[commit: ghc] master: Add new featues to binary distribution (#623) (233a638)

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/233a638978832b795aff24d8a75ab37fa17bd0c2/ghc


commit 233a638978832b795aff24d8a75ab37fa17bd0c2
Author: Chitrak Raj Gupta <chitrak711988 at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 18 22:53:47 2018 +0530

    Add new featues to binary distribution (#623)
    * Added featues to binary distribution
    * Minor revision
    * Using takeFileName instead of basename
    * Update BinaryDist.hs


 src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs | 173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 167 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs b/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
index db73622..e922bfe 100644
--- a/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
+++ b/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ bindistRules = do
       -- other machine.
       need $ map (bindistFilesDir -/-)
                  (["configure", "Makefile"] ++ bindistInstallFiles)
+      need $ map ((bindistFilesDir -/- "wrappers") -/-) ["check-api-annotations"
+                 , "check-ppr", "ghc", "ghc-iserv", "ghc-pkg", "ghc-split"
+                 , "ghci", "haddock", "hpc", "hp2ps", "hsc2hs", "runhaskell"]
       -- finally, we create the archive, at
       -- <root>/bindist/ghc-X.Y.Z-platform.tar.xz
@@ -62,6 +65,9 @@ bindistRules = do
     root -/- "bindist" -/- "ghc-*" -/- "Makefile" %> \makefilePath ->
       writeFile' makefilePath bindistMakefile
+    root -/- "bindist" -/- "ghc-*" -/- "wrappers/*" %> \wrapperPath -> 
+      writeFile' wrapperPath $ wrapper (takeFileName wrapperPath)
     -- copy over the various configure-related files needed for a working
     -- './configure [...] && make install' workflow
     -- (see the list of files needed in the 'binary-dist' rule above, before
@@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ bindistInstallFiles :: [FilePath]
 bindistInstallFiles =
   [ "config.sub", "config.guess", "install-sh"
   , "mk" -/- "config.mk.in", "mk" -/- "install.mk.in"
-  , "settings.in", "README", "INSTALL"
+  , "mk" -/- "project.mk.in", "settings.in", "README", "INSTALL"
 -- | Auxiliary function that gives us a 'Filepath' we can 'need' for
@@ -106,16 +112,171 @@ bindistMakefile = unlines
   , ".SUFFIXES:"
   , ""
   , "include mk/install.mk"
+  , "include mk/config.mk"
   , ""
   , ".PHONY: default"
   , "default:"
   , "\t at echo 'Run \"make install\" to install'"
   , "\t at false"
   , ""
+  , "#------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+  , ""
+  , "# Hacky function to check equality of two strings"
+  , "# TODO : find if a better function exists"
+  , "eq=$(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),$(findstring $(2),$(1)))"
+  , ""
+  , "define installscript"
+  , "# $1 = package name"
+  , "# $2 = wrapper path"
+  , "# $3 = bindir"
+  , "# $4 = ghcbindir"
+  , "# $5 = Executable binary path"
+  , "# $6 = Library Directory"
+  , "# $7 = Docs Directory"
+  , "# $8 = Includes Directory"
+  , "# We are installing wrappers to programs by searching corresponding wrappers."
+  , "# If wrapper is not found, we are attaching the common wrapper to it "
+  , "# This implementation is a bit hacky and depends on consistency of program"
+  , "# names. For hadrian build this will work as programs have a consistent "
+  , "# naming procefure. This file is tested on Linux(Ubuntu)"
+  , "# TODO : Check implementation in other distributions" 
+  , "\trm -f $2"
+  , "\t$(CREATE_SCRIPT) $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"#!$(SHELL)\" >>  $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"exedir=\\\"$4\\\"\" >> $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"exeprog=\\\"$1\\\"\" >> $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"executablename=\\\"$5\\\"\" >> $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"bindir=\\\"$3\\\"\" >> $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"libdir=\\\"$6\\\"\" >> $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"docdir=\\\"$7\\\"\" >> $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"includedir=\\\"$8\\\"\" >> $2"
+  , "\t at echo \"\" >> $2 "
+  , "\tcat wrappers/$1 >> $2" 
+  , "\t$(EXECUTABLE_FILE) $2 ;"
+  , "endef"
+  , ""
+  , "# QUESTION : should we use shell commands?"
+  , ""
+  , "# Due to the fact that package database is configured relatively"
+  , "# We do not change the relative paths of executables and libraries"
+  , "# But instead use wrapper scripts whenever necessary"
+  , "LIBPARENT = $(shell dirname $(libdir))"
+  , "GHCBINDIR = \"$(LIBPARENT)/bin\""
+  , ""
   , ".PHONY: install"
-  , "install:"
-  , "\tmkdir -p $(prefix)"
-  , "\tcp settings lib/settings"
-  , "\tcp -R bin $(prefix)/"
-  , "\tcp -R lib $(prefix)/"
+  , "install: install_bin install_lib"
+  , ""
+  , "# Check if we need to install docs"
+  , "ifeq \"DOCS\" \"YES\""
+  , "install: install_docs"
+  , "endif"
+  , ""
+  , "# If the relative path of binaries and libraries are altered, we will need to"
+  , "# install additional wrapper scripts at bindir."   
+  , "ifneq \"$(LIBPARENT)/bin\" \"$(bindir)\""
+  , "install: install_wrappers"
+  , "endif"
+  , ""
+  , "# We need to install binaries relative to libraries."
+  , "BINARIES = $(wildcard ./bin/*)" 
+  , "install_bin:"
+  , "\t at echo \"Copying Binaries to $(GHCBINDIR)\""
+  , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(GHCBINDIR)\""
+  , "\tfor i in $(BINARIES); do \\"
+  , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(GHCBINDIR)\"; \\"
+  , "\tdone"
+  , ""
+  , "LIBRARIES = $(wildcard ./lib/*)"
+  , "install_lib:"
+  , "\t at echo \"Copying libraries to $(libdir)\""
+  , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(libdir)\""
+  , "\tfor i in $(LIBRARIES); do \\"
+  , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(libdir)/\"; \\"
+  , "\tdone"
+  , ""
+  , "DOCS = $(wildcard ./docs/*)"
+  , "install_docs:"
+  , "\t at echo \"Copying libraries to $(docdir)\""
+  , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(docdir)\""
+  , "\tfor i in $(DOCS); do \\"
+  , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(docdir)/\"; \\"
+  , "\tdone"
+  , ""
+  , "BINARY_NAMES=$(shell ls ./bin/)"
+  , "install_wrappers:"
+  , "\t at echo \"Installing Wrapper scripts\""
+  , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(bindir)\""
+  , "\t$(foreach p, $(BINARY_NAMES),\\"
+  , "\t\t$(call installscript,$p,$(bindir)/$p,$(bindir),$(GHCBINDIR),$(GHCBINDIR)/$p,$(libdir),$(docdir),$(includedir)))"
+  , ""
+  , "# END INSTALL"
+  , "# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+wrapper :: FilePath -> String
+wrapper "ghc"        = ghcWrapper
+wrapper "ghc-pkg"    = ghcPkgWrapper
+wrapper "ghci"       = ghciWrapper
+wrapper "haddock"    = haddockWrapper
+wrapper "hsc2hs"     = hsc2hsWrapper                          
+wrapper "runhaskell" = runhaskellWrapper
+wrapper _            = commonWrapper
+-- | Wrapper scripts for different programs. Common is default wrapper. 
+ghcWrapper :: String
+ghcWrapper = unlines
+  [ "exec \"$executablename\" -B\"$libdir\" ${1+\"$@\"}"
+  ]
+ghcPkgWrapper :: String
+ghcPkgWrapper = unlines
+  [ "PKGCONF=\"$libdir/package.conf.d\""
+  , "exec \"$executablename\" --global-package-db \"$PKGCONF\" ${1+\"$@\"}"
+  ]
+ghciWrapper :: String
+ghciWrapper = unlines
+  ["exec \"$executablename\" --interactive \"$@\""
+  ]
+haddockWrapper :: String
+haddockWrapper = unlines
+  ["exec \"$executablename\" -B\"$libdir\" -l\"$libdir\" ${1+\"$@\"}"
+  ]
+commonWrapper :: String
+commonWrapper = unlines
+  ["exec \"$executablename\" ${1+\"$@\"}"
+  ]
+hsc2hsWrapper :: String
+hsc2hsWrapper = unlines
+  [ "HSC2HS_EXTRA=\"--cflag=-fno-stack-protector --lflag=-fuse-ld=gold\""
+  , "tflag=\"--template=$libdir/template-hsc.h\""
+  , "Iflag=\"-I$includedir/\""
+  , "for arg do"
+  , "    case \"$arg\" in"
+  , "# On OS X, we need to specify -m32 or -m64 in order to get gcc to"
+  , "# build binaries for the right target. We do that by putting it in"
+  , "# HSC2HS_EXTRA. When cabal runs hsc2hs, it passes a flag saying which"
+  , "# gcc to use, so if we set HSC2HS_EXTRA= then we don't get binaries"
+  , "# for the right platform. So for now we just don't set HSC2HS_EXTRA="
+  , "# but we probably want to revisit how this works in the future."
+  , "#        -c*)          HSC2HS_EXTRA=;;"
+  , "#        --cc=*)       HSC2HS_EXTRA=;;"
+  , "        -t*)          tflag=;;"
+  , "        --template=*) tflag=;;"
+  , "        --)           break;;"
+  , "    esac"
+  , "done"
+  , "exec \"$executablename\" ${tflag:+\"$tflag\"} $HSC2HS_EXTRA ${1+\"$@\"} \"$Iflag\""
+  ]
+runhaskellWrapper :: String
+runhaskellWrapper = unlines
+  ["exec \"$executablename\" -f \"$exedir/ghc\" ${1+\"$@\"}"
+  ]

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