[commit: ghc] wip/nfs-locking: Expression: Add Haddocks (263fc63)

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On branch  : wip/nfs-locking
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/263fc63fb084de713ef67608581d93ff52d2b04b/ghc


commit 263fc63fb084de713ef67608581d93ff52d2b04b
Author: Ben Gamari <ben at smart-cactus.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 24 12:34:07 2015 +0100

    Expression: Add Haddocks


 src/Expression.hs | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Expression.hs b/src/Expression.hs
index 208566c..fa3959d 100644
--- a/src/Expression.hs
+++ b/src/Expression.hs
@@ -1,37 +1,48 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
 module Expression (
-    module Base,
-    module Builder,
-    module Package,
-    module Stage,
-    module Way,
+    -- * Expressions
     Expr, DiffExpr, fromDiffExpr,
-    Predicate, (?), applyPredicate, Args, Ways, Packages,
-    Target, PartialTarget (..), fromPartial, fullTarget, fullTargetWithWay,
+    -- ** Operators
     apply, append, arg, remove, appendSub, appendSubD, filterSub, removeSub,
+    -- ** Evaluation
     interpret, interpretPartial, interpretWithStage, interpretDiff,
+    -- ** Predicates
+    Predicate, (?), applyPredicate,
+    -- ** Common expressions
+    Args, Ways, Packages,
+    -- ** Targets
+    Target, PartialTarget (..), fromPartial, fullTarget, fullTargetWithWay,
+    -- * Convenient accessors
     getStage, getPackage, getBuilder, getOutputs, getInputs, getWay,
-    getInput, getOutput
+    getInput, getOutput,
+    -- * Re-exports
+    module Base,
+    module Builder,
+    module Package,
+    module Stage,
+    module Way
     ) where
 import Base
-import Builder
 import Package
+import Builder
 import Stage
 import Target
 import Way
--- Expr a is a computation that produces a value of type Action a and can read
--- parameters of the current build Target.
+-- | @Expr a@ is a computation that produces a value of type @Action a@ and can read
+-- parameters of the current build 'Target'.
 type Expr a = ReaderT Target Action a
--- Diff a holds functions of type a -> a and is equipped with a Monoid instance.
--- We could use Dual (Endo a) instead of Diff a, but the former may look scary.
--- The name comes from "difference lists".
+-- | @Diff a@ is a /difference list/ containing values of type @a at . A difference
+-- list is a list with efficient concatenation, encoded as a value @a -> a at .
+-- We could use @Dual (Endo a)@ instead of @Diff a@, but the former may look scary.
 newtype Diff a = Diff { fromDiff :: a -> a }
--- DiffExpr a is a computation that builds a difference list (i.e., a function
--- of type Action (a -> a)) and can read parameters of the current build Target.
+-- | @DiffExpr a@ is a computation that builds a difference list (i.e., a function
+-- of type @'Action' (a -> a)@) and can read parameters of the current build ''Target'.
 type DiffExpr a = Expr (Diff a)
 -- Note the reverse order of function composition (y . x), which ensures that
@@ -41,38 +52,38 @@ instance Monoid (Diff a) where
     mempty = Diff id
     Diff x `mappend` Diff y = Diff $ y . x
--- The following expressions are used throughout the build system for
--- specifying conditions (Predicate), lists of arguments (Args), Ways and
--- Packages.
+-- | The following expressions are used throughout the build system for
+-- specifying conditions ('Predicate'), lists of arguments ('Args'), 'Ways'
+-- and 'Packages'.
 type Predicate = Expr Bool
 type Args      = DiffExpr [String]
 type Packages  = DiffExpr [Package]
 type Ways      = DiffExpr [Way]
 -- Basic operations on expressions:
--- 1) transform an expression by applying a given function
+-- | Transform an expression by applying a given function
 apply :: (a -> a) -> DiffExpr a
 apply = return . Diff
--- 2) append something to an expression
+-- | Append something to an expression
 append :: Monoid a => a -> DiffExpr a
 append x = apply (<> x)
--- 3) remove given elements from a list expression
+-- | Remove given elements from a list expression
 remove :: Eq a => [a] -> DiffExpr [a]
 remove xs = apply $ filter (`notElem` xs)
--- 4) apply a predicate to an expression
+-- | Apply a predicate to an expression
 applyPredicate :: Monoid a => Predicate -> Expr a -> Expr a
 applyPredicate predicate expr = do
     bool <- predicate
     if bool then expr else return mempty
--- Add a single String argument to Args
+-- | Add a single argument to 'Args'
 arg :: String -> Args
 arg = append . return
--- A convenient operator for predicate application
+-- | A convenient operator for predicate application
 class PredicateLike a where
     (?)  :: Monoid m => a -> Expr m -> Expr m
@@ -87,9 +98,9 @@ instance PredicateLike Bool where
 instance PredicateLike (Action Bool) where
     (?)  = applyPredicate . lift
--- appendSub appends a list of sub-arguments to all arguments starting with a
+-- | @appendSub@ appends a list of sub-arguments to all arguments starting with a
 -- given prefix. If there is no argument with such prefix then a new argument
--- of the form 'prefix=listOfSubarguments' is appended to the expression.
+-- of the form @prefix=listOfSubarguments@ is appended to the expression.
 -- Note: nothing is done if the list of sub-arguments is empty.
 appendSub :: String -> [String] -> Args
 appendSub prefix xs
@@ -103,8 +114,8 @@ appendSub prefix xs
                       then unwords (y : xs') : go True ys
                       else y : go found ys
--- appendSubD is similar to appendSub but it extracts the list of sub-arguments
--- from the given DiffExpr.
+-- | @appendSubD@ is similar to 'appendSub' but it extracts the list of sub-arguments
+-- from the given 'DiffExpr'.
 appendSubD :: String -> Args -> Args
 appendSubD prefix diffExpr = fromDiffExpr diffExpr >>= appendSub prefix
@@ -115,12 +126,12 @@ filterSub prefix p = apply $ map filterSubstr
         | prefix `isPrefixOf` s = unwords . filter p . words $ s
         | otherwise             = s
--- Remove given elements from a list of sub-arguments with a given prefix
+-- | Remove given elements from a list of sub-arguments with a given prefix
 -- Example: removeSub "--configure-option=CFLAGS" ["-Werror"]
 removeSub :: String -> [String] -> Args
 removeSub prefix xs = filterSub prefix (`notElem` xs)
--- Interpret a given expression in a given environment
+-- | Interpret a given expression in a given environment
 interpret :: Target -> Expr a -> Action a
 interpret = flip runReaderT
@@ -131,41 +142,46 @@ interpretWithStage :: Stage -> Expr a -> Action a
 interpretWithStage s = interpretPartial $
     PartialTarget s (error "interpretWithStage: package not set")
--- Extract an expression from a difference expression
+-- | Extract an expression from a difference expression
 fromDiffExpr :: Monoid a => DiffExpr a -> Expr a
 fromDiffExpr = fmap (($ mempty) . fromDiff)
--- Interpret a given difference expression in a given environment
+-- | Interpret a given difference expression in a given environment
 interpretDiff :: Monoid a => Target -> DiffExpr a -> Action a
 interpretDiff target = interpret target . fromDiffExpr
--- Convenient getters for target parameters
+-- | Convenient getters for target parameters
 getStage :: Expr Stage
 getStage = asks stage
+-- | Get the 'Package' of the current 'Target'
 getPackage :: Expr Package
 getPackage = asks package
+-- | Get the 'Builder' for the current 'Target'
 getBuilder :: Expr Builder
 getBuilder = asks builder
+-- | Get the 'Way' of the current 'Target'
 getWay :: Expr Way
 getWay = asks way
+-- | Get the input files of the current 'Target'
 getInputs :: Expr [FilePath]
 getInputs = asks inputs
--- Run getInputs and check that the result contains a single input file only
+-- | Run 'getInputs' and check that the result contains a single input file only
 getInput :: Expr FilePath
 getInput = do
     target <- ask
     getSingleton getInputs $
         "getInput: exactly one input file expected in target " ++ show target
+-- | Get the files produced by the current 'Target'
 getOutputs :: Expr [FilePath]
 getOutputs = asks outputs
--- Run getOutputs and check that the result contains a output file only
+-- | Run 'getOutputs' and check that the result contains a output file only
 getOutput :: Expr FilePath
 getOutput = do
     target <- ask

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