[Git][ghc/ghc][master] TestRunner: Added --chart to display a chart of performance tests

Marge Bot gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Jun 4 05:09:11 UTC 2019

 Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

286827be by David Eichmann at 2019-06-04T05:09:05Z
TestRunner: Added --chart to display a chart of performance tests

This uses the Chart.js javascript library.
Everything is put into a standalone .html file and opened with the
default browser.
I also simplified the text output to use the same data as the chart.
You can now use a commit range with git's ".." syntax.
The --ci option will use results from CI (you'll need to fetch them

  $ git fetch https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc-performance-notes.git refs/notes/perf:refs/notes/ci/perf
  $ python3 testsuite/driver/perf_notes.py --ci --chart --test-env x86_64-darwin --test-name T9630 master~500..master

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- + testsuite/driver/js/Chart-2.8.0.min.js
- + testsuite/driver/js/tooltip.js
- testsuite/driver/perf_notes.py
- testsuite/driver/testlib.py
- testsuite/driver/testutil.py


The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * This is mostly copied from the example in https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/configuration/tooltip.html#external-custom-tooltips.
+ */
+setCustomTooltip = function(chartInput, extraTextByLabel) {
+    chartInput.options = chartInput.options || {};
+    chartInput.options.tooltips = chartInput.options.tooltips || {};
+    chartInput.options.tooltips.enabled = false;
+    chartInput.options.tooltips.custom = function (tooltipModel) {
+        // `this` will be the overall tooltip
+        var canvas = this._chart.canvas;
+        return customTooltip(canvas, tooltipModel, extraTextByLabel);
+    }
+    return chartInput;
+customTooltip = function(canvas, tooltipModel, extraTextByLabel) {
+    // Tooltip Element
+    var tooltipEl = document.getElementById('chartjs-tooltip');
+    // Create element on first render
+    if (!tooltipEl) {
+        tooltipEl = document.createElement('div');
+        tooltipEl.id = 'chartjs-tooltip';
+        tooltipEl.innerHTML = '<table style="background: #cccd"></table>';
+        document.body.appendChild(tooltipEl);
+    }
+    // Hide if no tooltip
+    if (tooltipModel.opacity === 0) {
+        tooltipEl.style.opacity = 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Set caret Position
+    tooltipEl.classList.remove('above', 'below', 'no-transform');
+    if (tooltipModel.yAlign) {
+        tooltipEl.classList.add(tooltipModel.yAlign);
+    } else {
+        tooltipEl.classList.add('no-transform');
+    }
+    function getBody(bodyItem) {
+        return bodyItem.lines;
+    }
+    // Set Text
+    if (tooltipModel.body) {
+        var titleLines = tooltipModel.title || [];
+        var bodyLines = tooltipModel.body.map(getBody);
+        var innerHtml = '<thead>';
+        titleLines.forEach(function(title) {
+            innerHtml += '<tr><th>' + title + '</th></tr>';
+        });
+        innerHtml += '</thead><tbody>';
+        bodyLines.forEach(function(body, i) {
+            var colors = tooltipModel.labelColors[i];
+            var style = 'background:' + colors.backgroundColor;
+            style += '; border-color:' + colors.borderColor;
+            style += '; border-width: 2px';
+            var span = '<span style="' + style + '"></span>';
+            innerHtml += '<tr><td>' + span + body + '</td></tr>';
+        });
+        // Set extra text.
+        if (tooltipModel.dataPoints[0])
+        {
+            var tooltipItem = tooltipModel.dataPoints[0];
+            var extra = extraTextByLabel[tooltipItem.label];
+            innerHtml += '<tr><td><hr />' + escapeHtml(extra) + '</td></tr>';
+        }
+        innerHtml += '</tbody>';
+        var tableRoot = tooltipEl.querySelector('table');
+        tableRoot.innerHTML = innerHtml;
+    }
+    var position = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
+    // Display, position, and set styles for font
+    tooltipEl.style.opacity = 1;
+    tooltipEl.style.position = 'absolute';
+    tooltipEl.style.left = '10px'
+    tooltipEl.style.top = '10px'
+    tooltipEl.style.fontFamily = tooltipModel._bodyFontFamily;
+    tooltipEl.style.fontSize = tooltipModel.bodyFontSize + 'px';
+    tooltipEl.style.fontStyle = tooltipModel._bodyFontStyle;
+    tooltipEl.style.padding = tooltipModel.yPadding + 'px ' + tooltipModel.xPadding + 'px';
+    tooltipEl.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
+function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
+    if(unsafe) {
+        return unsafe
+            .replace(/&/g, "&")
+            .replace(/</g, "<")
+            .replace(/>/g, ">")
+            .replace(/"/g, """)
+            .replace(/'/g, "'")
+            .replace(/\n/g, "</br>");
+    } else {
+        return '';
+    }
+ }

@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
 # (which defaults to 'local' if not given by --test-env).
+import colorsys
+import tempfile
+import json
 import argparse
 import re
 import subprocess
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ import sys
 from collections import namedtuple
 from math import ceil, trunc
-from testutil import passed, failBecause
+from testutil import passed, failBecause, testing_metrics
 # Check if "git rev-parse" can be run successfully.
@@ -115,12 +118,21 @@ def get_allowed_perf_changes(commit='HEAD'):
     global _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache
     commit =  commit_hash(commit)
     if not commit in _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache:
-        commitByteStr = subprocess.check_output(\
-            ['git', '--no-pager', 'log', '-n1', '--format=%B', commit])
         _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache[commit] \
-            = parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitByteStr.decode())
+            = parse_allowed_perf_changes(get_commit_message(commit))
     return _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache[commit]
+# Get the commit message of any commit <ref>.
+# This is cached (keyed on the full commit hash).
+_get_commit_message = {}
+def get_commit_message(commit='HEAD'):
+    global _get_commit_message
+    commit =  commit_hash(commit)
+    if not commit in _get_commit_message:
+        _get_commit_message[commit] = subprocess.check_output(\
+            ['git', '--no-pager', 'log', '-n1', '--format=%B', commit]).decode()
+    return _get_commit_message[commit]
 def parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitMsg):
     # Helper regex. Non-capturing unless postfixed with Cap.
     s = r"(?:\s*\n?\s+)"                                    # Space, possible new line with an indent.
@@ -297,21 +309,27 @@ def baseline_commit_log(commit):
     global _baseline_depth_commit_log
     commit = commit_hash(commit)
     if not commit in _baseline_depth_commit_log:
-        n = BaselineSearchDepth
-        output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--format=%H', '-n' + str(n), commit]).decode()
-        hashes = list(filter(is_commit_hash, output.split('\n')))
-        # We only got 10 results (expecting 75) in a CI pipeline (issue #16662).
-        # It's unclear from the logs what went wrong. Since no exception was
-        # thrown, we can assume the `git log` call above succeeded. The best we
-        # can do for now is improve logging.
-        actualN = len(hashes)
-        if actualN != n:
-            print("Expected " + str(n) + " hashes, but git gave " + str(actualN) + ":\n" + output)
-        _baseline_depth_commit_log[commit] = hashes
+        _baseline_depth_commit_log[commit] = commit_log(commit, BaselineSearchDepth)
     return _baseline_depth_commit_log[commit]
+# Get the commit hashes for the last n commits from and
+# including the input commit. The output commits are all commit hashes.
+# str -> [str]
+def commit_log(commitOrRange, n=None):
+    nArgs = ['-n' + str(n)] if n != None else []
+    output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--format=%H'] + nArgs + [commitOrRange]).decode()
+    hashes = list(filter(is_commit_hash, output.split('\n')))
+    # We only got 10 results (expecting 75) in a CI pipeline (issue #16662).
+    # It's unclear from the logs what went wrong. Since no exception was
+    # thrown, we can assume the `git log` call above succeeded. The best we
+    # can do for now is improve logging.
+    actualN = len(hashes)
+    if n != None and actualN != n:
+        print("Expected " + str(n) + " hashes, but git gave " + str(actualN) + ":\n" + output)
+    return hashes
 # Cache of baseline values. This is a dict of dicts indexed on:
 # (useCiNamespace, commit) -> (test_env, test, metric, way) -> baseline
 # (bool          , str   ) -> (str     , str , str   , str) -> float
@@ -355,7 +373,6 @@ def baseline_metric(commit, name, test_env, metric, way):
     # gets the metric of a given commit
     # (Bool, Int) -> (float | None)
     def commit_metric(useCiNamespace, depth):
-        global _commit_metric_cache
         currentCommit = depth_to_commit(depth)
         # Get test environment.
@@ -364,44 +381,7 @@ def baseline_metric(commit, name, test_env, metric, way):
             # This can happen when no best fit ci test is found.
             return None
-        # Check for cached value.
-        cacheKeyA = (useCiNamespace, currentCommit)
-        cacheKeyB = (effective_test_env, name, metric, way)
-        if cacheKeyA in _commit_metric_cache:
-            return _commit_metric_cache[cacheKeyA].get(cacheKeyB)
-        # Cache miss.
-        # Calculate baselines from the current commit's git note.
-        # Note that the git note may contain data for other tests. All tests'
-        # baselines will be collected and cached for future use.
-        allCommitMetrics = get_perf_stats(
-                                currentCommit,
-                                namespace(useCiNamespace))
-        # Collect recorded values by cacheKeyB.
-        values_by_cache_key_b = {}
-        for perfStat in allCommitMetrics:
-            currentCacheKey = (perfStat.test_env, perfStat.test, \
-                               perfStat.metric, perfStat.way)
-            currentValues = values_by_cache_key_b.setdefault(currentCacheKey, [])
-            currentValues.append(float(perfStat.value))
-        # Calculate and baseline (average of values) by cacheKeyB.
-        baseline_by_cache_key_b = {}
-        for currentCacheKey, currentValues in values_by_cache_key_b.items():
-            baseline_by_cache_key_b[currentCacheKey] = Baseline( \
-                PerfStat( \
-                    currentCacheKey[0],
-                    currentCacheKey[1],
-                    currentCacheKey[3],
-                    currentCacheKey[2],
-                    sum(currentValues) / len(currentValues)),
-                currentCommit,
-                depth)
-        # Save baselines to the cache.
-        _commit_metric_cache[cacheKeyA] = baseline_by_cache_key_b
-        return baseline_by_cache_key_b.get(cacheKeyB)
+        return get_commit_metric(namespace(useCiNamespace), currentCommit, effective_test_env, name, metric, way)
     # Searches through previous commits trying local then ci for each commit in.
     def search(useCiNamespace, depth):
@@ -414,7 +394,7 @@ def baseline_metric(commit, name, test_env, metric, way):
         # Check for a metric on this commit.
         current_metric = commit_metric(useCiNamespace, depth)
         if current_metric != None:
-            return current_metric
+            return Baseline(current_metric, depth_to_commit(depth), depth)
         # Metric is not available.
         # If tried local, now try CI.
@@ -432,6 +412,60 @@ def baseline_metric(commit, name, test_env, metric, way):
     # Start search from parent commit using local name space.
     return search(False, 1)
+# Same as get_commit_metric(), but converts the result to a string or keeps it
+# as None.
+def get_commit_metric_value_str_or_none(gitNoteRef, commit, test_env, name, metric, way):
+    metric = get_commit_metric(gitNoteRef, commit, test_env, name, metric, way)
+    if metric == None:
+        return None
+    return str(metric.value)
+# gets the average commit metric from git notes.
+# gitNoteRef: git notes ref sapce e.g. "perf" or "ci/perf"
+# commit: git commit
+# test_env: test environment
+# name: test name
+# metric: test metric
+# way: test way
+# returns: PerfStat | None if stats don't exist for the given input
+def get_commit_metric(gitNoteRef, commit, test_env, name, metric, way):
+    global _commit_metric_cache
+    assert test_env != None
+    commit = commit_hash(commit)
+    # Check for cached value.
+    cacheKeyA = (gitNoteRef, commit)
+    cacheKeyB = (test_env, name, metric, way)
+    if cacheKeyA in _commit_metric_cache:
+        return _commit_metric_cache[cacheKeyA].get(cacheKeyB)
+    # Cache miss.
+    # Calculate baselines from the current commit's git note.
+    # Note that the git note may contain data for other tests. All tests'
+    # baselines will be collected and cached for future use.
+    allCommitMetrics = get_perf_stats(commit, gitNoteRef)
+    # Collect recorded values by cacheKeyB.
+    values_by_cache_key_b = {}
+    for perfStat in allCommitMetrics:
+        currentCacheKey = (perfStat.test_env, perfStat.test, \
+                            perfStat.metric, perfStat.way)
+        currentValues = values_by_cache_key_b.setdefault(currentCacheKey, [])
+        currentValues.append(float(perfStat.value))
+    # Calculate and baseline (average of values) by cacheKeyB.
+    baseline_by_cache_key_b = {}
+    for currentCacheKey, currentValues in values_by_cache_key_b.items():
+        baseline_by_cache_key_b[currentCacheKey] = PerfStat( \
+                currentCacheKey[0],
+                currentCacheKey[1],
+                currentCacheKey[3],
+                currentCacheKey[2],
+                sum(currentValues) / len(currentValues))
+    # Save baselines to the cache.
+    _commit_metric_cache[cacheKeyA] = baseline_by_cache_key_b
+    return baseline_by_cache_key_b.get(cacheKeyB)
 # Check test stats. This prints the results for the user.
 # actual: the PerfStat with actual value.
@@ -492,18 +526,32 @@ def check_stats_change(actual, baseline, tolerance_dev, allowed_perf_changes = {
     return (change, result)
+# Generate a css color (rgb) string based off of the hash of the input.
+def hash_rgb_str(x):
+    res = 10000.0
+    rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((abs(int(hash(x))) % res)/res, 1.0, 0.9)
+    return "rgb(" + str(int(rgb[0] * 255)) + ", " + str(int(rgb[1] * 255)) + ", " + str(int(rgb[2] * 255)) + ")"
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("--test-env",
-                        help="The given test environment to be compared.")
-    parser.add_argument("--test-name",
-                        help="If given, filters table to include only \
-                        tests matching the given regular expression.")
     parser.add_argument("--add-note", nargs=3,
                         help="Development only. --add-note N commit seed \
                         Adds N fake metrics to the given commit using the random seed.")
+    parser.add_argument("--chart", nargs='?', default=None, action='store', const='./PerformanceChart.html',
+                        help='Create a chart of the results an save it to the given file. Default to "./PerformanceChart.html".')
+    parser.add_argument("--ci", action='store_true',
+                        help="Use ci results. You must fetch these with:\n    " \
+                            + "$ git fetch https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc-performance-notes.git refs/notes/perf:refs/notes/ci/perf")
+    parser.add_argument("--test-env",
+                        help="The given test environment to be compared. Use 'local' for localy run results. If using --ci, see .gitlab-ci file for TEST_ENV settings.")
+    parser.add_argument("--test-name",
+                        help="Filters for tests matching the given regular expression.")
+    parser.add_argument("--metric",
+                        help="Test metric (one of " + str(testing_metrics()) + ").")
+    parser.add_argument("--way",
+                        help="Test way (one of " + str(testing_metrics()) + ").")
     parser.add_argument("commits", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
-                        help="The rest of the arguments will be the commits that will be used.")
+                        help="Either a list of commits or a single commit range (e.g. HEAD~10..HEAD).")
     args = parser.parse_args()
     env = 'local'
@@ -517,16 +565,29 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Main logic of the program when called from the command-line.
+    ref = 'perf'
+    if args.ci:
+        ref = 'ci/perf'
+    commits = args.commits
     if args.commits:
-        for c in args.commits:
-            metrics += [CommitAndStat(c, stat) for stat in get_perf_stats(c)]
+        # Commit range
+        if len(commits) == 1 and ".." in commits[0]:
+            commits = list(reversed(commit_log(commits[0])))
+        for c in commits:
+            metrics += [CommitAndStat(c, stat) for stat in get_perf_stats(c, ref)]
+    if args.metric:
+        metrics = [test for test in metrics if test.stat.metric == args.metric]
+    if args.way:
+        metrics = [test for test in metrics if test.stat.way == args.way]
     if args.test_env:
         metrics = [test for test in metrics if test.stat.test_env == args.test_env]
     if args.test_name:
         nameRe = re.compile(args.test_name)
-        metrics = [test for test in metrics if nameRe.search(test.test)]
+        metrics = [test for test in metrics if nameRe.search(test.stat.test)]
     if args.add_note:
         def note_gen(n, commit, delta=''):
@@ -548,66 +609,119 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # String utilities for pretty-printing
+    # Chart
+    def metricAt(commit, testName, testMetric):
+        values2 = [float(t.stat.value) for t in metrics if t.commit == commit \
+                                                       and t.stat.test == testName \
+                                                       and t.stat.metric == testMetric]
+        if values2 == []:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return (sum(values2) / len(values2))
-    row_fmt = '{:18}' * len(args.commits)
-    commits = row_fmt.format(*[c[:10] for c in args.commits])
-    def cmtline(insert):
-        return row_fmt.format(*[insert for c in args.commits]).strip()
-    def header(unit):
-        first_line = "{:27}{:30}".format('    ','      ') + cmtline(unit)
-        second_line = ("{:27}{:30}".format('Test','Metric') + commits).strip()
-        # Test   Metric   c1   c2   c3 ...
-        print("-" * (len(second_line)+1))
-        print(first_line)
-        print(second_line)
-        print("-" * (len(second_line)+1))
-    def commit_string(test, flag):
-        def delta(v1, v2):
-            return round((100 * (v1 - v2)/v2),2)
-        # Get the average value per commit (or None if that commit contains no metrics).
-        # Note: if the test environment is not set, this will combine metrics from all test environments.
-        averageValuesOrNones = []
-        for commit in args.commits:
-            values = [float(t.stat.value) for t in metrics if t.commit == commit and t.stat.test == test]
-            if values == []:
-                averageValuesOrNones.append(None)
-            else:
-                averageValuesOrNones.append(sum(values) / len(values))
-        if flag == 'metrics':
-            strings = [str(v) if v != None else '-' for v in averageValuesOrNones]
-        if flag == 'percentages':
-            # If the baseline commit has no stats, then we can not produce any percentages.
-            baseline = averageValuesOrNones[0]
-            if baseline == None:
-                strings = ['-' for v in averageValuesOrNones]
-            else:
-                baseline = float(baseline)
-                strings = ['-' if val == None else str(delta(baseline,float(val))) + '%' for val in averageValuesOrNones]
-        return row_fmt.format(*strings).strip()
+    testSeries = list(set([(test.stat.test_env, test.stat.test, test.stat.metric, test.stat.way) for test in metrics]))
-    # The pretty-printed output
+    # Use Chart.js to visualize the data.
-    header('commit')
-    # Printing out metrics.
-    all_tests = sorted(set([(test.stat.test, test.stat.metric) for test in metrics]))
-    for test, metric in all_tests:
-        print("{:27}{:30}".format(test, metric) + commit_string(test,'metrics'))
+    if args.chart:
+        commitMsgs = dict([(h, get_commit_message(h)) for h in commits])
+        chartData = {
+                'type': 'line',
+                'data': {
+                    'labels': [commitMsgs[h].split("\n")[0] + " (" + \
+                                    (h[:8] if is_commit_hash(h) else h) + \
+                                ")" for h in commits],
+                    'datasets': [{
+                        'label': name + "(" + way + ") " + metric + " - " + env,
+                        'data': [get_commit_metric_value_str_or_none(ref, commit, env, name, metric, way) \
+                                        for commit in commits],
+                        'fill': 'false',
+                        'spanGaps': 'true',
+                        'lineTension': 0,
+                        'backgroundColor': hash_rgb_str((env, name, metric, way)),
+                        'borderColor': hash_rgb_str((env, name, metric, way))
+                    } for (env, name, metric, way) in testSeries]
+                },
+                'options': {}
+            }
-    # Has no meaningful output if there is no commit to compare to.
-    if not singleton_commit:
-        header('percent')
+        # Try use local Chart.js file else use online version.
+        tooltipjsFilePath = sys.path[0] + "/js/tooltip.js"
+        chartjsFilePath = sys.path[0] + "/js/Chart-2.8.0.min.js"
+        tooltipjsTag = None
+        try:
+            tooltipjsFile = open(tooltipjsFilePath, "r")
+            tooltipjsTag = '<script>' + tooltipjsFile.read() + '</script>'
+            tooltipjsFile.close()
+        except:
+            print("Failed to load custom tooltip: " + chartjsFilePath + ".")
+            tooltipjsTag = None
+        try:
+            chartjsFile = open(chartjsFilePath, "r")
+            chartjsTag = '<script>' + chartjsFile.read() + '</script>'
+            chartjsFile.close()
+        except:
+            print("Failed to load " + chartjsFilePath + ", reverting to online Chart.js.")
+            chartjsTag = '<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@2.8.0"></script>'
+        file = open(args.chart, "w+t")
+        print(\
+            "<html>" + \
+                '<head>\n' + \
+                    (tooltipjsTag if tooltipjsTag != None else '') + \
+                    chartjsTag + \
+                '</head>' + \
+                '<body style="padding: 20px"><canvas id="myChart"></canvas><script>' + \
+                    "var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');" + \
+                    "var commitMsgs = " + json.dumps(commitMsgs, indent=2) + ";" + \
+                    "var chartData = " + json.dumps(chartData, indent=2) + ";" + \
+                    (("var chart = new Chart(ctx, setCustomTooltip(chartData, commitMsgs));") \
+                        if tooltipjsTag != None else \
+                     ("var chart = new Chart(ctx, chartData);")) + \
+                '</script></body>' + \
+            "</html>"\
+            , file=file)
+        file.close()
+        exit(0)
+    #
+    # String utilities for pretty-printing
+    #
-        # Printing out percentages.
-        for test, metric in all_tests:
-            print("{:27}{:30}".format(test, metric) + commit_string(test,'percentages'))
+    #                  T1234                 T1234
+    #              max_bytes             max_bytes
+    #                 normal                normal
+    # commit   x86_64-darwin       i386-linux-deb9
+    # --------------------------------------------
+    # HEAD              9123                  9123
+    # HEAD~1           10023                 10023
+    # HEAD~2           21234                 21234
+    # HEAD~3           20000                 20000
+    # Data is already in colum major format, so do that, calculate column widths
+    # then transpose and print each row.
+    def strMetric(x):
+        return '{:.2f}'.format(x.value) if x != None else ""
+    headerCols = [ ["","","","Commit"] ] \
+                + [ [name, metric, way, env] for (env, name, metric, way) in testSeries ]
+    dataCols = [ commits ] \
+                + [ [strMetric(get_commit_metric(ref, commit, env, name, metric, way)) \
+                        for commit in commits ] \
+                        for (env, name, metric, way) in testSeries ]
+    colWidths = [max([2+len(cell) for cell in colH + colD]) for (colH,colD) in zip(headerCols, dataCols)]
+    col_fmts = ['{:>' + str(w) + '}' for w in colWidths]
+    def printCols(cols):
+        for row in zip(*cols):
+            # print(list(zip(col_fmts, row)))
+            print(''.join([f.format(cell) for (f,cell) in zip(col_fmts, row)]))
+    printCols(headerCols)
+    print('-'*(sum(colWidths)+2))
+    printCols(dataCols)

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import collections
 import subprocess
 from testglobals import config, ghc_env, default_testopts, brokens, t, TestResult
-from testutil import strip_quotes, lndir, link_or_copy_file, passed, failBecause, failBecauseStderr, str_fail, str_pass
+from testutil import strip_quotes, lndir, link_or_copy_file, passed, failBecause, failBecauseStderr, str_fail, str_pass, testing_metrics
 from cpu_features import have_cpu_feature
 import perf_notes as Perf
 from perf_notes import MetricChange
@@ -384,9 +384,6 @@ def collect_compiler_stats(metric='all',deviation=20):
 def collect_stats(metric='all', deviation=20):
     return lambda name, opts, m=metric, d=deviation: _collect_stats(name, opts, m, d)
-def testing_metrics():
-    return ['bytes allocated', 'peak_megabytes_allocated', 'max_bytes_used']
 # This is an internal function that is used only in the implementation.
 # 'is_compiler_stats_test' is somewhat of an unfortunate name.
 # If the boolean is set to true, it indicates that this test is one that

@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ def lndir(srcdir, dstdir):
             lndir(src, dst)
+# All possible test metric strings.
+def testing_metrics():
+    return ['bytes allocated', 'peak_megabytes_allocated', 'max_bytes_used']
 # On Windows, os.symlink is not defined with Python 2.7, but is in Python 3
 # when using msys2, as GHC does. Unfortunately, only Administrative users have
 # the privileges necessary to create symbolic links by default. Consequently we

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