[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T8095-spj] Simplify TyCoFolder

Simon Peyton Jones gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Aug 4 19:07:57 UTC 2020

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T8095-spj at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

16ef62d4 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2020-08-04T20:06:59+01:00
Simplify TyCoFolder

This commit removes the 'env' part of TyCoFolder.  A nice

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Rep.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Unify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Zonk.hs


@@ -2940,22 +2940,19 @@ simplifyArgsWorker orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs
-bad_co_hole_ty :: () -> Type -> Monoid.Any
-bad_co_hole_co :: () -> Coercion -> Monoid.Any
+bad_co_hole_ty :: Type -> Monoid.Any
+bad_co_hole_co :: Coercion -> Monoid.Any
 (bad_co_hole_ty, _, bad_co_hole_co, _)
   = foldTyCo folder
-    folder :: TyCoFolder () Monoid.Any
+    folder :: TyCoFolder Monoid.Any
     folder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view  = const Nothing
-                        , tcf_tyvar = const2 (Monoid.Any False)
-                        , tcf_covar = const2 (Monoid.Any False)
-                        , tcf_hole  = const hole
-                        , tcf_tycobinder = const2
+                        , tcf_tyvar = const (Monoid.Any False)
+                        , tcf_covar = const (Monoid.Any False)
+                        , tcf_hole  = hole
+                        , tcf_tycobinder = \_ _ acc -> acc
-    const2 :: a -> b -> c -> a
-    const2 x _ _ = x
     hole :: CoercionHole -> Monoid.Any
     hole (CoercionHole { ch_blocker = YesBlockSubst }) = Monoid.Any True
     hole _                                             = Monoid.Any False
@@ -2963,9 +2960,9 @@ bad_co_hole_co :: () -> Coercion -> Monoid.Any
 -- | Is there a blocking coercion hole in this type? See
 -- "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical" Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
 badCoercionHole :: Type -> Bool
-badCoercionHole = Monoid.getAny . bad_co_hole_ty ()
+badCoercionHole = Monoid.getAny . bad_co_hole_ty
 -- | Is there a blocking coercion hole in this coercion? See
 -- GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds]
 badCoercionHoleCo :: Coercion -> Bool
-badCoercionHoleCo = Monoid.getAny . bad_co_hole_co ()
+badCoercionHoleCo = Monoid.getAny . bad_co_hole_co

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternSynonyms #-}
 module GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
   (     shallowTyCoVarsOfType, shallowTyCoVarsOfTypes,
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
         -- * Raw materials
-        Endo(..), TyCoFvFun, InScopeBndrs, emptyInScope, runTyCoVars
+        TyCoAcc(..), InScopeBndrs, emptyInScope, extendInScope, runTyCoVars
   ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.Type (coreView, partitionInvisibleTypes)
-import Data.Monoid as DM ( Endo(..), All(..) )
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Core.TyCon
 import GHC.Types.Var
@@ -59,7 +58,8 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
+import GHC.Exts( oneShot )
 %*                                                                      *
@@ -264,14 +264,54 @@ TL;DR: check this regularly!
 type InScopeBndrs  = TyCoVarSet
-type TyCoFvFun a s = InScopeBndrs -> a -> Endo s
+newtype TyCoAcc acc = TCA' { runTCA :: InScopeBndrs -> acc -> acc }
+pattern TCA :: forall acc. (InScopeBndrs -> acc -> acc) -> TyCoAcc acc
+pattern TCA f <- TCA' f
+  where
+    TCA f = TCA' (oneShot f)
+instance Semigroup (TyCoAcc acc) where
+    (TCA f1) <> (TCA f2) = TCA (\is acc -> f2 is (f1 is acc))
+    {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
+instance Monoid (TyCoAcc acc) where
+    mempty = TCA (\_ acc -> acc)
+    {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+    mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
+    {-# INLINE mappend #-}
 emptyInScope :: InScopeBndrs
 emptyInScope = emptyVarSet
-runTyCoVars :: TyCoFvFun a TyCoVarSet -> a -> TyCoVarSet
+addTyCoVar :: TyCoVar -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+-- Add a variable tcv, and the extras, to the free vars unless
+-- tcv is in the in-scope
+--  or is already in the in-scope set-
+-- The 'extras' start from an empty in-scope set;
+--    see Note [Closing over free variable kinds]
+addTyCoVar tcv (TCA add_extras) = TCA add_it
+  where
+    add_it is acc
+      | tcv `elemVarSet` is  = acc
+      | tcv `elemVarSet` acc = acc
+      | otherwise            = add_extras emptyVarSet (acc `extendVarSet` tcv)
+extendInScope :: TyCoVar -> TyCoAcc acc -> TyCoAcc acc
+-- Gather the argument free vars in an empty in-scope set
+extendInScope tcv (TCA f) = TCA (\is acc -> f (is `extendVarSet` tcv) acc)
+whenNotInScope :: TyCoVar -> TyCoAcc acc -> TyCoAcc acc
+-- If tcv is not in the in-scope set, compute
+-- the 'extras' in an empty in-scope set
+whenNotInScope tcv (TCA f) = TCA (\is acc -> if tcv `elemVarSet` is
+                                             then acc
+                                             else f emptyInScope acc)
+runTyCoVars :: (a -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet) -> a -> TyCoVarSet
 {-# INLINE runTyCoVars #-}
-runTyCoVars f = \x -> appEndo (f emptyInScope x) emptyVarSet
+runTyCoVars f = \x -> runTCA (f x) emptyInScope emptyVarSet
   -- It's very important that the \x is to the right of the '=', so
   -- runTyCoVars has arity 1.  It is often applied to just one arg e.g.
   --    tyCoVarsOfType  = runTyCoVars deep_ty
@@ -292,9 +332,9 @@ runTyCoVars f = \x -> appEndo (f emptyInScope x) emptyVarSet
 -- See Note [Free variables of Coercions]
-tyCoVarsOfType  :: Type -> TyCoVarSet
-tyCoVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> TyCoVarSet
-tyCoVarsOfCo    :: Coercion -> TyCoVarSet
+tyCoVarsOfType  :: Type       -> TyCoVarSet
+tyCoVarsOfTypes :: [Type]     -> TyCoVarSet
+tyCoVarsOfCo    :: Coercion   -> TyCoVarSet
 tyCoVarsOfCos   :: [Coercion] -> TyCoVarSet
 tyCoVarsOfType  = runTyCoVars deep_ty
@@ -305,27 +345,21 @@ tyCoVarsOfCos   = runTyCoVars deep_cos
 -- Alternative for tyCoVarsOfType
 --   tyCoVarsOfType ty = closeOverKinds (shallowTyCoVarsOfType ty)
-deep_ty  :: TyCoFvFun Type       TyCoVarSet
-deep_tys :: TyCoFvFun [Type]     TyCoVarSet
-deep_co  :: TyCoFvFun Coercion   TyCoVarSet
-deep_cos :: TyCoFvFun [Coercion] TyCoVarSet
+deep_ty  :: Type       -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+deep_tys :: [Type]     -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+deep_co  :: Coercion   -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+deep_cos :: [Coercion] -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
 (deep_ty, deep_tys, deep_co, deep_cos) = foldTyCo deepTcvFolder
-deepTcvFolder :: TyCoFolder InScopeBndrs (Endo TyCoVarSet)
+deepTcvFolder :: TyCoFolder (TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet)
 deepTcvFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
                            , tcf_tyvar = do_tcv, tcf_covar = do_tcv
                            , tcf_hole  = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tcv is v = Endo do_it
-      where
-        do_it acc | v `elemVarSet` is  = acc
-                  | v `elemVarSet` acc = acc
-                  | otherwise          = appEndo (deep_ty emptyInScope (varType v)) $
-                                         acc `extendVarSet` v
-                  -- emptyInScope: see Note [Closing over free variable kinds]
-    do_bndr is tcv _ = extendVarSet is tcv
-    do_hole is hole  = do_tcv is (coHoleCoVar hole)
+    do_tcv v = addTyCoVar v (deep_ty (varType v))
+    do_bndr tcv _vis fvs = extendInScope tcv fvs
+    do_hole hole  = do_tcv (coHoleCoVar hole)
                        -- See Note [CoercionHoles and coercion free variables]
                        -- in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
@@ -337,18 +371,16 @@ deepTcvFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
 ********************************************************************* -}
-shallowTyCoVarsOfType :: Type -> TyCoVarSet
 -- See Note [Free variables of types]
-shallowTyCoVarsOfType = runTyCoVars shallow_ty
+shallowTyCoVarsOfType  :: Type       -> TyCoVarSet
+shallowTyCoVarsOfTypes :: [Type]     -> TyCoVarSet
+shallowTyCoVarsOfCo    :: Coercion   -> TyCoVarSet
+shallowTyCoVarsOfCos   :: [Coercion] -> TyCoVarSet
-shallowTyCoVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> TyCoVarSet
+shallowTyCoVarsOfType  = runTyCoVars shallow_ty
 shallowTyCoVarsOfTypes = runTyCoVars shallow_tys
-shallowTyCoVarsOfCo :: Coercion -> TyCoVarSet
-shallowTyCoVarsOfCo = runTyCoVars shallow_co
-shallowTyCoVarsOfCos :: [Coercion] -> TyCoVarSet
-shallowTyCoVarsOfCos = runTyCoVars shallow_cos
+shallowTyCoVarsOfCo    = runTyCoVars shallow_co
+shallowTyCoVarsOfCos   = runTyCoVars shallow_cos
 -- | Returns free variables of types, including kind variables as
 -- a non-deterministic set. For type synonyms it does /not/ expand the
@@ -364,25 +396,21 @@ shallowTyCoVarsOfCoVarEnv cos = shallowTyCoVarsOfCos (nonDetEltsUFM cos)
   -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUFM here because we immediately
   -- forget the ordering by returning a set
-shallow_ty  :: TyCoFvFun Type       TyCoVarSet
-shallow_tys :: TyCoFvFun [Type]     TyCoVarSet
-shallow_co  :: TyCoFvFun Coercion   TyCoVarSet
-shallow_cos :: TyCoFvFun [Coercion] TyCoVarSet
+shallow_ty  :: Type       -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+shallow_tys :: [Type]     -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+shallow_co  :: Coercion   -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+shallow_cos :: [Coercion] -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
 (shallow_ty, shallow_tys, shallow_co, shallow_cos) = foldTyCo shallowTcvFolder
-shallowTcvFolder :: TyCoFolder InScopeBndrs (Endo TyCoVarSet)
+shallowTcvFolder :: TyCoFolder (TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet)
 shallowTcvFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
                               , tcf_tyvar = do_tcv, tcf_covar = do_tcv
                               , tcf_hole  = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tcv is v = Endo do_it
-      where
-        do_it acc | v `elemVarSet` is  = acc
-                  | v `elemVarSet` acc = acc
-                  | otherwise          = acc `extendVarSet` v
-    do_bndr is tcv _ = extendVarSet is tcv
-    do_hole _ _  = mempty   -- Ignore coercion holes
+    do_hole _  = mempty   -- Ignore coercion holes
+    do_tcv v = addTyCoVar v mempty
+    do_bndr tcv _vis fvs = extendInScope tcv fvs
 {- *********************************************************************
@@ -412,61 +440,63 @@ coVarsOfTypes = runTyCoVars deep_cv_tys
 coVarsOfCo    = runTyCoVars deep_cv_co
 coVarsOfCos   = runTyCoVars deep_cv_cos
-deep_cv_ty  :: TyCoFvFun Type       TyCoVarSet
-deep_cv_tys :: TyCoFvFun [Type]     TyCoVarSet
-deep_cv_co  :: TyCoFvFun Coercion   TyCoVarSet
-deep_cv_cos :: TyCoFvFun [Coercion] TyCoVarSet
+deep_cv_ty  :: Type       -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+deep_cv_tys :: [Type]     -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+deep_cv_co  :: Coercion   -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+deep_cv_cos :: [Coercion] -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
 (deep_cv_ty, deep_cv_tys, deep_cv_co, deep_cv_cos) = foldTyCo deepCoVarFolder
-deepCoVarFolder :: TyCoFolder InScopeBndrs (Endo CoVarSet)
+deepCoVarFolder :: TyCoFolder (TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet)
 deepCoVarFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
                              , tcf_tyvar = do_tyvar, tcf_covar = do_covar
                              , tcf_hole  = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tyvar _ _  = mempty
+    do_tyvar _  = mempty
       -- This do_tyvar means we won't see any CoVars in this
       -- TyVar's kind.   This may be wrong; but it's the way it's
       -- always been.  And its awkward to change, because
       -- the tyvar won't end up in the accumulator, so
       -- we'd look repeatedly.  Blargh.
-    do_covar is v = Endo do_it
-      where
-        do_it acc | v `elemVarSet` is  = acc
-                  | v `elemVarSet` acc = acc
-                  | otherwise          = appEndo (deep_cv_ty emptyInScope (varType v)) $
-                                         acc `extendVarSet` v
-                  -- emptyInScope: see Note [Closing over free variable kinds]
-    do_bndr is tcv _ = extendVarSet is tcv
-    do_hole is hole  = do_covar is (coHoleCoVar hole)
+    do_covar cv = addTyCoVar cv (deep_ty (varType cv))
+    do_bndr tcv _vis fvs = extendInScope tcv fvs
+    do_hole hole  = do_covar (coHoleCoVar hole)
                        -- See Note [CoercionHoles and coercion free variables]
                        -- in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 ------- Same again, but for DCoVarSet ----------
 coVarsOfCoDSet :: Coercion -> DCoVarSet
-coVarsOfCoDSet co = appEndo (deep_dcv_co emptyInScope co) emptyDVarSet
+coVarsOfCoDSet co = runTCA (deep_dcv_co co) emptyVarSet emptyDVarSet
-deep_dcv_ty  :: TyCoFvFun Type     DCoVarSet
-deep_dcv_co  :: TyCoFvFun Coercion DCoVarSet
+deep_dcv_ty  :: Type     -> TyCoAcc DCoVarSet
+deep_dcv_co  :: Coercion -> TyCoAcc DCoVarSet
 (deep_dcv_ty, _, deep_dcv_co, _) = foldTyCo deepCoVarDSetFolder
-deepCoVarDSetFolder :: TyCoFolder InScopeBndrs (Endo DCoVarSet)
+deepCoVarDSetFolder :: TyCoFolder (TyCoAcc DCoVarSet)
 deepCoVarDSetFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
                                  , tcf_tyvar = do_tyvar, tcf_covar = do_covar
                                  , tcf_hole  = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tyvar _ _  = mempty
-    do_covar is v = Endo do_it
-      where
-        do_it :: DCoVarSet -> DCoVarSet
-        do_it acc | v `elemVarSet`  is  = acc
-                  | v `elemDVarSet` acc = acc
-                  | otherwise           = appEndo (deep_dcv_ty emptyInScope (varType v)) $
-                                          acc `extendDVarSet` v
-    do_bndr is tcv _ = extendVarSet is tcv
-    do_hole is hole  = do_covar is (coHoleCoVar hole)
+    do_tyvar _  = mempty
+    do_covar cv = addCoVarDSet cv (deep_dcv_ty (varType cv))
+    do_bndr tcv _vis fvs = extendInScope tcv fvs
+    do_hole hole  = do_covar (coHoleCoVar hole)
+addCoVarDSet :: CoVar -> TyCoAcc DCoVarSet -> TyCoAcc DCoVarSet
+-- Add a variable to the free vars unless it is in the in-scope
+-- or is already in the in-scope set-
+addCoVarDSet cv (TCA add_extras) = TCA add_it
+  where
+    add_it is acc | cv `elemVarSet`  is  = acc
+                  | cv `elemDVarSet` acc = acc
+                  | otherwise            = add_extras emptyInScope $
+                                           acc `extendDVarSet` cv
+       -- emptyInScopeSet: see Note [Closing over free variable kinds]
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
@@ -481,7 +511,7 @@ closeOverKinds :: TyCoVarSet -> TyCoVarSet
 -- add the deep free variables of its kind
 closeOverKinds vs = nonDetStrictFoldVarSet do_one vs vs
-    do_one v acc = appEndo (deep_ty emptyVarSet (varType v)) acc
+    do_one v acc = runTCA (deep_ty (varType v)) emptyInScope acc
 {- --------------- Alternative version 1 (using FV) ------------
 closeOverKinds = fvVarSet . closeOverKindsFV . nonDetEltsUniqSet
@@ -876,29 +906,27 @@ injectiveVarsOfTypes look_under_tfs = mapUnionFV (injectiveVarsOfType look_under
 invisibleVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> VarSet
 invisibleVarsOfTypes = runTyCoVars invis_tys
-invis_tys :: TyCoFvFun [Type] TyCoVarSet
-invis_tys _  []       = mempty
-invis_tys is (ty:tys) = invis_ty is ty `mappend` invis_tys is tys
-invis_ty :: TyCoFvFun Type TyCoVarSet
-invis_ty is ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty
-               = invis_ty is ty'
-invis_ty is (TyVarTy v)
-  | v `elemVarSet` is           = mempty
-  | otherwise                   = deep_ty emptyVarSet (tyVarKind v)
-invis_ty is (AppTy f a)         = invis_ty is f `mappend` invis_ty is a
-invis_ty is (FunTy _ w ty1 ty2) = invis_ty is w `mappend` invis_ty is ty1 `mappend` invis_ty is ty2
-invis_ty is (TyConApp tc tys)   = deep_tys  is invisibles `mappend`
-                                  invis_tys is visibles
+invis_tys :: [Type] -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+invis_tys []       = mempty
+invis_tys (ty:tys) = invis_ty ty `mappend` invis_tys tys
+invis_ty :: Type -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+invis_ty ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty
+            = invis_ty ty'
+invis_ty (TyVarTy v) = whenNotInScope v $
+                       deep_ty (tyVarKind v)
+invis_ty (AppTy f a)         = invis_ty f `mappend` invis_ty a
+invis_ty (FunTy _ w ty1 ty2) = invis_ty w `mappend` invis_ty ty1 `mappend` invis_ty ty2
+invis_ty (TyConApp tc tys)   = deep_tys  invisibles `mappend`
+                               invis_tys visibles
    where (invisibles, visibles) = partitionInvisibleTypes tc tys
-invis_ty is (ForAllTy tvb ty)   = invis_ty is (tyVarKind tv) `mappend`
-                                  invis_ty (is `extendVarSet` tv) ty
-                                where
-                                  tv = binderVar tvb
-invis_ty _ LitTy{}          = mempty
-invis_ty is (CastTy ty co)  = deep_co is co `mappend` invis_ty is ty
-invis_ty is (CoercionTy co) = deep_co is co
+invis_ty (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _) ty) = invis_ty (tyVarKind tv) `mappend`
+                                     extendInScope tv (invis_ty ty)
+invis_ty (LitTy {})      = mempty
+invis_ty (CastTy ty co)  = deep_co co `mappend` invis_ty ty
+invis_ty (CoercionTy co) = deep_co co
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
@@ -906,28 +934,31 @@ invis_ty is (CoercionTy co) = deep_co is co
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
-nfvFolder :: TyCoFolder InScopeBndrs DM.All
+nfvFolder :: TyCoFolder (TyCoAcc Bool)
 nfvFolder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
                        , tcf_tyvar = do_tcv, tcf_covar = do_tcv
                        , tcf_hole = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tcv is tv = All (tv `elemVarSet` is)
-    do_hole _ _  = All True    -- I'm unsure; probably never happens
-    do_bndr is tv _ = is `extendVarSet` tv
+    do_tcv tv = TCA (\is acc -> acc && tv `elemVarSet` is)
+    do_hole _  = mempty    -- I'm unsure; probably never happens
+    do_bndr tv _vis fvs = extendInScope tv fvs
-nfv_ty  :: InScopeBndrs -> Type       -> DM.All
-nfv_tys :: InScopeBndrs -> [Type]     -> DM.All
-nfv_co  :: InScopeBndrs -> Coercion   -> DM.All
+nfv_ty  :: Type       -> TyCoAcc Bool
+nfv_tys :: [Type]     -> TyCoAcc Bool
+nfv_co  :: Coercion   -> TyCoAcc Bool
 (nfv_ty, nfv_tys, nfv_co, _) = foldTyCo nfvFolder
-noFreeVarsOfType :: Type -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfType ty = DM.getAll (nfv_ty emptyInScope ty)
+runAll :: TyCoAcc Bool -> Bool
+runAll (TCA f) = f emptyInScope True
+noFreeVarsOfType  :: Type -> Bool
 noFreeVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfTypes tys = DM.getAll (nfv_tys emptyInScope tys)
+noFreeVarsOfCo    :: Coercion -> Bool
+noFreeVarsOfType  ty  = runAll (nfv_ty ty)
+noFreeVarsOfTypes tys = runAll (nfv_tys tys)
+noFreeVarsOfCo    co  = runAll (nfv_co co)
-noFreeVarsOfCo :: Coercion -> Bool
-noFreeVarsOfCo co = DM.getAll (nfv_co emptyInScope co)
 {- *********************************************************************

@@ -1883,18 +1883,17 @@ TyCoFolder data constructor for deep_tcf as a loop breaker, so the
 record selections still cancel.  And eta expansion still happens too.
-data TyCoFolder env a
+data TyCoFolder a
   = TyCoFolder
       { tcf_view  :: Type -> Maybe Type   -- Optional "view" function
                                           -- E.g. expand synonyms
-      , tcf_tyvar :: env -> TyVar -> a
-      , tcf_covar :: env -> CoVar -> a
-      , tcf_hole  :: env -> CoercionHole -> a
+      , tcf_tyvar :: TyVar -> a
+      , tcf_covar :: CoVar -> a
+      , tcf_hole  :: CoercionHole -> a
           -- ^ What to do with coercion holes.
           -- See Note [Coercion holes] in "GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep".
-      , tcf_tycobinder :: env -> TyCoVar -> ArgFlag -> env
-          -- ^ The returned env is used in the extended scope
+      , tcf_tycobinder :: TyCoVar -> ArgFlag -> a -> a
 noView :: Type -> Maybe Type  -- Simplest form of tcf_view
@@ -1902,11 +1901,11 @@ noView :: Type -> Maybe Type  -- Simplest form of tcf_view
 noView _ = Nothing
 {-# INLINE foldTyCo  #-}  -- See Note [Specialising foldType]
-foldTyCo :: Monoid a => TyCoFolder env a
-         -> ( env -> Type       -> a
-            , env -> [Type]     -> a
-            , env -> Coercion   -> a
-            , env -> [Coercion] -> a )
+foldTyCo :: Monoid a => TyCoFolder a
+         -> ( Type       -> a
+            , [Type]     -> a
+            , Coercion   -> a
+            , [Coercion] -> a )
 foldTyCo (TyCoFolder { tcf_view       = view
                      , tcf_tyvar      = tyvar
                      , tcf_tycobinder = tycobinder
@@ -1914,61 +1913,58 @@ foldTyCo (TyCoFolder { tcf_view       = view
                      , tcf_hole       = cohole })
   = (go_ty, go_tys, go_co, go_cos)
-    go_ty env ty | Just ty' <- view ty = go_ty env ty'
-    go_ty env (TyVarTy tv)      = tyvar env tv
-    go_ty env (AppTy t1 t2)     = go_ty env t1 `mappend` go_ty env t2
-    go_ty _   (LitTy {})        = mempty
-    go_ty env (CastTy ty co)    = go_ty env ty `mappend` go_co env co
-    go_ty env (CoercionTy co)   = go_co env co
-    go_ty env (FunTy _ w arg res) = go_ty env w `mappend` go_ty env arg `mappend` go_ty env res
-    go_ty env (TyConApp _ tys)  = go_tys env tys
-    go_ty env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) inner)
-      = let !env' = tycobinder env tv vis  -- Avoid building a thunk here
-        in go_ty env (varType tv) `mappend` go_ty env' inner
+    go_ty ty | Just ty' <- view ty = go_ty ty'
+    go_ty (TyVarTy tv)        = tyvar tv
+    go_ty (AppTy t1 t2)       = go_ty t1 `mappend` go_ty t2
+    go_ty (LitTy {})          = mempty
+    go_ty (CastTy ty co)      = go_ty ty `mappend` go_co co
+    go_ty (CoercionTy co)     = go_co co
+    go_ty (FunTy _ w arg res) = go_ty w `mappend` go_ty arg `mappend` go_ty res
+    go_ty (TyConApp _ tys)    = go_tys tys
+    go_ty (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) inner)
+      = go_ty (varType tv) `mappend` tycobinder tv vis (go_ty inner)
     -- Explicit recursion becuase using foldr builds a local
-    -- loop (with env free) and I'm not confident it'll be
+    -- loop (with free) and I'm not confident it'll be
     -- lambda lifted in the end
-    go_tys _   []     = mempty
-    go_tys env (t:ts) = go_ty env t `mappend` go_tys env ts
-    go_cos _   []     = mempty
-    go_cos env (c:cs) = go_co env c `mappend` go_cos env cs
-    go_co env (Refl ty)               = go_ty env ty
-    go_co env (GRefl _ ty MRefl)      = go_ty env ty
-    go_co env (GRefl _ ty (MCo co))   = go_ty env ty `mappend` go_co env co
-    go_co env (TyConAppCo _ _ args)   = go_cos env args
-    go_co env (AppCo c1 c2)           = go_co env c1 `mappend` go_co env c2
-    go_co env (FunCo _ cw c1 c2)      = go_co env cw `mappend`
-                                        go_co env c1 `mappend`
-                                        go_co env c2
-    go_co env (CoVarCo cv)            = covar env cv
-    go_co env (AxiomInstCo _ _ args)  = go_cos env args
-    go_co env (HoleCo hole)           = cohole env hole
-    go_co env (UnivCo p _ t1 t2)      = go_prov env p `mappend` go_ty env t1
-                                                      `mappend` go_ty env t2
-    go_co env (SymCo co)              = go_co env co
-    go_co env (TransCo c1 c2)         = go_co env c1 `mappend` go_co env c2
-    go_co env (AxiomRuleCo _ cos)     = go_cos env cos
-    go_co env (NthCo _ _ co)          = go_co env co
-    go_co env (LRCo _ co)             = go_co env co
-    go_co env (InstCo co arg)         = go_co env co `mappend` go_co env arg
-    go_co env (KindCo co)             = go_co env co
-    go_co env (SubCo co)              = go_co env co
-    go_co env (ForAllCo tv kind_co co)
-      = go_co env kind_co `mappend` go_ty env (varType tv)
-                          `mappend` go_co env' co
-      where
-        env' = tycobinder env tv Inferred
-    go_prov env (ZapCoProv cvs)     = go_cvs env (dVarSetElems cvs)
-    go_prov env (PhantomProv co)    = go_co env co
-    go_prov env (ProofIrrelProv co) = go_co env co
-    go_prov _   (PluginProv _)      = mempty
-    go_cvs _   []       = mempty
-    go_cvs env (cv:cvs) = covar env cv `mappend` go_cvs env cvs
+    go_tys []     = mempty
+    go_tys (t:ts) = go_ty t `mappend` go_tys ts
+    go_cos []     = mempty
+    go_cos (c:cs) = go_co c `mappend` go_cos cs
+    go_co (Refl ty)               = go_ty ty
+    go_co (GRefl _ ty MRefl)      = go_ty ty
+    go_co (GRefl _ ty (MCo co))   = go_ty ty `mappend` go_co co
+    go_co (TyConAppCo _ _ args)   = go_cos args
+    go_co (AppCo c1 c2)           = go_co c1 `mappend` go_co c2
+    go_co (FunCo _ cw c1 c2)      = go_co cw `mappend`
+                                    go_co c1 `mappend`
+                                    go_co c2
+    go_co (CoVarCo cv)            = covar cv
+    go_co (AxiomInstCo _ _ args)  = go_cos args
+    go_co (HoleCo hole)           = cohole hole
+    go_co (UnivCo p _ t1 t2)      = go_prov p `mappend` go_ty t1
+                                    `mappend` go_ty t2
+    go_co (SymCo co)              = go_co co
+    go_co (TransCo c1 c2)         = go_co c1 `mappend` go_co c2
+    go_co (AxiomRuleCo _ cos)     = go_cos cos
+    go_co (NthCo _ _ co)          = go_co co
+    go_co (LRCo _ co)             = go_co co
+    go_co (InstCo co arg)         = go_co co `mappend` go_co arg
+    go_co (KindCo co)             = go_co co
+    go_co (SubCo co)              = go_co co
+    go_co (ForAllCo tv kind_co co)
+      = go_co kind_co `mappend` go_ty (varType tv)
+        `mappend` tycobinder tv Inferred (go_co co)
+    go_prov (ZapCoProv cvs)     = go_cvs (dVarSetElems cvs)
+    go_prov (PhantomProv co)    = go_co co
+    go_prov (ProofIrrelProv co) = go_co co
+    go_prov (PluginProv _)      = mempty
+    go_cvs []       = mempty
+    go_cvs (cv:cvs) = covar cv `mappend` go_cvs cvs
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *

@@ -1316,6 +1316,7 @@ newtype UM a
 pattern UM :: (UMState -> UnifyResultM (UMState, a)) -> UM a
 -- See Note [The one-shot state monad trick]
+{-# COMPLETE UM #-}
 pattern UM m <- UM' m
     UM m = UM' (oneShot m)

@@ -937,11 +937,11 @@ exactTyCoVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> TyCoVarSet
 exactTyCoVarsOfType  = runTyCoVars exact_ty
 exactTyCoVarsOfTypes = runTyCoVars exact_tys
-exact_ty  :: TyCoFvFun Type   TyCoVarSet
-exact_tys :: TyCoFvFun [Type] TyCoVarSet
+exact_ty  :: Type   -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
+exact_tys :: [Type] -> TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet
 (exact_ty, exact_tys, _, _) = foldTyCo exactTcvFolder
-exactTcvFolder :: TyCoFolder TyCoVarSet (Endo TyCoVarSet)
+exactTcvFolder :: TyCoFolder (TyCoAcc TyCoVarSet)
 exactTcvFolder = deepTcvFolder { tcf_view = tcView }
                  -- This is the key line

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections, PatternSynonyms #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ import Control.Monad
 import Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
 import Data.List  ( partition )
 import Control.Arrow ( second )
+import GHC.Exts ( oneShot )
@@ -1920,54 +1921,63 @@ zapCoercion ze co = do { t1 <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX ze t1
 coVarsOfCoM :: TcCoercion -> TcM DCoVarSet
 -- Find the free CoVars of an un-zonked TcCoercion -- but without
 -- zonking it and returning a perhaps large new coercion
-coVarsOfCoM co = runEndoM (co_vars_of_co FVs.emptyInScope co) emptyDVarSet
+coVarsOfCoM co = runTCAM (co_vars_of_co co) FVs.emptyInScope emptyDVarSet
-co_vars_of_co :: FVs.InScopeBndrs -> TcCoercion -> EndoM TcM DCoVarSet
-co_vars_of_ty :: FVs.InScopeBndrs -> TcType     -> EndoM TcM DCoVarSet
+co_vars_of_co :: TcCoercion -> TyCoAccM TcM DCoVarSet
+co_vars_of_ty :: TcType     -> TyCoAccM TcM DCoVarSet
 (co_vars_of_ty, _, co_vars_of_co, _) = foldTyCo co_vars_folder
-co_vars_folder :: TyCoFolder FVs.InScopeBndrs (EndoM TcM DCoVarSet)
+co_vars_folder :: TyCoFolder (TyCoAccM TcM DCoVarSet)
 co_vars_folder = TyCoFolder { tcf_view = noView
                             , tcf_tyvar = do_tyvar, tcf_covar = do_covar
                             , tcf_hole  = do_hole, tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tyvar _ _  = mempty
-    do_covar is v = EndoM do_it
+    do_tyvar _ = mempty
+    do_covar v = TCAM do_it
-        do_it :: DCoVarSet -> TcM DCoVarSet
-        do_it acc | v `elemVarSet`  is  = return acc
-                  | v `elemDVarSet` acc = return acc
-                  | otherwise           = runEndoM (co_vars_of_ty is (varType v)) $
-                                          acc `extendDVarSet` v
-    do_bndr is tcv _ = extendVarSet is tcv
-    do_hole :: FVs.InScopeBndrs -> CoercionHole -> EndoM TcM DCoVarSet
-    do_hole is hole@(CoercionHole { ch_ref = ref })
-       = EndoM $ \ acc ->
+        do_it :: InScopeBndrs -> DCoVarSet -> TcM DCoVarSet
+        do_it is acc | v `elemVarSet`  is  = return acc
+                     | v `elemDVarSet` acc = return acc
+                     | otherwise           = runTCAM (co_vars_of_ty (varType v)) emptyInScope $
+                                             acc `extendDVarSet` v
+    do_bndr tcv _vis fvs = extendInScopeM tcv fvs
+    do_hole :: CoercionHole -> TyCoAccM TcM DCoVarSet
+    do_hole hole@(CoercionHole { ch_ref = ref })
+       = TCAM $ \ is acc ->
          do { contents <- readTcRef ref
             ; case contents of
-                 Just co -> runEndoM (co_vars_of_co is co) acc
+                 Just co -> runTCAM (co_vars_of_co co) is acc
                  Nothing -> do { traceTc "Zonking unfilled coercion hole (zap)" (ppr hole)
                                ; return acc } }
--- EndoM is copied from package 'foldl', but I don't want
--- to add a new dependency to GHC for 6 lines of code
-newtype EndoM m a = EndoM { runEndoM :: a -> m a }
+-- Based on EndoM in package 'foldl', but with added InScopeBndrs
+-- c.f. TyCoAcc in GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
+newtype TyCoAccM m acc = TCAM' { runTCAM :: FVs.InScopeBndrs -> acc -> m acc }
-instance Monad m => Semigroup (EndoM m a) where
-    (EndoM f) <> (EndoM g) = EndoM (f <=< g)
+pattern TCAM :: forall m acc. (InScopeBndrs -> acc -> m acc) -> TyCoAccM m acc
+pattern TCAM f <- TCAM' f
+  where
+    TCAM f = TCAM' (oneShot f)
+extendInScopeM :: TyCoVar -> TyCoAccM m acc -> TyCoAccM m acc
+-- Gather the argument free vars in an empty in-scope set
+extendInScopeM tcv (TCAM f) = TCAM (\is acc -> f (is `extendVarSet` tcv) acc)
+instance Monad m => Semigroup (TyCoAccM m a) where
+    (TCAM f) <> (TCAM g) = TCAM (\is acc -> do { acc <- f is acc
+                                               ; g is acc })
     {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
-instance Monad m => Monoid (EndoM m a) where
-    mempty = EndoM return
+instance Monad m => Monoid (TyCoAccM m a) where
+    mempty = TCAM (\_ acc -> return acc)
     {-# INLINE mempty #-}
     mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
     {-# INLINE mappend #-}
--- End of copy
 zonkTcTypeToTypeX   :: ZonkEnv -> TcType   -> TcM Type
 zonkTcTypesToTypesX :: ZonkEnv -> [TcType] -> TcM [Type]
 zonkCoToCo          :: ZonkEnv -> Coercion -> TcM Coercion

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