[commit: ghc] ghc-8.6: Turn infinite loop into a panic (d3ce884)

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Thu Aug 23 22:50:48 UTC 2018

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On branch  : ghc-8.6
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/d3ce8842226877d753f55f2ab5fdf2b815d7300f/ghc


commit d3ce8842226877d753f55f2ab5fdf2b815d7300f
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 22 09:51:26 2018 +0100

    Turn infinite loop into a panic
    In these two functions
      * TcIface.toIfaceAppTyArgsX
      * Type.piResultTys
    we take a type application (f t1 .. tn) and try to find
    its kind. It turned out that, if (f t1 .. tn) was ill-kinded
    the function would go into an infinite loop.
    That's not good: it caused the loop in Trac #15473.
    This patch doesn't fix the bug in #15473, but it does turn the
    loop into a decent panic, which is a step forward.
    (cherry picked from commit db6f1d9cfc74690798645a7cc5b25040c36bb35d)


 compiler/iface/ToIface.hs | 15 ++++++++++++---
 compiler/types/Type.hs    | 14 ++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/iface/ToIface.hs b/compiler/iface/ToIface.hs
index dc9ea71..8ca7fbc 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/ToIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/ToIface.hs
@@ -291,11 +291,20 @@ toIfaceTcArgsX fr tc ty_args
     go env (FunTy _ res) (t:ts) -- No type-class args in tycon apps
       = ITC_Vis (toIfaceTypeX fr t) (go env res ts)
-    go env ty ts = ASSERT2( not (isEmptyTCvSubst env)
-                          , ppr (tyConKind tc) $$ ppr ty_args )
-                   go (zapTCvSubst env) (substTy env ty) ts
+    go env ty ts@(t1:ts1)
+      | not (isEmptyTCvSubst env)
+      = go (zapTCvSubst env) (substTy env ty) ts
         -- See Note [Care with kind instantiation] in Type.hs
+      | otherwise
+      = -- There's a kind error in the type we are trying to print
+        -- e.g. kind = k, ty_args = [Int]
+        -- This is probably a compiler bug, so we print a trace and
+        -- carry on as if it were FunTy.  Without the test for
+        -- isEmptyTCvSubst we'd get an infinite loop (Trac #15473)
+        WARN( True, ppr ty $$ ppr ts)
+        ITC_Vis (toIfaceTypeX fr t1) (go env ty ts1)
 tidyToIfaceType :: TidyEnv -> Type -> IfaceType
 tidyToIfaceType env ty = toIfaceType (tidyType env ty)
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.hs b/compiler/types/Type.hs
index 5c6ea9b..4dde129 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.hs
@@ -1036,13 +1036,19 @@ piResultTys ty orig_args@(arg:args)
       | ForAllTy (TvBndr tv _) res <- ty
       = go (extendVarEnv tv_env tv arg) res args
-      | otherwise  -- See Note [Care with kind instantiation]
-      = ASSERT2( not (isEmptyVarEnv tv_env)
-               , ppr ty $$ ppr orig_args $$ ppr all_args )
-        go emptyTvSubstEnv
+      | not (isEmptyVarEnv tv_env)  -- See Note [Care with kind instantiation]
+      = go emptyTvSubstEnv
           (substTy (mkTvSubst in_scope tv_env) ty)
+      | otherwise
+      = -- We have not run out of arguments, but the function doesn't
+        -- have the right kind to apply to them; so panic.
+        -- Without hte explicit isEmptyVarEnv test, an ill-kinded type
+        -- would give an infniite loop, which is very unhelpful
+        -- c.f. Trac #15473
+        pprPanic "piResultTys2" (ppr ty $$ ppr orig_args $$ ppr all_args)
 applyTysX :: [TyVar] -> Type -> [Type] -> Type
 -- applyTyxX beta-reduces (/\tvs. body_ty) arg_tys
 -- Assumes that (/\tvs. body_ty) is closed

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