[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/hadrian-sys-cabal] WIP: Cleanup

Matthew Pickering gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun May 19 07:59:22 UTC 2019

Matthew Pickering pushed to branch wip/hadrian-sys-cabal at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

79555e97 by Matthew Pickering at 2019-05-19T07:59:04Z
WIP: Cleanup

- - - - -

13 changed files:

- hadrian/hadrian.cabal
- hadrian/src/Base.hs
- hadrian/src/Builder.hs
- hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder.hs
- hadrian/src/Hadrian/Builder/Ar.hs
- hadrian/src/Hadrian/Package.hs
- hadrian/src/Packages.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/Download.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/Library.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/Register.hs
- − hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GhcCabal.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/SysCabal.hs


@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ executable hadrian
                        , mtl                  == 2.2.*
                        , parsec               >= 3.1     && < 3.2
                        , QuickCheck           >= 2.6     && < 2.13
-                       , shake                >= 0.17.6
+                       , shake                >= 0.18.1
                        , transformers         >= 0.4     && < 0.6
                        , unordered-containers >= 0.2.1   && < 0.3
     build-tools:         alex  >= 3.1

@@ -161,15 +161,15 @@ pkgCabalFile p = do
 -- | Path to location of package source files
 realPkgPath :: Package -> Action FilePath
 realPkgPath p = do
-  case pkgPath p of
-    Left f -> return f
-    Right v -> downloadedPath <&> (-/- (pkgName p ++ "-" ++ v))
+  case pkgLocation p of
+    Internal f -> return f
+    External v -> downloadedPath <&> (-/- (pkgName p ++ "-" ++ v))
 -- | Relative path to where to put result files
 resPkgPath :: Package -> FilePath
 resPkgPath p =
-  case pkgPath p of
-    Left f -> f
-    Right {} -> "gen" </>  pkgName p
+  case pkgLocation p of
+    Internal f -> f
+    External {} -> "gen" </>  pkgName p

@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ data Builder = Alex
              | Autoreconf FilePath
              | DeriveConstants
              | Cabal ConfigurationInfo Stage
-             | SysCabal FilePath
              | SysCabalGet
              | Cc CcMode Stage
              | Configure FilePath
@@ -305,7 +304,6 @@ systemBuilderPath builder = case builder of
     Cc  _  _        -> fromKey "cc"
     -- We can't ask configure for the path to configure!
     Configure _     -> return "configure"
-    SysCabal _   -> fromKey "system-cabal"
     SysCabalGet {}  -> fromKey "system-cabal"
     Ghc _  Stage0   -> fromKey "system-ghc"
     GhcPkg _ Stage0 -> fromKey "system-ghc-pkg"

@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ class ShakeValue b => Builder b where
         path <- builderPath builder
         let msg = if null args then "" else " (" ++ intercalate ", " args ++ ")"
         putBuild $ "| Run " ++ show builder ++ msg
-        liftIO $ getLine
         quietly $ cmd (buildOptions buildInfo) [path] args
 -- | Make sure a builder and its runtime dependencies are up-to-date.

@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import Development.Shake.Classes
 import GHC.Generics
 import Hadrian.Expression
 import Hadrian.Utilities
-import Debug.Trace
 -- | We support packing and unpacking archives with @ar at .
 data ArMode = Pack | Unpack deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
@@ -50,13 +49,7 @@ arFlagsCount = 2
 -- should use 'runArWithoutTempFile' instead.
 runAr :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action ()
 runAr arPath argList = withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
-    traceShowM fileArgs
-    doesFileExist (head fileArgs) >>= traceShowM
-    doesFileExist (head fileArgs) >>= traceShowM
-    liftIO $ getLine
-    liftIO $ writeFile tmp $ unwords fileArgs
-    liftIO $ getLine
-    doesFileExist (head fileArgs) >>= traceShowM
+    writeFile' tmp $ unwords fileArgs
     cmd [arPath] flagArgs ('@' : tmp)
     flagArgs = take arFlagsCount argList

@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 module Hadrian.Package (
     -- * Data types
-    Package (..), PackageName, PackageType,
+    Package (..), PackageName, PackageType, PackageLocation(..),
     -- * Construction and properties
     library, program, external, dummyPackage
-    , isLibrary, isProgram, isExternalLibrary,
+    , isLibrary, isProgram
     ) where
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ import GHC.Generics
 -- See https://github.com/snowleopard/hadrian/issues/12.
 data PackageType = Library | Program deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
-data InternalExternal = Internal | External deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
+data PackageLocation =
+          Internal FilePath -- ^ Path to the file contents relative to
+                            --   root directory.
+        | External String   -- ^ Version string to fetch package from Hackage.
+        deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
 type PackageName = String
@@ -42,19 +46,19 @@ data Package = Package {
     -- | The path to the package source code relative to the root of the build
     -- system. For example, @libraries/Cabal/Cabal@ and @ghc@ are paths to the
     -- @Cabal@ and @ghc-bin@ packages in GHC.
-    pkgPath :: Either FilePath String
+    pkgLocation :: PackageLocation
     } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
 -- | Construct a library package.
 library :: PackageName -> FilePath -> Package
-library p fp = Package Library p (Left fp)
+library p fp = Package Library p (Internal fp)
 external :: PackageName -> String -> Package
-external p v = Package Library p (Right v)
+external p v = Package Library p (External v)
 -- | Construct a program package.
 program :: PackageName -> FilePath -> Package
-program p fp = Package Program p (Left fp)
+program p fp = Package Program p (Internal fp)
 -- TODO: Remove this hack.
 -- | A dummy package that we never try to build but use when we need a 'Package'
@@ -72,18 +76,13 @@ isProgram :: Package -> Bool
 isProgram (Package Program _ _) = True
 isProgram _ = False
-isExternalLibrary :: Package -> Bool
-isExternalLibrary (Package _ _ (Right{})) = True
-isExternalLibrary _ = False
 instance Binary   PackageType
 instance Hashable PackageType
 instance NFData   PackageType
-instance Binary   InternalExternal
-instance Hashable InternalExternal
-instance NFData   InternalExternal
+instance Binary   PackageLocation
+instance Hashable PackageLocation
+instance NFData   PackageLocation
 instance Binary   Package
 instance Hashable Package

@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ util name = program name ("utils" -/- name)
 -- | Amend a package path if it doesn't conform to a typical pattern.
 setPath :: Package -> FilePath -> Package
-setPath pkg path = pkg { pkgPath = Left path }
+setPath pkg path = pkg { pkgLocation = Internal path }
 -- | Given a 'Context', compute the name of the program that is built in it
 -- assuming that the corresponding package's type is 'Program'. For example, GHC

@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ import Target
 import UserSettings
 import Utilities
-import Debug.Trace
 -- | @tool-args@ is used by tooling in order to get the arguments necessary
 -- to set up a GHC API session which can compile modules from GHC. When
 -- run, the target prints out the arguments that would be passed to @ghc@
@@ -83,12 +80,9 @@ topLevelTargets = action $ do
             [ stageHeader "libraries" libNames
             , stageHeader "programs" pgmNames ]
     let buildStages = [ s | s <- [Stage0 ..], s < finalStage ]
-    putNormal "abc"
     targets <- concatForM buildStages $ \stage -> do
         packages <- stagePackages stage
-        traceShowM packages
         mapM (path stage) packages
-    putNormal (show (targets, buildStages))
     -- Why we need wrappers: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/16534.
     root <- buildRoot

@@ -1,46 +1,38 @@
 module Rules.Download (downloadRules) where
 import Hadrian.BuildPath
-import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal
-import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
 import qualified Text.Parsec      as Parsec
 import Base
 import Context
 import Expression hiding (way, package)
-import Oracles.ModuleFiles
 import Packages
-import Rules.Gmp
-import Rules.Libffi (libffiDependencies)
 import Target
 import Utilities
-import Debug.Trace
--- * Library 'Rules'
+-- * Rules for downloading a package from an external source
 downloadRules :: Rules ()
 downloadRules = do
     root <- buildRootRules
     root -/- downloadedDir -/- "//*.cabal"  %> downloadLibrary
+-- | Parses root -/- downloadedDir -/- pkgname-version -/-
 parsePackage :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () String
 parsePackage root = do
-  Parsec.string root
-  Parsec.char '/'
-  Parsec.string downloadedDir
-  Parsec.char '/'
+  void $ Parsec.string root
+  void $ Parsec.char '/'
+  void $ Parsec.string downloadedDir
+  void $ Parsec.char '/'
   Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try $ Parsec.string "/")
+-- | Download a library using `cabal get`
 downloadLibrary :: FilePath -> Action ()
 downloadLibrary fp = do
-  traceShowM fp
   root <- buildRoot
   p <- parsePath (parsePackage  root) "package name" fp
-  traceShowM p
   dPath <- downloadedPath
   let ctx = Context Stage0 ghc vanilla
-  build $ target ctx (SysCabalGet) [p] []
+  build $ target ctx SysCabalGet [p] []
   copyDirectory ("/tmp" </> p) dPath
   removeDirectory ("/tmp" </> p)

@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import Rules.Libffi (libffiDependencies)
 import Target
 import Utilities
 import Settings
-import Debug.Trace
 -- * Library 'Rules'
 libraryRules :: Rules ()
@@ -56,12 +55,7 @@ buildStaticLib root archivePath = do
     let context = libAContext l
     objs <- libraryObjects context
-    --removeFile archivePath
-    traceShowM objs
-    doesFileExist (head objs) >>= traceShowM
-    doesFileExist (head objs) >>= traceShowM
-    doesFileExist (head objs) >>= traceShowM
-    liftIO $ getLine
+    removeFile archivePath
     build $ target context (Ar Pack stage) objs [archivePath]
     synopsis <- pkgSynopsis (package context)
     putSuccess $ renderLibrary
@@ -174,21 +168,21 @@ data LibGhci = LibGhci String [Integer] Way deriving (Eq, Show)
 -- | Get the 'Context' corresponding to the build path for a given static library.
 libAContext :: BuildPath LibA -> Context
-libAContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibA pkgname _ way)) =
+libAContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibA _ _ way)) =
     Context stage pkg way
     pkg = unsafeFindPackageByPath pkgpath
 -- | Get the 'Context' corresponding to the build path for a given GHCi library.
 libGhciContext :: BuildPath LibGhci -> Context
-libGhciContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibGhci pkgname _ way)) =
+libGhciContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibGhci _ _ way)) =
     Context stage pkg way
     pkg = unsafeFindPackageByPath pkgpath
 -- | Get the 'Context' corresponding to the build path for a given dynamic library.
 libDynContext :: BuildPath LibDyn -> Context
-libDynContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibDyn pkgname _ way _)) =
+libDynContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath (LibDyn _ _ way _)) =
     Context stage pkg way
     pkg = unsafeFindPackageByPath pkgpath

@@ -88,13 +88,7 @@ registerPackageRules rs stage = do
         let ctx = Context stage pkg vanilla
         case stage of
             Stage0 | isBoot -> copyConf  rs ctx conf
---            _      | isExternalLibrary pkg -> buildExternal rs ctx pkg conf
-            _      | isLibrary pkg -> buildConf rs ctx conf
--- Install a package using the system cabal
-buildExternal :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> Package -> FilePath -> Action ()
-buildExternal rs context Package{..} conf =
-  buildWithResources rs $ target context SysCabalGet [] []
+            _               -> buildConf rs ctx conf
 buildConf :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> FilePath -> Action ()
 buildConf _ context at Context {..} conf = do

hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GhcCabal.hs deleted
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-module Settings.Builders.GhcCabal (
-    ghcCabalBuilderArgs
-    ) where
-import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-import Builder ( ArMode ( Pack ) )
-import Context
-import Flavour
-import GHC.Packages
-import Hadrian.Builder (getBuilderPath, needBuilder )
-import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal
-import Settings.Builders.Common
-ghcCabalBuilderArgs :: Args
-ghcCabalBuilderArgs = mconcat
-  [ builder (GhcCabal Conf) ? do
-    verbosity <- expr getVerbosity
-    top       <- expr topDirectory
-    path      <- getContextPath
-    stage     <- getStage
-    mconcat [ arg "configure"
-            -- don't strip libraries when cross compiling.
-            -- XXX we need to set --with-strip= (stripCmdPath :: Action FilePath), and if it's ':' disable
-            --     stripping as well. As it is now, I believe we might have issues with stripping on
-            --     windows, as I can't see a consumer of `stripCmdPath`.
-            -- TODO: See https://github.com/snowleopard/hadrian/issues/549.
-            , flag CrossCompiling ? pure [ "--disable-executable-stripping"
-                                         , "--disable-library-stripping" ]
-            , arg "--cabal-file"
-            , arg =<< fromJust . pkgCabalFile <$> getPackage
-            , arg "--distdir"
-            , arg $ top -/- path
-            , arg "--ipid"
-            , arg "$pkg-$version"
-            , arg "--prefix"
-            , arg "${pkgroot}/.."
-            , withStaged $ Ghc CompileHs
-            , withStaged (GhcPkg Update)
-            , withBuilderArgs (GhcPkg Update stage)
-            , bootPackageDatabaseArgs
-            , libraryArgs
-            , configureArgs
-            , bootPackageConstraints
-            , withStaged $ Cc CompileC
-            , notStage0 ? with (Ld stage)
-            , withStaged (Ar Pack)
-            , with Alex
-            , with Happy
-            , verbosity < Chatty ?
-              pure [ "-v0", "--configure-option=--quiet"
-                   , "--configure-option=--disable-option-checking"
-                   ]
-            ]
-  ]
--- TODO: Isn't vanilla always built? If yes, some conditions are redundant.
--- TODO: Need compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-for-ghci?
--- TODO: should `elem` be `wayUnit`?
--- This approach still doesn't work. Previously libraries were build only in the 
--- Default flavours and not using context. 
-libraryArgs :: Args
-libraryArgs = do
-    flavourWays <- getLibraryWays
-    contextWay  <- getWay
-    withGhci    <- expr ghcWithInterpreter
-    dynPrograms <- dynamicGhcPrograms <$> expr flavour
-    let ways = flavourWays ++ [contextWay]
-    pure [ if vanilla `elem` ways
-           then  "--enable-library-vanilla"
-           else "--disable-library-vanilla"
-         , if vanilla `elem` ways && withGhci && not dynPrograms
-           then  "--enable-library-for-ghci"
-           else "--disable-library-for-ghci"
-         , if or [Profiling `wayUnit` way | way <- ways]
-           then  "--enable-library-profiling"
-           else "--disable-library-profiling"
-         , if or [Dynamic `wayUnit` way | way <- ways]
-           then  "--enable-shared"
-           else "--disable-shared" ]
-configureArgs :: Args
-configureArgs = do
-    top  <- expr topDirectory
-    root <- getBuildRoot
-    pkg  <- getPackage
-    let conf key expr = do
-            values <- unwords <$> expr
-            not (null values) ?
-                arg ("--configure-option=" ++ key ++ "=" ++ values)
-        cFlags   = mconcat [ remove ["-Werror"] cArgs
-                           , getStagedSettingList ConfCcArgs
-                           , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- root -/- generatedDir
-                           -- See https://github.com/snowleopard/hadrian/issues/523
-                           , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- pkgPath pkg
-                           , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- "includes" ]
-        ldFlags  = ldArgs  <> (getStagedSettingList ConfGccLinkerArgs)
-        cppFlags = cppArgs <> (getStagedSettingList ConfCppArgs)
-    cldFlags <- unwords <$> (cFlags <> ldFlags)
-    mconcat
-        [ conf "CFLAGS"   cFlags
-        , conf "LDFLAGS"  ldFlags
-        , conf "CPPFLAGS" cppFlags
-        , not (null cldFlags) ? arg ("--gcc-options=" ++ cldFlags)
-        , conf "--with-iconv-includes"    $ arg =<< getSetting IconvIncludeDir
-        , conf "--with-iconv-libraries"   $ arg =<< getSetting IconvLibDir
-        , conf "--with-gmp-includes"      $ arg =<< getSetting GmpIncludeDir
-        , conf "--with-gmp-libraries"     $ arg =<< getSetting GmpLibDir
-        , conf "--with-curses-libraries"  $ arg =<< getSetting CursesLibDir
-        , flag CrossCompiling ? (conf "--host" $ arg =<< getSetting TargetPlatformFull)
-        , conf "--with-cc" $ arg =<< getBuilderPath . (Cc CompileC) =<< getStage
-        , notStage0 ? (arg =<< ("--ghc-option=-ghcversion-file=" ++) <$> expr ((-/-) <$> topDirectory <*> ghcVersionH))]
-bootPackageConstraints :: Args
-bootPackageConstraints = stage0 ? do
-    bootPkgs <- expr $ stagePackages Stage0
-    let pkgs = filter (\p -> p /= compiler && isLibrary p) bootPkgs
-    ctx <- getContext
-    constraints <- expr $ fmap catMaybes $ forM (sort pkgs) $ \pkg -> do
-        version <- pkgVersion (ctx { Context.package = pkg})
-        return $ fmap ((pkgName pkg ++ " == ") ++) version
-    pure $ concat [ ["--constraint", c] | c <- constraints ]
-cppArgs :: Args
-cppArgs = do
-    root <- getBuildRoot
-    arg $ "-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir
-withBuilderKey :: Builder -> String
-withBuilderKey b = case b of
-    Ar _ _     -> "--with-ar="
-    Ld _       -> "--with-ld="
-    Cc  _ _    -> "--with-gcc="
-    Ghc _ _    -> "--with-ghc="
-    Alex       -> "--with-alex="
-    Happy      -> "--with-happy="
-    GhcPkg _ _ -> "--with-ghc-pkg="
-    _          -> error $ "withBuilderKey: not supported builder " ++ show b
--- Adds arguments to builders if needed.
-withBuilderArgs :: Builder -> Args
-withBuilderArgs b = case b of
-    GhcPkg _ stage -> do
-      top   <- expr topDirectory
-      pkgDb <- expr $ packageDbPath stage
-      notStage0 ? arg ("--ghc-pkg-option=--global-package-db=" ++ top -/- pkgDb)
-    _          -> return [] -- no arguments
--- Expression 'with Alex' appends "--with-alex=/path/to/alex" and needs Alex.
-with :: Builder -> Args
-with b = do
-    path <- getBuilderPath b
-    if (null path) then mempty else do
-        top  <- expr topDirectory
-        expr $ needBuilder b
-        arg $ withBuilderKey b ++ unifyPath (top </> path)
-withStaged :: (Stage -> Builder) -> Args
-withStaged sb = with . sb =<< getStage

@@ -1,28 +1,11 @@
 module Settings.Builders.SysCabal (sysCabalBuilderArgs) where
 import Settings.Builders.Common
-import Packages
 sysCabalBuilderArgs :: Args
 sysCabalBuilderArgs = mconcat
-    [ builder (SysCabal "groups")? do
-        verbosity <- expr getVerbosity
-        stage <- getStage
-        --top <- expr topDirectory
-        pkgDb <- expr $ packageDbPath stage
-        ghcPath <- expr $ builderPath (Ghc CompileHs stage)
-        mconcat [ arg "install"
-                , arg =<< ((++ "/") <$> getInput)
-                , arg "--with-compiler"
-                , arg ghcPath
-                , arg "--package-db"
-                , arg pkgDb
-                , arg "--ipid"
-                , arg "$pkg-$version"
-                , verbosity < Chatty ? arg "-v0" ]
-   , builder SysCabalGet ? do
-      p <- expr $ downloadedPath
+   [ builder SysCabalGet ? do
+--      p <- expr $ downloadedPath
       mconcat [ arg "get"
               , arg =<< getInput
               , arg "--destdir"

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