[Git][ghc/ghc][master] add an --hadrian mode to ./validate

Marge Bot gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri May 24 02:35:52 UTC 2019

 Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

04b4b984 by Alp Mestanogullari at 2019-05-24T02:32:15Z
add an --hadrian mode to ./validate

When the '--hadrian' flag is passed to the validate script, we use hadrian
to build GHC, package it up in a binary distribution and later on run GHC's
testsuite against the said bindist, which gets installed locally in the process.

Along the way, this commit fixes a typo, an omission (build iserv binaries
before producing the bindist archive) and moves the Makefile that enables
'make install' on those bindists from being a list of strings in the code to
an actual file (it was becoming increasingly annoying to work with).

Finally, the Settings.Builders.Ghc part of this patch is necessary for being
able to use the installed binary distribution, in 'validate'.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- + hadrian/bindist/Makefile
- hadrian/src/CommandLine.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs
- validate


@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
+include mk/install.mk
+include mk/config.mk
+.PHONY: default
+	@echo 'Run "make install" to install'
+	@false
+# Hacky function to check equality of two strings
+# TODO : find if a better function exists
+eq=$(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),$(findstring $(2),$(1)))
+define installscript
+# $1 = package name
+# $2 = wrapper path
+# $3 = bindir
+# $4 = ghcbindir
+# $5 = Executable binary path
+# $6 = Library Directory
+# $7 = Docs Directory
+# $8 = Includes Directory
+# We are installing wrappers to programs by searching corresponding
+# wrappers. If wrapper is not found, we are attaching the common wrapper
+# to it. This implementation is a bit hacky and depends on consistency
+# of program names. For hadrian build this will work as programs have a
+# consistent naming procedure.
+	rm -f '$2'
+	@echo "#!$(SHELL)" >>  '$2'
+	@echo "exedir=\"$4\"" >> '$2'
+	@echo "exeprog=\"$1\"" >> '$2'
+	@echo "executablename=\"$5\"" >> '$2'
+	@echo "bindir=\"$3\"" >> '$2'
+	@echo "libdir=\"$6\"" >> '$2'
+	@echo "docdir=\"$7\"" >> '$2'
+	@echo "includedir=\"$8\"" >> '$2'
+	@echo "" >> '$2'
+	cat wrappers/$1 >> '$2'
+# Hacky function to patch up the 'haddock-interfaces' and 'haddock-html'
+# fields in the package .conf files
+define patchpackageconf
+# $1 = package name (ex: 'bytestring')
+# $2 = path to .conf file
+# $3 = Docs Directory
+# $4 = (relative) path from $${pkgroot} to docs directory ($3)
+# We fix the paths to haddock files by using the relative path from the pkgroot
+# to the doc files.
+	cat '$2' | sed 's|haddock-interfaces.*|haddock-interfaces: "$${pkgroot}/$4/html/libraries/$1/$1.haddock"|' \
+	         | sed 's|haddock-html.*|haddock-html: "$${pkgroot}/$4/html/libraries/$1"|' \
+		 | sed 's|    $${pkgroot}/../../docs/html/.*||' \
+	       > '$2.copy'
+# The rts package doesn't actually supply haddocks, so we stop advertising them
+# altogether.
+	((echo "$1" | grep rts) && (cat '$2.copy' | sed 's|haddock-.*||' > '$2.copy.copy')) || (cat '$2.copy' > '$2.copy.copy')
+# We finally replace the original file.
+	mv '$2.copy.copy' '$2'
+# QUESTION : should we use shell commands?
+.PHONY: install
+install: install_lib install_bin install_includes
+install: install_docs install_wrappers install_ghci
+install: install_mingw update_package_db
+# We need to install binaries relative to libraries.
+BINARIES = $(wildcard ./bin/*)
+	@echo "Copying binaries to $(ActualBinsDir)"
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(ActualBinsDir)"
+	for i in $(BINARIES); do \
+		cp -R $$i "$(ActualBinsDir)"; \
+	done
+	@echo "Copying and installing ghci"
+	$(CREATE_SCRIPT) '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+	@echo "#!$(SHELL)" >>  '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+	cat wrappers/ghci-script >> '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+	$(EXECUTABLE_FILE) '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+LIBRARIES = $(wildcard ./lib/*)
+	@echo "Copying libraries to $(ActualLibsDir)"
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(ActualLibsDir)"
+	for i in $(LIBRARIES); do \
+		cp -R $$i "$(ActualLibsDir)/"; \
+	done
+INCLUDES = $(wildcard ./include/*)
+	@echo "Copying libraries to $(includedir)"
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(includedir)"
+	for i in $(INCLUDES); do \
+		cp -R $$i "$(includedir)/"; \
+	done
+DOCS = $(wildcard ./docs/*)
+	@echo "Copying libraries to $(docdir)"
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(docdir)"
+	for i in $(DOCS); do \
+		cp -R $$i "$(docdir)/"; \
+	done
+BINARY_NAMES=$(shell ls ./wrappers/)
+	@echo "Installing Wrapper scripts"
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(WrapperBinsDir)"
+	$(foreach p, $(BINARY_NAMES),\
+		$(call installscript,$p,$(WrapperBinsDir)/$p,$(WrapperBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir)/$p,$(ActualLibsDir),$(docdir),$(includedir)))
+PKG_CONFS = $(shell find "$(ActualLibsDir)/package.conf.d" -name '*.conf' | sed 's:   :xxx:g')
+	@echo "$(PKG_CONFS)"
+	@echo "Updating the package DB"
+	$(foreach p, $(PKG_CONFS),\
+		$(call patchpackageconf,$(shell echo $(notdir $p) | sed 's/-\([0-9]*[0-9]\.\)*conf//g'),$(shell echo "$p" | sed 's:xxx:   :g'),$(docdir),$(shell realpath --relative-to="$(libdir)" "$(docdir)")))
+	'$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghc-pkg' recache
+# The 'foreach' that copies the mingw directory will only trigger a copy
+# when the wildcard matches, therefore only on Windows.
+MINGW = $(wildcard ./mingw)
+	@echo "Installing MingGW"
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) "$(prefix)/mingw"
+	$(foreach d, $(MINGW),\
+		cp -R ./mingw "$(prefix)")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ readTestConfig config =
 readTestConfigFile :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
 readTestConfigFile filepath =
-    maybe (Left "Cannot parse test-speed") (Right . set) filepath
+    maybe (Left "Cannot parse test-config-file") (Right . set) filepath
     set filepath flags =  flags { testArgs = (testArgs flags) { testConfigFile = filepath } }

@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ bindistRules = do
         -- We 'need' all binaries and libraries
         targets <- mapM pkgTarget =<< stagePackages Stage1
         need targets
+        needIservBins
         version        <- setting ProjectVersion
         targetPlatform <- setting TargetPlatformFull
@@ -180,8 +181,9 @@ bindistRules = do
         moveFile (ghcRoot -/- "distrib" -/- "configure") configurePath
     -- Generate the Makefile that enables the "make install" part
-    root -/- "bindist" -/- "ghc-*" -/- "Makefile" %> \makefilePath ->
-        writeFile' makefilePath bindistMakefile
+    root -/- "bindist" -/- "ghc-*" -/- "Makefile" %> \makefilePath -> do
+        top <- topDirectory
+        copyFile (top -/- "hadrian" -/- "bindist" -/- "Makefile") makefilePath
     root -/- "bindist" -/- "ghc-*" -/- "wrappers/*" %> \wrapperPath ->
         writeFile' wrapperPath $ wrapper (takeFileName wrapperPath)
@@ -216,153 +218,6 @@ pkgTarget pkg
     | isLibrary pkg = pkgConfFile (vanillaContext Stage1 pkg)
     | otherwise     = programPath =<< programContext Stage1 pkg
--- TODO: Augment this Makefile to match the various parameters that the current
--- bindist scripts support.
--- | A trivial Makefile that only takes @$prefix@ into account, and not e.g
--- @$datadir@ (for docs) and other variables, yet.
-bindistMakefile :: String
-bindistMakefile = unlines
-    [ "MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules"
-    , ".SUFFIXES:"
-    , ""
-    , "include mk/install.mk"
-    , "include mk/config.mk"
-    , ""
-    , ".PHONY: default"
-    , "default:"
-    , "\t at echo 'Run \"make install\" to install'"
-    , "\t at false"
-    , ""
-    , "#-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    , "# INSTALL RULES"
-    , ""
-    , "# Hacky function to check equality of two strings"
-    , "# TODO : find if a better function exists"
-    , "eq=$(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),$(findstring $(2),$(1)))"
-    , ""
-    , "define installscript"
-    , "# $1 = package name"
-    , "# $2 = wrapper path"
-    , "# $3 = bindir"
-    , "# $4 = ghcbindir"
-    , "# $5 = Executable binary path"
-    , "# $6 = Library Directory"
-    , "# $7 = Docs Directory"
-    , "# $8 = Includes Directory"
-    , "# We are installing wrappers to programs by searching corresponding"
-    , "# wrappers. If wrapper is not found, we are attaching the common wrapper"
-    , "# to it. This implementation is a bit hacky and depends on consistency"
-    , "# of program names. For hadrian build this will work as programs have a"
-    , "# consistent naming procedure."
-    , "\trm -f '$2'"
-    , "\t$(CREATE_SCRIPT) '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"#!$(SHELL)\" >>  '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"exedir=\\\"$4\\\"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"exeprog=\\\"$1\\\"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"executablename=\\\"$5\\\"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"bindir=\\\"$3\\\"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"libdir=\\\"$6\\\"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"docdir=\\\"$7\\\"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"includedir=\\\"$8\\\"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\t at echo \"\" >> '$2'"
-    , "\tcat wrappers/$1 >> '$2'"
-    , "\t$(EXECUTABLE_FILE) '$2' ;"
-    , "endef"
-    , ""
-    , "# Hacky function to patch up the 'haddock-interfaces' and 'haddock-html'"
-    , "# fields in the package .conf files"
-    , "define patchpackageconf"
-    , "# $1 = package name (ex: 'bytestring')"
-    , "# $2 = path to .conf file"
-    , "# $3 = Docs Directory"
-    , "\tcat '$2' | sed 's|haddock-interfaces.*|haddock-interfaces: $3/html/libraries/$1/$1.haddock|' \\"
-    , "\t         | sed 's|haddock-html.*|haddock-html: $3/html/libraries/$1|' \\"
-    , "\t       > '$2.copy'"
-    , "\tmv '$2.copy' '$2'"
-    , "endef"
-    , ""
-    , "# QUESTION : should we use shell commands?"
-    , ""
-    , ""
-    , ".PHONY: install"
-    , "install: install_lib install_bin install_includes"
-    , "install: install_docs install_wrappers install_ghci"
-    , "install: install_mingw update_package_db"
-    , ""
-    , "ActualBinsDir=${ghclibdir}/bin"
-    , "ActualLibsDir=${ghclibdir}/lib"
-    , "WrapperBinsDir=${bindir}"
-    , ""
-    , "# We need to install binaries relative to libraries."
-    , "BINARIES = $(wildcard ./bin/*)"
-    , "install_bin:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Copying binaries to $(ActualBinsDir)\""
-    , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(ActualBinsDir)\""
-    , "\tfor i in $(BINARIES); do \\"
-    , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(ActualBinsDir)\"; \\"
-    , "\tdone"
-    , ""
-    , "install_ghci:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Installing ghci wrapper\""
-    , "\t at echo \"#!$(SHELL)\" >  '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'"
-    , "\tcat wrappers/ghci-script >> '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'"
-    , "\t$(EXECUTABLE_FILE) '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'"
-    , ""
-    , "LIBRARIES = $(wildcard ./lib/*)"
-    , "install_lib:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Copying libraries to $(ActualLibsDir)\""
-    , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(ActualLibsDir)\""
-    , "\tfor i in $(LIBRARIES); do \\"
-    , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(ActualLibsDir)/\"; \\"
-    , "\tdone"
-    , ""
-    , "INCLUDES = $(wildcard ./include/*)"
-    , "install_includes:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Copying libraries to $(includedir)\""
-    , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(includedir)\""
-    , "\tfor i in $(INCLUDES); do \\"
-    , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(includedir)/\"; \\"
-    , "\tdone"
-    , ""
-    , "DOCS = $(wildcard ./docs/*)"
-    , "install_docs:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Copying libraries to $(docdir)\""
-    , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(docdir)\""
-    , "\tfor i in $(DOCS); do \\"
-    , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(docdir)/\"; \\"
-    , "\tdone"
-    , ""
-    , "BINARY_NAMES=$(shell ls ./wrappers/)"
-    , "install_wrappers:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Installing Wrapper scripts\""
-    , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(WrapperBinsDir)\""
-    , "\t$(foreach p, $(BINARY_NAMES),\\"
-    , "\t\t$(call installscript,$p,$(WrapperBinsDir)/$p," ++
-      "$(WrapperBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir)/$p," ++
-      "$(ActualLibsDir),$(docdir),$(includedir)))"
-    , "\trm -f '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci-script'" -- FIXME: we shouldn't generate it in the first place
-    , ""
-    , "PKG_CONFS = $(wildcard $(ActualLibsDir)/package.conf.d/*)"
-    , "update_package_db:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Updating the package DB\""
-    , "\t$(foreach p, $(PKG_CONFS),\\"
-    , "\t\t$(call patchpackageconf," ++
-      "$(shell echo $(notdir $p) | sed 's/-\\([0-9]*[0-9]\\.\\)*conf//g')," ++
-      "$p,$(docdir)))"
-    , "\t'$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghc-pkg' recache"
-    , ""
-    , "# The 'foreach' that copies the mingw directory will only trigger a copy"
-    , "# when the wildcard matches, therefore only on Windows."
-    , "MINGW = $(wildcard ./mingw)"
-    , "install_mingw:"
-    , "\t at echo \"Installing MingGW\""
-    , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(prefix)/mingw\""
-    , "\t$(foreach d, $(MINGW),\\"
-    , "\t\tcp -R ./mingw \"$(prefix)\")"
-    , "# END INSTALL"
-    , "# ----------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    ]
 wrapper :: FilePath -> String
 wrapper "ghc"         = ghcWrapper
 wrapper "ghc-pkg"     = ghcPkgWrapper

@@ -97,13 +97,24 @@ ghcLinkArgs = builder (Ghc LinkHs) ? do
             , arg ("-l" ++ libffiName')
+        -- This is the -rpath argument that is required for the bindist scenario
+        -- to work. Indeed, when you install a bindist, the actual executables
+        -- end up nested somewhere under $libdir, with the wrapper scripts
+        -- taking their place in $bindir, and 'rpath' therefore doesn't seem
+        -- to give us the right paths for such a case.
+        -- TODO: Could we get away with just one rpath...?
+        bindistRpath = "$ORIGIN" -/- ".." -/- ".." -/- originToLibsDir
     mconcat [ dynamic ? mconcat
                 [ arg "-dynamic"
                 -- TODO what about windows?
                 , isLibrary pkg ? pure [ "-shared", "-dynload", "deploy" ]
-                , hostSupportsRPaths ? arg ("-optl-Wl,-rpath," ++ rpath)
-                -- The darwin linker doesn't support/require the -zorigin option
-                , hostSupportsRPaths ? not darwin ? arg "-optl-Wl,-zorigin"
+                , hostSupportsRPaths ? mconcat
+                      [ arg ("-optl-Wl,-rpath," ++ rpath)
+                      , isProgram pkg ? arg ("-optl-Wl,-rpath," ++ bindistRpath)
+                      -- The darwin linker doesn't support/require the -zorigin option
+                      , not darwin ? arg "-optl-Wl,-zorigin"
+                      ]
             , arg "-no-auto-link-packages"
             ,      nonHsMainPackage pkg  ? arg "-no-hs-main"

@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Flags:
                     2008-07-01: 14% slower than the default.
   --quiet           More pretty build log.
                     See Note [Default build system verbosity].
+  --hadrian         Build the compiler and run the tests through hadrian.
   --help            shows this usage help.
   validate runs 'make -j\$THREADS', where by default THREADS is the number of
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ be_quiet=0
 # heavy cost of xz, which is the typical default. The options are defined in
 # mk/config.mk.in
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]
@@ -82,6 +84,10 @@ do
+    --hadrian)
+	use_hadrian=YES
+	hadrian_build_root=_validatebuild
+	;;
         exit 0;;
@@ -96,7 +102,12 @@ done
 check_packages () {
     if [ "$bindistdir" = "" ]
-        ghc_pkg=inplace/bin/ghc-pkg
+	if [ "$use_hadrian" = "YES" ]
+	then
+	    ghc_pkg=$hadrian_build_root/stage1/bin/ghc-pkg
+	else
+            ghc_pkg=inplace/bin/ghc-pkg
+	fi
@@ -127,26 +138,47 @@ fi
 echo "using THREADS=${threads}" >&2
-if type gmake > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+if [ "$use_hadrian" = "NO" ]
+   if type gmake > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+   then
+       make="gmake"
+   else
+       make="make"
+   fi
+   if [ $be_quiet -eq 1 ]; then
+       # See Note [Default build system verbosity].
+       make="$make -s"
+   fi
+   $make -C utils/checkUniques
-    make="make"
-if [ $be_quiet -eq 1 ]; then
-    # See Note [Default build system verbosity].
-    make="$make -s"
+    # Just build hadrian.
+    hadrian/build.sh --help > /dev/null
+    cd hadrian
+    hadrian_cmd=$(cabal new-exec -- which hadrian)
+    cd ..
+    # TODO: define a hadrian Flavour that mimics
+    # mk/flavours/validate.mk and use it here
+    # Until then, we're using the default flavour.
+    hadrian="$hadrian_cmd -j$threads --build-root=$hadrian_build_root"
+    if [ $be_quiet -eq 0 ]; then
+	hadrian="$hadrian -V"
+    fi
+    echo "Hadrian command: $hadrian"
-$make -C utils/checkUniques
 if [ $testsuite_only -eq 0 ]; then
 if [ $no_clean -eq 0 ]; then
-    $make maintainer-clean
+    if [ "$use_hadrian" = "NO" ]
+    then
+	$make maintainer-clean
+    else
+	$hadrian clean && rm -rf $hadrian_build_root
+    fi
@@ -154,48 +186,88 @@ if [ $no_clean -eq 0 ]; then
     ./configure --prefix="$INSTDIR" $config_args
-echo "Validating=YES"       >  mk/are-validating.mk
-echo "ValidateSpeed=$speed" >> mk/are-validating.mk
-echo "ValidateHpc=$hpc"     >> mk/are-validating.mk
-# Note [Default build system verbosity].
-# From https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/design/build-system:
-#   "The build system should clearly report what it's doing (and sometimes
-#   why), without being too verbose. It should emit actual command lines as
-#   much as possible, so that they can be inspected and cut & pasted."
-# That should be the default. Only suppress commands, by setting V=0 and using
-# `make -s`, when user explicitly asks for it with `./validate --quiet`.
-if [ $be_quiet -eq 1 ]; then
-    # See Note [Default build system verbosity].
-    echo "V=0"                  >> mk/are-validating.mk # Less gunk
+if [ "$use_hadrian" = "NO" ]
+    echo "Validating=YES"       >  mk/are-validating.mk
+    echo "ValidateSpeed=$speed" >> mk/are-validating.mk
+    echo "ValidateHpc=$hpc"     >> mk/are-validating.mk
+    # Note [Default build system verbosity].
+    #
+    # From https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/design/build-system:
+    #
+    #   "The build system should clearly report what it's doing (and sometimes
+    #   why), without being too verbose. It should emit actual command lines as
+    #   much as possible, so that they can be inspected and cut & pasted."
+    #
+    # That should be the default. Only suppress commands, by setting V=0 and using
+    # `make -s`, when user explicitly asks for it with `./validate --quiet`.
+    if [ $be_quiet -eq 1 ]; then
+	# See Note [Default build system verbosity].
+	echo "V=0"                  >> mk/are-validating.mk # Less gunk
+    fi
-$make -j$threads
-# For a "debug make", add "--debug=b --debug=m"
+    $make -j$threads
+    # For a "debug make", add "--debug=b --debug=m"
+    # TODO: define a hadrian Flavour that mimics
+    # mk/flavours/validate.mk and use it here
+    $hadrian
 check_packages post-build
+bindistdir="bindisttest/install   dir"
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Build and test a binary distribution (not --fast)
 if [ $speed != "FAST" ]; then
-    $make binary-dist-prep TAR_COMP=$tar_comp
-    $make test_bindist TEST_PREP=YES TAR_COMP=$tar_comp
-    #
-    # Install the xhtml package into the bindist.
-    # This verifies that we can install a package into the
-    # bindist with Cabal.
-    #
-    bindistdir="bindisttest/install   dir"
+    if [ "$use_hadrian" = "NO" ]
+    then
+	$make binary-dist-prep TAR_COMP=$tar_comp
+	$make test_bindist TEST_PREP=YES TAR_COMP=$tar_comp
+    else
+	$hadrian binary-dist --docs=no-sphinx
+	cfgdir=$(find $hadrian_build_root/bindist/ -name 'configure' | head -1)
+	dir=$(dirname $cfgdir)
+	cd "$dir"
+	./configure --prefix="$thisdir/$bindistdir" && make install
+	cd $thisdir
+	"$ghc" -e 'Data.Text.IO.putStrLn (Data.Text.pack "bindist test: OK")'
+    fi
     check_packages post-install
-    $make validate_build_xhtml BINDIST_PREFIX="$thisdir/$bindistdir"
+    if [ "$use_hadrian" = "NO" ]
+    then
+	$make validate_build_xhtml BINDIST_PREFIX="$thisdir/$bindistdir"
+    else
+        cd libraries/xhtml
+        dynamicGhc=$("../../$ghc" --info | grep "GHC Dynamic" | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'"' -f2)
+        if [ "$dynamicGhc" = "NO" ]
+        then
+            libFlags="--enable-shared --disable-library-vanilla"
+        else
+            libFlags="--disable-shared --enable-library-vanilla"
+        fi
+        libFlags="$libFlags --disable-library-prof"
+       "../../$ghc" --make Setup
+       ./Setup configure \
+            --with-ghc="$thisdir/$ghc" \
+            --with-haddock="$thisdir/$bindistdir/bin/haddock" \
+            $libFlags \
+		    --global --builddir=dist-bindist \
+		    --prefix="$thisdir/$bindistdir"
+	    ./Setup build --builddir=dist-bindist
+	    ./Setup haddock -v0 --ghc-options=-optP-P --builddir=dist-bindist
+	    ./Setup install --builddir=dist-bindist
+	    ./Setup clean --builddir=dist-bindist
+	    rm -f Setup Setup.exe Setup.hi Setup.o
+	    cd ../../
+    fi
     check_packages post-xhtml
@@ -229,14 +301,17 @@ case "$speed" in
@@ -252,21 +327,33 @@ fi
 rm -f testsuite_summary.txt testsuite_summary_stage1.txt
-# Use LOCAL=0, see Note [Running tests in /tmp].
-$make -C testsuite/tests $BINDIST $PYTHON_ARG \
-      NO_PRINT_SUMMARY=YES SUMMARY_FILE=../../testsuite_summary.txt \
-      JUNIT_FILE=../../testsuite.xml \
-      2>&1 | tee testlog
-# Run a few tests using the stage1 compiler.
-# See Note [Why is there no stage1 setup function?].
-# Don't use BINDIST=YES, as stage1 is not available in a bindist.
-$make -C testsuite/tests/stage1 $PYTHON_ARG \
-      NO_PRINT_SUMMARY=YES SUMMARY_FILE=../../../testsuite_summary_stage1.txt \
-      JUNIT_FILE=../../../testsuite_stage1.xml \
-      2>&1 | tee testlog-stage1
+if [ "$use_hadrian" = "NO" ]
+    # Use LOCAL=0, see Note [Running tests in /tmp].
+    $make -C testsuite/tests $BINDIST $PYTHON_ARG \
+	  NO_PRINT_SUMMARY=YES SUMMARY_FILE=../../testsuite_summary.txt \
+	  JUNIT_FILE=../../testsuite.xml \
+	  2>&1 | tee testlog
+    # Run a few tests using the stage1 compiler.
+    # See Note [Why is there no stage1 setup function?].
+    # Don't use BINDIST=YES, as stage1 is not available in a bindist.
+    $make -C testsuite/tests/stage1 $PYTHON_ARG \
+	  NO_PRINT_SUMMARY=YES SUMMARY_FILE=../../../testsuite_summary_stage1.txt \
+	  JUNIT_FILE=../../../testsuite_stage1.xml \
+	  2>&1 | tee testlog-stage1
+    testghc="$thisdir/$ghc"
+    arg="test --test-speed=$HADRIAN_TEST_SPEED \
+              --test-compiler=\"$testghc\" \
+              --summary=$thisdir/testsuite_summary.txt \
+              --summary-junit=$thisdir/testsuite.xml"
+    sh -c "$hadrian $arg"
+    # TODO: Run testsuite/tests/stage1 using the stage 1 compiler when
+    # BINDIST=NO.
 echo '==== STAGE 1 TESTS ==== '

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