConstraints)
@@ -2553,7 +2522,6 @@ floatEqualities :: [TcTyVar] -> [EvId] -> EvBindsVar -> HasGivenEqs
 floatEqualities _ _ _ _ wanteds
   = return (emptyBag, wanteds)
 floatEqualities skols given_ids ev_binds_var has_given_eqs
                 wanteds@(WC { wc_simple = simples })
   | MaybeGivenEqs <- has_given_eqs  -- There are some given equalities, so don't float

@@ -2270,8 +2270,8 @@ canEqCanLHS2 ev eq_rel swapped lhs1 ps_xi1 lhs2 ps_xi2 mco
 -- This function handles the case where one side is a tyvar and the other is
 -- a type family application. Which to put on the left?
---   If the tyvar is a meta-tyvar, put it on the left, as this may be our only
---   shot to unify.
+--   If the tyvar is a touchable meta-tyvar, put it on the left, as this may
+--   be our only shot to unify.
 --   Otherwise, put the function on the left, because it's generally better to
 --   rewrite away function calls. This makes types smaller. And it seems necessary:
 --     [W] F alpha ~ alpha
@@ -2279,8 +2279,6 @@ canEqCanLHS2 ev eq_rel swapped lhs1 ps_xi1 lhs2 ps_xi2 mco
 --     [W] G alpha beta ~ Int   ( where we have type instance G a a = a )
 --   If we end up with a stuck alpha ~ F alpha, we won't be able to solve this.
 --   Test case: indexed-types/should_compile/CEqCanOccursCheck
--- It would probably work to always put the variable on the left, but we think
--- it would be less efficient.
 canEqTyVarFunEq :: CtEvidence               -- :: lhs ~ (rhs |> mco)
                                             -- or (rhs |> mco) ~ lhs if swapped
                 -> EqRel -> SwapFlag
@@ -2342,7 +2340,11 @@ unifyTest ev tv1 rhs
      does_not_escape tv_lvl fv
        | isTyVar fv = tv_lvl `deeperThanOrSame` tcTyVarLevel fv
-       | otherwise  = True   -- Coercion variables
+       | otherwise  = True
+       -- Coercion variables are not an escape risk
+       -- If an implication binds a coercion variable, it'll have equalities,
+       -- so the "intervening given equalities" test above will catch it
+       -- Coercion holes get filled with coercions, so again no problem.
      is_promotable fv
        | isTyVar fv

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (
     panicTcS, traceTcS,
     traceFireTcS, bumpStepCountTcS, csTraceTcS,
     wrapErrTcS, wrapWarnTcS,
-    getUnificationFlag, setUnificationFlag,
+    resetUnificationFlag, setUnificationFlag,
     -- Evidence creation and transformation
     MaybeNew(..), freshGoals, isFresh, getEvExpr,
@@ -1512,12 +1512,24 @@ addInertForAll new_qci
   = do { ics  <- getInertCans
        ; ics1 <- add_qci ics
-       -- C.f add_given_eq
+       -- Update given equalities. Painful!  C.f updateGivenEqs
        ; tclvl <- getTcLevel
-       ; let ics2 | tclvl `strictlyDeeperThan` inert_given_eq_lvl ics1
-                  = ics1 { inert_given_eq_lvl = tclvl }
-                  | otherwise
-                  = ics1
+       ; let ics2 | not_equality = ics1
+                  | otherwise    = ics1 { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl'
+                                        , inert_given_eqs    = geqs' }
+             !(IC { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl
+                  , inert_given_eqs    = geqs }) = ics1
+             not_equality = isClassPred pred && not (isEqPred pred)
+                  -- True <=> definitely not an equality
+                  -- Heads like (f a) might be an equality
+             pred       = qci_pred new_qci
+             is_eq_pred = isEqPred pred  -- Definitely an equality
+             geqs'      = geqs || is_eq_pred
+             ge_lvl' | tclvl `strictlyDeeperThan` ge_lvl = tclvl
+                     | otherwise                         = ge_lvl
        ; setInertCans ics2 }
@@ -1602,13 +1614,13 @@ add_item :: TcLevel -> InertCans -> Ct -> InertCans
 add_item tc_lvl
          ics@(IC { inert_funeqs = funeqs, inert_eqs = eqs })
          item@(CEqCan { cc_lhs = lhs })
-  = add_given_eq tc_lvl item $
+  = updateGivenEqs tc_lvl item $
     case lhs of
        TyFamLHS tc tys -> ics { inert_funeqs = addCanFunEq funeqs tc tys item }
        TyVarLHS tv     -> ics { inert_eqs    = addTyEq eqs tv item }
 add_item tc_lvl ics@(IC { inert_irreds = irreds }) item@(CIrredCan {})
-  = add_given_eq tc_lvl item $   -- An Irred might turn out to be an
+  = updateGivenEqs tc_lvl item $   -- An Irred might turn out to be an
                                  -- equality, so we play safe
     ics { inert_irreds = irreds `Bag.snocBag` item }
@@ -1619,15 +1631,15 @@ add_item _ _ item
   = pprPanic "upd_inert set: can't happen! Inserting " $
     ppr item   -- Can't be CNonCanonical because they only land in inert_irreds
-add_given_eq :: TcLevel -> Ct -> InertCans -> InertCans
+updateGivenEqs :: TcLevel -> Ct -> InertCans -> InertCans
 -- Set the inert_given_eq_level to the current level (tclvl)
 -- if the constraint is a given equality that should prevent
 -- filling in an outer unification variable.
 -- See See Note [When does an implication have given equalities?]
 -- ToDo: what about Quantified Constraints?
-add_given_eq tclvl ct inerts@(IC { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl
-                                 , inert_given_eqs    = geqs })
+updateGivenEqs tclvl ct inerts@(IC { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl
+                                   , inert_given_eqs    = geqs })
   | not (isGivenCt ct) = inerts
   | not_equality ct    = inerts -- See Note [Let-bound skolems]
   | otherwise          = inerts { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl'
@@ -1651,7 +1663,9 @@ add_given_eq tclvl ct inerts@(IC { inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl
     not_equality :: Ct -> Bool
     -- True <=> definitely not an equality of any kind
-    not_equality (CEqCan { cc_lhs = TyVarLHS tv }) = isLocalSkolem tclvl tv
+    --          except for a let-bound skolem, which doesn't count
+    --          See Note [Let-bound skolems]
+    not_equality (CEqCan { cc_lhs = TyVarLHS tv }) = not (isOuterTyVar tclvl tv)
     not_equality (CDictCan {})                     = True
     not_equality _                                 = False
@@ -2184,81 +2198,38 @@ getHasGivenEqs :: TcLevel           -- TcLevel of this implication
                       , Cts )       -- Insoluble equalities arising from givens
 -- See Note [When does an implication have given equalities?]
 getHasGivenEqs tclvl
-  = do { inerts@(IC { inert_irreds = irreds
---                    , inert_insts = qc_insts
---                    , inert_eqs = ieqs, inert_funeqs = funeqs
-                    , inert_given_eqs = given_eqs
+  = do { inerts@(IC { inert_irreds       = irreds
+                    , inert_given_eqs    = given_eqs
                     , inert_given_eq_lvl = ge_lvl })
               <- getInertCans
-       ; let has_given_eqs = foldMap check_local_given_ct irreds
-                        S.<> foldMap (lift_equal_ct_list check_local_given_tv_eq) ieqs
-                        S.<> foldMapFunEqs (lift_equal_ct_list check_local_given_ct) funeqs
-                        S.<> foldMap qc_eq_inst_given_here qc_insts
        ; let insols = filterBag insolubleEqCt irreds
-                       -- Specifically includes ones that originated in some
+                      -- Specifically includes ones that originated in some
                       -- outer context but were refined to an insoluble by
                       -- a local equality; so do /not/ add ct_given_here.
+             has_ge | given_eqs       = LocalGivenEqs
+                    | ge_lvl == tclvl = MaybeGivenEqs
+                    | otherwise       = NoGivenEqs
        ; traceTcS "getHasGivenEqs" $
          vcat [ text "given_eqs:" <+> ppr given_eqs
               , text "ge_lvl:" <+> ppr ge_lvl
               , text "ambient level:" <+> ppr tclvl
               , text "Inerts:" <+> ppr inerts
               , text "Insols:" <+> ppr insols]
-       ; let has_ge | given_eqs       = LocalGivenEqs
---                    | ge_lvl == tclvl = MaybeGivenEqs
-                    | otherwise       = NoGivenEqs
        ; return (has_ge, insols) }
-  where
-    check_local_given_ct :: Ct -> HasGivenEqs
-    check_local_given_ct ct = check_local_given_ev (ctEvidence ct)
-    check_local_given_ev :: CtEvidence -> HasGivenEqs
-    check_local_given_ev ev
-      | not (given_bound_here ev) = NoGivenEqs
-      | mentionsOuterVar tclvl ev = MaybeGivenEqs
-      | otherwise                 = LocalGivenEqs
-    lift_equal_ct_list :: (Ct -> HasGivenEqs) -> EqualCtList -> HasGivenEqs
-    -- returns NoGivenEqs for non-singleton lists, as Given lists are always
-    -- singletons
-    lift_equal_ct_list check (EqualCtList (ct :| [])) = check ct
-    lift_equal_ct_list _     _                        = NoGivenEqs
-    check_local_given_tv_eq :: Ct -> HasGivenEqs
-    check_local_given_tv_eq (CEqCan { cc_lhs = TyVarLHS tv, cc_ev = ev})
-      | not (given_bound_here ev)    = NoGivenEqs
-      | not (isLocalSkolem tclvl tv) = MaybeGivenEqs
-      | otherwise                    = NoGivenEqs   -- See Note [Let-bound skolems]
-    check_local_given_tv_eq other_ct
-      = check_local_given_ct other_ct
-    qc_eq_inst_given_here :: QCInst -> HasGivenEqs
-    -- True of a quantified constraint (which are always Given)
-    -- for an equality, bound by this implication
-    qc_eq_inst_given_here (QCI { qci_ev = ev, qci_pred = pred })
-       | isEqPred pred = check_local_given_ev ev
-       | otherwise     = NoGivenEqs
-    given_bound_here :: CtEvidence -> Bool
-    -- True for a Given bound by the current implication,
-    -- i.e. the current level
-    given_bound_here ev =  isGiven ev
-                        && tclvl == ctLocLevel (ctEvLoc ev)
 mentionsOuterVar :: TcLevel -> CtEvidence -> Bool
 mentionsOuterVar tclvl ev
-  = anyFreeVarsOfType (not . isLocalSkolem tclvl) $
+  = anyFreeVarsOfType (isOuterTyVar tclvl) $
     ctEvPred ev
-isLocalSkolem :: TcLevel -> TyCoVar -> Bool
-isLocalSkolem tclvl tv
-  | isTyVar tv = tclvl `sameDepthAs` tcTyVarLevel tv
-                       -- Includes CycleBreakerTvs which are meta-tyvars
-  | otherwise  = True  -- Coercion variables; doesn't much matter
+isOuterTyVar :: TcLevel -> TyCoVar -> Bool
+-- True of a type variable that comes from a
+-- shallower level than the ambient level (tclvl)
+isOuterTyVar tclvl tv
+  | isTyVar tv = tclvl `strictlyDeeperThan` tcTyVarLevel tv
+                        -- Includes CycleBreakerTvs which are meta-tyvars
+  | otherwise  = False  -- Coercion variables; doesn't much matter
 -- | Returns Given constraints that might,
 -- potentially, match the given pred. This is used when checking to see if a
@@ -2926,16 +2897,16 @@ bumpStepCountTcS = TcS $ \env -> do { let ref = tcs_count env
                                     ; n <- TcM.readTcRef ref
                                     ; TcM.writeTcRef ref (n+1) }
-getUnificationFlag :: TcS Bool
+resetUnificationFlag :: TcS Bool
 -- We are at ambient level i
--- If the unification flag = Just i, set it to Nothing and return True
--- Otherwise return False
+-- If the unification flag = Just i, reset it to Nothing and return True
+-- Otherwise leave it unchanged and return False
   = TcS $ \env ->
     do { let ref = tcs_unif_lvl env
        ; ambient_lvl <- TcM.getTcLevel
        ; mb_lvl <- TcM.readTcRef ref
-       ; TcM.traceTc "getUnificationFlag" $
+       ; TcM.traceTc "resetUnificationFlag" $
          vcat [ text "ambient:" <+> ppr ambient_lvl
               , text "unif_lvl:" <+> ppr mb_lvl ]
        ; case mb_lvl of

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
   matchActualFunTySigma, matchActualFunTysRho,
-  metaTyVarUpdateOK, occCheckForErrors, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..),
+  occCheckForErrors, MetaTyVarUpdateResult(..),
   checkTyVarEq, checkTyFamEq, checkTypeEq, AreTypeFamiliesOK(..)
   ) where
@@ -1435,9 +1435,9 @@ uUnfilledVar2 origin t_or_k swapped tv1 ty2
     go dflags cur_lvl
       | isTouchableMetaTyVar cur_lvl tv1
       , canSolveByUnification (metaTyVarInfo tv1) ty2
-      , MTVU_OK ty2' <- metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags NoTypeFamilies tv1 ty2
+      , MTVU_OK {} <- checkTyVarEq dflags NoTypeFamilies tv1 ty2
            -- See Note [Prevent unification with type families] about the NoTypeFamilies:
-      = do { co_k <- uType KindLevel kind_origin (tcTypeKind ty2') (tyVarKind tv1)
+      = do { co_k <- uType KindLevel kind_origin (tcTypeKind ty2) (tyVarKind tv1)
            ; traceTc "uUnfilledVar2 ok" $
              vcat [ ppr tv1 <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind tv1)
                   , ppr ty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tcTypeKind  ty2)
@@ -1447,8 +1447,8 @@ uUnfilledVar2 origin t_or_k swapped tv1 ty2
                -- Only proceed if the kinds match
                -- NB: tv1 should still be unfilled, despite the kind unification
                --     because tv1 is not free in ty2 (or, hence, in its kind)
-             then do { writeMetaTyVar tv1 ty2'
-                     ; return (mkTcNomReflCo ty2') }
+             then do { writeMetaTyVar tv1 ty2
+                     ; return (mkTcNomReflCo ty2) }
              else defer } -- This cannot be solved now.  See GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical
                           -- Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
@@ -1912,73 +1912,6 @@ instance Outputable AreTypeFamiliesOK where
   ppr YesTypeFamilies = text "YesTypeFamilies"
   ppr NoTypeFamilies  = text "NoTypeFamilies"
-metaTyVarUpdateOK :: DynFlags
-                  -> AreTypeFamiliesOK   -- allow type families in RHS?
-                  -> TcTyVar             -- tv :: k1
-                  -> TcType              -- ty :: k2
-                  -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult TcType        -- possibly-expanded ty
--- (metaTyVarUpdateOK tv ty)
--- Checks that the equality tv~ty is OK to be used to rewrite
--- other equalities.  Equivalently, checks the conditions for CEqCan
---       (a) that tv doesn't occur in ty (occurs check)
---       (b) that ty does not have any foralls or (perhaps) type functions
---       (c) that ty does not have any blocking coercion holes
---           See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical"
--- Used in two places:
---   - In the eager unifier: uUnfilledVar2
---   - In the canonicaliser: GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical.canEqTyVar2
--- Note that in the latter case tv is not necessarily a meta-tyvar,
--- despite the name of this function.
--- We have two possible outcomes:
--- (1) Return the type to update the type variable with,
---        [we know the update is ok]
--- (2) Return Nothing,
---        [the update might be dodgy]
--- Note that "Nothing" does not mean "definite error".  For example
---   type family F a
---   type instance F Int = Int
--- consider
---   a ~ F a
--- This is perfectly reasonable, if we later get a ~ Int.  For now, though,
--- we return Nothing, leaving it to the later constraint simplifier to
--- sort matters out.
--- See Note [Refactoring hazard: metaTyVarUpdateOK]
-metaTyVarUpdateOK dflags ty_fam_ok tv rhs_ty
-  = case checkTyVarEq dflags ty_fam_ok tv rhs_ty of
-      _ | bad_tyvar_tv -> MTVU_Bad
-      MTVU_OK _        -> MTVU_OK rhs_ty
-      MTVU_Bad         -> MTVU_Bad          -- forall, predicate, type function
-      MTVU_HoleBlocker -> MTVU_HoleBlocker  -- coercion hole
-      MTVU_Occurs      -> case occCheckExpand [tv] rhs_ty of
-                            Just expanded_ty -> MTVU_OK expanded_ty
-                            Nothing          -> MTVU_Occurs
-  where
-     bad_tyvar_tv, bad_rhs :: Bool
-     -- True <=> we have alpha ~ ty, where alpha is a TyVarTv
-     --          and ty is not a tyvar
-     bad_tyvar_tv | MetaTv { mtv_info = TyVarTv } <- tcTyVarDetails tv
-                  = bad_rhs
-                  | otherwise
-                  = False
-     -- True <=> RHS is not a tyvar, or
-     -- (if a unification variable) is not a TyVarTv
-     bad_rhs = case tcGetTyVar_maybe rhs_ty of
-        Nothing -> True
-        Just tv -> case tcTyVarDetails tv of
-                      MetaTv { mtv_info = info }
-                                  -> case info of
-                                       TyVarTv -> False
-                                       _       -> True
-                      SkolemTv {} -> False
-                      RuntimeUnk  -> False
 checkTyVarEq :: DynFlags -> AreTypeFamiliesOK -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> MetaTyVarUpdateResult ()
 checkTyVarEq dflags ty_fam_ok tv ty
   = inline checkTypeEq dflags ty_fam_ok (TyVarLHS tv) ty
@@ -2002,6 +1935,14 @@ checkTypeEq :: DynFlags -> AreTypeFamiliesOK -> CanEqLHS -> TcType
 --   (d) a blocking coercion hole
 --   (e) an occurrence of the LHS (occurs check)
+-- Note that an occurs-check does not mean "definite error".  For example
+--   type family F a
+--   type instance F Int = Int
+-- consider
+--   b0 ~ F b0
+-- This is perfectly reasonable, if we later get b0 ~ Int.  But we
+-- certainly can't unify b0 := F b0
 -- For (a), (b), and (c) we check only the top level of the type, NOT
 -- inside the kinds of variables it mentions.  For (d) we look deeply
 -- in coercions when the LHS is a tyvar (but skip coercions for type family
@@ -2009,7 +1950,7 @@ checkTypeEq :: DynFlags -> AreTypeFamiliesOK -> CanEqLHS -> TcType
 -- checkTypeEq is called from
 --    * checkTyFamEq, checkTyVarEq (which inline it to specialise away the
---      case-analysis on 'lhs'
+--      case-analysis on 'lhs')
 --    * checkEqCanLHSFinish, which does not know the form of 'lhs'
 checkTypeEq dflags ty_fam_ok lhs ty
   = go ty

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