[commit: ghc] wip/nfs-locking: Simplify needTouchy, drop old comments (47a1e7d)

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On branch  : wip/nfs-locking
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/47a1e7db3a6c815925389f1c7a7a69fd66ab1bea/ghc


commit 47a1e7db3a6c815925389f1c7a7a69fd66ab1bea
Author: Andrey Mokhov <andrey.mokhov at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 30 23:33:07 2016 +0000

    Simplify needTouchy, drop old comments


 src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs | 97 ++------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs b/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs
index 64fbacb..e12e35c 100644
--- a/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs
+++ b/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs
@@ -3,11 +3,6 @@ module Settings.Builders.Ghc (ghcBuilderArgs, ghcMBuilderArgs, commonGhcArgs) wh
 import Flavour
 import Settings.Builders.Common
--- TODO: Add support for -dyno.
--- $1/$2/build/%.$$($3_o-bootsuf) : $1/$4/%.hs-boot
---     $$(call cmd,$1_$2_HC) $$($1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS) -c $$< -o $$@
---     $$(if $$(findstring YES,$$($1_$2_DYNAMIC_TOO)),-dyno
---     $$(addsuffix .$$(dyn_osuf)-boot,$$(basename $$@)))
 ghcBuilderArgs :: Args
 ghcBuilderArgs = (builder (Ghc CompileHs) ||^ builder (Ghc LinkHs)) ? do
@@ -38,15 +33,11 @@ ghcLinkArgs = builder (Ghc LinkHs) ? do
             , append [ "-optl-l" ++           lib | lib <- libs ++ gmpLibs ]
             , append [ "-optl-L" ++ unifyPath dir | dir <- libDirs ] ]
--- TODO: Add Touchy builder and use needBuilder.
 needTouchy :: ReaderT Target Action ()
-needTouchy = do
-    stage   <- getStage
-    windows <- lift $ windowsHost
-    lift . when (stage > Stage0 && windows) $
-        need [fromJust $ programPath (vanillaContext Stage0 touchy)]
+needTouchy = notStage0 ? do
+    maybePath <- lift $ programPath (vanillaContext Stage0 touchy)
+    lift . whenJust maybePath $ \path -> need [path]
--- TODO: Add GhcSplit builder and use needBuilder.
 splitObjectsArgs :: Args
 splitObjectsArgs = splitObjects flavour ? do
     lift $ need [ghcSplit]
@@ -99,7 +90,6 @@ wayGhcArgs = do
             , (way == debug || way == debugDynamic) ?
               append ["-ticky", "-DTICKY_TICKY"] ]
--- TODO: Improve handling of "-hide-all-packages".
 packageGhcArgs :: Args
 packageGhcArgs = do
     pkg       <- getPackage
@@ -131,84 +121,3 @@ includeGhcArgs = do
             , arg $ "-optc-I" ++ generatedPath
             , arg "-optP-include"
             , arg $ "-optP" ++ path -/- "autogen/cabal_macros.h" ]
--- # Options for passing to plain ld
--- $1_$2_$3_ALL_LD_OPTS = \
---  $$(WAY_$3_LD_OPTS) \
---  $$($1_$2_DIST_LD_OPTS) \
---  $$($1_$2_$3_LD_OPTS) \
---  $$($1_$2_EXTRA_LD_OPTS) \
---  $$(EXTRA_LD_OPTS)
--- # Options for passing to GHC when we use it for linking
--- $1_$2_$3_GHC_LD_OPTS = \
---  $$(addprefix -optl, $$($1_$2_$3_ALL_LD_OPTS)) \
---  $$($1_$2_$3_MOST_HC_OPTS)
--- TODO: add support for TargetElf and darwin
--- ifeq "$3" "dyn"
--- ifneq "$4" "0"
--- ifeq "$$(TargetElf)" "YES"
--- $1_$2_$3_GHC_LD_OPTS += \
---     -fno-use-rpaths \
---     $$(foreach d,$$($1_$2_TRANSITIVE_DEP_LIB_NAMES),-optl-Wl$$(comma)-rpath -optl-Wl$$(comma)'$$$$ORIGIN/../$$d') -optl-Wl,-zorigin
--- else ifeq "$$(TargetOS_CPP)" "darwin"
--- $1_$2_$3_GHC_LD_OPTS += \
---     -fno-use-rpaths \
---     $$(foreach d,$$($1_$2_TRANSITIVE_DEP_LIB_NAMES),-optl-Wl$$(comma)-rpath -optl-Wl$$(comma)'@loader_path/../$$d')
--- ifeq "$$($1_$2_$$($1_$2_PROGRAM_WAY)_HS_OBJS)" ""
--- # We don't want to link the GHC RTS into C-only programs. There's no
--- # point, and it confuses the test that all GHC-compiled programs
--- # were compiled with the right GHC.
--- $1_$2_$$($1_$2_PROGRAM_WAY)_GHC_LD_OPTS += -no-auto-link-packages -no-hs-main
--- endif
--- # Link a dynamic library
--- # On windows we have to supply the extra libs this one links to when building it.
--- ifeq "$$(HostOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
--- $$($1_$2_$3_LIB) : $$($1_$2_$3_ALL_OBJS) $$(ALL_RTS_LIBS) $$($1_$2_$3_DEPS_LIBS)
--- ifneq "$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0)" ""
---     $$(call build-dll,$1,$2,$3,
---    -L$1/$2/build -l$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0_ROOT),
---    $$(filter-out $$($1_$2_dll0_HS_OBJS),$$($1_$2_$3_HS_OBJS))
---    $$($1_$2_$3_NON_HS_OBJS),$$@)
--- else
---     $$(call build-dll,$1,$2,$3,,$$($1_$2_$3_HS_OBJS) $$($1_$2_$3_NON_HS_OBJS),$$@)
--- endif
--- ifneq "$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0)" ""
--- $$($1_$2_$3_LIB) : $$($1_$2_$3_LIB0)
--- $$($1_$2_$3_LIB0) : $$($1_$2_$3_ALL_OBJS) $$(ALL_RTS_LIBS) $$($1_$2_$3_DEPS_LIBS)
---     $$(call build-dll,$1,$2,$3,,$$($1_$2_dll0_HS_OBJS) $$($1_$2_$3_NON_HS_OBJS),$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0))
--- endif
--- # $1 = dir
--- # $2 = distdir
--- # $3 = way
--- # $4 = extra flags
--- # $5 = object files to link
--- # $6 = output filename
--- define build-dll
---     $(call cmd,$1_$2_HC) $($1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS) $($1_$2_$3_GHC_LD_OPTS) $4 $5 \
---         -shared -dynamic -dynload deploy \
---         $(addprefix -l,$($1_$2_EXTRA_LIBRARIES)) \
---         -no-auto-link-packages \
---         -o $6
--- # Now check that the DLL doesn't have too many symbols. See trac #5987.
---     SYMBOLS=`$(OBJDUMP) -p $6 | sed -n "1,/^.Ordinal\/Name Pointer/ D; p; /^$$/ q" | tail -n +2 | wc -l`; echo "Number of symbols in $6: $$SYMBOLS"
---     case `$(OBJDUMP) -p $6 | sed -n "1,/^.Ordinal\/Name Pointer/ D; p; /^$$/ q" | grep "\[ *0\]" | wc -l` in 1) echo DLL $6 OK;; 0) echo No symbols in DLL $6; exit 1;; [0-9]*) echo Too many symbols in DLL $6; $(OBJDUMP) -p $6 | sed -n "1,/^.Ordinal\/Name Pointer/ D; p; /^$$/ q" | tail; exit 1;; *) echo bad DLL $6; exit 1;; esac
--- endef
--- TODO: add -dynamic-too?
--- # $1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS: this is all the options we will pass to GHC
--- # for a given ($1,$2,$3).
--- $1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS = \
---  -hisuf $$($3_hisuf) -osuf  $$($3_osuf) -hcsuf $$($3_hcsuf) \
---  $$($1_$2_$3_MOST_DIR_HC_OPTS) \
---  $$(if $$(findstring YES,$$($1_$2_SplitObjs)),$$(if $$(findstring dyn,$3),,-split-objs),) \
---  $$(if $$(findstring YES,$$($1_$2_DYNAMIC_TOO)),$$(if $$(findstring v,$3),-dynamic-too))

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