[commit: hadrian] master: Add includes to bindist (#632) (36c9781)

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commit 36c9781b8251610dadf79a5e2c6b948e5abaabce
Author: Chitrak Raj Gupta <chitrak711988 at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 20 18:39:20 2018 +0530

    Add includes to bindist (#632)
    * adding include directories
    * Adding includes
    * Shipping ghci


 src/Context.hs          |  2 +-
 src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Context.hs b/src/Context.hs
index 9142125..eaca3bb 100644
--- a/src/Context.hs
+++ b/src/Context.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Context (
     -- * Paths
-    contextDir, buildPath, buildDir, pkgInplaceConfig, pkgSetupConfigFile,
+    contextDir, buildPath, buildDir, pkgId, pkgInplaceConfig, pkgSetupConfigFile,
     pkgHaddockFile, pkgLibraryFile, pkgGhciLibraryFile, pkgConfFile, objectPath,
     contextPath, getContextPath, libDir, libPath
     ) where
diff --git a/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs b/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
index e922bfe..c9273ec 100644
--- a/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
+++ b/src/Rules/BinaryDist.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 module Rules.BinaryDist where
+import Context
 import Expression
 import GHC
 import Oracles.Setting
@@ -14,19 +15,25 @@ bindistRules = do
       -- We 'need' all binaries and libraries
       targets <- mapM pkgTarget =<< stagePackages Stage1
       need targets
-      version <- setting ProjectVersion
+      version        <- setting ProjectVersion
       targetPlatform <- setting TargetPlatformFull
+      hostOs         <- setting BuildOs
+      hostArch       <- setting BuildArch
+      rtsDir         <- pkgId $ vanillaContext Stage1 rts
       let ghcBuildDir      = root -/- stageString Stage1
           bindistFilesDir  = root -/- "bindist" -/- ghcVersionPretty
           ghcVersionPretty = "ghc-" ++ version ++ "-" ++ targetPlatform
+          distDir          = hostArch ++ "-" ++ hostOs ++ "-ghc-" ++ version
+          rtsIncludeDir    = ghcBuildDir -/- "lib" -/- distDir -/- rtsDir 
+                             -/- "include"
       -- we create the bindist directory at <root>/bindist/ghc-X.Y.Z-platform/
       -- and populate it with a stage2 build
       createDirectory bindistFilesDir
       copyDirectory (ghcBuildDir -/- "bin") bindistFilesDir
       copyDirectory (ghcBuildDir -/- "lib") bindistFilesDir
+      copyDirectory (rtsIncludeDir)         bindistFilesDir        
       need ["docs"]
       copyDirectory (root -/- "docs") bindistFilesDir
@@ -39,7 +46,8 @@ bindistRules = do
                  (["configure", "Makefile"] ++ bindistInstallFiles)
       need $ map ((bindistFilesDir -/- "wrappers") -/-) ["check-api-annotations"
                  , "check-ppr", "ghc", "ghc-iserv", "ghc-pkg", "ghc-split"
-                 , "ghci", "haddock", "hpc", "hp2ps", "hsc2hs", "runhaskell"]
+                 , "ghci-script", "ghci", "haddock", "hpc", "hp2ps", "hsc2hs"
+                 , "runhaskell"]
       -- finally, we create the archive, at
       -- <root>/bindist/ghc-X.Y.Z-platform.tar.xz
@@ -89,7 +97,7 @@ bindistInstallFiles :: [FilePath]
 bindistInstallFiles =
   [ "config.sub", "config.guess", "install-sh"
   , "mk" -/- "config.mk.in", "mk" -/- "install.mk.in"
-  , "mk" -/- "project.mk.in", "settings.in", "README", "INSTALL"
+  , "mk" -/- "project.mk", "settings.in", "README", "INSTALL"
 -- | Auxiliary function that gives us a 'Filepath' we can 'need' for
@@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ bindistMakefile = unlines
   , "GHCBINDIR = \"$(LIBPARENT)/bin\""
   , ""
   , ".PHONY: install"
-  , "install: install_bin install_lib"
+  , "install: install_bin install_lib install_includes"
   , ""
   , "# Check if we need to install docs"
   , "ifeq \"DOCS\" \"YES\""
@@ -186,6 +194,12 @@ bindistMakefile = unlines
   , "\tfor i in $(BINARIES); do \\"
   , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(GHCBINDIR)\"; \\"
   , "\tdone"
+  , "\t at echo \"Copying and installing ghci\""
+  , "\trm -f $(GHCBINDIR)/dir"
+  , "\t$(CREATE_SCRIPT) $(GHCBINDIR)/ghci"
+  , "\t at echo \"#!$(SHELL)\" >>  $(GHCBINDIR)/ghci"
+  , "\tcat wrappers/ghci-script >> $(GHCBINDIR)/ghci"
   , ""
   , "LIBRARIES = $(wildcard ./lib/*)"
   , "install_lib:"
@@ -195,6 +209,14 @@ bindistMakefile = unlines
   , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(libdir)/\"; \\"
   , "\tdone"
   , ""
+  , "INCLUDES = $(wildcard ./include/*)"
+  , "install_includes:"
+  , "\t at echo \"Copying libraries to $(includedir)\""
+  , "\t$(INSTALL_DIR) \"$(includedir)\""
+  , "\tfor i in $(INCLUDES); do \\"
+  , "\t\tcp -R $$i \"$(includedir)/\"; \\"
+  , "\tdone" 
+  , ""
   , "DOCS = $(wildcard ./docs/*)"
   , "install_docs:"
   , "\t at echo \"Copying libraries to $(docdir)\""
@@ -215,13 +237,14 @@ bindistMakefile = unlines
 wrapper :: FilePath -> String
-wrapper "ghc"        = ghcWrapper
-wrapper "ghc-pkg"    = ghcPkgWrapper
-wrapper "ghci"       = ghciWrapper
-wrapper "haddock"    = haddockWrapper
-wrapper "hsc2hs"     = hsc2hsWrapper                          
-wrapper "runhaskell" = runhaskellWrapper
-wrapper _            = commonWrapper
+wrapper "ghc"         = ghcWrapper
+wrapper "ghc-pkg"     = ghcPkgWrapper
+wrapper "ghci"        = ghciWrapper
+wrapper "ghci-script" = ghciScriptWrapper
+wrapper "haddock"     = haddockWrapper
+wrapper "hsc2hs"      = hsc2hsWrapper                          
+wrapper "runhaskell"  = runhaskellWrapper
+wrapper _             = commonWrapper
 -- | Wrapper scripts for different programs. Common is default wrapper. 
@@ -279,4 +302,12 @@ runhaskellWrapper = unlines
   ["exec \"$executablename\" -f \"$exedir/ghc\" ${1+\"$@\"}"
+-- | We need to ship ghci executable, which basically just calls ghc with
+-- | --interactive flag. 
+ghciScriptWrapper :: String
+ghciScriptWrapper = unlines
+  [ "DIR=`dirname \"$0\"`"
+  , "executable=\"$DIR/ghc\""
+  , "exec $executable --interactive \"$@\""
+  ]

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