[commit: ghc] master: Restore function powModSecInteger (0aba999)

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Tue Sep 19 22:54:46 UTC 2017

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/0aba999f60babe6878a1fd2cc8410139358cad16/ghc


commit 0aba999f60babe6878a1fd2cc8410139358cad16
Author: Olivier Chéron <olivier.cheron at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 19 16:58:01 2017 -0400

    Restore function powModSecInteger
    The function existed in integer-gmp- but was removed as
    part of integer-gmp2 rewrite in #9281.  This is to bring it back.
    Test Plan: Case integerGmpInternals, with GMP 4.3.2 and GMP 6.1.2
    Reviewers: austin, hvr, goldfire, bgamari
    Reviewed By: bgamari
    Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie
    Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D3947


 libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/wrappers.c             | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 libraries/integer-gmp/include/HsIntegerGmp.h.in    |  3 ++
 .../integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs   |  1 +
 libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs      | 48 +++++++++++++++++
 testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs |  4 +-
 5 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/wrappers.c b/libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/wrappers.c
index 446a681..8f147ad 100644
--- a/libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/wrappers.c
+++ b/libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/wrappers.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "HsFFI.h"
 #include "MachDeps.h"
+#include "HsIntegerGmp.h"
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
@@ -626,7 +627,7 @@ integer_gmp_powm(mp_limb_t rp[], // result
   const mpz_t b = CONST_MPZ_INIT(bp, mp_limb_zero_p(bp,bn) ? 0 : bn);
-  const mpz_t e = CONST_MPZ_INIT(ep, mp_limb_zero_p(ep,en) ? 0 : en);
+  const mpz_t e = CONST_MPZ_INIT(ep, en);
   const mpz_t m = CONST_MPZ_INIT(mp, mn);
   mpz_t r;
@@ -687,6 +688,64 @@ integer_gmp_powm_word(const mp_limb_t b0, // base
   return integer_gmp_powm1(&b0, !!b0, &e0, !!e0, m0);
+/* version of integer_gmp_powm() based on mpz_powm_sec
+ *
+ * With GMP 5.0 or later execution time depends on size of arguments
+ * and size of result.
+ *
+ * 'M' must be odd and 'E' non-negative.
+ */
+integer_gmp_powm_sec(mp_limb_t rp[], // result
+                     const mp_limb_t bp[], const mp_size_t bn, // base
+                     const mp_limb_t ep[], const mp_size_t en, // exponent
+                     const mp_limb_t mp[], const mp_size_t mn) // mod
+  assert(!mp_limb_zero_p(mp,mn));
+  assert(mp[0] & 1);
+  if ((mn == 1 || mn == -1) && mp[0] == 1) {
+    rp[0] = 0;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if (mp_limb_zero_p(ep,en)) {
+    rp[0] = 1;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  assert(en > 0);
+  const mpz_t b = CONST_MPZ_INIT(bp, mp_limb_zero_p(bp,bn) ? 0 : bn);
+  const mpz_t e = CONST_MPZ_INIT(ep, en);
+  const mpz_t m = CONST_MPZ_INIT(mp, mn);
+  mpz_t r;
+  mpz_init (r);
+  mpz_powm(r, b, e, m);
+  mpz_powm_sec(r, b, e, m);
+  const mp_size_t rn = r[0]._mp_size;
+  if (rn) {
+    assert(0 < rn && rn <= mn);
+    memcpy(rp, r[0]._mp_d, rn*sizeof(mp_limb_t));
+  }
+  mpz_clear (r);
+  if (!rn) {
+    rp[0] = 0;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return rn;
 /* wrapper around mpz_invert()
diff --git a/libraries/integer-gmp/include/HsIntegerGmp.h.in b/libraries/integer-gmp/include/HsIntegerGmp.h.in
index 4823841..08ff8df 100644
--- a/libraries/integer-gmp/include/HsIntegerGmp.h.in
+++ b/libraries/integer-gmp/include/HsIntegerGmp.h.in
@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
 #define GHC_GMP_VERSION_PL @GhcGmpVerPl@
 #define GHC_GMP_VERSION \
     (@GhcGmpVerMj@ * 10000 + @GhcGmpVerMi@ * 100 + @GhcGmpVerPl@)
+/* Whether GMP supports mpz_powm_sec */
+#define HAVE_SECURE_POWM @HaveSecurePowm@
diff --git a/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs b/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs
index 0d8d572..fcf4da5 100644
--- a/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs
+++ b/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/GMP/Internals.hs
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ module GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
     , lcmInteger
     , sqrInteger
     , powModInteger
+    , powModSecInteger
     , recipModInteger
       -- ** Additional conversion operations to 'Integer'
diff --git a/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs b/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs
index 952ff6d..cb1ceec 100644
--- a/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs
+++ b/libraries/integer-gmp/src/GHC/Integer/Type.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 module GHC.Integer.Type where
 #include "MachDeps.h"
+#include "HsIntegerGmp.h"
 -- Sanity check as CPP defines are implicitly 0-valued when undefined
 #if !(defined(SIZEOF_LONG) && defined(SIZEOF_HSWORD) \
@@ -1376,6 +1377,32 @@ powModInteger b e m = case m of
     b' = integerToSBigNat b
     e' = integerToSBigNat e
+-- | \"@'powModSecInteger' /b/ /e/ /m/@\" computes base @/b/@ raised to
+-- exponent @/e/@ modulo @/m/@. It is required that @/e/ >= 0@ and
+-- @/m/@ is odd.
+-- This is a \"secure\" variant of 'powModInteger' using the
+-- @mpz_powm_sec()@ function which is designed to be resilient to side
+-- channel attacks and is therefore intended for cryptographic
+-- applications.
+-- This primitive is only available when the underlying GMP library
+-- supports it (GMP >= 5). Otherwise, it internally falls back to
+-- @'powModInteger'@, and a warning will be emitted when used.
+-- @since TODO
+{-# NOINLINE powModSecInteger #-}
+powModSecInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+powModSecInteger b e m = bigNatToInteger (powModSecSBigNat b' e' m')
+  where
+    b' = integerToSBigNat b
+    e' = integerToSBigNat e
+    m' = absSBigNat (integerToSBigNat m)
+{-# WARNING powModSecInteger "The underlying GMP library does not support a secure version of powModInteger which is side-channel resistant - you need at least GMP version 5 to support this" #-}
 -- | Version of 'powModInteger' operating on 'BigNat's
 -- @since
@@ -1428,6 +1455,27 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_powm1"
   integer_gmp_powm1# :: ByteArray# -> GmpSize# -> ByteArray# -> GmpSize#
                         -> GmpLimb# -> GmpLimb#
+-- internal non-exported helper
+powModSecSBigNat :: SBigNat -> SBigNat -> BigNat -> BigNat
+powModSecSBigNat b e m@(BN# m#) = runS $ do
+    r@(MBN# r#) <- newBigNat# mn#
+    I# rn_# <- liftIO (integer_gmp_powm_sec# r# b# bn# e# en# m# mn#)
+    let rn# = narrowGmpSize# rn_#
+    case isTrue# (rn# ==# mn#) of
+        False -> unsafeShrinkFreezeBigNat# r rn#
+        True  -> unsafeFreezeBigNat# r
+  where
+    !(BN# b#) = absSBigNat b
+    !(BN# e#) = absSBigNat e
+    bn# = ssizeofSBigNat# b
+    en# = ssizeofSBigNat# e
+    mn# = sizeofBigNat# m
+foreign import ccall unsafe "integer_gmp_powm_sec"
+  integer_gmp_powm_sec# :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld
+                           -> ByteArray# -> GmpSize# -> ByteArray# -> GmpSize#
+                           -> ByteArray# -> GmpSize# -> IO GmpSize
 -- | \"@'recipModInteger' /x/ /m/@\" computes the inverse of @/x/@ modulo @/m/@. If
 -- the inverse exists, the return value @/y/@ will satisfy @0 < /y/ <
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs b/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs
index 4edf5d6..c90df5c 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib/integer/integerGmpInternals.hs
@@ -20,13 +20,11 @@ import qualified GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals as I
 recipModInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
 recipModInteger = I.recipModInteger
--- FIXME: Lacks GMP2 version
 gcdExtInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
 gcdExtInteger a b = case I.gcdExtInteger a b of (# g, s #) -> (g, s)
--- FIXME: Lacks GMP2 version
 powModSecInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
-powModSecInteger = powModInteger
+powModSecInteger = I.powModSecInteger
 powModInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
 powModInteger = I.powModInteger

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