[commit: ghc] master: Fix integer-gmp build (#568) (c190ab6)
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Tue Oct 23 20:15:49 UTC 2018
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On branch : master
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/c190ab6eeda6cfa0782269d4f2d38c64aa65fd17/ghc
commit c190ab6eeda6cfa0782269d4f2d38c64aa65fd17
Author: Andrey Mokhov <andrey.mokhov at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Apr 16 02:10:17 2018 +0100
Fix integer-gmp build (#568)
* Fix path to GMP's config.mk
* Minor revision
* Relocate GMP's build artefacts
src/Rules/Gmp.hs | 15 +++++++++------
src/Rules/Library.hs | 34 +++++++++++++++-------------------
2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Rules/Gmp.hs b/src/Rules/Gmp.hs
index 89a88e4..8852311 100644
--- a/src/Rules/Gmp.hs
+++ b/src/Rules/Gmp.hs
@@ -22,9 +22,13 @@ gmpLibrary = ".libs/libgmp.a"
gmpContext :: Context
gmpContext = vanillaContext Stage1 integerGmp
+-- TODO: Location of 'gmpBuildPath' is important: it should be outside any
+-- package build directory, as otherwise GMP's object files will match build
+-- patterns of 'compilePackage' rules. We could make 'compilePackage' rules
+-- more precise to avoid such spurious matching.
-- | Build directory for in-tree GMP library.
gmpBuildPath :: Action FilePath
-gmpBuildPath = buildRoot <&> (-/- buildDir gmpContext -/- "gmp")
+gmpBuildPath = buildRoot <&> (-/- stageString (stage gmpContext) -/- "gmp")
-- | GMP library header, relative to 'gmpBuildPath'.
gmpLibraryH :: FilePath
@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ gmpRules = do
root <- buildRootRules
root <//> gmpLibraryH %> \header -> do
windows <- windowsHost
- configMk <- readFile' =<< (gmpBuildPath <&> (-/- "config.mk"))
+ configMk <- readFile' =<< (buildPath gmpContext <&> (-/- "config.mk"))
if not windows && -- TODO: We don't use system GMP on Windows. Fix?
any (`isInfixOf` configMk) [ "HaveFrameworkGMP = YES", "HaveLibGmp = YES" ]
then do
@@ -75,14 +79,13 @@ gmpRules = do
-- This causes integerGmp package to be configured, hence creating the files
root <//> "gmp/config.mk" %> \_ -> do
- -- setup-config, triggers `ghc-cabal configure`
- -- everything of a package should depend on that
- -- in the first place.
+ -- Calling 'need' on @setup-config@, triggers @ghc-cabal configure@
+ -- Building anything in a package transitively depends on its configuration.
setupConfig <- contextPath gmpContext <&> (-/- "setup-config")
need [setupConfig]
- -- Run GMP's configure script
-- TODO: Get rid of hard-coded @gmp at .
+ -- Run GMP's configure script
root <//> "gmp/Makefile" %> \mk -> do
env <- configureEnvironment
gmpPath <- gmpBuildPath
diff --git a/src/Rules/Library.hs b/src/Rules/Library.hs
index e9f8ff6..000d032 100644
--- a/src/Rules/Library.hs
+++ b/src/Rules/Library.hs
@@ -23,34 +23,30 @@ import qualified System.Directory as IO
archive :: Way -> String -> String
archive way pkgId = "libHS" ++ pkgId ++ (waySuffix way <.> "a")
--- | Building a library consist of building
--- the artifacts, and copying it somewhere
--- with cabal, and finally registering it
--- with the compiler via cabal in the
--- package database.
--- So we'll assume rules to build all the
--- package artifacts, and provide rules for
--- the any of the library artifacts.
+-- TODO: This comment is rather vague, make it more precise by listing what
+-- exactly gets built and moved where, referencing the corresponding rules.
+-- | Building a library consist of building the artefacts, copying it somewhere
+-- with Cabal, and finally registering it with the compiler via Cabal in the
+-- package database. We assume rules to build all the package artefacts, and
+-- provide rules for the library artefacts.
library :: Context -> Rules ()
library context at Context{..} = do
root <- buildRootRules
pkgId <- case pkgCabalFile package of
- Just file -> liftIO $ parseCabalPkgId file
- Nothing -> return (pkgName package)
+ Just file -> liftIO $ parseCabalPkgId file
+ Nothing -> return $ pkgName package
- root -/- libDir context -/- pkgId -/- archive way pkgId %> \_ -> do
+ root -/- libDir context -/- pkgId -/- archive way pkgId %> \_ ->
need =<< mapM (\pkgId -> packageDbPath stage <&> (-/- pkgId <.> "conf")) [pkgId]
- return ()
libraryObjects :: Context -> Action [FilePath]
libraryObjects context at Context{..} = do
- hsObjs <- hsObjects context
- noHsObjs <- nonHsObjects context
+ hsObjs <- hsObjects context
+ nonHsObjs <- nonHsObjects context
-- This will create split objects if required (we don't track them
-- explicitly as this would needlessly bloat the Shake database).
- need $ noHsObjs ++ hsObjs
+ need $ nonHsObjs ++ hsObjs
split <- interpretInContext context =<< splitObjects <$> flavour
let getSplitObjs = concatForM hsObjs $ \obj -> do
@@ -58,7 +54,7 @@ libraryObjects context at Context{..} = do
contents <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents dir
return . map (dir -/-) $ filter (not . all (== '.')) contents
- (noHsObjs ++) <$> if split then getSplitObjs else return hsObjs
+ (nonHsObjs ++) <$> if split then getSplitObjs else return hsObjs
buildDynamicLib :: Context -> Rules ()
buildDynamicLib context at Context{..} = do
@@ -106,8 +102,8 @@ buildPackageGhciLibrary :: Context -> Rules ()
buildPackageGhciLibrary context at Context {..} = priority 2 $ do
root <- buildRootRules
pkgId <- case pkgCabalFile package of
- Just file -> liftIO $ parseCabalPkgId file
- Nothing -> return (pkgName package)
+ Just file -> liftIO $ parseCabalPkgId file
+ Nothing -> return $ pkgName package
let libPrefix = root -/- buildDir context -/- "HS" ++ pkgId
o = libPrefix ++ "*" ++ (waySuffix way <.> "o")
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