[commit: ghc] wip/nfs-locking: Drop old src/Package/Data.hs. (9b560ce)

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On branch  : wip/nfs-locking
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/9b560ce0d998e7561d8102a0bfe6a18867f5e621/ghc


commit 9b560ce0d998e7561d8102a0bfe6a18867f5e621
Author: Andrey Mokhov <andrey.mokhov at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 24 00:25:32 2015 +0100

    Drop old src/Package/Data.hs.


 src/Package/Data.hs | 153 ----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 153 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Package/Data.hs b/src/Package/Data.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 03195be..0000000
--- a/src/Package/Data.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-module Package.Data (buildPackageData) where
-import Package.Base
-import Targets
-argListDir :: FilePath
-argListDir = "shake/arg/buildPackageData"
-libraryArgs :: [Way] -> Args
-libraryArgs ways = do
-    let enable x = ((if x then "--enable-" else "--disable-") ++)
-    libraryForGhci <- ghcWithInterpreter
-                      && not DynamicGhcPrograms
-                      && vanilla `elem` ways
-    return $
-        [ enable (vanilla   `elem` ways) "library-vanilla"
-        , enable libraryForGhci          "library-for-ghci"
-        , enable (profiling `elem` ways) "library-profiling"
-        , enable (dynamic   `elem` ways) "shared" ]
-configureArgs :: Stage -> Settings -> Args
-configureArgs stage settings =
-    let conf key as = do
-            s <- unwords <$> args as
-            unless (null s) $ arg $ "--configure-option=" ++ key ++ "=" ++ s
-        cflags   = [ commonCcArgs `filterOut` ["-Werror"]
-                   , args $ ConfCcArgs stage
-                   -- , customCcArgs settings -- TODO: bring this back
-                   , commonCcWarninigArgs ] -- TODO: check why cflags are glued
-        ldflags  = [ commonLdArgs
-                   , args $ ConfGccLinkerArgs stage
-                   , customLdArgs settings ]
-        cppflags = [ commonCppArgs
-                   , args $ ConfCppArgs stage
-                   , customCppArgs settings ]
-    in args [ conf "CFLAGS"   cflags
-            , conf "LDFLAGS"  ldflags
-            , conf "CPPFLAGS" cppflags
-            , arg $ concat <$>
-              arg "--gcc-options=" <> args cflags <> arg " " <> args ldflags
-            , conf "--with-iconv-includes"  IconvIncludeDirs
-            , conf "--with-iconv-libraries" IconvLibDirs
-            , conf "--with-gmp-includes"    GmpIncludeDirs
-            , conf "--with-gmp-libraries"   GmpLibDirs
-            -- TODO: why TargetPlatformFull and not host?
-            , when CrossCompiling $ conf "--host" $ arg TargetPlatformFull
-            , conf "--with-cc" $ arg $ Gcc stage ]
--- Prepare a given 'packaga-data.mk' file for parsing by readConfigFile:
--- 1) Drop lines containing '$'
--- For example, get rid of
--- libraries/Win32_dist-install_CMM_SRCS  := $(addprefix cbits/,$(notdir ...
--- Reason: we don't need them and we can't parse them.
--- 2) Replace '/' and '\' with '_' before '='
--- For example libraries/deepseq/dist-install_VERSION =
--- is replaced by libraries_deepseq_dist-install_VERSION =
--- Reason: Shake's built-in makefile parser doesn't recognise slashes
-postProcessPackageData :: FilePath -> Action ()
-postProcessPackageData file = do
-    pkgData <- (filter ('$' `notElem`) . lines) <$> liftIO (readFile file)
-    length pkgData `seq` writeFileLines file $ map processLine pkgData
-      where
-        processLine line = replaceSeparators '_' prefix ++ suffix
-          where
-            (prefix, suffix) = break (== '=') line
-bootPkgConstraints :: Args
-bootPkgConstraints = args $ do
-    forM (targetPackagesInStage Stage0) $ \pkg @ (Package _ path cabal _) -> do
-        let cabalPath = path </> cabal <.> "cabal"
-        need [cabalPath]
-        content <- lines <$> liftIO (readFile cabalPath)
-        let versionLines = filter (("ersion:" `isPrefixOf`) . drop 1) content
-        case versionLines of
-            [versionLine] -> return $ args ["--constraint", cabal ++ " == "
-                                    ++ dropWhile (not . isDigit) versionLine]
-            _             -> redError $ "Cannot determine package version in '"
-                                      ++ unifyPath cabalPath ++ "'."
-bootPackageDb :: Args
-bootPackageDb = do
-    top <- showArg GhcSourcePath
-    arg $ unifyPath $ "--package-db=" ++ top </> "libraries/bootstrapping.conf"
-cabalArgs :: Package -> TodoItem -> Args
-cabalArgs pkg @ (Package _ path _ _) todo @ (stage, dist, settings) = args
-    [ args ["configure", path, dist]
-    -- this is a positional argument, hence:
-    -- * if it is empty, we need to emit one empty string argument
-    -- * otherwise, we must collapse it into one space-separated string
-    , arg (unwords <$> customDllArgs settings)
-    , with $ Ghc stage -- TODO: used to be limited to max stage1 GHC
-    , with $ GhcPkg stage
-    , customConfArgs settings
-    , when (stage == Stage0) bootPackageDb
-    , libraryArgs =<< ways settings
-    , when (specified HsColour) $ with HsColour
-    , configureArgs stage settings
-    , when (stage == Stage0) bootPkgConstraints
-    , with $ Gcc stage
-    , when (stage /= Stage0) $ with Ld
-    , with Ar
-    , with Alex
-    , with Happy ] -- TODO: reorder with's
-ghcPkgArgs :: Package -> TodoItem -> Args
-ghcPkgArgs (Package _ path _ _) (stage, dist, _) = args $
-    [ arg "update"
-    , arg "--force"
-    , arg $ unifyPath $ path </> dist </> "inplace-pkg-config"
-    , when (stage == Stage0) bootPackageDb ]
-buildRule :: Package -> TodoItem -> Rules ()
-buildRule pkg @ (Package name path cabal _) todo @ (stage, dist, settings) =
-    let pathDist  = path </> dist
-        cabalPath = path </> cabal <.> "cabal"
-        configure = path </> "configure"
-    in
-    -- All these files are produced by a single run of GhcCabal
-    (pathDist </>) <$>
-    [ "package-data.mk"
-    , "haddock-prologue.txt"
-    , "inplace-pkg-config"
-    , "setup-config"
-    , "build" </> "autogen" </> "cabal_macros.h"
-    -- TODO: Is this needed? Also check out Paths_cpsa.hs.
-    -- , "build" </> "autogen" </> ("Paths_" ++ name) <.> "hs"
-    ] &%> \_ -> do
-        need [cabalPath]
-        when (doesFileExist $ configure <.> "ac") $ need [configure]
-        -- GhcCabal will run the configure script, so we depend on it
-        -- We still don't know who build the configure script from configure.ac
-        run GhcCabal $ cabalArgs pkg todo
-        when (registerPackage settings) $
-            run (GhcPkg stage) $ ghcPkgArgs pkg todo
-        postProcessPackageData $ pathDist </> "package-data.mk"
-        -- Finally, record the argument list
-        need [argListPath argListDir pkg stage]
-argListRule :: Package -> TodoItem -> Rules ()
-argListRule pkg todo @ (stage, _, _) =
-    (argListPath argListDir pkg stage) %> \out -> do
-        -- TODO: depend on ALL source files
-        need $ ["shake/src/Package/Data.hs"] ++ sourceDependecies
-        cabalList  <- argList GhcCabal       $ cabalArgs pkg todo
-        ghcPkgList <- argList (GhcPkg stage) $ ghcPkgArgs pkg todo
-        writeFileChanged out $ cabalList ++ "\n" ++ ghcPkgList
--- How to build package-data.mk using GhcCabal to process package.cabal
-buildPackageData :: Package -> TodoItem -> Rules ()
-buildPackageData = argListRule <> buildRule

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