[commit: ghc] wip/jenkins: Build from source distribution (73a4bf8)
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git at git.haskell.org
Sun Jun 4 14:35:09 UTC 2017
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/ghc
On branch : wip/jenkins
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/73a4bf8f31d72ca8663982387c7eec26fecff484/ghc
commit 73a4bf8f31d72ca8663982387c7eec26fecff484
Author: Ben Gamari <ben at smart-cactus.org>
Date: Mon May 29 13:55:58 2017 -0400
Build from source distribution
Jenkinsfile | 181 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 file changed, 116 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index fa710c3..3b31238 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -18,6 +18,33 @@ properties(
+stage("Build source distribution") {
+ node(label: 'linux') {
+ stage("Checking out tree") {
+ checkout scm
+ sh """
+ git submodule update --init --recursive
+ mk/get-win32-tarballs.sh fetch all
+ """
+ }
+ stage("Configuring tree") {
+ sh """
+ ./boot
+ ./configure
+ """
+ }
+ stage("Build tarballs") {
+ sh "make sdist"
+ sh "mv sdistprep/ghc-*.tar.xz ghc-src.tar.xz"
+ sh "mv sdistprep/ghc-*-testsuite.tar.xz ghc-testsuite.tar.xz"
+ sh "mv sdistprep/ghc-*-windows-extra-src-*.tar.xz ghc-win32-tarballs.tar.xz"
+ stash(name: 'source-dist', includes: 'ghc-src.tar.xz,ghc-win32-tarballs.tar.xz')
+ stash(name: 'testsuite-dist', includes: 'ghc-testsuite.tar.xz')
+ }
+ }
parallel (
"linux x86-64" : {
node(label: 'linux && amd64') {
@@ -103,70 +130,66 @@ def buildGhc(params) {
boolean disableLargeAddrSpace = params?.disableLargeAddrSpace ?: false
String makeCmd = params?.makeCmd ?: 'make'
- stage('Checkout') {
- checkout scm
- sh "git submodule update --init --recursive"
- //sh "${makeCmd} distclean"
- }
+ withGhcSrcDist() {
+ stage('Configure') {
+ def speed = 'NORMAL'
+ if (params.nightly) {
+ speed = 'SLOW'
+ }
+ build_mk = """
+ Validating=YES
+ ValidateSpeed=${speed}
+ ValidateHpc=NO
+ """
+ if (cross) {
+ build_mk += """
+ # Cross compiling
+ INTEGER_LIBRARY=integer-simple
+ """
+ }
+ writeFile(file: 'mk/build.mk', text: build_mk)
- stage('Configure') {
- def speed = 'NORMAL'
- if (params.nightly) {
- speed = 'SLOW'
- }
- build_mk = """
- Validating=YES
- ValidateSpeed=${speed}
- ValidateHpc=NO
- """
- if (cross) {
- build_mk += """
- # Cross compiling
- INTEGER_LIBRARY=integer-simple
- """
+ def configure_opts = []
+ if (cross) {
+ configure_opts += '--target=${targetTriple}'
+ }
+ if (disableLargeAddrSpace) {
+ configure_opts += '--disable-large-address-space'
+ }
+ if (unreg) {
+ configure_opts += '--enable-unregisterised'
+ }
+ sh """
+ ./boot
+ ./configure ${configure_opts.join(' ')}
+ """
- writeFile(file: 'mk/build.mk', text: build_mk)
- def configure_opts = ['--enable-tarballs-autodownload']
- if (cross) {
- configure_opts += '--target=${targetTriple}'
- }
- if (disableLargeAddrSpace) {
- configure_opts += '--disable-large-address-space'
- }
- if (unreg) {
- configure_opts += '--enable-unregisterised'
+ stage('Build') {
+ sh "${makeCmd} -j${env.THREADS}"
- sh """
- ./boot
- ./configure ${configure_opts.join(' ')}
- """
- }
- stage('Build') {
- sh "${makeCmd} -j${env.THREADS}"
- }
- stage('Prepare binary distribution') {
- sh "${makeCmd} binary-dist"
- def json = new JSONObject()
- def tarPath = getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'BIN_DIST_PREP_TAR_COMP')
- def tarName = sh(script: "basename ${tarPath}", returnStdout: true)
- json.put('commit', resolveCommitSha('HEAD'))
- json.put('tarName', tarName)
- json.put('dirName', getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'BIN_DIST_NAME'))
- json.put('ghcVersion', getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'ProjectVersion'))
- json.put('targetPlatform', getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'TARGETPLATFORM'))
- echo "${json}"
- writeJSON(file: 'bindist.json', json: json)
- // Write a file so we can easily file the tarball and bindist directory later
- stash(name: "bindist-${targetTriple}", includes: "bindist.json,${tarName}")
- archiveArtifacts "${tarName}"
+ stage('Prepare binary distribution') {
+ sh "${makeCmd} binary-dist"
+ def json = new JSONObject()
+ def tarPath = getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'BIN_DIST_PREP_TAR_COMP')
+ def tarName = sh(script: "basename ${tarPath}", returnStdout: true)
+ json.put('commit', resolveCommitSha('HEAD'))
+ json.put('tarName', tarName)
+ json.put('dirName', getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'BIN_DIST_NAME'))
+ json.put('ghcVersion', getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'ProjectVersion'))
+ json.put('targetPlatform', getMakeValue(makeCmd, 'TARGETPLATFORM'))
+ echo "${json}"
+ writeJSON(file: 'bindist.json', json: json)
+ // Write a file so we can easily file the tarball and bindist directory later
+ stash(name: "bindist-${targetTriple}", includes: "bindist.json,${tarName}")
+ archiveArtifacts "${tarName}"
+ }
@@ -174,12 +197,9 @@ def getMakeValue(String makeCmd, String value) {
return sh(script: "${makeCmd} -s echo VALUE=${value}", returnStdout: true)
-def withGhcBinDist(String targetTriple, Closure f) {
- unstash "bindist-${targetTriple}"
- def metadata = readJSON file: "bindist.json"
- echo "${metadata}"
- sh "tar -xf ${metadata.tarName}"
- dir("${metadata.dirName}") {
+def withTempDir(String name, Closure f) {
+ sh "mkdir ${name}"
+ dir(name) {
try {
} finally {
@@ -188,6 +208,37 @@ def withGhcBinDist(String targetTriple, Closure f) {
+def withGhcSrcDist(Closure f) {
+ withTempDir('src-dist') {
+ stage('Unpack source distribution') {
+ unstash(name: "source-dist")
+ sh 'tar -xf ghc-src.tar.xz'
+ sh 'tar -xf ghc-win32-tarballs.tar.xz'
+ }
+ dir('ghc-*') {
+ f()
+ }
+ }
+def withGhcBinDist(String targetTriple, Closure f) {
+ withTempDir('bin-dist') {
+ unstash "bindist-${targetTriple}"
+ unstash "testsuite-dist"
+ def metadata = readJSON file: "bindist.json"
+ echo "${metadata}"
+ sh "tar -xf ${metadata.tarName}"
+ sh "tar -xf ghc-testsuite.tar.xz"
+ dir("${metadata.dirName}") {
+ try {
+ f()
+ } finally {
+ deleteDir()
+ }
+ }
+ }
def testGhc(params) {
String targetTriple = params?.targetTriple
String makeCmd = params?.makeCmd ?: 'make'
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