[Git][ghc/ghc][master] 3 commits: Put CFG weights into their own module (#17957)

Marge Bot gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Aug 21 13:36:46 UTC 2020

 Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

293c7fba by Sylvain Henry at 2020-08-21T09:36:38-04:00
Put CFG weights into their own module (#17957)

It avoids having to query DynFlags to get them

- - - - -
50eb4460 by Sylvain Henry at 2020-08-21T09:36:38-04:00
Don't use DynFlags in CmmToAsm.BlockLayout (#17957)

- - - - -
659eb31b by Sylvain Henry at 2020-08-21T09:36:38-04:00
NCG: Dwarf configuration

* remove references to DynFlags in GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf
* add specific Dwarf options in NCGConfig instead of directly querying
  the debug level

- - - - -

22 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/BlockLayout.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/CFG.hs
- + compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/CFG/Weight.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Config.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Dwarf.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
- compiler/GHC/Unit/State.hs
- compiler/GHC/Utils/Outputable.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in
- testsuite/tests/hiefile/should_run/HieQueries.hs
- testsuite/tests/parser/should_run/CountParserDeps.hs
- testsuite/tests/regalloc/regalloc_unit_tests.hs


@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
 import GHC.Types.CostCentre
 import GHC.StgToCmm.Heap
-import GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad
+import GHC.CmmToAsm
 import Control.Monad
 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ oneSRT dflags staticFuns lbls caf_lbls isCAF cafs static_data = do
   topSRT <- get
-    config = initConfig dflags
+    config = initNCGConfig dflags
     profile = targetProfile dflags
     platform = profilePlatform profile
     srtMap = moduleSRTMap topSRT

@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ module GHC.CmmToAsm
    -- cmmNativeGen emits
    , cmmNativeGen
    , NcgImpl(..)
+   , initNCGConfig
@@ -147,11 +148,11 @@ nativeCodeGen :: forall a . DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> Handle -> UniqS
               -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
               -> IO a
 nativeCodeGen dflags this_mod modLoc h us cmms
- = let config   = initConfig dflags
+ = let config   = initNCGConfig dflags
        platform = ncgPlatform config
        nCG' :: ( Outputable statics, Outputable jumpDest, Instruction instr)
             => NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest -> IO a
-       nCG' ncgImpl = nativeCodeGen' dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmms
+       nCG' ncgImpl = nativeCodeGen' dflags config this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmms
    in case platformArch platform of
       ArchX86       -> nCG' (X86.ncgX86     config)
       ArchX86_64    -> nCG' (X86.ncgX86_64  config)
@@ -215,39 +216,42 @@ See also Note [What is this unwinding business?] in "GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock".
 nativeCodeGen' :: (Outputable statics, Outputable jumpDest, Instruction instr)
                => DynFlags
+               -> NCGConfig
                -> Module -> ModLocation
                -> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
                -> Handle
                -> UniqSupply
                -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
                -> IO a
-nativeCodeGen' dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmms
+nativeCodeGen' dflags config this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmms
  = do
         -- BufHandle is a performance hack.  We could hide it inside
         -- Pretty if it weren't for the fact that we do lots of little
         -- printDocs here (in order to do codegen in constant space).
         bufh <- newBufHandle h
         let ngs0 = NGS [] [] [] [] [] [] emptyUFM mapEmpty
-        (ngs, us', a) <- cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl bufh us
+        (ngs, us', a) <- cmmNativeGenStream dflags config this_mod modLoc ncgImpl bufh us
                                          cmms ngs0
-        _ <- finishNativeGen dflags modLoc bufh us' ngs
+        _ <- finishNativeGen dflags config modLoc bufh us' ngs
         return a
 finishNativeGen :: Instruction instr
                 => DynFlags
+                -> NCGConfig
                 -> ModLocation
                 -> BufHandle
                 -> UniqSupply
                 -> NativeGenAcc statics instr
                 -> IO UniqSupply
-finishNativeGen dflags modLoc bufh@(BufHandle _ _ h) us ngs
+finishNativeGen dflags config modLoc bufh@(BufHandle _ _ h) us ngs
  = withTimingSilent dflags (text "NCG") (`seq` ()) $ do
         -- Write debug data and finish
-        let emitDw = debugLevel dflags > 0
-        us' <- if not emitDw then return us else do
-          (dwarf, us') <- dwarfGen dflags modLoc us (ngs_debug ngs)
-          emitNativeCode dflags bufh dwarf
-          return us'
+        us' <- if not (ncgDwarfEnabled config)
+                  then return us
+                  else do
+                     (dwarf, us') <- dwarfGen config modLoc us (ngs_debug ngs)
+                     emitNativeCode dflags config bufh dwarf
+                     return us'
         bFlush bufh
         -- dump global NCG stats for graph coloring allocator
@@ -262,7 +266,7 @@ finishNativeGen dflags modLoc bufh@(BufHandle _ _ h) us ngs
           dump_stats (Color.pprStats stats graphGlobal)
-          let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+          let platform = ncgPlatform config
           dumpIfSet_dyn dflags
                   Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts "Register conflict graph"
@@ -280,7 +284,7 @@ finishNativeGen dflags modLoc bufh@(BufHandle _ _ h) us ngs
           dump_stats (Linear.pprStats (concat (ngs_natives ngs)) linearStats)
         -- write out the imports
-        let ctx = initSDocContext dflags (mkCodeStyle AsmStyle)
+        let ctx = ncgAsmContext config
         printSDocLn ctx Pretty.LeftMode h
                 $ makeImportsDoc dflags (concat (ngs_imports ngs))
         return us'
@@ -291,6 +295,7 @@ finishNativeGen dflags modLoc bufh@(BufHandle _ _ h) us ngs
 cmmNativeGenStream :: (Outputable statics, Outputable jumpDest, Instruction instr)
               => DynFlags
+              -> NCGConfig
               -> Module -> ModLocation
               -> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
               -> BufHandle
@@ -299,7 +304,7 @@ cmmNativeGenStream :: (Outputable statics, Outputable jumpDest, Instruction inst
               -> NativeGenAcc statics instr
               -> IO (NativeGenAcc statics instr, UniqSupply, a)
-cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmm_stream ngs
+cmmNativeGenStream dflags config this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmm_stream ngs
  = do r <- Stream.runStream cmm_stream
       case r of
         Left a ->
@@ -316,13 +321,12 @@ cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmm_stream ngs
                 ncglabel (\(a, b) -> a `seq` b `seq` ()) $ do
               -- Generate debug information
-              let debugFlag = debugLevel dflags > 0
-                  !ndbgs | debugFlag = cmmDebugGen modLoc cmms
-                         | otherwise = []
+              let !ndbgs | ncgDwarfEnabled config = cmmDebugGen modLoc cmms
+                         | otherwise              = []
                   dbgMap = debugToMap ndbgs
               -- Generate native code
-              (ngs',us') <- cmmNativeGens dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h
+              (ngs',us') <- cmmNativeGens dflags config this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h
                                                dbgMap us cmms ngs 0
               -- Link native code information into debug blocks
@@ -336,7 +340,7 @@ cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmm_stream ngs
               let ngs'' = ngs' { ngs_debug = ngs_debug ngs' ++ ldbgs, ngs_labels = [] }
               return (us', ngs'')
-          cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us'
+          cmmNativeGenStream dflags config this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us'
               cmm_stream' ngs''
     where ncglabel = text "NCG"
@@ -346,6 +350,7 @@ cmmNativeGenStream dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h us cmm_stream ngs
 cmmNativeGens :: forall statics instr jumpDest.
                  (Outputable statics, Outputable jumpDest, Instruction instr)
               => DynFlags
+              -> NCGConfig
               -> Module -> ModLocation
               -> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
               -> BufHandle
@@ -356,7 +361,7 @@ cmmNativeGens :: forall statics instr jumpDest.
               -> Int
               -> IO (NativeGenAcc statics instr, UniqSupply)
-cmmNativeGens dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h dbgMap = go
+cmmNativeGens dflags config this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h dbgMap = go
     go :: UniqSupply -> [RawCmmDecl]
        -> NativeGenAcc statics instr -> Int
@@ -381,14 +386,14 @@ cmmNativeGens dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h dbgMap = go
             pprDecl (f,n) = text "\t.file " <> ppr n <+>
                             pprFilePathString (unpackFS f)
-        emitNativeCode dflags h $ vcat $
+        emitNativeCode dflags config h $ vcat $
           map pprDecl newFileIds ++
           map (pprNatCmmDecl ncgImpl) native
         -- force evaluation all this stuff to avoid space leaks
         {-# SCC "seqString" #-} evaluate $ seqList (showSDoc dflags $ vcat $ map ppr imports) ()
-        let !labels' = if debugLevel dflags > 0
+        let !labels' = if ncgDwarfEnabled config
                        then cmmDebugLabels isMetaInstr native else []
             !natives' = if dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_stats dflags
                         then native : ngs_natives ngs else []
@@ -405,10 +410,10 @@ cmmNativeGens dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl h dbgMap = go
         go us' cmms ngs' (count + 1)
-emitNativeCode :: DynFlags -> BufHandle -> SDoc -> IO ()
-emitNativeCode dflags h sdoc = do
+emitNativeCode :: DynFlags -> NCGConfig -> BufHandle -> SDoc -> IO ()
+emitNativeCode dflags config h sdoc = do
-        let ctx = initSDocContext dflags (mkCodeStyle AsmStyle)
+        let ctx = ncgAsmContext config
         {-# SCC "pprNativeCode" #-} bufLeftRenderSDoc ctx h sdoc
         -- dump native code
@@ -442,6 +447,7 @@ cmmNativeGen dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
  = do
         let config   = ncgConfig ncgImpl
         let platform = ncgPlatform config
+        let weights  = ncgCfgWeights config
         let proc_name = case cmm of
                 (CmmProc _ entry_label _ _) -> ppr entry_label
@@ -462,12 +468,12 @@ cmmNativeGen dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
                 (pprCmmGroup [opt_cmm])
         let cmmCfg = {-# SCC "getCFG" #-}
-                     getCfgProc (cfgWeightInfo dflags) opt_cmm
+                     getCfgProc weights opt_cmm
         -- generate native code from cmm
         let ((native, lastMinuteImports, fileIds', nativeCfgWeights), usGen) =
                 {-# SCC "genMachCode" #-}
-                initUs us $ genMachCode dflags this_mod modLoc
+                initUs us $ genMachCode config this_mod modLoc
                                         (cmmTopCodeGen ncgImpl)
                                         fileIds dbgMap opt_cmm cmmCfg
@@ -594,11 +600,11 @@ cmmNativeGen dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
             cfgRegAllocUpdates = (concatMap Linear.ra_fixupList raStats)
         let cfgWithFixupBlks =
-                (\cfg -> addNodesBetween dflags cfg cfgRegAllocUpdates) <$> livenessCfg
+                (\cfg -> addNodesBetween weights cfg cfgRegAllocUpdates) <$> livenessCfg
         -- Insert stack update blocks
         let postRegCFG =
-                pure (foldl' (\m (from,to) -> addImmediateSuccessor dflags from to m ))
+                pure (foldl' (\m (from,to) -> addImmediateSuccessor weights from to m ))
                      <*> cfgWithFixupBlks
                      <*> pure stack_updt_blks
@@ -620,7 +626,7 @@ cmmNativeGen dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
         let optimizedCFG :: Maybe CFG
             optimizedCFG =
-                optimizeCFG (gopt Opt_CmmStaticPred dflags) (cfgWeightInfo dflags) cmm <$!> postShortCFG
+                optimizeCFG (gopt Opt_CmmStaticPred dflags) weights cmm <$!> postShortCFG
         maybeDumpCfg dflags optimizedCFG "CFG Weights - Final" proc_name
@@ -642,7 +648,6 @@ cmmNativeGen dflags this_mod modLoc ncgImpl us fileIds dbgMap cmm count
                 checkLayout shorted $
                 {-# SCC "sequenceBlocks" #-}
                 map (BlockLayout.sequenceTop
-                        dflags
                         ncgImpl optimizedCFG)
@@ -768,7 +773,7 @@ makeImportsDoc dflags imports
              else Outputable.empty)
-        config   = initConfig dflags
+        config   = initNCGConfig dflags
         platform = ncgPlatform config
         -- Generate "symbol stubs" for all external symbols that might
@@ -790,10 +795,9 @@ makeImportsDoc dflags imports
                 | otherwise
                 = Outputable.empty
-        doPpr lbl = (lbl, renderWithStyle
-                              (initSDocContext dflags astyle)
+        doPpr lbl = (lbl, renderWithContext
+                              (ncgAsmContext config)
                               (pprCLabel_NCG platform lbl))
-        astyle = mkCodeStyle AsmStyle
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Generate jump tables
@@ -904,7 +908,7 @@ apply_mapping ncgImpl ufm (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks))
 -- Unique supply breaks abstraction.  Is that bad?
-        :: DynFlags
+        :: NCGConfig
         -> Module -> ModLocation
         -> (RawCmmDecl -> NatM [NatCmmDecl statics instr])
         -> DwarfFiles
@@ -918,9 +922,9 @@ genMachCode
                 , CFG
-genMachCode dflags this_mod modLoc cmmTopCodeGen fileIds dbgMap cmm_top cmm_cfg
+genMachCode config this_mod modLoc cmmTopCodeGen fileIds dbgMap cmm_top cmm_cfg
   = do  { initial_us <- getUniqueSupplyM
-        ; let initial_st           = mkNatM_State initial_us 0 dflags this_mod
+        ; let initial_st           = mkNatM_State initial_us 0 config this_mod
                                                   modLoc fileIds dbgMap cmm_cfg
               (new_tops, final_st) = initNat initial_st (cmmTopCodeGen cmm_top)
               final_delta          = natm_delta final_st
@@ -1134,3 +1138,54 @@ cmmExprNative referenceKind expr = do
            -> return other
+-- | Initialize the native code generator configuration from the DynFlags
+initNCGConfig :: DynFlags -> NCGConfig
+initNCGConfig dflags = NCGConfig
+   { ncgPlatform              = targetPlatform dflags
+   , ncgAsmContext            = initSDocContext dflags (mkCodeStyle AsmStyle)
+   , ncgProcAlignment         = cmmProcAlignment dflags
+   , ncgExternalDynamicRefs   = gopt Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs dflags
+   , ncgPIC                   = positionIndependent dflags
+   , ncgInlineThresholdMemcpy = fromIntegral $ maxInlineMemcpyInsns dflags
+   , ncgInlineThresholdMemset = fromIntegral $ maxInlineMemsetInsns dflags
+   , ncgSplitSections         = gopt Opt_SplitSections dflags
+   , ncgRegsIterative         = gopt Opt_RegsIterative dflags
+   , ncgAsmLinting            = gopt Opt_DoAsmLinting dflags
+   , ncgCfgWeights            = cfgWeights dflags
+   , ncgCfgBlockLayout        = gopt Opt_CfgBlocklayout dflags
+   , ncgCfgWeightlessLayout   = gopt Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout dflags
+     -- With -O1 and greater, the cmmSink pass does constant-folding, so
+     -- we don't need to do it again in the native code generator.
+   , ncgDoConstantFolding     = optLevel dflags < 1
+   , ncgDumpRegAllocStages    = dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages dflags
+   , ncgDumpAsmStats          = dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_stats dflags
+   , ncgDumpAsmConflicts      = dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts dflags
+   , ncgBmiVersion            = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+                                 ArchX86_64 -> bmiVersion dflags
+                                 ArchX86    -> bmiVersion dflags
+                                 _          -> Nothing
+     -- We Assume  SSE1 and SSE2 operations are available on both
+     -- x86 and x86_64. Historically we didn't default to SSE2 and
+     -- SSE1 on x86, which results in defacto nondeterminism for how
+     -- rounding behaves in the associated x87 floating point instructions
+     -- because variations in the spill/fpu stack placement of arguments for
+     -- operations would change the precision and final result of what
+     -- would otherwise be the same expressions with respect to single or
+     -- double precision IEEE floating point computations.
+   , ncgSseVersion =
+      let v | sseVersion dflags < Just SSE2 = Just SSE2
+            | otherwise                     = sseVersion dflags
+      in case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+            ArchX86_64 -> v
+            ArchX86    -> v
+            _          -> Nothing
+   , ncgDwarfEnabled        = debugLevel dflags > 0
+   , ncgDwarfUnwindings     = debugLevel dflags >= 1
+   , ncgDwarfStripBlockInfo = debugLevel dflags < 2 -- We strip out block information when running with -g0 or -g1.
+   }

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
 module GHC.CmmToAsm.BlockLayout
     ( sequenceTop, backendMaintainsCfg)
@@ -16,13 +17,13 @@ where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 import GHC.Prelude
-import GHC.Driver.Session (gopt, GeneralFlag(..), DynFlags, targetPlatform)
 import GHC.Driver.Ppr     (pprTrace)
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Types
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
 import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
 import GHC.Cmm
@@ -817,30 +818,32 @@ dropJumps info ((BasicBlock lbl ins):todo)
     :: Instruction instr
-    => DynFlags -- Determine which layout algo to use
-    -> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
+    => NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
     -> Maybe CFG -- ^ CFG if we have one.
     -> NatCmmDecl statics instr -- ^ Function to serialize
     -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
-sequenceTop _     _       _           top@(CmmData _ _) = top
-sequenceTop dflags ncgImpl edgeWeights
-            (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks))
-  | (gopt Opt_CfgBlocklayout dflags) && backendMaintainsCfg (targetPlatform dflags)
-  --Use chain based algorithm
-  , Just cfg <- edgeWeights
-  = CmmProc info lbl live ( ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
-                            {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-}
-                            sequenceChain info cfg blocks )
-  | otherwise
-  --Use old algorithm
-  = let cfg = if dontUseCfg then Nothing else edgeWeights
-    in  CmmProc info lbl live ( ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
-                                {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-}
-                                sequenceBlocks cfg info blocks)
-  where
-    dontUseCfg = gopt Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout dflags ||
-                 (not $ backendMaintainsCfg (targetPlatform dflags))
+sequenceTop _       _           top@(CmmData _ _) = top
+sequenceTop ncgImpl edgeWeights (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks))
+  = let
+      config     = ncgConfig ncgImpl
+      platform   = ncgPlatform config
+    in CmmProc info lbl live $ ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
+         if -- Chain based algorithm
+            | ncgCfgBlockLayout config
+            , backendMaintainsCfg platform
+            , Just cfg <- edgeWeights
+            -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceChain info cfg blocks
+            -- Old algorithm without edge weights
+            | ncgCfgWeightlessLayout config
+               || not (backendMaintainsCfg platform)
+            -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceBlocks Nothing info blocks
+            -- Old algorithm with edge weights (if any)
+            | otherwise
+            -> {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-} sequenceBlocks edgeWeights info blocks
 -- The old algorithm:
 -- It is very simple (and stupid): We make a graph out of

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Types.Unique
 import qualified GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Dominators as Dom
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight
 import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
 import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
@@ -79,7 +80,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 --import GHC.Data.OrdList
 --import GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock.Trace
 import GHC.Cmm.Ppr () -- For Outputable instances
-import qualified GHC.Driver.Session as D
 import Data.List (sort, nub, partition)
 import Data.STRef.Strict
@@ -329,12 +329,11 @@ shortcutWeightMap cuts cfg =
 --             \                  \
 --              -> C    =>         -> C
-addImmediateSuccessor :: D.DynFlags -> BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> CFG
-addImmediateSuccessor dflags node follower cfg
-    = updateEdges . addWeightEdge node follower uncondWeight $ cfg
+addImmediateSuccessor :: Weights -> BlockId -> BlockId -> CFG -> CFG
+addImmediateSuccessor weights node follower cfg
+    = updateEdges . addWeightEdge node follower weight $ cfg
-        uncondWeight = fromIntegral . D.uncondWeight .
-                       D.cfgWeightInfo $ dflags
+        weight = fromIntegral (uncondWeight weights)
         targets = getSuccessorEdges cfg node
         successors = map fst targets :: [BlockId]
         updateEdges = addNewSuccs . remOldSuccs
@@ -509,13 +508,12 @@ mapWeights f cfg =
 -- these cases.
 -- We assign the old edge info to the edge A -> B and assign B -> C the
 -- weight of an unconditional jump.
-addNodesBetween :: D.DynFlags -> CFG -> [(BlockId,BlockId,BlockId)] -> CFG
-addNodesBetween dflags m updates =
+addNodesBetween :: Weights -> CFG -> [(BlockId,BlockId,BlockId)] -> CFG
+addNodesBetween weights m updates =
   foldl'  updateWeight m .
           weightUpdates $ updates
-      weight = fromIntegral . D.uncondWeight .
-                D.cfgWeightInfo $ dflags
+      weight = fromIntegral (uncondWeight weights)
       -- We might add two blocks for different jumps along a single
       -- edge. So we end up with edges:   A -> B -> C   ,   A -> D -> C
       -- in this case after applying the first update the weight for A -> C
@@ -585,24 +583,24 @@ addNodesBetween dflags m updates =
 -- | Generate weights for a Cmm proc based on some simple heuristics.
-getCfgProc :: D.CfgWeights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG
+getCfgProc :: Weights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG
 getCfgProc _       (CmmData {}) = mapEmpty
 getCfgProc weights (CmmProc _info _lab _live graph) = getCfg weights graph
-getCfg :: D.CfgWeights -> CmmGraph -> CFG
+getCfg :: Weights -> CmmGraph -> CFG
 getCfg weights graph =
   foldl' insertEdge edgelessCfg $ concatMap getBlockEdges blocks
-    D.CFGWeights
-            { D.uncondWeight = uncondWeight
-            , D.condBranchWeight = condBranchWeight
-            , D.switchWeight = switchWeight
-            , D.callWeight = callWeight
-            , D.likelyCondWeight = likelyCondWeight
-            , D.unlikelyCondWeight = unlikelyCondWeight
+    Weights
+            { uncondWeight = uncondWeight
+            , condBranchWeight = condBranchWeight
+            , switchWeight = switchWeight
+            , callWeight = callWeight
+            , likelyCondWeight = likelyCondWeight
+            , unlikelyCondWeight = unlikelyCondWeight
             --  Last two are used in other places
-            --, D.infoTablePenalty = infoTablePenalty
-            --, D.backEdgeBonus = backEdgeBonus
+            --, infoTablePenalty = infoTablePenalty
+            --, backEdgeBonus = backEdgeBonus
             } = weights
     -- Explicitly add all nodes to the cfg to ensure they are part of the
     -- CFG.
@@ -631,7 +629,7 @@ getCfg weights graph =
             mkEdge target weight = ((bid,target), mkEdgeInfo weight)
             branchInfo =
-                (panic "foldRegsDynFlags")
+                (panic "GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.getCfg: foldRegsUsed")
                 (\info r -> if r == SpLim || r == HpLim || r == BaseReg
                     then HeapStackCheck else info)
                 NoInfo cond
@@ -671,7 +669,7 @@ findBackEdges root cfg =
     typedEdges =
       classifyEdges root getSuccs edges :: [((BlockId,BlockId),EdgeType)]
-optimizeCFG :: Bool -> D.CfgWeights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG -> CFG
+optimizeCFG :: Bool -> Weights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG -> CFG
 optimizeCFG _ _ (CmmData {}) cfg = cfg
 optimizeCFG doStaticPred weights proc@(CmmProc _info _lab _live graph) cfg =
   (if doStaticPred then staticPredCfg (g_entry graph) else id) $
@@ -682,7 +680,7 @@ optimizeCFG doStaticPred weights proc@(CmmProc _info _lab _live graph) cfg =
 -- performance.
 -- Most importantly we penalize jumps across info tables.
-optHsPatterns :: D.CfgWeights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG -> CFG
+optHsPatterns :: Weights -> RawCmmDecl -> CFG -> CFG
 optHsPatterns _ (CmmData {}) cfg = cfg
 optHsPatterns weights (CmmProc info _lab _live graph) cfg =
     {-# SCC optHsPatterns #-}
@@ -704,7 +702,7 @@ optHsPatterns weights (CmmProc info _lab _live graph) cfg =
               --Keep irrelevant edges irrelevant
               | weight <= 0 = 0
               | otherwise
-              = weight + fromIntegral (D.backEdgeBonus weights)
+              = weight + fromIntegral (backEdgeBonus weights)
         in  foldl'  (\cfg edge -> updateEdgeWeight update edge cfg)
                     cfg backedges
@@ -716,7 +714,7 @@ optHsPatterns weights (CmmProc info _lab _live graph) cfg =
         fupdate :: BlockId -> BlockId -> EdgeWeight -> EdgeWeight
         fupdate _ to weight
           | mapMember to info
-          = weight - (fromIntegral $ D.infoTablePenalty weights)
+          = weight - (fromIntegral $ infoTablePenalty weights)
           | otherwise = weight
     -- | If a block has two successors, favour the one with fewer

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight
+   ( Weights (..)
+   , defaultWeights
+   , parseWeights
+   )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+-- | Edge weights to use when generating a CFG from CMM
+data Weights = Weights
+   { uncondWeight       :: Int
+   , condBranchWeight   :: Int
+   , switchWeight       :: Int
+   , callWeight         :: Int
+   , likelyCondWeight   :: Int
+   , unlikelyCondWeight :: Int
+   , infoTablePenalty   :: Int
+   , backEdgeBonus      :: Int
+   }
+-- | Default edge weights
+defaultWeights :: Weights
+defaultWeights = Weights
+   { uncondWeight       = 1000
+   , condBranchWeight   = 800
+   , switchWeight       = 1
+   , callWeight         = -10
+   , likelyCondWeight   = 900
+   , unlikelyCondWeight = 300
+   , infoTablePenalty   = 300
+   , backEdgeBonus      = 400
+   }
+parseWeights :: String -> Weights -> Weights
+parseWeights s oldWeights =
+        foldl' (\cfg (n,v) -> update n v cfg) oldWeights assignments
+    where
+        assignments = map assignment $ settings s
+        update "uncondWeight" n w =
+            w {uncondWeight = n}
+        update "condBranchWeight" n w =
+            w {condBranchWeight = n}
+        update "switchWeight" n w =
+            w {switchWeight = n}
+        update "callWeight" n w =
+            w {callWeight = n}
+        update "likelyCondWeight" n w =
+            w {likelyCondWeight = n}
+        update "unlikelyCondWeight" n w =
+            w {unlikelyCondWeight = n}
+        update "infoTablePenalty" n w =
+            w {infoTablePenalty = n}
+        update "backEdgeBonus" n w =
+            w {backEdgeBonus = n}
+        update other _ _
+            = panic $ other ++
+                      " is not a CFG weight parameter. " ++
+                      exampleString
+        settings s
+            | (s1,rest) <- break (== ',') s
+            , null rest
+            = [s1]
+            | (s1,rest) <- break (== ',') s
+            = s1 : settings (drop 1 rest)
+        assignment as
+            | (name, _:val) <- break (== '=') as
+            = (name,read val)
+            | otherwise
+            = panic $ "Invalid CFG weight parameters." ++ exampleString
+        exampleString = "Example parameters: uncondWeight=1000," ++
+            "condBranchWeight=800,switchWeight=0,callWeight=300" ++
+            ",likelyCondWeight=900,unlikelyCondWeight=300" ++
+            ",infoTablePenalty=300,backEdgeBonus=400"

@@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ where
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Platform
 import GHC.Cmm.Type (Width(..))
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 -- | Native code generator configuration
 data NCGConfig = NCGConfig
    { ncgPlatform              :: !Platform        -- ^ Target platform
+   , ncgAsmContext            :: !SDocContext     -- ^ Context for ASM code generation
    , ncgProcAlignment         :: !(Maybe Int)     -- ^ Mandatory proc alignment
-   , ncgDebugLevel            :: !Int             -- ^ Debug level
    , ncgExternalDynamicRefs   :: !Bool            -- ^ Generate code to link against dynamic libraries
    , ncgPIC                   :: !Bool            -- ^ Enable Position-Independent Code
    , ncgInlineThresholdMemcpy :: !Word            -- ^ If inlining `memcpy` produces less than this threshold (in pseudo-instruction unit), do it
@@ -29,6 +31,12 @@ data NCGConfig = NCGConfig
    , ncgDumpRegAllocStages    :: !Bool
    , ncgDumpAsmStats          :: !Bool
    , ncgDumpAsmConflicts      :: !Bool
+   , ncgCfgWeights            :: !Weights         -- ^ CFG edge weights
+   , ncgCfgBlockLayout        :: !Bool            -- ^ Use CFG based block layout algorithm
+   , ncgCfgWeightlessLayout   :: !Bool            -- ^ Layout based on last instruction per block.
+   , ncgDwarfEnabled          :: !Bool            -- ^ Enable Dwarf generation
+   , ncgDwarfUnwindings       :: !Bool            -- ^ Enable unwindings
+   , ncgDwarfStripBlockInfo   :: !Bool            -- ^ Strip out block information from generated Dwarf
 -- | Return Word size

@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ module GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf (
 import GHC.Prelude
-import GHC.Driver.Session
-import GHC.Driver.Ppr
 import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
 import GHC.Cmm.Expr        ( GlobalReg(..) )
 import GHC.Settings.Config ( cProjectName, cProjectVersion )
@@ -20,6 +17,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf.Constants
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Dwarf.Types
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
 import Control.Arrow    ( first )
 import Control.Monad    ( mfilter )
@@ -34,23 +32,22 @@ import qualified GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label as H
 import qualified GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections as H
 -- | Generate DWARF/debug information
-dwarfGen :: DynFlags -> ModLocation -> UniqSupply -> [DebugBlock]
+dwarfGen :: NCGConfig -> ModLocation -> UniqSupply -> [DebugBlock]
             -> IO (SDoc, UniqSupply)
-dwarfGen _  _      us [] = return (empty, us)
-dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do
-  let platform = targetPlatform df
+dwarfGen _      _      us []     = return (empty, us)
+dwarfGen config modLoc us blocks = do
+  let platform = ncgPlatform config
   -- Convert debug data structures to DWARF info records
-  -- We strip out block information when running with -g0 or -g1.
   let procs = debugSplitProcs blocks
       stripBlocks dbg
-        | debugLevel df < 2 = dbg { dblBlocks = [] }
-        | otherwise         = dbg
+        | ncgDwarfStripBlockInfo config = dbg { dblBlocks = [] }
+        | otherwise                     = dbg
   compPath <- getCurrentDirectory
   let lowLabel = dblCLabel $ head procs
       highLabel = mkAsmTempEndLabel $ dblCLabel $ last procs
       dwarfUnit = DwarfCompileUnit
-        { dwChildren = map (procToDwarf df) (map stripBlocks procs)
+        { dwChildren = map (procToDwarf config) (map stripBlocks procs)
         , dwName = fromMaybe "" (ml_hs_file modLoc)
         , dwCompDir = addTrailingPathSeparator compPath
         , dwProducer = cProjectName ++ " " ++ cProjectVersion
@@ -91,8 +88,8 @@ dwarfGen df modLoc us blocks = do
                  pprDwarfFrame platform (debugFrame framesU procs)
   -- .aranges section: Information about the bounds of compilation units
-  let aranges' | gopt Opt_SplitSections df = map mkDwarfARange procs
-               | otherwise                 = [DwarfARange lowLabel highLabel]
+  let aranges' | ncgSplitSections config = map mkDwarfARange procs
+               | otherwise               = [DwarfARange lowLabel highLabel]
   let aranges = dwarfARangesSection platform $$ pprDwarfARanges platform aranges' unitU
   return (infoSct $$ abbrevSct $$ lineSct $$ frameSct $$ aranges, us'')
@@ -177,12 +174,14 @@ parent, B.
 -- | Generate DWARF info for a procedure debug block
-procToDwarf :: DynFlags -> DebugBlock -> DwarfInfo
-procToDwarf df prc
+procToDwarf :: NCGConfig -> DebugBlock -> DwarfInfo
+procToDwarf config prc
   = DwarfSubprogram { dwChildren = map blockToDwarf (dblBlocks prc)
                     , dwName     = case dblSourceTick prc of
                          Just s at SourceNote{} -> sourceName s
-                         _otherwise -> showSDocDump df $ ppr $ dblLabel prc
+                         _otherwise -> renderWithContext defaultSDocContext
+                                          $ withPprStyle defaultDumpStyle
+                                          $ ppr (dblLabel prc)
                     , dwLabel    = dblCLabel prc
                     , dwParent   = fmap mkAsmTempDieLabel
                                    $ mfilter goodParent
@@ -192,9 +191,9 @@ procToDwarf df prc
   goodParent a | a == dblCLabel prc = False
                -- Omit parent if it would be self-referential
   goodParent a | not (externallyVisibleCLabel a)
-               , debugLevel df < 2 = False
-               -- We strip block information when running -g0 or -g1, don't
-               -- refer to blocks in that case. Fixes #14894.
+               , ncgDwarfStripBlockInfo config = False
+               -- If we strip block information, don't refer to blocks.
+               -- Fixes #14894.
   goodParent _ = True
 -- | Generate DWARF info for a block

@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad (
         NatM, -- instance Monad
-        initConfig,
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ module GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad (
-        getDynFlags,
+        getCfgWeights,
@@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ import GHC.Data.FastString      ( FastString )
 import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
 import GHC.Types.Unique         ( Unique )
-import GHC.Driver.Session
 import GHC.Unit.Module
 import Control.Monad    ( ap )
@@ -72,6 +70,7 @@ import Control.Monad    ( ap )
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable (SDoc, ppr)
 import GHC.Utils.Panic      (pprPanic)
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight
 data NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest = NcgImpl {
     ncgConfig                 :: !NCGConfig,
@@ -107,7 +106,6 @@ data NatM_State
                 natm_delta       :: Int,
                 natm_imports     :: [(CLabel)],
                 natm_pic         :: Maybe Reg,
-                natm_dflags      :: DynFlags,
                 natm_config      :: NCGConfig,
                 natm_this_module :: Module,
                 natm_modloc      :: ModLocation,
@@ -127,17 +125,16 @@ newtype NatM result = NatM (NatM_State -> (result, NatM_State))
 unNat :: NatM a -> NatM_State -> (a, NatM_State)
 unNat (NatM a) = a
-mkNatM_State :: UniqSupply -> Int -> DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation ->
+mkNatM_State :: UniqSupply -> Int -> NCGConfig -> Module -> ModLocation ->
                 DwarfFiles -> LabelMap DebugBlock -> CFG -> NatM_State
-mkNatM_State us delta dflags this_mod
+mkNatM_State us delta config this_mod
         = \loc dwf dbg cfg ->
                         { natm_us = us
                         , natm_delta = delta
                         , natm_imports = []
                         , natm_pic = Nothing
-                        , natm_dflags = dflags
-                        , natm_config = initConfig dflags
+                        , natm_config = config
                         , natm_this_module = this_mod
                         , natm_modloc = loc
                         , natm_fileid = dwf
@@ -145,49 +142,6 @@ mkNatM_State us delta dflags this_mod
                         , natm_cfg = cfg
--- | Initialize the native code generator configuration from the DynFlags
-initConfig :: DynFlags -> NCGConfig
-initConfig dflags = NCGConfig
-   { ncgPlatform              = targetPlatform dflags
-   , ncgProcAlignment         = cmmProcAlignment dflags
-   , ncgDebugLevel            = debugLevel dflags
-   , ncgExternalDynamicRefs   = gopt Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs dflags
-   , ncgPIC                   = positionIndependent dflags
-   , ncgInlineThresholdMemcpy = fromIntegral $ maxInlineMemcpyInsns dflags
-   , ncgInlineThresholdMemset = fromIntegral $ maxInlineMemsetInsns dflags
-   , ncgSplitSections         = gopt Opt_SplitSections dflags
-   , ncgRegsIterative         = gopt Opt_RegsIterative dflags
-   , ncgAsmLinting            = gopt Opt_DoAsmLinting dflags
-     -- With -O1 and greater, the cmmSink pass does constant-folding, so
-     -- we don't need to do it again in the native code generator.
-   , ncgDoConstantFolding     = optLevel dflags < 1
-   , ncgDumpRegAllocStages    = dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages dflags
-   , ncgDumpAsmStats          = dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_stats dflags
-   , ncgDumpAsmConflicts      = dopt Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts dflags
-   , ncgBmiVersion            = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
-                                 ArchX86_64 -> bmiVersion dflags
-                                 ArchX86    -> bmiVersion dflags
-                                 _          -> Nothing
-     -- We Assume  SSE1 and SSE2 operations are available on both
-     -- x86 and x86_64. Historically we didn't default to SSE2 and
-     -- SSE1 on x86, which results in defacto nondeterminism for how
-     -- rounding behaves in the associated x87 floating point instructions
-     -- because variations in the spill/fpu stack placement of arguments for
-     -- operations would change the precision and final result of what
-     -- would otherwise be the same expressions with respect to single or
-     -- double precision IEEE floating point computations.
-   , ncgSseVersion =
-      let v | sseVersion dflags < Just SSE2 = Just SSE2
-            | otherwise                     = sseVersion dflags
-      in case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
-            ArchX86_64 -> v
-            ArchX86    -> v
-            _          -> Nothing
-   }
 initNat :: NatM_State -> NatM a -> (a, NatM_State)
 initNat init_st m
         = case unNat m init_st of { (r,st) -> (r,st) }
@@ -234,13 +188,12 @@ getUniqueNat = NatM $ \ st ->
     case takeUniqFromSupply $ natm_us st of
     (uniq, us') -> (uniq, st {natm_us = us'})
-instance HasDynFlags NatM where
-    getDynFlags = NatM $ \ st -> (natm_dflags st, st)
 getDeltaNat :: NatM Int
 getDeltaNat = NatM $ \ st -> (natm_delta st, st)
+-- | Get CFG edge weights
+getCfgWeights :: NatM Weights
+getCfgWeights = NatM $ \ st -> (ncgCfgWeights (natm_config st), st)
 setDeltaNat :: Int -> NatM ()
 setDeltaNat delta = NatM $ \ st -> ((), st {natm_delta = delta})
@@ -262,9 +215,8 @@ updateCfgNat f
 -- | Record that we added a block between `from` and `old`.
 addNodeBetweenNat :: BlockId -> BlockId -> BlockId -> NatM ()
 addNodeBetweenNat from between to
- = do   df <- getDynFlags
-        let jmpWeight = fromIntegral . uncondWeight .
-                        cfgWeightInfo $ df
+ = do   weights <- getCfgWeights
+        let jmpWeight = fromIntegral (uncondWeight weights)
         updateCfgNat (updateCfg jmpWeight from between to)
     -- When transforming A -> B to A -> A' -> B
@@ -284,8 +236,8 @@ addNodeBetweenNat from between to
 --   block -> X to `succ` -> X
 addImmediateSuccessorNat :: BlockId -> BlockId -> NatM ()
 addImmediateSuccessorNat block succ = do
-   dflags <- getDynFlags
-   updateCfgNat (addImmediateSuccessor dflags block succ)
+   weights <- getCfgWeights
+   updateCfgNat (addImmediateSuccessor weights block succ)
 getBlockIdNat :: NatM BlockId

@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pprNatCmmDecl config proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
             _ -> pprLabel platform lbl) $$ -- blocks guaranteed not null,
                                            -- so label needed
          vcat (map (pprBasicBlock config top_info) blocks) $$
-         (if ncgDebugLevel config > 0
+         (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
           then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel lbl) <> char ':' else empty) $$
          pprSizeDecl platform lbl
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ pprBasicBlock config info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
   = maybe_infotable $$
     pprLabel platform asmLbl $$
     vcat (map (pprInstr platform) instrs) $$
-    (if  ncgDebugLevel config > 0
+    (if  ncgDwarfEnabled config
       then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel asmLbl) <> char ':'
       else empty

@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad
    , getDeltaNat, getBlockIdNat, getPicBaseNat, getNewRegPairNat
    , getPicBaseMaybeNat, getDebugBlock, getFileId
    , addImmediateSuccessorNat, updateCfgNat, getConfig, getPlatform
+   , getCfgWeights
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ basicBlockCodeGen block = do
 addSpUnwindings :: Instr -> NatM (OrdList Instr)
 addSpUnwindings instr@(DELTA d) = do
     config <- getConfig
-    if ncgDebugLevel config >= 1
+    if ncgDwarfUnwindings config
         then do lbl <- mkAsmTempLabel <$> getUniqueM
                 let unwind = M.singleton MachSp (Just $ UwReg MachSp $ negate d)
                 return $ toOL [ instr, UNWIND lbl unwind ]
@@ -2106,10 +2107,10 @@ genCCall is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Ctz width)) [dst] [src] bid
       --  bid -> lbl2
       --  bid -> lbl1 -> lbl2
       --  We also changes edges originating at bid to start at lbl2 instead.
-      dflags <- getDynFlags
+      weights <- getCfgWeights
       updateCfgNat (addWeightEdge bid lbl1 110 .
                     addWeightEdge lbl1 lbl2 110 .
-                    addImmediateSuccessor dflags bid lbl2)
+                    addImmediateSuccessor weights bid lbl2)
       -- The following instruction sequence corresponds to the pseudo-code

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ pprNatCmmDecl config proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
         pprProcAlignment config $$
         pprLabel platform lbl $$ -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
         vcat (map (pprBasicBlock config top_info) blocks) $$
-        (if ncgDebugLevel config > 0
+        (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
          then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel lbl) <> char ':' else empty) $$
         pprSizeDecl platform lbl
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ pprBasicBlock config info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
   = maybe_infotable $
     pprLabel platform asmLbl $$
     vcat (map (pprInstr platform) instrs) $$
-    (if ncgDebugLevel config > 0
+    (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
       then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel asmLbl) <> char ':'
       else empty
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ pprBasicBlock config info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
            vcat (map (pprData config) info) $$
            pprLabel platform infoLbl $$
            c $$
-           (if ncgDebugLevel config > 0
+           (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
                then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel infoLbl) <> char ':'
                else empty

@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ strCLabel_llvm lbl = do
     dflags <- getDynFlags
     platform <- getPlatform
     let sdoc = pprCLabel_LLVM platform lbl
-        str = Outp.renderWithStyle
+        str = Outp.renderWithContext
                   (initSDocContext dflags (Outp.mkCodeStyle Outp.CStyle))
     return (fsLit str)

@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ genMachOp_slow opt op [x, y] = case op of
                     -- Error. Continue anyway so we can debug the generated ll file.
                     dflags <- getDynFlags
                     let style = mkCodeStyle CStyle
-                        toString doc = renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags style) doc
+                        toString doc = renderWithContext (initSDocContext dflags style) doc
                         cmmToStr = (lines . toString . PprCmm.pprExpr platform)
                     statement $ Comment $ map fsLit $ cmmToStr x
                     statement $ Comment $ map fsLit $ cmmToStr y

@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ msgUnitId pk = do
     dflags <- getDynFlags
     level <- getBkpLevel
     liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
-        $ "Instantiating " ++ renderWithStyle
+        $ "Instantiating " ++ renderWithContext
                                 (initSDocContext dflags backpackStyle)
                                 (ppr pk)
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ msgInclude (i,n) uid = do
     level <- getBkpLevel
     liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
         $ showModuleIndex (i, n) ++ "Including " ++
-          renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags backpackStyle)
+          renderWithContext (initSDocContext dflags backpackStyle)
             (ppr uid)
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
 -- | Show a SDoc as a String with the default user style
 showSDoc :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
-showSDoc dflags sdoc = renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags defaultUserStyle) sdoc
+showSDoc dflags sdoc = renderWithContext (initSDocContext dflags defaultUserStyle) sdoc
 showPpr :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String
 showPpr dflags thing = showSDoc dflags (ppr thing)
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ showPprUnsafe a = showPpr unsafeGlobalDynFlags a
 -- | Allows caller to specify the PrintUnqualified to use
 showSDocForUser :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocForUser dflags unqual doc = renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay)) doc
+showSDocForUser dflags unqual doc = renderWithContext (initSDocContext dflags (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay)) doc
 showSDocDump :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocDump dflags d = renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags defaultDumpStyle) d
+showSDocDump dflags d = renderWithContext (initSDocContext dflags defaultDumpStyle) d
 showSDocDebug :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocDebug dflags d = renderWithStyle ctx d
+showSDocDebug dflags d = renderWithContext ctx d
       ctx = (initSDocContext dflags defaultDumpStyle)
                { sdocPprDebug = True

@@ -226,9 +226,6 @@ module GHC.Driver.Session (
         -- * SDoc
         initSDocContext, initDefaultSDocContext,
-        -- * Make use of the Cmm CFG
-        CfgWeights(..)
   ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -268,6 +265,7 @@ import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Utils.Fingerprint
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Settings
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Utils.Error
                                ( Severity(..), MsgDoc, mkLocMessageAnn
@@ -777,78 +775,9 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
   uniqueIncrement       :: Int,
   -- | Temporary: CFG Edge weights for fast iterations
-  cfgWeightInfo         :: CfgWeights
+  cfgWeights            :: Weights
--- | Edge weights to use when generating a CFG from CMM
-data CfgWeights
-    = CFGWeights
-    { uncondWeight :: Int
-    , condBranchWeight :: Int
-    , switchWeight :: Int
-    , callWeight :: Int
-    , likelyCondWeight :: Int
-    , unlikelyCondWeight :: Int
-    , infoTablePenalty :: Int
-    , backEdgeBonus :: Int
-    }
-defaultCfgWeights :: CfgWeights
-    = CFGWeights
-    { uncondWeight = 1000
-    , condBranchWeight = 800
-    , switchWeight = 1
-    , callWeight = -10
-    , likelyCondWeight = 900
-    , unlikelyCondWeight = 300
-    , infoTablePenalty = 300
-    , backEdgeBonus = 400
-    }
-parseCfgWeights :: String -> CfgWeights -> CfgWeights
-parseCfgWeights s oldWeights =
-        foldl' (\cfg (n,v) -> update n v cfg) oldWeights assignments
-    where
-        assignments = map assignment $ settings s
-        update "uncondWeight" n w =
-            w {uncondWeight = n}
-        update "condBranchWeight" n w =
-            w {condBranchWeight = n}
-        update "switchWeight" n w =
-            w {switchWeight = n}
-        update "callWeight" n w =
-            w {callWeight = n}
-        update "likelyCondWeight" n w =
-            w {likelyCondWeight = n}
-        update "unlikelyCondWeight" n w =
-            w {unlikelyCondWeight = n}
-        update "infoTablePenalty" n w =
-            w {infoTablePenalty = n}
-        update "backEdgeBonus" n w =
-            w {backEdgeBonus = n}
-        update other _ _
-            = panic $ other ++
-                      " is not a cfg weight parameter. " ++
-                      exampleString
-        settings s
-            | (s1,rest) <- break (== ',') s
-            , null rest
-            = [s1]
-            | (s1,rest) <- break (== ',') s
-            = s1 : settings (drop 1 rest)
-        assignment as
-            | (name, _:val) <- break (== '=') as
-            = (name,read val)
-            | otherwise
-            = panic $ "Invalid cfg parameters." ++ exampleString
-        exampleString = "Example parameters: uncondWeight=1000," ++
-            "condBranchWeight=800,switchWeight=0,callWeight=300" ++
-            ",likelyCondWeight=900,unlikelyCondWeight=300" ++
-            ",infoTablePenalty=300,backEdgeBonus=400"
 class HasDynFlags m where
     getDynFlags :: m DynFlags
@@ -1430,7 +1359,7 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings llvmConfig =
         reverseErrors = False,
         maxErrors     = Nothing,
-        cfgWeightInfo = defaultCfgWeights
+        cfgWeights    = defaultWeights
 defaultWays :: Settings -> Ways
@@ -2949,8 +2878,8 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
       (intSuffix (\n d -> d { cmmProcAlignment = Just n }))
   , make_ord_flag defFlag "fblock-layout-weights"
         (HasArg (\s ->
-            upd (\d -> d { cfgWeightInfo =
-                parseCfgWeights s (cfgWeightInfo d)})))
+            upd (\d -> d { cfgWeights =
+                parseWeights s (cfgWeights d)})))
   , make_ord_flag defFlag "fhistory-size"
       (intSuffix (\n d -> d { historySize = n }))
   , make_ord_flag defFlag "funfolding-creation-threshold"

@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ packageFlagErr' :: SDocContext
                -> [(UnitInfo, UnusableUnitReason)]
                -> IO a
 packageFlagErr' ctx flag_doc reasons
-  = throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (renderWithStyle ctx $ err))
+  = throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (renderWithContext ctx $ err))
   where err = text "cannot satisfy " <> flag_doc <>
                 (if null reasons then Outputable.empty else text ": ") $$
               nest 4 (ppr_reasons $$
@@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ mkModuleNameProvidersMap ctx cfg pkg_map closure vis_map =
     rnBinding (orig, new) = (new, setOrigins origEntry fromFlag)
      where origEntry = case lookupUFM esmap orig of
             Just r -> r
-            Nothing -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError (renderWithStyle ctx
+            Nothing -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError (renderWithContext ctx
                         (text "package flag: could not find module name" <+>
                             ppr orig <+> text "in package" <+> ppr pk)))
@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ getPreloadUnitsAnd ctx unit_state home_unit ids0 =
 throwErr :: SDocContext -> MaybeErr MsgDoc a -> IO a
 throwErr ctx m = case m of
-   Failed e    -> throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (renderWithStyle ctx e))
+   Failed e    -> throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (renderWithContext ctx e))
    Succeeded r -> return r
 -- | Takes a list of UnitIds (and their "parent" dependency, used for error

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.Outputable (
         pprCode, mkCodeStyle,
-        renderWithStyle,
+        renderWithContext,
         pprInfixVar, pprPrefixVar,
         pprHsChar, pprHsString, pprHsBytes,
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.Outputable (
         QualifyName(..), queryQual,
         sdocWithDynFlags, sdocOption,
-        SDocContext (..), sdocWithContext,
+        SDocContext (..), sdocWithContext, defaultSDocContext,
         getPprStyle, withPprStyle, setStyleColoured,
         pprDeeper, pprDeeperList, pprSetDepth,
         codeStyle, userStyle, dumpStyle, asmStyle,
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ code (either C or assembly), or generating interface files.
 -- | Represents a pretty-printable document.
 -- To display an 'SDoc', use 'printSDoc', 'printSDocLn', 'bufLeftRenderSDoc',
--- or 'renderWithStyle'.  Avoid calling 'runSDoc' directly as it breaks the
+-- or 'renderWithContext'.  Avoid calling 'runSDoc' directly as it breaks the
 -- abstraction layer.
 newtype SDoc = SDoc { runSDoc :: SDocContext -> Doc }
@@ -354,6 +354,44 @@ instance IsString SDoc where
 instance Outputable SDoc where
   ppr = id
+-- | Default pretty-printing options
+defaultSDocContext :: SDocContext
+defaultSDocContext = SDC
+  { sdocStyle                       = defaultDumpStyle
+  , sdocColScheme                   = Col.defaultScheme
+  , sdocLastColour                  = Col.colReset
+  , sdocShouldUseColor              = False
+  , sdocDefaultDepth                = 5
+  , sdocLineLength                  = 100
+  , sdocCanUseUnicode               = False
+  , sdocHexWordLiterals             = False
+  , sdocPprDebug                    = False
+  , sdocPrintUnicodeSyntax          = False
+  , sdocPrintCaseAsLet              = False
+  , sdocPrintTypecheckerElaboration = False
+  , sdocPrintAxiomIncomps           = False
+  , sdocPrintExplicitKinds          = False
+  , sdocPrintExplicitCoercions      = False
+  , sdocPrintExplicitRuntimeReps    = False
+  , sdocPrintExplicitForalls        = False
+  , sdocPrintPotentialInstances     = False
+  , sdocPrintEqualityRelations      = False
+  , sdocSuppressTicks               = False
+  , sdocSuppressTypeSignatures      = False
+  , sdocSuppressTypeApplications    = False
+  , sdocSuppressIdInfo              = False
+  , sdocSuppressCoercions           = False
+  , sdocSuppressUnfoldings          = False
+  , sdocSuppressVarKinds            = False
+  , sdocSuppressUniques             = False
+  , sdocSuppressModulePrefixes      = False
+  , sdocSuppressStgExts             = False
+  , sdocErrorSpans                  = False
+  , sdocStarIsType                  = False
+  , sdocImpredicativeTypes          = False
+  , sdocLinearTypes                 = False
+  , sdocDynFlags                    = error "defaultSDocContext: DynFlags not available"
+  }
 withPprStyle :: PprStyle -> SDoc -> SDoc
 withPprStyle sty d = SDoc $ \ctxt -> runSDoc d ctxt{sdocStyle=sty}
@@ -490,8 +528,8 @@ pprCode cs d = withPprStyle (PprCode cs) d
 mkCodeStyle :: CodeStyle -> PprStyle
 mkCodeStyle = PprCode
-renderWithStyle :: SDocContext -> SDoc -> String
-renderWithStyle ctx sdoc
+renderWithContext :: SDocContext -> SDoc -> String
+renderWithContext ctx sdoc
   = let s = Pretty.style{ Pretty.mode       = PageMode,
                           Pretty.lineLength = sdocLineLength ctx }
     in Pretty.renderStyle s $ runSDoc sdoc ctx

@@ -581,6 +581,7 @@ Library
+            GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG.Weight

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import GHC.Iface.Ext.Utils
 import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
 import GHC.Driver.Session
 import GHC.SysTools
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable                 ( Outputable, renderWithStyle, ppr, defaultUserStyle, text)
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable                 ( Outputable, renderWithContext, ppr, defaultUserStyle, text)
 import qualified Data.Map as M
 import Data.Foldable
@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ explainEv df hf refmap point = do
     pretty = unlines . (++["└"]) . ("┌":) . map ("│ "++) . lines
-    pprint = pretty . renderWithStyle (initSDocContext df sty) . ppr
+    pprint = pretty . renderWithContext (initSDocContext df sty) . ppr
     sty = defaultUserStyle

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ main = do
   let num = sizeUniqSet modules
 --  print num
 --  print (map moduleNameString $ nonDetEltsUniqSet modules)
-  unless (num < 200) $ exitWith (ExitFailure num)
+  unless (num <= 200) $ exitWith (ExitFailure num)
 parserDeps :: FilePath -> IO (UniqSet ModuleName)
 parserDeps libdir =

@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import GHC.Driver.Main
 import GHC.StgToCmm.CgUtils
 import GHC.CmmToAsm
 import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
-import GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad as NCGConfig
 import GHC.Cmm.Info.Build
 import GHC.Cmm.Pipeline
 import GHC.Cmm.Parser
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ compileCmmForRegAllocStats ::
     IO [( Maybe [Color.RegAllocStats (Alignment, RawCmmStatics) X86.Instr.Instr]
         , Maybe [Linear.RegAllocStats])]
 compileCmmForRegAllocStats dflags' cmmFile ncgImplF us = do
-    let ncgImpl = ncgImplF (NCGConfig.initConfig dflags)
+    let ncgImpl = ncgImplF (initNCGConfig dflags)
     hscEnv <- newHscEnv dflags
     -- parse the cmm file and output any warnings or errors

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