[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/az/ghc-9.0-anns] 2 commits: Include API Annotations for trailing comma in export list

Alan Zimmerman gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Aug 8 18:10:34 UTC 2020

Alan Zimmerman pushed to branch wip/az/ghc-9.0-anns at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

59984655 by Alan Zimmerman at 2020-08-06T08:35:44+01:00
Include API Annotations for trailing comma in export list

- - - - -
8dbee2c5 by Alan Zimmerman at 2020-08-08T19:10:03+01:00
Api Annotations : Adjust SrsSpans for prefix bang (!).

And prefix ~

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
- testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/Makefile
- testsuite/tests/ghc-api/annotations/T10358.stdout


@@ -863,17 +863,17 @@ header_top_importdecls :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] }
 -- The Export List
 maybeexports :: { (Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])) }
-        :  '(' exportlist ')'       {% amsL (comb2 $1 $>) [mop $1,mcp $3] >>
-                                       return (Just (sLL $1 $> (fromOL $2))) }
+        :  '(' exportlist ')'       {% amsL (comb2 $1 $>) ([mop $1,mcp $3] ++ (fst $2)) >>
+                                       return (Just (sLL $1 $> (fromOL $ snd $2))) }
         |  {- empty -}              { Nothing }
-exportlist :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
-        : exportlist1     { $1 }
-        | {- empty -}     { nilOL }
+exportlist :: { ([AddAnn], OrdList (LIE GhcPs)) }
+        : exportlist1     { ([], $1) }
+        | {- empty -}     { ([], nilOL) }
         -- trailing comma:
-        | exportlist1 ',' { $1 }
-        | ','             { nilOL }
+        | exportlist1 ',' { ([mj AnnComma $2], $1) }
+        | ','             { ([mj AnnComma $1], nilOL) }
 exportlist1 :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
         : exportlist1 ',' export
@@ -1019,11 +1019,11 @@ maybeimpspec :: { Located (Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs])) }
 impspec :: { Located (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs]) }
         :  '(' exportlist ')'               {% ams (sLL $1 $> (False,
-                                                      sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $2))
-                                                   [mop $1,mcp $3] }
+                                                      sLL $1 $> $ fromOL (snd $2)))
+                                                   ([mop $1,mcp $3] ++ (fst $2)) }
         |  'hiding' '(' exportlist ')'      {% ams (sLL $1 $> (True,
-                                                      sLL $1 $> $ fromOL $3))
-                                               [mj AnnHiding $1,mop $2,mcp $4] }
+                                                      sLL $1 $> $ fromOL (snd $3)))
+                                               ([mj AnnHiding $1,mop $2,mcp $4] ++ (fst $3)) }
 -- Fixity Declarations

@@ -1231,13 +1231,14 @@ makeFunBind fn ms
 checkPatBind :: LPat GhcPs
              -> Located (a,GRHSs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
              -> P ([AddAnn],HsBind GhcPs)
-checkPatBind lhs (L match_span (_,grhss))
+checkPatBind lhs (L rhs_span (_,grhss))
     | BangPat _ p <- unLoc lhs
     , VarPat _ v <- unLoc p
     = return ([], makeFunBind v [L match_span (m v)])
+    match_span = combineSrcSpans (getLoc lhs) rhs_span
     m v = Match { m_ext = noExtField
-                , m_ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun    = L (getLoc lhs) (unLoc v)
+                , m_ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun    = v
                                   , mc_fixity = Prefix
                                   , mc_strictness = SrcStrict }
                 , m_pats = []
@@ -1373,19 +1374,24 @@ pBangTy lt@(L l1 _) xs =
     Nothing -> (False, lt, pure (), xs)
     Just (l2, anns, prag, unpk, xs') ->
       let bl = combineSrcSpans l1 l2
-          bt = addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) lt
-      in (True, L bl bt, addAnnsAt bl anns, xs')
+          (anns2, bt) = addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) lt
+      in (True, L bl bt, addAnnsAt bl (anns ++ anns2), xs')
 mkBangTy :: SrcStrictness -> LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs
 mkBangTy strictness =
   HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack strictness)
-addUnpackedness :: (SourceText, SrcUnpackedness) -> LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs
-addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) (L _ (HsBangTy x bang t))
+addUnpackedness :: (SourceText, SrcUnpackedness) -> LHsType GhcPs -> ([AddAnn], HsType GhcPs)
+addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) (L l (HsBangTy x bang t))
   | HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack strictness <- bang
-  = HsBangTy x (HsSrcBang prag unpk strictness) t
+  = let
+      anns = case strictness of
+        SrcLazy     -> [AddAnn AnnTilde (srcSpanFirstCharacter l)]
+        SrcStrict   -> [AddAnn AnnBang  (srcSpanFirstCharacter l)]
+        NoSrcStrict -> []
+    in (anns, HsBangTy x (HsSrcBang prag unpk strictness) t)
 addUnpackedness (prag, unpk) t
-  = HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang prag unpk NoSrcStrict) t
+  = ([], HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang prag unpk NoSrcStrict) t)
 -- | Merge a /reversed/ and /non-empty/ soup of operators and operands
 --   into a type.

@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ listcomps:
 .PHONY: T10358
-	$(CHECK_API_ANNOTATIONS) "`'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) --print-libdir | tr -d '\r'`" Test10358.hs
+	# Ignore result code, we have an unattached (superfluous) AnnBang
+	- $(CHECK_API_ANNOTATIONS) "`'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) --print-libdir | tr -d '\r'`" Test10358.hs
 .PHONY: T10396

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ---Unattached Annotation Problems (should be empty list)---
+[(AnnBang, Test10358.hs:5:19)]
 ---Ann before enclosing span problem (should be empty list)---

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View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/compare/f31cb332f644f3ff3b45aba35b3d8d252885c67a...8dbee2c578b1f642d45561be3f416119863e01eb
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