[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T18341] Fix the regression in T12227

Sebastian Graf gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Aug 31 16:21:34 UTC 2020

Sebastian Graf pushed to branch wip/T18341 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

d399d072 by Sebastian Graf at 2020-08-31T18:20:16+02:00
Fix the regression in T12227


  * Making constructor constraints `x <- K y` strict in `x` again
  * Bringing back `initPossibleMatches` in `addNotConCt`

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs


@@ -152,10 +152,14 @@ covCheckMatches
   -> DsM [(Nablas, NonEmpty Nablas)] -- ^ One covered 'Nablas' per Match and
                                      --   GRHS, for long distance info.
 covCheckMatches ctxt vars matches = do
-  missing <- getPmNablas
-  tracePm "covCheckMatches {" (hang (vcat [ppr ctxt, ppr vars, text "Matches:"])
-                                    2
-                                    (vcat (map ppr matches) $$ ppr missing))
+  -- We have to force @missing@ before printing out the trace message,
+  -- otherwise we get interleaved output from the solver. This function
+  -- should be strict in @missing@ anyway!
+  !missing <- getPmNablas
+  tracePm "covCheckMatches {" $
+          hang (vcat [ppr ctxt, ppr vars, text "Matches:"])
+               2
+               (vcat (map ppr matches) $$ ppr missing)
   case NE.nonEmpty matches of
     Nothing -> do
       -- This must be an -XEmptyCase. See Note [Checking EmptyCase]
@@ -419,29 +423,27 @@ mkPmLetVar x y | x == y = []
 mkPmLetVar x y          = [PmLet x (Var y)]
 -- | ADT constructor pattern => no existentials, no local constraints
-vanillaConGrds :: Id -> DataCon -> [Id] -> GrdVec
-vanillaConGrds scrut con arg_ids =
-  [ PmBang scrut Nothing
-  , PmCon { pm_id = scrut, pm_con_con = PmAltConLike (RealDataCon con)
-         , pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_dicts = [], pm_con_args = arg_ids }
-  ]
+vanillaConGrd :: Id -> DataCon -> [Id] -> PmGrd
+vanillaConGrd scrut con arg_ids =
+  PmCon { pm_id = scrut, pm_con_con = PmAltConLike (RealDataCon con)
+        , pm_con_tvs = [], pm_con_dicts = [], pm_con_args = arg_ids }
 -- | Creates a 'GrdVec' refining a match var of list type to a list,
 -- where list fields are matched against the incoming tagged 'GrdVec's.
 -- For example:
 --   @mkListGrds "a" "[(x, True <- x),(y, !y)]"@
 -- to
---   @"[!a, (x:b) <- a, !x, True <- x, !b, (y:c) <- b, !y, !c, [] <- c]"@
+--   @"[(x:b) <- a, True <- x, (y:c) <- b, !y, [] <- c]"@
 -- where @b@ and @c@ are freshly allocated in @mkListGrds@ and @a@ is the match
 -- variable.
 mkListGrds :: Id -> [(Id, GrdVec)] -> DsM GrdVec
 -- See Note [Order of guards matter] for why we need to intertwine guards
 -- on list elements.
-mkListGrds a []                  = pure (vanillaConGrds a nilDataCon [])
+mkListGrds a []                  = pure [vanillaConGrd a nilDataCon []]
 mkListGrds a ((x, head_grds):xs) = do
   b <- mkPmId (idType a)
   tail_grds <- mkListGrds b xs
-  pure $ vanillaConGrds a consDataCon [x, b] ++ head_grds ++ tail_grds
+  pure $ vanillaConGrd a consDataCon [x, b] : head_grds ++ tail_grds
 -- | Create a 'GrdVec' refining a match variable to a 'PmLit'.
 mkPmLitGrds :: Id -> PmLit -> DsM GrdVec
@@ -457,13 +459,12 @@ mkPmLitGrds x (PmLit _ (PmLitString s)) = do
   char_grdss <- zipWithM mk_char_lit vars (unpackFS s)
   mkListGrds x (zip vars char_grdss)
 mkPmLitGrds x lit = do
-  let con = PmAltLit lit
-      grd = PmCon { pm_id = x
+  let grd = PmCon { pm_id = x
                   , pm_con_con = PmAltLit lit
                   , pm_con_tvs = []
                   , pm_con_dicts = []
                   , pm_con_args = [] }
-  pure (conMatchStrictGrds con x ++ [grd])
+  pure [grd]
 -- | @desugarPat _ x pat@ transforms @pat@ into a 'GrdVec', where
 -- the variable representing the match is @x at .
@@ -499,11 +500,11 @@ desugarPat x pat = case pat of
   -- (n + k)  ===>   let b = x >= k, True <- b, let n = x-k
   NPlusKPat _pat_ty (L _ n) k1 k2 ge minus -> do
     b <- mkPmId boolTy
-    let grd_b = vanillaConGrds b trueDataCon []
+    let grd_b = vanillaConGrd b trueDataCon []
     [ke1, ke2] <- traverse dsOverLit [unLoc k1, k2]
     rhs_b <- dsSyntaxExpr ge    [Var x, ke1]
     rhs_n <- dsSyntaxExpr minus [Var x, ke2]
-    pure $ PmLet b rhs_b : grd_b ++ [PmLet n rhs_n]
+    pure [PmLet b rhs_b, grd_b, PmLet n rhs_n]
   -- (fun -> pat)   ===>   let y = fun x, pat <- y where y is a match var of pat
   ViewPat _arg_ty lexpr pat -> do
@@ -582,13 +583,13 @@ desugarPat x pat = case pat of
   TuplePat _tys pats boxity -> do
     (vars, grdss) <- mapAndUnzipM desugarLPatV pats
     let tuple_con = tupleDataCon boxity (length vars)
-    pure $ vanillaConGrds x tuple_con vars ++ concat grdss
+    pure $ vanillaConGrd x tuple_con vars : concat grdss
   SumPat _ty p alt arity -> do
     (y, grds) <- desugarLPatV p
     let sum_con = sumDataCon alt arity
     -- See Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars] in GHC.Core.TyCon
-    pure $ vanillaConGrds x sum_con [y] ++ grds
+    pure $ vanillaConGrd x sum_con [y] : grds
   SplicePat {} -> panic "Check.desugarPat: SplicePat"
@@ -614,11 +615,6 @@ desugarListPat x pats = do
   vars_and_grdss <- traverse desugarLPatV pats
   mkListGrds x vars_and_grdss
-conMatchStrictGrds :: PmAltCon -> Id -> GrdVec
-conMatchStrictGrds con x
-  | isPmAltConMatchStrict con = [PmBang x Nothing]
-  | otherwise                 = []
 -- | Desugar a constructor pattern
 desugarConPatOut :: Id -> ConLike -> [Type] -> [TyVar]
                  -> [EvVar] -> HsConPatDetails GhcTc -> DsM GrdVec
@@ -642,33 +638,31 @@ desugarConPatOut x con univ_tys ex_tvs dicts = \case
     go_field_pats tagged_pats = do
       -- The fields that appear might not be in the correct order. So
-      --   1. Add a bang that forces the match var if 'isPmAltConMatchStrict'.
-      --   2. Do the PmCon match
-      --   3. Then pattern match on the fields in the order given by the first
+      --   1. Do the PmCon match
+      --   2. Then pattern match on the fields in the order given by the first
       --      field of @tagged_pats at .
       -- See Note [Field match order for RecCon]
       -- Desugar the mentioned field patterns. We're doing this first to get
-      -- the Ids for pm_con_args.
+      -- the Ids for pm_con_args and bring them in order afterwards.
       let trans_pat (n, pat) = do
             (var, pvec) <- desugarLPatV pat
             pure ((n, var), pvec)
       (tagged_vars, arg_grdss) <- mapAndUnzipM trans_pat tagged_pats
-      let alt_con         = PmAltConLike con
-          get_pat_id n ty = case lookup n tagged_vars of
+      let get_pat_id n ty = case lookup n tagged_vars of
             Just var -> pure var
             Nothing  -> mkPmId ty
-      -- the constructor pattern match itself
+      -- 1. the constructor pattern match itself
       arg_ids <- zipWithM get_pat_id [0..] arg_tys
-      let con_grd = PmCon x alt_con ex_tvs dicts arg_ids
+      let con_grd = PmCon x (PmAltConLike con) ex_tvs dicts arg_ids
-      -- guards from field selector patterns
+      -- 2. guards from field selector patterns
       let arg_grds = concat arg_grdss
       -- tracePm "ConPatOut" (ppr x $$ ppr con $$ ppr arg_ids)
-      pure (conMatchStrictGrds alt_con x ++ con_grd : arg_grds)
+      pure (con_grd : arg_grds)
 desugarPatBind :: SrcSpan -> Id -> Pat GhcTc -> DsM GrdPatBind
 -- See 'GrdPatBind' for how this simply repurposes GrdGRHS.
@@ -753,10 +747,10 @@ desugarBoolGuard e
       Var y
         | Nothing <- isDataConId_maybe y
         -- Omit the let by matching on y
-        -> pure (vanillaConGrds y trueDataCon [])
+        -> pure [vanillaConGrd y trueDataCon []]
       rhs -> do
         x <- mkPmId boolTy
-        pure $ PmLet x rhs : vanillaConGrds x trueDataCon []
+        pure [PmLet x rhs, vanillaConGrd x trueDataCon []]
 {- Note [Field match order for RecCon]
@@ -768,13 +762,11 @@ the pattern match. For example:
   f T{ b = 42, a = 'a' } = ()
 Then @f (T (error "a") (error "b"))@ errors out with "b" because it is mentioned
-frist in the pattern match.
+first in the pattern match.
 This means we can't just desugar the pattern match to
-@[!x, T a b <- x, 'a' <- a, 42 <- b]@. Instead we have to force them in the
-right order: @[!x, T a b <- x, 42 <- b, 'a' <- a]@.
-Note the preceding bang guards on the match var: They are necessary for DataCons
-as PmCon guards match lazily.
+@[T a b <- x, 'a' <- a, 42 <- b]@. Instead we have to force them in the
+right order: @[T a b <- x, 42 <- b, 'a' <- a]@.
 Note [Strict fields and fields of unlifted type]
@@ -983,11 +975,14 @@ checkGrd grd = CA $ \inc -> case grd of
                      , cr_approx = Precise }
   -- Con: Fall through on x /~ K and refine with x ~ K ys and type info
   PmCon x con tvs dicts args -> do
+    !div <- if isPmAltConMatchStrict con
+      then addPmCtNablas inc (PmBotCt x)
+      else pure mempty
     let con_cts = pmConCts x con tvs dicts args
-    matched <- addPmCtsNablas inc con_cts
-    uncov   <- addPmCtNablas  inc (PmNotConCt x con)
+    !matched <- addPmCtsNablas inc con_cts
+    !uncov   <- addPmCtNablas  inc (PmNotConCt x con)
     -- tracePm "checkGrd:Con" (ppr inc $$ ppr grd $$ ppr con_cts $$ ppr matched)
-    pure CheckResult { cr_ret = emptyRedSets { rs_cov = matched }
+    pure CheckResult { cr_ret = emptyRedSets { rs_cov = matched, rs_div = div }
                      , cr_uncov = uncov
                      , cr_approx = Precise }

@@ -903,7 +903,11 @@ addNotConCt :: Nabla -> Id -> PmAltCon -> MaybeT DsM Nabla
 addNotConCt _ _ (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc))
   | isNewDataCon dc = mzero -- (4) in Note [Coverage checking Newtype matches]
 addNotConCt nabla at MkNabla{ nabla_tm_st = ts@(TmSt env reps) } x nalt = do
-  let vi@(VI _ pos neg _ pm) = lookupVarInfo ts x
+  -- For good performance, it's important to initPossibleMatches here.
+  -- Otherwise we can't mark nalt as matched later on, incurring unnecessary
+  -- inhabitation tests for nalt.
+  vi@(VI _ pos neg _ pm) <- lift $ initPossibleMatches (nabla_ty_st nabla)
+                                                       (lookupVarInfo ts x)
   -- 1. Bail out quickly when nalt contradicts a solution
   let contradicts nalt (cl, _tvs, _args) = eqPmAltCon cl nalt == Equal
   guard (not (any (contradicts nalt) pos))
@@ -915,11 +919,12 @@ addNotConCt nabla at MkNabla{ nabla_tm_st = ts@(TmSt env reps) } x nalt = do
         -- See Note [Completeness checking with required Thetas]
         | hasRequiredTheta nalt  = neg
         | otherwise              = extendPmAltConSet neg nalt
-  let vi1 = vi{ vi_neg = neg' }
+  MASSERT( isPmAltConMatchStrict nalt )
+  let vi1 = vi{ vi_neg = neg', vi_bot = IsNotBot }
   -- 3. Make sure there's at least one other possible constructor
   vi2 <- case nalt of
     PmAltConLike cl
-      -> MaybeT (ensureInhabited nabla vi1{ vi_cache = markMatched cl pm })
+      -> ensureInhabited nabla vi1{ vi_cache = markMatched cl pm }
     _ -> pure vi1
   pure nabla{ nabla_tm_st = TmSt (setEntrySDIE env x vi2) reps }
@@ -993,30 +998,30 @@ addNotBotCt nabla at MkNabla{ nabla_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x = do
     IsBot    -> mzero      -- There was x ~ ⊥. Contradiction!
     IsNotBot -> pure nabla -- There already is x /~ ⊥. Nothing left to do
     MaybeBot -> do         -- We add x /~ ⊥ and test if x is still inhabited
-      vi <- MaybeT $ ensureInhabited nabla vi{ vi_bot = IsNotBot }
+      vi <- ensureInhabited nabla vi{ vi_bot = IsNotBot }
       pure nabla{ nabla_tm_st = TmSt (setEntrySDIE env y vi) reps}
-ensureInhabited :: Nabla -> VarInfo -> DsM (Maybe VarInfo)
-   -- Returns (Just vi) if at least one member of each ConLike in the COMPLETE
-   -- set satisfies the oracle
-   --
-   -- Internally uses and updates the ConLikeSets in vi_cache.
-   --
-   -- NB: Does /not/ filter each ConLikeSet with the oracle; members may
-   --     remain that do not statisfy it.  This lazy approach just
-   --     avoids doing unnecessary work.
+-- | Returns (Just vi) if at least one member of each ConLike in the COMPLETE
+-- set satisfies the oracle
+-- Internally uses and updates the ConLikeSets in vi_cache.
+-- NB: Does /not/ filter each ConLikeSet with the oracle; members may
+--     remain that do not statisfy it.  This lazy approach just
+--     avoids doing unnecessary work.
+ensureInhabited :: Nabla -> VarInfo -> MaybeT DsM VarInfo
 ensureInhabited nabla vi = case vi_bot vi of
-  MaybeBot -> pure (Just vi) -- The |-Bot rule from the paper
-  IsBot    -> pure (Just vi)
-  IsNotBot -> initPossibleMatches (nabla_ty_st nabla) vi >>= inst_complete_sets
+  MaybeBot -> pure vi -- The |-Bot rule from the paper
+  IsBot    -> pure vi
+  IsNotBot -> lift (initPossibleMatches (nabla_ty_st nabla) vi) >>= inst_complete_sets
     -- | This is the |-Inst rule from the paper (section 4.5). Tries to
     -- find an inhabitant in every complete set by instantiating with one their
     -- constructors. If there is any complete set where we can't find an
     -- inhabitant, the whole thing is uninhabited.
-    inst_complete_sets :: VarInfo -> DsM (Maybe VarInfo)
-    inst_complete_sets vi at VI{ vi_cache = NoPM }  = pure (Just vi)
-    inst_complete_sets vi at VI{ vi_cache = PM ms } = runMaybeT $ do
+    inst_complete_sets :: VarInfo -> MaybeT DsM VarInfo
+    inst_complete_sets vi at VI{ vi_cache = NoPM }  = pure vi
+    inst_complete_sets vi at VI{ vi_cache = PM ms } = do
       ms <- traverse (\cs -> inst_complete_set vi cs (uniqDSetToList cs)) ms
       pure vi{ vi_cache = PM ms }
@@ -1061,8 +1066,7 @@ ensureAllInhabited nabla at MkNabla{ nabla_tm_st = TmSt env reps }
   = runMaybeT (set_tm_cs_env nabla <$> traverseSDIE go env)
     set_tm_cs_env nabla env = nabla{ nabla_tm_st = TmSt env reps }
-    go vi = MaybeT $
-      initPossibleMatches (nabla_ty_st nabla) vi >>= ensureInhabited nabla
+    go vi = ensureInhabited nabla vi
 -- * Term oracle unification procedure
@@ -1144,17 +1148,18 @@ addConCt nabla at MkNabla{ nabla_tm_st = ts@(TmSt env reps) } x alt tvs args = do
       MaybeT $ addPmCts nabla (listToBag ty_cts `unionBags` listToBag tm_cts)
     Nothing -> do
       let pos' = (alt, tvs, args):pos
-      let nabla' = nabla{ nabla_tm_st = TmSt (setEntrySDIE env x (VI ty pos' neg bot cache)) reps}
+      let nabla_with bot = nabla{ nabla_tm_st = TmSt (setEntrySDIE env x (VI ty pos' neg bot cache)) reps}
       -- In case of a newtype constructor, we have to make sure that x ~ ⊥ and
       -- x /~ ⊥ constraints now apply to the wrapped thing, as 'lookupVarInfoNT'
       -- looks through newtype constructors.
       case (alt, args) of
         (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc), [y]) | isNewDataCon dc ->
           case bot of
-            MaybeBot -> pure nabla'
-            IsBot    -> addBotCt nabla' y
-            IsNotBot -> addNotBotCt nabla' y
-        _ -> pure nabla'
+            MaybeBot -> pure (nabla_with MaybeBot)
+            IsBot    -> addBotCt (nabla_with MaybeBot) y
+            IsNotBot -> addNotBotCt (nabla_with MaybeBot) y
+        _ -> ASSERT( isPmAltConMatchStrict alt )
+             pure (nabla_with IsNotBot) -- strict match ==> not ⊥
 equateTys :: [Type] -> [Type] -> [PmCt]
 equateTys ts us =
@@ -1671,7 +1676,7 @@ addCoreCt :: Nabla -> Id -> CoreExpr -> MaybeT DsM Nabla
 addCoreCt nabla x e = do
   dflags <- getDynFlags
   let e' = simpleOptExpr dflags e
-  lift $ tracePm "addCoreCt" (ppr x <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType x) $$ ppr e $$ ppr e')
+  -- lift $ tracePm "addCoreCt" (ppr x <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType x) $$ ppr e $$ ppr e')
   execStateT (core_expr x e') nabla
     -- | Takes apart a 'CoreExpr' and tries to extract as much information about

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