[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 9 commits: Let the specialiser work on dicts under lambdas
Marge Bot
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun May 26 07:27:19 UTC 2019
Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
87950f27 by Sandy Maguire at 2019-05-26T07:26:58Z
Let the specialiser work on dicts under lambdas
Following the discussion under #16473, this change allows the
specializer to work on any dicts in a lambda, not just those that occur
at the beginning.
For example, if you use data types which contain dictionaries and
higher-rank functions then once these are erased by the optimiser you
end up with functions such as:
-> forall (m :: * -> *).
Monad m =>
(forall x. Union '[State (Sum Int)] x -> m x) -> m ()
The dictionary argument is after the Int# value argument, this patch
allows `go` to be specialised.
- - - - -
223d58db by Alp Mestanogullari at 2019-05-26T07:27:01Z
Hadrian: Fix problem with unlit path in settings file
e529c65e introduced a problem in the logic for generating the
path to the unlit command in the settings file, and this patches
fixes it.
This fixes many tests, the simplest of which is:
> _build/stage1/bin/ghc testsuite/tests/parser/should_fail/T8430.lhs
which failed because of a wrong path for unlit, and now fails for the right
reason, with the error message expected for this test.
This addresses #16659.
- - - - -
fbf2b9b3 by mizunashi_mana at 2019-05-26T07:27:02Z
Fix typo of primop format
- - - - -
0425e14c by Joshua Price at 2019-05-26T07:27:03Z
Correct the large tuples section in user's guide
Fixes #16644.
- - - - -
162ada20 by Krzysztof Gogolewski at 2019-05-26T07:27:03Z
Fix tcfail158 (#15899)
As described in #15899, this test was broken, but now it's back
to normal.
- - - - -
6c0b1728 by Sebastian Graf at 2019-05-26T07:27:04Z
Add a pprTraceWith function
- - - - -
7ea14219 by Simon Jakobi at 2019-05-26T07:27:06Z
base: Include (<$) in all exports of Functor
Previously the haddocks for Control.Monad and Data.Functor gave
the impression that `fmap` was the only Functor method.
Fixes #16681.
- - - - -
6e3cf078 by Jasper Van der Jeugt at 2019-05-26T07:27:07Z
Fix padding of entries in .prof files
When the number of entries of a cost centre reaches 11 digits, it takes
up the whole space reserved for it and the prof file ends up looking
... no. entries %time %alloc %time %alloc
... 120918 978250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
... 118891 0 0.0 0.0 73.3 80.8
... 11890229702412351 8.9 13.5 73.3 80.8
... 118903 153799689 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
This results in tooling not being able to parse the .prof file. I
realise we have the JSON output as well now, but still it'd be good to
fix this little weirdness.
Original bug report and full prof file can be seen here:
- - - - -
dfa69660 by John Ericson at 2019-05-26T07:27:08Z
hadrian: Fix generation of settings
I jumbled some lines in e529c65eacf595006dd5358491d28c202d673732,
messing up the leading underscores and rts ways settings. This broke at
least stage1 linking on macOS, but probably loads of other things too.
Should fix #16685 and #16658.
- - - - -
16 changed files:
- compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
- compiler/specialise/Specialise.hs
- compiler/utils/Outputable.hs
- docs/users_guide/bugs.rst
- hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
- libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs
- libraries/base/Data/Functor.hs
- rts/ProfilerReport.c
- testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/Makefile
- + testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.hs
- + testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T16473.stdout
- testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T7785.stderr
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/all.T
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail158.stderr
- testsuite/tests/warnings/should_compile/T16282/T16282.stderr
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-- The format of each primop entry is as follows:
--- primop internal-name "name-in-program-text" type category {description} attributes
+-- primop internal-name "name-in-program-text" category type {description} attributes
-- The default attribute values which apply if you don't specify
-- other ones. Attribute values can be True, False, or arbitrary
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Specialise ( specProgram, specUnfolding ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -25,13 +26,13 @@ import VarEnv
import CoreSyn
import Rules
import CoreOpt ( collectBindersPushingCo )
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, applyTypeToArgs, mkCast )
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, mkCast, exprType )
import CoreFVs
import CoreArity ( etaExpandToJoinPointRule )
import UniqSupply
import Name
import MkId ( voidArgId, voidPrimId )
-import Maybes ( catMaybes, isJust )
+import Maybes ( mapMaybe, isJust )
import MonadUtils ( foldlM )
import BasicTypes
import HscTypes
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ import Outputable
import FastString
import State
import UniqDFM
+import TyCoRep (TyCoBinder (..))
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as MonadFail
@@ -631,6 +633,190 @@ bitten by such instances to revert to the pre-7.10 behavior.
See #10491
+-- | An argument that we might want to specialise.
+-- See Note [Specialising Calls] for the nitty gritty details.
+data SpecArg
+ =
+ -- | Type arguments that should be specialised, due to appearing
+ -- free in the type of a 'SpecDict'.
+ SpecType Type
+ -- | Type arguments that should remain polymorphic.
+ | UnspecType
+ -- | Dictionaries that should be specialised.
+ | SpecDict DictExpr
+ -- | Value arguments that should not be specialised.
+ | UnspecArg
+instance Outputable SpecArg where
+ ppr (SpecType t) = text "SpecType" <+> ppr t
+ ppr UnspecType = text "UnspecType"
+ ppr (SpecDict d) = text "SpecDict" <+> ppr d
+ ppr UnspecArg = text "UnspecArg"
+getSpecDicts :: [SpecArg] -> [DictExpr]
+getSpecDicts = mapMaybe go
+ where
+ go (SpecDict d) = Just d
+ go _ = Nothing
+getSpecTypes :: [SpecArg] -> [Type]
+getSpecTypes = mapMaybe go
+ where
+ go (SpecType t) = Just t
+ go _ = Nothing
+isUnspecArg :: SpecArg -> Bool
+isUnspecArg UnspecArg = True
+isUnspecArg UnspecType = True
+isUnspecArg _ = False
+isValueArg :: SpecArg -> Bool
+isValueArg UnspecArg = True
+isValueArg (SpecDict _) = True
+isValueArg _ = False
+-- | Given binders from an original function 'f', and the 'SpecArg's
+-- corresponding to its usage, compute everything necessary to build
+-- a specialisation.
+-- We will use a running example. Consider the function
+-- foo :: forall a b. Eq a => Int -> blah
+-- foo @a @b dEqA i = blah
+-- which is called with the 'CallInfo'
+-- [SpecType T1, UnspecType, SpecDict dEqT1, UnspecArg]
+-- We'd eventually like to build the RULE
+-- RULE "SPEC foo @T1 _"
+-- forall @a @b (dEqA' :: Eq a).
+-- foo @T1 @b dEqA' = $sfoo @b
+-- and the specialisation '$sfoo'
+-- $sfoo :: forall b. Int -> blah
+-- $sfoo @b = \i -> SUBST[a->T1, dEqA->dEqA'] blah
+-- The cases for 'specHeader' below are presented in the same order as this
+-- running example. The result of 'specHeader' for this example is as follows:
+-- ( -- Returned arguments
+-- env + [a -> T1, deqA -> dEqA']
+-- , []
+-- -- RULE helpers
+-- , [b, dx', i]
+-- , [T1, b, dx', i]
+-- -- Specialised function helpers
+-- , [b, i]
+-- , [dx]
+-- , [T1, b, dx_spec, i]
+-- )
+ :: SpecEnv
+ -> [CoreBndr] -- The binders from the original function 'f'
+ -> [SpecArg] -- From the CallInfo
+ -> SpecM ( -- Returned arguments
+ SpecEnv -- Substitution to apply to the body of 'f'
+ , [CoreBndr] -- All the remaining unspecialised args from the original function 'f'
+ -- RULE helpers
+ , [CoreBndr] -- Binders for the RULE
+ , [CoreArg] -- Args for the LHS of the rule
+ -- Specialised function helpers
+ , [CoreBndr] -- Binders for $sf
+ , [DictBind] -- Auxiliary dictionary bindings
+ , [CoreExpr] -- Specialised arguments for unfolding
+ )
+-- We want to specialise on type 'T1', and so we must construct a substitution
+-- 'a->T1', as well as a LHS argument for the resulting RULE and unfolding
+-- details.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (SpecType t : args)
+ = do { let env' = extendTvSubstList env [(bndr, t)]
+ ; (env'', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env' bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env''
+ , unused_bndrs
+ , rule_bs
+ , Type t : rule_es
+ , bs'
+ , dx
+ , Type t : spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Next we have a type that we don't want to specialise. We need to perform
+-- a substitution on it (in case the type refers to 'a'). Additionally, we need
+-- to produce a binder, LHS argument and RHS argument for the resulting rule,
+-- /and/ a binder for the specialised body.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (UnspecType : args)
+ = do { let (env', bndr') = substBndr env bndr
+ ; (env'', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env' bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env''
+ , unused_bndrs
+ , bndr' : rule_bs
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : rule_es
+ , bndr' : bs'
+ , dx
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Next we want to specialise the 'Eq a' dict away. We need to construct
+-- a wildcard binder to match the dictionary (See Note [Specialising Calls] for
+-- the nitty-gritty), as a LHS rule and unfolding details.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (SpecDict d : args)
+ = do { inst_dict_id <- newDictBndr env bndr
+ ; let (rhs_env2, dx_binds, spec_dict_args')
+ = bindAuxiliaryDicts env [bndr] [d] [inst_dict_id]
+ ; (env', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader rhs_env2 bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env'
+ , unused_bndrs
+ -- See Note [Evidence foralls]
+ , exprFreeIdsList (varToCoreExpr inst_dict_id) ++ rule_bs
+ , varToCoreExpr inst_dict_id : rule_es
+ , bs'
+ , dx_binds ++ dx
+ , spec_dict_args' ++ spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Finally, we have the unspecialised argument 'i'. We need to produce
+-- a binder, LHS and RHS argument for the RULE, and a binder for the
+-- specialised body.
+-- NB: Calls to 'specHeader' will trim off any trailing 'UnspecArg's, which is
+-- why 'i' doesn't appear in our RULE above. But we have no guarantee that
+-- there aren't 'UnspecArg's which come /before/ all of the dictionaries, so
+-- this case must be here.
+specHeader env (bndr : bndrs) (UnspecArg : args)
+ = do { let (env', bndr') = substBndr env bndr
+ ; (env'', unused_bndrs, rule_bs, rule_es, bs', dx, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env' bndrs args
+ ; pure ( env''
+ , unused_bndrs
+ , bndr' : rule_bs
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : rule_es
+ , bndr' : bs'
+ , dx
+ , varToCoreExpr bndr' : spec_args
+ )
+ }
+-- Return all remaining binders from the original function. These have the
+-- invariant that they should all correspond to unspecialised arguments, so
+-- it's safe to stop processing at this point.
+specHeader env bndrs [] = pure (env, bndrs, [], [], [], [], [])
+specHeader env [] _ = pure (env, [], [], [], [], [], [])
-- | Specialise a set of calls to imported bindings
specImports :: DynFlags
-> Module
@@ -1171,8 +1357,7 @@ type SpecInfo = ( [CoreRule] -- Specialisation rules
specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
-- The first case is the interesting one
- | rhs_tyvars `lengthIs` n_tyvars -- Rhs of fn's defn has right number of big lambdas
- && rhs_bndrs1 `lengthAtLeast` n_dicts -- and enough dict args
+ | callSpecArity pis <= fn_arity -- See Note [Specialisation Must Preserve Sharing]
&& notNull calls_for_me -- And there are some calls to specialise
&& not (isNeverActive (idInlineActivation fn))
-- Don't specialise NOINLINE things
@@ -1193,15 +1378,14 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
-- pprTrace "specDefn: none" (ppr fn <+> ppr calls_for_me) $
return ([], [], emptyUDs)
- _trace_doc = sep [ ppr rhs_tyvars, ppr n_tyvars
- , ppr rhs_bndrs, ppr n_dicts
+ _trace_doc = sep [ ppr rhs_tyvars, ppr rhs_bndrs
, ppr (idInlineActivation fn) ]
fn_type = idType fn
fn_arity = idArity fn
fn_unf = realIdUnfolding fn -- Ignore loop-breaker-ness here
- (tyvars, theta, _) = tcSplitSigmaTy fn_type
- n_tyvars = length tyvars
+ pis = fst $ splitPiTys fn_type
+ theta = getTheta pis
n_dicts = length theta
inl_prag = idInlinePragma fn
inl_act = inlinePragmaActivation inl_prag
@@ -1212,10 +1396,7 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
(rhs_bndrs, rhs_body) = collectBindersPushingCo rhs
-- See Note [Account for casts in binding]
- (rhs_tyvars, rhs_bndrs1) = span isTyVar rhs_bndrs
- (rhs_dict_ids, rhs_bndrs2) = splitAt n_dicts rhs_bndrs1
- body = mkLams rhs_bndrs2 rhs_body
- -- Glue back on the non-dict lambdas
+ rhs_tyvars = filter isTyVar rhs_bndrs
in_scope = CoreSubst.substInScope (se_subst env)
@@ -1227,59 +1408,19 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
-- NB: we look both in the new_rules (generated by this invocation
-- of specCalls), and in existing_rules (passed in to specCalls)
- mk_ty_args :: [Maybe Type] -> [TyVar] -> [CoreExpr]
- mk_ty_args [] poly_tvs
- = ASSERT( null poly_tvs ) []
- mk_ty_args (Nothing : call_ts) (poly_tv : poly_tvs)
- = Type (mkTyVarTy poly_tv) : mk_ty_args call_ts poly_tvs
- mk_ty_args (Just ty : call_ts) poly_tvs
- = Type ty : mk_ty_args call_ts poly_tvs
- mk_ty_args (Nothing : _) [] = panic "mk_ty_args"
-- Specialise to one particular call pattern
spec_call :: SpecInfo -- Accumulating parameter
-> CallInfo -- Call instance
-> SpecM SpecInfo
spec_call spec_acc@(rules_acc, pairs_acc, uds_acc)
- (CI { ci_key = CallKey call_ts, ci_args = call_ds })
- = ASSERT( call_ts `lengthIs` n_tyvars && call_ds `lengthIs` n_dicts )
- -- Suppose f's defn is f = /\ a b c -> \ d1 d2 -> rhs
- -- Suppose the call is for f [Just t1, Nothing, Just t3] [dx1, dx2]
- -- Construct the new binding
- -- f1 = SUBST[a->t1,c->t3, d1->d1', d2->d2'] (/\ b -> rhs)
- -- PLUS the rule
- -- RULE "SPEC f" forall b d1' d2'. f b d1' d2' = f1 b
- -- In the rule, d1' and d2' are just wildcards, not used in the RHS
- -- PLUS the usage-details
- -- { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 }
- -- where d1', d2' are cloned versions of d1,d2, with the type substitution
- -- applied. These auxiliary bindings just avoid duplication of dx1, dx2
- --
- -- Note that the substitution is applied to the whole thing.
- -- This is convenient, but just slightly fragile. Notably:
- -- * There had better be no name clashes in a/b/c
- do { let
- -- poly_tyvars = [b] in the example above
- -- spec_tyvars = [a,c]
- -- ty_args = [t1,b,t3]
- spec_tv_binds = [(tv,ty) | (tv, Just ty) <- rhs_tyvars `zip` call_ts]
- env1 = extendTvSubstList env spec_tv_binds
- (rhs_env, poly_tyvars) = substBndrs env1
- [tv | (tv, Nothing) <- rhs_tyvars `zip` call_ts]
- -- Clone rhs_dicts, including instantiating their types
- ; inst_dict_ids <- mapM (newDictBndr rhs_env) rhs_dict_ids
- ; let (rhs_env2, dx_binds, spec_dict_args)
- = bindAuxiliaryDicts rhs_env rhs_dict_ids call_ds inst_dict_ids
- ty_args = mk_ty_args call_ts poly_tyvars
- ev_args = map varToCoreExpr inst_dict_ids -- ev_args, ev_bndrs:
- ev_bndrs = exprsFreeIdsList ev_args -- See Note [Evidence foralls]
- rule_args = ty_args ++ ev_args
- rule_bndrs = poly_tyvars ++ ev_bndrs
+ (CI { ci_key = call_args, ci_arity = call_arity })
+ = ASSERT(call_arity <= fn_arity)
+ -- See Note [Specialising Calls]
+ do { (rhs_env2, unused_bndrs, rule_bndrs, rule_args, unspec_bndrs, dx_binds, spec_args)
+ <- specHeader env rhs_bndrs $ dropWhileEndLE isUnspecArg call_args
+ ; let rhs_body' = mkLams unused_bndrs rhs_body
; dflags <- getDynFlags
; if already_covered dflags rules_acc rule_args
then return spec_acc
@@ -1288,25 +1429,28 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
-- , ppr dx_binds ]) $
{ -- Figure out the type of the specialised function
- let body_ty = applyTypeToArgs rhs fn_type rule_args
- (lam_args, app_args) -- Add a dummy argument if body_ty is unlifted
+ let body = mkLams unspec_bndrs rhs_body'
+ body_ty = substTy rhs_env2 $ exprType body
+ (lam_extra_args, app_args) -- See Note [Specialisations Must Be Lifted]
| isUnliftedType body_ty -- C.f. WwLib.mkWorkerArgs
, not (isJoinId fn)
- = (poly_tyvars ++ [voidArgId], poly_tyvars ++ [voidPrimId])
- | otherwise = (poly_tyvars, poly_tyvars)
- spec_id_ty = mkLamTypes lam_args body_ty
+ = ([voidArgId], unspec_bndrs ++ [voidPrimId])
+ | otherwise = ([], unspec_bndrs)
join_arity_change = length app_args - length rule_args
spec_join_arity | Just orig_join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe fn
= Just (orig_join_arity + join_arity_change)
| otherwise
= Nothing
+ ; (spec_rhs, rhs_uds) <- specExpr rhs_env2 (mkLams lam_extra_args body)
+ ; let spec_id_ty = exprType spec_rhs
; spec_f <- newSpecIdSM fn spec_id_ty spec_join_arity
- ; (spec_rhs, rhs_uds) <- specExpr rhs_env2 (mkLams lam_args body)
; this_mod <- getModule
; let
-- The rule to put in the function's specialisation is:
- -- forall b, d1',d2'. f t1 b t3 d1' d2' = f1 b
+ -- forall x @b d1' d2'.
+ -- f x @T1 @b @T2 d1' d2' = f1 x @b
+ -- See Note [Specialising Calls]
herald = case mb_mod of
Nothing -- Specialising local fn
-> text "SPEC"
@@ -1315,7 +1459,7 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
rule_name = mkFastString $ showSDoc dflags $
herald <+> ftext (occNameFS (getOccName fn))
- <+> hsep (map ppr_call_key_ty call_ts)
+ <+> hsep (mapMaybe ppr_call_key_ty call_args)
-- This name ends up in interface files, so use occNameString.
-- Otherwise uniques end up there, making builds
-- less deterministic (See #4012 comment:61 ff)
@@ -1338,6 +1482,7 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
Nothing -> rule_wout_eta
-- Add the { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 } usage stuff
+ -- See Note [Specialising Calls]
spec_uds = foldr consDictBind rhs_uds dx_binds
@@ -1352,11 +1497,9 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
= (inl_prag { inl_inline = NoUserInline }, noUnfolding)
| otherwise
- = (inl_prag, specUnfolding dflags poly_tyvars spec_app
- arity_decrease fn_unf)
+ = (inl_prag, specUnfolding dflags unspec_bndrs spec_app n_dicts fn_unf)
- arity_decrease = length spec_dict_args
- spec_app e = (e `mkApps` ty_args) `mkApps` spec_dict_args
+ spec_app e = e `mkApps` spec_args
-- Adding arity information just propagates it a bit faster
@@ -1368,13 +1511,116 @@ specCalls mb_mod env existing_rules calls_for_me fn rhs
`setIdUnfolding` spec_unf
`asJoinId_maybe` spec_join_arity
- ; return ( spec_rule : rules_acc
+ _rule_trace_doc = vcat [ ppr spec_f, ppr fn_type, ppr spec_id_ty
+ , ppr rhs_bndrs, ppr call_args
+ , ppr spec_rule
+ ]
+ ; -- pprTrace "spec_call: rule" _rule_trace_doc
+ return ( spec_rule : rules_acc
, (spec_f_w_arity, spec_rhs) : pairs_acc
, spec_uds `plusUDs` uds_acc
) } }
-{- Note [Account for casts in binding]
+{- Note [Specialisation Must Preserve Sharing]
+Consider a function:
+ f :: forall a. Eq a => a -> blah
+ f =
+ if expensive
+ then f1
+ else f2
+As written, all calls to 'f' will share 'expensive'. But if we specialise 'f'
+at 'Int', eg:
+ $sfInt = SUBST[a->Int,dict->dEqInt] (if expensive then f1 else f2)
+ forall (d :: Eq Int).
+ f Int _ = $sfIntf
+We've now lost sharing between 'f' and '$sfInt' for 'expensive'. Yikes!
+To avoid this, we only generate specialisations for functions whose arity is
+enough to bind all of the arguments we need to specialise. This ensures our
+specialised functions don't do any work before receiving all of their dicts,
+and thus avoids the 'f' case above.
+Note [Specialisations Must Be Lifted]
+Consider a function 'f':
+ f = forall a. Eq a => Array# a
+used like
+ case x of
+ True -> ...f @Int dEqInt...
+ False -> 0
+Naively, we might generate an (expensive) specialisation
+ $sfInt :: Array# Int
+even in the case that @x = False@! Instead, we add a dummy 'Void#' argument to
+the specialisation '$sfInt' ($sfInt :: Void# -> Array# Int) in order to
+preserve laziness.
+Note [Specialising Calls]
+Suppose we have a function:
+ f :: Int -> forall a b c. (Foo a, Foo c) => Bar -> Qux
+ f = \x -> /\ a b c -> \d1 d2 bar -> rhs
+and suppose it is called at:
+ f 7 @T1 @T2 @T3 dFooT1 dFooT3 bar
+This call is described as a 'CallInfo' whose 'ci_key' is
+ [ UnspecArg, SpecType T1, UnspecType, SpecType T3, SpecDict dFooT1
+ , SpecDict dFooT3, UnspecArg ]
+Why are 'a' and 'c' identified as 'SpecType', while 'b' is 'UnspecType'?
+Because we must specialise the function on type variables that appear
+free in its *dictionary* arguments; but not on type variables that do not
+appear in any dictionaries, i.e. are fully polymorphic.
+Because this call has dictionaries applied, we'd like to specialise
+the call on any type argument that appears free in those dictionaries.
+In this case, those are (a ~ T1, c ~ T3).
+As a result, we'd like to generate a function:
+ $sf :: Int -> forall b. Bar -> Qux
+ $sf = SUBST[a->T1, c->T3, d1->d1', d2->d2'] (\x -> /\ b -> \bar -> rhs)
+Note that the substitution is applied to the whole thing. This is
+convenient, but just slightly fragile. Notably:
+ * There had better be no name clashes in a/b/c
+We must construct a rewrite rule:
+ RULE "SPEC f @T1 _ @T3"
+ forall (x :: Int) (@b :: Type) (d1' :: Foo T1) (d2' :: Foo T3).
+ f x @T1 @b @T3 d1' d2' = $sf x @b
+In the rule, d1' and d2' are just wildcards, not used in the RHS. Note
+additionally that 'bar' isn't captured by this rule --- we bind only
+enough etas in order to capture all of the *specialised* arguments.
+Finally, we must also construct the usage-details
+ { d1' = dx1; d2' = dx2 }
+where d1', d2' are cloned versions of d1,d2, with the type substitution
+applied. These auxiliary bindings just avoid duplication of dx1, dx2.
+Note [Account for casts in binding]
f :: Eq a => a -> IO ()
@@ -1888,16 +2134,14 @@ data CallInfoSet = CIS Id (Bag CallInfo)
-- These dups are eliminated by already_covered in specCalls
data CallInfo
- = CI { ci_key :: CallKey -- Type arguments
- , ci_args :: [DictExpr] -- Dictionary arguments
- , ci_fvs :: VarSet -- Free vars of the ci_key and ci_args
+ = CI { ci_key :: [SpecArg] -- All arguments
+ , ci_arity :: Int -- The number of variables necessary to bind
+ -- all of the specialised arguments
+ , ci_fvs :: VarSet -- Free vars of the ci_key
-- call (including tyvars)
-- [*not* include the main id itself, of course]
-newtype CallKey = CallKey [Maybe Type]
- -- Nothing => unconstrained type argument
type DictExpr = CoreExpr
ciSetFilter :: (CallInfo -> Bool) -> CallInfoSet -> CallInfoSet
@@ -1911,16 +2155,15 @@ pprCallInfo :: Id -> CallInfo -> SDoc
pprCallInfo fn (CI { ci_key = key })
= ppr fn <+> ppr key
-ppr_call_key_ty :: Maybe Type -> SDoc
-ppr_call_key_ty Nothing = char '_'
-ppr_call_key_ty (Just ty) = char '@' <+> pprParendType ty
-instance Outputable CallKey where
- ppr (CallKey ts) = brackets (fsep (map ppr_call_key_ty ts))
+ppr_call_key_ty :: SpecArg -> Maybe SDoc
+ppr_call_key_ty (SpecType ty) = Just $ char '@' <+> pprParendType ty
+ppr_call_key_ty UnspecType = Just $ char '_'
+ppr_call_key_ty (SpecDict _) = Nothing
+ppr_call_key_ty UnspecArg = Nothing
instance Outputable CallInfo where
- ppr (CI { ci_key = key, ci_args = args, ci_fvs = fvs })
- = text "CI" <> braces (hsep [ ppr key, ppr args, ppr fvs ])
+ ppr (CI { ci_key = key, ci_fvs = fvs })
+ = text "CI" <> braces (hsep [ fsep (mapMaybe ppr_call_key_ty key), ppr fvs ])
unionCalls :: CallDetails -> CallDetails -> CallDetails
unionCalls c1 c2 = plusDVarEnv_C unionCallInfoSet c1 c2
@@ -1939,17 +2182,29 @@ callInfoFVs :: CallInfoSet -> VarSet
callInfoFVs (CIS _ call_info) =
foldrBag (\(CI { ci_fvs = fv }) vs -> unionVarSet fv vs) emptyVarSet call_info
+computeArity :: [SpecArg] -> Int
+computeArity = length . filter isValueArg . dropWhileEndLE isUnspecArg
+callSpecArity :: [TyCoBinder] -> Int
+callSpecArity = length . filter (not . isNamedBinder) . dropWhileEndLE isVisibleBinder
+getTheta :: [TyCoBinder] -> [PredType]
+getTheta = fmap tyBinderType . filter isInvisibleBinder . filter (not . isNamedBinder)
-singleCall :: Id -> [Maybe Type] -> [DictExpr] -> UsageDetails
-singleCall id tys dicts
+singleCall :: Id -> [SpecArg] -> UsageDetails
+singleCall id args
= MkUD {ud_binds = emptyBag,
ud_calls = unitDVarEnv id $ CIS id $
- unitBag (CI { ci_key = CallKey tys
- , ci_args = dicts
+ unitBag (CI { ci_key = args -- used to be tys
+ , ci_arity = computeArity args
, ci_fvs = call_fvs }) }
+ tys = getSpecTypes args
+ dicts = getSpecDicts args
call_fvs = exprsFreeVars dicts `unionVarSet` tys_fvs
- tys_fvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes (catMaybes tys)
+ tys_fvs = tyCoVarsOfTypes tys
-- The type args (tys) are guaranteed to be part of the dictionary
-- types, because they are just the constrained types,
-- and the dictionary is therefore sure to be bound
@@ -1973,8 +2228,8 @@ mkCallUDs' env f args
= emptyUDs
| not (all type_determines_value theta)
- || not (spec_tys `lengthIs` n_tyvars)
- || not ( dicts `lengthIs` n_dicts)
+ || not (computeArity ci_key <= idArity f)
+ || not (length dicts == length theta)
|| not (any (interestingDict env) dicts) -- Note [Interesting dictionary arguments]
-- See also Note [Specialisations already covered]
= -- pprTrace "mkCallUDs: discarding" _trace_doc
@@ -1982,27 +2237,28 @@ mkCallUDs' env f args
| otherwise
= -- pprTrace "mkCallUDs: keeping" _trace_doc
- singleCall f spec_tys dicts
+ singleCall f ci_key
- _trace_doc = vcat [ppr f, ppr args, ppr n_tyvars, ppr n_dicts
- , ppr (map (interestingDict env) dicts)]
- (tyvars, theta, _) = tcSplitSigmaTy (idType f)
- constrained_tyvars = tyCoVarsOfTypes theta
- n_tyvars = length tyvars
- n_dicts = length theta
- spec_tys = [mk_spec_ty tv ty | (tv, ty) <- tyvars `type_zip` args]
- dicts = [dict_expr | (_, dict_expr) <- theta `zip` (drop n_tyvars args)]
- -- ignores Coercion arguments
- type_zip :: [TyVar] -> [CoreExpr] -> [(TyVar, Type)]
- type_zip tvs (Coercion _ : args) = type_zip tvs args
- type_zip (tv:tvs) (Type ty : args) = (tv, ty) : type_zip tvs args
- type_zip _ _ = []
- mk_spec_ty tyvar ty
- | tyvar `elemVarSet` constrained_tyvars = Just ty
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ _trace_doc = vcat [ppr f, ppr args, ppr (map (interestingDict env) dicts)]
+ pis = fst $ splitPiTys $ idType f
+ theta = getTheta pis
+ constrained_tyvars = tyCoVarsOfTypes theta
+ ci_key :: [SpecArg]
+ ci_key = fmap (\(t, a) ->
+ case t of
+ Named (binderVar -> tyVar)
+ | tyVar `elemVarSet` constrained_tyvars
+ -> case a of
+ Type ty -> SpecType ty
+ _ -> pprPanic "ci_key" $ ppr a
+ | otherwise
+ -> UnspecType
+ Anon InvisArg _ -> SpecDict a
+ Anon VisArg _ -> UnspecArg
+ ) $ zip pis args
+ dicts = getSpecDicts ci_key
want_calls_for f = isLocalId f || isJust (maybeUnfoldingTemplate (realIdUnfolding f))
-- For imported things, we gather call instances if
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ module Outputable (
-- * Error handling and debugging utilities
pprPanic, pprSorry, assertPprPanic, pprPgmError,
- pprTrace, pprTraceDebug, pprTraceIt, warnPprTrace, pprSTrace,
- pprTraceException, pprTraceM,
+ pprTrace, pprTraceDebug, pprTraceWith, pprTraceIt, warnPprTrace,
+ pprSTrace, pprTraceException, pprTraceM,
trace, pgmError, panic, sorry, assertPanic,
pprDebugAndThen, callStackDoc,
) where
@@ -1196,9 +1196,15 @@ pprTrace str doc x
pprTraceM :: Applicative f => String -> SDoc -> f ()
pprTraceM str doc = pprTrace str doc (pure ())
+-- | @pprTraceWith desc f x@ is equivalent to @pprTrace desc (f x) x at .
+-- This allows you to print details from the returned value as well as from
+-- ambient variables.
+pprTraceWith :: Outputable a => String -> (a -> SDoc) -> a -> a
+pprTraceWith desc f x = pprTrace desc (f x) x
-- | @pprTraceIt desc x@ is equivalent to @pprTrace desc (ppr x) x@
pprTraceIt :: Outputable a => String -> a -> a
-pprTraceIt desc x = pprTrace desc (ppr x) x
+pprTraceIt desc x = pprTraceWith desc ppr x
-- | @pprTraceException desc x action@ runs action, printing a message
-- if it throws an exception.
@@ -312,14 +312,6 @@ Multiply-defined array elements not checked
In ``Prelude`` support
-Arbitrary-sized tuples
- Tuples are currently limited to size 100. However, standard
- instances for tuples (``Eq``, ``Ord``, ``Bounded``, ``Ix``, ``Read``,
- and ``Show``) are available *only* up to 16-tuples.
- This limitation is easily subvertible, so please ask if you get
- stuck on it.
``splitAt`` semantics
``Data.List.splitAt`` is more strict than specified in the Report.
Specifically, the Report specifies that ::
@@ -481,6 +473,14 @@ Unchecked floating-point arithmetic
.. index::
single: floating-point exceptions.
+Large tuple support
+ The Haskell Report only requires implementations to provide tuple
+ types and their accompanying standard instances up to size 15. GHC
+ limits the size of tuple types to 62 and provides instances of
+ ``Eq``, ``Ord``, ``Bounded``, ``Read``, and ``Show`` for tuples up
+ to size 15. However, ``Ix`` instances are provided only for tuples
+ up to size 5.
.. _bugs:
Known bugs or infelicities
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Rules.Generate (
) where
import Base
+import qualified Context
import Expression
import Flavour
import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile (lookupValueOrError)
@@ -271,6 +272,7 @@ generateGhcPlatformH = do
generateSettings :: Expr String
generateSettings = do
+ ctx <- getContext
settings <- traverse sequence $
[ ("GCC extra via C opts", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "gcc-extra-via-c-opts")
, ("C compiler command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerCommand)
@@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ generateSettings = do
, ("dllwrap command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_DllWrapCommand)
, ("windres command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_WindresCommand)
, ("libtool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_LibtoolCommand)
- , ("unlit command", ("$topdir/bin/" <>) <$> getBuilderPath Unlit)
+ , ("unlit command", ("$topdir/bin/" <>) <$> expr (programName (ctx { Context.package = unlit })))
, ("cross compiling", expr $ yesNo <$> flag CrossCompiling)
, ("target platform string", getSetting TargetPlatform)
, ("target os", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "haskell-target-os")
@@ -312,9 +314,9 @@ generateSettings = do
, ("Use interpreter", expr $ yesNo <$> ghcWithInterpreter)
, ("Use native code generator", expr $ yesNo <$> ghcWithNativeCodeGen)
, ("Support SMP", expr $ yesNo <$> ghcWithSMP)
- , ("RTS ways", expr $ yesNo <$> flag LeadingUnderscore)
+ , ("RTS ways", unwords . map show <$> getRtsWays)
, ("Tables next to code", expr $ yesNo <$> ghcEnableTablesNextToCode)
- , ("Leading underscore", expr $ yesNo <$> useLibFFIForAdjustors)
+ , ("Leading underscore", expr $ yesNo <$> flag LeadingUnderscore)
, ("Use LibFFI", expr $ yesNo <$> useLibFFIForAdjustors)
, ("Use Threads", yesNo . any (wayUnit Threaded) <$> getRtsWays)
, ("Use Debugging", expr $ yesNo . ghcDebugged <$> flavour)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Control.Monad
-- * Functor and monad classes
- Functor(fmap)
+ Functor(..)
, Monad((>>=), (>>), return)
, MonadFail(fail)
, MonadPlus(mzero, mplus)
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@
module Data.Functor
- Functor(fmap),
- (<$),
+ Functor(..),
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ logCCS(FILE *prof_file, CostCentreStack const *ccs, ProfilerTotals totals,
max_src_len - strlen_utf8(cc->srcloc), "");
- " %*" FMT_Int "%11" FMT_Word64 " %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f",
+ " %*" FMT_Int " %11" FMT_Word64 " %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f",
max_id_len, ccs->ccsID, ccs->scc_count,
totals.total_prof_ticks == 0 ? 0.0 : ((double)ccs->time_ticks / (double)totals.total_prof_ticks * 100.0),
totals.total_alloc == 0 ? 0.0 : ((double)ccs->mem_alloc / (double)totals.total_alloc * 100.0),
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ TOP=../../..
include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
include $(TOP)/mk/test.mk
-.PHONY: T4007
+.PHONY: T4007 T16473
$(RM) -f T4007.hi T4007.o
'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c -O -ddump-rule-firings T4007.hs
+ $(RM) -f T16473.hi T16473.o
+ '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c -O -ddump-rule-firings T16473.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -flate-specialise -O2 #-}
+module Main (main) where
+import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
+import Data.Foldable
+import Data.Functor.Identity
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Tuple
+main :: IO ()
+main = print $ badCore 100
+badCore :: Int -> Int
+badCore n = getSum $ fst $ run $ runState mempty $ for_ [0..n] $ \i -> modify (<> Sum i)
+data Union (r :: [Type -> Type]) a where
+ Union :: e a -> Union '[e] a
+decomp :: Union (e ': r) a -> e a
+decomp (Union a) = a
+{-# INLINE decomp #-}
+absurdU :: Union '[] a -> b
+absurdU = absurdU
+newtype Semantic r a = Semantic
+ { runSemantic
+ :: forall m
+ . Monad m
+ => (forall x. Union r x -> m x)
+ -> m a
+ }
+instance Functor (Semantic f) where
+ fmap f (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k -> fmap f $ m k
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Applicative (Semantic f) where
+ pure a = Semantic $ const $ pure a
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ Semantic f <*> Semantic a = Semantic $ \k -> f k <*> a k
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance Monad (Semantic f) where
+ return = pure
+ {-# INLINE return #-}
+ Semantic ma >>= f = Semantic $ \k -> do
+ z <- ma k
+ runSemantic (f z) k
+ {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+data State s a
+ = Get (s -> a)
+ | Put s a
+ deriving Functor
+get :: Semantic '[State s] s
+get = Semantic $ \k -> k $ Union $ Get id
+{-# INLINE get #-}
+put :: s -> Semantic '[State s] ()
+put !s = Semantic $ \k -> k $ Union $! Put s ()
+{-# INLINE put #-}
+modify :: (s -> s) -> Semantic '[State s] ()
+modify f = do
+ !s <- get
+ put $! f s
+{-# INLINE modify #-}
+runState :: s -> Semantic (State s ': r) a -> Semantic r (s, a)
+runState = interpretInStateT $ \case
+ Get k -> fmap k S.get
+ Put s k -> S.put s >> pure k
+{-# INLINE[3] runState #-}
+run :: Semantic '[] a -> a
+run (Semantic m) = runIdentity $ m absurdU
+{-# INLINE run #-}
+ :: (forall x. e x -> S.StateT s (Semantic r) x)
+ -> s
+ -> Semantic (e ': r) a
+ -> Semantic r (s, a)
+interpretInStateT f s (Semantic m) = Semantic $ \k ->
+ fmap swap $ flip S.runStateT s $ m $ \u ->
+ S.mapStateT (\z -> runSemantic z k) $ f $ decomp u
+{-# INLINE interpretInStateT #-}
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op liftA2 (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <$ (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op get (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op put (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op get (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op put (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op show (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op mempty (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fromInteger (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: integerToInt (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op + (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op enumFromTo (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op *> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: fold/build (GHC.Base)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: ># (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: ==# (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>>= @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>>= @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT_$c>> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op return (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fFunctorStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired:
+ SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$cpure @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c<*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fFunctorStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired:
+ SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$cpure @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c<*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fApplicativeStateT_$c*> @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op <*> (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Applicative (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op >>= (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC go @ (StateT (Sum Int) Identity) (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op $p1Monad (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: Class op pure (BUILTIN)
+Rule fired: SPEC/Main $fMonadStateT @ Identity _ (Main)
+Rule fired: SPEC go @ (StateT (Sum Int) Identity) (Main)
+Rule fired: Class op fmap (BUILTIN)
@@ -404,3 +404,5 @@ test('T16190',
['T16190.hs', '-v0'])
+test('T16473', normal, makefile_test, ['T16473'])
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
==================== Tidy Core rules ====================
"SPEC shared @ []"
- forall (irred :: Domain [] Int) ($dMyFunctor :: MyFunctor []).
+ forall ($dMyFunctor :: MyFunctor []) (irred :: Domain [] Int).
shared @ [] $dMyFunctor irred
= bar_$sshared
@@ -140,8 +140,7 @@ test('tcfail154', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('tcfail155', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('tcfail156', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('tcfail157', normal, compile_fail, [''])
-# Skip tcfail158 until #15899 fixes the broken test
-test('tcfail158', skip, compile_fail, [''])
+test('tcfail158', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('tcfail159', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('tcfail160', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('tcfail161', normal, compile_fail, [''])
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-tcfail158.hs:1:1: error:
- The IO action ‘main’ is not defined in module ‘Main’
+tcfail158.hs:14:19: error:
+ • Expecting one more argument to ‘Val v’
+ Expected a type, but ‘Val v’ has kind ‘* -> *’
+ • In the type signature: bar :: forall v. Val v
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
-T16282.hs: warning: [-Wall-missed-specialisations]
- Could not specialise imported function ‘Data.Map.Internal.$w$cshowsPrec’
- when specialising ‘Data.Map.Internal.$fShowMap_$cshowsPrec’
- Probable fix: add INLINABLE pragma on ‘Data.Map.Internal.$w$cshowsPrec’
+T16282.hs: warning: [-Wall-missed-specialisations]
+ Could not specialise imported function ‘Data.Foldable.$wmapM_’
+ when specialising ‘mapM_’
+ Probable fix: add INLINABLE pragma on ‘Data.Foldable.$wmapM_’
+T16282.hs: warning: [-Wall-missed-specialisations]
+ Could not specialise imported function ‘Data.Map.Internal.$w$cshowsPrec’
+ when specialising ‘Data.Map.Internal.$fShowMap_$cshowsPrec’
+ Probable fix: add INLINABLE pragma on ‘Data.Map.Internal.$w$cshowsPrec’
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