[commit: ghc] wip/nfs-locking: Remove unused code. (6c89bd0)

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On branch  : wip/nfs-locking
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/6c89bd01c53fe3ffa0c26499effff7687530711e/ghc


commit 6c89bd01c53fe3ffa0c26499effff7687530711e
Author: Andrey Mokhov <andrey.mokhov at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 6 01:36:39 2015 +0100

    Remove unused code.


 src/Package/Base.hs    | 68 --------------------------------------------
 src/Package/Library.hs | 76 --------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 144 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Package/Base.hs b/src/Package/Base.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f9d2c8..0000000
--- a/src/Package/Base.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-module Package.Base (
-    module Base,
-    module Ways,
-    module Util,
-    module Oracles,
-    -- Package (..), Settings (..), TodoItem (..),
-    -- defaultSettings, library, customise, updateSettings,
-    -- commonCcArgs, commonLdArgs, commonCppArgs, commonCcWarninigArgs,
-    pathArgs, packageArgs,
-    includeGccArgs, includeGhcArgs, pkgHsSources,
-    pkgDepHsObjects, pkgLibHsObjects, pkgCObjects,
-    argSizeLimit,
-    sourceDependecies,
-    argList, argListWithComment,
-    argListPath
-    ) where
-import Base
-import Ways
-import Util
-import Oracles
-import Settings
-import qualified System.Directory as S
--- Find Haskell objects we depend on (we don't want to depend on split objects)
-pkgDepHsObjects :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Way -> Action [FilePath]
-pkgDepHsObjects path dist way = do
-    let pathDist = path </> dist
-        buildDir = pathDist </> "build"
-    dirs <- map (dropWhileEnd isPathSeparator . unifyPath . (path </>))
-            <$> args (SrcDirs pathDist)
-    fmap concat $ forM dirs $ \d ->
-        map (unifyPath . (buildDir ++) . (-<.> osuf way) . drop (length d))
-        <$> (findModuleFiles pathDist [d] [".hs", ".lhs"])
-pkgCObjects :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Way -> Action [FilePath]
-pkgCObjects path dist way = do
-    let pathDist = path </> dist
-        buildDir = pathDist </> "build"
-    srcs <- args $ CSrcs pathDist
-    return $ map (unifyPath . (buildDir </>) . (-<.> osuf way)) srcs
--- Find Haskell objects that go to library
-pkgLibHsObjects :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Stage -> Way -> Action [FilePath]
-pkgLibHsObjects path dist stage way = do
-    let pathDist = path </> dist
-        buildDir = unifyPath $ pathDist </> "build"
-    split <- splitObjects stage
-    depObjs <- pkgDepHsObjects path dist way
-    if split
-    then do
-         need depObjs -- Otherwise, split objects may not yet be available
-         let suffix = "_" ++ osuf way ++ "_split/*." ++ osuf way
-         findModuleFiles pathDist [buildDir] [suffix]
-    else do return depObjs
--- The argument list has a limited size on Windows. Since Windows 7 the limit
--- is 32768 (theoretically). In practice we use 31000 to leave some breathing
--- space for the builder's path & name, auxiliary flags, and other overheads.
--- Use this function to set limits for other operating systems if necessary.
-argSizeLimit :: Action Int
-argSizeLimit = do
-    windows <- windowsHost
-    return $ if windows
-             then 31000
-             else 4194304 -- Cabal needs a bit more than 2MB!
diff --git a/src/Package/Library.hs b/src/Package/Library.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b1ab8..0000000
--- a/src/Package/Library.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-module Package.Library (buildPackageLibrary) where
-import Package.Base
-argListDir :: FilePath
-argListDir = "shake/arg/buildPackageLibrary"
-arArgs :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Args
-arArgs objs result = args [ arg "q"
-                          , arg result
-                          , args objs ]
-ldArgs :: Stage -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Args
-ldArgs stage objs result = args [ args $ ConfLdLinkerArgs stage
-                                , arg "-r"
-                                , arg "-o"
-                                , arg result
-                                , args objs ]
-arRule :: Package -> TodoItem -> Rules ()
-arRule pkg @ (Package _ path _ _) todo @ (stage, dist, _) =
-    let buildDir = path </> dist </> "build"
-    in
-    (buildDir <//> "*a") %> \out -> do
-        let way = detectWay $ tail $ takeExtension out
-        cObjs <- pkgCObjects path dist way
-        hsObjs <- pkgDepHsObjects path dist way
-        need $ cObjs ++ hsObjs
-        libHsObjs <- pkgLibHsObjects path dist stage way
-        liftIO $ removeFiles "." [out]
-        -- Splitting argument list into chunks as otherwise Ar chokes up
-        maxChunk <- argSizeLimit
-        forM_ (chunksOfSize maxChunk $ cObjs ++ libHsObjs) $ \objs -> do
-            run Ar $ arArgs objs $ unifyPath out
-        -- Finally, record the argument list
-        need [argListPath argListDir pkg stage]
-ldRule :: Package -> TodoItem -> Rules ()
-ldRule pkg @ (Package name path _ _) todo @ (stage, dist, _) =
-    let pathDist = path </> dist
-        buildDir = pathDist </> "build"
-    in
-    priority 2 $ (buildDir </> "*.o") %> \out -> do
-        cObjs <- pkgCObjects path dist vanilla
-        hObjs <- pkgDepHsObjects path dist vanilla
-        need $ cObjs ++ hObjs
-        run Ld $ ldArgs stage (cObjs ++ hObjs) $ unifyPath out
-        synopsis <- dropWhileEnd isPunctuation <$> showArg (Synopsis pathDist)
-        putColoured Green $ "/--------\n| Successfully built package '"
-            ++ name ++ "' (stage " ++ show stage ++ ")."
-        putColoured Green $ "| Package synopsis: " ++ synopsis ++ "."
-            ++ "\n\\--------"
-        -- Finally, record the argument list
-        need [argListPath argListDir pkg stage]
-argListRule :: Package -> TodoItem -> Rules ()
-argListRule pkg @ (Package _ path _ _) todo @ (stage, dist, settings) =
-    (argListPath argListDir pkg stage) %> \out -> do
-        need $ ["shake/src/Package/Library.hs"] ++ sourceDependecies
-        cObjsV  <- pkgCObjects path dist vanilla
-        hsObjsV <- pkgDepHsObjects path dist vanilla
-        ldList  <- argList Ld $ ldArgs stage (cObjsV ++ hsObjsV) "output.o"
-        ways'   <- ways settings
-        arList  <- forM ways' $ \way -> do
-            cObjs  <- pkgCObjects path dist way
-            hsObjs <- pkgLibHsObjects path dist stage way
-            suffix <- libsuf way
-            argListWithComment
-                ("way '" ++ tag way ++ "'")
-                Ar
-                (arArgs (cObjs ++ hsObjs) $ "output" <.> suffix)
-        writeFileChanged out $ unlines $ [ldList] ++ arList
-buildPackageLibrary :: Package -> TodoItem -> Rules ()
-buildPackageLibrary = argListRule <> arRule <> ldRule

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