[commit: ghc] master: Add note documenting refineDefaultAlt (bf6cad8)
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Mon May 14 02:52:12 UTC 2018
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On branch : master
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/bf6cad8b86ee34ed5aa5fa0e295304b51f2a2324/ghc
commit bf6cad8b86ee34ed5aa5fa0e295304b51f2a2324
Author: Matthew Pickering <matthew.pickering at tweag.io>
Date: Sun May 13 18:36:10 2018 -0400
Add note documenting refineDefaultAlt
Reviewers: sjakobi, bgamari
Reviewed By: sjakobi
Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie, carter
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D4687
compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 88 insertions(+)
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
index 4137c1c..7fc9fb3 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
@@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ filterAlts _tycon inst_tys imposs_cons alts
impossible_alt _ _ = False
-- | Refine the default alternative to a 'DataAlt', if there is a unique way to do so.
+-- See Note [Refine Default Alts]
refineDefaultAlt :: [Unique] -- ^ Uniques for constructing new binders
-> TyCon -- ^ Type constructor of scrutinee's type
-> [Type] -- ^ Type arguments of scrutinee's type
@@ -686,6 +687,93 @@ refineDefaultAlt us tycon tys imposs_deflt_cons all_alts
| otherwise -- The common case
= (False, all_alts)
+{- Note [Refine Default Alts]
+refineDefaultAlt replaces the DEFAULT alt with a constructor if there is one
+possible value it could be.
+The simplest example being
+foo :: () -> ()
+foo x = case x of !_ -> ()
+rewrites to
+foo :: () -> ()
+foo x = case x of () -> ()
+There are two reasons in general why this is desirable.
+1. We can simplify inner expressions
+In this example we can eliminate the inner case by refining the outer case.
+If we don't refine it, we are left with both case expressions.
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+module Test where
+mid x = x
+{-# NOINLINE mid #-}
+data Foo = Foo1 ()
+test :: Foo -> ()
+test x =
+ case x of
+ !_ -> mid (case x of
+ Foo1 x1 -> x1)
+refineDefaultAlt fills in the DEFAULT here with `Foo ip1` and then x
+becomes bound to `Foo ip1` so is inlined into the other case which
+causes the KnownBranch optimisation to kick in.
+2. combineIdenticalAlts does a better job
+Simon Jakobi also points out that that combineIdenticalAlts will do a better job
+if we refine the DEFAULT first.
+data D = C0 | C1 | C2
+case e of
+ DEFAULT -> e0
+ C0 -> e1
+ C1 -> e1
+When we apply combineIdenticalAlts to this expression, it can't
+combine the alts for C0 and C1, as we already have a default case.
+If we apply refineDefaultAlt first, we get
+case e of
+ C0 -> e1
+ C1 -> e1
+ C2 -> e0
+and combineIdenticalAlts can turn that into
+case e of
+ DEFAULT -> e1
+ C2 -> e0
+It isn't obvious that refineDefaultAlt does this but if you look at its one
+call site in SimplUtils then the `imposs_deflt_cons` argument is populated with
+constructors which are matched elsewhere.
{- Note [Combine identical alternatives]
If several alternatives are identical, merge them into a single
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